Using third party software with Koha


Many libraries like to use MarcEdit for modifications or data cleanup such as converting records in spreadsheet data formats to MARC records. If you’d like to do this you will need to download it at:


Many of the actions described on the Koha Community wiki at can be done in Koha using Marc Modification Templates, but instructions are provided on the Wiki for those who are used to MarcEdit.

OCLC Cataloging Services

Koha can be set to work with the OCLC cataloging services such as

This allows librarians to use the WorldShare Record Manager web interface or the OCLC Connexion Client desktop software as their cataloging tool and send those records to Koha with a single click.

Setting up the OCLC Connexion Daemon

First, you will need to set up the OCLC Connexion Daemon on your server. If you have a system administrator you will want to consult with them on this process.

  1. Find the script on your server and view its documentation.

    /usr/share/koha/bin/ --help
  2. Create a configuration file. You could put this anywhere that is readable by the user that will be running the service, e.g., /etc/koha/sites/my_instance/oclc_connexion.conf. The output of the help command provides the details about what this file should contain. Here is an example:

    port: 5500
    log: /var/log/koha/my_instance/oclc_connexion.log
    user: koha_staff_user_name
    password: koha_staff_user_password
    connexion_user: oclc_connexion_user_name
    connexion_password: oclc_connexion_user_password
    import_mode: direct
  3. Since the configuration file contains passwords, make sure that it’s only readable by the user running the script, and nobody else.

    chmod 400 /etc/koha/sites/my_instance/oclc_connexion.conf
  4. Run the script.

    • You can do this manually to test it out:

      /usr/share/koha/bin/ --config /etc/koha/sites/my_instance/oclc_connexion.conf
    • Or you can set up a systemd unit to keep the script running even when it crashes or the server reboots:

      1. Create a file at /etc/systemd/system/koha-oclc-connexion.service:

        Description=Koha OCLC Connexion Daemon
        ExecStart=/usr/share/koha/bin/ --config /etc/koha/sites/my_instance/oclc_connexion.conf
      2. Enable and start the service:

        systemctl enable koha-oclc-connexion
        systemctl start koha-oclc-connexion
      3. Check the status of the service:

        systemctl status koha-oclc-connexion

WorldShare Record Manager

Setting up WorldShare Record Manager

  1. Log in to your WorldShare account.

  2. Go to the «Metadata» tab.

  3. Select «Record Manager» in the sidebar.

  4. Select «User Preferences» in the sidebar.


    Since these are User Preferences, they must be configured for each user who will be using the service.

    Screenshot of 'User Preferences' in the WorldShare web interface.

  5. Go to «Exporting – Bibliographic Records».

    The official documentation from OCLC for all settings under this heading is found at .

  6. Go to the «General» tab.

    Screenshot of setting the 'Format' to 'UTF-8' under the 'General' export preferences in the WorldShare web interface.

    1. Set the «Format» to «MARC 21 with UTF-8 Unicode», since Koha always uses UTF-8.

    2. Click «Save».

  7. Go to the «TCP/IP» tab.

    Screenshot of setting the 'TCP/IP' export preferences in the WorldShare web interface.

    1. Enter the host name or IP address at which the OCLC connexion daemon service (configured above) can be reached.

    2. Set the Authentication to «Login ID» and enter the connexion_user and connexion_password from the configuration file (created above).

    3. Optionally set the connection delay, connection attempts, and other settings.

    4. Click «Save».

Using WorldShare Record Manager

Sending a single record from the WorldShare Record Manager to Koha
  1. Log in to your WorldShare account.

  2. Go to the «Metadata» tab.

  3. Select «Record Manager» in the sidebar.

  4. Search for a record.

    Screenshot of search results in the WorldShare web interface.

  5. Click on the title of a record to open it.

  6. Click on the «Record» dropdown menu, then «Send to», then «Local System (via TCP/IP)»

    Screenshot of the record screen in the WorldShare web interface, the Record menu is open, the Send to submenu is open and the Local System (via TCP/IP) option is selected

  7. After a while, depending on your «connection delay» settings, you should see the record in Koha.

    • If you used import_mode: direct in your configuration file, the record will be available in the catalog.

    • If you used import_mode: staged in your configuration file, the record will be staged for import.

Sending multiple records from the WorldShare Record Manager to Koha
  1. Log in to your WorldShare account.

  2. Go to the «Metadata» tab.

  3. Select «Record Manager» in the sidebar.

  4. Search for a record.

    Screenshot of search results in the WorldShare web interface.

  5. Click on the title of a record to open it.

  6. Click on the «Record» dropdown menu, then «Send to», then «Export List …». Select a list to which to add the record.

  7. Repeat from step 4 as needed.

  8. Click on «Export Lists» in the sidebar.

  9. Click on the name of a list to open it.

  10. Click on the «Export» dropdown menu, then «Send to local system (via TCP/IP)».

Screenshot of the 'Export lists' page in the WorldShare web interface.

  1. After a while, depending on your «connection delay» settings, you should see the record in Koha.

  • If you used import_mode: direct in your configuration file, the record will be available in the catalog.

  • If you used import_mode: staged in your configuration file, the record will be staged for import.

OCLC Connexion Client desktop software

See for instructions on setting up and using the OCLC Connexion Client desktop software.

Μιλώντας για τεχνολογία

Talking Tech i-tiva is a third party, proprietary, product that libraries can subscribe to. Learn more here:

Installation and setup instructions

Be sure you’ve run installer/data/mysql/atomicupdate/ to install the required data pack (new syspref, notice placeholders and messaging transport preferences)

To use, TalkingTechItivaPhoneNotification system preference must be turned on.

If you wish to process PREOVERDUE or RESERVES messages, you’ll need the EnhancedMessagingPreferences system preference turned on, and patrons to have filled in a preference for receiving these notices by phone.

For OVERDUE messages, overdue notice triggers must be configured under More > Tools > Overdue notice/status triggers. Either branch-specific triggers or the default level triggers may be used (script will select whichever is appropriate).

Αποστολή αρχείου ειδοποιήσεων

  1. Add the script to your crontab

  2. Add an FTP/SFTP or other transport method to send the output file to the i-tiva server

  3. If you wish, archive the sent notices file in another directory after sending

Run –help for more information

Receiving results file

  1. Add an FTP/SFTP or other transport method to send the Results file to a known directory on your Koha server

  2. Add the script to your crontab, aimed at that directory

  3. If you wish, archive the results file in another directory after processing

Run –help for more information