
Basic parameters

Get there: More > Administration


Configure all “parameters” in the order they appear.


When setting up your Koha system you will want to add information for every library that will be sharing your system. This data is used in several areas of Koha.

  • Get there: More > Administration > Basic parameters > Libraries


Only staff with the manage_libraries permission (or the superlibrarian permission) will have access to this section.

When visiting this page you are presented with a list of the libraries that have already been added to the system.

Table of existing libraries


You can customize the columns of this table in the “Table settings” section of the Administration module (table id: libraries).

Clicking on the library’s name will bring you to a detailed view of the library’s information.

Library details page

Adding a library

To add a new library:

  • Click “New library”

  • Fill out the form

    New library form

    • Library code (required): the code should not contain any spaces or hyphens and be 10 or fewer characters. This code will be used as a unique identifier in the database.

    • Name (required): the name will be displayed on the OPAC and staff interface wherever the library name displays, and should be a name that makes sense to your patrons and staff.

    • Address, city, state, zip/postal code, country, phone, fax: the address and contact fields can be used to make notices custom for each library, they will also be displayed in the “Libraries” page of the OPAC, if this library is set as “Public”

    • Email: the email address field is not required, but it should be filled for every library in your system


      Be sure to enter a library email address to make sure that notices are sent to and from the right address


      If no email address is entered here, the address in the KohaAdminEmailAddress system preference will be used to send notices from this library

    • ILL staff email: if this library uses a specific email address for interlibrary loan management, enter it here


      If no email address is entered here, the address in the ILLDefaultStaffEmail system preference will be used to receive ILL requests to this library

    • Reply-To: you can enter a different “Reply-To” email address. This is the email address that all replies will go to.


      If no email address is entered here, the address in the ReplytoDefault system preference will be used to receive replies to this library

    • Return-Path: you can enter a different “Return-Path” email address. This is the email address that all bounced messages will go to.


      If no email address is entered here, the address in the ReturnpathDefault system preference will be used to receive bounced messages from this library.

    • SMTP server: if this library uses a different SMTP server from the default, specify it here.

    • URL: if this field is populated, the library name will be linked in the holdings table on the OPAC

      The library name in the holdings table is a link

    • OPAC info: this leads to the HTML customization tool, so that you can add additional information about the library. This information will appear in the “Libraries” page in the OPAC, as well as in the holdings table in the OPAC.

      There is a small 'i' icon next to the library name in the holdings table

      Clicking on the library name that has a small “i” icon next to it will open a pop-up with the information.

      Pop-up with the content of OpacLibraryInfo HTML customization for Centerville

    • IP: this field does not have be filled in unless you plan on limiting access to the staff interface to a specific IP address or range of IP addresses.


      Library IP addresses and ranges are used by the StaffLoginLibraryBasedOnIP and the StaffLoginRestrictLibraryByIP system preferences.

    • MARC organization code: if this library has a specific MARC organization code, you can enter it here.


      If left blank, the code entered in the MARCOrgCode system preference will be used for this library.

    • Notes: if you have any notes you can put them here. These will not show in the OPAC.

    • Pickup location: choose whether this library will display as an available pickup location for holds.

    • Public: choose whether this library will appear in the “Libraries” page on the OPAC, as well as as a limit option in the OPAC advanced search.

    • Opening hours: if you do hourly loans, fill out the library’s opening hours for each day of the week. You can then set the ConsiderLibraryHoursInCirculation system preference according to your policies.


      Αυτός ο τύπος ειδοποίησης προστέθηκε στην έκδοση 24.11 του Koha.

    • UserJS: use this field to add custom JavaScript to the OPAC of this library (when patrons are logged in, or if there is a SetEnv OPAC_BRANCH_DEFAULT entry in the apache configuration file)


      Αυτό το στοιχείο προστέθηκε στην έκδοση 23.11 του Koha.


      General modifications applicable to all libraries can be put in the OPACUserJS system preference.

    • UserCSS: use this field to add custom CSS to the OPAC of this library (when patrons are logged in, or if there is a SetEnv OPAC_BRANCH_DEFAULT entry in the apache configuration file)


      Αυτό το στοιχείο προστέθηκε στην έκδοση 23.11 του Koha.


      General modifications applicable to all libraries can be put in the OPACUserCSS system preference.

Editing/deleting a library

From the libraries table, click “Edit” or “Delete” to edit or delete a library.

Table of existing libraries


You will be unable to edit the “Library code”.


You will be unable to delete any library that has patrons or items attached to it.

Warning message saying "This library cannot be deleted. Patrons or items are still using it (4 patrons and 1243 items)."

Library groups

Library groups can serve various purposes: to limit access to patron data, to limit item modification, to limit OPAC or staff interface searches, or to define holds behavior.

  • Get there: More > Administration > Basic parameters > Library groups


Only staff with the manage_libraries permission (or the superlibrarian permission) will have access to this section.

When visiting this page you are presented with a list of the groups that have already been added to the system.

Library groups page, with groups containing libraries

Adding a group

To create a new library group,

  • Click the “Add group” button at the top of the screen.

    New library group form

    • Title (required): give the group a title. This title will be displayed in the advanced search limit dropdown.

    • Description: optionally, enter a description for this group. The description is only used in this page to give an idea of what the group is used for.

    • Features: check the use of this group

    • Limit item editing by group: this will limit staff members from editing items from other groups” libraries.


      This can be overridden with the edit_any_item permission (or the superlibrarian permission).

    • Use for OPAC search groups: this will make the group visible in the library dropdown menu at the top of the OPAC (when the OpacAddMastheadLibraryPulldown system preference is set to “Add”) and on the advanced search page.

      Αναδιπλούμενο μενού βιβλιοθηκών και ομάδων βιβλιοθηκών στην γραμμή απλής αναζήτησης στο Δημόσιο Κατάλογο (OPAC)

    • Use for staff search groups: this will make the group visible in the library dropdown menu in the staff interface advanced search.

      «Περιορισμοί τοποθεσίας και διαθεσιμότητας» στη φόρμα σύνθετης αναζήτησης στο περιβάλλον εργασίας του προσωπικού

    • Is local hold group: this will make this group a local hold group, which can be used to add hold policies in the circulation rules to limit patrons to placing holds on items within the group only.

    • Is local float group: this will make this group a local float group, which can be used in a return policy or in a hold policy in circulation rules to determine if an item “floats” (stays at the check-in library) or is transferred back to its home library.

  • Click “Save” to create the group.

Adding a library to a group

Click on the “Add library” button next to the group to add a library to this group. You will be presented with a list of the libraries that are not already in the group.

The Add library button is pressed and a list of libraries is displayed

Adding a sub-group

If your system is very large, you can create sub-groups. Click on the “Actions” button next to the group and select the “Add a sub-group” option.

The Actions button next to a library group is pressed, the options are Add sub-group, Edit, and Delete.

Fill in the title and the description (optional) of the sub-group. The features will be inherited from the parent group.

New sub-group form

Deleting a group

To delete a group, click on the “Actions” button next to the group and select the “Delete” option.

The Actions button next to a library group is pressed, the options are Add sub-group, Edit, and Delete.

The system will ask to confirm the deletion.

Confirmation pop-up when deleting a library group.

Click “Delete” to confirm and delete the group.

Circulation desks

Koha allows you to define several circulation desks within a single library. For example, if you have an adult circulation desk and a children’s circulation desk, or if you have a different desk for each floor or each department.

Make sure to enable the UseCirculationDesks system preference to use this functionality.

  • Get there: More > Administration > Patrons and circulation > Circulation desks

Adding circulation desks

To add a new circulation desk, click on the “New desk” button at the top of the page.


  • In the “Desk” field, enter a name for your desk.

  • Choose the library in which this desk is.

  • Επιλέξτε «Υποβολή».

Editing a circulation desk

To edit an existing circulation desk, click on the “Edit” button to the right of the desk to modify.


From there, you can change the name and/or the library of the desk.

Deleting a circulation desk

To delete an existing circulation desk, click on the “Delete” button to the right of the desk to remove.

Τύποι τεκμηρίου

  • Get there: More > Administration > Basic parameters > Item types


Only staff with the manage_itemtypes permission (or the superlibrarian permission) will have access to this section.

Koha allows you to organize your collection by item types and collection codes. Along with libraries and patron categories, item types are used to control circulation rules.

Item types typically refer to the material type (Book, CD, DVD, etc), but can be used in any way that works for your library.

Item types table


You can customize the columns of this table in the “Table settings” section of the Administration module (table id: table_item_type).

Adding item types

To add a new item type,

  • Click the “New item type” button at the top of the item types page.

  • Συμπληρώστε τη φόρμα:

Add new item type form

  • Item type: enter a short code for your item type (maximum of 10 characters)

  • Parent item type: you can choose an item type that will act as a parent category for this item type. You can then define circulation rules based on that parent item type.

    • For example, you could have DVD and Blu-ray item types, and the DVD would be the parent of the Blu-ray item type.

      Item types DVD and Blu-ray, where DVD is the parent of Blu-ray

      You can then create a circulation rule for either Blu-ray only or DVD and Blu-ray (DVD (All))

      Creating a circulation rule for a parent item type, the dropdown menu for item types is open, there are options for the various item types, DVD (All) and Blu-Ray are indented under DVD

  • Description: enter the plain text definition of the item type

    • In systems with multiple languages installed, you can translate the item type description in to all of those languages using the “Translate into other languages” link.

  • Search category: item types can be grouped together for searching at the same time in the OPAC advanced search. For example, you can put DVDs and Blu-rays in a group called “Movies” and then patrons can search them together. These groups are defined in the ITEMTYPECAT authorized value category.


    Search categories are used in the OPAC only. Staff can search for individual item types in the staff interface advanced search.

  • Choose an icon: you can choose to have an image associated with your item type. These images will appear in the staff interface and the OPAC, in the advanced search and in the holdings table, or the bibliographic record if the item-level_itypes system preference is set to record-level. You can choose an icon from a series of image collections, or you can link to a remote image.


    If this option is not enabled, you can change the setting of the noItemTypeImages or OPACNoItemTypeImages.


    To have your item type images appear in the OPAC you need to set OPACnoItemTypeImages to “Show”.

  • Hide in OPAC: for items that you are suppressing from the OPAC, you can hide their item type from being searched in the OPAC.


    This will not prevent those items to appear in search results, it will simply remove the item type from the advanced search form.

    If you want to completely hide items from a certain item type, let’s say that you have a professional library with books reserved for staff and you don’t want those to appear in the OPAC, use the OpacHiddenItems system preference.

  • Not for loan: check this option for items type that should not circulate. Items marked “Not for loan” will appear in the catalog, but cannot be checked out to patrons.

  • Automatic check-in: you can check this option for items that are not physical, but for which you still have circulation rules, such as museum passes or ebooks.


    This option requires the cronjob misc/cronjobs/automatic_checkin.pl. Ask your system administrator to schedule it.

  • Bookable: check this option to make all items of this item type bookable.


    This option was added to Koha in version 24.11.

  • Rental charge: if you charge a flat rental fee for checking out items of this type, enter the fee here. This fee will be charged to the patron upon checkout and renewal.


    Do not enter symbols in this field, only numbers and decimal points (ex. $5.00 should be entered as 5 or 5.00).

  • Daily rental charge: if a rental charge should be charged by the number of days the item is checked out for, enter the daily fee here. This fee will be charged to the patron upon checkout multiplied by the number of days this item is checked out. For example, for an item checked out for 7 days with a daily rental charge of 1$, the patron will be charged 7$ upon checkout. This daily rental charge will also be applied for renewals.


    Do not enter symbols in this field, only numbers and decimal points (ex. $5.00 should be entered as 5 or 5.00).

  • Daily rentals use calendar: check this option to exclude holidays from the daily rental fee calculation.


    Make sure to enter the closed days in the calendar to exclude them from the daily rental charge.

  • Hourly rental charge: if items are loaned out hourly, enter the cost per hour here. Again, the total (hourly cost * number of hours loaned) will be charged to the patron upon checkout and renewal.


    Do not enter symbols in this field, only numbers and decimal points (ex. $5.00 should be entered as 5 or 5.00).

  • Hourly rentals use calendar: check this option to exclude holidays from the hourly rental fee calculation.


    Make sure to enter the closed days in the calendar to exclude them from the daily rental charge.

  • Default replacement cost: this is the amount that will be charged to the patron when an item of this type is lost AND the item doesn’t have a replacement cost. If the item has a replacement cost, that is the amount that will be charged to the patron.


    Do not enter symbols in this field, only numbers and decimal points (ex. $5.00 should be entered as 5 or 5.00).

  • Processing fee (when lost): this processing fee will be added to the replacement cost if a patron loses an item of this type.


    Do not enter symbols in this field, only numbers and decimal points (ex. $5.00 should be entered as 5 or 5.00).

  • Checkin message: if you would like a message or alert to appear when items of this type are checked in, enter the message here.

  • Checkin message type: the checkin message can be a “message” or an “alert”. The only difference between these two is the styling. A message is blue

    Message reading 'Please return to ILL shelf' in a pale blue box in the checkin page

    and an alert is yellow.

    Message reading 'Please return to ILL shelf' in a yellow box in the checkin page

  • SIP media type: some SIP devices need you to use a SIP-specific media type instead of Koha’s item type (usually lockers and sorters need this media type). If you use a device like this choose the SIP media type for this item type.

  • Library limitation: if this item type is only to be used in specific libraries, you can select them here. Select “All libraries” if this item type is used across the library system.


    If this is left blank, “All libraries” is assumed.

    Πρακτική συμβουλή

    To select more than one library, hold the “Ctrl” key while selecting the libraries.

  • Summary: this summary is used in non-XSLT displays only.

  • When finished, click “Save changes”.


All fields, with the exception of the “Item type” will be editable from the item types list.

Your new item type will now appear on the list.

Editing item types

To edit an item type, click the “Edit” button next to it, or click the item type code.

See the Adding item types section for a description of each field.


You will not be able to edit the code you assigned as the “Item type” but you will be able to edit the description for the item.

Deleting item types

To delete an item type, click the “Delete” button next to it.


You will not be able to delete item types that are being used by items or bibliographic records within your system. If that is the case, a message will alert you that the item type is in use.

Alert reading 'Cannot delete this item type. This record is in use. Deletion is not possible.'

Authorized values

Authorized values can be used in several areas of Koha. They are lists of controlled terms, phrases or codes.

For example, one reason you would add an authorized value category would be to control the values that can be entered into MARC fields by catalogers.

  • Get there: More > Administration > Basic parameters > Authorized values

List of existing authorized value categories


Only staff with the manage_auth_values permission (or the superlibrarian permission) will have access to this section.

Existing authorized values categories

Koha installs with pre-defined authorized values categories that your library is likely to use or that are used by the system.


This category contains reasons why an article request might have been cancelled.

If you chose to install the default values for this category, you will have

  • Item could not be located on shelves (NOT_FOUND)

  • Item was found to be too damaged to fill article request (DAMAGED)

  • Cancelled from the OPAC user page (OPAC)

You can change those to suit your organization’s needs.


These values are used for acquisitions statistical purposes. You can use this as statistical categories when creating a fund in acquisitions.


These values are used for acquisitions statistical purposes. You can use this as statistical categories when creating a fund in acquisitions.


These values are used for predefined patron messages and circulation messages that appear on the circulation screen and the patron’s account on the OPAC.

Write the message you want to appear in the “Description” field.

Screen capture of an authorized value for the BOR\_NOTES category; the authorized value is ADDR and the Description is 'Please bring a proof of address on your next visit to the library.' At the top of the page, two buttons 'New category' and 'New authorized value for BOR\_NOTES'


This field is limited to 200 characters. However, the message field in the patron record can hold more than that. Write the first 200 characters in the description and write the rest when adding the message.


These values can be entered to fill in the patron’s sort 1 field.


These values can be entered to fill in the patron’s sort 2 field


A list used in UNIMARC.


These values are collection codes. They appear when cataloging and working with items.

This is normally mapped to items.ccode in the Koha database.

If you chose to install the default values for this category, you will have

  • Fiction (FIC)

  • Non-fiction (NFIC)

  • Reference (REF)

You can change those to suit your organization’s needs.


For best results when searching, avoid using hyphens in collection codes.


This category is used to generate control numbers in the advanced cataloging editor.

Enter a string ending with a number as the authorized value and use the description to describe the type of number. For example, “sprLib0001” “Springfield library”. In the advanced editor, this will activate a new widget that will allow you to choose the type of number and generate the next number in the sequence.


A list of country names used in UNIMARC 102 $a.


This category contains descriptions for items marked as damaged. They appear when cataloging and working with items.

This is normally mapped to items.damaged in the database.

If you chose to install the default values for this category, you will have

  • Damaged (1)

You can change those to suit your organization’s needs.


The authorized values for DAMAGED must be numerical.


This category contains departments, which are required by and are used in the course reserves module.


These values are used to describe the closure reason for an agreement record once it has been marked as “Closed” in the e-resource management module.

They can also be used in reporting.

Default values are

  • Expired (expired)

  • Cancelled (cancelled)


These values are used to describe the physical location of a license record in the case where you may still have a paper copy of the license (rather than electronic).

Default values are

  • Filing cabinet (filing cabinet)

  • Cupboard (cupboard)


These values are used to describe the status of a license linked to an agreement record in the e-resource management module. It helps staff flag licenses in their life cycle.

They can also be used in reporting.

Default values are

  • Controlling (controlling)

  • Future (future)

  • Historic (historic)


These values are used to describe the renewal priority for an agreement record in the e-resource management module, in order to flag up how important the renewal of that agreement is.

They can also be used in reporting.

Default values are

  • For review (for_review)

  • Renew (renew)

  • Cancel (cancel)


These values are used to describe the status of an agreement record in the e-resource management module.

They can also be used in reporting.

Default values are

  • Active (active)

  • In negotiation (in_negotiation)

  • Closed (closed)


    Do not change the authorized value for “Closed” (the description can be changed), it is used to activate the “Closure reason” dropdown menu.


These values are used to describe the status of a license record in the e-resource management module. It helps staff flag up licenses in their life cycle.

They can also be used in reporting.

Default values are

  • In negotiation (in_negotiation)

  • Not yet active (not_yet_active)

  • Active (active)

  • Rejected (rejected)

  • Expired (expired)


These values are used to describe the type of license in the e-resource management module.

They an also be used in reporting.

Default values are

  • Local (local)

  • Consortial (consortial)

  • National (national)

  • Alliance (alliance)


These values are used to describe the types of material found in a local package in the e-resource management module.

This is for local packages only.

Default values are

  • Aggregated full (AggregatedFullText)

  • Abstract and index (AbstractAndIndex)

  • E-book (EBook)

  • E-journal (EJournal)

  • Mixed content (MixedContent)

  • Online reference (OnlineReference)

  • Print (Print)

  • Streaming media (StreamingMedia)

  • Unknown (Unknown)


These values are used to describe the types of package in the e-resource management module.

This is for local packages only.

Default values are

  • Local (local)

  • Complete (complete)


These values are used to describe the type of material of a title in the e-resource management module.

This is for local titles only

Default values are

  • AudioBook (audiobook)

  • Book (book)

  • Bookseries (bookseries)

  • Database (database)

  • E-book (ebook)

  • Journal (journal)

  • Newsletter (newsletter)

  • Newspaper (newspaper)

  • Proceedings (proceedings)

  • Report (report)

  • Streaming audio (streamingaudio)

  • Streaming video (streamingvideo)

  • Thesis/Dissertation (thesisdissertation)

  • Unspecified (unspecified)

  • Website (website)


These values are used to describe the role of a staff user who is attached to an agreement or license record in the e-resource management module.

Default values are

  • ERM librarian (librarian)

  • Subject specialist (subject_specialist)


These values are used in French UNIMARC installations in field 995 $o to identify item status. Similar to NOT_LOAN.


These values are used as general holdings acquisition status designator. This data element specifies acquisition status for the unit at the time of the holdings report.


These values are used as general holdings completeness designator.


These values are used as physical form designators.


These values are used as general holdings retention designator. This data element specifies the retention policy for the unit at the time of the holdings report.


These values are used as general holdings type of unit designator.


These values are used when cancelling holds as reasons why the hold has been cancelled.

If you chose to install the default values for this category, you will have

  • Item could not be located on shelves (NOT_FOUND)

  • Item was found to be too damaged to fill hold (DAMAGED)

You can change those to suit your organization’s needs.


These values are delivery frequencies used by the housebound module. They are displayed on the housebound tab in the patron’s account in the staff interface.

If you chose to install the default values for this category, you will have

  • Every week (EW)

You can change those to suit your organization’s needs.


These values are interlibrary loan (ILL) request statuses used in the ILL module.


These values are search categories for item types. They allow multiple item types to be searched at the same time.

To combine item types in categories, choose the category in the item type settings.

For example, an ITEMTYPECAT value could be “NEW”. This search category could be set for the item types “NEW BOOKS” and “NEW DVDS”. This will replace NEW BOOKS and NEW DVDS item types in the advanced search form by “NEW”. When a patron chooses the searched for the category “NEW”, they will search multiple item types with a single search.


This category is a list of ISO 639-2 standard language codes.


These values are shelving locations. They usually appear when adding or editing an item.

This is normally mapped to items.location in the Koha database.

If you chose to install the default values for this category, you will have

You can change those to suit your organization’s needs.


For best results when searching, avoid using hyphens in location codes.


These values are descriptions for the items marked as lost. They appear when adding or editing an item.

This is normally mapped to items.itemlost in the Koha database.

If you chose to install the default values for this category, you will have

  • Lost (1)

  • Long overdue (lost) (2)

  • Lost and paid for (3)

  • Missing (4)

  • Missing from bundle (5)

You can change those to suit your organization’s needs.


The authorized values for LOST must be numerical.


These values are reasons why an item is not for loan. They appear when adding or editing an item.

This is normally mapped to items.notforloan in the Koha database.

If you chose to install the default values for this category, you will have

  • On order (-1)

  • Not for loan (1)

  • Staff collection (2)

  • Added to bundle (3)

You can change those to suit your organization’s needs.


The authorized values for NOT_LOAN must be numerical.

  • Negative number values will still allow holds (use for “on order” statuses, for example).

  • Positive numbers will not allow holds or checkouts.

  • A value of 0 means “for loan”.


This category contains a list of reasons displayed in the suggestion form on the OPAC.

If you chose to install the default values for this category, you will have

  • The copy on the shelf is damaged (damaged)

  • Upcoming title by popular author (bestseller)

You can change those to suit your organization’s needs.


These values are reasons why an order might have been cancelled. They are used in acquisitions.

If you chose to install the default values for this category, you will have

  • No reason provided (0)

  • Out of stock (1)

  • Restocking (2)

You can change those to suit your organization’s needs.


These values are used to group patron attributes together in the patron add and edit form.


This category populates a dropdown list of custom payment types when paying fines.

If you chose to install the default values for this category, you will have

  • Cash via SIP2 (SIP00)

  • Visa via SIP2 (SIP01)

  • Creditcard via SIP2 (SIP02)

You can change those to suit your organization’s needs.


These values are function codes (author, editor, collaborator, etc.) used in UNIMARC 7XX $4 (French).


This category is a list of relator codes and terms.

This list is based on the Library of Congress” MARC21 code list for relators


This list is not kept up to date in existing installations. Make sure to add new values to your installation as they are published by the Library of Congress.

It can be linked to a subfield in a MARC bibliographic framework in order to create a dropdown menu for cataloguers to choose from instead of typing the relator code. In MARC21, relator codes are usually in subfield $4.


These values can be used as a way to sort and filter your reports. They will appear as tabs in the saved reports page.

If you chose to install the default values for this category, you will have

  • Account (ACC)

  • Acquisitions (ACQ)

  • Catalog (CAT)

  • Circulation (CIRC)

  • Patrons (PAT)

  • Serials (SER)

You can change those to suit your organization’s needs.


These values can be used to further sort and filter your reports.

Values here need to include the authorized value code from REPORT_GROUP in the Description (OPAC) field to link the subgroup to the appropriate group.

Authorized values for the REPORT\_SUBGROUP categories, this screen capture shows that the code for the report group is saved in the Description (OPAC) field of the subgroup authorized value. At the top of the page, two buttons 'New category' and 'New authorized value for REPORT\_SUBGROUP'


These values are used as the restricted status of an item. They appear when adding or editing an item.

This is normally mapped to items.restricted in the Koha database.

If you chose to install the default values for this category, you will have

  • Restricted access (1)

You can change those to suit your organization’s needs.


The authorized values for this category must be numerical.


These values are reasons why a return claim has been resolved.

If you chose to install the default values for this category, you will have

  • Returned by patron (RET_BY_PATRON)

  • Found in library (FOUND_IN_LIB)

You can change those to suit your organization’s needs.


These values are road types to be used in patron addresses, in the “street type” field in the patron form.


These values are used when creating or editing an item type to assign a SIP specific media type for devices like lockers and sorters.

If you chose to install the default values for this category, you will have

  • Other (000)

  • Book (001)

  • Magazine (002)

  • Bound journal (003)

  • Audio tape (004)

  • Video tape (005)

  • CD/CDROM (006)

  • Diskette (007)

  • Book with diskette (008)

  • Book with CD (009)

  • Book with audio tape (010)


SIP media types are limited to 3 characters. Make sure your authorized values for SIP_MEDIA_TYPE do not have more than 3 characters.


These values are shelving control number. They appear when adding or editing an item.

This is normally mapped to items.stack in the Koha database.


The authorized values for this category must be numerical.


These values are reasons for acceptance or rejection of purchase suggestions in acquisitions. They appear when managing suggestions.

If you chose to install the default values for this category, you will have

  • Available via ILL (AVILL)

  • Bestseller (BSELL)

  • Document not corresponding to our acquisition policy (Poldoc)

  • Document too expensive (Expensive)

  • Insufficient budget (Budget)

  • Library copy lost (LCL)

  • Shelf copy damaged (SCD)

You can change those to suit your organization’s needs.


This is a list of item types to display in a dropdown menu on the suggestion form on the OPAC.

If you chose to install the default values for this category, you will have

  • Audiobook (AUDIOBOOK)

  • Book (BOOK)

  • EBook (EBOOK)

  • DVD (DVD)

  • Large print (LP)

You can change those to suit your organization’s needs.


Suggestion format types are limited to 30 characters. Make sure your authorized values for this category do not have more than 30 characters.


This is a list of additional custom status values for suggestions that can be used in addition to the default values.


The suggestion status is limited to 10 characters. Make sure your authorized value does not have more than 10 characters.


The suggestion status must not contain any spaces.


These values are terms to be used in the course reserves module. For example: Spring, Summer, Winter, Fall.

These terms will appear in the dropdown menu when adding a new course.



This category was added to Koha in version 24.05.

These values are types of resolutions to be used when marking catalog concerns as “Resolved”.



This category was added to Koha in version 24.05.

These values are statuses to be used when updating catalog concerns.


These values are categories to be assigned to file uploads. Without a category, an upload is considered temporary and may be removed during automated cleanup.


These values are used as types of interfaces for vendor interfaces in the acquisitions module.


These values are used as a type of issue with a vendor when adding an issue in the acquisitions module.


These values are used to categorize vendors in the acquisitions module.


These values are descriptions for withdrawn items. They appear when adding or editing an item.

This is normally mapped to items.withdrawn in the Koha database.

If you chose to install the default values for this category, you will have

  • Withdrawn (1)

You can change those to suit your organization’s needs.


The authorized values for this category must be numerical.


This is a generic authorized value field that can be used anywhere you need a simple yes/no dropdown menu.

