Koha Community Newsletter: August 2014
Koha Community Newsletter 
August 2014
Volume 5, Issue 8
ISSN 2153-8328
Edited by Chad Roseburg and Joanne Dillon, Koha Community Newsletter Editors.
Please submit news items to
Table of Contents
- Development
- Community
- Upcoming Events
- Past Events
Koha 3.16.3 Released
by Galen Charlton
The Koha community is pleased to announce the release of version 3.16.3 of the Koha library automation system.
Koha 3.16.3 is a bugfix release and can be downloaded from download.koha-community.org. Debian packages of Koha 3.16.3 will be available shortly.
Koha 3.14.10 Released
by Fridolin Somers
The Koha community is proud to announce the release of 3.14.10.
This is a maintenance release and contains some enhancements and several bugfixes.
As always you can download the release from
Have a look at the release post.
The First North American Koha Users Group Meeting
by Nancy Keener
The first North American Koha Users Group meeting was held August 6th – 8th at the beautiful North Central Regional Library in Wenatchee Washington. There were around 40 participants, which included libraries large and small, and ByWater Solutions staff.
We immediately got down to planning our three days. After discussing what we might expect in upcoming releases, and giving our opinions on Koha speed, acquisitions, Bootstrap and more, we finally decided we needed to get down to stating the reason we needed a North American Koha User’s group. It was clear that pooling our resources would be a great help to everyone. The developments have been coming at fast and furious pace, keeping developers very busy. The needs of the entire Koha community must be considered when asking for a new development. The group decided to create a wiki where we could post our desires for developments and then we could pool our money to do something useful for all. The site is http://koha-na.org , and it’s just getting going. We also discussed how we could be more active in the community. Attending the monthly IRC meetings, having monthly meetings of our own would certainly be a good start. A suggestion to have a mentor program for new libraries got a lot of agreement. We can also share what is going on with our library administrators and staff. Pass around the link to the monthly Koha newsletter and the upgrade release notes. There was also a request to have a more formal meeting agenda for the next conference, and planning for that has already begun with a newly formed planning committee. We also saw the advantage in pursuing a non-profit status for our group. This would help us to obtain government grants to improve the overall structure of Koha by removing old code. Overall, the group was very excited by the possibilities. Next year we all hope to see more North American libraries and vendors.
For complete notes on the conference taken by Heather Braum of NEKLS, click here. http://koha-na.org/index.php/Future_of_NA_Koha_Users_Group_discussion
New Koha Libraries
Community Gossip
Alan Stolfus from the Rolling Hills Consolidated Library shares how they are using Koha and Linux on their bookmobile.
Kyle Hall released version 14.08 ( Bender ), of Libki, the Open Source kiosk management system.
How to
Nicole Engard shows you how to add reports to the Koha Wiki.
Support Provider News
ByWater Solutions issues $1,500 EveryLibrary Challenge.
Perspectives From the 2014 NAKUG
The following articles are from ByWater Solutions staff who attended the 2014 North American Users Group.
- Meeting the North American Koha Community by Rocio Jordan
- The Koha Community is Where It’s At by Larry Baerveldt
- What I didn’t get to show at NAKUG ( covers that flow ) by Kyle Hall
- My Experience at the North American Koha Users Group Meeting in Wenatchee by Todd Goatley
Upcoming Events
KohaCon 2014
KohaCon 2014 will be held in Córdoba, Argentina, October 2014.
For schedule and registration details see the
KohaCon page.
Past Events
North American Koha Users Group
The North American Koha Users Group was held in Wenatchee, WA, August 6th – 9th 2014. Please see the articles from attendees in the community and support provider news sections above for more information on this conference.
Lyon 3 University Libraries Present Poster at Congress of IFLA
by Sonia Bouis
The Lyon 3 university Libraries have presented a poster at the congress of IFLA* last week.
This poster presents the role of the librarians in the integration process of new developments, by testing and signing patches during testing parties. And it shows the collaboration between developers and librarians in this process.
During the poster session, we had some visitors just passing through and curious to know more about the subject, and we also met some others really interested because they were going to use koha or just were wondering about changing their system. (and some others were just disappointed because they don’t have Koha in their Library…)
But all of them found this collaboration really exciting and were happy to know that there’s a big dynamic community for the improvement of Koha.
* IFLA : International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions
Lyon 3 Poster Submission below:
* IFLA : International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions
Anact Open Source Solutions Holds Workshop in Vanuatu
On July 28th Clint Deckard from Anact Open Source Solutions (NZ) held a two day Koha workshop hosted by the Vanuatu Institute of Teacher Education in Port Vila, Vanuatu.
It was attended by local school librarians, tertiary librarians and technicians.
Full story here
September Development IRC Meeting
The September Development IRC meeting was held on September 2nd 15 UTC and September 2nd at 22 UTC.
The agenda and other information are here.
August General IRC Meeting
The August general IRC meeting was held on August 13th at 22 UTC and August 14th at 15 UTC.
The agenda and other information are here.
August Development IRC Meeting
The August development IRC meeting was held on August 5th at 15 UTC and 22 UTC.
The agenda and other information are here.
Esta propuesta, que nos brindan para trabajar en las bibliotecas universitarias permite tener más ventajas y beneficios para el usuario que concurren a la biblioteca.