
Aller à : Plus > Administration > Préférences système > Catalogage



Par défaut : Afficher

Action : ___ les informations d’acquisition sur la page de la notice détaillée.

Valeurs :

  • Affichage

  • Ne pas afficher

Description :

  • Cette préférence détermine si un onglet qui inclut des informations détaillées d’acquisition s’affichera sur la page de la notice détaillée dans l’interface professionnelle. Cet onglet inclura des liens vers les informations de la commande dans le module Acquisitions.



Action : Séparer l’entrée principale et les subdivisions avec ___.

Par défaut : –

Description :


Par défaut : Afficher

Action : ___ les numéros des zones MARC, les lettres des sous zones et les indicateurs dans les vues MARC.

Valeurs :

  • Afficher – affiche seulement les numéros des zones dans l’interface de catalogage


  • Ne pas afficher – montre seulement le texte descriptif lors du catalogage



Par défaut : ISBD

Action : Par défaut, afficher les notices bibliographiques en ___

Valeurs :

  • ISBD – affiche les notices, dans l’interface professionnelle, dans l’ancien format des fiches bristol

    • Voir la préférence système :ref`ISBD` pour plus d’information

  • MARC avec étiquettes – affiche les notices, dans l’interface professionnelle, en MARC avec des étiquettes expliquant le contenu des différents champs

  • MARC – affiche les notices, dans l’interface professionnelle, en MARC brut

  • Normale – affiche les notices, dans l’interface professionnelle, “au format public” (pour les non bibliothécaires)

Description :

  • Ce paramétrage détermine l’apparence des notices bibliographiques lors de la recherche dans le catalogue de l’interface professionnelle. Cette configuration n’affecte pas l’affichage dans l’OPAC, qui est modifiée avec la préférence BiblioDefaultView dans l’onglet des préférences OPAC. Ce paramétrage change l’apparence de la notice la première fois qu’elle sera affichée. Les vues MARC et ISBD peuvent encore être affichées en cliquant sur les liens dans la barre qui se trouve au-dessus de la notice.


Par défaut : Voir “Configuration de la vue ISBD <> sur le wiki.

Action : Utiliser le texte suivant comme modèle ISBD :

Description :

  • Ceci détermine comment l’information ISBD sera affichée dans l’interface professionnelle. Les éléments dans la liste peuvent être ré-ordonnés pour produire un aperçu différent de l’ISBD. L’ISBD (International Standard Bibliographic Description) a été introduit par l’IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations) en 1969 pour offrir des lignes directrices pour le catalogage descriptif. Le but du ISBD est d’offrir à la communauté internationale un système de partage de notices bibliographiques pour une variété de matériel.


Par défaut : Ne pas regrouper

Action : ___ les zones de même type, qui sont répétées, en une seule zone à l’affichage.

Valeurs :

  • Regrouper – regroupera toutes les zones répétées sous une seule en-tête dans l’affichage MARC dans l’OPAC et l’interface professionnelle


  • Ne pas regrouper – affichera toutes les zones individuellement dans l’affichage MARC dans l’OPAC et l’interface professionnelle



Par défaut : vide

Asks: Use ___ as the URL for MARC field documentation. Possible substitutions are {MARC} (marc flavour, eg. « MARC21 » or « UNIMARC »), {FIELD} (field number, eg. « 000 » or « 048 »), {LANG} (user language, eg. « en » or « fi-FI »). If left empty, the format documentation on (MARC21) or (UNIMARC) is used. For example{MARC}&field={FIELD}&language={LANG}

Description :

  • This preference lets you choose the source of the MARC documentation available through the « ? » next to MARC fields.


Asks: ___ fields to display for deleted records after merge

Description :

  • When merging records together you can receive a report of the merge process once it’s done, this preference lets you set the default values for this report.

Example: “001,245ab,600” displays:

  • valeur de 001

  • subfields a and b of fields 245

  • all subfields of fields 600


Asks: Don’t show these ___ note fields in title notes separator (OPAC record details) and in the description separator (Staff client record details).

Description :

  • This preference lets you define which of your note fields are hidden from the title notes (OPAC) and descriptions (Staff) tabs. Enter the values as a comma separated list. For example to hide the local note and the bibliography note in MARC21 enter 504, 590.

