Koha 24.11.00 released

Koha is the first free and open source software library automation
package (ILS). Development is sponsored by libraries of varying types
and sizes, volunteers, and support companies from around the world. The
website for the Koha project is:

Koha 24.11.00 can be downloaded from:

Installation instructions can be found at:

  • Koha Wiki
  • OR in the INSTALL files that come in the tarball

Koha 24.11.00 is a major release, that comes with many new features.

It includes 10 new features, 184 enhancements, 647 bugfixes.

System requirements

You can learn about the system components (like OS and database) needed for running Koha on the community wiki.

New features & Enhancements


New features

  • 34355 Automated MARC record ordering process

    Adds a parallel process to EDI ordering for MARC-file based ordering systems.

    Sponsored by ByWater Solutions


  • 8855 Link from receipt to invoice

    This enhancement links the invoice number on the receiving orders page to the invoice page.

  • 33363 More specific permissions for purchase suggestions

    This enhancement adds new staff permissions for suggestions. The new permissions are suggestions_create and suggestions_delete. Staff that currently have suggestions_manage will have the new statuses after the update.

    Sponsored by Cuyahoga County Public Library

  • 34805 Add order search form to acquisitions module start page

    This adds the advanced search form for searching orders to the start page of the acquisitions module.

    Sponsored by Athens County Public Libraries

  • 36767 Add a hint to the EDI account form that the SFTP/FTP port will fallback to port 22 if not defined

    This fixes an error when creating an EDI account if you don’t enter the upload and download ports. The port numbers should have defaulted to port 22, but didn’t – this generated an error when saving. It also adds a hint for the input fields to say that the port will default to 22 if not set.

  • 37081 Add order confusing when ordering from a staged file

    Fixes confusing terminology when staging or adding a new file to a basket in the acquisitions module.

  • 37109 Don’t provide old claims fields when duplicating acquisitions orders

    This patch stops the unused fields claims_count, claimed_date, received_on and placed_on from being initialised while duplicating an order. The fields no longer exist in the aqorders table and no longer need to be set or passed on.

    Sponsored by Catalyst

  • 37511 Add option to place the currency symbol before or after the amount

    Adds the option in currencies to define whether the currency symbol should appear before or after the amount in displays.

    Sponsored by Ignatianum University in Cracow

  • 38204 Add GET /acquisitions/baskets

    This enhancement adds a new API endpoint to list baskets for acquisitions.

    Sponsored by PTFS Europe and ByWater Solutions

Architecture, internals, and plumbing


  • 17729 Replace IsItemOnHoldAndFound with $item->holds->filter_by_found->count
  • 24471 Rename ILL method handle_commit_maybe
  • 30856 Remove CanReserveBeCanceledFromOpac
  • 33641 We should record return library in old checkouts (oldissues)
  • 35026 Refactor addorderiso2709.pl to use object methods
  • 36694 Remove HC Sticky library in favor of CSS

    This enhancement removes the hc-sticky.js assets from Koha which were used to make certain HTML elements “sticky”. The functionality is now accomplished using only CSS.

  • 37380 Move GetMarcControlnumber to Koha namespace
  • 37480 Make C4::Serials::addroutingmember use Koha::Objects
  • 37844 Remove C4::Members::DeleteUnverifiedOpacRegistrations
  • 37845 Remove C4::Members::DeleteExpiredOpacRegistrations
  • 37868 Remove C4::Reserves::ToggleSuspend
  • 38279 C4::ImportBatch::EmbedItemsInImportBiblio is not used



  • 36026 Add TLS MySQL connection without mutual authentication

    Database connections with TLS require client private keys
    and certificates for authentication but MariaDB also supports
    authentication by user and password.
    This enhancement allows omitting the TLS options for certificate based client authentication.

    Sponsored by Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

  • 37691 Password expiration reset not clear enough

    This enhancement alters the style of the error message shown to a staff member who tries to log in to the staff client with an expired password. This change makes the message more visible and rewords the link text to read “Reset your password.”

    Sponsored by Athens County Public Libraries


New features

  • 35659 OAI harvester

    This change adds the ability for library staff to define OAI repositories in Koha, which are harvested for metadata using a cronjob configured by the system administrator. An email report of the harvest can be shared via using an email address defined in the system preference OAI-PMH:HarvestEmailReport

    Sponsored by Association KohaLa and KohaLa


  • 29560 Add option to create MARC links when adding items to bundles

    This enhancement to the bundle functionality adds the option to create 773 MARC field links between the bundle host and its constituent parts.

    Sponsored by PTFS Europe

  • 36054 Don’t mark MARC21 005 as mandatory in frameworks now that AddBiblio and ModBibilio will set it no matter what

    This change makes the 005 tag in MARC bibliographic frameworks no longer mandatory, because every time a bibliographic record is added or modified, Koha will set the content of 005 to the current time. Existing installations are not affected by this change, but should feel free to make the same change to their installed frameworks.

  • 36496 Inventory results table needs an export option

    This enhancement adds the CSV export options to the inventory results screen. Previously the CSV export had to be selected before running inventory.

  • 36498 Allow ability to set display order when adding an item group from item editor

    This enhancement to item groups allows you to set the order for item groups created when adding a new item. To do this:
    1. Scroll down to the ‘Add to item group section’ at the bottom of the add item form.
    2. For the options field, select ‘Create new item group’.
    3. Add a new group name.
    4. Add a number to the new ‘Display order’ field to set the order.
    Previously, the order of the groups could only be changed from the item groups tab on the record details page.
    (To use the item groups feature, enable the EnableItemGroups system preference.)

  • 36515 Amend MARC modification templates so control fields can be copied to subfields

    With this enhancement it’s now possible to copy the content of MARC control fields to MARC subfields. Example: copy 001 to 035$a.

    Sponsored by Education Services Australia SCIS


New features

  • 33736 Add bookings to collect circulation report

    The enhancement adds a new ‘Bookings to collect’ report into the Circulation module. It parallels the ‘Holds to pull’ report allowing staff to easily report against upcoming bookings and collect them from the shelves ready for collection by the patron who has the item booked.

    Sponsored by PTFS Europe


  • 14180 Make “Always show checkouts immediately” a global setting

    This enhancement adds the ability for libraries to have checkouts always show immediately. To turn on this new feature, set the new system preference ‘AlwaysLoadCheckoutsTable’ to ‘do. If you find that checkouts are slow do load, you can add a delay to the table so the rest of the page can load and checkouts can proceed using the new system preference ‘LoadCheckoutsTableDelay’.

    Sponsored by ByWater Solutions

  • 14787 Allow confirm/continue option to circulation warnings at checkout

    This patch adds functionality that will remember whether an action has been confirmed for a particular patron for the session. While carrying out an action on that patron, if the same checkout confirmation message keeps appearing the user can now select to remember their confirmation while they are still working on that patron. When the user moves onto a new patron the confirmations then reset and accumulate again for the new patron.

    Sponsored by ByWater Solutions, Colorado Library Consortium (CLIC), Panhandle Public Library Cooperative and Arcadia Public Library

  • 23781 Recalls notices and messaging preferences

    This enhancement for recalls adds two new patron messaging preferences and associated circulation notices when UseRecalls is enabled:

    • Recall awaiting pickup (new notice – PICKUP_RECALLED_ITEM)
    • Return recalled item (new notice – RETURN_RECALLED_ITEM)

    Sponsored by Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology, New Zealand

  • 27919 Split claims return from LOST

    This changes the behavior of the ‘claims returned’ feature to no longer depend on a specific lost status of the item. If the item was set to a lost status before being marked as ‘claims returned’ the existing status will be kept. It’s also possible to update items to a different lost status after claiming it returned.

    Sponsored by ByWater Solutions and PTFS Europe and Cuyahoga County Public Library

  • 28924 Allow checkout fine limit to be determined by patron category

    This allows to set charge limits for checkouts by patron category. If the patron category level option is not used, the global system preferences will be used instead.

    The new options available are:

    • Checkout charge limit (noissuescharge)
    • Guarantee checkout charge limit (NoIssuesChargeGuarantees preference)
    • Guarantors with guarantees checkout charge limit (NoIssuesChargeGuarantorsWithGuarantees)

    Sponsored by Cuyahoga County Public Library

  • 33292 Claim return doesn’t refund lost item charge when MarkLostItemsAsReturned includes “When marking an item as a return claim” and “Refund lost item fee” is on

    This allows to refund the lost charge when a return claim is resolved. For this a new checkbox labelled ‘Refund previous lost fee’ is added to the return claim modal.

    Sponsored by ByWater Solutions and Cuyahoga County Public Library

  • 34440 Add warm-up and cool-down periods to bookings

    This enhancement to the recently added bookings functionality allows libraries to define a lead-in and trail-out period to be prepended and appended to bookings.

    These periods prevent checkouts or bookings from taking place too close to each other and allow for things like transfers and maintenance to be carried out.

    Sponsored by Cuyahoga County Public Library

  • 35906 Add bookable option on itemtypes

    This allows to configure on item type level if an item is bookable or not. The item type level setting can be overwritten on item level.

  • 35931 Pre-select items with due date today in the renew column on details page and on checkout page

    This enhancement selects items that are due today on the patron checkout and details screens, allowing librarians to renew items due today without additional clicks. This mirrors the behavior for overdue items on the same pages.

  • 36476 Add holds priority column to patron summary print

    Adds a holds priority column to the “Pending holds” table when printing the patron’s account summary.

  • 36547 Add ‘Checked out on’ column to overdues table

    This enhancement adds a “Checked out on” column to the report found at Circulation -> Overdues.

  • 36915 Send email notification when a booking is cancelled

    This enhancement sends a notice to a patron when a booking is cancelled using the new BOOKING_CANCELLATION notice.

    Sponsored by BibLibre

  • 37023 Filling a hold should update the timestamp

    With this change the timestamp of the hold is updated when it is filled and moved to the old_reserves database table.

    Sponsored by Koha-Suomi Oy

  • 37126 Provide link to patron account when checking out to statistical patron ends checkout

    This enhancement links the patron details in the message displayed when checking out an item to a statistical patron, where that item is already checked out to another patron. Previously, the patron details in the message did not link to the patron. This now makes it easier for staff to check the patron’s details, for example, to check for any incorrect charges.

  • 37204 Add a booking has changed notice to update a patron should a booking be updated

    This enhancement introduces a notice to inform patrons of changes to their bookings, such as updates to the pickup library, start date, or end date, ensuring clear communication regarding any modifications.

    Sponsored by Büchereizentrale Schleswig-Holstein

  • 37354 Bookings should respect circulation rules for max loan periods

    This enhancement builds on the bookings functionality added in the last cycle. We now prevent a booking from exceeding the maximum period laid out by the circulation rules for that item.

    We highlight the loan period and renewal periods in the bookings calendar upon selection of the booking start date and disallow bookings that exceed the loan period + renewal period * max renewals rules.

    Sponsored by PTFS Europe

  • 37592 Add a record of creation and modification to bookings

    This enhancement adds created_at and updated_at fields to the bookings table, providing institutions with the ability to track the creation and modification timestamps of bookings.

    Sponsored by Büchereizentrale Schleswig-Holstein

  • 37601 Add status field to bookings table

    This enhancement adds a status column to the bookings table to track the state of a booking, including ‘new’, ‘cancelled’, and ‘completed’ statuses. Future statuses will be handled dynamically for improved API response handling and search functionality.

    Sponsored by Büchereizentrale Schleswig-Holstein

  • 37803 Add patron notification when a new booking has been created successfully

    This enhancement adds a patron notification for successful booking creation, aligning it with existing notices for booking modifications and deletions.

    Sponsored by Büchereizentrale Schleswig-Holstein

  • 38175 Improve bookings behavior with new status field

    We opted to move away from deleting bookings on collection/cancellation and instead use a status field to signify booking state.

    This allows for future reporting against fulfilled bookings.

  • 38193 Add cancellation_reason field to bookings table

    This enhancement adds a cancellation_reason field to the bookings table, allowing users to specify a reason for cancellations using either free text or an authorized value, and integrates this information into the cancellation process and notices.

    Sponsored by Büchereizentrale Schleswig-Holstein

  • 38222 Let staff pick a cancellation reason when canceling a booking

    This enhancement introduces a combobox component for booking cancellations, allowing users to select from authorized values or enter free text, ensuring consistent input handling and improved user experience across booking management modules.

    Sponsored by Büchereizentrale Schleswig-Holstein

Command-line Utilities


  • 9596 Allow longoverdue.pl to be configured per library on the command line

    This patch adds –library and –skip-library options to the misc/cronjob/longoverdue.pl script. This enables setting the rules differently for each library when running the script on the command line and as a cron job.

  • 29507 Speed up auto renew cronjob via parallel processing

    This enhancement enables using parallel processing to speed up the running of the automatic renewals cron job (misc/cronjobs/automatic_renewals.pl). This cron job can take hours to run for libraries with thousands of items to renew.To use this enhancement, add this setting to the instance’s koha-conf.xml – adjusting the value depending on the system resources available:1

  • 36766 Add command-line utility to SFTP a file to a remote server

    This enhancement adds a new command line utility misc/cronjobs/sftp_file.pl that allows libraries to securely transfer MARC data to an SFTP server.

    Example usage: misc/cronjobs/sftp_file.pl –host sftp –user koha –pass koha –upload_dir upload –file /tmp/test.mrc

    Additional information:

    1. Use misc/cronjobs/sftp_file.pl –help to list all the options available.
    2. Two new notices are available: SFTP_FAILURE and SFTP_SUCCESSFUL.
    3. The from address for any emails defaults to KohaAdminEmailAddress if ReplytoDefault is not set.
    Example of usage and workflow

    In New Zealand, libraries need to send MARC files to a remote server (using SFTP) to keep the national Te Puna union catalogue up to date.

    This enhancement allows NZ libraries to automate sending their MARC files by:

    1. Using the runreport.pl cronjob to generate a list of bibliographic numbers.
    2. Using the export_records.pl cronjob to generate the MARC file for those bibliographic numbers.
    3. Use a new sftp_file cronjob to transfer the MARC file to the remote SFTP server.

    Sponsored by Catalyst and Horowhenua Libraries, Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology, Plant and Food Research Limited, Waitaki District Council, South Taranaki District Council New Zealand

  • 36770 Add a reportID parameter to export_records.pl

    This enhancement enables the export_records.pl script use a report output to export biblio or authority records, using the new
    –report_id=1 flag.

