Koha 3.14.2 released

The Koha community is proud to announce the release of 3.14.2.

This is a maintenance release and contains some enhancements and several bugfixes.
As always you can download the release from http://download.koha-community.org

Please read more for the full release notes

23 janv. 2014

Koha is the first free and open source software library automation package 
(ILS). Development is sponsored by libraries of varying types and sizes, 
volunteers, and support companies from around the world.  
The website for the Koha project is 


Koha 3.14.2 can be downloaded from:


Installation instructions can be found at:

    OR in the INSTALL files that come in the tarball

Koha 3.14.2 is a bugfix/maintenance release.

It includes 8 enhancements and 37 bugfixes.

Enhancements in 3.14.2

	10983	Unused subroutines in C4:Budgets

	10970	Update MARC21 frameworks to Update Nr. 17 - DB update

MARC Authority data support
	8334	Authority UNIMARC 100 field plugin

MARC Bibliographic data support
	11032	Validate passed records in Biblio.pm

	11284	Package related updates for the new release

	10834	Add Sort 1 and Sort 2 to list of searchable patron fields

	9940	Add a new index for original language of document

	10852	Add 3 filters to the serials search

Critical bugs fixed in 3.14.2

	9948	critical	Acq data going on first item even if not received

	8018	major	New subfields have a default max length of zero
	11338	major	Items that are captured for holds can be deleted without warning
	11410	major	Cataloging search finds no results for searches with ampersands

	10605	major	Problems with translated cart email sent
	11535	major	Patron self-registration form does not sanitize its input

	11282	blocker	Not possible to create multiple restrictions from patron details/new restriction overwrites existing
	10453	critical	Updating child to adult loses password
	11009	major	Do not allow reading records of anonymous patron

	11414	critical	Marc modification template limitations should alert the user
	11412	major	Bulkmarcimport can crash when searching for duplicates

Other bugs fixed in 3.14.2

	8683	normal	Acq: Clear button doesn't clear all item fields
	9224	normal	Acqui/finishreceive.pl is not Plack-compatible
	11166	normal	Branch filter in budgets admin uses pattern match  instead of equals

Architecture, internals, and plumbing
	10626	normal	Remove doubled up TT plugins
	11112	normal	Koha::Calendar->new loads all holidays
	11391	normal	Suggestions.suggesteddate has a problematic default value
	11384	minor	Koha should not use "ctid" as a column name

	10808	minor	Thesaurus search form does not correspond to current search query

	11155	normal	PostgreSQL schema contains syntax errors
	6331	minor	Obsolete marc column in deleteditems

	11383	minor	There is no help page for the marc modification templates tool

	11225	normal	\n in translation strings should be removed

Installation and upgrade (web-based installer)
	11261	normal	Sample frequencies and numbering patterns should better be mandatory on install

MARC Authority data support
	10905	minor	Author tracings incorrect when UseAuthoritiesForTracings is turned on

MARC Bibliographic data support
	11004	normal	Make xmlControlfield.js use the marcflavour syspref to look for XML files

	10781	minor	Remove C4::ILSDI::Utility
	10797	minor	Move styling from element to CSS file for search input field in OPAC
	11174	trivial	Wrong parameter 'valuec' in  opac-authoritiessearchresultlist

	10735	normal	Koha-dump not working

	10688	normal	QueryParser doesn't recognize QP queries when used in a fielded search box
	11252	normal	Rebuild_zebra.pl should not have --munge-config
	11255	normal	Sort by relevance asc generates a wrong query

	10661	normal	Mandatory item fields should be formatted the same on all forms

Test Suite
	11124	normal	The staff benchmark script does not work with sql administrator account
	11439	normal	UT: XISBN.t returns failure

Z39.50 / SRU / OpenSearch Servers
	11419	minor	Z39.50 searches not displaying errors

System requirements

    Important notes:
    * Perl 5.10 is required
    * Zebra is required


The Koha manual is maintained in DocBook.The home page for Koha 
documentation is 


As of the date of these release notes, only the English version of the
Koha manual is available:


The Git repository for the Koha manual can be found at



Complete or near-complete translations of the OPAC and staff
interface are available in this release for the following languages:

  * English (USA)
  * Arabic (83%)
  * Armenian (100%)
  * Chinese (China) (99%)
  * Chinese (Taiwan) (99%)
  * Czech (100%)
  * Danish (91%)
  * English (New Zealand) (84%)
  * French (99%)
  * French (Canada) (89%)
  * German (100%)
  * German (Switzerland) (99%)
  * Greek (53%)
  * Italian (96%)
  * Kurdish (72%)
  * Norwegian Bokmål (64%)
  * Polish (60%)
  * Portuguese (99%)
  * Portuguese (Brazil) (91%)
  * Slovak (100%)
  * Spanish (99%)
  * Swedish (89%)
  * Turkish (100%)

Partial translations are available for various other languages.