OpacSuppression, OpacSuppressionByIPRange, OpacSuppressionRedirect, et OpacSuppressionMessage

OpacSuppression Par défaut : Ne pas cacher

Asks: ___ items marked as suppressed from OPAC search results. Restrict the suppression to IP addressesoutside of the IP range ___ (Leave blank if not used. Define a range like 192.168..) Redirect the opac detail page for suppressed records to ___ Display the following message on the redirect page for suppressed biblios ___.

Valeurs de OpacSuppression :

  • Don’t hide

    • Will show records in OPAC search results if they are marked suppressed

  • Hide

    • Will not show records in OPAC search results if they’re marked as suppressed

Valeurs de OpacSuppressionRedirect :

  • an explanatory page (“This record is blocked”).

  • the 404 error page (“Not found”).

Description :

  • Ces préférences contrôlent le fait de masquer les notices bibliographiques de l’affichage de l’OPAC. Chaque notice bibliographique que vous voulez masquer de l’OPAC doit seulement avoir la valeur « 11 » saisie dans le champ Suppress index (942$n en MARC21, aucun champ officiel pour UNIMARC). L’indexeur peut alors la masquer dans l’affichage de l’OPAC mais elle sera toujours affichée dans l’interface professionnelle. Si vous voulez avoir plus de contrôle sur le masquage, vous pouvez préparer une plage d’adresses IP par lesquelles vous pourrez voir les notices masquées. Définissez une plage telle que 192.168… Si vous ne voulez pas limiter le masquage de cette manière, laissez simplement le champ IP vide. Vous pouvez aussi décider ce que les usagers voient dans l’OPAC quand un titre est masqué en configurant les préférences OpacSuppressionRedirect et OpacSuppressionMessage. Vous pouvez soit afficher une page 404 aux adhérents souhaitant visualiser une notice supprimée soit créer une page personnalisée en saisissant votre HTML dans la partie appropriée de la préférence OpacSuppressionMessage.


    An authorized value for the MARC21 942$n field (or the equivalent UNIMARC field) should be set to eliminate errors. One example would be to create an authorized value titled SUPPRESS with a value of 0 for don’t suppress and 1 for suppress.


    If this preference is set to “hide” and you have the 942n field set to 1, it will hide the entire bib record - not just an individual item.


    Suppressed records will show a note in the staff client indicating that they are suppressed from view in the OPAC.


    Cette note peut être formatée en utilisant la préférence IntranetUserCSS pour qu’elle ressorte un peu plus, si vous le désirez.


SeparateHoldings et SeparateHoldingsBranch

SeparateHoldings par défaut : Ne pas séparer

SeparateHoldingBranch par défaut : Bibliothèque propriétaire

Asks: ___ items display into two tabs, where the first tab contains items whose ___ is the logged in user’s library. The second tab will contain all other items.

Valeurs de SeparateHoldings :

  • Don’t separate

  • Séparer

Valeurs de SeparateHoldingBranch :

  • holding library

  • home library

Description :

  • This preference lets you decide if you would like to have the holding information on the bibliographic detail page in the staff client split in to multiple tabs. The default is to show all holdings on one tab.



Default: Online Resource

Asks: Show ___ as the text of links embedded in MARC records.

Description :

  • If the 856 field does not have a subfield 3 or y defined, the OPAC will say “Click here to access online.^ If you would like the field to say something else enter that in this field.


Default: Don’t use

Asks: ___ record control number ($w subfields) and control number (001) for linking of bibliographic records.

Valeurs :

  • Don’t use

    • When clicking on links to titles that appear next to “Continues” and “Continued by” in the detail display Koha will perform a title search

  • Use

    • When clicking on links to titles that appear next to “Continues” and “Continued by” in the detail display Koha will perform a control number (MARC field 001) search


    Unless you are going in and manually changing 773$w to match your rigorously-defined bibliographic relationships, you should set this preference to « Don’t use » and instead set EasyAnalyticalRecords to « Display »

Description :

  • If you have a serial called « Journal of Interesting Things » which has a separate record from when it was called « Transactions of the Interesting Stuff Society, » you could add linking fields to indicate the relationship between the two records. UseControlNumber allows you to use your local accession numbers for those links. In MARC21, the relevant sections of the two records might look like this:

    =001    12345
    =110  2_$aInteresting Stuff Society.
    =245  10$aTransactions of the Interesting Stuff Society.
    =785  00$aInteresting Stuff Society$tJournal of Interesting Things.$w12346
    =001    12346
    =110  2_$aInteresting Stuff Society.
    =245  10$aJournal of Interesting Things.
    =780  00$aInteresting Stuff Society$tTransactions of the Interesting Stuff Society.$w12345

    With UseControlNumber set to “Use”, the 78x links will use the Control Numbers is subfield $w, instead of doing a title search on « Journal of Interesting Things » and « Transactions of the Interesting Stuff Society » respectively.



