Koha 24.11.03 released
24 Mar 2025
Koha is the first free and open source software library automation
package (ILS). Development is sponsored by libraries of varying types
and sizes, volunteers, and support companies from around the world. The
website for the Koha project is:
Koha 24.11.03 can be downloaded from:
Installation instructions can be found at:
- Koha Wiki
- OR in the INSTALL files that come in the tarball
Koha 24.11.03 is a bugfix/maintenance and security release.
It includes 13 enhancements, 44 bugfixes and 2 security fixes.
System requirements
You can learn about the system components (like OS and database) needed for running Koha on the community wiki.
Security bugs
- 31165 “Public note” field in course reserve should restrict HTML usage
37784 Patron password hash can be fetched using report dictionary
Sponsored by Reserve Bank of New Zealand
Other bugs fixed
- 38617 Fix warning about auto increment and biblioitems
This fixes the table name in the warning about auto increment and biblioitems on the About Koha > System information page.
If the system identifies auto increment issues, the message is now “The following IDs exist in both tables biblioitems and deletedbiblioitems”, instead of “…tables biblio and deletedbiblioitems”.
Critical bugs fixed
- 39282 When adding an order from file, data entered in the “Item information” tab is not saved and invalid items are created
This fixes an issue that occurs in Acquisitions when adding an order from a new or staged file. If the system preference AcqCreateItem is set to create items when the order is placed, and item information is not imported from the uploaded MARC file, then the librarian would enter the item information in the “Item information” tab when confirming the order. The information from this tab was not getting processed correctly, which led to “empty” items being created.
Other bugs fixed
- 38766 Opening, closing, or deleting and invoice from the Action drop-down can cause internal server error
This fixes closing and reopening of invoices using the action button options (Acquisitions > [Vendor] > Invoices > Actions) – when used from the search results when using invoice filters (for example, shipment to and from dates). This caused an internal server error with the message “The given date
does not match the date format (iso)…”. It also adds a confirmation message when deleting an invoice. - 38957 EDIFACT messages table should sort by ‘Transferred date’ descending by default
- 38986 Restore “Any” option to purchase suggestion filter by fund
- 39044 Fund dropdown not populated for order search on acqui-home
Architecture, internals, and plumbing
Other bugs fixed
- 39172 Merging records no longer compares side by side
This patch fixes a regression when merging records in the cataloging module. Columns will show side by side again when comparing records for a merge.
Critical bugs fixed
- 38826 C4::Auth::check_api_auth sometimes returns $session and sometimes returns $sessionID
This fixes authentication checking so that the $sessionID is consistently returned (sometimes it was returning the session object). (Note: $sessionID is returned on a successful login, while $session is returned when there is a cookie for an authenticated session.)
Critical bugs fixed
- 38789 Wrong Transfer modal does not show
This fixes a regression. When an item in transit was checked in at a library other than the destination, it was not generating the “Wrong transfer” dialog box.
- 38793 When setting up automatic confirmation of transfers when dismissing the modal. It prevents manual cancellation
Fixes a transfer being silently not canceled (despite clicking the button) when system preferences TransfersBlockCirc = “don’t block” and AutomaticConfirmTransfer = “do automatically confirm”. Which should only be about confirming when dismissing the transfer modal.
Other bugs fixed
- 38748 Library name is missing in return to home transfer slip
This fixes the generation of the transfer slip – the library to transfer an item to is now shown, instead of being blank.
38853 ‘Cancel selected’ on holds table does not work
This fixes the “Cancel selected” button for a records’ holds table in the staff interface – it now cancels the selected holds. Previously, after you confirmed the hold cancellation nothing happened (the background jobs didn’t run and the holds were not cancelled). (This is related to the CSRF changes added in Koha 24.05 to improve form security.)
Sponsored by Chetco Community Public Library
- 39108 Clicking the ‘Ignore’ button on hold found modal for already-waiting hold does not dismiss the modal
- 39183 If using automatic return claim resolution on checkout, each checkout will overwrite the previous resolution (again)
- 39270 Some bookable items cannot be booked
Command-line Utilities
Other bugs fixed
Other bugs fixed
- 36627 Display importer for manually harvested SUSHI data
This fixes the ERM usage statistics import logs table to show who manually imported the SUSHI data. For eUSage > Data providers > [Name] > Import logs, the “Imported by” column now shows the staff patron, instead of just “Cronjob”.
