Koha Community Newsletter: March 2018
Koha Community Newsletter 
March 2018
Volume 9, Issue 3
ISSN 2153-8328
Edited by Chad Roseburg, Koha Community Newsletter Editor
Please submit news items to
Table of Contents
- Development
- Community
- Upcoming Events
- Past Events
Koha 17.11.04 Released
by Nick Clemens
The Koha community is proud to announce the release of 17.11.04. This is a maintenance release and contains many bugfixes and enhancements.
This is my fourth release as the 17.11.x release maintainer. Thank you very much to everyone who helped along the way, looking forward to many more. 🙂
Koha 17.11.04 is a bugfix/maintenance release.
It includes 14 bugfixes.
Koha 17.05.10 Released
by Fridolin Somers
The Koha community is proud to announce the release of Koha 17.05.10
Koha 17.05.10 is a bugfix/maintenance release.
It includes 1 enhancements, 13 bugfixes.
Biblibre Sandboxes with ElasticSearch Announced
by Fridolin Somers
I’m please to announce we have build sandboxes with Zebra and ElasticSearch.
See https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Sandboxes#BibLibre
If help needed please use sand…@biblibre.com
From Koha Development mailing list. Read original post
Hackfest in Marseille, what you missed and what you’ll be seeing soon in 18.05
by Paul Poulain
So the 2018 hackfest in Marseille is now finished. It was a great week, with a lot of work, a lot of discussion, a lot of fun. The weather was with us, except on Thursday, the evenings were full of beer & happiness. Let’s summarize what we made…
Koha Elastic Search
Our hottest topic, for sure 10 patches written and/or signed off. A lot of work on Elastic Search. BULAC want to go live with Koha+ES with 18.05 [Thank you François and Severine, Bulac, Nick, Bywatersolutions, Alex, BibLibre]
UNIMARC & bibliographic transition (FRBR):
• default frameworks at install updated [thank you François, Roubaix public library] • script written to update all cataloguing frameworks with new MARC records preparing FRBR (IFLA 2017 fields & subfields) [thank you Julian, BibLibre] • zebra indexes definition started, to be finished [thank you François, Roubaix public library] • XSLT to display those new fields still to do
FRBR & ReasonableGraph
3 developers from AltSol, a Greek company working on FRBR and a software called ReasonableGraph (see https://reasonablegraph.org/) showed what they made with Koha & MARC data. They’ll keep working on it, the Koha community may hear of them again in the future. Maybe starting with a plugin that can be compared to the Ebsco EDS plugin: instead of searching in Koha, search would be made on ReasonableGraph database, that is fully FRBR compliant, and present results in an “FRBR way” [Thank you Nikos, AltSol]
The French team worked and finished to translate 100% of 17.11, the release notes, and most of the documentation. A big effort [Thank you many french librarians !]
Coral & KohaCoral interface
• presentation of Coral 3.0 new features (including the wonderful interface Coral EDS) • presentation of Coral setup at Lyon 3 [Thank you Sonia, Lyon 3] • Koha Coral interface, what’s done, what has to be done [Thank you Matthias, BibLibre]
Koha & SCSS
[Thank you Owen, ACPL]
• Finished the transition to SCSS for the staff client (see http://sass-lang.com/, and http://sebastianpontow.de/css2compass/ and https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=19474), patch passed QA now • The transition from LESS to SCSS for the OPAC is done (see https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=20427) • Owen introduced us to SCSS.
rebase, fixes, tests. One problem detected, not easy to reproduce, still working on it, still highly expected for 18.05 [Thank you Brendan, BywaterSolutions & Alex, BibLibre]
[Thank you … too many people to name them !]