Asks: Include following fields when exporting BibTeX

Description :

  • Use one line per tag in the format BT_TAG: TAG$SUBFIELD ( e.g. lccn: 010$a )

  • To specify multiple marc tags/subfields as targets for a repeating BibTex tag, use the following format: BT_TAG: [TAG2$SUBFIELD1, TAG2$SUBFIELD2] ( e.g. notes: [501$a, 505$g] )

  • All values of repeating tags and subfields will be printed with the given BibTeX tag.

  • Use ^@^ ( with quotes ) as the BT_TAG to replace the bibtex record type with a field value of your choosing.

Important Requires YAML syntax to work


Asks: Include following fields when exporting RIS

Description :

  • Use one line per tag in the format RIS_TAG: TAG$SUBFIELD ( e.g. LC: 010$a )

  • To specificy multiple marc tags/subfields as targets for a repeating RIS tag, use the following format: RIS_TAG: [TAG2$SUBFIELD1, TAG2$SUBFIELD2] ( e.g. NT: [501$a, 505$g] )

  • All values of repeating tags and subfields will be printed with the given RIS tag.

  • Use of TY ( record type ) as a key will replace the default TY with the field value of your choosing.


Requires YAML syntax to work



Asks: Display the MARC field/subfields ___ in the “Additional fields” column of Z39.50 search results (use comma as delimiter e.g.: « 001, 082$ab, 090$ab »).

Description :

  • This preference lets you define additional fields and subfields to display on the Z39.50 result list.


Default: don’t

Asks: When matching on ISBN with the record import tool, ___ attempt to match aggressively by trying all variations of the ISBNs in the imported record as a phrase in the ISBN fields of already cataloged records.

Valeurs :

  • do

  • don’t

Description :

  • This preference allows you to choose to alter the ISBN matching rule used when staging records for import to be more aggressive. This means that all text will be stripped from the ISBN field so that a pure number match is possible. If this preference is set to « Don’t » then Koha will find a match only if the ISBN fields are identical.


Default: don’t

Asks: When matching on ISSN with the record import tool, ___ attempt to match aggressively by trying all variations of the ISSNs in the imported record as a phrase in the ISSN fields of already cataloged records.



Default: Don’t display

Asks: ___ descriptions of fields and subfields in the MARC editor.

Description :

  • This preference determines whether or not MARC field names will be present when editing or creating MARC records.

Valeurs :

  • Affichage


  • Ne pas afficher



Default: Dewey Decimal System

Asks: Use ___ as the default classification source.

Valeurs :

  • ANSCR (Sound Recordings)

  • Dewey Decimal Classification

  • Library of Congress Classification

  • Other/Generic Classification Scheme

  • SuDoc Classification (U.S. GPO)

  • Universal Decimal Classification


    Adding another classification under Administration > Classification Sources will make it show up in this list as well.


Default: Don’t Display

Asks: ___ easy ways to create analytical record relationships

Valeurs :

  • Affichage

  • Don’t Display


    If you decide to use this feature you’ll want to make sure that your UseControlNumber preference is set to « Don’t use » or else the « Show analytics » links in the staff client and the OPAC will be broken.

Description :

  • An analytic entry in a catalog is one that describes a part of a larger work that is also described in the catalog. In bibliographic cataloging, analytic entries may be made for chapters in books or special issues of articles in periodicals. In archival cataloging, analytic entries may be made for series or items within a collection. This feature in Koha allows for an easy way of linking analytic entries to the host records, and this system preference adds several new menu options to the staff cataloging detail pages to allow that to happen.


Default: Don’t enable

Asks: ___ the advanced cataloging editor.

Description :

  • This preference will allow you to choose between a basic editor and a advanced editor for cataloging.