If you chose to install the default values for this category, you will have

  • Yes (1)

  • No (0)


In general, binary fields require a 1 or 0 value. If you change these values, make sure the field you intend to attach it to can take other values than 0 or 1.

Adding new authorized value categories

In addition to the existing categories that come by default with Koha, librarians can add their own authorized value categories to control data that is entered into the system.

To add a new category:

  • Click “New category”

    New authorized value category form

  • Fill out the form

    • Category: enter the category code for the new category. Limit your category code to 32 characters (something short to make it clear what the category is for).


      A category code cannot contain spaces or special characters other than underscores and hyphens.

    • Restrict value to numbers only: check the box if the values in this category should be numerical only. This will prevent staff from creating authorized values that don’t comply to this rule.


      Αυτός ο τύπος ειδοποίησης προστέθηκε στην έκδοση 24.11 του Koha.

  • Επιλέξτε «Αποθήκευση»

Authorized value category with no values. At the top of the page, two buttons 'New category' and 'New authorized value for CONTENT\_TYPE'; at the bottom two buttons 'Add a new authorized value' and 'Delete category CONTENT\_TYPE'

Proceed to add a new authorized value to the category.

Adding new authorized values

New authorized values can be added to any existing or new category.

To add a value:

  • From the categories list, click the “Add” button on the right of the category

    List of existing authorized value categories

    • Alternatively, click on the category name, and then click “New authorized value for …”

      Screen capture of an authorized value for the BOR\_NOTES category; the authorized value is ADDR and the Description is 'Please bring a proof of address on your next visit to the library.' At the top of the page, two buttons 'New category' and 'New authorized value for BOR\_NOTES'

    • If the category has no values yet, click on the “Add a new authorized value” button at the bottom of the page

      Authorized value category with no values. At the top of the page, two buttons 'New category' and 'New authorized value for CONTENT\_TYPE'; at the bottom two buttons 'Add a new authorized value' and 'Delete category CONTENT\_TYPE'

  • Fill out the form

    New authorized value form

    • Authorized value: enter a code for your authorized value


      Authorized value is limited to 80 characters and cannot have spaces or special characters other than underscores and hyphens in it.

      Some categories, such as SUGGEST_STATUS, may have stricter limits. Refer to the existing authorized values categories section above for specified limits.

    • Description: use this field for the actual value that will be displayed.

    • Description (OPAC): if you want a different description to show in the OPAC, enter it here. If this field is empty, the “Description” will be used in both the staff interface and the OPAC.

    • Library limitations: if you would like to limit this authorized value to only specific libraries, you can choose them from this menu. To have it available to all libraries just choose “All libraries” at the top of the list.

    • Choose an icon: you can choose an image that will appear next to the value in the staff interface and OPAC.


      This feature doesn’t work everywhere. It’s mostly for item locations (LOC) and collections (CCODE) in the advanced search.

  • Επιλέξτε «Αποθήκευση»

  • The new value will appear in the list along with existing values

    Screen capture of an authorized value for the BOR\_NOTES category; the authorized value is ADDR and the Description is 'Please bring a proof of address on your next visit to the library.' At the top of the page, two buttons 'New category' and 'New authorized value for BOR\_NOTES'

Deleting authorized values

To delete an authorized value, click on the “Delete” button at the right of the authorized value.

Screen capture of an authorized value for the BOR\_NOTES category; the authorized value is ADDR and the Description is 'Please bring a proof of address on your next visit to the library.' At the top of the page, two buttons 'New category' and 'New authorized value for BOR\_NOTES'

Once there are no authorized values left in an authorized value category, you can delete the category.

Authorized value category with no values. At the top of the page, two buttons 'New category' and 'New authorized value for CONTENT\_TYPE'; at the bottom two buttons 'Add a new authorized value' and 'Delete category CONTENT\_TYPE'

Μέλη και κυκλοφορία υλικού

Settings for controlling circulation and patron information.

Patron categories

Patron categories allow you to organize your patrons into different roles, age groups, and patron types.

  • Get there: More > Administration > Patrons and circulation > Patron categories

Patron categories table


You can customize the columns of this table in the “Table settings” section of the Administration module (table id: patron_categories).


Only staff with the manage_patron_categories permission (or the superlibrarian permission) will have access to this section.

Adding a patron category

To add a new patron category click “New category” at the top of the page

New patron category form

  • Εάν οι δύο εγγραφές έχουν κοινά πεδία με την ετικέτα του κανόνα, δηλαδή ένα ή περισσότερα πεδία με πανομοιότυπες τιμές υποπεδίου και δείκτη, η ρυθμισμένη ενέργεια για το συμβάν «Συμπλήρωση» εφαρμόζεται για τα πεδία που βρίσκονται στην εισερχόμενη εγγραφή αλλά όχι στην αρχική εγγραφή. Εάν η ενέργεια είναι «Συμπληρώνω», θα προστεθούν στην αρχική εγγραφή, εάν « Παραλείπω», θα απορριφθούν.

    • The category code is limited to 10 characters (numbers and letters) and must be unique.

    • This field is required in order to save your patron category. If left blank you will be presented with an error.

  • Description: a plain text version of the category.

    • The description will be visible throughout Koha.

    • This field is required in order to save your patron category. If left blank you will be presented with an error.

  • Enrollment period:

    • In months: should be filled in if you have a limited enrollment period for your patrons. For example, student cards expire after 9 months

    • Until date: you can choose a date when the cards will expire

    • This field is required in order to save your patron category. If left blank you will be presented with an error.


You cannot enter both a month limit and a date until for one category. Choose to enter either one or the other.

  • Password expiration: enter the number of days after which a patron has to change their password.

  • Age required: minimum age (in years) requirement associated with the category. For example, an “Adult” patron category could have a minimum age of 18 years; this means patrons must be at least 18 to be in the patron category.

    • When creating or updating a patron, a warning will appear if the patron is too young for this category.

      Προειδοποίηση «Τα ακόλουθα πεδία είναι λανθασμένα. Παρακαλώ διορθώστε τα. Η ηλικία του μέλους είναι λανθασμένη για την κατηγορία του. Οι επιτρεπόμενες ηλικίες είναι 5-17»

    • This value is used by the update_patrons_category.pl cron job to change the category of patrons who are too young.

  • Upper age limit: maximum age (in years) associated with the category. For example, a “Children” patron category could have an upper age limit of 18, meaning patrons can have children cards until they turn 18.

    • When creating or updating a patron, a warning will appear if the patron is too old for this category.

      Προειδοποίηση «Τα ακόλουθα πεδία είναι λανθασμένα. Παρακαλώ διορθώστε τα. Η ηλικία του μέλους είναι λανθασμένη για την κατηγορία του. Οι επιτρεπόμενες ηλικίες είναι 5-17»

    • This value is used by the update_patrons_category.pl cron job to change the category of patrons who are too old.

  • Enrollment fee: enter the amount if you charge a membership fee for your patrons (such as those who live in another region).


Only enter numbers and decimals in this field.


Depending on your value for the FeeOnChangePatronCategory system preference, this fee will be charged on patron renewal as well as when they are first enrolled.

  • Overdue notice required: choose “Yes” if you want patrons from this category to receive overdue notices. This will enable you to set the overdue notice triggers in the Tools module.

  • Lost items in staff interface: decide on a patron category basis if lost items are shown in the staff interface.

    • Shown: lost items are shown in the staff interface.

    • Hidden by default: lost items are hidden, but staff members can click “Show all items” to see them.


This is only applicable in the staff interface, so changing this value on patron categories who do not have access to the staff interface won’t make any difference.

  • Hold fee: enter the fee amount if you charge patrons from this category a fee for placing holds on items.


Only enter numbers and decimals in this field.

  • Category type: choose one of the six main parent categories

    • Adult: most common patron type, usually used for a general “Patron” category.

    • Child: another common patron type.

    • Staff: library staff

    • Organizational: organizations can be used as guarantors for Professional patrons.

    • Professional: professional patrons can be linked to Organizational patrons.

    • Statistical: this patron type is used strictly for statistical purposes, such as in-house use of items.

    • This field is required in order to save your patron category. If left blank you will be presented with an error.

  • Can be guarantee: if the patrons of this category can have guarantors, choose yes. This will make the “Patron guarantor” and “Non-patron guarantor” sections appear in the patron form.

  • Branch limitations: if necessary, limit this patron category to only some branches in your library system. Select “All branches” if you would like any library to be able to use this category.

    • To select more than one branch, hold the Ctrl key while making your selection.

  • Password reset in OPAC: decide whether patrons of this category are allowed to reset their password through the OPAC’s “Forgotten password” function. By default, it will follow the rule set in the OpacResetPassword system preference.

    • Follow system preference OpacResetPassword.

    • Allowed: patrons of this category will be able to reset their password through the OPAC regardless of the setting in OpacResetPassword.

    • Not allowed: patrons of this category will not be able to reset their password through the OPAC regardless of the setting in OpacResetPassword.

  • Password change in OPAC: decide whether patrons of this category are allowed to change their password through the OPAC. By default, it will follow the rule set in the OpacPasswordChange system preference.

    • Follow system preference OpacPasswordChange.

    • Allowed: patrons of this category will be able to change their password through the OPAC regardless of the setting in OpacPasswordChange.

    • Not allowed: patrons of this category will be not able to change their password through the OPAC regardless of the setting in OpacPasswordChange.

  • Minimum password length: enter the minimum password length for patrons of this category. Leave blank to use the default length set in the minPasswordLength system preference.

  • Require strong password: decide whether to enforce a strong password policy (at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter and one digit) for patrons of this category. By default, it will follow the rule set in the RequireStrongPassword system preference.

  • Block expired patrons: decide if this patrons from this category are blocked from performing actions in the OPAC if their card is expired. By default it will follow the rule set in the BlockExpiredPatronOpacActions preference.

    • Follow the system preference BlockExpiredPatronOpacActions.

    • Block: patrons of this category whose membership has expired will be blocked from renewing and placing holds in the OPAC, regardless of the setting in BlockExpiredPatronOpacActions.

    • Don’t block: patrons of this category whose membership has expired will not be blocked from renewing and placing holds in the OPAC, regardless of the setting in BlockExpiredPatronOpacActions.

  • Check for previous checkouts: if the CheckPrevCheckout system preference is set to either “Unless overridden by patron category” options, you will be able to set the value for this particular patron category here.

    • Yes and try to override system preferences: Koha will check if the patron already checked out this item, unless the patron’s personal settings prevent it.

    • No and try to override system preferences: Koha will not check in the patron already checked out this item, unless the patron’s personal settings permit it.

    • Inherit from system preferences: the setting of the CheckPrevCheckout system preference will be followed.

  • Can place ILL in OPAC: if the ILLModule system preference is enabled, this setting determines if patrons of this category can place ILL requests from the OPAC.


    This option was added to Koha in version 23.11. In previous versions, all patrons can place ILL requests from the OPAC.

  • Default privacy: choose the default privacy settings for patrons of this category.

    • Default: checkout history will be kept indefinitely, until either the batch_anonymize.pl script is run or there is a manual batch anonymization which is performed.

    • Never: checkout history is anonymized upon return. Statistics are kept, but the link between the checkout, the item and the patron is removed.

    • Forever: checkout history is never anonymized for patrons of this category, regardless of the cron job or manual anonymization.

    • This setting can be edited by the patron via the OPAC if you allow it with the OPACPrivacy system preference.

  • Exclude from local holds priority: choose whether holds for patrons of this category are given a priority.

    • Yes: holds for patrons of this category are not given special priority, regardless of the setting in LocalHoldsPriority.

    • No: holds for patrons of this category are subjected to the setting in LocalHoldsPriority.

  • Default messaging preferences for this patron category: assign advanced messaging preferences by default to the patron category

    • These default preferences can be changed on an individual basis for each patron. This setting is just a default to make it easier to set up messages when creating new patrons.


    This requires that you have EnhancedMessagingPreferences system preference set to “Allow”.


    These defaults will only be applied to new patrons that are added to the system. They will not edit the preferences of the existing patrons.

    If you need to apply the default preferences to existing patrons, you can force those changes by running the borrowers-force-messaging-defaults script found in the misc/maintenance folder. Ask your system administrator for assistance with this script.

Circulation and fine rules

These rules define how your items are circulated, how and when fines are calculated and how holds are handled.

  • Get there: More > Administration > Patrons and circulation > Circulation and fine rules


Only staff with the manage_circ_rules permission (or the superlibrarian permission) will have access to this section.

The rules are applied from most specific to less specific, using the first found in this order:

  • same library, same patron category, same item type

  • same library, same patron category, all item types

  • same library, all patron categories, same item type

  • same library, all patron categories, all item types

  • default (all libraries), same patron category, same item type

  • default (all libraries), same patron category, all item types

  • default (all libraries), all patron categories, same item type

  • default (all libraries), all patron categories, all item types

The CircControl and HomeOrHoldingBranch also come in to play when figuring out which circulation rule to follow.

  • If CircControl is set to «the library you are logged in at» circulation rules will be selected based on the library you are logged in at

  • If CircControl is set to «the library the patron is from» circulation rules will be selected based on the patron’s library

  • If CircControl is set to «the library the item is from» circulation rules will be selected based on the item’s library where HomeOrHoldingBranch chooses if the item’s home library or its holding library is used.

  • If IndependentBranches is set to “Prevent” then the value of HomeOrHoldingBranch is used in figuring out if the item can be checked out. If the item’s home library does not match the logged in library, the item cannot be checked out unless you have the superlibrarian permission.


    At the very least you will need to set a default circulation rule. This rule should be set for all item types, all libraries and all patron categories. That will catch all instances that do not match a specific rule. When checking out if you do not have a rule for all libraries, all item types and all patron categories then you may see patrons getting blocked from placing holds.

Defining circulation rules

Using the issuing rules matrix you can define rules that depend on patron category/item type combos.


The matrix being very wide, you can export the existing rules in Microsoft Excel or CSV format, to look at them, using the “Export” button at the top of the table.

To set your rules, choose a library from the pull down (or “Standard rules for all libraries” if you want to apply these rules to all branches):

'Select a library' drop down menu

From the matrix you can choose any combination of patron categories and item types to apply the rules to

Circulation rules table

  • First choose which patron category you’d like the rule to be applied to. If you leave this to “All” it will apply to all patron categories

  • Choose the item type you would like this rule to apply to. If you leave this to “All” it will apply to all item types for this patron category

    • If an item type has a parent item type, the rule will be displayed as Parent -> Child. The number of current checkouts will be limited to either the maximum for the parent (including sibling types) or the specific type’s rule, whichever is less.

      Circulation rules table with a rule for DVDs for which the maximum is 5 checkouts and a rule for Blu-ray (child of DVD) for which the maximum is 2 checkouts

      In the example above, there is a rule for the DVD item type with a maximum of 5 checkouts and a rule for Blu-ray, a child of DVD, with a maximum of 2 checkouts. A patron at this library will be able to check out a maximum of 2 Blu-rays in a total of 5 items of either DVD or Blu-ray types.

      To summarize, a patron at this library would be able to take either : - 0 Blu-ray and a maximum of 5 DVDs - 1 Blu-ray and a maximum of 4 DVDs - 2 Blu-ray and a maximum of 3 DVDs

  • Add notes about your circulation rule into the notes field. This can be helpful to remember why and when something was last changed.

  • Limit the number of items of this type a patron of this category can have checked out at the same time by entering a number in the “Current checkouts allowed” field.

  • If you’re allowing on-site checkouts then you may also want to set a limit on the number of items of this type patrons of this category can have on-site.

  • Define the period of time an item of this type can be checked out to a patron of this category by entering the number of units (days or hours) in the “Loan period” box.

  • Define if the loan period should include closed days or not in the “Days mode” column. The option chosen here will override the useDaysMode system preference for this particular rule.

    • The “Default” option will take the option defined in the useDaysMode system preference

    • Choose the “Calendar” option if you want to use the calendar to skip the days when the library is closed

    • Choose the “Datedue” option if you want to push the due date to the next open day

    • Choose the “Days” option if you want to ignore the calendar and calculate the due date directly

    • Choose the “Dayweek” option if you want to use the calendar to push the due date to the next open matching weekday for weekly loan periods, or the next open day otherwise

  • Choose which unit of time, days or hours, that the loan period and fines will be calculated in in the “Unit” column


    If using “hours”, you can set library opening hours for each library and determine how the due time is calculated should it fall outside of opening hours.

  • You can also define a hard due date for a specific patron category and item type. The hard due date offers three options:

    • Exactly on: The due date of any item checked out with this rule will be set to the hard due date.

    • Before: Koha will calculate the normal loan period. If the calculated due date would be after or on the hard due date, the hard due date will be used instead.

    • After: Koha will calculate the normal loan period. If the calculated due date would be before the hard due date, the hard due date will be used instead.

  • “Fine amount” should have the amount you would like to charge for overdue items.


    Enter only numbers and decimal points (no currency symbols).

  • Enter the “Fine charging interval” in the unit you set (ex. charge fines every 1 day, or every 2 hours). The finesCalendar system preference controls whether the days the library is closed will be taken into account or not.

  • “When to charge” is most handy in libraries that have a fine charging interval of more than 1 day.

    • End of interval: Given a grace period of 2 days and a fine interval of 7 days, the first fine will appear 7 days after the due date, it will always take one fine interval (7 days), before the first fine is charged.

    • Start of interval: Given a grace period of 2 days and a fine interval of 7 days, the first fine will appear 2 days after the due date and the second fine 7 days after the due date.

  • The “Fine grace period” is the period of time an item can be overdue before you start charging fines. The FinesIncludeGracePeriod system preference controls if the grace period will be included when calculating the fine or not.


    This can only be set for the “Day” unit, not in “Hours”

  • The “Overdue fines cap” is the maximum fine per item for this patron and item type combination.


    If this field is left blank then Koha will not put a limit on the fines this item will accrue. A maximum fine amount for all overdues can be set using the MaxFine system preference.

  • If you would like to prevent overcharging patrons for a lost items, you can check the box under “Cap fine at replacement price.” This will prevent the patron’s fines from going above the replacement price on the item.


    If the “Overdue fines cap” is also set, the fine will be the lesser of the two, if both apply to the given overdue checkout.

  • If your library “fines” patrons by suspending their account you can enter the number of days their fine should be suspended in the “Suspension in days” field.


    This can only be set for the “Day” unit, not in “Hours”

  • You can also define the maximum number of days a patron will be suspended in the “Max suspension duration” setting

  • The “Suspension charging interval” option is just like the “Fin charging interval”. For example, you could “fine” a patron one day suspension for every two days overdue.

  • Next decide if the patron can renew this item type and if so, enter how many times they can renew it in the “Renewals allowed” box.

  • If you allow unseen renewals (see UnseenRenewals), enter how many “unseen” renewals patrons can make. This is not in addition to the regular renewals, but rather how many “unseen” renewals can be made among the total number of renewals.

  • If you’re allowing renewals you can control how long the renewal loan period will be (in the units you have chosen) in the “Renewal period” box.

  • If you’re allowing renewals you can control how soon before the due date patrons can renew their materials with the “No renewals before” box.

    • Items can be renewed at any time if this value is left blank. Otherwise items can only be renewed if the item is due after the number in units (days/hours) entered in this box.

    • To control this value on a more granular level please set the NoRenewalBeforePrecision preference.

  • If you enable automatic renewals (see below), enter how much time before the due date the automatic renewal takes place.


    Η επιλογή αυτή προστέθηκε στην έκδοση 23.11 του Koha.

    In previous versions, automatic renewals use the “no renewals before” value, which applies to both regular and automatic renewals.

  • You can enable automatic renewals for certain items/patrons if you’d like. This will renew automatically following your circulation rules unless there is a hold on the item.


    You will need to enable the automatic renewal cron job for this to work.


    This feature needs to have the «no automatic renewal before» column filled in or it will auto renew every day after the due date.

  • If you are using automatic renewals, you can use the “No automatic renewals after” to limit the time a patron can have the item. For example: don’t allow automatic renewals after a checkout period of 80 days.

  • Similar to the hard due date setting, you can also stop automatic renewals after a specific date using the “No automatic renewal after (hard limit)” setting.

  • If patrons of this category can place holds on items of this type, enter the total numbers of items (of this type) that can be put on hold in the “Holds allowed” field.

    • Leave empty to have unlimited holds.

    • If you’d rather put a hold limit per patron category, independent of the item type, see the default checkout and hold policy by patron category section below.

    • If you want to have a hard hold limit, independent of patron category and item type, for this particular library, see the Default checkout, hold, and return policy section below.

    • If you want to have a hard hold limit, independent of patron category, item type, and across all libraries, see the maxreserves system preference.

  • You can also set a daily limit on the number of holds a patron can place.

  • While the two settings before limit the holds that can be placed across various records, the next setting is used to limit the number of holds that can be placed on one record at the same time. For example, for fiction books you might want to allow only one item to be placed on hold at the same time by the same user. But for serials where items represent different issues more than one hold at the same time is fine.


    If this is set to a number that is greater than 1, but not Unlimited, then staff will have the option of placing multiple holds at once when placing a hold on the next available item in the staff interface

  • Next you can decide how the availability of items influences the ability to place a hold. The “On shelf holds allowed” option has three settings:

    • Yes: This will allow to place holds on items at all times. It doesn’t matter if they are available or checked out.

    • If any unavailable: This will allow to place a hold as soon as one or more items of the record are checked out. It doesn’t matter if there are still one or more items available on the shelf.

    • If all unavailable: This will allow to place a hold as soon as all items on the record are checked out that could fill the hold. This is especially useful for libraries that don’t offer the service of getting items placed on hold off the shelf for patrons.

  • Under “OPAC item level hold” you can decide if patrons are allowed to place item specific holds on the item type in question. The options are:

    • Allow: Will allow patrons the option to choose next available or a specific item.

    • Don’t allow: Will only allow patrons to choose next available item.

    • Force: Will only allow patrons to choose a specific item.

  • You can set the number of days patrons have to come pick up their holds in the “Holds pickup period (day)” column. This value will set the hold’s “expiration date”. After that period, holds will be marked as problematic and will appear in the “Holds waiting past their expiration date” tab in the Holds awaiting pickup report.

    • The default period is set in the ReservesMaxPickUpDelay system preference, but this column allows to have more granular rules for various library, patron category, and item type combinations.


    This circulation rule option was added to Koha in version 23.11.

  • If you want to allow patrons of this category to be able to place article requests on items of this type, choose an option in the “Article requests” column

    • No: patrons of this category will not be able to place article requests on items of this type

    • Yes: patrons of this category will be able to place article requests on items of this type, either on specific items (for example in the case of serial issues) or on entire records (for example in the case of monographs)

    • Record only: patrons of this category will be able to place article requests on records of this type, but not on specific items

    • Item only: patrons of this category will be able to place article requests on items of this type, but not on entire records


    This column will only appear if the ArticleRequests system preference is enabled.

    If you want to use the article request functionality you need to enable it using the ArticleRequests system preference and configure the form using the other related preferences.

  • If you charge a rental fee for the item type and want to give this specific patron category a discount on that fee, enter the percentage discount (without the % symbol) in the “Rental discount” field

  • If the UseRecalls system preference is enabled, you will have several options to control recalls.

    • Recalls allowed (total): enter the number of current recalls a patron of this category can have on items or records of this item type.

    • Recalls per record (count): enter the number of current recalls a patron of this category can have on any one record of this item type.

    • On shelf recalls allowed: choose if patrons can recall items on records that have available items

      • If any unavailable: if a record has more than one item and at least one is unavailable, the patron will be able to recall items from this record

      • If all unavailable: all items of a record must be unavailable in order for a patron to recall an item from this record

    • Recall due date interval (day): enter the number of days a patron has to return an item that has been recalled

    • Recall overdue fine amount: enter the fine amount a patron will be charged if they don’t return the recalled item by the due date

    • Recall pickup period: enter the number of days a patron has to come pick up the item they have recalled, once it has been marked as awaiting pickup.


      This value supersedes the value in the RecallsMaxPickUpDelay system preference.

When finished, click “Save” to save your changes. To modify a rule, simply click the “Edit” button either at the beginning or at the end of the row. The row of the rule being edited will be highlighted in yellow and the values will appear filled in at the bottom of the table. Edit the values at the bottom and click save.

Circulation rules table where the rule being edited is highlighted and it is repeated at the bottom for editing


If, while editing a rule, you change either the patron category or the item type, it will create a new rule. You can do this to duplicate rules instead of creating new ones if the values are similar.

Alternatively, you can create a rule with the same patron category and item type and it will edit the existing one, as there can only be one rule per library- patron category-item type combination.

If you would like to delete your rule, click the “Delete” button at the beginning or at the end of the rule row.

To save time you can clone rules from one library to another by choosing the clone option above the rules matrix. Please note that this will overwrite all rules already configured for that library.

Drop-down menu 'Clone these rules to' next to the library selection

After choosing to clone you will be presented with a confirmation message.

Confirmation message that says 'The rules have been cloned.'

Default checkout, hold, and return policy

You can set a default maximum number of checkouts, a default maximum number of holds and a hold policy that will be used if none is defined below for a particular item type or category. This is the fall back rule for defaults.


From this menu you can set a default to apply to all item types and patrons in the library if no other option is set in the forms below.

  • In “Total current checkouts allowed” enter the total number of items patrons can have checked out at one time

  • In “Total current on-site checkouts allowed” enter the total number of items patrons can have checked out on site at a time (OnSiteCheckouts needs to be set to “Enable”)

  • In “Maximum total holds allowed (count)” enter the total number of pending holds patrons can have at the same time.

  • Control where patrons can place holds from using the “Hold Policy” menu

    • From Any Library: Patrons from any library may put this item on hold. (default if none is defined)

    • From Local Hold Group: Only patrons from a library in the item home library’s local hold group may put this book on hold.

    • From Home Library: Only patrons from the item’s home library may put this book on hold.

    • No Holds Allowed: No patron may put this book on hold.

  • Control where patron can pick up holds using the “Hold Pickup Library Match” menu

    • any library

    • item’s hold group

    • patron’s hold group

    • η βιβλιοθήκη προέλευσης του τεκμηρίου

    • η τρέχουσα βιβλιοθήκη του τεκμηρίου

  • Control where the item returns to once it is checked in

    • Item returns home

    • Item returns to issuing branch

    • Item floats

      • When an item floats it stays where it was checked in and does not ever return “home”

    • Item floats by library group: The item will not be transferred and will stay at the library it was checked in at, if the check-in library is within the same “float group” in library groups as the item’s home library. If the library is not in the same float group, the item will be transferred back to its home library.

  • Once your policy is set, you can unset it by clicking the “Unset” link to the right of the rule

Default checkout and hold policy by patron category

For this library, you can specify the maximum number of checkouts, on-site checkouts and holds that a patron of a given category can have, regardless of the item type.



If the total amount of checkouts, on-site checkout and holds for a given patron category is left blank, no limit applies, except possibly for a limit you define in the circulation rules above.

For example, if you have a rule in the matrix that says Board patrons are allowed 10 books and 5 DVDs but you want to make it so that Board patrons only have a total of 12 things checked out at once. If you enter 12 here and the patron has 10 books out already they will only be allowed 2 DVDs to equal the 12 total they’re allowed.

Default waiting hold cancellation policy

For this library, you can specify if patrons can cancel holds that are already awaiting pickup.

Default waiting hold cancellation policy form in the circulation and fines rules page

For each patron category and item type combination, choose if these patrons can cancel holds that are already waiting for pickup.

Just like the circulation rules, the more specific rules will apply before the more generic rules (i.e. the «all» patron categories / «all» item types rule will apply only if no other rule exists for this combination).

