
Le module de gestion des périodiques est accessible en choisissant Périodiques à partir du menu “Plus” en haut de l’écran. Il est également possible d’y accéder en cliquant sur le module Périodiques sur la page d’accueil de l’interface professionnelle de Koha. Le module Périodiques dans Koha est utilisé pour suivre la réception des magazines, journaux et tous autres documents arrivant de façon régulière.

As with all modules, make sure you go through the related implementation checklist and system preferences before using the serials module.

  • Aller à : Plus > Périodiques

Gérer les périodicités des périodiques

Koha conserve un enregistrement de la périodicité des publications pour faciliter leur gestion et leur duplication.

  • Aller à : Plus > Périodiques > Gestion des périodicités

From this page you can view all of the existing frequencies in your system.

Table of serial frequencies

You can edit, delete and create new ones.

Adding a frequency

To add a new frequency, click on the “New frequency” button.

New frequency form

  • Description: this is the name that will appear in the drop-down menu when creating a new serial subscription; make sure it is descriptive

  • Unit: this is the unit used for counting the cycle of publication. Choose either none (for irregular frequencies), day, week, month, or year.

  • Issues per unit: this is how many issues are published during the unit chosen above (this will usually be 1).

  • Units per issue: this is how many units must we count until the next issue is published.

  • Display order: this is the display order in the drop-down menu when creating a new subscription (you may want to put the most used frequencies at the top and the less frequent at the bottom; the top-most position is 0). Several frequencies can have the same display order value. If this is the case, they will appear in the order they were created.


To understand “issues per unit” versus “units per issue” you can read it as “<issues per unit> issue(s) every <units per issues> <unit>”. For example, a biweekly frenquency (every two weeks) would be “1 issue every 2 weeks”. So “issues per unit” would be 1 and “units per issue” would be 2. See below for more examples.


Here are some examples for most common serial publication frequencies.



Issues per unit

Units per issue

Daily (« 1 issue every 1 day »)




Three times per week (« 3 issues every 1 week »)




Semiweekly (« 2 issues every 1 week »)




Weekly (« 1 issue every 1 week »)




Biweekly (« 1 issue every 2 weeks »)




Monthly (« 1 issue every 1 month »)




Bimonthly (« 1 issue every 2 months »)




Quarterly (« 1 issue every 3 months »)




Semiannual (« 1 issue every 6 months »)




Annual (« 1 issue every 1 year »)




Biennal (« 1 issue every 2 years »)




Gestion des modèles de numérotation des périodiques

Chaque fois que vous créez un nouveau modèle de numérotation pour les périodiques vous pouvez les sauvegarder pour une utilisation ultérieure. Ces modèles sont accessibles sur la page de Gestion des modèles de numérotation.

  • Aller à : Plus > Périodiques > Gestion des modèles de numérotation

Cette page vous affichera les modèles de numérotation que vous avez enregistrés dans le passé, ainsi que quelques modèles de base.

Numbering patterns table


Si vous avez effectué une migration d’une ancienne version de Koha à une récente, vous verrez « Modèles sauvegardés » qui concernent les modèles utilisés dans les versions antérieures à 3.14. C’est là où Koha a sauvegardé tous les anciens modèles de numérotation. Vous pouvez les modifier ici en leur donnant des noms plus significatifs.

Ajouter un modèle de numérotation

To add new new pattern click the “New numbering pattern” button.

New numbering pattern form

  • Name: this is the name that will appear in the drop-down menu when creating a new serial subscription; make sure it is descriptive.

  • Description: this is to further describe the numbering pattern; this does not appear when creating a new subscription, it only displays in the numbering patterns table (see above).

  • Numbering formula: this is what is used to create the number for each issue. You can use up to three variables {X}, {Y}, and {Z} (see below). Along with the variables, you can enter any text you want to have appear in the issue number. You must also include any spaces you want to see in the issue numbers. The text will stay the same for each issue and the variables will vary.


    The variables must be in capital letters and between curly brackets.


    • Vol. {X} No {Y}

    • Issue {X}

    • {X} {Y}

  • Display order: this is the display order in the drop-down menu when creating a new subscription (you may want to put the most used frequencies at the top and the less frequent at the bottom; the top-most position is 0). Several frequencies can have the same display order value. If this is the case, they will appear in the order they were created.

