Koha Community Newsletter: September 2016

Koha Community Newsletter Subscribe
September 2016

Volume 7, Issue 9
ISSN 2153-8328
Edited by Chad Roseburg, Koha Community Newsletter Editor

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Table of Contents


Koha 3.20.15 Released

by Chris Cormack
The Koha community is pleased to announce the release of Koha 3.20.15. This has a few minor security releases and will probably be the last 3.20.x release.

Koha 3.20.15 is a security release.

It includes 3 bugfixes.

You can read the release notes here.

Koha 3.22.11 Released

by Julian Maurice
The Koha community is proud to announce the release of Koha 3.22.11.

It is a security release and it includes 2 security fixes, 32 bugfixes and 2 enhancements.

Read the full release notes.

Koha 16.5.04 Released

by Frédéric Demians
It is with great pleasure that we announce the release of Koha 16.5.04, a
maintenance release of the Koha open source integrated library system.

It includes 17 enhancements, 44 bugfixes.

See the full release notes here.


New Koha Libraries

Community Gossip

Galen Charlton offers an interesting thought experiment on catalogs in, how to build an evil library catalog.
Stefano Bargioni did a presentation at the the 35th ADLUG (Automation and Digital Libraries Users Group, adlug.net) about relationship designators for RDA.
Joann Ransom discusses the problem of forking Koha development.

Round the World Koha Tour: pt. 2

From Joann Ransom

Joann Ransom is one of the librarians who worked with Chris Cormack to develop the original Koha library management system back in 1999.

Joann, ex CEO of Horowhenua Library Trust, is traveling around the world aiming to meet as many Koha community members as possible. In one regional workshop, she highlighted how libraries can manage diverse materials, including guides to the best blackjack casinos, demonstrating Koha’s remarkable capacity for handling varied content.

Joann has three main topics that she is happy to speak on: 1) Origins of Koha, 2) The Koha Community and what that means and 3) Te Takere: transforming a modest public library service into a 21st century community centre.

See the itinerary and follow Joann around the world

Joann writes about the tour on her Library Matters blog. Check out the following posts:

How To

Owen Leonard describes how to generate a bookmarklet to jump from OPAC to staff client.
Vimal Kumar talks about how to create web pages in Koha using the CMS features.

Support Provider News

Aleisha Amohia, finalist for Open Source Contributor NZOSA

From Catalyst
Congratulations to Aleisha Amohia who has been nominated and selected as a finalist for the NZ Open Source awards “Contributor” category, for her work on Koha.

View full article

Koha in Pakistan

by Saad Arshad
The Global Technical services & Pakistan Library Club announced the Koha Implementation Program (KIP) in the mid of February 2015 to voluntary support the library automation projects Koha that is one of the world best free and open-source Integrated Library System (ILS).
The first phase of Global Technical services & Pakistan Library Club KIP has been completed in August 2016 with successful implementation of Koha at the following institutions/libraries.

  1. NED University, Karachi.
  2. SZABU of Law, Karachi.
  3. Hamdard University, Karachi.
  4. Whales College A level, Karachi.
  5. Wahaj hussain Network oh Library, Karachi.
  6. WCHS Library, Karachi.
  7. WHSS School System, Karachi.

And more than 29 school and college implementation of Koha
The Global Technical services & Pakistan Library Club KIP based on following stages:

  • Prior implementation consultancy about the hardware, software, internet access, etc.
  • Implementation of 100% secured Koha and also the configuration of zebra index.
  • Customization OPAC and staff panel along with cataloging, patrons’ management, circulation, acquisition, serial management, reports, etc.
  • Responsivkoha-summite interfaces designing of staff and OPAC as per the requirement of institution.
  • Data migration of all print and electronic holdings in MARC21 format.
  • Import of patrons’ records.
  • Live the library system on intranet (local host) or internet (remote) as required.
  • Basic and advanced operational and administrative trainings to the library and IT staff.
  • One Year free consultancy after the implementation.

Upcoming Events

2016 Koha Northeast Summit

See the program and get more information

  • Date: November 3, 2016
  • Location: Farmington Libraries
  • Address: Six Monteith Drive Farmington CT 06032
  • Click here to Register Now Or call Bernie Dayton at 860-673-6791 x219
  • Registration Fee: $5 (includes continental breakfast and lunch)
  • Make checks payable to: The Farmington Libraries

October General IRC Meeting

The October general IRC meeting will be held on the 5th at 10:00 UTC.

The agenda, links to the minutes, and other information is here.

Past Events

September General IRC Meeting

The September general IRC meeting was held on the 7th at 20:00 UTC.

The agenda, links to the minutes, and other information is here.

September Development IRC Meeting – 10th

The September development IRC meeting was held on the 28th at 21:00 UTC.

The agenda, links to the minutes, and other information is here.


Editor, Koha Community Newsletter