Default open article requests limit

If ArticleRequests is enabled, you can set a maximum number of open article requests a patron of a category can have at one time.

Default open article requests limit by patron category form in the circulation and fines rules page


This will only appear if the ArticleRequests system preference is enabled.

  • Choose the patron category you want to limit.

  • Enter the number of open article requests a patron of this category can have at one given time

  • Click “Add”

Default article request fees

If ArticleRequests is enabled, you can set the fee a patron from a given category (or any category) needs to pay in order to request the article.

Default article request fee by patron category form in the circulation and fines rules page


This will only appear if the ArticleRequests system preference is enabled.

  • Choose the patron category for which you want to add a fee, or choose “All” to set an overall fee for all patrons


    The fee specific to a patron category will supersede the fee for all categories.

    For example, if you set a fee for all categories to 2$ and a fee for Faculty to 3$, Faculty members will be charged 3$ and any other patron will be charged 2$.

  • Enter the fee amount (use a period as the decimal and don’t enter any symbols, e.g. enter 5.00 for 5$)

  • Click “Add”

The fee is charged to the patron when the request is placed.

When placing the request, either through the staff interface or the OPAC, a message appears to inform the staff member or the patron that the patron will be charged for every request and the amount of the fee.

Default lost item fee refund on return policy

Here, you can specify the default policy for lost item fees on return.

Default lost item fee refund on return policy, options to set the refund policy for the replacement fee as well as the processing fee

  • Refund lost item replacement fee: choose whether or not the item’s replacement cost is refunded when the lost item is returned.

    • Refund lost item charge: the replacement cost is refunded. This might create a credit to be paid out to the patron if they had already paid the fee.

    • Refund lost item charge (only if unpaid): the replacement cost is refunded only if it hasn’t yet been paid.

    • Refund lost item charge and charge new overdue fine: the replacement cost is refunded and overdue fines are calculated as of today.

    • Refund lost item charge and restore overdue fine: the replacement cost is refunded and fines are restored as of the day the item was declared lost.

    • Leave lost item charge: the replacement cost stays in the patron’s account.

  • Refund lost item processing fee: choose whether or not the item’s processing fee is refunded when the lost item is returned.

    • Refund lost item processing charge: the processing fee is refunded. This might create a credit to be paid out to the patron if they had already paid the fee.

    • Refund lost item processing charge (only if unpaid): the processing fee is refunded only if it hasn’t yet been paid.

    • Leave lost item processing charge: the processing fee stays in the patron’s account.

This policy will apply to this library. This rule is to be used with the RefundLostOnReturnControl system preference.

You can limit the number of days during which a lost item is refundable using the NoRefundOnLostReturnedItemsAge system preference.

Default holds policy by item type

For this library, you can edit hold and return policies for a given item type, regardless of the patron’s category.

Default holds policy by item type section of the circulation rules

The various hold policies have the following effects:

  • From any library: Patrons from any library may put this item on hold. (default if none is defined)

  • From local hold group: Only patrons from libraries in the same item’s home library hold groups may put this book on hold.

  • From home library: Only patrons from the item’s home library may put this book on hold.

  • No holds allowed: No patron may put this book on hold.


    Note that if the system preference AllowHoldPolicyOverride set to “allow”, these policies can be overridden by your circulation staff.


    These policies are applied based on the ReservesControlBranch system preference.

Control where patron can pick up holds using the “Hold Pickup Library Match” menu

  • any library

  • item’s hold group

  • patron” hold group

  • η βιβλιοθήκη προέλευσης του τεκμηρίου

  • η τρέχουσα βιβλιοθήκη του τεκμηρίου

The various return policies have the following effects:

  • Item returns home: The item will prompt the librarian to transfer the item to its home library

    • Σημαντικό

      If the AutomaticItemReturn preference is set to automatically transfer the items home, then a prompt will not appear

  • Item returns to issuing branch: The item will prompt the librarian to transfer the item back to the library where it was checked out

    • Σημαντικό

      If the AutomaticItemReturn preference is set to automatically transfer the items home, then a prompt will not appear

  • Item floats: The item will not be transferred from the branch it was checked in at, instead it will remain there until transferred manually or checked in at another branch

  • Item floats by library group: The item will not be transferred and will stay at the library it was checked in at, if the check-in library is within the same “float group” in library groups as the item’s home library. If the library is not in the same float group, the item will be transferred back to its home library.

For example you might allow holds at your libraries but not what New items or DVDs to be placed on hold by other branches so you can set the “Hold policy” to “From home library” so that those items can only be placed on hold if the items” owning library and the patron’s home library are the same. You can also block holds completely on specific item types from this form. This is also how you can set up floating item types and types that remain with their home library.


The library whose return policy is used is determined by the CircControlReturnsBranch system preference.

Patron attribute types

  • Get there: More > Administration > Patrons and circulation > Patron attribute types


Only staff with the manage_patron_attributes permission (or the superlibrarian permission) will have access to this section.

Patron attributes can be used to define custom fields to associate with your patron records. In order to enable the use of custom fields you need to set the ExtendedPatronAttributes system preference.

A common use for this field would be for a student ID number or a Driver’s license number.

Table of all patron attribute types already set up

Adding patron attribute types

To add a new patron attribute type, click the “New patron attribute type” button at the top of the page

Patron attribute form

  • Patron attribute type code: enter a short code to identify this field


    This setting cannot be changed after an attribute is defined

  • Description: enter a longer (plain text) explanation of what this field will contain

  • Repeatable: check this box if a patron record can have multiple values of this attribute.


    This setting cannot be changed after an attribute is defined

  • Unique identifier: check this box if a value is given to a patron record, the same value cannot be given to a different record.


    This setting cannot be changed after an attribute is defined

  • Is a date: check this box if the attribute value should be a date. A date picker will be available.


    Date attribute types cannot be linked to authorized value categories.


    The date option was added to Koha in version 24.05.

  • Display in OPAC: check this box to display this attribute on a patron’s details page in the OPAC.

  • Editable in OPAC: check this box to enable patrons to edit this information in the OPAC.

  • Searchable: check this box to make this attribute searchable in the staff interface’s patron search.

  • Search by default: check this box to make this attribute searchable in the staff interface’s “standard” patron search, i.e., not a search on a particular field.

    • This option requires that the attribute type be searchable (see previous option).


    Η επιλογή αυτή προστέθηκε στην έκδοση 23.11 του Koha.

  • Mandatory: check this box if the attribute must be filled for every patron

  • Display in patron’s brief information: check this box to make this attribute visible in the patron’s short detail display on the left of the checkout screen and other patron pages

    The brief display of patron information on the left of the patron file, it has an extra line with Employee #

  • Authorized value category: if one is selected, the patron record input page will only allow values to be chosen from the authorized value list.


    An authorized value list is not enforced during batch patron import.

  • Library limitations: if you would like this attribute to only be used by specific branches you can choose those branches from this list. Choose “All branches” to show it for all libraries.


    Patrons with attributes already set for them will not be altered. The branch limitation only limits the field based on the library at which the current staff is logged in.

    If an attribute is set for a patron, it will be displayed in their file to all staff. However, only staff from the selected branches will be able to edit it.

  • Category: if you’d like to only show this attribute on patrons of one type choose that patron category here

  • Class: if you have a lot of attributes it might be handy to group them so that you can easily find them for editing. If you create an authorized value for PA_CLASS it will show in the “Class” drop-down menu and you can then change your attributes page to have sections of attributes

    Tables of all patron attribute types already set up, separated in two tables, 'Unclassified types' and 'Additional ID'

Click “Save” to save your new attribute.

Once added, your attribute will appear on the list of attributes and also on the patron record add/edit form

Στην ενότητα «Πρόσθετα χαρακτηριστικά» στη φόρμα μέλους, βρίσκεται το «Τμήμα» με αναπτυσσόμενο μενού και το «Πρόσθετο αναγνωριστικό», με το χαρακτηριστικό «Υπάλληλος #»

Editing/deleting patron attribute types

Each patron attribute has an edit and a delete button beside it on the list of attributes.

Table of all patron attribute types already set up

Some fields in the attribute will not be editable once created:

  • Patron attribute type code

  • Επαναλαμβανόμενο

  • Unique identifier

You will be unable to delete an attribute if it’s in use.

Message saying 'Could not delete patron attribute type "STAFFID" — it is in use by 1 patron records'

Library transfer limits

Limit the ability to transfer items between libraries based on the library sending, the library receiving, and the collection code involved.

  • Get there: More > Administration > Patrons and circulation > Library transfer limits


Only staff with the manage_transfers permission (or the superlibrarian permission) will have access to this section.

These rules only go into effect if the preference UseBranchTransferLimits is set to “enforce”.

Before you begin you will want to choose which library you are setting these limits for.


Transfer limits are set based on the collections codes you have applied via the Authorized values administration area.


Collection codes will appear as tabs above the checkboxes:


Check the boxes for the libraries you allow your items to be transferred to for the collection code you have selected at the top (in the example below - FIC)


In the above example, Centerville library will allow patrons from all libraries except Liberty and Franklin to request items from their branch.

Transport cost matrix

The transport cost matrix lets a library system define relative costs to transport books to one another.


Only staff with the manage_transfers permission (or the superlibrarian permission) will have access to this section.

In order for the system to use this matrix you must first set the UseTransportCostMatrix preference to “Use”.


The transport cost matrix takes precedence in controlling where holds are filled from, if the matrix is not used then Koha checks the StaticHoldsQueueWeight.

Costs are decimal values between some arbitrary maximum value (e.g. 1 or 100) and 0 which is the minimum (no) cost. For example, you could just use the distance between each library in miles as your “cost”, if that would accurately reflect the cost of transferring them. Perhaps post offices would be a better measure. Libraries sharing a post office would have a cost of 1, adjacent post offices would have a cost of 2, etc.

To enter transport costs simply click in the cell you would like to alter, uncheck the “Disable” box and enter your “cost”


After entering in your cost, hit “Enter” on your keyboard or click the “Save” button at the bottom of the matrix to save your changes.


A NULL value will make no difference where the From and To libraries are the same library. However, as a best practice, you should put a 0 in there. For all other To/From combinations, a NULL value will cause that relationship to act as if it has been disabled. So, in summary, don’t leave any of the values empty. It’s best to always put a number in there ( even if you choose to disable that given To/From option ).

Item circulation alerts

Libraries can decide if they want to have patrons automatically notified of circulation events (check ins and check outs).

  • Get there: More > Administration > Patrons and circulation > Item circulation alerts


Only staff with the manage_item_circ_alerts permission (or the superlibrarian permission) will have access to this section.

These preferences are set based on patron types and item types.


These preference can be overridden by changes in the individual patron’s messaging preferences.

To set up circulation alerts:

  • Choose your library from the pull down at the top of the screen


    • To set preferences for all libraries, keep the menu set to “Default”

  • By default all item types and all patrons are notified of check ins and check outs. To change this, click on the item/patron type combo that you would like to stop notices for.


    • In the above example, Juveniles and Kids will not receive check out notices.

Cities and towns

To standardize patron input you can define cities or towns within your region so that when new patrons are added librarians simply have to select the town from a list instead of having to type the town and zip (or postal) code information.

  • Get there: More > Administration > Patrons and circulation > Cities and towns


Only staff with the manage_cities permission (or the superlibrarian permission) will have access to this section.

Adding a city

To add a new city, click the “New city” button at the top of the page and enter the city name, state, zip/postal code and country.


One you click Submit, your city will be saved and will be listed on the Cities and towns page


Cities can be edited or deleted at any time.

Viewing cities on patron add form

If you have defined local cities using the “New city” form, then when adding or editing a patron record you will see those cities in a pull down menu to make city selection easy.


This will allow for easy entry of local cities into the patron record without risking the potential for typos or mistaken zip/postal codes.

Curbside pickup

The curbside pickup feature is used to set up appointments with patrons for them to pick up their holds. This section is used to configure the pickup windows

  • Get there: More > Administration > Patrons and circulation > Curbside pickup


In order to use this module, you must enable it with the CurbsidePickup system preference.


Only staff with the manage_curbside_pickups permission (or the superlibrarian permission) will have access to this section.

Setting up curbside pickup

  • From the configuration page, click the tab corresponding to the library for which you’re setting up curbside pickup

    Curbside pickup configuration page, there are tabs at the top of the page for each library in the system, with a form under them

  • Fill out the form

    • Enable: check this box to enable curbside pickup at this library

    • Pickup interval: enter the number of minutes each curbside pickup interaction will take

    • Maximum patrons per interval: enter the number of patrons who can pickup in the same interval

    • Patron-scheduled pickup: check this box if you want to allow patrons to set up their own curbside pickup appointment through the OPAC

    • Enable for waiting holds only: check this box if curbside pickup should be limited to patrons who have holds awaiting pickup

  • Create curbside pickup slots

    • For each slot, enter the day of the week, the starting and ending hours of the time slot in which patrons can come

      • these can be your opening hours, if you allow curbside pickup throughout the day, or specific time slots in which you allow patrons to come by

      • For the hours, the format must be XX:XX (numbers with a colon) and it must be in 24-hour format (e.g. 1 PM is 13:00)

    • Click “Add”

  • Click “Save configuration”

Do this for every library that offers curbside pickup.

Patron restriction types

If you are using patron restriction types, you can manage the restriction types available from here.

Patron restriction types are enabled by the PatronRestrictionTypes system preference.

  • Get there: More > Administration > Patrons and circulation > Patron restriction types

Patron restriction types administration page before adding a new restriction type, table with restriction types, each type has an Edit action button


Only staff with the manage_patron_restrictions permission (or the superlibrarian permission) will have access to this section.

Adding a restriction type

To add a new restriction type, click the “New restriction type” button at the top of the page.

New patron restriction type form

  • Code: enter a code for the restriction. Codes are limited to 50 characters and should not contain spaces, diacritics, or special characters.

  • Label: enter the label for the restriction. The label will be the one displayed throughout Koha.

  • Lift after payment: if set to “Yes”, restrictions using this type will be automatically lifted after payments equal to or exceeding the amount defined in “Fee Limit”.

  • Fee Limit: enter the amount that must be paid in order to lift a restriction of this type. This field is only used if “Lift after payment” is set to “Yes”.

Once you click “Save”, your restriction type will be saved and will be listed in the table of restriction types.

Patron restriction types administration page, table with restriction types after adding a new restriction type, each type has an Edit action button, manually added types also have Delete and Make default buttons

Locally created restriction types can be set to set as the default restriction type to use when manually adding a restriction to a patron account. This can be achieved using the “Make default” button.

You can also delete any locally created restriction types using the “Delete” so long as they have not been assigned as the default.


  • Get there: More > Administration > Accounting

This section deals with the parameters used in managing the patron accounts.

Debit types

  • Get there: More > Administration > Accounting > Debit types


Only staff with the manage_accounts permission (or the superlibrarian permission) will have access to this section.

This is where you define the manual fees you can charge patrons.

Table showing debit types (system debit types filtered out)

When you first get to the page, you will only see the manual fees that are already defined in your system.

You can see the default system fees by clicking «Show all debit types».

Table showing all debit types, including system debit types

You can go back to seeing only the manual fees by clicking «Filter system debit types».

System debit types

Several debit types come installed with Koha. Most of them are automatic fees that are added according to the policies you set up elsewhere in Koha.

  • ACCOUNT (Account creation fee): this is charged to the patron’s account upon registration. The fee can be changed in the patron category settings under “Enrollment fee”.

  • ACCOUNT_RENEW (Account renewal fee): this is charged to the patron’s account when their account is renewed. Like the ACCOUNT debit type above, this can be changed in the patron category settings under “Enrollment fee”.

  • LOST (Lost item): this is charged to the patron’s account when an item in their file is declared lost. The amount depends on the item’s “replacement cost” field or on the item type’s default replacement cost. It can also be added manually in the manual invoices tab.

  • MANUAL (Manual fee): this is the default manual fee installed with Koha. This is not charged automatically by Koha, but can be added to a patron’s account manually in the manual invoices tab.

  • NEW_CARD (New card fee): this is another default manual fee installed with Koha. This will not be charged automatically by Koha, but can be added to a patron’s account manually in the manual invoices tab.

  • OVERDUE (Overdue fine): this is charged automatically to the patron’s account when they have overdue items. The amount for overdue fines are set in the circulation and fines rules.

  • PAYOUT (Payment from library to patron): this is used when the library reimburses the patron (for an over payment for example).

  • PROCESSING (Lost item processing fee): this is charged automatically to the patron’s account when an item in their file is declared lost. The amount is set by item type under “Processing fee (when lost)”.

  • RENT (Rental fee): this is charged automatically to the patron’s account upon checkout if the item type has a rental charge.

  • RENT_DAILY (Daily rental fee): this is charged automatically to the patron’s account upon checkout if the item type has a daily rental charge.

  • RENT_DAILY_RENEW (Renewal of daily rental item): this is charged automatically to the patron’s account upon renewal if the item type has a daily rental charge.

  • RENT_RENEW (Renewal of rental item): this is charged automatically to the patron’s account upon renewal if the item type has a rental charge.

  • RESERVE (Hold fee): this is charged automatically to the patron’s account upon placing a hold. The amount depends on the “Hold fee” amount in the patron’s category settings.

  • RESERVE_EXPIRED (Hold waiting too long): this is charged automatically to the patron’s account if they haven’t picked up their hold after the number of days defined in the ExpireReservesMaxPickUpDelay system preference. The amount is set in the ExpireReservesMaxPickUpDelayCharge system preference.

Adding a new debit type

To add a new debit type:

  • Click “New debit type”

    New debit type form

    • Debit type code: enter a code (limited to 64 letters).


      Codes should be limited to letters, numbers, and underscores (_).

      Avoid spaces, diacritics, and special characters.

    • Default amount: enter the default amount.


      Staff will be able to change this amount when adding the charge to the patron’s account, if necessary.


      Do not enter currency symbols. Only write the amount with a decimal point (for example, 5 or 5.00 instead of $5).

    • Description: write a description, this description will be used in the drop-down menu when adding a new charge to a patron’s account or when making a sale in the point of sale as well as in their transaction history.

    • Can be manually invoiced: check this box if this debit type can be added manually by staff to a patron’s account via the manual invoices.

    • Can be sold: check this box if this debit type can be used in the point of sale.

    • Included in noissuescharge: check this box if this debit type should be included when calculating the amount owed by the patron for the noissuescharge system preference. This system preference is used to block checkouts when a patron owes over a certain amount of money to the library.

    • Libraries limitation: if necessary, select the libraries where this debit type can be used. Choosing “All libraries” will make the debit type available everywhere.


      You can select more than one library by pressing the “Ctrl” key while selecting.

  • Επιλέξτε «Αποθήκευση»

Editing an existing debit type

You can only modify the debit types you have added, as well as the “Manual fee”.

To edit a debit type:

  • Click the “Edit” button to the right of the debit type

  • Modify any field

  • Επιλέξτε «Αποθήκευση»

Archiving a debit type

If there is a debit type you don’t need anymore, you can archive it.


There is no way to delete a debit type since they are used in the patron’s accounting section.

To archive a debit type, simply click the “Archive” button to the right of the debit type.

Restoring an archived debit type

If you need to use an archived debit type again, simply click on the “Restore” button to the right of the debit type.

This will make it available again.

Credit types

  • Get there: More > Administration > Accounting > Credit types


Only staff with the manage_accounts permission (or the superlibrarian permission) will have access to this section.

This is where you define the manual credits you can give patrons.

When you first get to the page, you will only see the credits that are already defined in your system.

You can see the default system credit types by clicking «Show all credit types».

List of all credit types, including the default system credit types

You can go back to seeing only the manual credit types by clicking «Filter system credit types».

System credit types

Several credit types come installed with Koha. Most of them are automatic credits that are added according to the policies you set up elsewhere in Koha. They can not be deleted.

Adding a new credit type

To add a new credit type:

  • Click “New credit type”

    New credit type form

    • Enter a code (limited to 64 letters)


      Codes should be limited to letters, numbers, and underscores (_).

      Avoid spaces, diacritics, and special characters.

    • Write a description

      This description will be used in the drop-down menu when adding a new credit to a patron’s account as well as in their transaction history

    • If this credit type can be added manually by staff to a patron’s account via the manual credit, check the “Can be added manually?” check box

    • If you need this credit type to be sequentially numbered, check the “Enable credit number”. The format of the number is defined in the AutoCreditNumber system preference.

    • If this credit type is only to be used in specific branches, you can select the libraries in “Libraries limitation”


      You can select more than one library by pressing the “Ctrl” key while selecting.

    • Επιλέξτε «Αποθήκευση»

Editing an existing credit type

You can only modify the credit types you have added.

To edit a credit type:

  • Click the “Edit” button to the right of the credit type

  • Modify any field

  • Επιλέξτε «Αποθήκευση»

Archiving a credit type

If there is a credit type you don’t need anymore, you can archive it.


There is no way to delete a credit type since they are used in the patron’s accounting section.

To archive a credit type, simply click the “Archive” button to the right of the credit type.

Restoring an archived credit type

If you need to use an archived credit type again, simply click on the “Restore” button to the right of the credit type.

This will make it available again.

Ταμειακές μηχανές

  • Get there: More > Administration > Accounting > Cash registers

This feature is enabled through the UseCashRegisters system preference.


Only staff with the manage_cash_registers permission (or the superlibrarian permission) will have access to this section.

If you have no cash registers already defined, you will be invited to create one.

Otherwise, you will see the list of all your cash registers.

List of cash registers

In the “Actions” columns, you can choose to edit your cash registers, make one of them default or remove the default status, and archive or restore an archived register.

The default status is only useful in libraries that have more than one register per branch. The default register will be pre-selected when entering a payment. If there is only one cash register per branch, the branch’s cash register will be selected when paying.

Adding a new cash register

  • Click on “New cash register”

    Add new cash register form

  • Give your cash register a name

  • Optionally you can also add a description

  • Choose in which library this cash register is located

  • And finally, enter the initial float, i.e. the amount in the cash register

  • Click “Add”


This section is used to manage all types of plugins.


Before using plugins, make sure that they are enabled in the configuration file.


Only staff with the manage permission, the configure permission, or the admin permission (or the superlibrarian permission) will see this section.

See also the tool plugins and report plugins sections.

  • Get there: More > Administration > Plugins

If there are any administrative plugins installed, they will appear under this section.


Only staff with the admin permission (or the superlibrarian permission) will be able to use administrative plugins.

Managing plugins

This section is used to view, manage and configure all types of plugins.


Only staff with the manage permission (or the superlibrarian permission) will be able to install and uninstall plugins.

The page will show all currently installed plugins.

Plugins administration page showing a table of all currently installed plugins

If you have a lot of plugins, you can view a subset by clicking “View plugins by class”.

The 'View plugins by class' button is pressed, the options are: view all plugins, view report plugins, view tool plugins, view MARC conversion plugins, view online payment plugins, view bibliographic record enhancement plugins for the staff interface, view ILL availability plugins, and view ILL backend plugins

Installing a plugin

To install a new plugin manually,

  • Click “Upload plugin”.

    Page to upload a plugin

  • Choose the KPZ file on your computer and click “Upload”.

If you configured external plugin repositories, you will have a search box at the top of the page to search these repositories and install directly from there without having to download and upload the KPZ file. To install a plugin from a repository,

  • Enter a search term in the search box.

    Search results of plugins in external repositories

  • Click “Install” to the right of the plugin.

Some plugins might need to be enabled before usage.

To enable a plugin,

  • Click the “Actions” button to the right of the plugin and choose “Enable”

    Plugins administration page, the Actions button is pressed, the options are: run report, run tool, run admin tool, configure, uninstall, enable

Using a plugin

All plugins are different. Some might need configuration before usage, others are simply run.

  • Click the “Actions” button and choose “Configure” or “Run”.

  • Follow the instructions issued by the plugin’s creator.


Only staff with the configure permission (or the superlibrarian permission) will be able to access plugin configuration.

Disabling a plugin

If you need to temporarily stop the plugin from taking effect, you can disable it.

  • Click the “Actions” button to the right of the plugin and choose “Disable”

This will not uninstall the plugin. It will remain installed, but will not have any effect on your Koha installation.

Deleting a plugin

To delete or uninstall a plugin,

  • Click the “Actions” button to the right of the plugin and choose “Delete”

This will remove the plugin from your Koha installation. Any action or effect it had will stop. If you need to, you can reinstall it later, provided it is still available.


This section is used to manage background jobs. Jobs are tasks that are queued in the system to be treated when the server has the resources to do it, such as batch record modification and others.

  • Get there: More > Administration > Jobs


Only staff with the manage_background_jobs permission (or the superlibrarian permission) will have access to this section.

Managing jobs

By default, when accessing the page, you will only see current jobs and jobs enqueued in the last hour.

Default view of the jobs management page, checkboxes at the top are checked, to show only current and recent jobs, and the table is empty

To see all jobs, uncheck the boxes at the top of the page.

  • Current jobs only: uncheck this to include finished jobs

  • Only include jobs enqueued in the last hour: uncheck this to include jobs enqueued earlier

You can search for jobs using the search boxes under the table headings.

To the right of each job, there are action buttons.

  • View: this will display the details of the job, including, but not limited to:

    Detailed view of a job

    • Job ID: this is the identifier of the job in the Koha database, an incremental number

    • Status: the status of the job

      • New: the job has been queued

      • Cancelled: the job was cancelled by a user

      • Finished: the job was successfully carried out

      • Started: the job was started, but it is not yet finished

      • Running: the job is currently being executed

      • Failed: the job was started, but failed for some reason

    • Progress: indicates how much of the job is done

    • Type: indicates the type of job

    • Queued: date and time when the job was queued

    • Started: date and time when the job was started

    • Ended: date and time when the job was finished

    • Report: this section will contain messages specific to the type of job (for example, number of records modified, in the case of batch record modification)

    • Detailed messages: this section will contain messages specific to the type of job (for example, which records were modified, in the case of batch record modification)

  • Cancel: for jobs that are still new or have started, it’s possible to cancel them

Διαχείριση καταλόγου

Ρυθμίστε αυτά τα στοιχεία ελέγχου, πριν ξεκινήσετε την καταλογογράφηση στο σύστημα Koha.

  • Πηγαίνετε εκεί: Περισσότερα > Διαχείριση > Κατάλογος

Βιβλιογραφικά πλαίσια MARC

Σκεφτείτε τα πλαίσια ως πρότυπα για τη δημιουργία νέων βιβλιογραφικών εγγραφών. Το Koha έρχεται με κάποια προκαθορισμένα πλαίσια που μπορούν να τροποποιηθούν ή να διαγραφούν, ενώ οι βιβλιοθηκονόμοι μπορούν να δημιουργήσουν τα δικά τους πλαίσια για το περιεχόμενο που αφορά τις βιβλιοθήκες τους.

  • Πηγαίνετε εκεί: Περισσότερα > Διαχείριση > Κατάλογος > Βιβλιογραφικά πλαίσια MARC

List of MARC bibliographic frameworks


Μόνο το προσωπικό με το δικαίωμα διαχείρισης πλαισίων marc manage_marc_frameworks (ή το δικαίωμα superlibrarian) θα έχει πρόσβαση σε αυτή την ενότητα.


Μην διαγράφετε ή επεξεργάζεστε το προεπιλεγμένο πλαίσιο, καθώς αυτό θα προκαλέσει προβλήματα στις εγγραφές καταλογογράφησης - δημιουργείτε πάντα ένα νέο πρότυπο με βάση το προεπιλεγμένο ή τροποποιείτε τα άλλα πλαίσια.