- 38782 ERM eUsage related tests are failing
This fixes failing ERM usage tests.
Fines and fees
Critical bugs fixed
- 39025 Update patron account templates to use old_issue_id to display circ info
Other bugs fixed
- 39175 Send request to partners explodes
Other bugs fixed
39268 When switching tabs between ‘My lists’ and ‘Public lists’ incorrect lists can be displayed
Sponsored by Athens County Public Libraries
Other bugs fixed
- 35975 Downloaded cart with BibTeX contains hash value instead of the record number
This fixes the contents of the BibTeX file downloaded from an OPAC cart – it now correctly shows the record number, instead of Koha::Hash(xxx).
Example of incorrect BibTeX file format:
@book{Koha::Biblio=HASH(0x560e89ade4b8), <— should have been 262
author = {Christiansen, Tom. and Foy, Brian D.},
title = {Programming Perl /},
publisher = {O’Reilly,},
year = {c2012.},
address = {Beijing ;},
edition = {4th ed.},
note = {Rev. ed. of: Programming Perl / Larry Wall, Tom Christiansen & Jon Orwant. 2000. 3rd ed.}
} -
38077 Minor spacing issue in self checkout login page
This fixes a minor spacing issue on the self checkout login page. The login form is now arranged vertically and includes more padding.
Sponsored by Athens County Public Libraries
38462 Remove unused code for pagination in OPAC authority search
This removes unused code for OPAC authority search results pagination. (There are no visible changes for patrons.)
Sponsored by Chetco Community Public Library
38753 Missing table cells breaks OPAC charges table
This fixes the charges table for a patron in the OPAC (Your account > Charges). It didn’t display correctly in some circumstances (there were missing empty table cells, resulting in empty and misaligned cells at the end of the table).
Sponsored by Athens County Public Libraries
Other bugs fixed
- 36025 Extended attributes clause added to patron search query even when there are no searchable attributes
- 38459 Cities dropdown should work for quick add form as well
This fixes the quick add patron form so that the city field uses a dropdown list and populates other fields (state, ZIP/Postal code, and country), where cities are defined in Administration > Patrons and circulation > Cities and towns. - 38735 New installations should include preferred_name in DefaultPatronSearchFields by default
This enhancement updates the DefaultPatronSearchFields system preference – the preferred name field is now included in the default patron search using the “standard” option. Note: This change only affects new installations.(This is related to bug 28633 – Add a preferred name field to patrons, a new featured added in Koha 24.11.00.)
- 38772 Typo ‘minPasswordPreference’ system preference
This fixes a typo in the code for OPAC password recovery – ‘minPasswordPreference’ to ‘minPasswordLength’ (the correct system preference name). It has no noticeable effect on resetting an account password from the OPAC. - 39244 Duplicate and change password buttons missing if no borrowerRelationship defined and patron is not adult
Point of Sale
Other bugs fixed
38667 Point of sale transaction history should not appear to be sortable
This removes the column sorting icons from the point of sale “Transactions to date” and “Older transactions” tables. The sort order for these tables is fixed, and clicking the icons had no effect.
Sponsored by Athens County Public Libraries
Critical bugs fixed
- 38375 SIP2 syspref SIP2SortBinMapping is not working
Staff interface
Critical bugs fixed
- 38632 All columns shown in holdings table when displaying the filters
This fixes the holdings table – clicking “Show filters” was incorrectly displaying all columns.
Other bugs fixed
37761 Tabs on curbside_pickups.tt page not styled right after Bootstrap 5 update
This fixes the curbside pickups page (Circulation > Holds and bookings > Curbside pickups) so that the tabs are correctly styled (instead of plain links), and the automatic refresh works as expected (you stay on the currently selected tab). (This is related to the OPAC and staff interface Bootstrap 5 upgrade in Koha 24.11.)
