Koha Community Newsletter: September 2013
Koha Community Newsletter 
September 2013
Volume 4, Issue 9
ISSN 2153-8328
Edited by Daniel Grobani, Koha Community Newsletter Editor.
Please submit news items to
Table of Contents
- Development
- Community
- Upcoming Events
- Past Events
Koha 3.12.5 Released
by Tomas Cohen Arazi
The Koha community is proud to announce the release of 3.12.5. This is a bugfix/maintenance release and contains 10 enhancements and 49 bugfixes.
This release can be downloaded here; installation instructions are here or in the INSTALL files that come in the tarball.
Release notes are here.
Koha 3.10.11 Released
by Bernardo Gonzalez Kriegel
The Koha community is proud to announce the release of 3.10.11. This is a bugfix/maintenance release and contains 3 enhancements and 43 bugfixes.
This release can be downloaded here; installation instructions are here or in the INSTALL files that come in the tarball.
Release notes are here.
Koha 3.8.18 Released
by Chris Hall
The Koha community is proud to announce the release of 3.8.18. This is a bugfix/maintenance release and contains 2 enhancements and 18 bugfixes.
This release can be downloaded here; installation instructions are here or in the INSTALL files that come in the tarball.
Release notes are here.
Koha Statistics
Chris Cormack, Koha Community statistics wizard, has posted statistics for July and August 2013.
Koha 3.14 Release Approaches
The release of Koha 3.14 is approaching, with these significant dates set by Release Manager Galen Charlton:
3 October: feature freeze
31 October: string freeze
21 November: release of 3.14.0
New Koha Libraries
- Lopez Island Library (USA) via ByWater Solutions
- Michigan Jewish Institute (USA) via ByWater Solutions
Community Gossip
Liz Rea has created a proposed Koha forum on StackExchange. Moving the adoption process to the next stage requires more folks to follow the proposal and rate existing and new questions.
Liz has also given the Koha Community website a make-over.
Koha Dev Reactions is a hilarious new tumblr of animated GIFs. It’s geeky, in-jokey, and NSFW.
Jared Camins-Esakov’s C & P Bibliography Services has announced DaredevILS, a new initiative offering free access to Koha to librarians and library school students.
Marshall Breeding is asking libraries listed in lib-web-cats to participate in a survey of major discovery products.
Fred King has posted to the Koha mailing list a lengthy description of how he set up Koha as a journal citation catalog.
Nicole Engard, Koha Documentation Manager, is in the process of relocating from Pennsylvania to Texas.
Larry Baerveldt has posted a guide to taking Koha on the road.
Upcoming Events
October General IRC Meeting
The October general IRC meeting will be held on 9 October 2013 at 10:00 UTC.
The agenda and other information are here.
KohaCon13 Planning Report
by Nancy Keener
- We have 110 people signed up for KohaCon13.
- Please register for your hotel room if you haven’t already! The hotel has kindly extended the registration deadline for us to get free meeting rooms and AV to 1 October.
- I am busy getting the print material together.
- We have two buses for our Saturday trip to the lake.
- The supporters who have donated to make the conference happen have been listed on the website.
- Things are going well, our smoke is gone, and good weather has returned.
- Thanks to everyone who has helped to get this organized.
- I can’t wait to meet everyone in person!
KohaCon 2014 Voting
by Mirko Tietgen
Voting is now open for the location of the KohaCon2014 conference. Córdoba, Argentina, and Ibadan, Nigeria, have submitted bids to host the conference. Information about the two locations can be found here.
You can vote here until 6 October, 23:59:59 UTC.
Koha Development for Librarians at LIANZA Conference 2013
On 22 October, Liz Rea and Chris Hall of Catalyst IT and David Friggins and Chris Meech of Waitaki District Libraries will present a workshop entitled “From Librarian to Developer in 90 Minutes” at the LIANZA Conference 2013 in Hamilton, New Zealand. More info on the workshop is here.
Open Source for Libraries Conference in Rome
On Tuesday October 1, 2013, in collaboration with the Pontificia Università della Santa Croce, the American University of Rome will host a one day conference, Featured Creators and Stories: A Facemeeting on Open Source for Libraries, to examine new trends in the evolving domain of discovery and search tools. A panel of experts in the field includes Demian Katz and Eoghan Ó Carragáin, main developers of VuFind; Paul Poulain, developer of Koha; and Andrea Bollini, DSpace committer. Moderator will be Paola Gargiulo. More info is here.
Past Events
September General IRC Meeting
The September general IRC meeting was held on 11 September 2013.
The agenda, links to the minutes, and other information is here.
QA Sprint Days
QA sprint days are days designated to pass QA on important and/or complex patches.
QA sprint days were held on 12 September 2013 and 24 September 2013. More info is here and here.
Global Bug Squashing Days
by Magnus Enger
Global bug squashing days are days designated to a concerted effort to get bugs and patches moving along in the right direction.
A global bug squashing day was held on 23 September 2013. More info is here.
EIFL-FOSS Koha Webinar
Koha developer Chris Cormack and Hilton Gibson, of the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa, participated in a Koha webinar hosted by EIFL-FOSS. They each gave a short presentation which was followed by a Q&A session.