Koha Community Newsletter: March 2013
Koha Community Newsletter 
March 2013
Volume 4, Issue 3
ISSN 2153-8328
Edited by Daniel Grobani, Koha Community Newsletter Editor.
Please submit news items to
Table of Contents
- Koha Development
- Koha Community
- Upcoming Koha Events
- Past Koha Events
Koha Development
Koha 3.10.4 Released
by Chris Cormack
The Koha release team, in association with the multitude of Koha libraries, librarians, support companies, developers, and users, are proud to announce the release of the latest stable release of the 3.10.x branch, 3.10.4.
This maintenance release contains code from 15 people from 12 different organisations, once again a great example of international and inter-company collaboration and making the official and community-supported Koha live up to its promise of no single-vendor lock-in.
Koha 3.10.4 can be downloaded here; installation instructions are here or in the INSTALL files that come in the tarball. Packages are here.
Release notes are here.
Koha 3.8.11 Released
by Chris Cormack
The Koha release team, in association with the multitude of Koha libraries, librarians, support companies, developers, and users, are proud to announce the release of the latest stable release of the 3.8.x branch, 3.8.11.
This maintenance release contains code from 12 people from 9 different organisations, once again a great example of international and inter-company collaboration and making the official and community-supported Koha live up to its promise of no single-vendor lock-in.
Koha 3.8.11 can be downloaded here; installation instructions are here or in the INSTALL files that come in the tarball. Packages are here.
Release notes are here.
Koha 3.12 Beta Released
Jared Camins-Esakov has released a beta version of Koha 3.12 and an accompanying announcement. Key points:
- Koha has to be translated.
- Koha’s documentation has to be updated.
- Koha’s installation instructions need to be updated.
- Enhancement bugs need to be reclassified.
- Open bug reports need to be (re)confirmed.
- Bugs need to be fixed.
- Bug fixes need to be tested.
- Volunteers must be found, recruited, and/or made for 3.14.
Koha Statistics
Chris Cormack, Koha Community statistics wizard, has posted statistics for February 2013, Koha 3.10.4, and Koha 3.8.11
Koha 3.12 Release Manager’s Newsletter
3.12 Release Manager Jared Camins-Esakov has posted his second quarterly missive.
Live DVD Blueprint
A blueprint for development of the Koha Live DVD has been posted to the wiki.
Koha Community
New Koha Libraries
- Roseville Public Library (USA) via ByWater Solutions
- 3 New VOKAL Libraries (USA) via ByWater Solutions
Community Gossip
Galen Charlton has been named one of Library Journal’s Movers & Shakers 2013! (Occasioning the rare use of an exclamation point in this newsletter).
Galen, in but one display of his moving & shaking, has written a number of posts on his recently reactivated blog.
Chris Fitzpatrick is working on integrating Koha and Blacklight.
Chris Cormack is working on integrating Goodreads reviews into Koha.
Volkan Sönmez at the Süleyman Demirel Üniversity Library in Isparta, Turkey, has posted to the wiki instructions in Turkish on installing Koha 3.10 on Centos 6.3 x86 64.
Nicole Engard has posted advice for beginners in the Koha community, a video on making screencasts for bug/ticket reporting, and a diagram explaining the Koha development cycle.
Don Christie tweeted about Marshall Breeding’s map of worldwide registered Koha sites.
Support Provider News
The Galecia Group has posted an Open Source ILS Feature Comparison Tool.
iZi Software in Malaysia has been added to the community’s directory of paid support providers.
Joy Nelson has been named Director of Migrations at ByWater Solutions.
Upcoming Koha Events
April General IRC Meeting
The April general IRC meeting will be held on 3 April 2013 at 10:00 UTC.
The agenda and other information is here.
KohaCon13 Registration and Call for Speakers
by Nicole Engard
Registration for KohaCon13, the international users’ conference of the Koha open-source library system, is now open! KohaCon13 will be held October 16–22 at the Atlantis Casino Resort in Reno, Nevada, USA and registration is free!
Please consider joining us to learn about Koha, about the community, and about what libraries are doing with Koha around the world. Also consider sharing your story with us by speaking. The call for speakers is open and available here. Talks will range from introductory to advanced and will be geared toward Koha users, developers, and fans.
Learn more about KohaCon13 on the official conference site.
Italian Koha Event
Hyperborea and the Biblioteca Franco Serantini are organizing an event dedicated to Koha on 19 April in Pisa. More info is here.
Past Koha Events
March General IRC Meeting
The March general IRC meeting was held on 13 March 2013.
The agenda, links to the minutes, and other information is here.