Sponsored by Athens County Public Libraries
- 38108 Make display of table filters in staff interface holdings table configurable
This patch adds a new system preference called ‘AlwaysShowHoldingsTableFilters’. This system preference allows staff to control the behavior of the filters on the items detail page. It can be set to either always show the filters by default or to never show the filters by default.
38711 Wrong font-weight in tables during printing from staff interface
This fixes the print style sheet for tables in the staff interface – the last column is no longer printed in bold. This was affecting various pages when printed, such as notices and slips, and pages.
Sponsored by Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, Library
Other bugs fixed
- 36609 Update index type labels in Elasticsearch config page: Std. Number, Call Number,
This fixes the labels used for the type options when configuring Elasticsearch search fields – they now use sentence case and the full name (instead of abbreviations):
– Default (instead of being blank)
– Identifier (instead of Std. Number)
– Call number (instead of Call Number) -
38285 Replace instances of obsolete Bootstrap class “pull-right”
This fixes some CSS from the Bootstrap 5 upgrade:
- Removes instances of the pre-Bootstrap-5 class “pull-right” (Bootstrap 5 menus have better responsive behavour).
- Adds “dropdown-item” classes to some menu items that lacked it.
- Adds some custom style for the “Filter” form in the patron permissions toolbar (it is now correctly aligned).
(This is related to the OPAC and staff interface Bootstrap 5 upgrade in Koha 24.11.)
Sponsored by Athens County Public Libraries
38349 Fix style of sidebar form submit button on tags review page
This fixes the “Apply filter(s)” button on the tags review page in the staff interface (Tools > Patrons and circulation > Tags). It now has the same yellow “primary” style as other submit buttons – the text is slightly larger, and the button now fills the entire width of the sidebar.
Sponsored by Athens County Public Libraries
38665 Markup error in additional fields template title
This fixes a markup error in the browser page title for the additional fields page – there was an additional caret (>) at the start (> Additional fields > Administration > Koha, instead of Additional fields > Administration > Koha).
Sponsored by Athens County Public Libraries
Other bugs fixed
- 38771 Typo ‘AuthScuccessLog’ system preference
This fixes the log viewer authentication module “Log not enabled” warning message for the log viewer. If either AuthFailureLog or AuthSuccessLog system preferences are set to “Don’t log”, the “Log not enabled” warning icon is now shown. Previously, if one of the system preferences was set to “Log”, no warning icon was shown.
- 36039 The output of audit_database.pl should be accessible through the UI
This enhancement makes the misc/maintenance/audit_database.pl script (added in Koha 23.11) available in the staff interface – About Koha > Database audit tab. The script compares the instance’s database against kohastructure.sql and identifies any differences that need fixing. This is useful for identifying database issues that should be addressed before running a maintenance or release update.
Architecture, internals, and plumbing
- 36662 ILL – t/db_dependent/Illrequest should not exist
This enhancement moves the ILL test files to the correct folder structure – t/db_dependent/Koha/ILL/.
38483 C4::Heading::preferred_authorities is not used
This removes an unused method ‘preferred_authorities’ (Return a list of authority records for headings that are a preferred form of the heading).
Sponsored by Ignatianum University in Cracow
- 38838 optgroup construct needs cleaning in the reports module
This enhancement updates what is shown when selecting the columns when creating a new dictionary definition in reports. It now shows “Field description / tablename.fieldname”, instead of just the “Field description” – the same as for creating reports. Example, ‘Publication date / biblioitems.publicationyear’ (previously it just showed ‘Publication date’).
- 37398 Initialize a datepicker on all date/datetime fields when adding/editing items
This enhancement adds the date picker by default to all item date and datetime fields.
- 38684 Improve translatability in cat-toolbar.inc
This enhancement improves the translatability of the tool tips for ‘Edit > Delete record’ on the record details page in the staff interface. It makes it easier to translate the singular and plural forms of items and subscriptions.
- 38302 Inconsistent delete confirmation dialog for “Delete list” buttons
This enhancement adds a confirmation step when deleting a list from the “Your lists” and “Public lists” tabs in the staff interface. Previously, you were not asked to confirm the list deletion. This also makes it consistent with deleting a list from its contents page, where you are asked to confirm the list deletion.