Προσθήκη ενός νέου πλαισίου

Για να προσθέσετε ένα νέο πλαίσιο

  • Επιλέξτε «Νέο πλαίσιο»

    New MARC bibliographic framework form

    • Κωδικός: πληκτρολογήστε έναν κωδικό με 4 ή λιγότερους χαρακτήρες, αποφεύγοντας τα κενά, τα διακριτικά ή άλλους ειδικούς χαρακτήρες.

    • Περιγραφή: εισαγάγετε έναν πιο λεπτομερή ορισμό του πλαισίου σας, αυτός είναι ο ορισμός που θα εμφανίζεται στο Koha.

  • Επιλέξτε «Υποβολή»

  • Μόλις προστεθεί το πλαίσιό σας, κάντε κλικ στις «Ενέργειες» στα δεξιά του στη λίστα των πλαισίων και επιλέξτε «δομή MARC».

    • Θα σας ζητηθεί να επιλέξετε ένα πλαίσιο, πάνω στο οποίο θα βασιστεί το νέο σας πλαίσιο, αυτό θα σας διευκολύνει περισσότερο από το να ξεκινήσετε από το μηδέν

    Dropdown menu to choose on which existing framework to base the new framework

  • Μόλις το πλαίσιό σας εμφανιστεί στην οθόνη, μπορείτε να επεξεργαστείτε ή να διαγράψετε κάθε πεδίο ακολουθώντας τις οδηγίες για την επεξεργασία πεδίων και υποπεδίων editing fields and subfields

Επεξεργασία υφιστάμενων πλαισίων

Επιλέγοντας τις «Ενέργειες» και στη συνέχεια την «Επεξεργασία» στα δεξιά ενός πλαισίου, μπορείτε να επεξεργαστείτε μόνο την περιγραφή του πλαισίου.

Form to edit the description of the framework

Επεξεργασία πεδίων και υποπεδίων του πλαισίου

Τα πλαίσια αποτελούνται από πεδία MARC (ετικέτες) και υποπεδία. Για να προβείτε σε επεξεργασία των πεδίων και των υποπεδίων που σχετίζονται με το πλαίσιο, πρέπει να κάνετε κλικ στην επιλογή «Ενέργειες» και στη συνέχεια «Δομή MARC».


Κάθε φορά που κάνετε αλλαγές στα πεδία και τα υποπεδία του πλαισίου, φροντίστε να εκτελείτε τον έλεγχο των βιβλιογραφικών πλαισίων του MARC MARC bibliographic framework test.

Επεξεργασία ενός πεδίου MARC (ετικέτα)

Αφού επιλέξετε τη «δομή MARC», θα μεταφερθείτε σε μια οθόνη που θα παραθέτει όλες τις διαθέσιμες ετικέτες για το συγκεκριμένο πλαίσιο και μπορείτε να αναζητήσετε την ετικέτα που χρειάζεστε. Για να κάνετε αλλαγές σε ένα πεδίο MARC κάντε κλικ στις «Ενέργειες» στα δεξιά του πεδίου και επιλέξτε «Επεξεργασία ετικέτας».

Form to edit a MARC field

Στην επόμενη οθόνη εμφανίζονται οι λεπτομέρειες της ετικέτας.

  • Ετικέτα: η ετικέτα MARC ή ο αριθμός πεδίου είναι μη επεξεργάσιμοι.

  • Ετικέτα για το Βιβλιοθηκονόμο: κείμενο που θα εμφανίζεται στην προβολή του MARC στο περιβάλλον εργασίας του προσωπικού και στο βασικό επεξεργαστή basic editor εάν η παράμετρος του συστήματος για τον προηγμένο επεξεργαστή του MARC advancedMARCeditor έχει οριστεί να εμφανίζει ετικέτες.


    Εάν χρησιμοποιείτε XSLT (δείτε την παράμετρο του συστήματος XSLTDetailsDisplay), οι ετικέτες για την προβολή “Normal” ορίζονται στο φύλλο στυλ XSLT.

    Αυτό δεν θα επηρεάσει την «Κανονική» προβολή, εκτός αν δεν χρησιμοποιείτε XSLT.

  • Ετικέτα για OPAC: κείμενο που θα εμφανίζεται στην προβολή MARC στο Δημόσιο Κατάλογο (OPAC).


    Εάν χρησιμοποιείτε XSLT (δείτε την παράμετρο του συστήματος OPACXSLTDetailsDisplay), οι ετικέτες για την προβολή «Normal» ορίζονται στο φύλλο στυλ XSLT.

    Αυτό δεν θα επηρεάσει την «Κανονική» προβολή, εκτός αν δεν χρησιμοποιείτε XSLT.

  • Επαναλαμβανόμενη: όταν είναι επιλεγμένη, το πεδίο θα έχει ένα εικονίδιο δίπλα του στο βασικό επεξεργαστή Basic editor, επιτρέποντάς σας να προσθέσετε πλήθος αντιγράφων αυτής της ετικέτας.

  • Υποχρεωτική: όταν είναι επιλεγμένη, η εγγραφή δεν μπορεί να αποθηκευτεί αν το πεδίο δεν έχει τιμή. Στο βασικό επεξεργαστή :basic editor, μία σημαία με τον όρο «Υποχρεωτική» θα εμφανίζεται ως σύσταση.

  • Σημαντική: όταν είναι επιλεγμένη, το πεδίο θα δημιουργήσει μια προειδοποίηση εάν δεν είναι συμπληρωμένο, αλλά σε αντίθεση με την «Υποχρεωτική», θα μπορείτε να αποθηκεύσετε την εγγραφή σας. Στο βασικό επεξεργαστή :basic editor, μια σημαία με τον όρο «Σημαντική» θα εμφανίζεται ως σύσταση.

  • Προεπιλεγμένες τιμές δεικτών: προσθέστε εδώ τις προεπιλεγμένες τιμές για τους δείκτες, ώστε να είναι προσυμπληρωμένοι για να εξοικονομείτε χρόνο κατά την καταλογογράφηση, αλλά μπορείτε να τις επεξεργαστείτε αν χρειαστεί.

  • Καθιερωμένη τιμή: ορίστε μια λίστα αναδυόμενων καθιερωμένων τιμών authorized value για τους καταλογογράφους


    Η επιλογή καθριερωμένης τιμής σε επίπεδο πεδίου δεν λειτουργεί.

Επιλέξτε «Αποθήκευση αλλαγών» για να αποθηκεύσετε κάθε τροποποίηση.

Επεξεργασία ενός υποπεδίου MARC

Για να επεξεργαστείτε τα υποπεδία που σχετίζονται με την ετικέτα, κάντε κλικ στις «Ενέργειες» και στη συνέχεια στην «Επεξεργασία υποπεδίων» στα δεξιά της ετικέτας στη λίστα πεδίων πλαισίου. Κάθε υποπεδίο έχει τη δική του καρτέλα που περιέχει τρεις ενότητες - Βασικοί περιορισμοί, Σύνθετοι περιορισμοί και Άλλες επιλογές.

Subfield editing form

  • Για κάθε υποπεδίο μπορείτε να ορίσετε τις ακόλουθες βασικές επιλογές περιορισμών

    • Κωδικός υποπεδίου: πρόκειται για τον κωδικό υποπεδίου MARC, ο οποίος κανονικά δεν αλλάζει.

    • Κείμενο για τον βιβλιοθηκονόμο: το κείμενο που θα εμφανίζεται στην προβολή MARC στο περιβάλλον εργασίας του προσωπικού και στο βασικό επεξεργαστή basic editor εάν η παράμετρος του συστήματος για τον σύνθετο επεξεργαστή advancedMARCeditor έχει ρυθμιστεί να εμφανίζει ετικέτες.


      Εάν χρησιμοποιείτε XSLT (δείτε την παράμετρο του συστήματος XSLTDetailsDisplay), οι ετικέτες για την προβολή “Normal” ορίζονται στο φύλλο στυλ XSLT.

      Αυτό δεν θα επηρεάσει την «Κανονική» προβολή, εκτός αν δεν χρησιμοποιείτε XSLT.

    • Κείμενο για τον OPAC: κείμενο που θα εμφανίζεται στην προβολή MARC στο Δημόσιο Κατάλογο (OPAC).


      Εάν παραμείνει κενό, χρησιμοποιείται το «Κείμενο για τον βιβλιοθηκονόμο»


      Εάν χρησιμοποιείτε XSLT (δείτε την παράμετρο του συστήματος OPACXSLTDetailsDisplay), οι ετικέτες για την προβολή «Normal» ορίζονται στο φύλλο στυλ XSLT.

      Αυτό δεν θα επηρεάσει την «Κανονική» προβολή, εκτός αν δεν χρησιμοποιείτε XSLT.

    • Επαναλαμβανόμενο: όταν είναι επιλεγμένο, το πεδίο θα έχει ένα εικονίδιο δίπλα του στο βασικό επεξεργαστή basic editor, επιτρέποντάς σας να προσθέσετε προσθέσετε πλήθος αντιγράφων αυτού του υποπεδίου.

    • Υποχρεωτικό: όταν είναι επιλεγμένο, η εγγραφή δεν μπορεί να αποθηκευτεί εφόσον το υποπεδίο δεν έχει τιμή. Στο βασικό επεξεργαστή ref:basic editor <basic-editor-cataloging-label>, μία σημαία με τον όρο «Υποχρεωτικό» θα εμφανίζεται ως σύσταση.

    • Σημαντική: όταν είναι επιλεγμένη, το πεδίο θα δημιουργήσει μια προειδοποίηση εάν δεν είναι συμπληρωμένο, αλλά σε αντίθεση με την «Υποχρεωτική», θα μπορείτε να αποθηκεύσετε την εγγραφή σας. Στο βασικό επεξεργαστή :basic editor, μια σημαία με τον όρο «Σημαντική» θα εμφανίζεται ως σύσταση.

    • Διαχειριζόμενο σε ετικέτα: καθορίζει την ετικέτα στην οποία εμφανίζεται το υποπεδίο.


      Όλα τα υποπεδία ενός συγκεκριμένου πεδίου πρέπει να βρίσκονται στην ίδια ετικέτα ή να παραβλέπονται. Παράβλεψη σημαίνει ότι το υποπεδίο δεν είναι διαχειρίσιμο.


      Κατά την εισαγωγή εγγραφών importing records ή την επεξεργασία υφιστάμενων εγγραφών, τα υποπεδία που διαχειρίζεστε στην ετικέτα «παράβλεψη» θα διαγραφούν. Εάν εξακολουθείτε να επιθυμείτε να διατηρήσετε τα υποπεδία, αλλά να τα αποκρύψετε, χρησιμοποιήστε τις παρακάτω επιλογές «Ορατότητας».

  • Για κάθε υποπεδίο μπορείτε να ορίσετε τις ακόλουθες επιλογές σύνθετων περιορισμών

    • Προεπιλεγμένη τιμή: καθορίζει τι θέλετε να εμφανίζεται στο πεδίο από προεπιλογή, αυτό θα είναι επεξεργάσιμο, αλλά εξοικονομεί χρόνο αν χρησιμοποιείτε το ίδιο κείμενο ξανά και ξανά ή την ίδια τιμή σε ένα πεδίο συχνά.


      Υπάρχουν διάφορες τιμές που μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε εδώ, οι οποίες θα αντικαθίστανται αυτόματα όταν δημιουργείται μια νέα εγγραφή:

      • <<MM>> - ο τρέχων μήνας, 2 ψηφία

      • <<DD>> - η τρέχουσα ημέρα του μήνα, 2 ψηφία

      • <<YY>> - το τρέχον έτος, 2 ψηφία

      • <<YYYY>> - το τρέχον έτος, 4 ψηφία

      • <<USER>> - το όνομα χρήστη του χρήστη που τώρα είναι συνδεδεμένος

      Για παράδειγμα: μία προεπιλεγμένη τιμή «<<MM>>/<<<DD>>/<<<YYYY>>» (χωρίς εισαγωγικά) θα εκτυπώσει την τρέχουσα ημερομηνία με τη μορφή «01/21/2021».


      Το πότε συμπληρώνονται αυτές οι προεπιλεγμένες τιμές εξαρτάται από την παράμετρο του συστήματος ApplyFrameworkDefaults.

    • Μέγιστο μήκος: εισαγάγετε εδώ μια τιμή για να περιορίσετε τον αριθμό των χαρακτήρων που μπορούν να εισαχθούν στο υποπεδίο.

    • Ορατότητα: σας επιτρέπει να επιλέξετε από πού είναι ορατό ή κρυφό αυτό το υποπεδίο. Επιλέξτε τα κουτάκια όπου θέλετε να εμφανίζεται το πεδίο και καταργήστε την επιλογή στα κουτάκια όπου θέλετε να είναι κρυμμένο.

      • OPAC: όταν επιλεγεί, το υποπεδίο θα είναι διαθέσιμο για εμφάνιση στο Δημόσιο Κατάλογο (OPAC). Για προβολές που δεν είναι XSLT, το πεδίο θα εμφανίζεται. Για προβολές XSLT, θα εξαρτάται από το φύλλο στυλ.

      • Περιβάλλον εργασίας του προσωπικού: όταν επιλεγεί, το υποπεδίο θα είναι διαθέσιμο για εμφάνιση στο περιβάλλον εργασίας του προσωπικού. Για προβολές που δεν είναι XSLT, το πεδίο θα εμφανίζεται. Για προβολές XSLT, θα εξαρτάται από το φύλλο στυλ.

      • Επεξεργαστής: όταν επιλεγεί, αυτό θα καταστήσει το υποπεδίο διαθέσιμο για τροποποίηση στο βασικό επεξεργαστή basic editor.

      • Κρυφό: όταν είναι επιλεγμένο, το υποπεδίο θα είναι κρυμμένο στο βασικό επεξεργαστή basic editor, αλλά θα εμφανίζεται όταν γίνεται κλικ στην ετικέτα του πεδίου για να αναπτυχθούν όλα τα υποπεδία.

      • Σημαδεμένο: όταν είναι επιλεγμένο, το υποπεδίο δεν θα είναι διαθέσιμο και θα αποκρύπτεται από όλες τις προβολές (ισοδυναμεί με την απενεργοποίηση όλων των κουτιών).

    • Είναι διεύθυνση URL: αν είναι επιλεγμένο, σημαίνει ότι το υποπεδίο είναι διεύθυνση URL και μπορεί να γίνει κλικ σε αυτό.

    • Σύνδεσμος: αν εισαγάγετε ένα όνομα ευρετηρίου εδώ, εμφανίζεται ένας σύνδεσμος μετά το υποπεδίο στην προβολή λεπτομερειών MARC στο περιβάλλον εργασίας του προσωπικού. Εάν ο βιβλιοθηκονόμος κάνει κλικ στον σύνδεσμο, πραγματοποιείται αναζήτηση στον κατάλογο χρησιμοποιώντας το ευρετήριο και το περιεχόμενο του υποπεδίου.

    • Σύνδεσμος Koha: αυτό το πεδίο χρησιμοποιείται για τη δημιουργία μιας σύνδεσης μεταξύ του υποπεδίου MARC και μιας στήλης στους πίνακες items, biblioitems και biblio της βάσης δεδομένων. Οι αντιστοιχίσεις μπορούν να αλλάξουν από τη σελίδα των αντιστοιχήσεων του Koha σε MARC Koha to MARC mapping.

  • Για κάθε υποπεδίο μπορείτε να ορίσετε τις ακόλουθες Τιμές άλλων επιλογών

    • Καθιερωμένη τιμή: σημαίνει ότι η τιμή πρέπει να επιλεγεί από ένα αναδιπλούμενο μενού που δημιουργείται από τη λίστα εγκεκριμένων τιμών authorized value.

      Στο παρακάτω παράδειγμα, η κατηγορία καθιερωμένης τιμής γλώσσας (LANG) έχει οριστεί σε 041$a.

      Other options section of the subfield modification form in the MARC bibliographic framework; authorized value has the value LANG

      Αυτό δημιουργεί ένα αναδιπλούμενο μενού στο βασικό επεξεργαστή της καταλογογράφησης basic editor.

      Field 041 in the basic editor, the 041$a subfield had a drop-down menu of languages.

    • Θησαυρός: σημαίνει ότι η τιμή συνδέεται με τον κατάλογο των καθιερώσεων authority catalog της επιλεγμένης κατηγορίας. Η διαχείριση των κατηγοριών των καθιερώσεων γίνεται στην ενότητα των τύπων καθιέρωσης Authority types.

    • Πρόσθετα: σημαίνει ότι η τιμή υπολογίζεται ή ρυθμίζεται από ένα πρόσθετο καταλογογράφησης cataloguing plugin. Τα πρόσθετα καταλογογράφησης, ή οι δημιουργοί τιμών, μπορούν να κάνουν σχεδόν τα πάντα.

      • Παραδείγματα:

        • Για τους ταξιθετικούς αριθμούς υπάρχει η δυνατότητα να προσθέσετε ένα πρόγραμμα περιήγησης ταξιθετικων αριθμών δίπλα στο υποπεδίο ταξιθετικού αριθμού , ώστε να μπορείτε να εντοπίζετε ποιοι ταξιθετικοί αριθμοί χρησιμοποιούνται και ποιοι όχι. Απλώς επιλέξτε το πρόσθετο cn_browser.pl. Μάθετε περισσότερα στην ενότητα cataloging section.

        • Αν θέλετε να επιτρέψετε το ανέβασμα αρχείων μέσω της καταλογογράφησης, μπορείτε να επιλέξετε το πρόσθετο upload.pl και αυτό θα σας επιτρέψει να ανεβάζετε αρχεία στο Koha για να τα συνδέσετε με τις εγγραφές σας upload files to Koha to link to your records.

        • Στο UNIMARC υπάρχουν πρόσθετα για κάθε πεδία 1xx που είναι κωδικοποιημένα πεδία. Το πρόσθετο είναι μια τεράστια βοήθεια για τον καταλογογράφο! Υπάρχουν επίσης δύο πρόσθετα (unimarc_plugin_210c και unimarc_plugin_225a που μπορούν να βρουν «μαγικά» τον εκδότη από ένα ISBN και τον κατάλογο συλλογής για τον εκδότη).

        • Αν θέλετε να ενεργοποιήσετε μια αναζήτηση με αυτόματη συμπλήρωση για τους εκδότες στα 260b και 264b, μπορείτε να ορίσετε το πρόσθετο marc21_field_260b.pl. Όταν αρχίσετε να πληκτρολογείτε ένα όνομα εκδότη, θα σας δίνονται αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης με βάση τα ονόματα εκδοτών που υπάρχουν ήδη στον κατάλογο.

  • Για να αποθηκεύσετε τις αλλαγές σας, επιλέξτε την «Αποθήκευση αλλαγών».

Πρακτική συμβουλή

Μπορείτε να σύρετε και να τοποθετήσετε τις καρτέλες των υποπεδίων για να αλλάξετε τη σειρά με την οποία εμφανίζονται κατά την καταλογογράφηση με τον βασικό επεξεργαστή cataloging with the basic editor.

Εξαρχής, θα εμφανίζονται με αλφαριθμητική σειρά (0-9, στη συνέχεια a-z).

Προσθήκη πεδίων σε πλαίσια

Εάν ένα πλαίσιο δεν περιέχει ένα πεδίο που χρειάζεστε, ίσως χρειαστεί να το προσθέσετε. Για να προσθέσετε ένα πεδίο σε ένα πλαίσιο κάντε κλικ στο κουμπί «Νέα ετικέτα» στο πάνω μέρος του ορισμού του πλαισίου.

List of fields in the default MARC framework

Αυτή θα ανοίξει μια κενή φόρμα για την εισαγωγή δεδομένων πεδίων MARC

Form to add a new MARC tag in a MARC bibliographic framework

Εισαγάγετε τον αριθμό πεδίου για τη νέα σας ετικέτα. Η διαδικασία για την εισαγωγή των υπόλοιπων ρυθμίσεων για τη νέα ετικέτα είναι η ίδια με εκείνη που θα βρείτε στην ενότητα της επεξεργασίας πεδίων και υποπεδίων στα πλαίσια editing fields and subfields in frameworks του παρόντος εγχειριδίου.

Όταν τελειώσετε, επιλέξτε την «Αποθήκευση αλλαγών» και η νέα σας ετικέτα θα εμφανιστεί στη λίστα των πεδίων πλαισίου.

Θα πρέπει να προσθέσετε τουλάχιστον ένα υποπεδίο στη νέα σας ετικέτα για να εμφανιστεί στο πλαίσιό σας κατά την καταλογογράφηση.

Επιλέξτε το κουμπί «Ενέργειες» για τη νέα σας ετικέτα και στη συνέχεια το κουμπί «Επεξεργασία υποπεδίων». Κάντε κλικ στην καρτέλα «Νέο» και εισαγάγετε τον κωδικό του υποπεδίου σας. Η διαδικασία για την εισαγωγή των υπόλοιπων ρυθμίσεων για το νέο υποπεδίο είναι η ίδια με αυτές που βρίσκονται στην ενότητα της επεξεργασία πεδίων και υποπεδίων στα πλαίσια editing fields and subfields in frameworks του παρόντος εγχειριδίου.

Εισαγωγή και εξαγωγή πλαισίων αναφοράς

Δίπλα σε κάθε πλαίσιο υπάρχει ένας σύνδεσμος για την εισαγωγή ή την εξαγωγή του πλαισίου.

Εξαγωγή πλαισίου

Για να εξαγάγετε ένα πλαίσιο, κάντε κλικ στην επιλογή «Εξαγωγή» στο κουμπί «Ενέργειες» στα δεξιά του τίτλου του πλαισίου.

The 'Actions' button for a MARC framework, options are: MARC structure, Edit, Delete, Export, Import

Όταν επιλέγετε την «Εξαγωγή», θα σας ζητηθεί να επιλέξετε σε ποια μορφή θα εξαγάγετε το αρχείο.

Prompt to choose the framework export format, options are: Export to CSV spreadsheet, or Export to OpenDocument spreadsheet format

Ένα πλαίσιο που εξάγεται με αυτόν τον τρόπο μπορεί να εισαχθεί σε οποιαδήποτε άλλη εγκατάσταση Koha χρησιμοποιώντας την επιλογή εισαγωγής πλαισίου.

Εισαγωγή πλαισίου

Ένας εύκολος τρόπος για να δημιουργήσετε ένα νέο πλαίσιο είναι να εισαγάγετε ένα που έχει δημιουργηθεί για τη δική σας ή άλλη εγκατάσταση Koha. Αυτό το πλαίσιο θα πρέπει να εξαχθεί από το άλλο σύστημα χρησιμοποιώντας τις οδηγίες παραπάνω using the instructions above για να είναι διαθέσιμο για εισαγωγή εδώ.

Για να εισαγάγετε ένα πλαίσιο πρέπει πρώτα να δημιουργήσετε ένα νέο a new framework. Μόλις δημιουργήσετε αυτό το πλαίσιο, κάντε κλικ στις «Ενέργειες» και στη συνέχεια στην «Εισαγωγή» στα δεξιά του νέου πλαισίου.

The 'Actions' button for a MARC framework, options are: MARC structure, Edit, Delete, Export, Import

Θα σας ζητηθεί να βρείτε ένα αρχείο στον υπολογιστή σας για να το εισαγάγετε στο πλαίσιο.

Pop-up to choose the file to import into a MARC framework

Θα σας ζητηθεί να επιβεβαιώσετε τις ενέργειές σας πριν από την εισαγωγή του αρχείου.

Warning message Are you sure you want to replace the fields and subfields for the XXX framework structure? The existing structure will be overwritten! For safety reasons, it is recommended to use the export option to make a backup first.

Καθώς το αρχείο σας μεταφορτώνεται, θα δείτε ένα περιστρεφόμενο εικονίδιο που υποδεικνύει ότι το σύστημα λειτουργεί.

Pop-up to choose the file to import into a MARC framework, underneath is a spinning icon with the text Importing to framework

Μόλις ολοκληρωθεί η εισαγωγή σας, θα μεταφερθείτε στο εργαλείο επεξεργασίας του πλαισίου, όπου μπορείτε να κάνετε οποιεσδήποτε αλλαγές make any changes χρειάζεστε στο πλαίσιο που εισαγάγατε.

Αντιστοίχιση του Koha στο MARC

Ενώ το Koha αποθηκεύει ολόκληρη την εγγραφή MARC, αποθηκεύει επίσης κοινά πεδία για εύκολη πρόσβαση σε διάφορους πίνακες της βάσης δεδομένων (κυρίως στους πίνακες items, biblioitems και biblio). Η αντιστοίχιση Koha στο MARC χρησιμοποιείται για να πει στο Koha πού να βρει αυτές τις τιμές στην εγγραφή MARC. Κάθε φορά που προστίθεται ή αλλάζει μια εγγραφή, αυτή η αντιστοίχιση θα χρησιμοποιείται για την ενημέρωση της συνδεδεμένης στήλης της βάσης δεδομένων. Οι πληροφορίες από τις στήλες της βάσης δεδομένων χρησιμοποιούνται ως ένας τρόπος γρήγορης αναζήτησης σημαντικών πληροφοριών χωρίς να χρειάζεται να αναλύσετε την πλήρη εγγραφή MARC. Χρησιμοποιείται για την εμφάνιση πληροφοριών σε πολλές σελίδες και μπορεί επίσης να χρησιμοποιηθεί σε εκθέσεις.

Σε πολλές περιπτώσεις, δεν θα χρειαστεί να αλλάξετε τις προεπιλεγμένες τιμές που έχουν οριστεί κατά την εγκατάσταση, αλλά είναι σημαντικό να γνωρίζετε ότι το εργαλείο είναι εδώ και μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί ανά πάσα στιγμή.


Εάν αλλάξετε τις αντιστοιχίσεις μετά την προσθήκη δεδομένων στον κατάλογό σας, ζητήστε από τον διαχειριστή του συστήματός σας να εκτελέσει το misc/batchRebuildBiblioTables.pl. Αυτό θα ενημερώσει τις τιμές στις στήλες της βάσης δεδομένων για όλες τις εγγραφές σας.

  • Πηγαίνετε εκεί: Περισσότερα > Διαχείριση > Κατάλογος > Αντιστοίχιση Koha στο MARC


Μόνο το προσωπικό με το δικαίωμα διαχείρισης πλαισίων marc manage_marc_frameworks (ή το δικαίωμα superlibrarian) θα έχει πρόσβαση σε αυτή την ενότητα.

Ο πίνακας δείχνει όλα τα πεδία της βάσης δεδομένων που μπορούν να αντιστοιχιστούν σε πεδία MARC.

Koha to MARC mapping table showing the database field with the linked MARC tag, subfield, and label

Για να προσθέσετε μια νέα αντιστοίχιση, κάντε κλικ στο κουμπί «Προσθήκη» στα δεξιά του κατάλληλου πεδίου.

Prompt to add a new mapping

Γράψτε το πεδίο MARC και το υποπεδίο που θέλετε να αντιστοιχίσετε, χωρισμένα με κόμμα, σε αυτό το πεδίο Koha (για παράδειγμα, «264,a») και κάντε κλικ στο κουμπί «OK».


Είναι δυνατόν να συνδέσετε περισσότερα από ένα πεδία MARC με ένα πεδίο της βάσης δεδομένων. Για παράδειγμα, θα μπορούσατε να συνδέσετε τόσο το 260$a όσο και το 264$a με το πεδίο biblioitems.place.

Αν θέλετε να καταργήσετε την αντιστοίχιση για ένα πεδίο της βάσης δεδομένων, κάντε κλικ στο κουμπί «Κατάργηση».


