Koha Community Newsletter: April 2017
Koha Community Newsletter 
April 2017
Volume 8, Issue 4
ISSN 2153-8328
Edited by Chad Roseburg, Koha Community Newsletter Editor
Please submit news items to
Table of Contents
- Development
- Community
- Upcoming Events
- Past Events
Koha 16.11.07 Released
by Katrin Fischer
The Koha community is proud to announce the release of Koha 16.11.07.
This is a maintenance release of 16.11 and contains 38 bugfixes.
The full release notes are available at
Koha 16.11.07 Release Notes
Koha 3.22.20 Released
by Julian Maurice
The Koha community is proud to announce the release of Koha 3.22.20.
This is a security release and contains 1 security fix and 15 bugfixes.
See the full release notes here:
Koha 3.22.20 Release Notes
What’s on in koha-devel #12
by Jonathan Druart
From the Koha Development mailing list
Hello librarians and developers,
My last email got a lot of interest and people do not stop contacting me to
help us, it’s fantastic!
Heh, no, just kidding.
But I am still willing to help you! Whenever you are ready, just let me/us
The next release is on its way.
We are in the final stretch, I will summarize in this email what needs to
be done in the next month.
= Release dates =
Kyle published the different dates of the Koha 17.05 release:
May 5 – Feature Slush
May 12 – Feature Freeze, String Freeze, 1st Draft of Release Notes
May 19 – Release Beta, 2nd Draft of Release Notes
May 26 – Final Release
May 27 – Champagne!
What does it mean?
* Feature slush – enhancements that have not been marked as Passed QA at
this time will not be considered for the release
* Feature freeze – no new enhancements will be pushed to master, only bug
* String freeze – only bug fixes without string changes will be pushed to
If you want one of our awesome features waiting for testing to be present in
this new release, you should warm the sandboxes up for the next 10 days!
= New stuffs pushed (or almost) =
== Hea v2 ==
The production server (https://hea.koha-community.org) has been updated
last week.
The Koha side code (bug 18066) has been pushed to master and should be
backported into the next stable releases (16.11.07, 16.05.13 and 3.22.21).
What’s new?
* Ability to share the information at library level instead of installation
If you have more than one library defined in your Koha installation, you
will be able to share the URL, country and geolocation of each library
* Configuration page in the administration module to define what you want
to share with the community (Home › Administration › Usage statistics –
* On the hea website your Koha installation will be linked to one public
page where you will see all the public information we collect
* The database of the website has been cleaned to remove the duplicate and
test entries
The screenshots I have done during the development:
Koha side:
New page to configure the info to share:
https://pageshot.net/opGCLAZFt0s1HVzp/pro.kohadev.vm (with libraries info)
https://pageshot.net/SKTFZgr40EKg6fge/pro.kohadev.vm (without libraries
Hea side:
New layout for the homepage:
View “see all libraries” (existing one):
View “see libraries by country”:
View “see libraries on a map”:
View “public view for a library” (to show libraries what is public):
I invite you all to take a look at the configuration page and share with us
the information you want to be public.
You can find the “Terms and Conditions” on github
https://github.com/joubu/hea-app/blob/v2/Terms_and_Conditions.md (Todo:
link it from the hea website and Koha!)
== Onboarding tools ==
The onboarding tool (bug 17855) is not pushed yet to master but is Passed
QA and should be part of the next release.
It adds new steps at the end of the installation process, to create
different kinds of data and ease the first contact.
You will be able to create a first library, patron category, item type,
circulation rule and a patron with superlibrarian permission.
Note that another patch (bug 17942) will arrive soon to refresh the style
of the web installer interface.
= Patches waiting for love =
== Automatically convert SQL reports (urgent) ==
Since we have bug 17196 (Move marcxml out of the biblioitems table) pushed
into the next release, we absolutely need bug 17898 (Add a way to
automatically convert SQL reports) too. It is waiting for testing and is
really easy to test and QA.
This patch will help librarians to update SQL reports after the move of the
marcxml field out of the biblioitems table.
== Permissions for lists (urgent) ==
The aim of bug 18228 is to make the permissions for list easier to use and
However as it will remove complexity, it may remove a feature you are
using. If you are using complex permission system to manage the lists you
should take a look at this bug from comment 19.