    Sponsored by Horowhenua Libraries, Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology, Plant and Food Research Limited, Waitaki District Council, South Taranaki District Council New Zealand

  • 37181 Add –confirm option switch to pseudonymize_statistics.pl

    This adds a --confirm option to the pseudoymize_statistics.pl command line script. Without this option there will be no changes made when the script is run, avoiding any accidental changes.

  • 37613 Follow-up to bug 9596 to change the option and documentation to match Terminology Guidelines
  • 37657 Improve speed of koha-preferences CLI tool (by using minimal dbh)

    This change refactors the koha-preferences CLI tool to use different internal database libraries in order to gain a speed performance improvement.

  • 37682 Improve speed of koha-preferences CLI tool (by lazy-loading modules)

    By lazy-loading modules needed for some functions of the koha-preferences CLI tool, other functions which do not need those modules now run much faster.

Course reserves


  • 35978 Extend breadcrumbs course reserves with sections

    This enhancement adds the course section field into the breadcrumb for course reserves. This makes it easier to distinguish where you are.



  • 31143 We should attempt to fix/identify all cases where ‘0000-00-00’ may still remain in the database

    This enhancement:

    1. Updates the misc/maintenance/search_for_data_inconsistencies.pl script so that it identifies any date fields that have 0000-00-00 values.
    2. Adds a new script misc/maintenance/fix_invalid_dates.pl that fixes any date fields that have ‘0000-00-00’ values (for example: dateofbirth) by updating them to ‘NULL’.

    Patron, item, and other date fields with a value of ‘000-00-00’ can cause errors. This includes:
    – API errors
    – stopping the patron autocomplete search working
    – generating a 500 internal server error:
    . for normal patron searching
    . when displaying item data in the holdings table


New features

  • 35287 Add additional fields support to ERM licenses

    This enhancement adds “Additional fields” support to ERM licenses.

    Sponsored by PTFS Europe and UKHSA – UK Health Security Agency


  • 37274 Standardize the toolbar in Vue components
  • 37576 Add additional fields support to ERM agreements

    This adds the option to add additional fields to ERM agreements. The fields can be either free text or linked to an authorized value for a pull down list. They be set to repeatable and made searchable.

  • 37577 Add additional fields support to ERM packages

    This adds the option to add additional fields to ERM packages. The fields can be either free text or linked to an authorized value for a pull down list. They be set to repeatable and made searchable.

  • 37856 Some SUSHI providers require the platform parameter

    This enhancement adds a new “platform” field to ERM’s usage data providers, allowing the harvest of SUSHI usage data from providers that require this parameter.

Fines and fees


  • 34325 On the manual invoice and credit forms rename “Barcode” to “Item barcode” for clarity

    This enhancement changes the form labels and error message for the manual invoice and credit forms for patrons (in the accounting section). This is to clarify that this field is for an item barcode, and not a patron card number barcode.

Hold requests


  • 28833 Speed up holds queue builder via parallel processing

    This enhancement adds the ability to increase the amount of parallel calculations used to create the Holds Queue. The amount of calculations or “loops” done in parallel is set in the new system preference ‘HoldsQueueParallelLoopsCount’. This enhancement will allow faster holds queue building for libraries with a very large amount of holds. Note that increasing the value in the system preference also causes Koha to use more resources when building the holds queue.

  • 29079 Make bibliographic information in holds queue customizable

    This enhancement adds two new columns to the holds queue table – Author and Publication details. It removes this information from the title column. Libraries can use table settings to hide this information, for example, if you only want to show the title in the holds queue.

  • 30411 Add separate shelving location column to holds queue

    Adds shelving location as its own column in the holds queue. This makes it easier to sort the holds queue by shelving location.

  • 36064 Add information about holds with cancellation requests to staff start page

    This enhancement adds a “Holds with cancellation requests: X” link to the staff interface home page. This makes it more visible to librarians that patrons have made cancellation requests, and action them (where patrons have the ability to cancel holds).

  • 36595 Add patron email to the holds queue table

    This enhancement adds a patron’s email address (when it exists) to the patron column for the holds queue table (Circulation > Holds and bookings > Holds queue). (This requires setting the HidePatronName system preference to ‘Show’.)



  • 37781 Add translation context for “On” (when used alone)

    This enhancement adds translation context to the word “On” when it is used alone. In the item search page, it means “on a specific date”, and on the SMTP server administration page, it means “on” as in “not off”. The translation context separates the two strings so that they can be translated individually.


New features

  • 35570 Add a generic master form in ILL

    This incorporates the ILL backend previously known as “FreeForm” (https://github.com/PTFS-Europe/koha-ill-freeform) into core Koha, now labeled as “Standard”.
    This allows the ILL module to be used as soon as the ILLModule system preference is enabled, without the need to install additional third-party backends, although the option to do so still exists.
    Upon upgrading, all prior “FreeForm” ILL requests, attributes, and comments will be transferred to the new “Standard” backend.


  • 36118 ILL request log does not display patron information

    With the IllLog system preference enabled, the actions logged for each ILL request lacked details about which patron user performed the action. This enhancement addresses this.

    Sponsored by PTFS Europe and UKHSA – UK Health Security Agency

  • 36221 Improve styling of Standard backend create OPAC form

    This makes various improvements to the ILL request form in the OPAC to make it more consistent with the other forms in Koha. This includes fixes to the styling of required fields, terminology and translations.

Installation and upgrade (command-line installer)


  • 34088 Schema upgrade should short circuit faster if no upgrade needs to be done

    This change makes koha-schema-upgrade use an optimized check if a database upgrade is needed before attempting the usual slower upgrade process. This makes Koha upgrades, which don’t need database updates, much faster.



  • 30955 Send a notice to new owner when transferring shared list

    This enhancement adds a new notice, TRANSFER_OWNERSHIP, under a new module, Lists. When a list is transferred to a new owner, this notice is triggered, containing a short paragraph detailing the list name.

  • 37177 “item” should be “record” in list page

    This patch corrects some areas in the lists and carts so that the term ‘record’ is used instead of ‘item’ when referring to a bibliographic record.

    Sponsored by Athens County Public Libraries

MARC Authority data support


  • 35305 Add XSLT for authority details page in staff interface

    This enhancement enables using custom XSLT stylesheets to display authority detail pages in the staff interface.

    Enter a path to the custom XSLT file in the new system preference AuthorityXSLTDetailsDisplay (or use an external URL). Use placeholders for multiple custom style sheets for different languages ({langcode}) and authority types ({authtypecode}).

    (Note: This ability is already available for the OPAC. It was added by bug 21330 to Koha 23.05 and 22.11.07).

  • 36603 UNIMARC: automatically copy the ISNI number over when linking authorities with authorities

    This enables the automatic copying over of authority subfield 010$a [aka INTERNATIONAL STANDARD NAME IDENTIFIER (ISNI)] into the corresponding 5xx$o subfield when linking authorities with other authorities in UNIMARC instances. It only applies to the Personal Name, Corporate Body Name, and Family Name authority types.

  • 37122 Update MARC21 authority frameworks to Update 30

    This enhancement updates the MARC21 authority frameworks for new installations to reflect the changes from Update 30 (May 2020).NOTES:- For existing installations, manually updating the default and other frameworks with the changes is required.

  • 37123 Update MARC21 authority frameworks to Update 31

    This enhancement updates the MARC21 authority frameworks for new installations to reflect the changes from Update 31 (December 2020).NOTES:- For existing installations, manually updating the default and other frameworks with the changes is required.

  • 37124 Update MARC21 authority frameworks to Update 32

    This enhancement updates the MARC21 authority frameworks for new installations to reflect the changes from Update 32 (June 2021).NOTES:- For existing installations, manually updating the default and other frameworks with the changes is required.

  • 37125 Update MARC21 authority frameworks to Update 33

    This enhancement updates the MARC21 authority frameworks for new installations to reflect the changes from Update 33 (November 2021).NOTES:- For existing installations, manually updating the default and other frameworks with the changes is required.

  • 37128 Update MARC21 authority frameworks to Update 34

    This enhancement updates the MARC21 authority frameworks for new installations to reflect the changes from Update 34 (July 2022).NOTES:- For existing installations, manually updating the default and other frameworks with the changes is required.

  • 37132 Update MARC21 authority frameworks to Update 35

    This enhancement updates the MARC21 authority frameworks for new installations to reflect the changes from Update 35 (December 2022).NOTES:- For existing installations, manually updating the default and other frameworks with the changes is required.

  • 37133 Update MARC21 authority frameworks to Update 36

    This enhancement updates the MARC21 authority frameworks for new installations to reflect the changes from Update 36 (June 2023).NOTES:- For existing installations, manually updating the default and other frameworks with the changes is required.

  • 37134 Update MARC21 authority frameworks to Update 37

    This enhancement updates the MARC21 authority frameworks for new installations to reflect the changes from Update 37 (December 2023).NOTES:- For existing installations, manually updating the default and other frameworks with the changes is required.

  • 37135 Update MARC21 authority frameworks to Update 38

    This enhancement updates the MARC21 authority frameworks for new installations to reflect the changes from Update 38 (June 2024).NOTES:- For existing installations, manually updating the default and other frameworks with the changes is required.

  • 37349 Use cache for authority types when linking bibliographic records to authorities

MARC Bibliographic data support


  • 36055 Simplify MARC21 fast add framework

    This enhancement updates the fast add framework (FA) to remove unnecessary fields (which defeated the purpose of having a way to quickly add a minimal record). Important note: This update only affects new installations. See the bug details (comment #2) for a list of changes if you would like to update your existing FA framework.

  • 37114 Update MARC21 default framework to Update 38 (June 2024)

    This enhancement updates the default MARC21 bibliographic framework for new installations to reflect the changes from Update 38 (June 2024).NOTES:- For existing installations, manually updating the default and other frameworks with the changes is required.- For new installations, only the default framework is updated. Manually updating other frameworks with the changes is required.

  • 37120 Add heading subfields for 647 (MARC21)

    This enhancement updates the default MARC21 bibliographic framework to add subfields a, c, d, and g to field 647.NOTE: This does not affect existing installations. If you are upgrading and wish to have the subfields in your bibliographic framework, add them via Administration > MARC bibliographic framework.

  • 37121 MARC21 Addition to relator terms in technical notice 2024-05-14

    This patch adds new relator codea in the list of MARC21 relator terms in Koha:

    • wfs – Writer of film story
    • wft – Writer of intertitles
    • wts – Writer of television story

    Note: this is added in the installer files. It will not affect existing installations. For existing installations, add the new relator code in Administration > Authorized values > RELTERMS.



  • 17976 TT syntax for notices – Add an equivalence for items.fine

    This patch adds an easy accessor method for fetching a checkouts overdue fines. This is of particular interest to notice template authors as you can now use the following snippet in your notices:

    [% overdue.overdue_fines.total_outstanding | $Price %]

  • 23295 Automatically debar patrons if SMS or email notice fail

    This enhancement adds the new system preference ‘RestrictPatronsWithFailedNotices’ to allow Koha to automatically restrict patrons when SMS or email notices fail to reach them. The system preference is turned off by default. To turn it on, set the system preference to ‘Apply’. This system preference requires the misc/cronjobs/restrict_patrons_with_failed_notices.pl cronjob.

    Sponsored by Catalyst

  • 29194 Patron messaging preferences should be logically ordered

    This changes the sequence of the notices in the messaging preferences table to be more logical and roughly chronological.

  • 36758 We should notify an assignee when they are assigned a ticket

    This enhancement to catalog concerns notifies staff when a new concern is assigned to them for action (when CatalogConcerns and OpacCatalogConcerns are enabled). It uses a new TICKET_ASSIGNED notice. No notice is sent when it is self-assigned.

    Sponsored by PTFS Europe

  • 36815 Add the option to ‘Reset to default’ in the notices editor

    This enhancement adds a new ‘View default’ button to the notices editor for notices that ship in the sample data for Koha.

    This button allows you to display the default sample notice in a popup modal and even reset the notice your currently editing to that default.

    Sponsored by PTFS Europe


New features

  • 14670 Add ‘cite’ option to detail page in OPAC

    This adds a new ‘Cite’ option to the toolbar on the right of the bibliographic details on the details page in the OPAC. When clicked, you are presented with citations for the viewed record using different citation styles.

    Sponsored by Orex Digital and Regionbibliotek Halland / County library of Halland

  • 26777 Give the user the option to display their patron card barcode from the OPAC

    This adds the option to display the patron’s library card as a barcode within their library account, so it can be scanned at the circulation desk or a self check machine.
    The feature can be activated using the new system preference OPACVirtualCard.


  • 26933 Improve handling of multiple covers on catalog search results in the OPAC

    This enhancement adds the slider widget for multiple cover images on the OPAC search results page (when multiple sources enabled), matching the way covers display on the detail page.

    Sponsored by Athens County Public Libraries

  • 30873 “Libraries” link on OPAC should be hideable by system preference

    This enhancement adds a system preference which allows the Koha administrator to hide the “Libraries” link which appears under the main search bar in the OPAC. The preference is enabled by default because that reflects the previous default behavior.

    Sponsored by Athens County Public Libraries

  • 33317 Add system preference to set meta robots for the OPAC

    This enhancement adds a new system preference, OpacMetaRobots which allows libraries to tell search engine robots how to crawl and index OPAC pages.

  • 34486 Hide more OPAC holdings table columns when they are empty

    This patch updates the OPAC bibliographic detail page so that in the holdings table, the following columns are hidden if they contain no data: Call number, date due, materials, checkouts, barcode, and item-level holds.

    Sponsored by Athens County Public Libraries

  • 36141 Add classes to CAS text on OPAC login page

    This enhancement adds classes to the CAS-related messages on the OPAC login page. This will make it easier for libraries to customize using CSS and JavaScript. The new classes are cas_invalid, cas_title, and cas_url. It also moves the invalid CAS login message to above the CAS login heading (the same as for the Shibboleth login).

  • 36453 BlockExpiredPatronOpacActions should allow multiple actions options

    This enhancement improves the BlockExpiredPatronOpacActions system preference to allow the specification of which OPAC actions are blocked for expired patrons.Prior to this enhancement, this system preference functioned as a simple “on” or “off” switch, where having it ‘on’ blocked both ‘placing holds’ and ‘renewing an item’ for expired patrons on the OPAC.

