Koha 22.11.07 released
23 jun 2023
Koha is the first free and open source software library automation
package (ILS). Development is sponsored by libraries of varying types
and sizes, volunteers, and support companies from around the world. The
website for the Koha project is:
Koha 22.11.07 can be downloaded from:
Installation instructions can be found at:
- Koha Wiki
- OR in the INSTALL files that come in the tarball
Koha 22.11.07 is a bugfix/maintenance release.
It includes 5 enhancements, 77 bugfixes.
System requirements
You can learn about the system components (like OS and database) needed for running Koha on the community wiki.
Security bugs
- 33595 Bug 26628 broke authorization for tools start page
Other bugs fixed
- 33877 Fix teams.yaml
Critical bugs fixed
- 34006 [22.11] Keep the current option for funds in receiving returns an error 500 or saves wrong fund
Other bugs fixed
- 33340 Correct formatting of English 1-page order PDF when the basket group covers multiple pages
Sponsored by Pymble Ladies’ College
If a basket group contains many order lines, this will ensure:
- The page number at the bottom of the first page is not obscured.
- The table of ordered items does not start half way down the second page.
- 33421 Filtering purchase suggestions by status does not work if All Libraries is selected
- 33663 Don’t hide Suggestions link in side navigation when suggestion preference is disabled
- 33748 UI issue on addorderiso2709.pl page
Architecture, internals, and plumbing
Critical bugs fixed
- 33934 ‘No encryption_key in koha-conf.xml’ needs more detail
This fixes an issue that can cause upgrades to Koha 23.05 to fail with an error message that includes ‘No encryption_key in koha-conf.xml’. It also requires the configuration entry in the instance koha-conf.xml to be something other than ENCRYPTION_KEY.
It is recommended that the key is generated using pwgen 32
Other bugs fixed
- 30649 Vendor EDI account passwords should be encrypted in the database
- 32060 Improve performance of Koha::Item->columns_to_str
Sponsored by Gothenburg University Library
- 32464 Koha::Item->as_marc_field obsolete option mss
- 33489 The borrowers table should have indexes on default patron search fields
- 33718 newZconn crashes on a bug in t::lib::Mocks::mock_config
- 33803 Some scripts contain info about tab width
- 33854 Typo in ImportBatchProfiles controller
Critical bugs fixed
- 33708 OAuth/OIDC authentication for the staff interface requires OPAC enabled
- 33815 Crash when librarian changes their own username in the staff interface
Other bugs fixed
- 33675 Add CSRF protection to OAuth/OIDC authentication
This development adds support for the
parameter generation and delivery when contacting IdPs. This is an optional but recommended opaque value in the OAuth2/OIDC specs that helps prevent CSRF attacks, but is also a requirement on some Identity Provider solutions.
Other bugs fixed
- 32959 Item templates will apply the same barcode each time template is applied if autobarcode is enabled
- 33247 Deleted authority still on results list
- 33624 Using Browser “Back” button in Batch Record Modification causes biblio options to be displayed
- 33686 Update plugin unimarc_field_100.pl ‘Script of title’ with 2022 values
Critical bugs fixed
- 33362 Return claims can be un-resolvable if issue_id is set but no issue is found in issues or old_issues
Other bugs fixed
- 32878 Make it impossible to renew the item if it has active item level hold
- 33220 Recalls to pull should not show in transit or allocated items
Sponsored by Auckland University of Technology
- 33838 Offline circulation interface error on return
Command-line Utilities
Other bugs fixed
- 33717 Typo in search_for_data_inconsistencies.pl
Other bugs fixed
- 33823 KohaTable vue component action buttons spacing differ from kohaTable
Hold requests
Critical bugs fixed
- 33761 Holds queue is not selecting items with completed transfers
Other bugs fixed
- 33791 $hold->fill does not set itemnumber when checking out without confirming hold
Critical bugs fixed
- 21983 Better handling of deleted biblios on ILL requests
- 33786 ILL requests table pagination in patron ILL history is transposing for different patrons
- 33873 ILL requests with linked biblio_id that no longer exists causes table to not render
Other bugs fixed
- 22440 Improve ILL page performance by moving to server side filtering
- 33762 Restore page-section in ILL
Installation and upgrade (web-based installer)
Other bugs fixed
- 33935 Installer list deleted files which shows warning in the logs
MARC Authority data support
Other bugs fixed
- 33138 Don’t copy tag 147 to all MARC frameworks, since it should only be used in a separate NAME_EVENT framework
MARC Bibliographic data support
Other bugs fixed
- 33865 JS error when importing a staged MARC record file
Other bugs fixed
- 29993 Syndetics cover images do not display in browse shelf when scrolling from the first page
- 33697 Remove deprecated RecordedBooks (rbdigital) integration
- 33767 Accessibility: The ‘OPAC results’ page contains semantically incorrect headings
- 33813 Accessibility: Lists button is not clearly identified
This enhancement adds an aria-label to the Lists button in the OPAC masthead. It is currently not descriptive enough and doesn’t identify what is displayed when clicking the button.