    This feature does not currently include any support for UNIMARC or NORMARC fixed fields.

Record Structure

AlternateHoldingsField et AlternateHoldingsSeparator

Asks: Display MARC subfield ___ as holdings information for records that do not have items, with the subfields separated by ___.

Description :

  • Sometimes libraries migrate to Koha with their holding info in the 852 field (OCLC holdings information field) and choose not to transfer that information into the 952 (Koha holdings information field) because they don’t plan on circulating those items. For those libraries or other libraries that have data in the 852 fields of their records that they want to display, these preferences let you choose to display holdings info from a field other than the 952 field. The AlternateHoldingsField preference can contain multiple subfields to look in; for instance 852abhi would look in 852 subfields a, b, h, and i.

  • With AlternateHoldingsField set to 852abhi and AlternateHoldingsSeparator set to a space the holdings would look like the following:



Default: generated in the form <branchcode>yymm0001

Asks: Barcodes are ___

Valeurs :

  • generated in the form <branchcode>yymm0001

  • generated in the form <year>-0001, <year>-0002

  • generated in the form 1, 2, 3

  • incremental EAN-13 barcodes

  • not generated automatically

Description :

  • This setting is for libraries wishing to generate barcodes from within Koha (as opposed to scanning in pre-printed barcodes or manually assigning them). The default behavior makes it so that when you click in the barcode field (952$p in MARC21) it will populate with the automatic barcode you have chosen. If you would rather it only enter an automatic barcode when you click on the plugin (the … to the right of the field) you can change the plugin used for that field in the framework. Set the plugin for 952$p (if using MARC21 or equivalent field mapped to items.barcode in your local MARC format) for your frameworks to instead of Learn more about editing frameworks under the MARC Bibliographic Frameworks section of this manual.


Default: Empty defaults to xxu for United States

Asks: Fill in the default country code for field 008 Range 15-17 of MARC21 - Place of publication, production, or execution. ___.

Description :

  • This preference will allow you to set the country code for your MARC21 008 field by default. If this is left empty it will default to United States (xxu). See the MARC Code List for Countries for additional values for this preference.


    This preference won’t have any effect if your records are in UNIMARC.


Default: Empty defaults to eng

Asks: Fill in the default language for field 008 Range 35-37 of MARC21 records ___.

Description :

  • This preference will allow you to set the language for your MARC21 008 field by default. If this is left empty it will default to English (eng). See the MARC Code List for Languages for additional values for this preference.


    This preference won’t have any effect if your records are in UNIMARC.


Default: specific item

Asks: Use the item type of the ___ as the authoritative item type (for determining circulation and fines rules, etc).

Valeurs :

  • biblio record

  • specific item

Description :

  • This preference determines whether the item type Koha uses for issuing rules will be an attribute of the bibliographic record or the item record. Most libraries refer to the item record for item types. It also determines if the item type icon appears on the OPAC search results. If you have the preference set to “biblio record” then Koha displays the item type icon on the search results to the left of the result info.



Default: 082ab

Asks: Map the MARC subfield to an item’s callnumber.


This can contain multiple subfields to look in; for instance 082ab would look in 082 subfields a and b.

Description :

  • This setting determines which MARC field will be used to determine the call number that will be entered into item records automatically (952$o). The value is set by providing the MARC field code (050, 082, 090, 852 are all common in MARC21) and the subfield codes without the delimiters ($a, $b would be ab).

  • The field can also contain several MARC fields in priority order. For example, 082ab,050ab,080ab,090ab will look in priority in 082ab, if 082 is not filled in, it will look in 050ab, etc.

    Important When entering more than one MARC field, separate them with a comma, but do not put spaces after the commas.


  • Dewey: 082ab or 092ab; LOC: 050ab or 090ab; from the item record: 852hi

MarcFieldForCreatorId, MarcFieldForCreatorName, MarcFieldForModifierId, MarcFieldForModifierName

Asks: Store record’s creator borrowernumber in MARC subfield ___ and record’s creator name in MARC subfield ___ Store record’s last modifier borrowernumber in MARC subfield ___ and record’s last modifier name in MARC subfield ___ NOTE: Use a dollar sign between field and subfield like 123$a.

Description :

  • This preference allows you to define which MARC subfields to use to automatically save the details of the logged in user. You can save details for the record creator and the most recent modifier.