  • 36651 Add placeholder text to the search bar in the OPAC

    This enhancement updates the style of the OPAC search bar’s placeholder text, the text which is shown in the text field when the user has not entered any text. Previously the style of the placeholder made it look very much like text the user had typed. Now the placeholder is right-aligned and italic in order to distinguish it from regular text, while keeping a color which has accessible contrast.

  • 37046 Use template wrapper for OPAC curbside pickup tabs

    This enhancement makes structural changes to the way the OPAC curbside pickups page is generated for more consistency and ease of upgrade to new Bootstrap versions.

  • 37048 Use template wrapper for self checkout page

    This enhancement makes structural changes to the way the self checkout page is generated for more consistency and ease of upgrade to new Bootstrap versions.

  • 37221 No way to turn off OverDrive integrations without removing all system preference values

    This patch adds the new system preference OPACOverDrive. It allows a library to disable OverDrive features without having to remove one or more of their OverDrive credentials.

    Sponsored by Athens County Public Libraries

  • 37391 QR code for bibliographic record in OPAC should use canonical link

    This patch updates QR code creation from a bibliographic record in the OPAC to use the canonical version of the URL to the bibliographic record, making the shared URL much shorter and the created QR code less complicated. Note that the system preference OPACDetailQRCode must be set to ‘Enable’ in order to show the QR code in the bibliographic record’s detail page in the OPAC.

  • 37412 Style placeholder text in the OPAC

    This enhancement adds a custom style to the placeholder text shown in the OPAC’s main search bar when it is empty. Previously the placeholder text color was very close to the color of user-entered text, making it difficult to distinguish the state of the form. Rather than adjusting the color of the placeholder text in a way that makes the contrast unacceptable, this changes the text to right-aligned italic text.

    Sponsored by Athens County Public Libraries

  • 37972 Allow selection of tab in patron’s summary table by query param

    This enhancement adds the ability to direct links to specific tabs of the OPAC patron summary with the following syntax:


New features

  • 28633 Add a preferred name field to patrons

    This new feature adds a new “Preferred name” field to patron information. This is visible in staff and OPAC patron forms by default.


    1. The “Preferred name” field takes precedence, and is displayed where patron names are displayed throughout Koha.
    2. If the “Preferred name” field has no value, or it is hidden, the first name is displayed.
    3. Notices: Use of ‘firstname’ in notices and other templates will continue to display the first name. Use ‘preferred_name’ to display the patron’s preferred name.
    4. Hiding fields: When hiding the preferred name field, hide it in all interfaces to avoid any discrepancies or confusion (BorrowerUnwantedField, PatronSelfModificationBorrowerUnwantedField, PatronSelfRegistrationBorrowerUnwantedField, PatronSelfModificationMandatoryField, PatronSelfRegistrationBorrowerMandatoryField).
    5. Patron autocomplete: Add or remove fields to search using the DefaultPatronSearchFields system preference – if your current installation uses firstname, then this should automatically be updated to include preferred_name (and is in the default settings for new installations).


  • 23486 TrackLastPatronActivityTriggers should have an option for patron creation

    This enhancement adds ‘Creating a patron’ as an option to the TrackLastPatronActivityTriggers system preference (for updating the last seen date). Previously, creating a patron was not an option for updating the last seen date – this could understate reports about active patrons.

  • 27123 Add messages to batch patron modification

    This adds patron messages to the batch patron modification tool form. It allows to add new messages to multiple patron accounts at a time and also to delete all messages on these accounts at once.

  • 33462 Force password change for new patrons entered by staff

    This adds a new option to the patron category administration pages, that allows to enforce a password reset on first login for any patron accounts created manually in the staff interface.

  • 34608 Add sort1 and sort2 to patron search results

    This enhancement adds the option of displaying patron “sort1” and “sort2” statistical fields in the patron module’s main search results, using column visibility controls. The fields are hidden by default in the updated table configuration.

  • 36085 Setting and unsetting the protected flag should be limited to superlibrarian accounts

    Only patrons with superlibrarian permissions will be able to set or remove the “Protected” flag on patron accounts

  • 36169 Add guarantee to patron categories with category type ‘Staff’

    This allows patrons with a patron category of the type “Staff” to have guarantees linked to them.

  • 36454 Provide indication if a patron is expired or restricted on patron search autocomplete

    This enhancement adds “Expired” or “Restricted” information badges to patron autocomplete search suggestions, where these criteria apply.

  • 36912 Add more spans/classes to member-display-address-style.inc for additional styling

    This enhancement adds spans and classes for customizing the styling of a patron’s main address when using IntranetUserCSS.


    .patronaddress1 {
    .streetnumber {
    color: blue;
    .address1 {
    color: green;
    .roadtype {
    color: pink;
    }.patronaddress2 {
    color: lightgreen;
    }.patroncity {
    .city {
    color: orange;
    .state {
    color: brown;
    .zipcode {
    color: limegreen;
    .comma {
    color: teal;
    .country {
    color: red;
  • 37323 Remote-Code-Execution (RCE) in picture-upload.pl

    This change sanitizes filenames used in picture upload and validates the datalink.txt/idlink.txt contents to prevent remote code execution (RCE).

Plugin architecture


  • 35568 Add a plugin hook to allow modification of notices created via GetPreparedLetter
  • 37033 Allow plugins to load JavaScript on the cart pop-up in the staff interface
  • 37495 Add ability to use metadata to filter plugins to run for plugins_nightly.pl

    This enhancement allows the plugins_nightly.pl cronjob to execute the nightly cronjob plugin hook for one or more specific plugins. This allows greater flexibility in scheduling the nightly cronjobs for various plugins and allows a single plugins cronjob hook to be run without trigger other plugins cronjob hooks.


New features

  • 28965 Add public routes for lists

    This enhancement adds new public API endpoint for retrieving lists.


  • 30660 Add cancellation reason to holds delete endpoint

    This enhancement adds the ability to send a hold cancellation reason to the delete hold API endpoint.

    Sponsored by Koha-Suomi Oy

  • 30661 Able to update more hold parameters via REST API

    This enhancement adds API endpoints to update the hold_date and expiration_date via the API.

    Sponsored by Koha-Suomi Oy

  • 35197 Expose additional_field definitions through REST API

    This enhancement adds a new REST API endpoint for exposing configured additional fields:

    Configured additional fields for a specific resource are queried as follows e.g. invoice:

    Sponsored by PTFS Europe and UKHSA – UK Health Security Agency

  • 35430 Add endpoints for managing stock rotation rota’s

    This enhancement adds API endpoints for managing stock rotation rotas.

  • 36480 Add GET /libraries/:library_id/desks

    This enhancement adds an API endpoint for requesting a list of desks for a library. For example:

  • 36481 Add GET /libraries/:library_id/cash_registers

    This enhancement adds an API endpoint for requesting a list of cash registers for a library. For example:

  • 36641 Add an endpoint to list circulation rules

    This enhancement adds a new /circulation_rules endpoint to the API’s to allow fetching of circulation rules.It requires item_type, patron_category and library as parameters and accepts an options ‘rules’ parameter to allow listing only rules that are of interest.

  • 37253 Enhance POST /checkouts endpoint to accept barcode or item_id

    The enhancement adds the ability to accept the barcode for a checkout via the API. If the origin only had access to the barcode and not the itemnumber a second API call was previously required to perform a checkout with only the barcode.

  • 37686 render_resource_not_found() and render_resource_deleted() misses

    This development finished the code cleanup we implemented on bug 36495, by performing the same code changes in new code that was added in between and some misses too.

  • 37809 Add missing embeds to checkouts endpoints
  • 37850 branchillemail missing from public libraries REST endpoint

    This enhancement adds the library’s e-mail address for interlibrary loans to the following public REST API endpoint’s response:/api/v1/public/libraries

  • 37902 Timezone ignored when passing rfc3339 formatted date (search ‘q’)

    RFC3339 formatted dates are not correctly taken into account when passed to an attribute via the ‘q’ parameter



  • 32413 JSON reports shows inaccurate results with repeated parameters

    When creating a reports with runtime parameters that use the same description, the form in Koha would present only one input field for them, but the JSON API required to send the value multiple times for each occurrence of the runtime parameter. This makes the behavior in Koha and the JSON API match in that the parameter needs to be only sent once.

    Important: Scripts using the JSON feature with repeatable parameters before this change will need to be adapted.

    Sponsored by Koha-Suomi Oy

  • 37188 Batch patron modification from report results should be an option when borrowernumber is selected

    Some libraries do not use card numbers for their patrons, but would still like to be able to batch modify patrons from reports. This will makes it so that adding the borrowernumber to a report will also allow to trigger batch patron modifications.

  • 37508 SQL reports should not show patron password hash if queried

    This enhancement on reports module prevents SQL queries from being run if they would return a password field from the database table.

    Sponsored by Reserve Bank of New Zealand



  • 18317 Allow check out of already checked out items through SIP

    This enhancement allows checkouts of items already checked out to someone else when using SIP2. This is enabled using the new system preference AllowItemsOnLoanCheckoutSIP.

    Example use case: Patron A has checked out a book and tried to return it, but for some reason it hasn’t been properly checked in – but it was re-shelved anyway. Patron B wants to borrow this book from an unstaffed library, but the self-checkout blocks them because the book is still checked out to Patron A.

  • 37087 Add support for TCP keepalive to SIP server

    This change adds 3 new configuration options to the SIPconfig.xml. These are custom_tcp_keepalive, custom_tcp_keepalive_time, and custom_tcp_keepalive_intvl. Usage is documented in C4/SIP/SIPServer.pm. They are used to control TCP keepalives for the SIP server. Configuration of these parameters is essential for running a SIP server in Microsoft Azure.



  • 14322 Add option to create a shareable link for item searches

    This enhancement adds a ‘Copy shareable link’ button to item search results in the staff interface. Previously, the only way to share a search with colleagues was by detailing all the search parameters – and they would then need to manually add these to the item search form.

    Sponsored by Cape Libraries Automated Materials Sharing

  • 34481 Add IncludeSeeAlsoFromInSearches like IncludeSeeFromInSearches

    This enhancement adds ‘see also from’ authority record headings (5XX) to bibliographic searches. This is enabled by using the new IncludeSeeAlsoFromInSearches system preference, and requires a reindex.

  • 36991 Add ability to scan call numbers index/search field

    This adds ‘call number’ to the available search options when using the ‘scan indexes’ feature from the advanced search page in the staff interface.

  • 37238 Add table settings to itemsearch results

    The item search results table is now configurable via the table settings.

  • 37969 Add missing language code nor (Norwegian/inclusive)

    This enhancement adds the language code nor for the Norwegian inclusive language ISO 639-2 to Koha.

Searching – Elasticsearch


  • 36725 Add “current publication frequency” to Elasticsearch index mappings (MARC21 310$a)

    This updates the default Elasticsearch mappings to include MARC 310$a – current publication frequency. Please note that this will only affect new installations. If mappings are reset to default on existing installations a full reindex is required.

    Sponsored by Education Services Australia SCIS

  • 36727 Add incorrect ISSN to Elasticsearch index mappings

    This enhancement makes changes to International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) related index mapping when using Elasticsearch or Open Search.

    A new issn-all search field enables finding all records with any ISSN related to that content. For example, you are able to find the online and paper version of a serial with one search.

    The issn search field remains a precise search – you get the exact record with the ISSN in 022$a (MARC21) or 011$a (UNIMARC).


    • Adds these subfields to the new issn-all search field:
      . 022$a (International Standard Serial Number)
      . 022$y (Incorrect ISSN)
      . 022$z (Canceled ISSN)
      . 023$a (Cluster ISSN)
      . 023$y (Incorrect Cluster ISSN)
      . 023$z (Canceled Cluster ISSN)
    • Adds 022$y, 022$z, 023$a, 023$y, and 023$z to the identifier-standard search field


    • Adds these subfields to the new issn-all search field:
      . 011$a (Number (ISSN)
      . 011$y (Cancelled ISSN)
      . 011$z (Erroneous ISSN or ISSN-L)
    • Removes 011$y and 011$z from the issn search field

    These changes will only take effect for existing installations if the index mappings are reset (caution: existing customizations are lost) and records are re-indexed.

    Sponsored by Education Services Australia SCIS

  • 36798 Add ability to search across all ISBNs using the ISBN-search

    The new system preference SearchCancelledAndInvalidISBNandISSN allows to include invalid and cancelled ISBNs (MARC21 020/022 $z) in searches for ISBN and ISSN.

    Sponsored by Ignatianum University in Cracow

  • 36952 Add 370 to authority index (MARC21)

    This enhancement adds field 370 (associated place) to the default MARC21 authority index mappings when using Elasticsearch or Open Search (it is already indexed if using Zebra).

  • 36953 Add 678 to authority index (MARC21)

    This enhancement adds field 678 (biographical or historical data) to the default MARC21 authority index mappings when using Elasticsearch or Open Search (it is already indexed if using Zebra).

Staff interface

New features

  • 33484 Ability to remember user’s selected table configuration and search filters for tables

    This new feature adds two new options to the table settings.
    When enabled the state of the table, meaning the column selection and search filters, will be restored to what as formerly set by the user.

    • “Save configuration state on page change”: save the column visibility, length of the table and order in session.
    • “Save search state on page change”: save the search and filtering in session.

    Please note: When you hide columns permanently using the settings on the table configuration page in the administration module, it will require users to log out/log in again for the change to take effect.

    Additionally a new button “Copy shareable link” is added to the tables. It will copy a link with the current state of the table into the clipboard, so you can save it as a bookmark or share it with someone else.


  • 2486 Show user comments in staff interface

    This enhancement shows OPAC comments on the staff interface record, making it easier for staff to view comments on items when the “OPACComments” system preference is turned on.

  • 20411 Remove StaffDetailItemSelection system preference and make the feature always on

    Removes the system preference StaffDetailItemSelection which is no longer needed. The item selection column in the holdings table is now configurable via Table settings configuration.

  • 30623 Copy permissions from one user to another

    This enhancement makes it a lot easier to create staff users with similar or identical permission profiles by allowing it to copy the permission settings from one user to another.

  • 35153 Convert IntranetmainUserblock system preference to additional contents

    This enhancement converts the IntranetmainUserblock system preference to an entry in Tools -> Additional contents. This allows the user to create content to be shown on the staff client home page in multiple languages or with custom content for each library.