35808 Remove obsolete responsive table markup from several pages in the OPAC
This enhancement removes obsolete responsive table markup (span.tdlabel) from several OPAC pages, as the tables now use the DataTables responsive features.
Sponsored by Athens County Public Libraries
- 33454 Improve breadcrumbs for patron lists
This fixes the breadcrumbs for patron lists (Tools > Patrons and circulation > Patron lists) so that they are now more consistent with other breadcrumbs, and improves their translatability (Tools > Patron lists > Add patrons to ‘List name’, instead of Tools > Patron lists > List name).
Staff interface
- 38662 Additional fields admin page hard to read
This enhancement to the Administration > Additional parameters > Additional fields page makes it easier to read. The tables are now grouped and listed alphabetically by module and table name, instead of alphabetically by database table name.
37826 Remove the use of the script_name variable where it is unnecessary
This enhancement removes the $script_name variable from several pages where it is unnecessary, and updates the corresponding template with the URL itself. (Most of the places where a $script_name variable was used was not strictly necessary. It was also used inconsistently.)
Sponsored by Athens County Public Libraries
38221 Add Bootstrap styling to pagination in authority plugin search results
This enhancement updates the style of the pagination links in the cataloging authority search popup (for example, 100$a). The style is now consistent with other pages (such as catalog search results), instead of plain links for result page numbers and angle brackets for next, last, first, and previous page links.
Sponsored by Athens County Public Libraries
Test Suite
- 39007 Add last_audit to the sushi_service API spec
New system preferences
- AlwaysShowHoldingsTableFilters
The Koha manual is maintained in Sphinx. The home page for Koha
documentation is
Koha Documentation
As of the date of these release notes, the Koha manual is available in the following languages: -
Armenian (hy_ARMN) (100%)
- Chinese (Traditional) (99%)
- English (100%)
- English (USA)
- French (63%)
- German (99%)
- Greek (97%)
- Hindi (71%)
The Git repository for the Koha manual can be found at
Complete or near-complete translations of the OPAC and staff
interface are available in this release for the following languages:
- Arabic (ar_ARAB) (96%)
- Armenian (hy_ARMN) (100%)
- Bulgarian (bg_CYRL) (100%)
- Chinese (Simplified) (86%)
- Chinese (Traditional) (100%)
- Czech (67%)
- Dutch (88%)
- English (100%)
- English (New Zealand) (61%)
- English (USA)
- Finnish (99%)
- French (100%)
- French (Canada) (98%)
- German (100%)
- Greek (67%)
- Hindi (97%)
- Italian (81%)
- Norwegian Bokmål (74%)
- Persian (fa_ARAB) (97%)
- Polish (99%)
- Portuguese (Brazil) (98%)
- Portuguese (Portugal) (88%)
- Russian (93%)
- Slovak (61%)
- Spanish (99%)
- Swedish (86%)
- Telugu (68%)
- Tetum (52%)
- Turkish (83%)
- Ukrainian (72%)
- hyw_ARMN (generated) (hyw_ARMN) (62%)
Partial translations are available for various other languages.