- 33821 OPAC flatpickr no longer allows for direct input of date
- 33902 On opac-detail.tt the libraryInfoModal is outside of HTML tags
This moves the HTML for the pop-up window with the information for a library (where it exists) on the OPAC detail page inside thetag so that it validates correctly. There is no change to the appearance or behavior of the page.
Other bugs fixed
- 33371 Add ‘koha-common.service’ systemd service
Critical bugs fixed
- 33829 Cannot add patron to patron list if PatronAutoComplete is off
Other bugs fixed
- 33875 Missing closing tag a in API key management page
- 33882 member.tt Date of birth column makes it difficult to hide the age hint
Other bugs fixed
33713 Report batch operations should open in new tab
When using the batch operations from report results, the links to the batch tools will now open in a new tab instead of the same one, leaving the report results visible.
- 33792 reserves_stats.pl ignores filled holds without itemnumber
Other bugs fixed
- 33411 SIP2 includes other guarantees with the same guarantor when calculating against NoIssuesChargeGuarantees
Critical bugs fixed
- 33297 Typo system preference RetainPatronSearchTerms in DB revs 220600044.pl
Staff interface
Other bugs fixed
- 33463 ‘Actions’ column on plugins table should not be sortable
- 33788 Items tab shows all previous borrowers instead of 3
System Administration
Other bugs fixed
32775 Ordering when there are multiple languages within a language group is wrong
Sponsored by Kinder library, New Zealand - 33787 Remove option to archive system debit types
Other bugs fixed
- 33158 Use template wrapper for authorized values and item types administration tabs
- 33553 Unecessary GetCategories calls in template
- 33599 Use template wrapper for breadcrumbs: Various
- 33705 Tables have configure button even if they are not configurable
- 33707 News vs Quote of the day styling on staff interface main page
- 33721 Show inactive funds in invoice.tt out of order
- 33735 Misspelling in SMS provier
- 33779 Terminology: biblio record
- 33859 Use the phrase ‘Identity providers’ instead of ‘Authentication providers’
- 33883 “Make sure to copy your API secret” message overlaps text
- 33891 Use template wrapper for tabs: OPAC advanced search
- 33892 Use template wrapper for tabs: OPAC authority detail
Test Suite
Critical bugs fixed
- 33416 Agreements.ts is failing
Other bugs fixed
- 32648 Search.t is failing if run after Filter_MARC_ViewPolicy.t
- 33719 Search.t: too much noise about ContentWarningField
- 33743 xt/find-missing-filters.t parsing files outside of git repo
- 33777 Get Jenkins green again for Auth_with_shibboleth.t
- 33834 api/v1/ill_requests.t fails randomly
Critical bugs fixed
- 26611 Required match checks don’t work for authority records
Sponsored by Waikato Institute of Technology
This fixes match checking for authorities when importing records, so that the required match checks are correctly applied. Previously, match checks for authority records did not work.
Other bugs fixed
- 31585 “ACQUISITION ORDER” action missing from log viewer search form
- 33010 CheckinSlip doesn’t return checkins if checkout library and checkin library differ
Sponsored by Koha-Suomi Oy
- 32932 Re-structure Vue router-links to use “name” instead of urls
- 21330 Add XSLT for authority detail page in OPAC
This enhancement enables using custom XSLT stylesheets to display authority detail pages in the OPAC.
Enter a path to the custom XSLT file in the new system preference AuthorityXSLTOpacDetailsDisplay (or enter an external URL). Use placeholders for multiple custom style sheets for different languages ({langcode}) and authority types ({authtypecode}).
- 32914 Use template wrapper for batch record deletion and modification templates
- 33524 Use template wrapper for tabs: Authority editor
- 33525 Use template wrapper for tabs: Basic MARC editor
New system preferences
- AuthorityXSLTOpacDetailsDisplay
Deleted system preferences
- RecordedBooksClientSecret
- RecordedBooksDomain
- RecordedBooksLibraryID
The Koha manual is maintained in Sphinx. The home page for Koha
documentation is
The Git repository for the Koha manual can be found at
Complete or near-complete translations of the OPAC and staff
interface are available in this release for the following languages:
– Arabic (72.1%)
– Armenian (100%)
– Armenian (Classical) (64.9%)
– Bulgarian (91%)
– Chinese (Taiwan) (81.6%)
– Czech (62.4%)
– English (New Zealand) (68.3%)
– English (USA)
– English (United Kingdom) (99.9%)
– Finnish (95.5%)
– French (99.6%)
– French (Canada) (95.8%)
– German (100%)
– German (Switzerland) (50.3%)
– Greek (50.9%)
– Hindi (100%)
– Italian (92%)
– Nederlands-Nederland (Dutch-The Netherlands) (87.6%)
– Norwegian Bokmål (65%)
– Persian (70.3%)
– Polish (98.6%)
– Portuguese (89.4%)
– Portuguese (Brazil) (100%)
– Russian (93.7%)
– Slovak (61.9%)
– Spanish (100%)
– Swedish (76.9%)
– Telugu (77.3%)
– Turkish (87.3%)
– Ukrainian (78.1%)
Partial translations are available for various other languages.