Όλες οι αλλαγές είναι άμεσες. Οι εγγραφές που δημιουργούνται ή υπόκεινται κάποια επεξεργασία μετά την αλλαγή θα έχουν αμέσως τις νέες αντιστοιχίσεις. Ωστόσο, αν θέλετε να ενημερώσετε τις αντιστοιχίσεις για εγγραφές που βρίσκονται ήδη στον κατάλογο, ζητήστε από το διαχειριστή του συστήματός σας να εκτελέσει το misc/batchRebuildBiblioTables.pl. Αυτό θα ενημερώσει τις τιμές στις στήλες της βάσης δεδομένων για όλες τις εγγραφές σας.

Δοκιμή βιβλιογραφικού πλαισίου MARC

Το εργαλείο ελέγχει τη δομή MARC των βιβλιογραφικών πλαισίων.

  • Πηγαίνετε εκεί: Περισσότερα > Διαχείριση > Κατάλογος > Δοκιμή βιβλιογραφικού πλαισίου MARC


Μόνο το προσωπικό με το δικαίωμα διαχείρισης πλαισίων marc manage_marc_frameworks (ή το δικαίωμα superlibrarian) θα έχει πρόσβαση σε αυτή την ενότητα.

Εάν αλλάξετε το βιβλιογραφικό πλαίσιο MARC MARC bibliographic framework, συνιστάται να εκτελέσετε αυτό το εργαλείο για να ελέγξετε για σφάλματα στον ορισμό σας.

Results of the framework test

Τύποι καθιερώσεων

Οι τύποι καθιερώσεων είναι ουσιαστικά πλαίσια MARC για εγγραφές καθιερωμένων όρων και για το λόγο αυτό ακολουθούν τους ίδιους κανόνες επεξεργασίας που βρίσκονται στην ενότητα των βιβλιογραφικών πλαισίων MARC MARC bibliographic frameworks του παρόντος εγχειριδίου. Το Koha διατίθεται με πολλά από τα απαραίτητα πλαίσια καθιερώσεων ήδη εγκατεστημένα. Για να μάθετε πώς να προσθέτετε και να επεξεργάζεστε τύπους καθιερώσεων, απλά ανατρέξτε στην ενότητα των βιβλιογραφικών πλαισίων MARC MARC bibliographic frameworks αυτού του εγχειριδίου.

  • Πηγαίνετε εκεί: Περισσότερα > Διαχείριση > Κατάλογος > Τύποι καθιερώσεων


Μόνο το προσωπικό με το δικαίωμα διαχείρισης πλαισίων marc manage_marc_frameworks (ή το δικαίωμα superlibrarian) θα έχει πρόσβαση σε αυτή την ενότητα.

Πηγές ταξινόμησης

Η πηγή της ταξινόμησης ή το σύστημα ταξιθέτησης αντιστοιχίζονται στο πεδίο 952$2 και 942$2 στα βιβλιογραφικά πλαίσια MARC MARC bibliographic frameworks του Koha και αποθηκεύονται στα πεδία items.cn_source και biblioitems.cn_source στη βάση δεδομένων.

  • Πηγαίνετε εκεί: Περισσότερα > Διαχείριση > Κατάλογος > Πηγές ταξινόμησης

Classification sources, classification filing rules and classification splitting rules tables


Μόνο το προσωπικό με το δικαίωμα διαχείρισης της ταξινόμησης manage_classifications (ή το δικαίωμα superlibrarian) θα έχει πρόσβαση σε αυτή την ενότητα.

Συνήθεις πηγές ταξινόμησης είναι:

  • ddc - Δεκαδική Ταξινόμηση Dewey (Dewey Decimal Classification)

  • lcc - Ταξινόμηση Βιβλιοθήκης του Κογκρέσου (Library of Congress Classification)

Αν επιλέξετε να εγκαταστήσετε τις πηγές ταξινόμησης κατά την εγκατάσταση του Koha, θα δείτε και άλλες τιμές:

  • ANSCR (ηχογραφήσεις)

  • Ταξινόμηση του Πανεπιστημιακού Συστήματος Τεκμηρίωσης (SuDOC)

  • Παγκόσμια δεκαδική ταξινόμηση (Universal Decimal Classification)

  • Άλλη/γενική ταξινόμηση

Προσθήκη/επεξεργασία πηγών ταξινόμησης

Μπορείτε να προσθέσετε τη δική σας πηγή ταξινόμησης χρησιμοποιώντας το κουμπί «Νέα πηγή ταξινόμησης». Για να την επεξεργαστείτε, χρησιμοποιήστε το κουμπί «Επεξεργασία».

Form to add a new classification source

Κατά τη δημιουργία ή την επεξεργασία:

  • Εισαγάγετε έναν κωδικό. Ο κωδικός περιορίζεται σε 10 χαρακτήρες και πρέπει να είναι μοναδικός.


Ο κώδικας δεν είναι επεξεργάσιμος από τη στιγμή που έχει δημιουργηθεί.

  • Εισαγάγετε μια περιγραφή. Η περιγραφή χρησιμοποιείται στις αναδιπλούμενες λίστες της ενότητας καταλογογράφησης.

  • Ενεργοποιήστε το πλαίσιο ελέγχου «Πηγή σε χρήση;» εάν θέλετε η τιμή να εμφανίζεται στην αναδιπλούμενη λίστα αυτής της κατηγορίας.

  • Επιλέξτε τον κατάλληλο κανόνα κατάταξης filing rule από την αναδιπλούμενη λίστα.

  • Επιλέξτε τον κατάλληλο κανόνα διαχωρισμού splitting rule από την αναδιπλούμενη λίστα.

Κανόνες κατάταξης της ταξινόμησης

Οι κανόνες κατάταξης καθορίζουν τη σειρά με την οποία τοποθετούνται τα τεκμήρια στα ράφια. Οι κανόνες κατάταξης ομαλοποιούν τους ταξιθετικούς αριθμούς, ώστε το Koha να μπορεί να τους συγκρίνει και να τους ταξινομεί στη σωστή σειρά.

Για παράδειγμα, ένας ταξιθετικός αριθμός Dewey όπως «636.8/07 SHAW» θα γίνει «636_8000000000000000000_07_SHAW» προκειμένου να ταξινομηθεί.

Ο ταξινομημένος ταξιθετικός αριθμός αποθηκεύεται στα πεδία items.cn_sort ή biblioitems.cn_sort στη βάση δεδομένων

Οι τιμές που έχουν ρυθμιστεί εκ των προτέρων στο Koha είναι οι εξής:

  • Dewey

  • LCC

  • Generic

Οι κανόνες κατάταξης αντιστοιχίζονται στις πηγές ταξινόμησης Classification sources. Μπορείτε να ρυθμίσετε νέους κανόνες κατάταξης χρησιμοποιώντας το κουμπί «Νέος κανόνας κατάταξης». Για να τον επεξεργαστείτε, χρησιμοποιήστε το κουμπί της «Επεξεργασίας».

Κατά τη δημιουργία ή την επεξεργασία:

  • Εισαγάγετε έναν κωδικό. Ο κωδικός περιορίζεται σε 10 χαρακτήρες και πρέπει να είναι μοναδικός.


Ο κώδικας δεν είναι επεξεργάσιμος από τη στιγμή που έχει δημιουργηθεί.

  • Εισαγάγετε μία περιγραφή. Η περιγραφή χρησιμοποιείται στην αναδιπλούμενη λίστα κατά τη δημιουργία ή επεξεργασία μιας πηγής ταξινόμησης creating or editing a classification source.

  • Επιλέξτε μια κατάλληλη μέθοδο κατάταξης - dewey, generic ή lcc

    • Η μέθοδος κατάταξης του Dewey παράγει έναν ταξινομημένο ταξιθετικό αριθμό ακολουθώντας τους εξής κανόνες:

      • Συνδυάζει τα τμήματα ταξινόμησης και τεκμηρίου.

      • Μετατρέπει σε κεφαλαία γράμματα.

      • Αφαιρεί τα κενά διαστήματα που προηγούνται ή ακολουθούν, καθώς και τις πλάγιες κάθετες (/)

      • Διαχωρίζει το αλφαβητικό πρόθεμα από τον υπόλοιπο ταξιθετικό αριθμό

      • Χωρίζεται σε κομμάτια στα κενά διαστήματα και στις περιόδους.

      • Αφήνει την πρώτη ομάδα ψηφίων ως έχει.

      • Μετατρέπει τη δεύτερη ομάδα ψηφίων σε 15ψήφια μεγάλη ομάδα, συμπληρωμένη στα δεξιά με μηδενικά.

      • Μετατρέπει κάθε κενό διάστημα σε κάτω παύλα.

      • Αφαιρεί τυχόν εναπομείναντες μη αλφαβητικούς, μη αριθμητικούς, μη υπογραμμισμένους χαρακτήρες.

    • Η γενική μέθοδος κατάταξης παράγει έναν ταξινομημένο ταξιθετικό αριθμό ακολουθώντας αυτούς τους κανόνες:

      • Συνδυάζει τα τμήματα ταξινόμησης και τεκμηρίου.

      • Αφαιρεί τυχόν προηγούμενα ή επόμενα κενά διαστήματα.

      • Μετατρέπει κάθε κενό διάστημα σε κάτω παύλα.

      • Μετατρέπει σε κεφαλαία γράμματα.

      • Αφαιρεί τους μη αλφαβητικούς, μη αριθμητικούς, μη υπογραμμισμένους χαρακτήρες.

    • Η μέθοδος κατάταξης LCC παράγει έναν ταξινομημένο ταξιθετικό αριθμό ακολουθώντας αυτούς τους κανόνες:

Κανόνες διαχωρισμού της ταξινόμησης

Οι κανόνες διαχωρισμού καθορίζουν τον τρόπο διαχωρισμού των ταξιθετικών αριθμών κατά την εκτύπωση σε μια ετικέτα ράχης.


Οι κανόνες διαχωρισμού χρησιμοποιούνται μόνο εάν η διάταξη της ετικέτας label layout καθορίζει τον διαχωρισμό των ταξιθετικών αριθμών.

Για παράδειγμα, ένας ταξιθετικός αριθμός Dewey όπως «636.8/07 SHAW» θα γίνει


κάποτε τυπωμένο σε ετικέτα ράχης.

Οι τιμές που έχουν ρυθμιστεί εκ των προτέρων στο Koha είναι οι εξής:

  • Dewey

  • LCC

  • Generic

Οι κανόνες διαχωρισμού αντιστοιχίζονται στις πηγές ταξινόμησης Classification sources. Μπορείτε να ρυθμίσετε νέους κανόνες διαχωρισμού χρησιμοποιώντας το κουμπί «Νέος κανόνας διαχωρισμού». Για να τον επεξεργαστείτε, χρησιμοποιήστε το κουμπί της «Επεξεργασία».

Κατά τη δημιουργία ή την επεξεργασία:

  • Εισαγάγετε έναν κωδικό. Ο κωδικός περιορίζεται σε 10 χαρακτήρες και πρέπει να είναι μοναδικός.


Ο κώδικας δεν είναι επεξεργάσιμος από τη στιγμή που έχει δημιουργηθεί.

  • Εισαγάγετε μία περιγραφή. Η περιγραφή χρησιμοποιείται στην αναδιπλούμενη λίστα κατά τη δημιουργία ή επεξεργασία μιας πηγής ταξινόμησης creating or editing a classification source.

  • Επιλέξτε μια κατάλληλη μέθοδο διαχωρισμού - Dewey, Generic, LCC ή RegEx

    • Η μέθοδος διαχωρισμού Dewey αναζητά τα τρία ψηφία και το δεκαδικό, τα τοποθετεί σε μία γραμμή με τα άλλα μέρη (κόφτης, πρόθεμα κ.λπ.) το καθένα σε ξεχωριστή γραμμή (γενικά χωρισμένα με κενά).

    • Η μεθοδος διαχωρισμού Generic διαχωρίζει σε χώρους.

    • Η μέθοδος διαχωρισμού LCC τοποθετεί κάθε συστατικό σε ξεχωριστή γραμμή.

    • Η μέθοδος διαχωρισμού RegEx σας επιτρέπει να δημιουργήσετε μια προσαρμοσμένη μέθοδο διαχωρισμού.

      • Μερικά παραδείγματα μεθόδων διαχωρισμού RegEx:

        • Διαχωρισμός σε κενά:

        • Διαχωρισμός σε σύμβολα ισότητας (=):

        • Διαχωρισμός σε πλάγιες κάθετες (/):

        • Αφαίρεση του πρώτου τμήματος εάν ο ταξιθετικός αριθμός αρχίζει με J ή K:

          s/^(J|K)\n/$1 /
        • Περικοπή μετά από 9 χαρακτήρες:


Είναι δυνατό να αναμίξετε και να ταιριάξετε τις μεθόδους διαχωρισμού RegEx κάνοντας κλικ στο σύνδεσμο «Νέα» ακριβώς κάτω από το πλαίσιο εισαγωγής RegEx.

Για παράδειγμα, αν θέλετε να κόψετε μετά από εννέα χαρακτήρες ΚΑΙ να διαχωρίσετε τα διαστήματα, μπορείτε να γράψετε και τα δύο και ο αριθμός κλήσης «971.42805092 C669r» θα διαχωριστεί


The example above shown in the interface

Κανόνες αντιστοίχισης εγγραφών

Οι κανόνες αντιστοίχισης εγγραφών χρησιμοποιούνται κατά την εισαγωγή εγγραφών MARC στο Koha.

  • Πηγαίνετε εκεί: Περισσότερα > Διαχείριση > Κατάλογος > Κανόνες αντιστοίχισης εγγραφών


Μόνο το προσωπικό με το δικαίωμα διαχείρισης των κανόνων αντιστοίχισης manage_matching_rules (ή το δικαίωμα superlibrarian) θα έχει πρόσβαση σε αυτή την ενότητα.

Οι κανόνες που ρυθμίζετε εδώ θα παραπέμπονται σε εσάς για την προετοιμασία των εγγραφών marc για εισαγωγή Stage MARC records for import.

Είναι σημαντικό να κατανοήσετε τη διαφορά μεταξύ των «σημείων αντιστοίχισης» και των «ελέγχων αντιστοίχισης» πριν προσθέσετε νέους κανόνες αντιστοίχισης στο Koha.

Τα σημεία αντιστοίχισης είναι τα κριτήρια που εισάγετε και τα οποία πρέπει να τηρούνται προκειμένου μια εισερχόμενη εγγραφή να ταιριάζει με μια υπάρχουσα εγγραφή MARC στον κατάλογό σας. Μπορείτε να έχετε πολλαπλά σημεία αντιστοίχισης σε έναν κανόνα εισαγωγής, το καθένα με τη δική του βαθμολογία. Μια εισερχόμενη εγγραφή θα συγκριθεί με τις υπάρχουσες εγγραφές σας («μία εγγραφή κάθε φορά») και θα λάβει μια βαθμολογία για κάθε σημείο αντιστοίχισης. Όταν η συνολική βαθμολογία των σημείων αντιστοίχισης ταιριάζει ή υπερβαίνει το όριο που έχει δοθεί για τον κανόνα αντιστοίχισης, το Koha θεωρεί ότι υπάρχει καλή αντιστοίχιση και κάνει εισαγωγές/επικαλύψεις σύμφωνα με τις προδιαγραφές σας κατά τη διαδικασία εισαγωγής. Μία περιοχή που πρέπει να προσέξετε εδώ είναι το άθροισμα των σημείων αντιστοίχισης. Ελέγξτε δύο φορές ότι οι αντιστοιχίσεις που θέλετε θα καταλήξουν σε μια επιτυχή αντιστοίχιση.


Κατώτατο όριο 1000

Σημείο αντιστοίχισης στο 020$a 1000

Σημείο αντιστοίχισης στο 022$a 1000

Σημείο αντιστοίχισης στο245$a 500

Σημείο αντιστοίχισης στο 100$a 100

Στο παραπάνω παράδειγμα, μια αντιστοίχιση είτε στο 020$a είτε στο 022$a θα οδηγήσει σε επιτυχή αντιστοίχιση. Μια αντιστοίχιση στον τίτλο 245$a και στον συγγραφέα 100$a (και όχι στα 020$a ή 022$a) θα συμπληρώσει μόνο 600 και δεν θα οδηγήσει σε αντιστοίχιση. Και μία αντιστοίχιση στα 020$a και 245$a θα οδηγήσει σε 1500 και ενώ πρόκειται για επιτυχημένη αντιστοίχιση, οι επιπλέον 500 πόντοι για την αντιστοίχιση του τίτλου 245$a είναι περιττοί. Το εισερχόμενο αρχείο ταιριάζει επιτυχώς με το 020$a χωρίς να είναι απαραίτητη η αντιστοίχιση με το 245$a. Ωστόσο, αν αντιστοιχίσετε 500 πόντους στο σημείο αντιστοίχισης 100$a, μια αντιστοίχιση στον τίτλο 245$a και στον συγγραφέα 100$a θα θεωρηθεί επιτυχής αντιστοίχιση (σύνολο 1000), ακόμη και αν το 020$a δεν αποτελεί αντιστοίχιση.

Οι έλεγχοι αντιστοίχισης δεν χρησιμοποιούνται συνήθως σε κανόνες εισαγωγής. Ωστόσο, μπορούν να χρησιμεύσουν για διάφορους σκοπούς στην αντιστοίχιση εγγραφών. Πρώτον, οι έλεγχοι αντιστοίχισης μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν ως κριτήρια αντιστοίχισης αντί για τα σημεία αντιστοίχισης, εάν τα ευρετήριά σας είναι παρωχημένα και ξεπερασμένα. Οι έλεγχοι αντιστοίχισης πηγαίνουν κατευθείαν στα δεδομένα αντί να βασίζονται στα δεδομένα στα ευρετήρια. (Εάν φοβάστε ότι τα ευρετήριά σας είναι ξεπερασμένα, μια ανασύνταξη των ευρετηρίων σας θα ήταν μια πολύ καλή ιδέα και θα έλυνε αυτή την κατάσταση!) Η άλλη χρήση ενός ελέγχου αντιστοίχισης είναι ως «διπλός έλεγχος» ή «βέτο» του κανόνα αντιστοίχισης. Για παράδειγμα, αν έχετε έναν κανόνα αντιστοίχισης όπως παρακάτω:

Κατώτατο όριο 1000

Σημείο αντιστοίχισης στο 020$a 1000

Έλεγχος αντιστοίχισης στο 245$a

Το Koha θα εξετάσει πρώτα την ετικέτα/υποπεδίο 020$a για να δει αν η εισερχόμενη εγγραφή ταιριάζει με μια υπάρχουσα εγγραφή. Εάν ναι, τότε θα προχωρήσει στον έλεγχο αντιστοίχισης και θα εξετάσει απευθείας την τιμή 245$a στα εισερχόμενα δεδομένα και θα τη συγκρίνει με την τιμή 245$a στην υπάρχουσα «αντιστοιχισμένη» εγγραφή στον κατάλογό σας. Εάν το 245$a ταιριάζει, το Koha συνεχίζει σαν να ήταν επιτυχής η αντιστοίχιση. Εάν η 245$a δεν ταιριάζει, τότε η Koha συμπεραίνει ότι οι δύο εγγραφές δεν ταιριάζουν τελικά. Οι έλεγχοι αντιστοίχισης μπορούν να αποτελέσουν ένα πραγματικά χρήσιμο εργαλείο για την επιβεβαίωση πραγματικών αντιστοιχίσεων.

Όταν επιθυμείτε να δημιουργήσετε κανόνες αντιστοίχισης για τις εγγραφές καθιερωμένων σας, τα ακόλουθα ευρετήρια θα σας φανούν χρήσιμα:

Όνομα ευρετηρίου

Αντιστοιχίζεται με την ετικέτα MARC

Αριθμός καρτέλας LC (LC-cardnumber)


Προσωπικό όνομα


Αναγραφή Ονόματος Συλλογικού Οργάνου


Όνομα Συνάντησης


Ομοιόμορφος τίτλος


Χρονολογικός όρος


Τοπικό θέμα


Γεωγραφικό όνομα


Όρος είδους/μορφής


Πίνακας: Ευρετήρια καθιερωμένων όρων

Προσθήκη κανόνων αντιστοίχισης

Για να δημιουργήσετε ένα νέο κανόνα αντιστοίχισης:

  • Επιλέξτε «Νέος κανόνας αντιστοίχισης εγγραφών»

    Add record matching rule form

    • Επιλέξτε ένα μοναδικό όνομα και πληκτρολογήστε το στο πεδίο «Κωδικός κανόνα αντιστοίχισης»

    • Η “«Περιγραφή”» μπορεί να είναι οτιδήποτε θέλετε για να σας καταστήσει σαφές ποιον κανόνα επιλέγετε

    • Το « κατώτατο όριο αντιστοίχισης» είναι ο συνολικός αριθμός των «βαθμών» που πρέπει να συγκεντρώσει μια εγγραφή για να θεωρηθεί ότι υπάρχει «αντιστοίχιση»

    • «Τύπος εγγραφής» είναι ο τύπος εισαγωγής για τον οποίο θα χρησιμοποιηθεί αυτός ο κανόνας - είτε πρόκειται για εγγραφή καθιερωμένου όρου είτε για βιβλιογραφική

    • Τα σημεία αντιστοίχισης ορίζονται για να καθορίσουν σε ποια πεδία θα γίνει η αντιστοίχιση

    • Το «ευρετήριο αναζήτησης» μπορεί να βρεθεί εξετάζοντας τη ρύθμιση ευρετηρίου στο σύστημά σας. Για τη Zebra μπορείτε να βρείτε τα σωστά ονόματα ευρετηρίων στο αρχείο ccl.properties. Μπορείτε επίσης να βρείτε χρήσιμες πληροφορίες στο κεφάλαιο των ευρετηρίων αναζήτησης του Koha Koha search indexes σε αυτό το εγχειρίδιο.

    • Βαθμολογία - Ο αριθμός των « βαθμών » που επιτρέπει μία αντιστοίχιση σε αυτό το πεδίο. Εάν το άθροισμα κάθε βαθμολογίας είναι ίσο ή μεγαλύτερο από το κατώτατο όριο αντιστοίχισης, η εισερχόμενη εγγραφή ταιριάζει με την υπάρχουσα εγγραφή.

    • Εισάγετε την ετικέτα MARC που θέλετε να αντιστοιχίσετε στο πεδίο «Ετικέτα».

    • Εισάγετε το υποπεδίο της ετικέτας MARC που θέλετε να αντιστοιχίσετε στο πεδίο «Υποπεδία». Για αντιστοίχιση σε πεδία ελέγχου όπως το 001, το πεδίο εισαγωγής υποπεδίων μπορεί να παραμείνει κενό.

    • «Όφσετ» - Για χρήση με πεδία ελέγχου, 001-009

    • «Μήκος» - Για χρήση με πεδία ελέγχου, 001-009

    • Προς το παρόν υπάρχουν διάφορες επιλογές για τους «Κανόνες εξομάλυνσης»:

      • Κανένας - δεν θα εφαρμοστεί κανένας κανόνας εξομάλυνσης

      • Αφαίρεση διαστημάτων

      • Κεφαλαία γράμματα

      • Πεζά γράμματα

      • Παλαιά προεπιλογή - αυτή η επιλογή προστέθηκε για να διατηρηθεί η φόρμα αντιμετώπισης πριν γίνουν διαθέσιμοι οι άλλοι κανόνες εξομάλυνσης.

      • ISBN - η χρήση αυτής της επιλογής θα βελτιώσει την αντιστοίχιση με το ISBN. Εάν τα πεδία ISBN των εισερχόμενων εγγραφών σας περιέχουν επιπλέον κείμενο, όπως «9780670026623 (αλκαλ. χαρτί)», θα εξακολουθήσουν να αντιστοιχίζονται σωστά.

    • «Απαιτούμενοι έλεγχοι αντιστοίχισης» - Ενώ τα σημεία αντιστοίχισης ενεργούν στο ευρετήριο αναζήτησης, οι έλεγχοι αντιστοίχισης εργάζονται απευθείας στα δεδομένα και μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν ως κριτήρια αντιστοίχισης αντί των σημείων αντιστοίχισης ή επιπλέον αυτών για την επιβεβαίωση πραγματικών αντιστοιχίσεων.

Δείγμα κανόνα αντιστοίχισης βιβλιογραφικών εγγραφών: Αριθμός ελέγχου

Add record matching rule form filled with the example data

  • Κατώτατο όριο αντιστοίχισης: 100

  • Τύπος εγγραφής: Βιβλιογραφική εγγραφή


    Για να ταιριάξετε με το 001 στις εγγραφές καθιερωμένων όρων, θα πρέπει να δημιουργήσετε έναν δεύτερο κανόνα, επαναλαμβάνοντας όλες αυτές τις τιμές και αλλάζοντας μόνο τον τύπο εγγραφής σε «Εγγραφή καθιερωμένου όρου».

  • Σημεία αντιστοίχισης (μόνο το ένα):

  • Ευρετήριο αναζήτησης: αριθμός ελέγχου

  • Βαθμολογία: 100

  • Ετικέτα: 001


    Στο MARC21, αυτό το πεδίο αφορά τον αριθμό ελέγχου που αποδίδεται από τον οργανισμό που δημιουργεί, χρησιμοποιεί ή διανέμει την εγγραφή.

  • Υποπεδία: κενά

  • Όφσετ: 0 ή κενό

  • Μήκος: 0 ή κενό

  • Κανόνας εξομάλυνσης: Κανένας

  • Απαιτούμενοι έλεγχοι αντιστοίχισης: κανένας (κάντε κλικ στην «Κατάργηση αυτού του ελέγχου αντιστοίχισης»)

Πηγές εγγραφών


Αυτή η ενότητα προστέθηκε στο Koha στην έκδοση 24.05.

Οι πηγές εγγραφών χρησιμοποιούνται για να υποδεικνύουν από πού προέρχονται οι εγγραφές και προαιρετικά αποτρέπουν την επεξεργασία εγγραφών από συγκεκριμένες πηγές στο Koha.

Αυτό είναι ιδιαίτερα χρήσιμο σε περιπτώσεις όπου οι εγγραφές καταλογογραφούνται σε άλλο σύστημα και προωθούνται στο Koha. Μερικές φορές, σε αυτές τις περιπτώσεις, είναι καλύτερο να επεξεργάζεστε τις εγγραφές στο σύστημα προέλευσης παρά στο Koha.


Μόνο το προσωπικό με το δικαίωμα διαχείρισης εγγραφών manage_record_sources (ή το δικαίωμα superlibrarian) θα έχει πρόσβαση σε αυτή την ενότητα.

List of record sources, the table shows the ID, the name, and whether or not the records can be edited. Also in the table are the Edit and Delete button for each source.

Προσθήκη μίας πηγής εγγραφής

Για να προσθέσετε μία πηγή εγγραφής,

  • Επιλέξτε «Νέα πηγή εγγραφής»

Form to add a record source

  • Fill out the form

    • Όνομα: πληκτρολογήστε το όνομα της πηγής

    • Μπορεί να υποβληθεί σε επεξεργασία: εάν αυτό το πλαίσιο είναι επιλεγμένο, οι εγγραφές από αυτή την πηγή θα μπορούν να υποβληθούν σε επεξεργασία στο Koha. Εάν δεν είναι επιλεγμένο, μόνο τα μέλη του προσωπικού με το δικαίωμα επεξεργασίας κλειδωμένων εγγραφών edit_locked_records θα μπορούν να επεξεργαστούν τις εγγραφές.

