Koha Community Newsletter: November 2017

Koha Community Newsletter Subscribe
November 2017

Volume 8, Issue 11
ISSN 2153-8328
Edited by Chad Roseburg, Koha Community Newsletter Editor

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Table of Contents


Please read Jonathan Druart‘s latest post, What’s on in koha-devel #16, for a more comprehensive overview of the world of Koha development. Below are some development highlights:

Koha 17.11.00 Released

by Jonathan Druart
It is with great pleasure that the Koha community announces the release of
Koha 17.11, a major release of the Koha open source integrated library

It includes 9 new features, 138 enhancements, 350 bugfixes.

Read the full release notes here:

The Debian packages for this new version will be available soon. Stay tuned!

Koha 17.05.06 Released

by Fridolin Somers
The Koha community is proud to announce the release of Koha 17.05.06.

This is a maintenance release. It includes 5 enhancements, 38 bugfixes.

The full release notes are available at https://koha-community.org/koha-17-05-06-release/

17.11 will soon be released so 17.05 will become the old-stable branch.

Koha 16.11.14 Released

by Katrin Fischer
The Koha community is proud to announce the release of Koha 16.11.14.

This is a maintenance release of 16.11 and includes 5 enhancements and 23 bugfixes.

The full release notes are available at https://koha-community.org/koha-16-11-14-release/

Packages are already available.

This is my last release as the 16.11.x Release Maintainer. Thanks to everyone involved in getting these 14 releases out!

Koha 16.05.19 Released

by Mason James
The Koha community is proud to announce the release of Koha 16.05.19.

This is a maintenance release of 16.05 and includes 5 enhancements and 15 bugfixes.

The full release notes are available at

Koha 16.05.19 release

This will be my last release as the 16.05.x RMaint
Thanks to everyone involved, and to Tomas and Jonathan for the new
jenkins :0)


New Koha Libraries

Community Gossip

Participate in the 2017 International Library Automation Perceptions Survey.

How To

Karen Holt explains how to set up Auto-Renewal notices in Koha 17.05.

Barton Chittenden walks you through recovering a report that has been accidentally deleted.

Learn about the following topics with Kelly McElligott:

Upcoming Events

Hackfest in Marseille Announced

by Paul Poulain
It’s time for me to decide when the next hackfest in Marseille will happen.

Save this date: March 12th-16th. Hoping to see you here !

PS: BibLibre turned 10 last month. We will probably do something special during this hackfest (but haven’t decided what yet)

From Koha Devel Listserv

KohaCon18 – Portland Oregon USA – “Together Towards Tomorrow”

by Brenden Gallagher

It has been decided that the next KohaCon will be in Portland, OR USA from September 10th (Monday) to September 12th (Wednesday) in 2018 – followed by a local cultural day and a 3 day hackfest over the weekend.

The theme for KohaCon18 will be “Together Towards Tomorrow”. A majority of the focus will be on community building, community engagement, and building Koha for the future.

We’ve started planning and starting at the beginning of next year you should plan on seeing a bunch of information and marketing about the conference (website, etc.).

We are extremely excited to be hosting and this conference will be tons of fun! If you have a chance to mark your calendars please do!

From Koha Listserv

Koha-US Users Group: December Meeting

Koha-US holds monthly online meetings every second Wednesday of the month
via Zoom.

Our next meeting will be Wednesday, December 13th, 2017 at 10:30 am CST (time

These meetings are open to any and all who wish to attend and are meant to
be a platform for us to share and discuss Koha-related issues, ideas, and
solutions. Meetings are also the place to have your voice heard with
regards to the growth and development of koha-US as an organization.

If you have topics for the agenda, please send them my way.

Watch for links to the agenda and meeting space next week.

For more information, don’t hesitate to contact us!

Jason Robb
koha-US Secretary

From Koha Listserv

Past Events

November Documentation IRC meeting

The November Documentation IRC meeting was held on the 30th at 21:00 UTC.

The agenda, links to the minutes, and other information is here.


Editor, Koha Community Newsletter