  • 35191 Make entries per page configurable for items table on staff detail page

    Add an option, in the Tables page of the Administration module, to adjust how many items per page will display by default in the item holdings table on a bibliographic record.

  • 35402 Update the OPAC and staff interface to Bootstrap 5

    This enhancement updates the version of the Bootstrap library that Koha uses from Bootstrap 4 to Bootstrap 5 (Bootstrap 4 is end of life and is no longer updated).We use bootstrap for both the OPAC and staff interface to help keep our styling consistent and responsive.

  • 36777 Create a new section for system preferences related to lost item handling

    This enhancement moves lost item circulation system preferences from ‘Checkout policy’ to a new ‘Lost item policy’ section.

  • 36941 Highlight that some libraries should not be available at login when StaffLoginRestrictBranchByIP is enabled

    This enhancement changes the staff interface login form so that only valid libraries are shown in the dropdown list when the StaffLoginRestrictBranchByIP preference is enabled.

  • 37004 Staff search results: Add a HTML class ( branchcode ) to each item entry in the results list

    This enhancement to staff interface search results adds the library code as an HTML class to each item entry in the location column. This makes it easier to add custom CSS/JavaScript for libraries to the search results.

  • 37141 Add option to display completed bookings from patron page

    This enhancement to bookings now shows completed bookings for patrons on their check out and details page. There is now a filter to show expired and hide expired bookings (similar to what is shown on a record’s bookings page.)

  • 37309 Improve delete and modify items links on the bibliographic detail page

    This enhancement improves the way batch operation controls are dynamically generated when the user checks one or more checkboxes under the holdings tab on the bibliographic detail page. The markup has also been updated in order to improve consistency in the way the controls are styled.

  • 37574 Add visual indicator that bookings are expired

    This enhancement adds a visual indicator for expired bookings in the bookings table by displaying a status column with ‘Expired’ and ‘Active’ labels, making it easier to identify expired bookings when viewing or filtering them.

    Sponsored by Büchereizentrale Schleswig-Holstein

System Administration


  • 27490 Rename system preference language to StaffInterfaceLanguages

    This enhancement renames the ‘language’ system preference to ‘StaffInterfaceLanguages’, to make the name clearer and more meaningful.

  • 28575 Add ability to choose if lost fee is refunded based on when lost fee was paid off

    This adds a new system preference NoRefundOnLostFinesPaidAge that allows the user to control how long after a lost fee has been paid a refund will be issued if the item is found and returned.

    Sponsored by Rapid City Public Library

  • 33731 Allow audio alerts to be used on SCO pages

    Makes audio alerts accessible in the self checkout module by default. Staff can now pick sounds from the list in the Audio alerts configuration and no longer need a full path URL to make sounds available in the self checkout module.

  • 35044 Additional fields: Allow for repeatable fields

    This enhancement adds the “repeatable” option for additional fields.For repeatable text fields there is now:- an “Add new” button for adding a new text field- a “Remove” button for the removal of a repeatable text field.For repeatable fields using authorized values, the options are now shown as checkboxes instead of a dropdown list, and allows multiple selections.

  • 37436 Move EmailPatronWhenHoldIsPlaced to holds policy system preferences

    This patch moves the EmailPatronWhenHoldIsPlaced system preference from Circulation > Patron restrictions to Circulation > Holds policy.

  • 37513 Disable ‘Delete’ button if the record source cannot be deleted

    This enhancement to the record sources feature (added in Koha 24.05) removes the ‘Delete’ action from the record sources table if there are bibliographic records that use the record source.Previously, if you tried to delete a record source that was in use, you would get an unhelpful error message “Something went wrong: Error: Something went wrong, check Koha logs for details.”.

  • 37888 Default filtering of background jobs could be improved

    This updates the display and filter option for background jobs. By default the background jobs page now shows the most recently queued jobs, whatever their status is, and allows to filter on the current pending and running jobs.

  • 38053 Change section and description of DefaultLongOverduePatronCategories and DefaultLongOverdueSkipPatronCategories system preferences

    This enhancement moves the DefaultLongOverduePatronCategories and DefaultLongOverdueSkipPatronCategories system preferences to the Lost item policy section of the circulation preferences, to be with the other DefaultLongOverdue system preferences.It also changes the description of the system preferences to make it clearer it has to do with the long overdues process and not just the overdues process.



  • 32218 Rephrase: Allow OPAC access to users from this domain to login with this identity provider.
  • 33195 Reindent the bibliographic details page

    This updates the template file used to display the bibliographic detail page in the staff interface. It re-indents the file so that it has consistent indentation, and adds comments to highlight the markup structure. This is a developer-oriented change with no visible effect to the user.

  • 33526 Use template wrapper for tabs: bibliographic detail page
  • 33907 Improve translation of title tags: OPAC part 1

    This enhancement makes structural changes to the way OPAC pages are built to make it easier for translators to translate the text in the page’s title tag.Some pages were also updated for consistency: harmonizing page title, breadcrumb navigation, and page headers.

  • 33925 Improve translation of title tags: Serials

    This enhancement updates the templates for the serials pages to allow title tags to be more easily translated. It also updates some templates to add consistency for the page title, breadcrumb navigation, and page headers, and to add the “page-section” where it was lacking.

  • 35838 Use template wrapper for tabs: Curbside pickups administration

    This enhancement makes structural changes to the way the curbside pickups administration page is generated for more consistency and ease of upgrade to new Bootstrap versions.

  • 36911 Reindent circ-menu.inc

    This updates the circ-menu.inc include file used for the left-hand sidebar menu on circulation pages (when the CircSidebar system preference). It reindents the file so that it has consistent indentation, and adds comments to highlight the markup structure. These changes have no visible effect on the pages.

  • 36945 Fix several missed instance of breadcrumb WRAPPER use

    This enhancement makes structural changes to the way the breadcrumb menu is generated on several pages for more consistency and ease of upgrade to new Bootstrap versions.

  • 37515 Add common class to all places where an item type image is shown

    This enhancement changes the markup which is used to show item type images in both the OPAC and staff interface. The change adds a common class attribute, “itemtype-image”, so that the display of these images can be changed with custom CSS.

    Sponsored by Athens County Public Libraries

  • 37578 Remove the Charges tab from checkout and patron details

    This patch removes the unused ‘Charges’ tab from the include file for patron accounts in the circulation and patron details templates. Information about charges and credits is already shown as a warning message at the top of these pages as well as in the left side menu in the ‘Accounting’ tab.

    Sponsored by Athens County Public Libraries



  • 37103 Link log viewer options to corresponding system preference

    This patch updates the log viewer interface to show a warning icon next to each module for which logging is disabled. If the user has the correct permissions, the warning icon links directly to the corresponding system preference for enabling the log.

  • 37943 Object creation should be logged with a JSON diff of changes, implement for items

    This enhancement will store modification diffs, if the action is set to ADD or CREATE and an “original” object is passed in.

  • 37944 Object deletion should be logged with a JSON diff of changes, implement for items

    This enhancement will store modification diffs, if the action is set to DELETE, and an “original” object is passed in.

Web services


  • 31161 OAI-PMH – Honour OpacHiddenItems system preferences

    This patch alters the OAI-PMH code to respect the OpacHiddenItems and OpacHiddenItemsHidesRecord system preferences when all items on a record are hidden. In this case, the server will now return the record as ‘deleted’ – this way if an item is changed in a way that marks it hidden, and it is the last item on the record, the next harvest will pickup this change and remove the record

  • 36315 ILSDI GetRecord speed improvement

    This change makes the items.location lookup in the ILSDI GetRecords service use a cached lookup rather than a per-item lookup for location values, which makes the ILSDI service return much more quickly for records with many items.

Z39.50 / SRU / OpenSearch Servers


  • 36996 Add a system preference to mark items unavailable in Z39.50 responder

    This adds a new system preference z3950Status which takes a YAML block and marks any items matching the conditions as unavailable in Z39.50 results
    It obeys the existing AdditionalFieldsInZ3950ResultSearch system preference settings, adding item status to field 952 $k.


This list includes all bugfixes since the previous major version. Most of them
have already been fixed in maintenance releases

Critical bugs fixed

  • 34444 Statistic 1/2 not saving when updating fund after receipt (24.11.00,24.05.02,23.11.07,23.05.15)
  • 36995 Can’t delete library EAN (24.11.00,24.05.02)

    This fixes the Library EANs page so that EANs can be deleted. After the CSRF update in 24.05 (bug 34478), the ‘Delete’ action for an EAN no longer worked as it should.

  • 37089 Cannot delete a fund or a currency (24.11.00,24.05.02)

    This fixes the acquisitions funds and currencies pages so that they can be deleted. After the CSRF changes in 24.05 to improve form security, the ‘Delete’ actions no longer worked. The deletion confirmation message was displayed with ” for the name and no values for the fund or currency, then didn’t delete them.

  • 37090 Cannot delete an EDI account (24.11.00,24.05.02)

    This fixes the EDI accounts page (Acquisitions > Administration (when EDIFACT is enabled)) so that accounts can be deleted. After the CSRF changes in 24.05 to improve form security, the ‘Delete’ action for an EDI account no longer worked.

  • 37316 Cannot add items to basket via file if barcodes not supplied (24.11.00,24.05.02)

    This fixes an error when using order files from a vendor to stage and add records with items to a basket. If barcodes are not specified for the items (either from the file or manually), this caused an error when saving. Order files without barcodes can now be used.

  • 37377 Orders search is not returning any results (24.11.00,24.05.02)

    This fixes the orders search in Acquisitions – clicking the search button was doing nothing and not returning any results. (This is related to the CSRF changes added in Koha 24.05 to improve form security.)

  • 37533 Invalid query when receiving an order (24.11.00,24.05.03,23.11.08,23.05.14)
  • 38183 Can’t set suggestion manager when there are multiple tabs (24.11.00,24.05.05)
  • 38343 False display of closed invoices in receive process (24.11.00)
  • 38437 Modal does not appear on single order receive (24.11.00)
  • 36520 SQL Injection in opac-sendbasket.pl (CVE-2024-36058) (24.11.00,24.05.01,23.11.06,23.05.12,22.11.18,22.05.22)
  • 36598 Add CSRF protection to Mojolicious apps (24.11.00,24.05.04)
  • 36736 Add ability to load DBIx::Class Schema files found in plugins (24.11.00)
  • 36863 CSRF Plack middleware doesn’t handle the CONNECT HTTP method (24.11.00,24.05.02)
  • 36875 SQL injection in additional content pages (24.11.00,24.05.01,23.11.06)
  • 37040 ErrorDocument accidentally setting off CSRF (24.11.00,24.05.02)

    This improves the mechanism for preventing the activation of CSRF middleware by ErrorDocument subrequests. For example, a properly formatted 403 error page is now displayed instead of a plain text error. (This is related to the CSRF changes added in Koha 24.05 to improve form security.)

  • 37056 CSRF error on login when user js contains a fetch of svc/report (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 37152 Delete-confirm should not start with ‘cud-‘ (24.11.00,24.05.02)

    This fixes the delete actions in these areas so that they now work as they should:

    • Acquisitions:
      . Contracts – couldn’t delete a contract (no confirmation message, didn’t delete) (Acquisitions > search for a vendor > Contracts > Delete > Yes, delete contract)
      . Baskets – could still delete a basket (so no change in behavour), however it wasn’t using the correct code to do this (Acquisitions > search for a vendor > select a basket > Delete basket)
    • MARC bibliographic frameworks and authority types: couldn’t delete tags – the confirmation message didn’t have the tag description, and didn’t delete (there was no error message, it just didn’t delete the tag) (Administration > Catalog > MARC bibliographic framework OR Authority types > Actions > MARC structure > [choose a tag] > Actions > Delete)
    • Patron categories: when attempting to delete a patron category that was still in use – it generated an error message, instead of a warning that it was still in use (and didn’t delete the category) (Administration > Patron categories > Delete > [Warning that can’t delete if in use OR Confirm deletion])
    • Purchase suggestions in a patron’s OPAC account: could still delete a purchase suggestion (so no change in behavour), however it wasn’t using the correct code to do this (OPAC > Your account > Purchase suggestions > select suggestoon > Delete selected)

    (These fixes are related to the CSRF changes added in Koha 24.05 to improve form security.)

  • 37260 Problem with connection to broker not displayed on the about page (24.11.00,24.05.04)
  • 37371 Direct input of dates not working when editing only part of a date (24.11.00,24.05.04)
  • 37464 Remote Code Execution in barcode function leads to reverse shell (24.11.00,24.05.03,23.11.08,23.05.14,22.11.20)
  • 37509 Elasticsearch status info missing from ‘Server information’ (24.11.00,24.05.04)

    This fixes the About Koha > Server information page so that it now shows information about Elasticsearch. Before this, it was empty.

  • 37741 Koha errors on page (e.g. 404) cause incorrect CSRF errors (24.11.00,24.05.06)

    This change prevents an error in a background call (e.g. a missing favicon.ico) from affecting the user’s session, which can lead to incorrect CSRF 403 errors during form POSTs. (The issue is prevented by stopping error pages from returning the CGISESSID cookie, which overwrites the CGISESSID cookie returned by the foreground page.)

  • 37824 Replace webpack with rspack for fun and profit (24.11.00)
  • 38035 “sound” listed as an installed language (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 38495 Cannot cancel background job (CSRF) (24.11.00)
  • 36822 When creating a new patron via LDAP or Shibboleth 0000-00-00 is inserted for invalid updated_on (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 35125 AutoCreateAuthorities creates separate authorities when thesaurus differs, even with LinkerConsiderThesaurus set to Don’t (24.11.00,24.05.05,23.11.11)
  • 37080 Cannot delete a MARC bibliographic framework or authority type (24.11.00,24.05.02)

    This fixes the forms so that you can now delete MARC bibliographic frameworks and authority types. (This is related to the CSRF changes added in Koha 24.05 to improve form security.)

  • 37127 Authorized values select not working on authority forms (24.11.00,24.05.02)

    This fixes the add and edit forms for authority records that use authorized values for subfields – values for these subfields can now be selected using a dropdown list. After the CSRF changes in 24.05 to improve form security, no dropdown list for selecting the subfield value was displayed.