  • Επιλέξτε «Υποβολή»

Επεξεργασία μιας πηγής εγγραφής

Για να επεξεργαστείτε μια πηγή εγγραφής, επιλέξτε την «Επεξεργασία» δίπλα στην πηγή.

List of record sources, the table shows the ID, the name, and whether or not the records can be edited. Also in the table are the Edit and Delete button for each source.

Διαγραφή μίας πηγής εγγραφής

Για να διαγράψετε μια πηγή εγγραφής, κάντε κλικ στο κουμπί «Διαγραφή» δίπλα στην πηγή και επιβεβαιώστε.

List of record sources, the table shows the ID, the name, and whether or not the records can be edited. Also in the table are the Edit and Delete button for each source.

Κανόνες επικάλυψης εγγραφών

Οι κανόνες επικάλυψης εγγραφών επιτρέπουν τον ορισμό κανόνων για τον τρόπο με τον οποίο οι εισερχόμενες και οι αρχικές εγγραφές MARC θα πρέπει να συγχωνεύονται με βάση την ετικέτα πεδίου και τα συγκείμενα όταν επικαιροποιείται μια εγγραφή MARC.


Μόνο το προσωπικό με το δικαίωμα διαχείρισης των κανόνων υπερκάλυψης στο marc manage_marc_overlay_rules (ή το δικαίωμα superlibrarian) θα έχει πρόσβαση σε αυτή την ενότητα.


Ας επικεντρωθούμε πρώτα στην κατανόηση της έννοιας των συγκειμένων.

Τα συγκείμενα ορίζονται ανά «ενότητα» και «φίλτρο», επιτρέποντας ξεχωριστά σύνολα κανόνων για διαφορετικά συγκείμενα.

Ορίζοντας διαφορετικές τιμές φίλτρου για αυτές τις ενότητες, οι κανόνες εφαρμόζονται μόνο όταν η τιμή του φίλτρου ταιριάζει για μια συγκεκριμένη ενότητα. Ένας χαρακτήρας αναπλήρωσης (μπαλαντέρ) «*» μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί για να ταιριάζει με όλες τις πιθανές τιμές φίλτρου.

Υπάρχουν τρεις διαφορετικές ενότητες συγκειμένων:


Επιτρέπει τον ορισμό κανόνων που θα εφαρμόζονται εάν ο αριθμός δανειζόμενου του συνδεδεμένου χρήστη ταιριάζει με τη προϋπόθεση του φίλτρου.


Επιτρέπει τον ορισμό κανόνων που θα εφαρμόζονται εάν ο κωδικός κατηγορίας του συνδεδεμένου χρήστη ταιριάζει με τη προϋπόθεση του φίλτρου.


Επιτρέπει τον ορισμό κανόνων που θα εφαρμοστούν εάν η εγγραφή επικαιροποιηθεί σε ένα συγκεκριμένο τμήμα του Koha. Υποστηρίζονται οι ακόλουθες μέθοδοι ενημερώσεων:

  • batchimport

  • z39.50

  • intranet

  • bulkmarcimport

  • import_lexile

  • batchmod

Ένα συγκείμενο δεν είναι στην πραγματικότητα τίποτα άλλο παρά ένας συνδυασμός ενότητας και φίλτρου. Κάθε φορά που ενημερώνεται μια εγγραφή στο Koha, ορίζεται ένα συγκείμενο και οι τιμές των φίλτρων συμπληρώνονται με τιμές που εξαρτώνται από το συγκείμενο.

Παραδείγματα δύο διαφορετικών συγκειμένων είναι η αποθήκευση εγγραφής στο περιβάλλον εργασίας του προσωπικού ή τον τρέχοντα συνδεδεμένο χρήστη που έχει έναν συγκεκριμένο αριθμό δανειζόμενου, π.χ. «12».

Αυτά τα δύο συγκείμενα ορίζονται ως εξής:

Module: source, filter: intranet
Module: borrower, filter: 12

Εφαρμόζονται μόνο οι κανόνες ενός συγκειμένου, δηλαδή ένας συνδυασμός ενότητας και φίλτρου. Εάν ταιριάζουν πολλά συγκείμενα, αυτά δεν συγχωνεύονται μεταξύ τους.

Αν έχουμε τους ακόλουθους κανόνες:

Module: source, filter: *, tag: 650, preset: Protect
Module: source, filter: *, tag: 500, preset: Protect
Module: borrower, filter: 12, tag: *, preset: Overwrite

Και το συγκείμενο της αναβάθμισης στο οποίο εφαρμόζονται οι κανόνες, είναι το εξής:

source => "intranet" (wildcard match)
borrower => 1 (no match)

Θα εφαρμόζονται μόνο οι δύο πρώτοι κανόνες.

Αν αντ” αυτού το συγκείμενο της αξιολόγησης του κανόνα ήταν:

source => "intranet" (wildcard match)
borrower => 12 (an exact match, which is considered more specific than a wildcard match)

Μόνο ο δεύτερος κανόνας θα εφαρμοστεί, παρόλο που οι δύο πρώτοι κανόνες επίσης ταιριάζουν, θα απορριφθούν, καθώς η ταύτιση συγκειμένου αυτού του συνόλου κανόνων είναι χαμηλότερης ακρίβειας λόγω του μπαλαντέρ.

Η ακρίβεια του συγκειμένου κατατάσσεται με τον ακόλουθο τρόπο:

  • Πρώτα όλοι οι κανόνες ομαδοποιούνται σε σύνολα κανόνων που προσδιορίζονται από ένα μοναδικό συνδυασμό φίλτρου και ενότητας.

  • Εάν ένα ή περισσότερα συγκείμενα έχουν ταύτιση με μία συνθήκη με φίλτρο χωρίς μπαλαντέρ, επιλέγεται το σύνολο κανόνων του συγκειμένου με την ενότητα μεγαλύτερης ακρίβειας. (Οι ενότητες παρατίθενται κατά σειρά ακρίβειας παραπάνω).

  • Εάν δεν βρεθεί ακριβής αντιστοίχιση με το συγκείμενο, αλλά βρεθούν μία ή περισσότερες αντιστοιχίσεις μπαλαντέρ, επιλέγεται το σύνολο κανόνων του συγκειμένου με την ενότητα μεγαλύτερης ακρίβειας.

  • Εάν δεν υπάρχει αντιστοίχιση συγκειμένου, η προεπιλεγμένη αντιμετώπιση είναι η αντικατάσταση της αρχικής εγγραφής με την εισερχόμενη εγγραφή.


Ένας κανόνας αποτελείται από τρία διαφορετικά μέρη:


Μια ενότητα και ένα φίλτρο για την αντιπαραβολή, όπως περιγράφεται παραπάνω.


Μια έκφραση ετικέτας πεδίου για τον ορισμό των ετικετών στις οποίες θα πρέπει να εφαρμοστεί ο κανόνας. Υποστηρίζονται τρεις διαφορετικές εκφράσεις ετικέτας:

  • Μια ακριβής ετικέτα, για παράδειγμα «650».

  • Μια ομαδική έκφραση, για παράδειγμα «6…» που ταιριάζει σε όλες τις ετικέτες 6XX.

  • Ένας μπαλαντέρ, «*», που ταιριάζει με όλες τις ετικέτες

Όταν αξιολογούνται οι κανόνες για ένα συγκεκριμένο συγκείμενο, επιλέγεται η πιο συγκεκριμένη αντιστοίχιση. Οι παραπάνω εκφράσεις ετικέτας παρατίθενται κατά σειρά εξειδίκευσης.


Κάθε κανόνας ορίζει ένα σύνολο ενεργειών που πρέπει να εκτελούνται ανάλογα με τον τύπο της ενημέρωσης. Υπάρχουν τέσσερις τύποι συμβάντων ενημέρωσης: Προσθήκη, Συμπλήρωση, Αφαίρεση και Διαγραφή. Για κάθε συμβάν καθορίζεται μια ενέργεια, είτε για την εκτέλεση της ενημέρωσης είτε για την παράλειψή της.

Ενεργοποιώντας/απενεργοποιώντας τις ενημερώσεις για αυτά τα διαφορετικά συμβάντα μπορούν να οριστούν 16 διαφορετικές πρακτικές ενημέρωσης (updating). Υπάρχουν διαθέσιμες προεπιλογές για τους πιο συνηθισμένους/χρήσιμους συνδυασμούς:












Να προστίθεται




Προσθήκη νέου

Να προστίθεται




Πρόσθεση και συμπλήρωση

Να προστίθεται




Προστασία από διαγραφή

Να προστίθεται





Added: Skip, Appended: Skip, Removed: Skip, Deleted: Skip

Η προεπιλογή «Προστασία» θα αποτρέψει όλες τις ενημερώσεις στα πεδία που ταιριάζουν, προστατεύοντάς τα από την αντικατάστασή τους.

Λαμβάνοντας υπόψη αυτόν τον κανόνα:

Module: source, filter: *, Tag: 650, Preset: Protect

Και τα ακόλουθα αρχικά και εισερχόμενα αρχεία:

100 1#$aTerrace, Vincent,$d1948-
650 #0$aTelevision serials$zUnited States$vCatalogs.
100 1#$aTerrace, Vincent,$d1948-
500 ##$aIncludes index.
650 #0$aTelevision pilot programs$zUnited States$vCatalogs.

Το πεδίο 650 της αρχικής εγγραφής θα διατηρήσει την αρχική του τιμή μετά την ενημέρωση (αλλά δεδομένου ότι η προεπιλεγμένη αντιμετώπιση σε περίπτωση που δεν ταιριάζει κανένας κανόνας είναι η αντικατάσταση, θα προστεθεί το πεδίο 500):

100 1#$aTerrace, Vincent,$d1948-
500 ##$aIncludes index.
650 #0$aTelevision serials$zUnited States$vCatalogs.


Added: Add, Appended: Append, Removed: Remove, Deleted: Delete

Η προεπιλογή «Αντικατάσταση» θα επιτρέψει όλες τις ενημερώσεις στα πεδία που ταιριάζουν.

Δεδομένου ότι η προεπιλεγμένη αντιμετώπιση είναι η αντικατάσταση εάν κανένας κανόνας δεν ταιριάζει, η προσθήκη ενός κανόνα με την προεπιλογή της αντικατάστασης έχει νόημα μόνο εάν υπάρχει κάποιος άλλος κανόνας με χαμηλότερη ακρίβεια ετικέτας με διαφορετική συμπεριφορά, για παράδειγμα ένας κανόνας ετικέτας μπαλαντέρ.

Με δεδομένους λοιπόν αυτούς τους δύο κανόνες:

Module: source, filter: *, Tag: *, Preset: Protect
Module: source, filter: *, Tag: 650, Preset: Overwrite

Και τα ακόλουθα αρχικά και εισερχόμενα αρχεία:

500 ##$aIncludes index.
650 #0$aTelevision serials$zUnited States$vCatalogs.

Εισερχόμενη εγγραφή:

100 1#$aTerrace, Vincent,$d1948-
500 ##$aIncludes index.
650 #0$aTelevision pilot programs$zUnited States$vCatalogs.

Όλα τα πεδία εκτός από το 650 θα είναι προστατευμένα στην αρχική εγγραφή και η εγγραφή που θα προκύψει θα είναι:

500 ##$aIncludes index.
650 #0$aTelevision pilot programs$zUnited States$vCatalogs.

Προσθήκη νέου

Added: Add, Appended: Skip, Removed: Skip, Deleted: Skip

Η επιλογή «Προσθήκη νέου» επιτρέπει ενημερώσεις μόνο εάν το εισερχόμενο πεδίο είναι νέο, δηλαδή δεν υπάρχουν πεδία με αυτή την ετικέτα στην αρχική εγγραφή.

Λαμβάνοντας υπόψη αυτόν τον κανόνα:

Module: source, filter: *, Tag: 650, Preset: Add

Και τα ακόλουθα αρχικά και εισερχόμενα αρχεία:

100 1#$aTerrace, Vincent,$d1948-
650 #0$aTelevision serials$zUnited States$vCatalogs.
100 1#$aTerrace, Vincent,$d1948-
500 ##$aIncludes index.
650 #0$aTelevision pilot programs$zUnited States$vCatalogs.

Το πεδίο 650 στην εισερχόμενη εγγραφή δεν θα αντικαταστήσει το πεδίο 650 στην αρχική εγγραφή, δεδομένου ότι η αρχική εγγραφή περιέχει ένα ή περισσότερα πεδία 650. Το πεδίο 500 θα προστεθεί αφού ο προεπιλεγμένος κανόνας είναι η αντικατάσταση. Η προκύπτουσα εγγραφή θα είναι:

100 1#$aTerrace, Vincent,$d1948-
500 ##$aIncludes index.
650 #0$aTelevision serials$zUnited States$vCatalogs.

Από την άλλη πλευρά, εάν η αρχική εγγραφή ήταν:

100 1#$aTerrace, Vincent,$d1948-

Η εγγραφή που θα προκύψει θα είναι:

100 1#$aTerrace, Vincent,$d1948-
500 ##$aIncludes index.
650 #0$aTelevision pilot programs$zUnited States$vCatalogs.

Αυτό συμβαίνει επειδή δεν υπήρχαν πεδία 650 στην αρχική εγγραφή, οπότε επιτρέπεται η προσθήκη νέων.

Πρόσθεση και συμπλήρωση

Added: Add, Appended: Append, Removed: Skip, Deleted: Skip

Στην προεπιλογή «Πρόσθεση και συμπλήρωση», επιτρέπεται επίσης η συμπλήρωση, αλλά όχι η αφαίρεση ή η διαγραφή.

Έτσι, αν έχουμε τον ακόλουθο κανόνα:

Module: source, filter: *, Tag: 650, Preset: Add and append

Και τα ακόλουθα αρχικά και εισερχόμενα αρχεία:

100 1#$aTerrace, Vincent,$d1948-
650 #0$aTelevision serials$zUnited States$vCatalogs.
100 1#$aTerrace, Vincent,$d1948-
500 ##$aIncludes index.
650 #0$aTelevision pilot programs$zUnited States$vCatalogs.

Η εγγραφή που θα προκύψει θα είναι:

100 1#$aTerrace, Vincent,$d1948-
500 ##$aIncludes index.
650 #0$aTelevision serials$zUnited States$vCatalogs.
650 #0$aTelevision pilot programs$zUnited States$vCatalogs.

Σημειώστε ότι το «παλιό» πεδίο 650 από την αρχική εγγραφή δεν αφαιρέθηκε, δεδομένου ότι επιτρέπεται μόνο η προσθήκη ή η προσθήκη νέων τιμών.

Αν αντ” αυτού χρησιμοποιούσαμε την προεπιλογή «Αντικατάσταση», η εγγραφή που θα προέκυπτε θα ήταν:

100 1#$aTerrace, Vincent,$d1948-
500 ##$aIncludes index.
650 #0$aTelevision pilot programs$zUnited States$vCatalogs.

με το πεδίο 650 της αρχικής εγγραφής να έχει αφαιρεθεί.

Προστασία από διαγραφή

Added: Add, Appended: Append, Removed: Remove, Deleted: Skip

Η προεπιλογή «Προστασία από διαγραφή» θα επιτρέψει όλες τις λειτουργίες ενημέρωσης εκτός από τη διαγραφή. Διαγραφή ορίζεται όταν δεν υπάρχουν πεδία της αντίστοιχης ετικέτας στην εισερχόμενη εγγραφή, έτσι ώστε όλα τα πεδία με αυτή την ετικέτα να αφαιρεθούν από την αρχική εγγραφή.

Με δεδομένο λοιπόν τον ακόλουθο κανόνα:

Module: source, filter: *, Tag: 650, Preset: Protect from deletion

Και τα ακόλουθα αρχικά και εισερχόμενα αρχεία:

100 1#$aTerrace, Vincent,$d1948-
650 #0$aTelevision serials$zUnited States$vCatalogs.
100 1#$aTerrace, Vincent,$d1948-
500 ##$aIncludes index.
650 #0$aTelevision pilot programs$zUnited States$vCatalogs.

Η εγγραφή που θα προκύψει θα είναι:

100 1#$aTerrace, Vincent,$d1948-
500 ##$aIncludes index.
650 #0$aTelevision pilot programs$zUnited States$vCatalogs.

Από την άλλη πλευρά, εάν η εισερχόμενη εγγραφή ήταν:

100 1#$aTerrace, Vincent,$d1948-
500 ##$aIncludes index.

Στην περίπτωση αυτή δεν επιτρέπεται η διαγραφή του 650 και προστατεύεται η τιμή του πεδίου στην αρχική εγγραφή. Η εγγραφή που θα προέκυπτε θα ήταν:

100 1#$aTerrace, Vincent,$d1948-
500 ##$aIncludes index.
650 #0$aTelevision serials$zUnited States$vCatalogs.

Προσαρμοσμένες προεπιλογές

Για να εργαστείτε με προσαρμοσμένες προεπιλογές, απαιτείται μια πληρέστερη κατανόηση των ενεργειών ενημέρωσης:


Για έναν κανόνα αντιστοίχισης με μια ετικέτα, η ενέργεια που έχει ρυθμιστεί για το συμβάν « Προσθήκη » εφαρμόζεται για νέα πεδία στην εισερχόμενη εγγραφή, εάν η αρχική εγγραφή δεν έχει πεδία με αυτή την ετικέτα. Εάν η ενέργεια είναι «Πρόσθεση», θα προστεθούν στην αρχική εγγραφή, εάν είναι «Πράλειψη», θα απορριφθούν.


Εάν οι δύο εγγραφές έχουν κοινά πεδία με την ετικέτα του κανόνα, δηλαδή ένα ή περισσότερα πεδία με πανομοιότυπες τιμές υποπεδίου και δείκτη, η ρυθμισμένη ενέργεια για το συμβάν «Συμπλήρωση» εφαρμόζεται για τα πεδία που βρίσκονται στην εισερχόμενη εγγραφή αλλά όχι στην αρχική εγγραφή. Εάν η ενέργεια είναι «Συμπλήρωση», θα προστεθούν στην αρχική εγγραφή, εάν είναι «Παράλειψη», θα απορριφθούν.


Εάν οι δύο εγγραφές έχουν κοινά πεδία με την ετικέτα κανόνα, η ρυθμισμένη ενέργεια για την ενέργεια «Αφαίρεση» εφαρμόζεται για τα πεδία που βρίσκονται στην αρχική εγγραφή αλλά όχι στην εισερχόμενη εγγραφή. Εάν η ενέργεια είναι «Αφαίρεση», θα αφαιρεθούν από την αρχική εγγραφή, εάν είναι «Παράλειψη», θα διατηρηθούν.


Εάν η αρχική εγγραφή έχει πεδία με την ετικέτα κανόνα, αλλά δεν υπάρχουν πεδία με αυτή την ετικέτα στην εισερχόμενη εγγραφή, η ρυθμισμένη ενέργεια για το συμβάν «Διαγραφή» εφαρμόζεται στα πεδία της εισερχόμενης εγγραφής. Εάν η ενέργεια είναι «Διαγραφή», τα πεδία θα αφαιρεθούν από την αρχική εγγραφή, εάν είναι «Παράλειψη», θα διατηρηθούν.

Παραμετροποίηση συνόλων OAI

Σε αυτή τη σελίδα μπορείτε να δημιουργήσετε, να τροποποιήσετε και να διαγράψετε σύνολα OAI-PMH


Μόνο το προσωπικό με το δικαίωμα διαχείρισης συνόλων OAI manage_oai_sets (ή το δικαίωμα superlibrarian) θα έχει πρόσβαση σε αυτή την ενότητα.

Δημιουργία ενός συνόλου

Για να δημιουργήσετε ένα σύνολο:

  • Επιλέξτε το σύνδεσμο «Προσθήκη ενός νέου συνόλου»

  • Συμπληρώστε τα υποχρεωτικά πεδία “setSpec” και “setName”.

  • Στη συνέχεια, μπορείτε να προσθέσετε περιγραφές για αυτό το σύνολο. Για να το κάνετε αυτό, κάντε κλικ στην επιλογή «Προσθήκη περιγραφής» και συμπληρώστε το νέο πλαίσιο κειμένου που δημιουργήθηκε. Μπορείτε να προσθέσετε όσες περιγραφές θέλετε.

  • Επιλέξτε το κουμπί της «Αποθήκευσης»

Τροποποίηση/Διαγραφή ενός συνόλου

Για να τροποποιήσετε ένα σύνολο, απλώς κάντε κλικ στο σύνδεσμο «Τροποποίηση» στην ίδια γραμμή του συνόλου που θέλετε να τροποποιήσετε. Θα εμφανιστεί μια φόρμα παρόμοια με τη φόρμα δημιουργίας συνόλων και θα σας επιτρέψει να τροποποιήσετε το setSpec, το setName και τις περιγραφές.

Για να διαγράψετε ένα σύνολο, απλώς κάντε κλικ στο σύνδεσμο «Διαγραφή» στην ίδια γραμμή με το σύνολο που θέλετε να διαγράψετε.

Ορισμός αντιστοιχίσεων

Εδώ μπορείτε να ορίσετε πώς θα δημιουργηθεί ένα σύνολο (ποιες εγγραφές θα ανήκουν σε αυτό το σύνολο), ορίζοντας αντιστοιχίσεις. Οι αντιστοιχίσεις είναι ένας κατάλογος καταστάσεων σχετικά με το περιεχόμενο των εγγραφών.

  • Συμπληρώστε τα πεδία «Πεδίο», «Υποπεδίο» και «Τιμή». Για παράδειγμα, αν θέλετε να συμπεριλάβετε σε αυτό το σύνολο όλες τις εγγραφές που έχουν 999$9 ίσο με “XXX”. Συμπληρώστε το «Πεδίο» με 999, το «Υποπεδίο» με 9 και την «Τιμή» με ΧΧΧ.

  • Αν θέλετε να προσθέσετε μία άλλη συνθήκη, επιλέξτε την «Προσθήκη» και επαναλάβετε το βήμα 1. Μπορείτε να επιλέξετε μεταξύ των τελεστών Boolean «και» ή «ή» για να συνδέσετε τις καταστάσεις σας.

  • Επιλέξτε «Αποθήκευση»

Για να διαγράψετε μια συνθήκη, αφήστε τουλάχιστον ένα από τα πεδία «Πεδίο», «Υποπεδίο» ή «Τιμή» κενό και κάντε κλικ στην «Αποθήκευση».


Στην πραγματικότητα, μια συνθήκη είναι αληθής εάν η τιμή στο αντίστοιχο υποπεδίο είναι αυστηρά ίση με την τιμή που ορίζεται ως «Τιμή». Μια εγγραφή που έχει 999$9 = “XXX YYY” δεν θα ανήκει σε ένα σύνολο όπου η συνθήκη είναι 999$9 = “XXX”.

Και είναι ευαίσθητο στην πεζότητα των χαρακτήρων : μια εγγραφή που έχει 999$9 = “xxx” δεν θα ανήκει σε ένα σύνολο όπου η συνθήκη είναι 999$9 = “XXX”.

Δημιουργία συνόλων

Αφού ρυθμίσετε όλα τα σύνολά σας, πρέπει να κατασκευάσετε τα σύνολα. Αυτό γίνεται με την ενεργοποίηση του σεναρίου misc/migration_tools/build_oai_sets.pl.

Πεδία αναζήτησης τεκμηρίων

Από εδώ μπορείτε να προσθέσετε προσαρμοσμένα πεδία αναζήτησης στην επιλογή αναζήτησης τεκμηρίων item search στο περιβάλλον εργασίας του προσωπικού.



Μόνο το προσωπικό με το δικαίωμα διαχείρισης πεδίων αναζήτησης τεκμηρίων manage_item_search_fields (ή το δικαίωμα superlibrarian) θα έχει πρόσβαση σε αυτή την ενότητα.

Για να προσθέσετε έναν νέο όρο αναζήτησης, απλά επιλέξτε «Νέο πεδίο αναζήτησης»


  • Το όνομα είναι ένα πεδίο για να προσδιορίσετε τον όρο αναζήτησης

  • Η ετικέτα είναι αυτή που θα εμφανίζεται στη σελίδα αναζήτησης τεκμηρίων

  • Το πεδίο MARC σας επιτρέπει να επιλέξετε σε ποιο πεδίο θέλετε να κάνετε αναζήτηση

  • Το υποπεδίο MARC είναι το υποπεδίο στο οποίο θέλετε να κάνετε αναζήτηση

  • Η κατηγορία καθιερωμένων τιμών μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί για να μετατρέψει αυτό το πεδίο αναζήτησης σε αναδυόμενο πεδίο αντί για πεδίο ελεύθερου κειμένου

Μόλις προστεθεί το νέο σας πεδίο, θα είναι ορατό στην κορυφή αυτής της σελίδας και στη σελίδα αναζήτησης τεκμηρίων


Φίλτρα αναζήτησης

Τα φίλτρα αναζήτησης είναι προσαρμοσμένες αναζητήσεις ή φίλτρα που μπορούν να εφαρμοστούν στα αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης.

Αυτή η λειτουργία ενεργοποιείται με τη χρήση της προτίμησης συστήματος SavedSearchFilters.


Αυτή η ενότητα θα είναι ορατή μόνο αν είναι ενεργοποιημένη η παράμετρος του συστήματος με τα αποθηκευμένα φίλτρα αναζήτησης SavedSearchFilters.


Μόνο το προσωπικό με το δικαίωμα διαχείρισης φίλτρων αναζήτησης manage_search_filters (ή το δικαίωμα :ref:`superlibrarian <permission-superlibrarian-label>) θα έχει πρόσβαση σε αυτή την ενότητα.

Τα φίλτρα αναζήτησης προστίθενται με την παράμετρο αναζήτησης στον κατάλογο από το περιβάλλον εργασίας του προσωπικού searching the catalog through the staff interface.

Αυτή η σελίδα χρησιμοποιείται για τη διαχείριση των υφιστάμενων φίλτρων αναζήτησης.

Search filter administration page

Μπορείτε να κάνετε αλλαγές σε κάθε φίλτρο αναζήτησης κάνοντας κλικ στα κουμπιά ενεργειών στα δεξιά.

  • Επεξεργασία φίλτρου: αλλάξτε το όνομα του φίλτρου και τη διαθεσιμότητά του στο Δημόσιο Κατάλογο (OPAC) ή στο περιβάλλον εργασίας του προσωπικού

    Edit filter pop-up, with option to edit the name, and visibility in OPAC and staff interface. Buttons are Save and Cancel.

  • Επεξεργασία αναζήτησης: πατώντας αυτό το κουμπί θα μεταφερθείτε στη φόρμα της σύνθετης αναζήτησης advanced search form, με το φίλτρο να έχει ήδη εφαρμοστεί. Μπορείτε να αλλάξετε τις παραμέτρους αναζήτησης και να κάνετε κλικ στην «Αποθήκευση φίλτρου» στο επάνω μέρος της σελίδας.

    Top of the advanced search form, titled Editing filter Shakespeare ebooks, with visibility in OPAC and staff interface options. Buttons are Save filter, Search using filter, and Cancel.

  • Διαγραφή: κάνοντας κλικ σε αυτό το κουμπί θα διαγράψετε το φίλτρο.


    Δεν υπάρχει επιβεβαίωση κατά τη διαγραφή ενός φίλτρου αναζήτησης. Μόλις κάνετε κλικ στη «Διαγραφή», το φίλτρο θα διαγραφεί αμέσως.


Τα φίλτρα αναζήτησης μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν ως προκαθορισμένα URL αναζήτησης που μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε στον ιστότοπό σας ή στις προσαρμογές HTML HTML customizations.