In the table, you need to enter the parameters for each variable.

  • Label: this is simply a name for the variable, it is not used anywhere else, but it helps identify what the variable is supposed to be.

  • Add: how many numbers or units are added to the variable.

  • Each: the numbers or units added to the variable are added each how many issues.

  • Set back to: this is used for cyclic numbering; enter the starting number.

  • When more than: this is used for cyclic numbering; enter the last number.


When filling out these four parameter (“add”, “each”, “set back to” and “when more than”), work column by column and read it as a sentence: « Add 1 Every 1 issue, set back to 1 when greater than 10 ».

  • Formatting: this is used if, instead of numbers, you want words to appear in your issue number. You can choose

    • Name of day (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc.)

    • Name of day (abbreviated) (Mon, Tue, Wed, etc.)

    • Nom du mois (Janvier, Février, Mars, etc.)

    • Nom du mois (abrégé) (Janvier, Février, Mars, etc.)

    • Name of season (Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter)

    • Name of season (abbreviated) (Spr, Sum, Fal, Win)


When filling out the table, you must always use numbers, even to represent names of days, months or seasons. Here are the equivalent for each


















































Before you save your numbering pattern, you can test it to make sure it behaves as you intend.

  • Frequency: choose a frequency that fits with your numbering pattern.

  • First issue publication date: choose a date where your test will start.

  • Subscription length: enter a number of issues, weeks or months to test your numbering pattern; if the numbering pattern is cyclic, it is recommended to try at least two cycles to see the change in cycles and make sure it behaves correctly.

  • Locale: if using names of days, months or season, you can choose the language in which these names will be displayed.


    Locale doesn’t currently work well with season names.

Next enter the parameters for your variables.

  • Begins with: enter the first value for each variable, these should be the values of the issue entered in “First issue publication date” above.

  • Inner counter: enter how many issues have already passed in the cycle, so that Koha can calculate when to cycle back.

Cliquez sur “Tester le modèle” pour voir les résultats. S’ils correspondent à votre attente, vous pouvez sauvegarder votre modèle de numérotation. Si les résultats ne correspondent pas aux attentes, revenez en arrière et modifiez vos paramètres avant d’essayer à nouveau.


Month and year for monthly serials

Numbering formula: {X} {Y}













Set back to



When more than




Name of month

Volume and number for monthly serials

Numbering formula: Vol.{X} No.{Y}













Set back to



When more than




Season and year for quarterly serials

Numbering formula: {X} {Y}













Set back to



When more than




Name of season

Volume and number for weekly serials

Numbering formula: Vol.{X} No.{Y}













Set back to



When more than




Ajouter un abonnement

Subscriptions can be added by clicking the “New” button on any bibliographic record and choosing “New subscription”

Click on New and choose New subscription in a bibliographic record

Or click the “New subscription” button in the serials module

Main page of the serials module with the left hand side menu and the New subscription button

If you are entering a new subscription from the Serials module you will be presented with a blank form (if creating new from a bibliographic record the form will include the record number info).

Add a new subscription form (1 of 2)

  • Fournisseur : peut être trouvé soit en cherchant les fournisseurs saisis via le module Acquisitions soit en entrant directement l’identifiant du fournisseur

    • L’information sur le fournisseur n’est pas requise.

    • Pour réclamer les fascicules manquants ou en retard, vous devez entrer les informations sur le fournisseur.

      Warning pop up saying 'If you wish to claim late or missing issues you must link this subscription to a vendor. Click OK to ignore or Cancel to return and enter a vendor'

  • Record: the biblionumber of the MARC record you’d like to link this subscription to

    • If you created a new subscription from a bibliographic record, the biblionumber and the title will already be filled in

    • You can search for an existing record by clicking on the “Search for record” link below the boxes

    • If there is no existing bibliographic record for this subscription, you can create one by clicking on the “Create record” link below the boxes

    • You can also manually enter the biblionumber for a record in the first box

  • Next you can choose whether a new item is created when receiving an issue


    If you add barcodes to issues or if your circulate them, choose to create an item upon reception

  • When there is an irregular issue: choose how to handle irregularities in your subscription, by either skipping the issue number or keeping the issue number


    If the numbers are always sequential, choose “Keep issue number”

  • Manual history: if checked, you will be able to enter serials outside the prediction pattern once the subscription is saved. For example, “The library has issues from June 1974 to December 1996”. To do so, go to the “Planning” tab on the subscription detail page once the subscription is saved and click “Edit history”.