• 80+ patches tested (44 signed-off, 21 failed, 15 does not apply) • This week, 285 bugs had at least one change (any kind, change by a “hackfester” or not)
• kohadevbox presentation & installation on some librarian laptops. We now have some librarians able to sign-off patches without using sandboxes! [thank you Nick, ByWaterSolutions] • Kohala (Koha french usergroup) has scheduled the Symposium (Paris, in June) • On Thursday, it was the “Bokeh hackfest/conference”. Bokeh is a library portal software that BibLibre is supporting. 10 new librarians and 4 developers from AFI, BibLibre sister-company joined us to discuss new features, and share their experience with Bokeh, Bokeh+Koha, … (http://bokeh-library-portal.org for more info about Bokeh) [Thank you https://www.makeitmarseille.com/, our neighbor for hosting this event] • we discovered Emkipop (http://emkipop.fr/)
If I forgot something, remind me, please [ I’m an old man, you know, my memory begins to abandon me 😉 ]
From Koha Development mailing list. read original post
KohaCon18 Website Announced
by Jessica Zairo
The KohaCon18 Website is ready for registrations.
Individuals can register, submit a proposal and more through the site.
The KohaCon International Conference will take place on September 10th through 12th, followed by a Cultural Day on September 13th and Hackfest on the 14th through 16th.
New Koha Library in Bombay
by Dr.Manju Naika
I am happy to inform you that IIT Bombay Central Library has implemented
Koha on 15th March 2018. It has replaced 15-year-old proprietary software
Libsuite. The library has the collection of over 5 lakh items in various
formats, and it serves 11,000 patrons annually.
The IITB Central library’s Koha OPAC can be accessed at
Herewith I attached a photo of the event.
Crowdfunding for Koha bug No. 9290
by Vinod Kumar Mishra
An initiative by Mr. Vinod Kumar Mishra (http://mishravk.com/) and other Indian Library professionals in collaboration with L2C2 Technologies (http://www.l2c2.co.in/) has been taken for development of Koha new feature. The entire professionals supported the movement in different ways and below professionals contributed for development of bug no. 9290 which will add a new feature in the koha for restricting the category of users to place the purchase request.
The said method can be an example for others including governmental organizations to follow for enhancement of open source software features used in their libraries like Dspace, Koha, etc. This will save the money, time and bring better changes in the open source solutions which will benefit the entire professionals around the globe.
The details of the story can be found at: http://mishravk.com/2018/02/crowdfunding/
Report on the 2017 International Library Automation Perceptions Survey
Excerpt from Library Technology Guides by Marshall Breeding
This eleventh edition of the International Survey of Library Automation presents the latest data on how libraries perceive the effectiveness of the strategic technology systems upon which they depend for their daily operations and to fulfill the expectations of their patrons. This report presents and interprets survey responses gathered from November 2017 through February 2018. The survey focuses primarily on integrated library systems and library services platforms as the applications used to acquire, describe, manage, and provide access to their collections. It also assesses the quality of support given from the respective vendor and probes interest in migrating to new solutions and attitudes toward open source alternatives.
Upcoming Events
First Koha User Group in Turkey Meets in April
by Selma Aslan
Turkish Koha Users will hold their first meeting Kohaferans 218 Türkiye on 27 April 2018.
The hosting institution is TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Ankara, Turkey, and the sponsor is Devinim Yazılım.
The details are available at http://www.devinim.com.tr/content/kohaferans2018 in Turkish.
Past Events
Koha-US Users Group – March Meeting
by Jason Robb
Date: Wednesday, March 14th, 2018
Time: 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM CDT
time converter: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=koha-US+March+general+meeting&iso=20180314T1030&p1=5227&ah=1
Location: https://kslib.zoom.us/j/450230564
Agenda: http://koha-us.net/index.php/Agenda2018-03-14
There will be plenty of time to talk bugs, issues, workflows and
enhancements this month!
Send your topics to secretary@koha-us.org and I will add them to the agenda.
Meetings are held via Zoom video conferencing. A microphone and webcam are
recommended for optimal participation, but not required.
These meetings are free and open to any and all.