  • 37392 Edit item permission by library group is broken (24.11.00)
  • 37429 Can’t edit bibliographic records anymore (empty form) (24.11.00,24.05.04)
  • 37536 Cataloging add item js needs to update conditional that checks op (24.11.00,24.05.05)
  • 37655 XSS vulnerability in basic editor handling of title (24.11.00,24.05.04,23.11.09,23.05.15)
  • 37656 XSS in Advanced editor for Z39.50 search results (24.11.00,24.05.04,23.11.09,23.05.15)Sponsored by Chetco Community Public Library
  • 37947 Import from Z39.50 doesn’t open the record in editor (24.11.00,24.05.05)
  • 37964 Only show host items when system preference EasyAnalyticalRecords is enabled (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 38076 Librarians with only fast add permission can no longer edit or create fast add records (24.11.00,24.05.05)
  • 38094 Librarians with only fast add permission can no longer edit existing fast add records (24.11.00,24.05.05)
  • 38211 New bibliographic record in non-default framework opens in default on first edit (24.11.00,24.05.05)
  • 38413 Batch operations from item search results fail when “select visible rows” and many items are selected (24.11.00,24.05.06)

    This fixes an Apache web server error (“Request-URI Too Long – The requested URL’s length exceeds the capacity limit for this server.”) when using item search and batch modification to edit many items (500+).

    Sponsored by Chetco Community Public Library

  • 37031 Club enrollment doesn’t complete in staff interface (24.11.00,24.05.02,23.11.07)

    This fixes a typo in the code that causes the enrollment of a patron in a club to fail.

  • 37047 Patron bookings are not visible from patrons checkout page (24.11.00,24.05.02)

    This fixes the patron check out page so that current bookings are listed under the bookings tab. A bookings tab showing the number of bookings was visible on a patron’s check out tab, but wasn’t listing the bookings.

  • 37290 Deleting circulation rule for a specific library deletes for All libraries instead (24.11.00,24.05.05)
  • 37332 Renewal due date and renew as unseen fields not respected when renewing an item from the patron account (24.11.00,24.05.02)

    This fixes two issues when renewing items for patrons in the staff interface (Patrons > selected patron > Check out > Checkouts table). The “Renew as unseen” checkbox and the custom renewal due date field were both ignored. With these changes, the functionality to change the renewal due date and process a renewal as an unseen renewal once again work as intended.

  • 37385 Transfer/next hold modals not triggered automatically when cancelling a hold by checking item in (24.11.00,24.05.02)

    This fixes an issue when checking in an item to cancel a waiting hold – if a transfer to the originating library is required, the pop-up window notifying that a transfer is required was not automatically generated. (This is related to the CSRF changes added in Koha 24.05 to improve form security.)

  • 37407 Fast add / fast cataloging from patron checkout does not checkout item (24.11.00,24.05.04)
  • 37540 Pseudonymization is preventing renewals from the patrons account page (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 38287 Saving default checkout, hold and return policy with empty bookings values causes error (24.11.00)
  • 36435 Prevent warnings from interrupting koha-run-backups when deleting old backup files (24.11.00,24.05.06)
    Sponsored by Catalyst
  • 37075 Message queue processor will fail to send any message unless letter_code is passed (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 37543 connexion_import_daemon.pl stopped working in 24.05 due to API changes related to CSRF-Token (24.11.00,24.05.04)
    Sponsored by Reformational Study Centre
  • 37775 update_totalissues.pl uses $dbh->commit but does not use transactions (24.11.00,24.05.04,23.11.10)
  • 38156 Auto renew cron job mangles digest notices when parallel processing is enabled (24.11.00)
  • 37288 Edit data provider form does not show the name (24.11.00,24.05.04,23.11.09)

    This fixes the editing form for eUsage data providers (ERM > eUsage > Data providers):

    • It delays the page display until the information from the counter registry is received. Previously, the data provider name was empty until the data from the registry was received.
    • It removes the ‘Create manually’ button when editing a data provider that was created from the registry.
  • 37308 Add user-agent to SUSHI outgoing requests (24.11.00,24.05.04,23.11.10)
  • 37526 Handle redirects in SUSHI requests (24.11.00)
  • 28664 One should not be able to issue a refund against a VOID accountline (24.11.00,24.05.02,23.11.07)

    This fixes VOID transactions for patron accounting entries so that the ‘Issue refund’ button is not available.

  • 37255 Creating default waiting hold cancellation policy for all patron categories and itemtypes breaks Koha (24.11.00,24.05.03)
    Sponsored by Koha-Suomi Oy
  • 37263 Creating default article request fees is not working (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 29087 Holds to pull list can crash with a SQL::Abstract puke (24.11.00,24.05.04,23.11.09)

    This fixes the cause of an error (SQL::Abstract::puke():…) that can occur on the holds to pull list (Circulation > Holds > Holds to pull).

  • 37351 Checkboxes on waiting holds report are not kept when switching to another page (24.11.00,24.05.04,23.11.09)
  • 37374 Place hold button non-responsive for club holds (24.11.00,24.05.04)
  • 38126 Holds queue is allocating holds twice when using TransportCostMatrix and LocalHoldsPriority (24.11.00,24.05.05)
  • 38148 Check value of holdallowed circ rule properly (Bug 29087 follow-up) (24.11.00,24.05.05,23.11.10)
    Sponsored by Whanganui District Council
  • 38357 When adding new holidays Koha sometimes copies same holidays to other librarys (24.11.00)
  • 36171 Extraction of Template Toolkit directive as translatable string causes patron view error in several languages (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 37303 Fuzzy translations displayed on the UI (24.11.00,24.05.04)
  • 38164 Translation process is broken (24.11.00,24.05.05)
  • 34597 Expired patrons can still place ILL requests through OPAC (24.11.00)
  • 37389 REST API queries joining on extended_attributes may cause severe performance issues (24.11.00,24.05.04)

    This fixes a severe performance issue with a REST API SQL query for patron and interlibrary loan request custom attributes. It fixes the problematic join queries using a “mixin” and adds tests. The previous queries could in some circumstance severally affect the database performance.

  • 36424 Database update breaks due to syntax error (24.11,24.05.02,23.11.07)

    This fixes a syntax error in database update 230600061.pl (from bug 29002 which added the item booking feature to Koha 23.11.) – there was a comma that shouldn’t have been there, which would cause the upgrade to fail if an old version of the following plugin was installed: https://github.com/bywatersolutions/koha-plugin-room-reservations

  • 36978 Upgrade fails at [Bug 34029] (24.11.00)
  • 36986 (Bug 26176 follow-up) Fix rename StaffLoginBranchBasedOnIP in DBRev (24.11.00,24.05.01,23.11.06)
  • 36993 Upgrade fails at [Bug 32132] (24.11.00,24.05.01)
  • 37000 Upgrade fails at [Bug 36120] (24.11.00,24.05.02)

    This fixes a database update error that may occur when upgrading to Koha 24.05.00 or later. This was related to Bug 31620 – Add pickup locations to bookings, an enhancement added in Koha 24.05.Database upgrade error message:ERROR – {UNKNOWN}: DBI Exception: DBD::mysql::db do failed: Cannot change column ‘pickup_library_id’: used in a foreign key constraint ‘bookings_ibfk_4’ at /usr/share/koha/lib/C4/Installer.pm line 741

  • 37187 Label batches and label templates cannot be deleted (24.11.00,24.05.02)

    This fixes the manage label batches and label templates pages so that they can now be deleted. (This is related to the CSRF changes added in Koha 24.05 to improve form security.)

    Sponsored by Athens County Public Libraries

  • 37192 Can’t print label from the item editor (24.11.00,24.05.04)

    This fixes a 500 error that occurs when attempting to print a label for an item in the staff interface (from the record details page > Edit > Edit items > Actions > Print label (for a specific item). The label batch editor now opens (as expected).

  • 37720 XSS (and bustage) in label creator (24.11.00,24.05.04,23.11.09,23.05.19)
  • 37235 Download single authority results in 500 error (24.11.00,24.05.06)
    Sponsored by Athens County Public Libraries
  • 37059 ‘Insert’ button is not working in notices and slips tool (24.11.00,24.05.02)

    This fixes the button used to insert fields into the body of a notice – it was not working (Tools > Notices and slips > Edit any notice > expand a notice type > select a field on the left-hand side > Insert).

  • 38089 Fix incorrect regular expression from bug 33478 and move styles to head (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 37039 Cannot request a discharge in the OPAC (24.11.00,24.05.02)

    This fixes the OPAC discharge request so that it now works as expected – after pressing the “Ask for a discharge” button, the page was refreshed but no request was made. (Requires useDischarge system preference enabled; OPAC > Your account > Ask for a discharge.) (This is related to the CSRF changes added in Koha 24.05 to improve form security.)

  • 37111 OPAC renewal – CSRF “op must be set” (24.11.00,24.05.04)

    This fixes an error that occurs when patron’s attempt to renew items from their OPAC account (Your account > Summary). The error was related to the CSRF changes to improve the security for forms added Koha 24.05.

  • 37150 Can’t delete single title from a list using the “Remove from list” link (24.11.00,24.05.05)
    Sponsored by Athens County Public Libraries
  • 34147 Patron search displays “processing” when category has library limitations that exclude the logged in library name (24.11.00,24.05.04)
  • 37378 Patron searches can fail when library groups are set to ‘Limit patron data access by group’ (24.11.00,24.05.04,23.11.09)
  • 37523 CSRF error when modifying an existing patron record (24.11.00,24.05.04)
    Sponsored by Athens County Public Libraries
  • 37542 Patron search is incorrectly parsing entries as dates and fetching the wrong patron if dateofbirth in search fields (24.11.00,24.05.04)
  • 37786 members/cancel-charge.pl needs CSRF protection (24.11.00,24.05.05)
    Sponsored by Chetco Community Public Library
  • 37881 Guarantor code broken (24.11.00)
  • 37892 Patron category ‘can be a guarantee’ means that same category cannot be a guarantor (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 37872 ILL module has issues when plugins are disabled (enable_plugins = 0) (24.11.00)

    This fixes an issue when plugins are not enabled and the ILL module is enabled. This caused an error on the About Koha > System information section.
    This also fixes a page error shown when accessing the ILL module with enable_plugins = 0 in koha-conf.xml.

  • 37018 SQL injection using q under api/(24.11.00,24.05.02,23.11.07,23.05.13,22.11.19)
  • 23685 Exporting report may consume unlimited memory (24.11.00)

    This development allows you to control the number of records that is downloaded in the reports module (to prevent timeouts) and also includes the option to hide the ODS download option that is the most expensive one.

    Adding prefs GuidedReportsExportLimit and ReportingAllowsODS_Export for that reason.

    Sponsored by Waikato Institute of Technology, New Zealand

  • 37093 403 Forbidden Error when attempting to search for Mana Reports (24.11.00,24.05.04)

    This fixes searching for a report in Mana when creating a new report. Searching Mana was generating an error message “Your search could not be completed. Please try again later. 403 Forbidden”. (This is related to the CSRF changes added in Koha 24.05 to improve form security.)

  • 37197 Batch patron modification from reports fails by using GET instead of POST (24.11.00,24.05.05)
  • 37270 Deleting a report from the actions menu on a list of saved reports does not work (24.11.00,24.05.05)
    Sponsored by Athens County Public Libraries
  • 37734 Insert runtime parameter button is not working in Reports (24.11.00)

    This fixes the ‘Insert runtime parameter’ when creating reports from SQL – nothing was happening when selecting any of the parameters to insert. (This is related to the OPAC and staff interface Bootstrap 5 upgrade in Koha 24.11.)

  • 35989 Searching Geographic authorities generates error (24.11.00,24.05.02,23.11.07)

    This fixes an error generated when searching geographic name authorities (“Error: Unmatched [ in regex; marked by …”.). The error was generated if an authority record had a heading in the subfields for 751 (Established Heading Linking Entry-Geographic Name) and 781 (Subdivision Linking Entry-Geographic Subdivision).

  • 37165 Can’t edit frequencies due to stray cud- in modify op (24.11.00,24.05.02)

    This fixes the serials frequency edit form so that they can be edited (Serials > Manage frequencies > select edit action for a frequency). Before this, you couldn’t edit the frequency – the form was empty. (This is related to the CSRF changes added in Koha 24.05 to improve form security.)

  • 37183 Serials batch edit changes the expiration date to TODAY (24.11.00,24.05.02,23.11.07)

    This fixes batch editing of serials and the expiration date. Before this patch, if no date was entered in the expiration date field, it was changed to the current date when the batch edit form was saved. This caused the expiration date to change to the current date for all serials in the batch edit.

  • 37247 On subscriptions operation allowed without authentication (24.11.00,24.05.02,23.11.07,23.05.13,22.11.19)
  • 37873 Unable to delete user from routing list or preview/print routing list slip (24.11.00,24.05.04)

    Fixes a regression that prevented recipients from being deleted from a routing list, as well as resolving issues with previewing routing lists.

    Sponsored by Westlake Porter Public Library

  • 38378 Serial frequency deletion is broken (24.11.00)
    Sponsored by Chetco Community Public Library
  • 26866 Items table on additem should sort by cn_sort (24.11.00,24.05.04)
  • 37005 Holdings table will not load when noItemTypeImages is set to ‘Don’t show’ (24.11.00,24.05.02)

    This fixes a problem with the holdings table not loading when the noItemTypeImages system preference is set to ‘Don’t show’.

  • 37078 Damaged status not showing in record detail page (24.11.00,24.05.02)

    This fixes the record details page to correctly show the damaged status for an item in the holdings table status column, instead of showing it as available.

  • 37375 Holdings table not loading if MARC framework is missing certain 952 subfields (24.11.00,24.05.05)

    This fixes the loading of the holdings table for a record in the staff interface, where the framework for a MARC21 instance is missing certain 952 subfields (8, a, b, c, or y). The holdings table will still now load, before it would display as “Processing” and not display any holding details.

  • 37466 Reflected Cross Site Scripting (24.11.00,24.05.03,23.11.08,23.05.14,22.11.20)
  • 37812 Adjust Vue modals for Bootstrap 5 (24.11.00)

    This fixes the display of the dialog boxes (Vue modals) for the ERM and preservation modules. (This is related to the OPAC and staff interface Bootstrap 5 upgrade in Koha 24.11.)