    Subscription details page, Planning tab

  • Call number: your item’s call number or call number prefix, this will be copied to items if they are created upon receiving.

  • Library: the branch that owns this subscription.

    • Si plus d’un site s’abonnent à ce périodique, il faut créer un abonnement par site

    • This can be done easily by using the “Edit as new (duplicate)” option found on the subscription information page and changing only the “Library” field

      The Edit as new (duplicate) option under the Edit button in the subscription details page

  • Public note: any notes you would like to appear in the OPAC for the patrons

  • Nonpublic note: should be used for notes that are only visible to staff members via the staff interface

  • Patron notification: you can pick a notice to send to patrons who subscribe to updates on this serial via the OPAC.

    • For this option to appear you need to make sure that you have a “Serials (new issue)”-type notice set up in the “Notices and slips” tool

  • Location: the shelving location, this will be copied to items if they are created upon receiving.

  • Item type: if creating items upon reception, choose the item type of the items created.

  • Type de document des anciens numéros : s’il y a création d’exemplaires à la réception, choisissez le type de document qui sera affecté aux numéros précédents lors de la réception de nouveaux numéros. Ceci ne s’affichera que si makePreviousSerialAvailable est activée.

  • Période de grâce : définit le nombre de jours au bout desquels le statut d’un fascicule passe automatiquement de « Attendu » à « En retard ». Ce fonctionnement suppose que le cron job SerialsUpdate.pl soit paramétré pour s’exécuter régulièrement.

  • Number of issues to display to staff: this allows you to control how many issues appear by default in the staff interface catalog, in the “Subscriptions” tab of the bibliographic record.

    • S’il n’y a aucune valeur dans ces champs, la valeur définie dans la préférence système StaffSerialIssueDisplayCount sera utilisée.


    This does not affect the number of items shown in the “Holdings” tab if you create items for issues. It only affects the number of issues displayed in the “Subscriptions” tab.

  • Number of issues to display to the public: this allows you to control how many issues appear by default in the OPAC, in the “Subscriptions” tab in bibliographic records

    • S’il n’y a aucune valeur dans ces champs, la valeur définie dans la préférence système OPACSerialIssueDisplayCount sera utilisée.


    This does not affect the number of items shown in the “Holdings” tab if you create items for issues. It only affects the number of issues displayed in the “Subscriptions” tab.

Une fois les données remplies, vous pouvez cliquez sur “Suivant” pour saisir les informations du Prévisionnel de bulletinage

Add a new subscription form (2 of 2)

  • First issue publication date: enter the date of the issue you have in your hand, the date from which the prediction pattern will start

  • Périodicité : choisissez la périodicité de votre périodique. Il y a plusieurs options pré-définies et toutes sont visibles parmi vos propres périodicités si vous allez dans “Gestion des périodicités”. Si la périodicité que vous cherchez n’y est pas, vous pouvez :ref:”ajouter une périodicité personnalisée <adding-serial-frequency-label>”.

  • Subscription length: enter the number of issues, weeks, or months in the subscription. This is also used for setting up renewal alerts.

  • Subscription start date: this is the date at which the subscription begins. This is used for setting up renewal alerts.

  • Subscription end date: this should only be entered for subscriptions that have ended (if you’re entering in a backlog of serials).

  • Numbering pattern: choose how issues are numbered. The options here are the ones in the manage numbering patterns section.

    • If the numbering pattern you need has not been created yet, you can create a new one by clicking on “Show advanced pattern” and then “Modify pattern”. This is be the same as adding a numbering pattern (see section above).

      Form to create a new numbering pattern from the subscription form

  • Locale: if using names of days, months or season, you can choose the language in which these names will be displayed.


    Locale doesn’t currently work well with season names.

  • Once a “Numbering pattern” is chosen the numbering table will appear.

    Table to enter the starting numbers for the numbering pattern

    • Begins with: enter the first value for each variable, these should be the values of the issue entered in “First issue publication date” above.

    • Inner counter: enter how many issues have already passed in the cycle, so that Koha can calculate when to cycle back.

