Koha 3.14.1 released

The Koha community is proud to announce the release of 3.14.1.

This is a maintenance release and contains some enhancements and several bugfixes.
As always you can download the release from http://download.koha-community.org

Please read more for the full release notes

23 déc. 2013

Koha is the first free and open source software library automation package 
(ILS). Development is sponsored by libraries of varying types and sizes, 
volunteers, and support companies from around the world.  
The website for the Koha project is 


Koha 3.14.1 can be downloaded from:


Installation instructions can be found at:

    OR in the INSTALL files that come in the tarball

Koha 3.14.1 is a bugfix/maintenance release.

It includes 11 enhancements and 30 bugfixes.

Enhancements in 3.14.1

	11146	Show a go back link on no permission page

	11040	Add option to print regular slip to CircAutoPrintQuickSlip

	11238	The version of the manual online link should be dynamically updated

	11104	Label in opac topics in facets not easily css selectable
	11105	Label - opac - places on facets not easily css selectable
	11304	Bootstrap OPAC detail page doesn't display holding tabs properly

	10809	Use template branches plugin in serials search

Staff Client
	11101	Item Type label in OPAC not easily css selectable.
	11333	Use jQuery validator plugin for CSV profile forms

	7484	Keeping typed values when searching for authorities

	2693	Tagging: Add filter by name

Critical bugs fixed in 3.14.1

	11322	critical	Suggestion "notes" field should be sanitized or escaped

	6435	major	[ENH] Added daemon mode parameters to rebuild_zebra.pl
	11286	major	Bug 10602 prevents to create new subfields in authorities

	2546	major	Description of charges: string hardcoded

	11307	critical	Potential XSS attack vector in opac rss feed
	11341	critical	XSS attack vector in facets in OPAC - prog theme

Other bugs fixed in 3.14.1

	7143	trivial	Bug for tracking changes to the about page

	7791	normal	Deleting basket should not delete all existing orders without warning
	11059	normal	Not possible to sort staged dates in metric format
	11111	normal	The basket group is not displayed on the parcel page
	11171	normal	The basket group is not displayed on the supplier list page

Architecture, internals, and plumbing
	11035	normal	Replace shortcut plugin jquery.hotkeys.min.js
	11061	normal	Koha::Calendar::_mock_init is unused
	11077	trivial	Correct silent warnings in C4/Auth.pm

	11275	normal	Make deleteditems.materials of type text

Label printing
	11222	normal	A regression on label-item-search.pl done by Bug 9239

	11183	normal	Warnings in opac
	11308	normal	RSS feed is slightly broken in bootstrap theme
	11242	minor	Fix opac-MARCdetail.pl bizarre ordering of data and noisy warnings

	11207	normal	Impossibility to remove a sms number
	11283	normal	Restriction type is not translatable
	11125	minor	Remove Problematic Logic from Patron Messaging Preferences Form

	11091	normal	Limits in catalog search when creating subscription
	11265	normal	Problems with locale saving/editing on serial subscriptions
	11214	minor	Allow create routing list in serial collection page

System Administration
	7491	normal	Description for item-level_itypes is misleading

	2310	normal	Delete grayed out w/out explanation

	5031	normal	CSV export profile form doesn't indicate that profile marcfields are required
	10996	normal	Cannot exclude numeric subfields on export
	11245	normal	Typo in modborrowers.tt javascript string

New sysprefs in 3.14.1

System requirements

    Important notes:
    * Perl 5.10 is required
    * Zebra is required


The Koha manual is maintained in DocBook.The home page for Koha 
documentation is 


As of the date of these release notes, only the English version of the
Koha manual is available:


The Git repository for the Koha manual can be found at



Complete or near-complete translations of the OPAC and staff
interface are available in this release for the following languages:

  * English (USA)
  * Arabic (83%)
  * Armenian (99%)
  * Chinese (China) (99%)
  * Chinese (Taiwan) (100%)
  * Czech (99%)
  * Danish (91%)
  * English (New Zealand) (85%)
  * French (99%)
  * French (Canada) (90%)
  * German (100%)
  * German (Switzerland) (99%)
  * Greek (53%)
  * Italian (96%)
  * Kurdish (73%)
  * Norwegian Bokmål (60%)
  * Polish (61%)
  * Portuguese (99%)
  * Portuguese (Brazil) (91%)
  * Slovak (100%)
  * Spanish (99%)
  * Swedish (90%)
  * Turkish (99%)

Partial translations are available for various other languages.