  • 37916 Plugin search and install regression (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 37959 Item circulation alerts table appears to be broken (24.11.00,24.05.05)
  • 38118 Removed empty columns on holdings table on details page are not restored when new items loaded (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 38190 JS error on suggestion page (24.11.00)
  • 38248 Staff interface detail page item table lookup fails when item has lost status but no claims returned (24.11.00)
  • 38391 DT’s add filters called too many times (24.11.00)
  • 38436 Adjust code for column visibility (after DataTables upgrade) (24.11.00)
  • 38485 Update column visibility on holdings table correctly (24.11.00)
  • 37091 Cannot delete a local system preference (24.11.00,24.05.02)
    This fixes the forms for local system preferences – these can now be deleted.
  • 37419 Deleting the record source deletes the associated biblio_metadata rows (24.11.00,24.05.04)
  • 38069 Table settings not saving (24.11.00)
  • 38328 Cannot delete ILL batch statuses (24.11.00)
    Sponsored by Chetco Community Public Library
  • 37748 In Bootstrap 5 “disabled” class must be on anchor tag, not list item (24.11.00)Sponsored by Athens County Public Libraries
  • 38305 Can’t delete or archive suggestions (24.11.00)
  • 38049 Admin/RecordSources_spec.ts is still failing randomly (24.11.00)
  • 33339 Formula injection (CSV Injection) in export functionality (24.11.00,24.05.05,23.11.10,23.05.16,22.11.22)
  • 37129 Patron attributes linked to an authorized value don’t show a select menu in batch modification (24.11.00,24.05.02)

    This fixes the patron batch modification tool so that patron attributes linked to an authorized value now show the dropdown list of values. (This is related to the CSRF changes added in Koha 24.05 to improve form security.)

  • 37483 Batch extend due dates tool not working (24.11.00,24.05.05)
  • 37612 Batch modifying patrons from patron lists broken by CSRF protection (24.11.00,24.05.04)

    This fixes batch editing patrons from a patron list (Tools > Patrons and circulation > Patron lists > Actions > Batch edit patrons). When attempting to batch edit patrons, it didn’t load the page to batch edit the patrons, and displayed the message “No patron card numbers or borrowernumbers given.” (This is related to the CSRF changes added in Koha 24.05 to improve form security.)

    Sponsored by Chetco Community Public Library

  • 37614 Printing patron cards from patron lists broken by CSRF protection (24.11.00,24.05.04)

    This fixes printing patron cards from a patron list (Tools > Patrons and circulation > Patron lists > Actions > Print patron cards > Export). When clicking on Export, the progress icon keeps spinning and doesn’t finish – resulting in no PDF file to download. (This is related to the CSRF changes added in Koha 24.05 to improve form security.)

  • 37654 XSS in batch record import for the citation column (24.11.00,24.05.04,23.11.09,23.05.15)
    Sponsored by Chetco Community Public Library
  • 37961 Inventory followup fails by POSTing without an op or csrf_token (24.11.00,24.05.05)
    Sponsored by Chetco Community Public Library
  • 36560 ILS-DI API POSTS cause CSRF errors (24.11.00,24.05.06)

    This change creates an anti-CSRF exception so that the ILS-DI API will work without a CSRF token. Libraries are reminded that they should be careful when configuring the ILS-DI:AuthorizedIPs system preference for access to the ILS-DI API.

Other bugs fixed

  • 37003 Release team 24.11 (24.11.00,24.05.02,23.11.07,23.05.15)

    This updates the About Koha > Koha team with the release team members for Koha 22.11.

  • 37575 Typo ‘AutoCreateAuthorites’ in about.pl (24.11.00,24.05.04,23.11.11)
  • 38517 Release team 25.05
  • 33766 Fix ambiguous form field in OPAC login form (24.11.00)

    This adds the new system preference OPACLoginLabelTextContent that allows to control the text displayed on the login form. Available options are:

    • card number
    • card number or username
    • username
  • 37586 Improve accessibility of top navigation in the OPAC with aria-labels (24.11.00,24.05.04,23.11.10)
  • 37758 Accessibility: “translControl1” field is missing a descriptive label (24.11.00)
  • 37988 Accessibility: The ‘Home’ icon in the staff interface cannot be accessed with a keyboard (24.11.00)
  • 30493 Pending archived suggestions appear on staff interface home page (24.11.00,24.05.02,23.11.07,23.05.1)

    This fixes the list of pending suggestions to remove archived suggestions with a “Pending” status. If suggestions were archived and their status was left as “Pending”, they were still appearing as suggestions to manage on the staff interface and acquisitions home pages.

  • 34159 Remove plan by AR_CANCELLATION choice in aqplan (24.11.00,24.05.06)
    Sponsored by Chetco Community Public Library
  • 34718 Input field in fund list (Select2) on receive is inactive (24.11.00,24.05.02,23.11.07)

    This fixes the fund selector dropdown list when receiving an item. This was not selectable, and the fund could not be changed.

  • 35087 Discount rate should only allow valid input formats (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 35597 Purchase suggestion changes aren’t logged (24.11.00)

    This adds the logging of purchase suggestion additions, changes, and deletions. This is enabled using the new SuggestionsLog system preference.

  • 35823 When uploading a MARC file to a basket it is showing inactive funds without them being selected (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 36049 Rounding prices sometimes leads to incorrect results (24.11.00,24.05.06)
    Sponsored by Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
  • 37070 Incorrect barcode generation when adding orders to basket (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 37071 Purchase suggestions from the patron account are not redirecting to the suggestion form (24.11.00,24.05.02)

    This fixes the “New purchase suggestion” link from a patron’s purchase suggestion area. The link now takes you to the new purchase suggestion form, instead of the suggestions management page. (This is related to the CSRF changes added in Koha 24.05 to improve form security.)

  • 37184 Special character encoding problem when importing MARC file from the acquisitions module (24.11.00)
  • 37246 Suggestions filter by fund displays inactive budgets (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 37265 Consideration of UniqueItemFields setting when receiving items in an order. (24.11.00,24.05.06)Sponsored by kohawbibliotece.pl
  • 37304 Created by filter in acquisitions advanced orders search always shows zero results (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 37337 Submitting a similar suggestion results in a blank page (24.11.00,24.05.04,23.11.09)
  • 37340 EDIFACT messages should be sortable by ‘details’ (24.11.00,24.05.04)

    This fixes the EDIFACT messages table in acquisitions so that the details column is now sortable (Acquisitions > EDIFACT messages (when the EDIFACT system preference is enabled).

  • 37343 Cannot search for vendors when transferring an item in acquisitions (24.11.00,24.05.02)
  • 37411 Exporting budget planning gives 500 error (24.11.00,24.05.04,23.11.09)
  • 37450 Clicking ‘Close basket’ from the list of baskets does nothing (24.11.00,24.05.04)
  • 37854 Barcode fails when adding item during order receive (again) (24.11.00)
  • 37913 Remove more unreachable code in aqcontract.tt (24.11.00,24.05.06)
    Sponsored by Chetco Community Public Library
  • 37914 Forms for budget planning filters and export should GET rather than POST (24.11.00,24.05.06)
    Sponsored by Chetco Community Public Library
  • 38235 Suggestion confirmation letter sent when it should not (24.11.00)

    This enhancement prevents a patron who made a suggestion from being notified again if their suggested record is reordered.

    Sponsored by Ignatianum University in Cracow

  • 38271 Missing 008 field in bibliographic records created via EDIFACT (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 38297 The “New vendor” button needs a permissions guard (24.11.00)
  • 38303 Item’s replacement price not set to defaultreplacecost if 0.00 (24.11.00)
  • 38325 Cannot delete invoice while viewing it (24.11.00)
    Sponsored by Chetco Community Public Library
  • 38326 copyno not copied over when set in MarcItemFieldsToOrder system preference (24.11.00)
  • 38329 Remove orphan confirm_deletion() in supplier.tt (24.11.00)
    Sponsored by Chetco Community Public Library
  • 23387 Cache ClassSource (24.11.00)
  • 28294 C4::Circulation::updateWrongTransfer should be moved into Koha:: (24.11.00)
  • 31224 Koha::Biblio::Metadata->record should use the EmbedItems filter (24.11.00)
  • 31581 Remove Zebra files for NORMARC (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 33188 Warning in Koha::Items->hidden_in_opac (24.11.00)
  • 35294 Typo in comment in C4 circulation: barocode (24.11.00,24.05.02,23.11.07,23.05.15)

    This fixes spelling errors in catalog code comments (barocode => barcode, and preproccess => preprocess).

  • 35539 Remove unused columns from categories table (24.11.00)
  • 35655 Make it possible to switch off RabbitMQ without any warns in logs/about page (24.11.00)
  • 35721 Replace ModItemTransfer calls in circ/returns.pl (24.11.00)
  • 35959 Inconsistent hierarchy during C3 merge of class ‘Koha::AuthorisedValue’ (and a few other modules) (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 36317 Koha::Biblio->host_items fails with search_ordered() (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 36330 Fix typo: reseve (24.11.00)

    This fixes the spelling of “reserve” in Koha source code comments (was spelled incorrectly as “reseve”).

    Sponsored by Catalyst

  • 36362 Only call Koha::Libraries->search() if necessary in Item::pickup_locations (24.11.00,24.05.04,23.11.09)
    Sponsored by Gothenburg University Library
  • 36367 Remove context stack (24.11.00)
  • 36474 updatetotalissues.pl should not modify the record when the total issues has not changed (24.11.00,24.05.04,23.11.10)

    This updates the misc/cronjobs/update_totalissues.pl script so that records are only modified if the number of issues changes. Previously, every record was modified – even if the number of issues did not change.

    In addition, with CataloguingLog enabled, this previously added one entry to the log viewer for every record – as all the records were modified even if the number of issues did not change. Now, only records where the number of issues have changed are included in the log viewer, significantly reducing the number of entries.

  • 36594 Library hours display issues (24.11.00)

    This fixes the display of library hours in the staff interface (Administration > Basic parameters > Libraries):
    This patch corrects the following issues related to the display of library

    • Newly created or edited libraries no longer display ‘null’ for undefined open and close times.
    • Libraries without any defined hours will state such instead of displaying the hours table.
    • The CalendarFirstDayOfWeek system preferences is now respected when viewing a library with defined hours.
    • Time displays and inputs now follow the TimeFormat system preference.
    • Times are no longer displayed with seconds.
    • A TT filter, KohaTimes, has been added to handle proper formatting of time strings based on systems preferences.

    Sponsored by Westlake Porter Public Library

  • 36640 Upgrade DataTables from 1.13.6 to 2.x (24.11.00)
  • 36873 Koha::Objects->delete should accept parameters and pass them through (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 36901 Add logging for uncaught exceptions in background job classes (24.11.00,24.05.06)

    This enhancement adds logging for uncaught exceptions in background job classes. Some rare situations like DB connection drops can make jobs get marked as failure, but no information about the reasons is logged anywhere.

  • 36940 Resolve two Auth warnings when AutoLocation is enabled having a branch without branchip (24.11.00,24.05.02,23.11.07,23.05.15)

    This fixes two warnings in the log files when the AutoLocation system preference is enabled and there is a library without an IP address.Warning messages:[WARN] Use of uninitialized value $domain in substitution (s///) at /usr/share/koha/C4/Auth.pm line 1223.[WARN] Use of uninitialized value $domain in regexp compilation at /usr/share/koha/C4/Auth.pm line 1224.

  • 37037 touch_all_biblios.pl triggers rebuilding holds for all affected records when RealTimeHoldsQueue is enabled (24.11.00,24.05.02,23.11.07)

    This fixes running misc/maintenance/touch_all_biblios.pl when RealTimeHoldsQueue is enabled – it was creating background jobs to rebuild the holds queue for every record, which was unnecessary.

  • 37155 Remove unnecessary unblessing of patron in CanItemBeReserved (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 37216 Fix dbrev for EmailFieldSelection (24.11.00,24.05.04)
  • 37400 On checkin don’t search for a patron unless needed (24.11.00,24.05.04,23.11.09)
  • 37493 Cypress videos and screenshots should be .gitignored (24.11.00)

    This updates .gitignore so that the directories for any screenshots and videos created by cypress tests are ignored by git. The directories created are:- t/cypress/screenshots/- t/cypress/videos/

  • 37510 Koha::Object->delete should throw a Koha::Exception if there’s a parent row constraint (24.11.00,24.05.04)
  • 37628 Remove get_opac_news_by_id (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 37672 V1/RecordSources.pm should use more helpers (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 37728 More “op” are missing in POSTed forms (24.11.00)
  • 37757 notice_email_address explodes if EmailFieldPrimary is not valid (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 37797 Choosing not to delete a budget does not need to be a form submission (24.11.00)
  • 37823 Remove unreachable code in aqcontract.tt (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 37861 Fix XSS vulnerability in barcode append function (24.11.00,24.05.05,23.11.10,23.05.16,22.11.22)
    Sponsored by KillerRabbitAos
  • 37865 Use of uninitialized value $op in string at circulation.pl (24.11.00)
  • 37869 Plugin hook before_send_messages not triggered for any messages sent without use of process_message_queue.pl (24.11.00)

    This moves the plugin hook before_send_messages out of process_message_queue and into SendQueuedMessages so notices that are sent automatically, such as WELCOME can also trigger the plugin hook.

  • 37981 Switch installer/step3.tt form from POST to GET (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 37982 Serial collection edit form can be GET (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 38000 Redundant code import in search.pl (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 38011 Add a foreign key link between vendors and subscriptions (24.11.00)
    Sponsored by PTFS Europe and ByWater Solutions
  • 38027 Clearing a flatpickr datetime causes errors (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 38081 maskitoTimeOptionsGenerator does not properly support 12-hour times in calendar.inc (24.11.00)
  • 38120 Commented lines in auth.tt should be removed (24.11.00)
  • 38200 Remove dead code to delete authorities in authorities/authorities.pl (24.11.00,24.05.06)
    Sponsored by Chetco Community Public Library
  • 38234 Remove unused vulnerable jszip library file (24.11.00)
  • 38243 Datatable’s header_filter is unused (24.11.00)
  • 38257 Several functionalities broken in cart pop up (24.11.00)
    Sponsored by Koha-Suomi Oy
  • 38273 Koha::Object->discard_changes should return the Koha::Object for chaining (24.11.00)
  • 38274 Typo in Arabic language description (24.11.00,24.05.06)

    This fixes the language description for Arabic (displayed in OPAC and the staff interface advanced search) – from “Arabic (لعربية)” to “Arabic (العربية)”.