      • Par exemple : si le premier numéro à recevoir est « vol. 4, no. 1, fasc. 796 », vous devez paramétrer le compteur interne à « 0 ». Mais si c’est le « vol. 4, no. 2, fasc. 797 », le compteur interne doit être « 1 ».

    • Après avoir saisi le formulaire, cliquer le bouton “Tester le modèle previsionnelle” pour voir quels numéros seront générés par le système. S’il y a des irrégularités, vous pourrez sélectionner quels numéros sont à retirer de la liste.

      Prediction of the numbering for each issue in the subscription

  • Si vous avez ajouté un champ personnalisé, il sera modifiable au-dessus des boutons au bas de l’écran

Click “Save subscription” to save the information you have entered.

Modifier un abonnement

To edit a subscription, click on “Edit” and “Edit subscription” from the subscription page. This will take you back to the same form as the one used when creating a new subscription.

The Edit subscription option under the Edit button in the subscription details page

You can also batch edit subscriptions. To do so, search for the subscriptions you want to change. In the results, check the boxes next to the subscriptions to edit. The link “Edit selected serials” will appear.

Subscription search results, two subscriptions are selected and the option Edit selected serials is available

From there, you can change:

  • the vendor

  • the shelving location

  • the library

  • the item type

  • the public note

  • the nonpublic note

  • whether or not to create an item when receiving an issue

  • the expiration date

  • any custom fields

Subscription batch editing form


Leave the field unchanged to keep the original values.

Bulletiner les fascicules

Les fascicules peuvent être bulletinés depuis plusieurs endroits. Pour trouver un abonnement, utilisez la boîte de recherche située en haut de la page Périodiques pour rechercher le périodique que vous souhaitez bulletiner:

Search for serial subscriptions in the search bar at the top of the screen, and results

From the search results you can click the “Serial receive” buton or you can click on the subscription title and then click the “Receive” button.

Subscription details page, Information tab, with buttons at the top (New subscription for this serial, Edit, Renew, Receive, Close) and menu on the left (Serial collection, Create routing list, Claims, Check expiration, Manage frequencies, Manage numbering patterns, Serials statistics wizard)

La dernière possibilité pour réceptionner les fascicules est d’utiliser la page “État de collection”. Sur la gauche de la page avec les Informations d’abonnement vous trouvez un menu avec un lien vers “État de collection”

From the page that opens up, check the issue(s) you want to receive (the expected ones should be checked by default) and click “Edit serials”.

Serial collection page, the issues table shows three issues that have already been received and one issue still expected, the expected issue is checked

Ces trois possibilités vont ouvrir le formulaire de réception d’un fascicule :

Issue receive form, the status drop-down menu is opened and the cursor points to Arrived

  • Choose “Arrived” from the status drop-down menu to mark an issue as received.

  • If you have decided to have an item record created for each issue an item add form will appear after choosing “Arrived”. You can add multiple copies using the “Number of copies to be made of this item” option at the bottom of the form.

    Issue receive form with the item creation form opened

  • If your issue has a supplemental issue with it, fill in the Supplemental issue information.

    • Saisissez la numérotation complète dans la barre après “Numéro supplémentaire”. Aucune numérotation ne sera pré-remplie, ce que vous saisirez s’inclura dans la chronologie/énumération du périodique de la notice d’exemplaire [MARC21 952$h] (si vous créez des notices d’exemplaire).

      • Par exemple, saisissez ceci dans son intégralité si c’est que vous souhaitez afficher: « v.69 no.3 (Mar. 2015) suppl. »

  • Si vous avez décidé de créer un exemplaire pour chaque fascicule, un formulaire d’ajout d’exemplaire s’affichera pour le hors-série et le fascicule lui-même

  • Quand vous avez saisi les données utiles, cliquez “Sauvegarder”

État de collection

Chaque abonnement a une page Etat de collection disponible à partir du menu Périodiques.

Subscription details page, Information tab, with buttons at the top (New subscription for this serial, Edit, Renew, Receive, Close) and menu on the left (Serial collection, Create routing list, Claims, Check expiration, Manage frequencies, Manage numbering patterns, Serials statistics wizard)

From this page you can manage additional tasks related to subscription issues such as receiving multiple issues and editing.

Serial collection page, the issues table shows three issues that have already been received and one issue still expected, the expected issue is checked

Clicking the Generate next button will generate the next issue for you and mark the previously expected issue as ‘Late’ automatically.