As Marcel already asked on the mailing list twice, this is the LAST CALL. I
am going to QA it before the feature slush if nobody disagrees.
== Facet configurable for Elastic ==
If you want to get a new Elastic search enhancement in the next release,
take a look at bug 18235. It adds a new configuration area to configure
= Technical discussions =
I would like to rework our background jobs. They do not work under Plack
and it is a pity (see bug 15032).
If anybody already did that in the past or has a clear idea on how to
implement a job queue using TheSchwartz, gearman or others, please let me
Unfortunately I do not have much time at the moment to explore the
different options and play with them.
= Tools for devs =
I have added a new commit to the apply_on_cascade branch of my git-bz
github repo:
It modifies the behaviour of `git bz attach -e` when there are several
patches to attach.
The edit will be effective on the first attachment only. Indeed most of the
time I just want to change the status and obsolete the patches and not to
edit the commit messages.
Just revert it if you do not want this behaviour.
If you want to help testing bugs before the release, take a look at this
search: https://frama.link/Koha_Needs_Signoff_bugs
It shows all the opened bugs with a patch attached. They are bugs and new
enhancement, are sorted by severity.
Pick them from the top 🙂
The next general IRC meeting is on May 3rd, 20 UTC.
The next dev IRC meeting is tomorrow, April 26th at 13UTC
New Koha Libraries
- Camden County Library System, NJ (USA) via ByWater Solutions
- College for Creative Studies, MI (USA) via ByWater Solutions
- Blake Austin College, CA (USA) via ByWater Solutions
- Caroline Chisholm Library, Melbourne (AU) via CALYX
- St Luke’s Grammar School Library, Sydney (AU) via CALYX
- Pädagogische Hochschule Schaffhausen (Switzerland) via Admin Kuhn
Community Gossip
Joy Nelson writes about her Linked Data presentation at the Marseille Koha Hackfest.
Chris Cormack has two new entries in his Unsung Heroes of Koha series.
How To
Jessie Zairo walks you through Article Requests in Koha 16.11.
Kyle Hall explains how Koha handles on shelf holds.
Kelly McElligott shows you how to make previous serial available in Koha.
Barton Chittenden wrote an excellent article on the relationships between tables in Koha for you.
Kyle Hall explains how Koha handles multiple holds per record.
Vimal Kumar has two How-To articles for you:
Support Provider News
From ByWater Solutions:
Upcoming Events
Kohacon 2017
by Eugene Jose Espinoza
KohaCon17 will be on June 19-23, 2017 at Ayala Museum, Makati City.
We are happy to announce that you can now visit our website
http://kohacon2017philippines.com for information regarding KohaCon 2017.
May General IRC Meeting
The May General IRC meeting will be held on the 3rd at 20:00 UTC.
The agenda, links to the minutes, and other information is here.
May Development IRC Meeting
The May Development IRC meeting will be held on the 10th at 21:00 UTC.
The agenda, links to the minutes, and other information is here.
Past Events
6th Annual Koha Italian Meeting
by Romana Franziska Wallner
On March 16th 2017, the Koha Gruppo Italiano has organized its 6th Annual Koha Italian Meeting during the National Italian Conference “Le Stelline” (Milan).
The focus of this meeting was the increasing interest of Italian public institutions in Koha. Without a direct link to the SBN, Italian public institutions could not consider Koha. Thanks to a generous grant by EBSCO, the Koha Gruppo Italiano and @Cult, in cooperation with ICCU, are connecting Koha with the Indice SBN. Concurrently and also with the generous support of EBSCO, BibLibre is developing an interface between Koha and Coral, thus providing a new and open source option to Koha libraries for managing their e-resources. The ongoing developments were presented at the meeting by representatives from all contributors, followed by a discussion. As organizer of the meeting we were happy to introduce our brand new website: http://www.kohagruppoitaliano.it.
April General IRC Meeting
The April general IRC meeting was held on the 5th at 14:00 UTC.
The agenda, links to the minutes, and other information is here.
April 12 Development IRC Meeting
The April 12 development IRC meeting was held at 19:00 UTC.
The agenda, links to the minutes, and other information is here.
April 26th Development IRC Meeting
The April 26th development IRC meeting was held at 13:00 UTC.
The agenda, links to the minutes, and other information is here.