  • 38286 Koha::Biblio:hidden_in_opac does not need to fetch the items if OpacHiddenItemsHidesRecord is set (24.11.00)
  • 38342 Koha::Object->store warning on invalid ENUM value (24.11.00)
  • 38424 Upgrade redocly/cli to the latest release (24.11.00)
  • 37104 Block AnonymousPatron from logging into anything (24.11.00,24.05.06)

    This prevents the anonymous patron from logging into the OPAC and staff interface. (The anonymous patron used for anonymous suggestions and checkout history is set using the AnonymousPatron system preference.)

  • 25387 Merging different authority types creates no warning (24.11.00,24.05.02,23.11.07,23.05.15)

    This improves merging authorities of different types so that:

    • When selecting the reference record, the authority record number and type are displayed next to each record.
    • When merging authority records of different types: the authority type is now displayed in the tab heading, and a warning is also displayed “Multiple authority types are used. There may be a data loss while merging.”.

    Previously, no warning was given when merging authority records with different types – this could result in undesirable outcomes, data loss, and extra work required to clean up.

  • 26929 Koha will only display the first 20 macros Advanced Editor (24.11.00,24.05.06)
    Sponsored by Chetco Community Public Library
  • 27769 Advanced editor shouldn’t break copying selected text with Ctrl+C (24.11.00,24.05.06)

    This bugfix corrects a shortcut key clash introduced by bug 17179. We update the default Ctrl+C shortcut for ‘Copy line’ to ‘Ctrl+Alt+C’ so that we don’t clash with the system copy shortcut.

    We only do this for new installs, so if you are experiencing this issue with an existing Koha install, you may wish to apply the new mapping in your installation too.

  • 36320 Clicking ‘Edit items’ from detail page in staff interface leads to ‘Add item’ screen (24.11.00)
    Sponsored by Athens County Public Libraries
  • 36375 Inconsistencies in ContentWarningField display (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 36821 Authority type text for librarians and OPAC limited to 100 characters (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 36891 Restore returning 404 from svc/bib when the bib number doesn’t exist (24.11.00,24.05.02,23.11.07,23.05.15)

    This fixes requests made for records that don’t exist using the /svc/bib/ HTTP API. A 404 error (Not Found) is now returned if a record doesn’t exist, instead of a 505 error (HTTP Version Not Supported).

  • 36976 Warning ‘Argument “” isn’t numeric in numeric’ in log when merging bibliographic records (24.11.00,24.05.06)
    Sponsored by Ignatianum University in Cracow
  • 36984 Transit pending status breaks holdings info (24.11.00,24.05.02)

    This fixes the status shown in the staff interface holdings table for a record when transferring rotation collections. It now correctly shows as “Transit pending…”, instead of showing as “Processing” and not displaying the items available.

  • 37342 CSRF error – Cannot add new authorities from basic editor with ‘Link authorities automatically’ (24.11.00,24.05.04)
  • 37383 No edit item button on catalog detail page for items where holding library is not logged in library (24.11.00,24.05.04)
  • 37399 Item type not displayed on holdings table if noItemTypeImages is disabled (24.11.00,24.05.04)

    This fixes the staff interface holdings table for a record so that the ‘Item type’ column is displayed when the “noItemTypeImages” system preference is set to ‘Don’t show’.

    Sponsored by Koha-Suomi Oy

  • 37403 Wrong progress quantity in job details when staging records with match check (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 37591 Moredetail.tt page is opening very slowly (24.11.00,24.05.04,23.11.10)

    This improves the loading time of a record’s items page in the staff item when there are many items and check-outs.

    Sponsored by Koha-Suomi Oy

  • 37840 Wrong status in the Intranet detail page when the item type is not for loan (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 37871 Remove extraneous 246 subfields from the title mappings (Elasticsearch, MARC21) (24.11.00,24.05.06)

    This patch limits indexing of field 246 to $a, $b, $n, and $p in various title indexes.
    Previously, all 246 subfields were indexed, including non-title subfields such as $i (Display text), $g (Miscellaneous information), and linking subfields, making the title index very large and giving false results, especially when looking for duplicates in cataloging.

  • 38030 stocknumberAV.pl fails with CSRF protection (24.11.00,24.05.06)Sponsored by Ignatianum University in Cracow
  • 38057 Fix checkmarks in change framework menu in advanced editor after Bootstrap5 update (24.11.00)Sponsored by Chetco Community Public Library
  • 38065 Auto control number (001) widget in advanced editor does not work under CSRF protection (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 38082 Advanced editor does not save the selected framework with new record (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 38158 Typo in inventory ‘Items has no “not for loan” status’ (24.11.00)
  • 38162 Can’t delete a stock rotation (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 13945 Multiple dialogs for item that needs transferred and hold captured at checkin (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 32696 Recalls can inadvertently extend the due date (24.11.00,24.05.04,23.11.10)Sponsored by Ignatianum University in Cracow
  • 36196 Handling NULL data in ajax calls for cities (24.11.00,24.05.04,23.11.09)
  • 36428 Current bookings are not counted in record side bar (24.11.00,24.05.02)

    This fixes the number of bookings shown for a record (in the sidebar menu for a record) and on a patron’s details page (the Bookings tab). It now shows future and active bookings in the count, instead of just future bookings.

  • 36459 Backdating checkouts on circ/circulation.pl not working properly (24.11.00,24.05.02,23.11.07)

    This fixes setting a due date in the past when checking out an item to a patron. The date entered was not remembered and not displayed on the “Please confirm checkout” message – you had to select and add the date again.

  • 36475 “Print summary” tables cannot be column configured (24.11.00,24.05.04)
  • 36716 Need a better way of looping through smart-rules ( circ table ) columns (24.11.00)
  • 37014 “Item was not checked in” printed on next POST because of missing supplementary form (24.11.00,24.05.02,23.11.07)

    This fixes a check in issue where the message “Item was not checked in” was appearing in the due date column of the checked-in items table. This was occurring when an action was required for an item after it was checked in, for example when the item needed transferring to another library.

  • 37055 WaitingNotifyAtCheckout should only trigger on patrons with waiting holds (24.11.00,24.05.05)
  • 37076 Incorrect needsconfirmation code RESERVED_WAITING (
  • 37210 SQL injection in overdue.pl (24.11.00,24.05.02,23.11.07,23.05.13,22.11.19)
  • 37271 Recall status should be ‘requested’ in overdue_recalls.pl (24.11.00,24.05.06)Sponsored by Ignatianum University in Cracow
  • 37345 Remember for session checkbox on checkout page not sticking (24.11.00,24.05.02,23.11.07)

    This fixes the date in the “Specify due date” field if “Remember for session” is ticked (when checking out items to a patron). The date was not being remembered, and you had to select it again.

  • 37396 Batch checkout does not checkout items if OverduesBlockCirc set to ask for confirmation (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 37413 Updating an item level hold on an item with no barcode to a next available hold also modifies the other holds on the record (24.11.00,24.05.04,23.11.10)

    This fixes updating existing item level holds for an item without a barcode. When updating an existing item level hold from “Only item No barcode” (Holds for a record > Existing holds > Details column) to “Next available”, it would incorrectly change any other item level holds to “Next available”.

  • 37424 Batch checkout silently fails if item contains materials specified (952$3) (24.11.00)
  • 37444 Can’t filter holds to pull by pickup location (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 37505 Statistical patrons don’t display information about item status if item wasn’t checked out (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 37524 Pressing “Renew all” redirects user to “Export data” tool if one of the items is not renewable (24.11.00,24.05.06)
    Sponsored by Koha-Suomi Oy
  • 37552 Automatic renewals cronjob can die when an item scheduled for renewal is checked in (24.11.00,24.05.04,23.11.09)
  • 37636 Checkout slip prints out of order (24.11.00)
  • 37783 Fix form that looks like it would POST without an op in reserve/request.tt (24.11.00)
    Sponsored by Chetco Community Public Library
  • 37794 Fix form that POSTs without an op in Holds to pull (24.11.00,24.05.06)
    Sponsored by Chetco Community Public Library
  • 37836 Prevent submitting empty barcodes in self check-in (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 37866 Unable to resolve claim from patron details page (24.11.00)
    Sponsored by Koha-Suomi Oy
  • 37983 “Search a patron” box no longer has auto focus (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 38012 Remove ispermanent from returns.tt and branchtransfers.tt (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 38013 Some checkin messages on checkins page lack specific CSS classes (24.11.00)
  • 38016 Relabel booking precaution column heading in circulation rules tables (24.11.00)
    Sponsored by Catalyst
  • 38060 Bookings table does not render if tab opened from the URL (24.11.00)
  • 38097 Add class to “Item was not checked out” message in checkin table (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 38117 “Item was not checked in” should not always show (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 38246 If using automatic return claim resolution on checkout, each checkout will overwrite the previous resolution (24.11.00)
  • 14565 koha-run-backups does not backup an instance called demo (24.11.00,24.05.06)

    This removes a hard-coded exclusion for backups of instances named “demo”.

  • 18273 bulkmarcimport.pl inserts authority duplicates (24.11.00,24.05.06)

    This fixes the misc/migration_tools/bulkmarcimport.pl script when importing authority records so that the “–match” option works as expected, and no duplicates are created. Previously, this option was not working for authority records and duplicate records were being created even when there was a match.

  • 34077 writeoff_debts without –confirm doesn’t show which accountline records it would have been written off (24.11.00,24.05.02,23.11.07)

    This fixes the misc/cronjobs/writeoff_debts.pl and updates the help. If the --confirm option was not used it was showing the help, instead of showing the accountline records that would be written off. Fixes to the script, and updates to improve the help and error messages include:

      • improving the help for the usage and options (it should now be easier to understand how to use the script)
      • only showing the usage summary when the wrong options are used (unknown option, no filter options, or no --confirm or --verbose)
      • clarifying the help for the --verbose and --confirm options (--verbose is required if --confirm is not used)
      • showing an error message when no filter options are used, and when no --confirm or --verbose option is used the --category-code option requires another filter option
  • 35466 bulkmarcimport needs a parameter to skip indexing (24.11.00,24.05.06)

    This patch adds a new option to skip indexing to bulkmarcimport: --skip_indexingIt also fixes a bug where authorities were being indexed multiple times during import.

  • 36977 Google does not read sitemaps with the name sitemapNNNN.xml (24.11.00)

    This changes the file name for sitemap files[1] generated by misc/cronjobs/sitemap.pl from sitemapNNNN.xml to sitemap_NNNN.xml (it adds an underscore). For whatever reason, Google only seems to fetch sitemap files with an underscore, despite this not being a requirement in the sitemap protocol. This then resulted in pages not being crawled (reducing their discoverability).[1] Site map files are used by search engines to identify pages on websites that are available for crawling. See https://sitemaps.org/ for more information.

  • 37038 koha-elasticsearch creates a file named 0 (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 37478 bulkmarcimport.pl can die on bad records (24.11.00)

    This adds a -sk (–skip_bad_records) option to misc/migration_tools/bulkmarcimport.pl. Use this option to catch any parsing errors – if errors are found, the record is checked to identify any problems, outputs warnings, and then skips the record. If this option is not used, and there are bad records, the import job may fail.

  • 37550 bulkmarcimport.pl dies when adding items throws an exception (24.11.00)
  • 37553 Fix CSRF handling in koha-svc.pl script (24.11.00, 24.05.04)
  • 37709 bulkmarcimport.pl should die when the file cannot be opened (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 37787 Undocument koha-worker –queue elastic_index (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 37790 Prevent indexing and holds queue updates when running update_localuse_from_statistics.pl (24.11.00)
  • 38173 Fix description of koha-dump –exclude-indexes (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 38237 Add logging to erm_run_harvester cronjob (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 38249 koha-list help typo about elastic (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 37409 Edit button for items in course reserves list doesn’t work (24.11.00,24.05.04)

    This fixes editing existing reserves for a course (when using course reserves). Editing a reserve was opening the add reserve form, instead of letting you edit the existing reserve. (This is related to the CSRF changes added in Koha 24.05 to improve form security.)

  • 37838 Remove button broken on second page of course reserves item results (24.11.00,24.05.06)
    Sponsored by Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology, New Zealand
  • 22421 accountlines.issue_id is missing a foreign key constraint (24.11.00)
  • 37476 RANK is a reserved word in MySQL 8.0.2+ (24.11.00,24.05.04)

    This fixes adding a patron to a routing list after receiving a serial – the patron was not being added to the routing list. This issue was only happing where MySQL 8.0.2 or later was used as the database for Koha. This was because the SQL syntax in the SQL used RANK, which become a reserved word in MySQL 8.0.2.

  • 37593 Fix typo in schema description for items.bookable (24.11.00,24.05.04,23.11.10)
  • 38434 (Bug 35906 follow-up) dbrev different from kohastructure.sql (24.11.00)
  • 37198 POD for GetPreparedLetter doesn’t include ‘objects’ (24.11.00,24.05.02,23.11.07,23.05.15)

    This updates the GetPreparedLetter documentation for developers (it was not updated when changes were made in Bug 19966 – Add ability to pass objects directly to slips and notices).

  • 34920 ERM breaks if an ERM authorized value is missing a description (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 36895 Background job links for KBART import are not working (24.11.00,24.05.02)

    This fixes the background job page link after importing a KBART file in the ERM module (E-resource management > eHoldings > Local > Title > Import from KBART file). Previously, it linked to the background jobs page – it now links to the background job page for the import.

  • 36956 ERM eUsage reports: only the first 20 data providers are listed when creating a new report (24.11.00,24.05.02,23.11.07)

    This fixes the “Choose data provider” dropdown list when creating a usage report in ERM so that all providers are listed (ERM > eUsage > Reports > Create report). Before this, it was only listing the first 20 data providers.

  • 37008 “Help” link on ERM pages is not translatable (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 37043 Counter registry has a new API base URL (24.11.00,24.05.02,23.11.07)

    This updates the URL used for searching for data providers when adding a new usage data provider for the ERM usage statistics module (E-resource management > eUsage > Data providers). The base URL changed from https://registry.projectcounter.org/ to https://registry.countermetrics.org/.

  • 37275 Remove parenthesis from Select user button in ERM (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 37277 Identifiers need a space between the ISBN (Print) and ISBN (Online) in ERM (24.11.00,24.05.06)

    This fixes the display of identifiers for local titles so that are on separate lines, instead of joined together on the same line.