Check the box in the Edit column for one or more previous issues and then click the Edit serials button. This will bring you to the same screen as when you are receiving issues. From there, you can edit the numbering, dates, status, and add notes.

Créer une liste de routage

A routing list is a list of people who receive the serial before it goes to the shelf. To enable routing lists, set your RoutingSerials preference to “Use”.

When on the subscription page you will see a link to the left that reads “Create routing list” or “Edit routing list”

Subscription details page, Information tab, with buttons at the top (New subscription for this serial, Edit, Renew, Receive, Close) and menu on the left (Serial collection, Create routing list, Claims, Check expiration, Manage frequencies, Manage numbering patterns, Serials statistics wizard)

Clicking that link will bring you to the form to add a new routing list.

Create routing list form

From here, click “Add recipients” to add users to the routing list. In the menu that appears you can filter patrons by part of their name, their library, or their patron category.

Patron search to add to routing list

Click “Add” to the right of each name to add them to the routing list. When you have chosen all of the people for the list, click the “Close” button to be redirected to the routing list.

Editing routing list form

A partir de ce formulaire, vous pouvez modifier l’ordre des utilisateurs et ajouter des notes. Si vous ajoutez toujours la même note, vous pouvez la saisir dans la préférence système RoutingListNote.

If the list looks the way you expect it to, click “Save”.

Next, you will be brought to a preview of the routing list. To print the list click “Save and preview routing slip.” This will open a printable version of the list.

Routing list preview

If RoutingListAddReserves is enabled, patrons listed in the routing list will automatically be added to the holds list for the issue.

Pour voir toutes les listes de routage d’un adhérent en particulier, cliquer sur l’onglet Listes de routage depuis sa fiche d’adhérent. Les adhérents peuvent voir leurs listes de routages, quand ils sont identifiés à l’OPAC, sur l’onglet Vos listes de routage.

Les abonnements dans l’interface professionnelle

Toutes les informations de l’abonnement seront affichées dans les notices bibliographiques dans l’onglet “Abonnements”

The Subscriptions tab of a bibliographic record in the staff interface

Clicking the “Subscription details” link will take you to the Subscription summary page in the staff interface.

Subscription details page, Information tab, with buttons at the top (New subscription for this serial, Edit, Renew, Receive, Close) and menu on the left (Serial collection, Create routing list, Claims, Check expiration, Manage frequencies, Manage numbering patterns, Serials statistics wizard)

Si vous utilisez le module :ref:”Acquisitions <acquisitions-label>” pour avoir un suivi des :ref:”abonnements de périodiques <order-from-a-serial-subscription-label>” vous verrez un onglet supplémentaire “Détails de l’acquisition” dans les détails de votre abonnement.

Acquisitions details tab in a bibliographic record attached to a serial subscription


Vous pouvez personnaliser les colonnes de ce tableau dans la section :ref:”Configurer les colonnes <column-settings-label>” du module Administration (référence du tableau : orders).

Les abonnements à l’OPAC

When viewing the subscription in the OPAC there will be several options. You can choose which tab appears by default with the opacSerialDefaultTab system preference.

Like in the staff interface, there will be a Subscriptions tab on the bibliographic record.

The Subscriptions tab of a bibliographic record in the OPAC

Dans cet onglet apparaîtra le nombre de fascicules choisi lors du :ref:”paramétrage de l’abonnement <add-a-subscription-label>” ou dans la préférence système :ref:”OPACSerialIssueDisplayCount”. Si vous cliquez sur le lien “Plus de détails”, vous aurez des informations complémentaires concernant l’historique de l’abonnement. Vous pouvez définir l’affichage par défaut de l’historique d’un abonnement à l’OPAC avec la préférence système :ref:”SubscriptionHistory”.

There are two views, brief and full. The brief serial subscription history will show basic information regarding the subscription.

Brief history of a subscription in the OPAC

From this brief display patrons can subscribe to be notified of new issues as they are released by clicking the “Subscribe to email notifications of new issues” button. This link will only appear if you have chosen to notify patrons when creating the subscription.

Vous pouvez voir les abonnés aux alertes de parution de nouveaux fascicules en vous rendant sur la page de l’abonnement dans l’interface professionnelle et en regardant dans la colonne de droite de l’onglet « Information ».