The Koha team welcomes additional translations; please see
For information about translating Koha, and join the koha-translate
list to volunteer:
The most up-to-date translations can be found at:
Release Team
The release team for Koha 22.11.07 is
- Release Manager: Tomás Cohen Arazi
- Release Manager assistants:
- Jonathan Druart
- Martin Renvoize
- QA Manager: Katrin Fischer
- QA Team:
- Aleisha Amohia
- Nick Clemens
- David Cook
- Jonathan Druart
- Lucas Gass
- Victor Grousset
- Kyle M Hall
- Andrii Nugged
- Martin Renvoize
- Marcel de Rooy
- Petro Vashchuk
- Topic Experts:
- UI Design — Owen Leonard
- Zebra — Fridolin Somers
- REST API — Martin Renvoize
- ERM — Pedro Amorim
- ILL — Pedro Amorim
- Bug Wranglers:
- Aleisha Amohia
- Packaging Manager: Mason James
- Documentation Manager: Aude Charillon
- Documentation Team:
- Caroline Cyr La Rose
- Lucy Vaux-Harvey
- Translation Manager: Bernardo González Kriegel
- Wiki curators:
- Thomas Dukleth
- Katrin Fischer
- Release Maintainers:
- 23.05 — Fridolin Somers
- 22.11 — PTFS Europe (Matt Blenkinsop, Pedro Amorim)
- 22.05 — Lucas Gass
- 21.11 — Danyon Sewell
- Release Maintainer assistants:
- 21.11 — Wainui Witika-Park
We thank the following libraries, companies, and other institutions who are known to have sponsored
new features in Koha 22.11.07
– Auckland University of Technology
– Gothenburg University Library
– Kinder library, New Zealand
– [Koha-Suomi Oy](https://koha-suomi.fi)
– Pymble Ladies’ College
– Waikato Institute of Technology
We thank the following individuals who contributed patches to Koha 22.11.07
– Aleisha Amohia (2)
– Pedro Amorim (7)
– Tomás Cohen Arazi (24)
– Matt Blenkinsop (6)
– Jérémy Breuillard (1)
– Alex Buckley (4)
– Nick Clemens (8)
– David Cook (2)
– Jonathan Druart (20)
– Katrin Fischer (3)
– Lucas Gass (6)
– Thibaud Guillot (2)
– David Gustafsson (1)
– Kyle M Hall (4)
– Mason James (2)
– Owen Leonard (15)
– David Nind (1)
– Martin Renvoize (3)
– Phil Ringnalda (1)
– Marcel de Rooy (8)
– Caroline Cyr La Rose (1)
– Fridolin Somers (8)
– Emmi Takkinen (1)
– Koha translators (1)
– Petro Vashchuk (1)
We thank the following libraries, companies, and other institutions who contributed
patches to Koha 22.11.07
– Athens County Public Libraries (15)
– BibLibre (11)
– Bibliotheksservice-Zentrum Baden-Württemberg (BSZ) (3)
– ByWater-Solutions (18)
– Catalyst (4)
– Catalyst Open Source Academy (2)
– Chetco Community Public Library (1)
– David Nind (1)
– Göteborgs Universitet (1)
– Independant Individuals (1)
– Koha Community Developers (20)
– Koha-Suomi (1)
– KohaAloha (2)
– Prosentient Systems (2)
– PTFS-Europe (16)
– Rijksmuseum (8)
– Solutions inLibro inc (1)
– Theke Solutions (24)
We also especially thank the following individuals who tested patches
for Koha
– Pedro Amorim (31)
– Tomás Cohen Arazi (96)
– Andrew Auld (2)
– Matt Blenkinsop (81)
– Nick Clemens (8)
– David Cook (12)
– Jonathan Druart (16)
– Laura Escamilla (1)
– Katrin Fischer (17)
– Andrew Fuerste-Henry (1)
– Andrew Fuerste-Henry (2)
– Lucas Gass (7)
– Victor Grousset (5)
– Kyle M Hall (11)
– Barbara Johnson (4)
– Emily Lamancusa (2)
– Sam Lau (6)
– Owen Leonard (7)
– Agustín Moyano (1)
– David Nind (17)
– Andrew Nugged (1)
– Jacob O’Mara (2)
– Philip Orr (2)
– Martin Renvoize (19)
– Phil Ringnalda (2)
– Marcel de Rooy (19)
– Caroline Cyr La Rose (3)
– Michaela Sieber (2)
– Fridolin Somers (4)
– Thibault (3)
We regret any omissions. If a contributor has been inadvertently missed,
please send a patch against these release notes to koha-devel@lists.koha-community.org.
Revision control notes
The Koha project uses Git for version control. The current development
version of Koha can be retrieved by checking out the master branch of:
The branch for this version of Koha and future bugfixes in this release
line is 22.11.x.
Bugs and feature requests
Bug reports and feature requests can be filed at the Koha bug
tracker at:
He rau ringa e oti ai.
(Many hands finish the work)
Autogenerated release notes updated last on 23 jun 2023 15:16:49.