Support Companies by Continent
Koha has many vendors worldwide providing hosting, support, and development services.
How to get listed in this directory
This directory and its contents, including but not limited to the links to other sites, purveyors, providers, and vendors of other goods, services, or information, whether for informational purposes or in the form of paid advertisement, are made available by the Koha community on an “as is” basis and without any warranties of any kind as to accuracy, merchantability, or fitness of a vendor for a particular service.
Restricting your choice of provider only to ones included on the list may unfairly exclude support providers and consultants who provide services for mainstream Koha.
Inclusion on this directory implies no “official” status whatsoever. Any organization who claims to be an “official” Koha support provider is misrepresenting their relationship to the Koha project.
If you are seeking paid services for Koha, it is ultimately your responsibility to do the research to identify a provider or providers who can meet your needs. Useful criteria for making a selection include:
- whether the provider supports mainstream Koha
- whether they have a track record of providing good service to their existing customers
- whether they are actively involved in the Koha community
- whether the price is right for you
The support provider listing can provide information on only one of these points – whether the provider expresses support for mainstream Koha.
Randomised list | This list by Country | Alphabetised list
Africa | Asia | Europe | New Zealand/Australia | North America | South America
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New Zealand/Australia
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North America
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South America
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