Subscription details page, Information tab

Alors que la présentation complète vous montre plus de détails sur l’abonnement, ventilés par année.

Full history of a subscription in the OPAC

Réclamer des fascicules en retard

Koha can send email messages to your serial vendors if you have late issues. To the left of the main serials page there is a link to “Claims”.

Main page of the serials module with the left hand side menu and the New subscription button

Les liens pour les réclamations apparaissent sur la gauche de la page de détail de l’abonnement

Subscription details page, Information tab, with buttons at the top (New subscription for this serial, Edit, Renew, Receive, Close) and menu on the left (Serial collection, Create routing list, Claims, Check expiration, Manage frequencies, Manage numbering patterns, Serials statistics wizard)

Si vous n’avez pas encore défini de notification de réclamation, un message vous informera que vous devez le faire dans l’outil :ref:”Notifications et Tickets <notices-and-slips-label>”.

Warning No claims notice defined. Please define one.

En cliquant sur Réclamation, vous serez amené sur un rapport vous demandant de choisir un fournisseur pour qui générer des réclamations.

Claims report result

Dans la liste des fascicules en retard, vous sélectionnez en utilisant les cases à cocher les fascicules pour lesquels vous voulez émettre un courriel de réclamation. Vous choisissez le modèle de notification à utiliser. Puis vous cliquez sur le bouton Envoyer une notification.

You can also export the results to a CSV file by choosing a CSV profile and clicking “Download selected claims”.

Vérifier l’expiration d’un périodique

Dans la fiche d’un périodique, vous définissez une durée d’abonnement. Avec l’outil d’expiration, vous pouvez voir quels abonnements sont sur le point d’expirer. Pour utiliser cet outil, cliquez sur Vérifier les dates d’expiration dans le menu des Périodiques.

Check subscription expiration search form

In the form that appears you need to enter at least a date to search by. You can also search by title, ISBN or library.

Le résultat présente tous les abonnements qui expirent avant la date saisie. A partir de là, vous pouvez voir le détail d’un abonnement ou bien le renouveler en un clic.

Check expiration search results

If there is more than one subscription, you can check the boxes and click on “Renew selected subscriptions” to renew all the serials. The serials will be renewed for the same amount of time as their previous subscription (i.e. if the last subscription for that serial lasted one year, the serial will be renewed for one year; if the last subscription was for 16 issues, it will be renewed for another 16 issues).

Check expiration search results, two results are checked and the Renew selected subscription is available

Renouveler des abonnements de périodiques

Si l’abonnement de votre périodique a expiré, vous ne recevrez plus de fascicules. Pour renouveler votre abonnement, vous pouvez cliquer sur le bouton “Renouveler” en haut de la page de détails de l’abonnement.

Subscription details page, Information tab, with buttons at the top (New subscription for this serial, Edit, Renew, Receive, Close) and menu on the left (Serial collection, Create routing list, Claims, Check expiration, Manage frequencies, Manage numbering patterns, Serials statistics wizard)

Once you click the “Renew” button you will be presented with renewal options.

Subscription renewal form

  • Start date: enter the date your subscription period starts.

  • Subscription length: enter the number of issues, weeks or months your subscription lasts

  • Library: enter the library for which this subscription is

  • Note for the librarian that will manage your renewal request: enter any notes you might have about this renewal.

Click “Submit”.

If your RenewSerialAddsSuggestion system preference is enabled, renewing a subscription will create a purchase suggestion in the acquisitions module so that your acquisitions staff can manage it.

Recherche de périodiques

En haut du module Périodiques, se trouve une barre de recherche que vous pouvez utiliser pour rechercher des abonnements en utilisant une partie de l’ISSN et/ou du titre.

Search for serial subscriptions in the search bar at the top of the screen, and results

You can also click the “Advanced search” link to the right of the “Submit” button to do a more thorough search of your serials.

Serials advanced search form


Si vous avez :ref:”ajouté des champs <additional-fields-label>`interrogeables, ils apparaîtront dans ce formulaire.

Vous pouvez filtrer ces résultats en utilisant les barres de recherche situées en bas de chaque colonne, et ajuster le nombre de résultats en utilisant la barre d’outil en haut des résultats.

Subscription search results, two subscriptions are selected and the option Edit selected serials is available