The Koha team welcomes additional translations; please see


for information about translating Koha, and join the koha-translate 
list to volunteer:


The most up-to-date translations can be found at:


Release Team

The release team for Koha 3.14.1 is

  Release Manager:       Galen Charlton 
  Documentation Manager: Nicole C Engard 
  Installation Documentation Managers:
                         Samuel Desseaux 
                         Mason James 
  Translation Manager:   Bernardo Gonzalez Kriegel 
  QA Manager:            Katrin Fischer 
  QA Team:               Chris Cormack 
                         Marcel de Rooy ,
                         Jonathan Druart ,
                         Brendan Gallagher 
                         Kyle Hall 
                         Mason James 
                         Paul Poulain 
  Bug Wranglers:         Magnus Enger 
  Packaging Manager:     Robin Sheat 
  Live CD Manager:       Nguyen Quoc Uy 
  VM Manager:            Samuel Desseaux 

  Release Maintainer (3.8.x): Chris Hall 
  Release Maintainer (3.10.x): Bernardo Gonzalez Kriegel 
  Release Maintainer (3.12.x): Tomás Cohen Arazi 
  Release Maintainer (3.14.x): Fridolin SOMERS 


We thank the following libraries who are known to have sponsored
new features in Koha 3.14.1:
  * Universidad Nacional de Cordoba

We thank the following individuals who contributed patches to Koha 3.14.1.
  *      1	Tomas Cohen Arazi
  *      2	Blou
  *      1	Colin Campbell
  *      7	Galen Charlton
  *      7	Chris Cormack
  *      1	Frédéric Demians
  *     11	Jonathan Druart
  *      1	Rachel Dustin
  *      1	Kyle M Hall
  *      1	Tim Hannah
  *      2	Srdjan Jankovic
  *      2	Doug Kingston
  *      1	Bernardo Gonzalez Kriegel
  *      2	Owen Leonard
  *      1	Sophie Meynieux
  *      2	Marcel de Rooy
  *      3	Fridolin SOMERS
  *      9	Fridolyn SOMERS
  *      3	Mathieu Saby
  *      1	Claire Stent
  *      1	Zeno Tajoli
  *      1	Lyon3 Team
  *      1	Peggy Thrasher
  *      1	Mark Tompsett

We thank the following companies who contributed patches to Koha 3.14.1
  *       2 ACPL
  *      24 BibLibre
  *       3 BigBallOfWax
  *       1 ByWater-Solutions
  *       6 Catalyst
  *       7 Equinox
  *       1 PTFS-Europe
  *       2 Rijksmuseum
  *       1 Tamil
  *       1 Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3
  *       3 Université Rennes 2
  *       1 cineca.it
  *       1 dover.nh.gov
  *       2 inlibro.com
  *       1 massey.ac.nz
  *       2 randomnotes.org
  *       5 unidentified

We also especially thank the following individuals who tested patches
for Koha 3.14.1.
  *       1 Koha team AMU
  *       1 Pierre Angot
  *       2 Tomas Cohen Arazi
  *       1 Petter Goksoyr Asen
  *      60 Galen Charlton
  *       4 David Cook
  *       5 Chris Cormack
  *      12 Jonathan Druart
  *      26 Katrin Fischer
  *       1 Brendan Gallagher
  *      15 Kyle M Hall
  *       5 Bernardo Gonzalez Kriegel
  *       8 Owen Leonard
  *       2 David Noe
  *       1 Liz Rea
  *       3 Martin Renvoize
  *       7 Marcel de Rooy
  *       2 Paola Rossi
  *      60 Fridolin SOMERS
  *       1 Fridolyn SOMERS
  *       1 Garming Sam
  *       1 Srdjan
  *       5 Mark Tompsett
  *       1 Ed Veal
  *       2 Cedric Vita

We regret any omissions.  If a contributor has been inadvertently missed,
please send a patch against these release notes to 

Revision control notes

The Koha project uses Git for version control.  The current development 
version of Koha can be retrieved by checking out the master branch of 


The branch for this version of Koha and future bugfixes in this release line is 3.14.x.

The last Koha release was 3.14.0, which was released on November 21, 2013.

Bugs and feature requests

Bug reports and feature requests can be filed at the Koha bug
tracker at


He rau ringa e oti ai.
(Many hands finish the work)

##### Autogenerated release notes updated last on 23 déc. 2013 16:01:59 Z #####

A great tanks to all contributors.
This is my first release as release maintainer of 3.14.x.