Koha Community Newsletter: August 2016
Koha Community Newsletter 
August 2016
Volume 7, Issue 8
ISSN 2153-8328
Edited by Chad Roseburg, Koha Community Newsletter Editor
Please submit news items to
Table of Contents
- Development
- Community
- Upcoming Events
- Past Events
Koha 3.20.14 Released
by Chris Cormack
The Koha community is proud to announce the release of Koha 3.20.14.
This is a security release and users of 3.20.x are encouraged to upgrade.
It includes 12 bugfixes.
You can read the release notes here.
Koha 3.22.10 Released
by Julian Maurice
The Koha community is proud to announce the release of Koha 3.22.10. This is a security release so if you are running 3.22.x it is strongly recommended to upgrade.
Koha 3.22.10 is a security release.
It includes 12 security fixes, 85 bugfixes, and 11 enhancements.
The full release notes are available at
Koha 16.5.3 Released
by Frédéric Demians
It is with great pleasure that we announce the release of Koha 16.5.3, a
maintenance release of the Koha open source integrated library system.
It includes 6 enhancements, 72 bugfixes.
See the full release notes here.
Introducing Koha Nightly Packages
by Mirko Teitgen
From Koha Dev List:
I have set up a build server and repository for automatic Koha
nightly builds (Debian packages) of master, 16.05.x and 3.22.x. It
also serves a live installation running the latest master build,
unless it is broken.
You can find it at https://apt.abunchofthings.net/koha-nightly/
Friendly word of advice: Kids, do not use this in production. It’s
just a development toy.
New Koha Libraries
- Edsel Ford Memorial Library, CT (USA) via ByWater Solutions
- Round Rock Public Library, TX (USA) via ByWater Solutions
- Piedmont Public Library, AL (USA) via ByWater Solutions
- National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago via ByWater Solutions
The Royal Conservatory of Music Library, Toronto adopts Koha as its new ILS for 2016
by Craig Butosi
The Rupert Edwards Library at the Royal Conservatory of Music in Toronto, Canada (http://learning.rcmusic.ca/rupert-edwards-library) is pleased to announce the successful migration from InMagic Genie to Koha 16.05.02 (http://rel.rcmusic.ca). The library, a multimedia music performance library of 60,000 items, is on schedule to go live on August 29th. The migration to Koha is part of a larger initiative to modernize library service, improve staff workflow, and provide additional features and services to the RCM community. A review of the legacy system happened three years ago, but it was only until this past year that work was begun after the approval of both the choice of ILS and migration plan. It was decided that Koha would be the most appropriate solution for the RCM’s user base, and, so, was installed on Amazon AWS servers with the help of IT staff earlier this year. The data migration (thank-you Open Refine!) and software installation/configuration was done by the library, and took nearly 4 months. The entire project from conception through to completion took approximately one year.
Special thanks must be extended to the entire Koha community. Thanks in particular must go to Tomas Cohen Arazi, Katrin Fischer, and all of the stalwart individuals that form the backbone of Koha development. Additional thanks to Kyle M. Hall and Bywater Solutions for their outstanding enhancement work, such as the Offline Circulation module and Flipster coverflow, both of which have been integrated into our Koha instance. Lastly, thanks must also go out to Frédéric Demians for his rather beautiful Coce bookcover URL caching software (https://github.com/fredericd/coce), and to Marshall Breeding for his well of information at http://librarytechnology.org, which enabled the library to make the informed, evidence-based determination that Koha was indeed the most appropriate solution.
Staff at the Rupert Edwards Library are proud and excited to be officially part of the Koha community, and look forward to future participation in it.
Community Gossip
Nick Clemens talks about the recent Koha US User’s Group down in Monterey CA.
Todd Goatley-Seals writes about KohaUS 2016 in Monterey, CA.
Larry Baerveldt wishes Debian, the Linux distribution most often used on servers running Koha, a happy birthday.
Galen Charlton created a map showing the global distribution of Koha installations.
Round the World Koha Tour
From Joann Ransom
Joann Ransom is one of the librarians who worked with Chris Cormack to develop the original Koha library management system back in 1999.
Joann, ex CEO of Horowhenua Library Trust, is travelling around the world aiming to meet as many Koha community members as possible.
Joann has three main topics that she is happy to speak on: 1) Origins of Koha, 2) The Koha Community and what that means and 3) Te Takere: transforming a modest public library service into a 21st century community centre.
See the itinerary and follow Joann around the world
Joann writes about the tour on her Library Matters blog. Check out the following posts:
How To
Joy Nelson describes the system preferences in Koha for authorities.
Melissa LeFebvre talks about her daily productivity tools.
Support Provider News
2016 Koha Northeast Summit
by Jesse Zairo
From 2016 Koha Northeast Summit
Join the Farmington Library and ByWater Solutions on Thursday November 3, 2016 for a conversation about Koha and how it can benefit your library. The 2016 Koha Northeast Summit will take place at Farmington Library from 9:00am -5:00pm. The cost of the event is $5.00 and refreshments will be provided. Topics will include advantages of Koha, customer and staff functionality, technical attributes, collection development and lending services. We will also discuss the Koha community and how collaborative developments work.
More information about registration and the full program to follow!
Location: Farmington Library 6 Monteith Drive Farmington CT 06032
Date: Thursday November 3, 2016
Time: 9:00am – 5:00pm
Food: Food and refreshments will be provided
Cost: $5.00
Upcoming Events
Training on “Koha-ILS and MARC 21” (10th Phase)
Training on “Koha-ILS and MARC21” (10th Phase) announced to be held from 02-05 Sep, 2016 at Daffodil International University Library, 102, Shukrabad, Mirpur Road, Dhanmondi, Dhaka.
Last Date of Registration : 30 August, 2016.
To confirm your participation please go to following link and submit your application.
Kohacon 2017 Update
by Mirko Tietgen
From the Koha listserv:
the deadline to hand in proposals to host Kohacon 2017 has ended.
We had two bids. Due to our policy to switch continents each year
only one of them was valid. That means we can skip the voting process.
Kohacon 2017 will take place at Ayala Museum, Makati, Philippines in
June 2017. You can find more info at
Congratulations to the organizing group, we are looking forward to
another exciting Koha event.
September General IRC Meeting
The September general IRC meeting will be held on the 7th at 20:00 UTC.
The agenda, links to the minutes, and other information is here.
September Development IRC Meeting
The September development IRC meeting will be held on the 21st at 21:00 UTC.
The agenda, links to the minutes, and other information is here.
Past Events
August General IRC Meeting
The August general IRC meeting was held on the 3rd at 10:00 UTC.
The agenda, links to the minutes, and other information is here.
August Development IRC Meeting – 10th
The first August development IRC meeting was held on the 10th at 19:00 UTC.
The agenda, links to the minutes, and other information is here.
August Development IRC Meeting – 24th
The second August development IRC meeting was held on the 24th at 7:00 UTC.
The agenda, links to the minutes, and other information is here.