Τα φίλτρα αναζήτησης είναι διαθέσιμα μέσω σχετικά μικρών συνδέσμων.

:κώδικας:`<<OPACBaseURL>/cgi-bin/koha/opac-search.pl?limit=search_filter:<Id of filter>`

Χρησιμοποιήστε αυτή τη διεύθυνση URL οπουδήποτε για να συνδεθείτε απευθείας με την αναζήτηση.

Παραμετροποίηση μηχανής αναζήτησης

Μόλις μεταβείτε στην Elasticsearch στις παραμέτρους του συστήματος της Μηχανής Αναζήτησης, θα δείτε έναν νέο σύνδεσμο για τη παραμετροποίηση της Μηχανής Αναζήτησης στην ενότητα του Καταλόγου στη Διαχείριση. Εδώ θα διαχειριστείτε τα ευρετήρια, τις φασέτες και τις αντιστοιχίσεις τους σε πεδία και υποπεδία MARC.


Μόνο το προσωπικό με το δικαίωμα διαχείρισης στην παραμετροποίησης της μηχανής αναζήτησης manage_search_engine_config (ή το δικαίωμα superlibrarian) θα έχει πρόσβαση σε αυτή την ενότητα.

The page is separated in three tabs: search fields, bibliographic records, and authority records.


If you change anything in this page, you need to completely reindex your records, otherwise, only records added or edited after the change will be affected.


Any change done through the interface will be lost if you click on “Reset mappings” or if the rebuild command is run with the --reset or -r parameter. The “Reset mappings” button and the --reset parameter reset the settings to the defaults.

Search fields

The search fields tab in the search engine configuration page show all the search fields used by Elasticsearch in Koha.

The table shows:

  • Name: the name of the search field, as defined in the mappings file.

  • Aliases: some fields have aliases, for example, «author» can also be «au». These are hardcoded and cannot be changed.

  • Label: some fields have labels that are different from their name. These are used as the facet header when the field is used as a facet.

  • Type: the type influences how the data is stored and how it is searched.

    • Boolean: a 0 / 1 (no / yes) value.

    • Call Number: a call number influenced by the classification source.

    • Date: a date stored in ISO format.

    • Geo point: a geographic latitude and longitude value.


      The Geo point type was added to Koha in version 24.05.

    • ISBN: ISBN standard number.

    • Number: a number.

    • Std. Number: a number.

    • String: a simple string of characters.

    • Sum: a sum of values.

    • Year: a four-digit year number.

  • Weight: a positive numerical value assigned to that search field to make it more «important» in a simple search. The higher the value, the more «important» this field is in the relevancy sorting.


    Weighted search only works for bibliographic search, not authority search. It also only works for the simple search, unless the “Apply field weights to search” option in the advanced search is selected.

  • Searchable: whether this field is used in the staff interface or the OPAC.

Adding search fields


The possibility of adding search fields was added to Koha in version 24.05.

It is possible to add search fields from this table. Add the search field information in the last row of the table, and click the “Add” button at the end of the row.

Deleting search fields


The possibility of deleting added search fields was added to Koha in version 24.05.

It is possible to delete search fields that were added manually. The default search fields cannot be deleted because they are necessary for Koha to work properly.

To delete a search field, click the “Delete” button at the end of the row.

Bibliographic records

The bibliographic records tab in the search engine configuration page shows the MARC mappings for each search field used by Elasticsearch in Koha.


The default mappings are described in the Elasticsearch indexes section of the Searching chapter.

The table shows:

  • Search field: the corresponding search field (as defined in the search fields tab). Search fields can be repeated to include several MARC fields.

  • Sortable: indicates whether this mapping should be used in the sorting for this search field. For example, in MARC21, the title index has several different title fields, but only the 245 field is used for sorting.

  • Facetable: indicates whether this mapping can be used in the facets.


    Facet configuration was added to Koha in version 24.05.

  • Suggestible: indicates whether this mapping is used in the browse search.

  • Searchable: indicates whether this mapping is used for searching.

  • Filter: the type influences the way values are indexed.

  • Punctuation: removes punctuation.

  • None: values are indexed as they are.


Filters were added to Koha in version 23.11.

  • Mapping: indicates the MARC field mapped to that search field.


    Mappings can include whole fields or only specific subfields. In the case of subfields, they can be indexed individually or as a single value.

    Για παράδειγμα:

    • 520 will index all the contents of the 520 field. Each subfield in the field will be indexed individually.

    • 100a will index only the contents of 100$a.

    • 020az will index only the contents of subfields $a and $z of field 020. They will be indexed individually.

    • 245(abp) will index only the contents of subfields $a, $b and $p of field 245. They will be indexed as one entry.

    For fixed-length fields, the syntax is as follows :

    • leader_/6 will index position 6 of the leader (000).

    • 007_/0 will index position 0 of field 007.

    • 008_/39 will index position 39 of field 008.

    • 008_/15-17 will index positions 15 to 17 of field 008, as one entity.

Adding mappings

To add a mapping, add the information in the last row of the table and click the “Add” button at the end of the row.


Remember that if you change anything in this page, you need to completely reindex your records, otherwise, only records added or edited after the change will be affected.


Any change done through the interface will be lost if you click on “Reset mappings” or if the rebuild command is run with the --reset or -r parameter. The “Reset mappings” button and the --reset parameter reset the settings to the defaults.

Deleting mappings

To delete a mapping, click the “Delete” button at the end of the row.

Some mappings are necessary for Koha to function properly and cannot be deleted.


Remember that if you change anything in this page, you need to completely reindex your records, otherwise, only records added or edited after the change will be affected.


Any change done through the interface will be lost if you click on “Reset mappings” or if the rebuild command is run with the --reset or -r parameter. The “Reset mappings” button and the --reset parameter reset the settings to the defaults.

Facet order

This section allows you to customize the facets, as displayed in the search results in the OPAC and staff interface.

  • Search field: the corresponding search field (as defined in the search fields tab).

  • Label: the search field’s label (as defined in the search fields tab).


    This column was added to Koha in version 23.11.

  • Authorized value category: for some facets, it is possible to define an authorized value category that will manage the text displayed for the facet items. Some facets have hardcoded authorized value categories, such as LOC for location and CCODE for collections.


    Η επιλογή αυτή προστέθηκε στην έκδοση 23.11 του Koha.

To reorder the facets, simply drag and drop the row where you want it.

To rename facets, you need to change the label in the search fields tab.

To delete a facet, click the “Delete” button.


In Koha versions 23.11 and earlier, it is not possible to delete facets. But it is possible to uncheck the “Display” checkbox to hide them from the search results.

To add a new facet,


The option to add facets was added to Koha in version 24.05.


The authorities tab in the search engine configuration page shows the MARC mappings for authority search fields used by Elasticsearch in Koha.


The default mappings are described in the Elasticsearch indexes section of the Searching chapter.

The table shows:

  • Search field: the corresponding search field (as defined in the search fields tab). Search fields can be repeated to include several MARC fields.

  • Sortable: indicates whether this mapping should be used in the sorting for this search field.

  • Facetable: indicates whether this mapping can be used in the facets.


    There are no facets in authority search, therefore this column should always be set to “No” for authorities.

  • Suggestible: indicates whether this mapping is used in the browse search.


    There is no browse search for authorities, therefore this column should always be set to “No” for authorities.

  • Searchable: indicates whether this mapping is used for searching.

  • Filter: the type influences the way values are indexed.

  • Punctuation: removes punctuation.

  • None: values are indexed as they are.


Filters were added to Koha in version 23.11.

  • Mapping: indicates the MARC field mapped to that search field.


    Mappings can include whole fields or only specific subfields. In the case of subfields, they can be indexed individually or as a single value.

    Για παράδειγμα:

    • 520 will index all the contents of the 520 field. Each subfield in the field will be indexed individually.

    • 100a will index only the contents of 100$a.

    • 020az will index only the contents of subfields $a and $z of field 020. They will be indexed individually.

    • 245(abp) will index only the contents of subfields $a, $b and $p of field 245. They will be indexed as one entry.

    For fixed-length fields, the syntax is as follows :

    • leader_/6 will index position 6 of the leader (000).

    • 007_/0 will index position 0 of field 007.

    • 008_/39 will index position 39 of field 008.

    • 008_/15-17 will index positions 15 to 17 of field 008, as one entity.

You can add mappings and delete mappings for authorities, the process is the same as for bibliographic records (see above).


The Koha Acquisitions module provides a way for the library to record orders placed with vendors and manage purchase budgets.

Before using the Acquisitions Module, you will want to make sure that you have completed all of the set up.

  • Get there: More > Administration > Acquisitions

Currencies and exchange rates

If you place orders from more than one country you will want to input currency exchange rates so that your acquisitions module will properly calculate totals.


Only staff with the currencies_manage permission (or the superlibrarian permission) will have access to this section.

  • Get there: More > Administration > Acquisitions > Currencies and exchange rates

Table of currently defined currencies


You can customize the columns of this table in the “Table settings” section of the Administration module (table id: currency).

  • Currency: this is the code for the currency. For default currencies, the ISO code is used as currency code (for example “USD” for the US dollar). The ISO code will be used when importing MARC files via the staging tools. The tool will attempt to find and use the price of the currently active currency.

  • Rate: the rate will be used to calculate the price in the active currency.


    This data is not automatically updated, so be sure to keep it up to date so that your accounting is kept correct.

  • Symbol: this is the symbol for the currency (for example, $ for USD, or € for EUR).

  • Last updated: this is the date when the currency was last updated in Koha.

  • Active: the active currency is the main currency you use in your library. The active currency will have a check mark in the “Active” column. If you don’t have an active currency you will see an error message telling you to choose an active currency.

    Warning message reading "No active currency is defined. Please edit one currency and mark it as active."

    The active currency must have a rate of 1. There can only be one active currency.

  • Archived: archived currencies will have “Yes” in this column. Archived currencies cannot be used in the acquisitions module.


    It is currently not possible to manually archive currencies. Currencies will be archived if Koha is updated and a currency that was used previously in the acquisitions module was deleted.

  • Actions: use the buttons to edit or delete currencies.


    If a currency was used at least once, it will not be possible to delete it.

Adding a new currency

If a currency that you use is not already in your system, you can create it.

  • Click “New currency”.

Form to add a new currency

  • Συμπληρώστε τη φόρμα.

    • Currency: enter a code for the currency, this can be the ISO code, or another code. This is what will be displayed in the acquisitions module.


      If you decide to use a custom code here, make sure to fill out the ISO code with the correct code for the currency. This will ensure that prices are calculated according to the rate.


      This field is limited to 10 characters.

    • Rate: enter the rate of this currency relative to your active currency.

    • Symbol: enter the symbol for the currency (for example, $ for USD, or € for EUR).

    • ISO code: enter the ISO code for the currency (for example “USD” for the US dollar). This field is optional. If this field is empty, Koha will use the currency code (above) as the ISO code for price calculations.

    • Last updated: this will be filled automatically with today’s date, it is not possible to manually change this date.

    • Space separation between symbol and value: if checked, Koha will display the price with a space before the currency symbol (for example, 10.99 $ rather than 10.99$).

    • Active: check this box if this currency is the default currency used in the acquisitions module. Note that there can only be one active currency and that the active currency’s rate must be 1.

  • Επιλέξτε «Υποβολή».

Editing a currency

If you often order from other countries, it will be necessary to update the exchange rate regularly in order to calculate the prices precisely.

To edit an existing currency,

  • Click the “Edit” button to the right of the currency in the currencies table.

  • Change the rate, or other value.


    Note that the currency code and the last updated date cannot be edited.

  • Επιλέξτε «Υποβολή».

Deleting a currency

If there are currencies that you never use, it is possible to delete them.

From the currencies table, click the “Delete” button to the right of the currency.


Currencies that have been used at least once in the acquisitions module cannot be deleted.


Budgets are used for tracking accounting values related to acquisitions. For example you could create a budget for the current year (ex. 2015) and then break that into funds for different areas of the library (ex. Books, Audio, etc).

  • Get there: More > Administration > Acquisitions > Budgets


Staff members must have the period_manage permission (or the superlibrarian permission) in order to access the budgets administration page.

It is recommended to minimally give the following permissions to staff members who need to manage budgets, since these are interdependent:

When visiting the main budget administration you will see two tabs, one for active and one for inactive budgets.

Main page of bugdet administration, New budget button at the top, followed by two tabs, one for active budgets and the other for inactive budgets, the active budgets tab is selected and showing a table with budget information (budget name, start date, end date, and amount)

Adding budgets

Budgets can either be created from scratch or by duplicating the previous year’s budget.


Staff members must have the period_manage permission (or the superlibrarian permission) in order to create new budgets or duplicate existing budgets.

Adding a new budget

If you haven’t used Koha before for acquisitions, you’ll need to start fresh with a new budget.

To add a new budget,

  • Click the “New budget” button.

    Form to add a new budget

  • Συμπληρώστε τη φόρμα:

    • Start date (mandatory): choose the starting date for the time period this budget is for. This can be the start of the calendar year, fiscal year, academic year, quarter, etc.

    • End date (mandatory): choose the ending date for the time period this budget is for.

    • Description (mandatory): enter a description for this budget. The description should be something that will help you identify the budget when ordering.

    • Total amount: enter the amount for the budget. Do not use any symbols, simply enter the amount of the budget with numbers and decimals.

    • Make budget active: marking a budget as active makes it usable when placing orders in the acquisitions module, even if the order is placed after the budget end date. This will allow you to record orders that were placed in a previous budget period.

    • Lock budget: locking a budget means that you will not be able to add funds or add sub funds to this budget, and you will not be able to plan spending. Lock the budget once it is set as you wish.

  • Επιλέξτε «Αποθήκευση».

You will be brought back to the list of existing budgets.

Proceed to add funds to the budget.

Duplicating a budget

At the end of the year, or the end of your budget period, you can duplicate the current budget. This will also duplicate all funds, so you don’t have to start from scratch each year or period.

To duplicate a budget,

  • From the list of budgets, click the “Actions” button on the right.

    Main page of bugdet administration, New budget button at the top, followed by two tabs, one for active budgets and the other for inactive budgets, the active budgets tab is selected and showing a table with budget information (budget name, start date, end date, and amount)

  • Choose “Duplicate”.

    In the table of active budgets, the Actions button is open and the mouse cursor is on the Duplicate option


  • From the list of budgets, click on the budget name.

    Main page of bugdet administration, New budget button at the top, followed by two tabs, one for active budgets and the other for inactive budgets, the active budgets tab is selected and showing a table with budget information (budget name, start date, end date, and amount)

  • On the screen listing the budget breakdown, click the “Edit” button at the top and choose to “Duplicate budget”.

    The budget's fund details page, the Edit button is open and the mouse cursor is on the Duplicate budget option

  • In both cases, you will be presented with a form to duplicate the budget.

    Form to duplicate a budget

    • Start date (mandatory): choose the starting date for the time period this new budget is for.

    • End date (mandatory): choose the ending date for the time period this budget is for.

    • Description (mandatory): enter a description for this new budget.

    • Change amounts by: by default, the total amount from the duplicated budget and the original amounts for each fund will be used. However, if needed, you can indicate to change the amounts by a percentage, that can be positive or negative. For example, if your new budget was increased by 2%, enter 2. Inversely, if your new budget was decreased by 2%, enter -2.

    • If amounts changed, round to a multiple of: if you entered a value in “Change amounts by”, Koha will calculate the amounts automatically. You can force it to round down the amounts. For example, entering “100”, will round down the amounts to the hundreds (5542 will become 5500).

    • Mark the original budget as inactive: check this box if the original budget should no longer be used, effective immediately. You can always edit the budget later to make it inactive.

    • Set all funds to zero: check this box if you wish the new budget to contain all the same fund structures as the previous budget but no allocations until you manually enter an amount in the fund.

This will not only duplicate the budget, but all of the funds associated with that budget so that you can reuse budgets and funds from year to year.

When the time comes, you can close the previous budget to move unreceived orders, and, if desired, unspent funds to the new budget.

Editing a budget


Staff members must have the period_manage permission (or the superlibrarian permission) in order to edit existing budgets.

You can edit existing budgets to make them inactive or lock them to prevent fund changes, for example.

To edit a budget,

  • From the list of budgets, click the “Actions” button on the right.

    Main page of bugdet administration, New budget button at the top, followed by two tabs, one for active budgets and the other for inactive budgets, the active budgets tab is selected and showing a table with budget information (budget name, start date, end date, and amount)

  • Choose “Edit”.

    In the table of active budgets, the Actions button is open and the mouse cursor is on the Edit option


  • From the list of budgets, click on the budget name.

    Main page of bugdet administration, New budget button at the top, followed by two tabs, one for active budgets and the other for inactive budgets, the active budgets tab is selected and showing a table with budget information (budget name, start date, end date, and amount)

  • On the screen listing the budget breakdown, click the “Edit” button at the top and choose to “Edit budget”

    The budget's fund details page, the Edit button is open and the mouse cursor is on the Edit budget option

  • In both cases, you will be presented with a form to duplicate the budget.

  • Make your changes (see the field descriptions above).

  • Επιλέξτε «Αποθήκευση».

Closing a budget

Close a budget to move or roll over unreceived orders and if desired unspent funds from a previous budget to a new budget. Before closing your budget you might want to duplicate the previous year’s budget so that you have somewhere for the unreceived orders to roll to.


Staff members must have the period_manage permission (or the superlibrarian permission) in order to close existing budgets.

To close a budget,

  • From the list of budgets, click the “Actions” button on the right.

    Main page of bugdet administration, New budget button at the top, followed by two tabs, one for active budgets and the other for inactive budgets, the active budgets tab is selected and showing a table with budget information (budget name, start date, end date, and amount)

  • Choose “Close”

    In the table of active budgets, the Actions button is open and the mouse cursor is on the Close option


    Budgets without unreceived orders cannot be closed.

    Message reading "There are no unreceived orders for this budget." with a link to go back.

  • Συμπληρώστε τη φόρμα.

    Form to close a budget, showing the number of unreceived orders in each fund, a dropdown menu to choose the budget where to move the unreceived orders, and the option to also move unspent amounts

    • Select a budget: choose the new budget for the unreceived orders from the dropdown.


      In order for the unreceived orders to be automatically moved to the new budget, the fund structures in the previous budget must exist in the new budget.

    • Move remaining unspent funds: check this box to move the unspent amounts from the funds of the budget being closed to the selected budget.

  • Click the “Move unreceived orders” button.

You will be presented with a dialog box that says “You have chosen to move all unreceived orders from “Budget X” to “Budget Y”. This action cannot be reversed. Do you wish to continue?” Budget X is the budget to be closed and Budget Y is the selected budget.

Warning message reading "You have chosen to move all unreceived orders from '2023' to '2024'. This action cannot be reversed. Do you wish to continue?"

If everything seems correct click “OK” and the unreceived orders and, if selected, unspent funds will be moved.

Wait until the “Report after moving unreceived orders from budget X to Y” displays. This will list the order numbers which have been impacted (grouped by fund) and detail if the unreceived order was moved or if there was a problem. For example, if the new budget does not contain a fund with the same name as the previous budget, the order will not be moved.

Close budget report showing order numbers and 'Moved!' for each order in each fund

Deleting a budget

In order to delete a budget, it must not have funds. Start by deleting the funds.


This cannot be undone. Make sure you are certain this budget needs to be deleted. You can make it inactive or close it, instead.

To delete a budget,

  • From the list of budgets, click the “Actions” button on the right.

    Main page of bugdet administration, New budget button at the top, followed by two tabs, one for active budgets and the other for inactive budgets, the active budgets tab is selected and showing a table with budget information (budget name, start date, end date, and amount)

  • Choose “Delete”.

    In the table of active budgets, the Actions button is open and the mouse cursor is on the Delete option

  • Click “Yes, delete”.

    Warning reading "Delete budget '2024'?", the options are "Yes, delete" and "No, do not delete"


Funds are divisions of a budget. For example you could have a budget for the current year (ex. 2015) and then break that into funds for different areas of the library (ex. Books, Audio, etc).

  • Get there: More > Administration > Acquisitions > Funds

Adding a fund to a budget

A fund is added to a budget. Make sure to add a budget before adding funds.


If a budget is locked, it will not be possible to add funds.

To add a new fund,

  • From the list of budgets, click the “Actions” button on the right.

    Main page of bugdet administration, New budget button at the top, followed by two tabs, one for active budgets and the other for inactive budgets, the active budgets tab is selected and showing a table with budget information (budget name, start date, end date, and amount)

  • Choose “Add fund”.

    In the table of active budgets, the Actions button is open and the mouse cursor is on the Add fund option


  • From the list of budgets, click on the budget name.

    Main page of bugdet administration, New budget button at the top, followed by two tabs, one for active budgets and the other for inactive budgets, the active budgets tab is selected and showing a table with budget information (budget name, start date, end date, and amount)

  • On the screen listing the budget breakdown, click the “New” button at the top and choose the “New fund for…” option.

    The budget's fund details page, the New button is open and the mouse cursor is on the New fund option

  • In both cases, you will be presented with a form to create the new fund.

    Form to add a new fund

    • Fund code (mandatory): enter a unique identifier for your fund.

    • Fund name (mandatory): enter a name for the fund. This should be something that staff will understand, as this is what will be displayed when ordering.

    • Amount (mandatory): enter the amount with only numbers and decimals, no other characters.

    • Warning at (%): enter a percentage value to have Koha warn you when you have spent this percentage of the fund, to prevent overspending. For example, if you enter 90%, Koha will warn you for each order after 90% of the fund is spent.

    • Warning at (amount): same as above but for a specific amount of money spent. For example, if you enter 5000, Koha will warn you for each order after 5000 is spent in the fund.

    • Owner: you can choose to assign this fund to a staff member.

      • Click “Select owner”.

      • Search for the staff member in the patron search form.


        Only staff with the budget_modify permission (or the superlibrarian permission) are returned in the search results.

      • Click “Select” to the right of the staff member’s result.


      A fund can only have one owner.


      In order to limit the use of this fund to the owner, you must choose either “Owner”, “Owner and users” or “Owner, users and library” in the “Restrict access to” field below. Otherwise, adding users will not have any restricting effect.


      Staff members with the order_manage_all permission (or the superlibrarian permission) will be able to use funds regardless of restrictions.

      Make sure your staff doesn’t have that permission if you want to restrict access to funds.

    • Users: you can also add users who will be able to spend in that fund.


      In order to limit the use of this fund to the users, you must choose either “Owner and users” or “Owner, users and library” in the “Restrict access to” field below. Otherwise, adding users will not have any restricting effect.


      Staff members with the order_manage_all permission (or the superlibrarian permission) will be able to use funds regardless of restrictions.

      Make sure your staff doesn’t have that permission if you want to restrict access to funds.

      • Click “Add users”

      • Search for the staff member in the patron search form.


        Only staff with the budget_modify permission (or the superlibrarian permission) are returned in the search results.

      • Click “Add” to the right of the staff member’s result.


      You can add as many users as you need.

      • Click “Close” once all the users have been added.

    • Library: If this fund is for a specific library, choose it here.


      In order to limit the use of this fund to the library, you must choose “Owner, users and library” in the “Restrict access to” field below. Otherwise, choosing a library will not have any restricting effect.


      Staff members with the order_manage_all permission (or the superlibrarian permission) will be able to use funds regardless of restrictions.

      Make sure your staff doesn’t have that permission if you want to restrict access to funds.

    • Restrict access to: you can restrict who can order from this fund by choosing either the “owner”, “owner and users” or “owner, users and library”.


      Without an owner, the access restriction will be ignored, be sure to enter an owner as well as choose a restriction.


      Staff members with the order_manage_all permission (or the superlibrarian permission) will be able to use funds regardless of restrictions.

      Make sure your staff doesn’t have that permission if you want to restrict access to funds.

    • Notes: any descriptive notes about this fund.


      Notes will only appear on this screen (when editing the fund).

    • Statistic 1 done on: this is used for statistical purposes. Choose an authorized value category from which to choose values when placing orders using this fund. You will then be able to plan spending and report on spending according to those categories. The default authorized value category Asort1 is created specifically for this purpose, but you can use any authorized value category in this field (CCODE for example to plan spending according to collections).

    • Statistic 2 done on: same as above, for a second statistical category. The default authorized value category Asort2 is created specifically for this purpose, but you can use any authorized value category.


      To learn more about planning categories, check out the Planning category FAQ.

  • Επιλέξτε «Υποβολή».

You will be brought to a list of all of the funds for the budget.

List of funds in a budget

The monetary columns in the fund table break down as follows:

  1. Base-level allocated is the “Amount” value you defined when creating the fund

  2. Base-level ordered is the ordered amount for this fund (without child funds)

  3. Total ordered is the base-level ordered for this fund and all its child funds

  4. Base-level spent is the spent amount for this fund (without child funds)

  5. Total spent is the base-level spent for this fund and all its child funds

  6. Base-level available is 1 - 2

  7. Total available is 1 - 3

To the right of each fund you will find the “Actions” button under which you will find the “Edit,” “Delete,” and “Add sub fund” options.

In the table of funds for a budget, the Actions button is open, options are Edit, Delete, and Add sub fund

Adding a sub fund

A sub fund is a more granular division of the fund. An example would be to have a fund for “Fiction” and under that have a fund for “New releases” and a fund for “Science Fiction.” It is an optional way to further organize your finances.


If a budget is locked, it will not be possible to add sub funds.

To add a sub fund to a fund,

  • From the list of all funds, or from the list of funds of a specific budget, click the “Actions” button on the right.

    List of funds in a budget

  • Choose “Add sub fund”.

    In the table of all funds, the Actions button is open and the mouse cursor is on the Add sub fund option

  • Fill out the new sub fund form. Fields are the same as for adding a new fund. The only difference is that the form will state the “parent” fund.

  • Επιλέξτε «Υποβολή».

Funds with sub funds will show with a small arrow to the left. Clicking that will show you the sub funds.

List of funds in a budget, there are two funds, AV and PRINT; AV has three subfunds: DVD, AUDIOBOOK, and MUSIC; PRINT has two subfunds: PRINT-ADULT and PRINT-CHILD

Deleting funds

It is possible to delete funds, if necessary.


Deleting a fund in which there are orders will delete those orders. Only delete funds if you are certain it needs to be deleted. It is not possible to undo this.

To delete a fund,

  • From the list of all funds, or from the list of funds of a specific budget, click the “Actions” button on the right.

    List of funds in a budget

  • Choose “Delete”.

    In the table of funds for a budget, the Actions button is open and the mouse cursor is on the Delete option

  • Click “Yes, delete this fund” in the warning message.

    Warning reading "Delete fund Audiovisual material? If you delete this fund, all orders linked to this fund will be deleted! Fund amount:  400,000.00", options are "Yes, delete this fund" and "No, do not delete"

Budget planning


Staff members must have the planning_manage permission, the budget_manage permission, and the period_manage permission (or the superlibrarian permission) in order to access budget planning.

When viewing the list of funds click the “Planning” button and choose how you would like to plan to spend your budget.

On the page for the list of funds in a budget, the Planning button is open and the options are: Plan by months, Plan by libraries, and Plan by item types

If you choose “Plan by months” you will see the budgeted amount broken down by months.

Table for planning fund spending by months, rows are funds, columns are the total amount for the fund, followed by a column for each month, and a column with the remaining amount in the fund. Each row has two action buttons: Auto-fill row, and Clear.

On the left are filters that can be used to limit what is shown in the table.

Filtering options in the budget planning page. Options are planning type, show my funds only, show active funds only, and show actual/estimated values.

