Koha Community Newsletter: February 2018
Koha Community Newsletter 
February 2018
Volume 9, Issue 2
ISSN 2153-8328
Edited by Chad Roseburg, Koha Community Newsletter Editor
Please submit news items to
Table of Contents
- Development
- Community
- Upcoming Events
- Past Events
Please read Jonathan Druart‘s latest post, What’s on in koha-devel #17, for a more comprehensive overview of the world of Koha development. Below are some development highlights:
Koha 17.11.03 Released
by Nick Clemens
The Koha community is proud to announce the release of 17.11.03.
Koha 17.11.03 is a bugfix/maintenance release.
It includes 1 enhancements, 42 bugfixes.
Koha 17.05.09 Released
by Fridolin Somers
The Koha community is proud to announce the release of Koha 17.05.09
Koha 17.05.09 is a bugfix/maintenance release.
It includes 2 enhancements, 38 bugfixes.
Koha 16.11.16 Released
by Chris Cormack
The Koha community are proud to announce the release of Koha 16.11.16
This a maintenance release of 16.11.x. It includes 1 enhancements, 4 bugfixes.
NOTE: 16.11.x is no longer packaged, it is recommended you upgrade as soon as practical.
In – Out Management System” based on KOHA ILS
by Omkar Kakeru
It is a pleasure to announce the introduction of our new “In – Out Management
System,” built on the robust KOHA ILS platform, specifically designed to
enhance the operations of online casinos. This system effectively tracks
the in and out times of patrons, seamlessly integrates across multiple
online casino platforms, generates four distinct types of detailed reports,
and can be efficiently managed by a single individual. By leveraging this
system, online casino operators can ensure better monitoring, streamlined
management, and improved customer service, ultimately providing a more secure
and enjoyable experience for their users.
Please have a look on demo video & convey your valuable feedback.
Download application link
Bugs needing Sign off
by Mark Tompsett
I was hoping that
might get signed off.
Thesis: RDA e le risorse cartografiche (RDA and cartographic resources)
by Romana Franziska Wallner
An experimental theses “RDA e le risorse cartografiche” (RDA and cartographic resources) was successfully defended at the University of Florence (Italy) on 20 February 2018.
The thesis was supervised by Prof. Mauro Guerrini and Dr. Stefano Bargioni, as part of if was conducted at the library of Pontificia Università della Santa Croce and was based on Koha. The author, Laura Manzoni, was awarded the highest grade possible.
The aim of the thesis is to verify the viability of the new RDA guidelines for the description of cartographic materials and to highlight its strengths and weaknesses. The analysis compares the different models suggested to describe bibliographic records, starting from the first module proposed by the geographer Giovanni Marinelli as well as RDA. A sample of materials preserved at the Italian Geographical Society in Rome has been selected and catalogued with Koha, a complete ILS open source software developed by a global community. The thesis also analyzes the context and issues that lead to the development of RDA and to its progressive diffusion and use in libraries around the world.
New Koha Libraries
- Curry County Library Network, OR (USA) via ByWater Solutions
- Whanganui District Libraries (NZ) via Catalyst
Support Provider News
FOLIO Library Services Support Between ByWater Solutions and EBSCO Information Services
Catalyst Koha are now on Twitter!
We would love to connect with you, our community, and chat regularly on all things Koha!
Come and say ‘Hi’ at: https://twitter.com/catalystkoha
Upcoming Events
Koha user group – Whanganui, NZ 2018
by Bonnie Crawford
Whanganui Libraries and the Catalyst Koha team invite you to attend the 2018 NZ Koha user group day. All libraries currently using Koha, Koha enthusiasts and the Koha-curious are welcomed!
- Date:
- Thursday, 22nd March 2018
- Time:
- 10am – 4pm
- Cost:
- Free
- Location:
- Whanganui, New Zealand. Whanganui District Library Rooms – TBC
- Catering:
- Lunch is provided free of charge. We are happy to cater for specified dietary requirements.
- Parking:
- Plenty of free parking
- RSVP by:
- Tuesday, 20 March 2018
- Schedule:
- Unconference style – we will set the agenda for the day in a collaborative way. Everyone can make suggestions and propose ideas for a programme of events.
- What to expect:
- The 2018 user group day is for current and future users of Koha to come together as a community, with an opportunity for all to share their ideas and plans for the future of technology in our libraries.
For more information see the original post.
Hackfest in Marseille
- When:
- 12-16 March 2018
- Where:
- At BibLibre , 108 Rue Breteuil, 13006 Marseille
- Who:
- developers, administrators, librarians, Koha users …
- Prerequisites:
- know Koha, at least know some modules
- Participation:
- free, but a minimum of 2 to 3 days of participation is recommended, especially for beginners
- Food:
- lunch is provided on site (financial participation to be defined, between 15 and 20 € per meal). There is always coffee, tea, and everyone can bring delicacies to enjoy or to discover. Free meals in the evening but one or more appointment points are always available
- Other:
- English is a ++ to interact with everyone and participate in mini-conferences but not required
- Hashtag:
- #hfk18 to communicate on social networks
- Registration:
- open with BibLibre, by sending an email to Paul Poulain
- Contact infos:
- associationkohala@gmail.com
Past Events
Training programme on Koha for Library staff of ICAR
by Dr. S.K. Soam, Head and Dr. N. Srinivasa Rao, Principal Scientist, ICAR-NAARM, India
The ICAR – National Academy of Agricultural Research Management (ICAR-NAARM) is an institution engaged in capacity building of personnel of National Agricultural Research and Education System (NARES) in management of research, education and technology transfer. ICAR-NAARM was established by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) in 1976 at Hyderabad. The major mandate of the Academy is to build capacity in agricultural research, education and extension education systems, and provide policy advocacy for the NARES. To fulfil these mandates, Academy organizes various capacity building programmes for researchers, academicians, extension personnel, scholars, and other stakeholders in NARES.
ICAR – NAARM organized a training programme on “Koha for Library staff of ICAR” during 5-9 February 2018 at this Academy with the objective to make participants understand the application of Koha in library automation, to provide hands on training on various modules of Koha related to acquisition, cataloguing, OPAC etc., and to provide the knowledge of broad aspects of Koha installation and customization as per institute requirements. Dr. S.K. Soam, Head (ICM Division) and Dr. N. Srinivasa Rao, Principal Scientist (ICM Division) were the course directors for this programme.
A total of 36 technical staff associated with library and related work in ICAR Institutes were attended this programme. In this training program we had representatives from Crop Science Division, Agricultural Engineering Division, Fisheries Science, Animal Science, Natural Resource Management Division, Agricultural Education Division, Horticulture Division and ICAR Headquarters.
This training program was designed to cover both theoretical and practical aspects on various topics. The trainees were exposed to Introduction to Linux, Installation of Ubuntu operating system, Installation and configuration of Koha and hands on training by our internal faculty.
Introduction to Koha modules, Administration, Acquisition, Patron Management, Cataloguing, Circulation, Serials, OPAC etc., were covered by the guest faculty Mr. Indranil Das Gupta who is a “Member, Koha Community Release Team”, “Database Documentation Manager, Koha Community Project” and CEO of L2C2 Technologies, Kolkata.
February General IRC Meeting
The February general IRC meeting was held at on the 7th at 20:00 UTC.
The agenda, links to the minutes, and other information is here.
February Development IRC Meeting
The february development IRC meeting was held on the 14th at 13:00 UTC.
The agenda, links to the minutes, and other information is here.
GDPR IRC Meeting
The February GDPR IRC meeting was held on the 26th at 19:00 UTC.
The agenda, links to the minutes, and other information is here.