Koha Community Newsletter: October 2013
Koha Community Newsletter 
October 2013
Volume 4, Issue 10
ISSN 2153-8328
Edited by Daniel Grobani, Koha Community Newsletter Editor.
Please submit news items to
Table of Contents
- Development
- Community
- Upcoming Events
- Past Events
Koha 3.12.6 Released
by Tomas Cohen Arazi
The Koha community is proud to announce the release of 3.12.6. This is a bugfix/maintenance release and contains 2 enhancements and 11 bugfixes.
This release can be downloaded here; installation instructions are here or in the INSTALL files that come in the tarball.
Release notes are here.
(I apologize for the delay and the amount of patches that remain to be included in the stable release. Preparing for attending KohaCon13 left me with no time to review the patches. Hopefully next release will include all the delayed patches.)
Koha 3.10.12 Released
by Bernardo Gonzalez Kriegel
The Koha community is proud to announce the release of 3.10.12. This is a bugfix/maintenance release and contains 1 enhancement and 21 bugfixes.
This release can be downloaded here; installation instructions are here or in the INSTALL files that come in the tarball.
Release notes are here.
Koha 3.8.19 Released
by Chris Hall
The Koha community is proud to announce the release of 3.8.19. This is a bugfix/maintenance release and contains 11 bugfixes.
This release can be downloaded here; installation instructions are here or in the INSTALL files that come in the tarball.
Release notes are here.
Overdrive Integration
Eight of ByWater Solutions’s library partners have joined forces to bring Overdrive integration to Koha. This development, which will be included in the upcoming Koha 3.14 release, will enable libraries subscribing to Overdrive to integrate results from their eBook collections directly into their Koha search results, making it easier for patrons to find the digital resources they want.
More info is here.
Koha 3.14 Release Approaches
The release of Koha 3.14 is approaching, with these significant dates set by Release Manager Galen Charlton:
31 October: string freeze
21 November: release of 3.14.0
Galen has already released two alpha builds of Koha 3.14.
New Koha Libraries
- Catamount Library Network (Three Libraries) (USA) via ByWater Solutions
- Northern New Hampshire Library Cooperative (USA) via ByWater Solutions
Community Gossip
Galen Charlton, Koha 3.14 Release Manager, has announced his candidacy for the role of 3.16 Release Manager.
Vu Duy Lan introduced himself on the Koha list and offered some information on the use of Koha in Vietnam.
Kohala, the French Koha association, is now posting on Twitter
Kohala continues to post this newsletter translated into French.
Sher Afzal, Head of Libraries at Bahria University in Pakistan, reports that he has implemented Koha in numerous university libraries in Pakistan and provided a national-level training workshop to the library community. He also helps libraries implement DSpace and is the first in Pakistan to integrate RFID with Koha.
Particpants in the Koha session at the LIANZA 2013 Conference in New Zealand and in the KohaCon 2013 hackfest submitted patches to Koha at the same time.
Upcoming Events
November General IRC Meeting
The November general IRC meeting will be held on 6 November 2013 at 02:00 UTC.
The agenda and other information are here.
KohaCon 2014 in Córdoba, Argentina
Voting for the location of KohaCon 2014 has closed, and the winner is Córdoba, Argentina.
Paris Presentation on Koha 3.14
Kohala will be hosting a presentation by Paul Poulain of Biblibre and Frédéric Demians of Tamil on Koha 3.14 in Paris on 4 December 2013. More info is here.
Past Events
October General IRC Meeting
The October general IRC meeting was held on 9 October 2013.
The agenda, links to the minutes, and other information is here.
KohaCon 2013
KohaCon 2013 took place in Reno, Nevada, USA from 16-22 October 2013. Nancy Keener, her great team of folks at the Washoe County Library System, and numerous volunteers produced a fantastic conference.
Here are some reports, reminiscences, and resources from the conference:
- Conference home page
- Program and links to slides
- ByWater Solutions’s live blogging of the sessions
- Hackfest
- Galen Charlton’s hackfest updates: #1, #2, #3
- Hackfest bug squash scoreboard
- Danielle Elder’s report
- Chris Cormack’s report
- Twitter archive
- Official group photos
- Photos posted to flickr
- “The lobby of the hotel at KohaCon”