Koha 3.18.3 Released
The Koha release team is proud to announce the release of Koha 3.18.3. This is the latest release of the current stable branch of Koha, this is a security and bugfix release. We strongly recommend all 3.18.x users upgrade to …
The Koha release team is proud to announce the release of Koha 3.18.3. This is the latest release of the current stable branch of Koha, this is a security and bugfix release. We strongly recommend all 3.18.x users upgrade to …
Koha Community Newsletter December 2014 Volume 5, Issue 12 ISSN 2153-8328 Edited by Chad Roseburg and Joanne Dillon, Koha Community Newsletter Editors. Please submit news items to Table of Contents Development Koha 3.18.2 Released Koha 3.16.6 Released Koha 3.14.12 Released …
RELEASE NOTES FOR KOHA 3.16.6 22 Dec 2014 ======================================================================== Koha is the first free and open source software library automation package (ILS). Development is sponsored by libraries of varying types and sizes, volunteers, and support companies from around the world. …
The Koha release team are proud to announce the release of Koha 3.18.2 this is a maintenance release but contains one security fix. Everyone running 3.18.x is strongly recommended to upgraded. Please continue reading for the release notes. RELEASE …
RELEASE NOTES FOR KOHA 3.14.12 22 déc. 2014 Koha is the first free and open source software library automation package (ILS). Development is sponsored by libraries of varying types and sizes, volunteers, and support companies from around the world. The …
RELEASE NOTES FOR KOHA – Security Release It is advised that all sites upgrade to this release immediately, as it fixes an important security bug. 10 Dec 2014 ======================================================================== Koha is the first free and open source software library …
RELEASE NOTES FOR KOHA 3.16.5 – Security Release It is advised that all sites upgrade to this release immediately, as it fixes an important security bug. 10 Dec 2014 ======================================================================== Koha is the first free and open source software library …
The Koha release team would like to announce the release of Koha version 3.18.1. This is a security release, and as such we would strongly recommend that anyone running 3.18.0 upgrades. There should be a release for 3.16.x shortly. Please …
Koha Community Newsletter November 2014 Volume 5, Issue 11 ISSN 2153-8328 Edited by Chad Roseburg and Joanne Dillon, Koha Community Newsletter Editors. Please submit news items to Table of Contents Development Koha 3.18.0 Released Bugs and Features Community Community Gossip …
It is with great pleasure that I announce the release of Koha 3.18.0, the latest major release of the Koha open source integrated library system. Koha is the first free and open source software library automation package (ILS). Development is …