Default: MARC21

Asks: Interpret and store MARC records in the ___ format.

Valeurs :

  • MARC21

    • The standard style for the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, Germany and other countries


    • The standard style used in France, Italy, Portugal, Russia, and other countries


    • The standard style for Norway

Description :

  • This preference defines global MARC style (MARC21, UNIMARC or NORMARC) used for encoding.


    Changing the value of this preference will not convert your records from one MARC style to an other.


Default: OSt

Asks: Fill in the MARC organization code ___ by default in new MARC21 records (leave blank to disable).

Description :

  • The MARC Organization Code is used to identify libraries with holdings of titles and more.

Learn more and find your library’s MARC21 code on the MARC Code list for Organizations or in Canada on the Canadian Symbols Directory.


This preference won’t have any effect if your records are in UNIMARC.


Asks: When items are created, give them the temporary location of ___ (should be a location code, or blank to disable).

Description :

  • This allows you to set a specific location for all new items.

  • Make sure to use location codes, from the LOC authorized values list

  • Vous pouvez utiliser la préférence système :ref:`UpdateItemLocationOnCheckin`conjointement avec celle-ci pour mettre à jour la localisation par un retour


Default: the new item is not prefilled with last created item values.

Asks: When a new item is added ___

Valeurs :

  • the new item is not prefilled with last created item values.

  • the new item is prefilled with last created item values.

Description :

  • This preference controls the behavior used when adding new items. Using the options here you can choose to have your next new item prefill with the values used in the last item was added to save time typing values or to have the item form appear completely blank. Using SubfieldsToUseWhenPrefill you can control specifically which fields are prefilled.


Asks: Define a list of subfields for which editing is authorized when items_batchmod_restricted permission is enabled, separated by spaces. ___


  • UNIMARC: « 995$f 995$h 995$j »

  • MARC21: « 952$a 952$b 952$c »

Description :

  • This preference lets you define what fields can be edited via the batch item modification tool if the items_batchmod_restricted permission is enabled.


    The FA framework is excluded from the permission. If the pref is empty, no fields are restricted.


Asks: Define a list of subfields for which editing is authorized when edit_items_restricted permission is enabled, separated by spaces. ___


  • UNIMARC: « 995$f 995$h 995$j »

  • MARC21: « 952$a 952$b 952$c »

Description :

  • This preference lets you define what fields can be edited via cataloging if the edit_items_restricted permission is enabled


    The Fast Add (FA) framework is excluded from the permission. If the pref is empty, no fields are restricted.


Asks: Define a list of subfields to use when prefilling items ___


Séparer les valeurs avec des espaces.

Description :

  • When the PrefillItem preference is set to prefill item values with those from the last added item, this preference can control which fields are prefilled (and which are not). Enter a space separated list of fields that you would like to prefill when adding a new item.


Default: fre

Asks: Use the language (ISO 690-2) ___ as default language in the UNIMARC field 100 when creating a new record or in the field plugin.

z3950NormalizeAuthor and z3950AuthorAuthFields

Defaults: Don’t copy and 701,702,700

Asks: ___ authors from the UNIMARC ___ tags (separated by commas) to the correct author tags when importing a record using Z39.50.

Description for z3950NormalizeAuthor:

  • This preference allows for “Personal Name Authorities” to replace authors as the bibliographic authority. This preference should only be considered by libraries using UNIMARC.

Values for z3950NormalizeAuthor:

  • Copy

  • Don’t copy

Description for z3950AuthorAuthFields:

  • This preference defines which MARC fields will be used for “Personal Name Authorities” to replace authors as the bibliographic authorities. This preference only applies to those using UNIMARC encoding. The MARC fields selected here will only be used if “z3950NormalizeAuthor” is set to « Copy ». The default field are 700, 701, and 702.

Spine Labels


Default: don’t

Asks: When using the quick spine label printer, ___ automatically pop up a print dialog.

Valeurs :

  • do

  • don’t


Default: <itemcallnumber><copynumber>

Asks: Include the following fields on a quick-printed spine label: (Enter in columns from the biblio, biblioitems or items tables, surrounded by < and >.)


Default: Don’t display

Asks: ___ buttons on the bib details page to print item spine labels.

Valeurs :

  • Affichage


  • Ne pas afficher