The Koha team welcomes additional translations; please see


for information about translating Koha, and join the koha-translate 
list to volunteer:


The most up-to-date translations can be found at:


Release Team

The release team for Koha 3.14.2 is

  Release Manager:       Galen Charlton 
  Documentation Manager: Nicole C Engard 
  Installation Documentation Managers:
                         Samuel Desseaux 
                         Mason James 
  Translation Manager:   Bernardo Gonzalez Kriegel 
  QA Manager:            Katrin Fischer 
  QA Team:               Chris Cormack 
                         Marcel de Rooy ,
                         Jonathan Druart ,
                         Brendan Gallagher 
                         Kyle Hall 
                         Mason James 
                         Paul Poulain 
  Bug Wranglers:         Magnus Enger 
  Packaging Manager:     Robin Sheat 
  Live CD Manager:       Nguyen Quoc Uy 
  VM Manager:            Samuel Desseaux 

  Release Maintainer (3.8.x): Chris Hall 
  Release Maintainer (3.10.x): Bernardo Gonzalez Kriegel 
  Release Maintainer (3.12.x): Tomás Cohen Arazi 


We thank the following libraries who are known to have sponsored
new features in Koha 3.14.2:
  * Universidad Nacional de Cordoba

We thank the following individuals who contributed patches to Koha 3.14.2.
  *      2	Jacek Ablewicz
  *      3	Tomas Cohen Arazi
  *      1	Pablo Bianchi
  *      1	Jared Camins-Esakov
  *      3	Colin Campbell
  *     24	Galen Charlton
  *     19	Jonathan Druart
  *      1	Nicole Engard
  *      1	Magnus Enger
  *      1	Vitor FERNANDES
  *      3	Katrin Fischer
  *      9	Kyle M Hall
  *      1	Srdjan Jankovic
  *      1	Bernardo Gonzalez Kriegel
  *      1	Owen Leonard
  *      1	Matthias Meusburger
  *      2	Marcel de Rooy
  *     13	Fridolin SOMERS
  *      7	Fridolyn SOMERS
  *      1	Mathieu Saby
  *      2	Robin Sheat
  *      1	Zeno Tajoli

We thank the following companies who contributed patches to Koha 3.14.2
  *       1 ACPL                                                                                          
  *       3 BSZ BW                                                                                         
  *      40 BibLibre                                                                                    
  *      10 ByWater-Solutions                                                                   
  *       1 C & P Bibliography                                                                    
  *       3 Catalyst                                                                                 
  *      24 Equinox                                                                                   
  *       1 Libriotech                                                                                 
  *       3 PTFS-Europe                                                                              
  *       2 Rijksmuseum                                                                               
  *       1 Université Rennes 2
  *       2 biblos.pk.edu.pl
  *       1 cineca.it
  *       1 keep.pt
  *       5 unidentified

We also especially thank the following individuals who tested patches
for Koha 3.14.2.
  *       2 Tomas Cohen Arazi
  *       1 Nora Blake
  *       1 Christopher Brannon
  *       1 Heather Braum
  *      95 Galen Charlton
  *       2 David Cook
  *      19 Chris Cormack
  *       1 Stephane Delaye
  *      20 Jonathan Druart
  *       1 Nicole C. Engard
  *       1 Suzanne Fayle
  *      24 Katrin Fischer
  *       5 Brendan Gallagher
  *      25 Kyle M Hall
  *       2 Bernardo Gonzalez Kriegel
  *       2 Owen Leonard
  *       1 David Noe
  *       1 Liz Rea
  *       1 Martin Renvoize
  *       7 Marcel de Rooy
  *       2 Paola Rossi
  *      89 Fridolin SOMERS
  *       4 Mathieu Saby
  *       1 Fridolin Somers
  *       1 Mark Tompsett

We regret any omissions.  If a contributor has been inadvertently missed,
please send a patch against these release notes to 

Revision control notes

The Koha project uses Git for version control.  The current development 
version of Koha can be retrieved by checking out the master branch of 


The branch for this version of Koha and future bugfixes in this release line is 3.14.x.

The last Koha release was 3.14.1, which was released on December 23, 2013.

Bugs and feature requests

Bug reports and feature requests can be filed at the Koha bug
tracker at


He rau ringa e oti ai.
(Many hands finish the work)

##### Autogenerated release notes updated last on 23 janv. 2014 17:37:37 Z #####

A great tanks to all contributors.