Koha Community Newsletter: December 2017
Koha Community Newsletter 
December 2017
Volume 8, Issue 12
ISSN 2153-8328
Edited by Chad Roseburg, Koha Community Newsletter Editor
Please submit news items to
Table of Contents
- Community
- Upcoming Events
- Past Events
How To
Let Vimal Kumar walk you through the following topics:
- How to make available Koha in a network
- Enable barcode/accession number search in OPAC search
- Import Quotes into Koha
- Customize Quote of the day in OPAC
- Delete records in Koha
Barton Chittenden goes over common questions for koha support ( with answers! ).
Jessie Zairo explains how to:
Learn about the following topics with Kelly McElligott:
- Video Tutorial on Using the Offline Circulation Tool with Koha
- New System Preference : Allowcheckoutnotes
- Setting up a Processing Fee and Default Replacement Cost per Item Type
Upcoming Events
Pakistan Open Source Summit 2018
The first Pakistan Koha and DSpace (OSS) Summit is being planned for the month of March 2018.
The conference is a major event in Koha community within Pakistan and Central Asia. This will attracts many delegates around the country as well as aborad. The conference will cover the Open Source Opensource applications not only koha or dspace,but all others open source CMS and Programming Languages and Software like wordpress, concrete5,Jumla and PHP(all versions), Linux etc.
The main purpose of this National Conference is to sharing and exchanging expression in new functionalists, training, projects, promoting collaboration to enhance the use of Open source ILS and to encourage new development in OSS.
For more information, please see The Open Source Summit Website.
Past Events
National Workshop on Koha Library Integrated Management System
The National Center for Rural Development Government of Pakistan (NCRD) organized a 05 days training workshop on KOHA from 20 to 24 November 2017 at the main Lecture Hall Chak Shehzad Islamabad. There were 14 sessions in totality and each session lasted for 90 minutes. The topic of the workshop was “Role of Information and Communication Technologies in Library Management”. Library and IT professionals from across the country (Islamabad, Rawalpindi, KP, Baluchistan, Punjab, and Sindh province) attended the workshop.
Please see the full article here.
Developing Swedish Koha competence and networking
The Swedish National Library has granted the Swedish Koha User Group 600 000 SEK (approx. 60 000 Euro) to support the project to develop and diffuse Koha competence and to promote Koha networking in Sweden.
Project timeline: November 1, 2017 – December 31, 2018.
Project owner: Alingsås kommun for the Swedish Koha User Group
Project coordinator: Örjan Hellström, Kultur i Väst, orjan.hellstrom@kulturivast.se
Please see the full article here.
Summary of the first Swedish Koha User Group Hackfest in Lund
The Lund University Library invited on the 29 November 2017 to the Swedish Koha User Group’s first Hackfest.
The hack fest begun at 9 am in the beautiful main building of the University Library in Lund. From Sweden and Norway 18 people met up during the day to develop, hack, and discuss about Koha and related topics. Both Koha users (mainly from Swedish Universities) and Koha service providers attended the hack fest.
Please see the full article here.
December General IRC meeting
The December general IRC meeting was held on the 13th at 20:00 UTC.
The agenda, links to the minutes, and other information is here.
December Development IRC meeting
The December development IRC meeting was held on the 13th at 14:00 UTC.
The agenda, links to the minutes, and other information is here.