  • Select planning type: choose to plan by months, libraries, itemtypes, or any authorized value category used as statistic 1 or 2 in the funds.

  • Show my funds only: this will filter out funds of which you are not the owner.

  • Show active funds only: this will filter out funds that have not been used (no ordered amount).

  • Show actual/estimated values: this will alter the table to show the ordered amounts as well.

To hide some of the columns, uncheck the boxes at the top of the table.

From here, you can plan your budget spending by manually entering values or by clicking the “Auto-fill row” button. If you choose to auto-fill the form the system will try to divide the amount accordingly, you may have to make some edits to split things more accurately.

Table for planning fund spending by months, rows are funds, columns are the total amount for the fund, followed by a column for each month, and a column with the remaining amount in the fund. Each month was filled equally from the amount in the fund and the remaining amount is now 0.

Once your changes are made, click the “Save” button.


If a budget is locked, it will not be possible to edit the values.

To export your data as a CSV file, enter a file name in the “Output to a file named” field, in the “Export” section on the left, and click the “Submit” button.

The Export options for the budget planning, the fields are Output to a file named (set to Export by default), Into an application (set to CSV by default) and an unnamed field for the CSV separator (set to a comma by default).

Λογαριασμοί ΕDI

From here you can set up the information needed to connect to your acquisitions vendors.


This section will only appear if the EDIFACT system preference is enabled.


Only staff with the edi_manage permission (or the superlibrarian permission) will have access to this section.


Before you begin you will need at least one vendor set up in acquisitions.

To add account information click the “New account” button.

Enter your vendor’s information in the form.

See the EDI questions for vendors section of the acquisitions module chapter for a description of each field.

Each vendor will have one account.

Library EANs

A library EAN is the identifier the vendor gives the library to send back to them so they know which account to use when billing. One EDI account can have multiple EANs.


This section will only appear if the EDIFACT system preference is enabled.


Only staff with the edi_manage permission (or the superlibrarian permission) will have access to this section.

To add an EAN click the “New EAN” button.

In the form that appears enter the information provided by your vendor.

See the EDI questions for vendors section of the acquisitions module chapter for a description of each field.

Additional parameters

  • Get there: More > Administration > Additional parameters

Identity providers

This section is used to define and manage external identity providers for Koha users. This is used when your users come from an external source, such as student management system, active directory, or other similar databases.

  • Get there: More > Administration > Additional parameters > Identity providers


Only staff with the manage_identity_providers permission (or the superlibrarian permission) will have access to this section.

Adding an identity provider

To add an identity provider, click the “New identity provider” button.

New identity provider form

  • Basic configuration

    • Code: enter a code for this provider.


      The code for the identity provider is limited to 20 characters and can only be composed of letters, numbers, and underscore (_).

    • Description: enter a name for this provider. This is what you will see in the interface.

    • Protocol: choose which protocol this identity provider uses.

      • OAuth

      • OIDC

  • Advanced configuration

    • Configuration: Use this field to enter the configuration specific to the protocol chosen above.

      You can click on the “Add default OAuth configuration” button or the “Add default OIDC configuration” button to prefill the field with some default values, which you can change for your own values.

      The default OAuth configuration is:

       "key": "<enter client id>",
       "secret": "<enter client secret>",
       "authorize_url": "<enter authorization endpoint>",
       "token_url": "<enter token endpoint>",
       "userinfo_url": "<enter user info endpoint (optional)>",
       "scope": "email"

      The default OIDC configuration is:

       "key": "<enter client id>",
       "secret": "<enter client secret>",
       "well_known_url": "<enter openid configuration endpoint>",
       "scope": "openid email"
    • Mapping: Use this field to define the field mappings from the external database to the Koha borrower fields.

      The key is the Koha field from the borrowers table, and the value is the external field.


      You can find all fields of the borrowers table in the database schema.

      You can click on the “Add default OAuth mapping” button or the “Add default OIDC mapping” button to prefill the field with some default values, which you can change for your own values.

      Both the default OAuth mapping and default OIDC mapping are:

       "email": "email",
       "firstname": "given_name",
       "surname": "family_name"

      If the external fields are nested, you can use periods to separate the levels.

      For example, if the firstname is nested like so:

         <given_name>First name</given_name>
         <family_name>Family name</family_name>
         <email>Email address</email>


      "firstname": "user.0.given_name"

      This will fetch the «given_name» field in the first «user» field (0 = first).


      If you plan on using the auto register function (see below), make sure either «userid» or «cardnumber» are present in the mappings.


      Make sure the field for the matchpoint (see below) is included in the mappings.

    • Matchpoint: choose which field is used to match incoming users to existing users.


      The field chosen here must be included in the mappings (see above).

    • Icon URL: if you want an icon to show on the login screen for this provider, enter the URL to the image file here.

  • Domain configuration


    Enter at least one domain for this provider. Once it is saved, you will be able to add more domains to this provider.

    • Domain: enter the email domain for incoming users.


      Enter an asterisk (*) to include all domains.

    • Default library: if auto register is enabled, choose at which library new users will be registered.

    • Default category: if auto register is enabled, choose which patron category will be assigned to new users.

    • Allow OPAC: choose if patrons of this domain can log into the OPAC with their credentials from this identity provider.

    • Allow staff: chose if staff members of this domain can log into the staff interface with their credentials from this identity provider.

    • Auto register: choose whether or not a new patron account is created in Koha when a user from this domain logs in for the first time with their credentials from this identity provider.


      If auto register is enabled, make sure the «userid» or «cardnumber» fields are included in the mappings (see above).

      Also make sure the default library and default category are set correctly for new patrons. These will be assigned to the new patrons.

    • Update on login: choose whether or not the patron account in Koha is updated with the external information when a user from this domain logs in with their credentials from this identity provider.


      Information may be lost if you change it directly in Koha.

Once the form is completed, click “Submit” to save the new identity provider.

You will need to restart Koha once the identity provider is added.

Adding an email domain to an existing identity provider

You will need to add at least one email domain when creating a new identity provider. You can add more by clicking the “Manage domains” button to the right of the identity provider from the main identity providers page, and clicking “New email domain”.

New email domain form

  • Domain: enter the email domain for incoming users.


    Enter an asterisk (*) to include all domains.

  • Update on login: choose whether or not the patron account in Koha is updated with the external information when a user from this domain logs in with their credentials from this identity provider.


    Information may be lost if you change it directly in Koha.

  • Auto register: choose whether or not a new patron account is created in Koha when a user from this domain logs in for the first time with their credentials from this identity provider.


    If auto register is enabled, make sure the «userid» or «cardnumber» fields are included in the mappings of the identity provider.

    Also make sure the default library and default category are set correctly for new patrons. These will be assigned to the new patrons.

  • Default library: if auto register is enabled, choose at which library new users will be registered.

  • Default category: if auto register is enabled, choose which patron category will be assigned to new users.

  • Allow OPAC: choose if patrons of this domain can log into the OPAC with their credentials from this identity provider.

  • Allow staff: chose if staff members of this domain can log into the staff interface with their credentials from this identity provider.

Once the form is completed, click “Submit” to save the new email domain.

Z39.50/SRU servers

Z39.50 is a client/server protocol for searching and retrieving information from remote computer databases. In short, it’s a tool used for copy cataloging.

SRU (Search/Retrieve via URL) is a standard XML-based protocol for search queries, utilizing CQL (Contextual Query Language), a standard syntax for representing queries.

Using Koha you can connect to any Z39.50 or SRU target that is publicly available or that you have the log in information to and copy bibliographic or authority records from that source.

  • Get there: More > Administration > Additional parameters > Z39.50/SRU servers


Only staff with the manage_search_targets permission (or the superlibrarian permission) will have access to this section.

Koha comes with a default list of Z39.50/SRU targets set up that you can add to, edit or delete.

List of Z39.50 and SRU servers

Adding a Z39.50 target

To find additional Z39.50 targets, you can use IndexData’s IRSpy: http://irspy.indexdata.com or the Library of Congress’s list of targets http://www.loc.gov/z3950/. You can also contact individual libraries and ask for their Z39.50 information.

  • From the main Z39.50 page, click “New Z39.50 server”.

    New Z39.50 server form

    • Server name: enter a name that will help you identify the source (such as the library name). It will be saved in capital letters.

    • Hostname: enter the address to the Z39.50 target.

    • Port: enter the port number to listen on to get results from this target.

    • Database: enter the name of the database.

    • Userid: some servers might be password protected. If that is the case for the server you are trying to add, enter your user ID for that source.

    • Password: if the server is password protected, enter your password for that source.

    • Preselected: check this box if you want this target to always be selected by default.

    • Rank: enter a number representing where in the list you’d like this target to appear. 0 is the top position, then 1, 2, etc.

      • If this is left blank the targets will be in alphabetical order.

    • Attributes: enter PQF attributes to be added to all queries.

    • Syntax: choose the MARC flavor used by this target.

    • Encoding: choose the character encoding used by this target.


      If you notice special characters don’t appear correctly when you import records through Z39.50, it means the encoding is wrong. Change it to another and try importing again.

    • Timeout: enter a number of seconds after which to stop trying to search the target if results aren’t found in a reasonable amount of time. It is helpful for targets that take a long while.

    • Record type: choose if this is a bibliographic or an authority target.

    • XSLT file(s) for transforming results: enter one or more (comma-separated) XSLT file names that you want to apply on the search results.

      • When retrieving records from external targets you may wish to automate some changes to those records. XSLT’s allow you to do this. Koha ships with some sample XSLT files in the /koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/xslt/ directory ready for use:

        • Del952.xsl: Remove Koha items (field 952) (MARC21)

        • Del995.xsl: Remove Koha items (field 995) (UNIMARC)

        • Del9LinksExcept952.xsl: Remove links to authorities in bibliographic records ($9), except in the case of 952$9 (itemnumber) (MARC21)

        • Del9LinksExcept995.xsl: Remove links to authorities in bibliographic records ($9), except in the case of 995$9 (itemnumber) (UNIMARC)

  • Επιλέξτε «Αποθήκευση».

Suggested bibliographic Z39.50 targets

Koha libraries with open Z39.50 targets can share and find connection information on the Koha wiki: http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Koha_Open_Z39.50_Sources. You can also find open Z39.50 targets by visiting IRSpy: http://irspy.indexdata.com.

The following targets have been used successfully by other Koha libraries:


  • CUYAHOGA COUNTY PUBLIC webcat.cuyahoga.lib.oh.us:210 INNOPAC


  • HALIFAX PUBLIC catalog.halifaxpubliclibraries.ca:210 horizon

  • HALTON HILLS PUBLIC cat.hhpl.on.ca:210 halton_hills

  • LIBRARY OF CONGRESS lx2.loc.gov: 210 LCDB

  • LONDON PUBLIC LIBRARY catalog.londonpubliclibrary.ca:210 INNOPAC

  • MANITOBA PUBLIC library.gov.mb.ca:210 horizon

  • MILTON PL cat.mpl.on.ca:210 horizon

  • NATIONAL LIBRARY OF WALES cat.llgc.org.uk:210 default

  • NHUPAC nh_nhupac

  • OCEAN STATE LIBRARIES (RI) catalog.oslri.net:210 INNOPAC

  • OHIOLINK olc1.ohiolink.edu:210 INNOPAC

  • PUBCAT prod890.dol.state.vt.us:2300 unicorn



  • TORONTO PUBLIC symphony.torontopubliclibrary.ca:2200 unicorn

  • TRI-UNI voyager

  • VANCOUVER PUBLIC LIBRARY z3950.vpl.ca:210 Horizon

Suggested authority Z39.50 targets

The following targets have been used successfully by other Koha libraries (in the Americas):

  • LIBRARIESAUSTRALIA AUTHORITIES z3950-test.librariesaustralia.nla.gov.au:210 AuthTraining Userid: ANLEZ / Password: z39.50



Adding an SRU target

  • From the main Z39.50/SRU page, click “New SRU server”

    New SRU server form

    • Server name: enter a name that will help you identify the source (such as the library name).

    • Hostname: enter the address (URL) to the SRU target.

    • Port: enter which port to listen on to get results from this target.

    • Database: enter the name of the database.

    • Userid: some servers might be password protected. If that is the case for the server you are trying to add, enter your user ID for that source.

    • Password: if the server is password protected, enter your password for that source.

    • Preselected: check this box if you want this target to always be selected by default.

    • Rank: enter a number representing where in the list you’d like this target to appear. 0 is the top position, then 1, 2, etc.

      • If this is left blank the targets will be in alphabetical order.

    • Syntax: choose the MARC flavor used by this target.

    • Encoding: choose the character encoding used by this target.


      If you notice special characters don’t appear correctly when you import records through Z39.50, it means the encoding is wrong. Change it to another and try importing again.

    • Timeout: enter a number of seconds after which to stop trying to search the target if results aren’t found in a reasonable amount of time. It is helpful for targets that take a long while.

    • Record type: choose if this is a bibliographic or an authority target.

    • Additional SRU options: enter additional options of the external server here, like sru_version=1.1 or schema=marc21, etc. Note that these options are server dependent.

    • SRU Search field mapping: click “Modify” to add or update the mapping from the available fields on the Koha search form to the specific server dependent index names.

      Pop up window to add SRU search field mapping for bibliographic records, visible fields are title, author, ISBN, ISSN, LC call number, subject, control number, dewey, any, and standard ID. Each field has a text field to be filled.

      Pop up window to add SRU search field mapping for authorities, fields are keyword (any), name (any), author (any), author (personal), author (corporate), author (meeting/conference), control number, subject heading, subject sub-division, title (any), and title (uniform). Each field has a text field to be filled.

      • To further refine your searches, you could add the following index names to the SRU search field mappings. To do this, edit the server and click the Modify button next to this field.













        Standard ID


        Table: SRU mapping

    • XSLT file(s) for transforming results: enter one or more (comma-separated) XSLT file names that you want to apply on the search results.

      • When retrieving records from external targets you may wish to automate some changes to those records. XSLT’s allow you to do this. Koha ships with some sample XSLT files in the /koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/xslt/ directory ready for use:

        • Del952.xsl: Remove Koha items (field 952) (MARC21)

        • Del995.xsl: Remove Koha items (field 995) (UNIMARC)

        • Del9LinksExcept952.xsl: Remove links to authorities in bibliographic records ($9), except in the case of 952$9 (itemnumber) (MARC21)

        • Del9LinksExcept995.xsl: Remove links to authorities in bibliographic records ($9), except in the case of 995$9 (itemnumber) (UNIMARC)

  • Επιλέξτε «Αποθήκευση».

SMTP servers

  • Get there: More > Administration > Additional parameters > SMTP servers

This section is used to configure SMTP servers to send emails through Koha.


Only staff with the manage_smtp_servers permission (or the superlibrarian permission) will have access to this section.

The default STMP configuration is set in the koha-conf.xml file. But this section allows you to add additional servers.

Main page of the SMTP servers configuration section, there are no servers except the default

To add a new server,

  • Click “New SMTP server”

    New SMTP server form

    • Name (required): give the server a significant name, this is the name that will be displayed in Koha

    • Host (required): enter the host name or IP address of the server

    • Port (required): enter the port number provided by your administrator

    • Timeout (seconds): enter the number of seconds after which an unsent email will result in an error

    • SSL: choose the security protocol provided by your administrator

      • Disabled: no security (not recommended)

      • SSL

      • STARTTLS

    • Username: enter the username provided by your administrator

    • Password: enter the password provided by your administrator

    • Debug mode: choose whether to enable the debug mode to send additional output to the logs

    • Default server: choose whether this server is the default one to be used by all libraries

  • Επιλέξτε «Υποβολή»

Once the server is added, you can select it in the library’s details.

Did you mean?

Get there: More > Administration > Additional parameters > Did you mean?


Only staff with the manage_didyoumean permission (or the superlibrarian permission) will have access to this section.

Koha can offer “Did you mean?” options on searches based on values in your authorities.


Did you mean? only works in the OPAC at this time. The intranet options are here for future development.

Using this page you can control which options Koha gives patrons on their search results.


To turn on the “Did you mean?” bar on your search results you need to check the box next to each plugin you would like to use. The two plugins you have to choose from are:

  • The ExplodedTerms plugin suggests that the user try searching for broader/narrower/related terms for a given search (e.g. a user searching for «New York (State)» would click the link for narrower terms if they’re also interested in «New York (City)»). This is only relevant for libraries with highly hierarchical authority data.

  • The AuthorityFile plugin searches the authority file and suggests the user might be interested in bibs linked to the top 5 authorities

If you want one plugin to take priority over another you simply drag it above the other.


If you choose both plugins you will see several options at the top of your search results


If you choose just the AuthorityFile you’ll see just authorities.


Table settings

This administration area will help you hide or display columns on fixed tables throughout the staff interface and OPAC.

  • Get there: Administration > Additional parameters > Table settings

Screenshot of the Table settings page, where we can see all the modules of Koha that have customizable tables


Only staff with the manage_column_config permission (or the superlibrarian permission) will have access to this section.

Clicking on the module you’d like to edit tables for will show you the options available to you.

This area lets you control the columns that show in the table in question. If nothing is hidden you will see no check marks in the “is hidden by default” column.

The currencies table settings, no columns are marked as hidden

And will see all of the columns when viewing the table on its regular page.

The currencies administration table, all columns are visible

If columns are hidden they will have checks in the “is hidden by default” column.

The currencies table settings, the symbol and ISO code columns are marked as hidden

And hidden when you view the table.

The currencies administration table, the symbol and ISO code columns are hidden

The “Cannot be toggled” column is used to prevent individual users from showing or hiding this column when viewing the table.

Individual users can toggle columns using the “Columns” button at the top of the table.

The button 'Columns' above the currencies administration table is clicked open and all the column names appear

For example, in the Currencies table, the “Currency” and “Rate” columns cannot be toggled. When the user clicks on the “Columns” button, they are not able to choose whether these two columns are hidden or visible.

Note that using the “Columns” button show or hide columns will only toggle them for the current user and session. Once the user logs out, the columns will go back to their default settings as set in the table settings administration page. It will not affect any other user.






There aren’t any tables that can be configured from the Authorities module.


  • Acquisition details (acquisitiondetails-table)

  • Item bundles (bundle_tables)

  • Checkout history (checkoutshistory-table)

  • Holdings/items (holdings_table)

  • Holdings/items from other libraries (otherholdings_table) (when SeparateHoldings is enabled)


Κυκλοφορία υλικού

Βιβλιογραφίες μαθημάτων

  • Courses (courses page, course_reserves_table)

  • Reserves (reserves page, course_reserves_table)

Διαχείριση ηλεκτρονικών πόρων

Interlibrary loans


Σημείο πώλησης


Δημόσιος Κατάλογος (OPAC)


Περιοδικές εκδόσεις


Patrons in the OPAC can’t toggle column visibility. For OPAC tables this feature only allows to control the visibility of columns.


Any tables with columns listed here also have the option to export to Excel, export to CSV, copy, or print within the table header.

Audio alerts

If you have your AudioAlerts preference set to “Enable” you will be able to control the various alert sounds that Koha uses from this area.

  • Get there: More > Administration > Additional parameters > Audio alerts


Only staff with the manage_audio_alerts permission (or the superlibrarian permission) will have access to this section.

Each dialog box in Koha has a CSS class assigned to it that can be used as a selector for a sound.


You can edit the defaults by clicking the “Edit” button to the right of each alert.


You can assign alerts to other CSS classes in Koha by entering that information in the selector box. For example if you enter

body:contains('Check in message')

Then when you visit the check-in page you will hear an alert.

Every page in Koha has a unique ID in the body tag which can be used to limit a sound to a specific page

Any ID selector (where HTML contains id=»name_of_id» ) and can also be a trigger as: #name_of_selector

SMS cellular providers


This option will only appear if the

SMSSendDriver preference is set to “Email”.


Only staff with the manage_sms_providers permission (or the superlibrarian permission) will have access to this section.


Πολλοί πάροχοι κινητής τηλεφωνίας έχουν καταργήσει την υποστήριξη της λειτουργίας SMS::Send::Email. Δεν συνιστάται η χρήση της, εκτός αν διαθέτετε ειδική πύλη SMS προς Email.

From here you can enter as many cellular providers as you need to send SMS notices to your patrons using the email protocol.


Some examples in the US are:

Mobile carrier

SMS gateway domain





Boost Mobile


Project Fi


Republic Wireless






U.S. Cellular


Verizon Wireless


Virgin Mobile


Table: SMS provider examples

To add new providers enter the details in the form and click “Add new” to save.


These options will appear in the OPAC for patrons to choose from on the messaging tab if you have EnhancedMessagingPreferences enabled.


Share your usage statistics

You can share your Koha usage statistics with the Hea community. Sharing your usage statistics helps with the development of Koha as the community regularly checks these statistics to make decisions.


Only staff with the manage_usage_stats permission (or the superlibrarian permission) will have access to this section.

Note that statistics are anonymized and no patron information is shared.

Worldwide statistics can be viewed at https://hea.koha-community.org/


  • Share my Koha usage statistics:

    • The default choice is “Undecided”, this make the message appear on the administration main page.

    • Choose “yes” if you want to share your usage statistics

    • Choose “no” if you don’t want to share your statistics and you don’t want to see the message on the administration page

  • Your country: choose the country where your library is located

  • Library name: enter your library’s name

  • Library type: choose your library’s type

  • Library URL: enter your library’s Web site URL

  • Last update: here your will see the last date when your data was uploaded to the Hea website

  • Geolocation: use the map on the right to put the marker where your main library is situated. The coordinates will appear in the Geolocation field.

  • Libraries information: if you have more than one branch, you can choose “yes” here to put all your branches on the map

  • See your public page: this is the URL to your information on the Hea website.

Click “Update your statistics usage” to save the information.

Share content with Mana KB

Mana KB is a worldwide knowledge base used to share content specific to libraries. Koha is currently connected to Mana Kb in order to share serial subscription models and reports. This section is used to configure your connexion with Mana KB.

Get there: More > Administration > Additional parameters > Share content with Mana KB



Only staff with the manage_mana permission (or the superlibrarian permission) will have access to this section.

In the form, choose whether you want to use Mana KB to share content or not. The default is «No, let me think about it». If you do want to use Mana KB, change the option to «Yes». If you do not want to share with Mana KB, choose «No», this will remove the blue rectangle from the Administration home page.

The rest of this section assumes you chose «Yes».

Choose whether you want to share your subscription models automatically. This means that every time you create a subscription in the serials module, it will be automatically shared with Mana KB and other libraries will be able to copy it.

In order to configure Mana KB, you must get a Mana KB token to authenticate your Koha installation on the Mana KB server.

Enter your name or your organization’s name in the «Your name» field.

Enter your email in the «Email» field. Make sure you have access to this email inbox since you will receive further information by email.

Once you send your information to Mana KB, you will get a Mana KB token.


In the email your receive, click on the confirmation link and confirm you are not a robot to finish the Mana KB setup.

Πρόσθετα πεδία

This section is used to add custom fields to order baskets, invoice, serial subscriptions, and accountlines.


Only staff with the manage_additional_fields permission (or the superlibrarian permission) will have access to this section.

To add a new field, first choose which table you want to add it to.

Click on «Create field»

Fill out the form

Add field form

  • Name: this is the name of the field as you want it to appear.

  • Authorized value category: if you want to add a dropdown menu to the field choose an authorized value category here (you can also create a new authorized value category if you need to).

  • MARC field: for additional subscription fields, it is possible to link the field to a MARC field. The additional field will be automatically populated with the corresponding record’s value for this MARC field.


You can only choose one of the two options (authorized value OR MARC field)


If you choose the MARC field, make sure you enter it in this format: field$subfield

For example: 590$a

  • Searchable: check this box if you want to be able to search baskets or subscriptions based on this field

Examples of additional fields

Example 1: Additional subscription field using authorized values

You might want to track which department you’re ordering this serial for

  • In the “Name” field, enter “Department”

  • In the “Authorized value category” field, choose DEPARTMENT

  • Check the “Searchable” box

Add field form, filled with Department as the Name, DEPARTMENT as the authorized value category and Searchable is checked

When you are adding a subscription, the field will be in the “Additional fields” section with its authorized values drop-down menu.

Προσθήκη μιας νέα φόρμα συνδρομής (2 από 2), με πρόσθετα πεδία στο κάτω μέρος

When you view the subscription, the field will appear under “Additional fields”.

Σελίδα στοιχείων της συνδρομής, καρτέλα "Πληροφορίες", με κουμπιά στο επάνω μέρος (Νέα συνδρομή για αυτό το περιοδικό, Επεξεργασία, Ανανέωση, Παραλαβή, Κλείσιμο) και μενού στα αριστερά (Συλλογή περιοδικών, Δημιουργία λίστας δρομολόγησης, Αιτήματα, Έλεγχος λήξης, Διαχείριση συχνοτήτων, Διαχείριση προτύπων αρίθμησης, Διαχείριση πεδίων συνδρομής, Οδηγός στατιστικών στοιχείων περιοδικών)

Because we made the field searchable, it will also be in the serials subscription search.

Σύνθετη φόρμα αναζήτησης περιοδικών

Example 2: Additional subscription field using MARC field

This is particularly useful if you want to view bibliographic information in the subscription detail page. In this example, we will add the 521$a field, which is, in MARC21, the target audience note.

  • In the “Name” field, enter “Target audience”

  • In the “MARC field” field, enter “521$a”

Add field form, filled with Target audience as the Name, and 521$a as the MARC field


You will not be able to edit this field from the subscription form. If you need to add or change the value in this field, you must go through the cataloging module.

When you view the subscription, the field and the information from the bibliographic record will appear under “Additional fields”.

Σελίδα στοιχείων της συνδρομής, καρτέλα "Πληροφορίες", με κουμπιά στο επάνω μέρος (Νέα συνδρομή για αυτό το περιοδικό, Επεξεργασία, Ανανέωση, Παραλαβή, Κλείσιμο) και μενού στα αριστερά (Συλλογή περιοδικών, Δημιουργία λίστας δρομολόγησης, Αιτήματα, Έλεγχος λήξης, Διαχείριση συχνοτήτων, Διαχείριση προτύπων αρίθμησης, Διαχείριση πεδίων συνδρομής, Οδηγός στατιστικών στοιχείων περιοδικών)

Example 3: Free text invoice additional field

If you need to enter additional information in invoices, such as the number of the check used to pay for the invoice, you can choose not to use an authorized value at all.

  • In the “Name” field, enter “Check #”

  • Check the “Searchable” box

Add field form, filled with Check # as the Name, and Searchable is checked

The new fields will be displayed when viewing the invoice in the acquisitions module.

Σελίδα στοιχείων του τιμολογίου, με πρόσθετα πεδία και ενεργοποιημένο το AcqEnableFiles

Because we made the field searchable, it will also be in the invoice search.

Φόρμα αναζήτησης τιμολογίου, πρόσθετα πεδία που είναι  αναζητήσιμα είναι διαθέσιμα σε αυτή την αναζήτηση

Keyboard shortcuts

This section is used to redefine the keyboard shortcuts used in the advanced cataloging editor.


This section will only appear if the EnableAdvancedCatalogingEditor system preference is enabled.


Only staff with the manage_keyboard_shortcuts permission (or the superlibrarian permission) will have access to this section.

To change a shortcut, enter the combination of keys to use in the field in the “Shortcut keys” column, and click “Save shortcuts”.

Make sure to follow the key map rules when entering your key combinations:

  • Separate keys using a hyphen “-”

  • Control key is “Ctrl”

  • Alt key is “Alt”

  • Shift is “Shift”

  • If combining multiple keys they must be in specified order: Shift-Cmd-Ctrl-Alt