The Koha team welcomes additional translations; please see
For information about translating Koha, and join the koha-translate
list to volunteer:
The most up-to-date translations can be found at:
Release Team
The release team for Koha 24.11.03 is
Release Manager: Katrin Fischer
Release Manager assistants:
- Tomás Cohen Arazi
- Martin Renvoize
- Jonathan Druart
QA Manager: Martin Renvoize
QA Team:
- Victor Grousset
- Lisette Scheer
- Emily Lamancusa
- David Cook
- Jonathan Druart
- Julian Maurice
- Baptiste Wojtowski
- Paul Derscheid
- Aleisha Amohia
- Laura Escamilla
- Tomás Cohen Arazi
- Kyle M Hall
- Nick Clemens
- Lucas Gass
- Marcel de Rooy
- Matt Blenkinsop
- Pedro Amorim
- Brendan Lawlor
- Thomas Klausner
Security Manager: Tomás Cohen Arazi
Topic Experts:
- UI Design — Owen Leonard
- REST API — Tomás Cohen Arazi
- Zebra — Fridolin Somers
Bug Wranglers:
- Michaela Sieber
- Jacob O’Mara
- Jake Deery
Packaging Manager: Mason James
Documentation Manager: Philip Orr
Documentation Team:
- Aude Charillon
- David Nind
- Caroline Cyr La Rose
Wiki curators:
- George Williams
- Thomas Dukleth
- Jonathan Druart
- Martin Renvoize
Release Maintainers:
- 24.11 — Paul Derscheid
- 24.05 — Wainui Witika-Park
- 23.11 — Fridolin Somers
- 22.11 — Laura Escamilla
We thank the following libraries, companies, and other institutions who are known to have sponsored
new features in Koha 24.11.03
- Athens County Public Libraries
- Chetco Community Public Library
- Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, Library
- Ignatianum University in Cracow
- Reserve Bank of New Zealand
We thank the following individuals who contributed patches to Koha 24.11.03
- Aleisha Amohia (1)
- Pedro Amorim (17)
- Tomás Cohen Arazi (1)
- Sukhmandeep Benipal (1)
- Matt Blenkinsop (4)
- Nick Clemens (10)
- David Cook (2)
- Jake Deery (1)
- Paul Derscheid (4)
- Roman Dolny (2)
- Jonathan Druart (8)
- Magnus Enger (1)
- Katrin Fischer (4)
- Eric Garcia (1)
- Lucas Gass (12)
- Andrew Fuerste Henry (2)
- Andreas Jonsson (1)
- Janusz Kaczmarek (1)
- Emily Lamancusa (7)
- Owen Leonard (11)
- Yanjun Li (1)
- David Nind (2)
- Martin Renvoize (3)
- Phil Ringnalda (2)
- Marcel de Rooy (2)
- Lisette Scheer (1)
- Lari Strand (1)
- Lari Taskula (1)
- Alexander Wagner (1)
We thank the following libraries, companies, and other institutions who contributed
patches to Koha 24.11.03
- Athens County Public Libraries (11)
- Bibliotheksservice-Zentrum Baden-Württemberg (BSZ) (4)
- ByWater Solutions (26)
- Catalyst Open Source Academy (1)
- Chetco Community Public Library (2)
- David Nind (2)
- desy.de (1)
- Hypernova Oy (1)
- Independant Individuals (2)
- jezuici.pl (2)
- Koha Community Developers (8)
- Koha-Suomi Oy (1)
- Kreablo AB (1)
- Libriotech (1)
- LMSCloud (4)
- Montgomery County Public Libraries (7)
- Prosentient Systems (2)
- PTFS Europe (25)
- Rijksmuseum, Netherlands (2)
- Solutions inLibro inc (1)
- Theke Solutions (1)
We also especially thank the following individuals who tested patches
for Koha
- Pedro Amorim (4)
- Tomás Cohen Arazi (3)
- Matt Blenkinsop (3)
- Fiona Borthwick (1)
- Amanda Campbell (1)
- Nick Clemens (2)
- Rebecca Coert (2)
- David Cook (1)
- Paul Derscheid (102)
- Roman Dolny (3)
- Jonathan Druart (7)
- Magnus Enger (5)
- Katrin Fischer (93)
- Lucas Gass (2)
- Victor Grousset (2)
- Kyle M Hall (3)
- JesseM (3)
- Jan Kissig (1)
- Emily Lamancusa (4)
- Brendan Lawlor (5)
- Owen Leonard (9)
- David Nind (21)
- Martin Renvoize (19)
- Phil Ringnalda (14)
- Marcel de Rooy (18)
- Lisette Scheer (2)
- Sam Sowanick (1)
- Jason Vasche (1)
- John Vinke (4)
We regret any omissions. If a contributor has been inadvertently missed,
please send a patch against these release notes to koha-devel@lists.koha-community.org.
Revision control notes
The Koha project uses Git for version control. The current development
version of Koha can be retrieved by checking out the main branch of:
The branch for this version of Koha and future bugfixes in this release
line is 24.11.x.
Bugs and feature requests
Bug reports and feature requests can be filed at the Koha bug
tracker at:
He rau ringa e oti ai.
(Many hands finish the work)
Autogenerated release notes updated last on 24 Mar 2025 18:00:36.