  • 37395 Cannot hide columns in ERM tables (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 37491 Remove duplicate asset import from KBART template (24.11.00)
  • 37647 Unnecessary use of Text::CSV_XS in Koha/REST/V1/ERM/EHoldings/Titles/Local.pm (24.11.00,24.05.04)
  • 37810 Some SUSHI providers return ServiceActive instead of Service_Active (24.11.00)
  • 38128 Agreement/license user selection not limited to users with ERM module permissions (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 38177 ERM – HoldingsIQ pagination does not work (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 38272 Add permission check for erm permission to additional-fields.tt (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 34585 “When to charge” columns value not copied when editing circulation rule (24.11.00,24.05.05,23.11.11)
    Sponsored by Koha-Suomi Oy
  • 37254 Dropdown values not cleared after pressing clear in circulation rules (24.11.00,24.05.04,23.11.09)
    Sponsored by Koha-Suomi Oy
  • 35771 Unselecting titles when making multi-hold does not have any effect (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 36970 (Bug 34160 follow-up) Barcode should be html filtered, not uri filtered in holds queue view (24.11.00,24.05.06)

    This fixes the display of barcodes with spaces in the holds queue. Barcodes are now displayed correctly with a space, rather than with ‘%20’.

  • 37373 Cursor should go to patron search box on loading holds page (24.11.00,24.05.04)
  • 37587 Wrong priority when placing multiple item-level holds (24.11.00,24.05.05)

    This fixes an issue that was causing new holds to be added as first priority, rather than last priority, when placing multiple item-level holds at once. Now the holds will be added to the end of the list as expected.

  • 38186 Cancelling a hold from the holds over tab shouldn’t trigger “return to home” transfer on a lost item (24.11.00)
  • 38239 Incorrect number of items to pull in holds to pull report with partially filled holds (24.11.00)
    Sponsored by Ignatianum University in Cracow
  • 18493 Many languages are missing from the advanced search languages dropdown (24.11.00)
  • 32313 Complete database column descriptions for cataloguing module in guided reports (24.11.00,24.05.02,23.11.07)

    This fixes some column descriptions used in guided reports. It:

    • Adds missing descriptions for the items and biblioitems tables (used by the Circulation, Catalog, Acquisitions, and Serials modules)
    • Updates some column descriptions to make them more consistent or clearer.
  • 35769 Untranslatable strings when placing holds in staff (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 36836 Review ERM module for translation issues
  • 37257 Copy in OPAC datatable untranslatable (24.11.00,24.05.06)
    Sponsored by Athens County Public Libraries
  • 37814 Wrong use of ‘__()’ in .tt files (24.11.00,24.05.06)
    Sponsored by Athens County Public Libraries
  • 38085 Untranslatable options in OPACAuthorIdentifiersAndInformation (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 38138 Main contact method in hold pop-up untranslatable (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 38492 Some javascript translatable strings do not get picked up for translation (24.11.00)
  • 35725 Generic master form does not keep patron and cardnumber when changing type (24.11.00)
  • 36894 Journal article request authors do not show in the ILL requests table (24.11.00,24.05.02,23.11.07)

    This fixes the table for interlibrary loan (ILL) requests so that it now displays authors for journal article requests.

  • 37178 Column “comments” in ILL requests table gives error on sorting, paging cannot be changed (24.11.00)
  • 37194 Improve link from unconfigured ILL module (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 38166 Core status graph strings should be translatable (24.11.00)
  • 38276 ILL Standard form does not consider DOI in openURL (24.11.00)
  • 38288 Provide openURL backwards compatibility with FreeForm (24.11.00)
  • 38359 ILL UI pages offset no longer works after Bootstrap 5 upgrade (24.11.00)
  • 38376 ILL Standard form does not consider id in openURL (24.11.00)

    This update will recognize the ‘id’ parameter in an openURL as a ‘DOI’, ensuring compatibility with version 0.1 of the OpenURL format standard. For more information, visit: https://www.doi.org/the-identifier/resources/factsheets/doi-system-and-openurl.

  • 37818 XXX trick in installer code is not longer needed (24.11.00)
  • 37820 Upgrade fails at [Bug 36993] (24.11.00)
  • 38299 Errors with updates caught in C4::Installer should be colored/highlighted (24.11.00)
  • 38385 DB updates not displayed properly on the UI (24.11.00)
  • 38394 Remove try/catch and say_failures for 24.11 (24.11.00)
  • 38383 say_info messages in web installer have bad contrast/font color (24.11.00)
  • 37206 Removing an item from a label batch should be a CSRF-protected POST operation (24.11.00,24.05.06)
    Sponsored by Athens County Public Libraries
  • 37863 Patron card batches don’t detect when the patron is already in the list (24.11.00)
  • 13888 ‘Lists’ permission should allow/disallow using the lists module in staff (24.11.00)
  • 37285 Printing lists only prints the ten first results (24.11.00,24.05.04,23.11.09,23.05.15)
  • 38020 Fix ‘delete list’ button to have same formatting as ‘edit list’ (24.11.00)

    This fixes the items in the ‘Edit’ menu for lists in the staff interface so that the options (Edit list, Delete list) are correctly left aligned. Previously, ‘Delete list’ was indented.

  • 38251 “Remove selected items” button not removing single item in OPAC lists (24.11.00,24.05.06)
    Sponsored by Chetco Community Public Library
  • 37226 Authority hierarchy tree broken when a child (narrower) term appears under more than one parent (greater) term (24.11.00,24.05.04,23.11.09)
  • 37252 Saving an authority record as MADS (XML) fails (24.11.00,24.05.06)

    This fixes the saving of authority records in MADS format in the staff interface (Authorities > search results > authority details > Save > MADS (XML)). Before this fix, the downloaded records had a zero file size and were empty.

  • 38056 Search term after deleting an authority shouldn’t be URI encoded (24.11.00,24.05.05)Sponsored by Chetco Community Public Library
  • 28075 Add missing UNIMARC value for coded data 135a (24.11.00)

    This updates the UNIMARC 135$a subfield to add missing values.

  • 34346 Adding duplicate tag to a framework should give user readable message (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 36111 Online resource link should be based on the presence of 856$u (MARC21) (24.11.00)

    This fixes the display of 856 in the search results and detailed record, in the staff interface and OPAC. Currently, Koha displays “Click here to access online” if any 856 subfield is present, using the $u subfield as the link target, even if $u is empty. This patch makes the display of the online resource link depend on the presence of 856$u to prevent empty links.

  • 37357 Authorised values in control fields cause Javascript errors (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 32575 gather_print_notices.pl sends attachment as body of email or poorly named txt file (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 35639 Long SMS messages are not sent if they exceed the character limitation of the messaging driver (24.11.00)
  • 36741 AUTO_RENEWALS_DGST should skip auto_too_soon (24.11.00,24.05.02,23.11.07)

    This fixes the default AUTO_RENEWALS_DGST notice so that items where it is too soon to renew aren’t included in the notice output to patrons when the automatic renewals cron job is run (based on the circulation rules settings). These items were previously included in the notice.
    NOTE: This notice is only updated for new installations. Existing installations should update this notice if they only want to show the actual items automatically renewed.

  • 37036 Cannot access template toolkit branch variable in auto renewal notices (24.11.00,24.05.02,23.11.07)

    This fixes the automatic renewal notices (AUTO_RENEWALS and AUTO_RENEWALS_DGST) generated using the misc/cronjobs/automatic_renewals.pl cron job so that library information from the branches table is now available. Examples of use: [% branch.branchcode %], [% branch.branchname %], [% branch.branchaddress1 %], [% IF branch.branchaddress2 %][% branch.branchaddress2 %][% END %], [% branch.branchcity %], [% branch.branchstate %], [% branch.branchzip %].

  • 37642 Generated letter should use https in header (24.11.00,24.05.06)

    This updates http links to W3C standards used in notice headers to https links.

  • 37891 Editing a notice’s name having SMSSendDriver disabled causes notice to be listed twice (24.11.00,24.05.05,23.11.11)
  • 37967 Allow auto renewals notices to be sent via phone (24.11.00)
  • 13342 Not logged in user can place a review/comment as a deleted patron (24.11.00,24.05.04,23.11.09,23.05.15)
  • 14007 Values listed in OpacHiddenItems should not appear in OPAC facets (24.11.00)

    This fixes item type facets in OPAC search results when using OpacHiddenItems. Facet values in OpacHiddenItems are now filtered out and no longer displayed.For example, to hide Map item types (item type code = MP) in the OPAC:
    – add “itype: [‘MP’]” to OpacHiddenItems
    – previously, map items would not be displayed in the search results, but the ‘Item type’ facet under ‘Refine your search’ would still display the ‘Maps’ value
    – now, the item type facet no longer displays the ‘Maps’ value

  • 22223 Item url double-encode when parameter is an encoded URL (24.11.00)
  • 24690 Make OPACPopupAuthorsSearch work with search terms containing parenthesis (24.11.00)

    This fixes the OPAC so that when OPACPopupAuthorsSearch is enabled, author names not linked to an authority record that have parenthesis (for example, Criterion Collection (Firm)) correctly return results. Previously, author names with parenthesis did not return search results.

    Sponsored by Athens County Public Libraries

  • 29539 UNIMARC: authority number in $9 displays for thesaurus controlled fields instead of content of $a (24.11.00,24.05.02,23.11.07)

    This fixes the display of authority terms in the OPAC for UNIMARC systems. The authority record number was displaying instead of the term, depending on the order of the $9 and $a subfields (example for a 606 entry: if $a then $9, the authority number was displayed; if $9 then $a, the authority term was displayed).

    Sponsored by National Library of Greece

  • 30372 Patron self registration: Extended patron attributes are emptied on submit when mandatory field isn’t filled in (24.11.00,24.05.02,23.11.07)

    This fixes the patron self registration form when extended patron attributes are used. If a mandatory field wasn’t filled in when submitting, the values entered into any extended patron attributes were lost and needed re-entering.

  • 35126 Remove the use of event attributes from when adding records to lists in the OPAC (24.11.00)
  • 35942 OPAC user can enroll several times to the same club (24.11.00,24.05.00,23.11.03,23.05.09,22.11.15,22.05.19)

    This fixes patron club enrollment to prevent patrons from enrolling multiple times in the same club. There was no visible option in a patron’s OPAC account to do this (Summary > Clubs), but it could be achieved by directly accessing the URL (/cgi-bin/koha/svc/club/enroll?id={clubid}).

  • 36166 Disable select to add to list if opacuserlogin is disabled (24.11.00,24.05.02)

    This fixes the OPAC search results header to remove the “Add to list” option when system preference opacuserlogin is set to “Don’t allow”. Previously, if you clicked on Add to list > New list, you would get a message saying you needed to be logged in – but you can’t.

  • 36207 Update browser alerts to modals: OPAC tags (24.11.00,24.05.02)

    This changes the process for removing a tag from a title on a patron’s tag list (OPAC > Your account > Tags). It now uses a confirmation dialog box instead of a JavaScript alert. It also makes some minor tweaks to the CSS to correct the style for “Remove tag” links.

  • 36337 Hiding lists with OpacPublic breaks styling for language list (24.11.00)Sponsored by Athens County Public Libraries
  • 36557 Improve logic and display of OPAC cart, tag, and lists controls (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 36566 Correct ESLlint errors in OPAC enhanced content JS (24.11.00,24.05.04,23.11.09)

    This fixes various ESLint errors in enhanced content JavaScript files:

    • Consistent indentation
    • Remove variables which are declared but not used
    • Add missing semicolons
    • Add missing “var” declarations
  • 36742 Improve OPAC behavior for instances with only one library, including libraries page (24.11.00)

    This makes some changes in how installations with only one library marked as public are handled. This affects and improves the display in several pages in the OPAC:

    • OPAC home page with OpacAddMastheadLibraryPulldown enabled
    • OPAC news section with existing news items and OpacNewsLibrarySelect enabled
    • Advanced search – location and availability section
    • The “Most popular” page with OpacTopissue enabled
    • The suggestion entry form with suggestion enabled
    • The article request entry form with ArticleRequests enabled and circulation rules configured to allow requests

    Sponsored by Athens County Public Libraries

  • 36950 Improve placement of catalog concern banner in the OPAC (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 36983 B_address_2 field is required even when not set to be required (24.11.00,24.05.02,23.11.07)

    This fixes the patron self registration form. If the address field (B_address) in the alternative address section was set to required using the PatronSelfRegistrationBorrowerMandatoryField system preference, it was incorrectly making the address 2 field (B_address2) required on the form as well (even though it was not selected in the system preference).

  • 37057 OPACShowUnusedAuthorities displays unused authorities regardless (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 37069 Authorities pagination on OPAC broken by CSRF (24.11.00,24.05.02)
    This fixes the pagination for authority search results in the OPAC. (This is related to the CSRF changes added in Koha 24.05 to improve form security.)
  • 37074 Comment approval and un-approval should be CSRF-protected (24.11.00,24.05.02)
  • 37158 OPAC recalls history table not responsive (24.11.00,24.05.06)Sponsored by Athens County Public Libraries
  • 37324 Self registration complete login form won’t login user (24.11.00,24.05.04)

    This fixes the login form after completing self registration in the OPAC – the prefilled login details now let you log in.

  • 37339 Default messaging preferences are not applied when self registering in OPAC (24.11.00,24.05.05,23.11.10)
    This fixes a regression in Koha 24.05, 23.11, and 23.05 (caused by Bug 30318). Default messaging preferences for the self registraton patron category were not set for patron’s self-registering using the OPAC.
  • 37362 Do not show the lists button if there are no public lists and opacuserlogin is off (24.11.00)Sponsored by Athens County Public Libraries
  • 37370 opac-export.pl can be used even if exporting disabled (24.11.00,24.05.03,23.11.08,23.05.14,22.11.20)
  • 37629 Link to news are broken (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 37679 Dublin Core export option broken (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 37684 Direct links to expired news are broken (24.11.00)
  • 37724 Remove Koha version number from public generator metadata (24.11.00,24.05.05,23.11.10,23.05.16,22.11.22)
  • 37742 My virtual card error message not showing (24.11.00)

    This fixes an error message shown for a patron’s virtual card in the OPAC, where the patron’s card number can’t be converted to a Code39 barcode* (OPACVirtualCard system preference enabled, Your account > My virtual card). Previously the error message was “Error: ${errorMessage}”, now it is “Error: Unable to generate barcode”.

    • Code 39 barcodes can only contain digits, capital letters, spaces, and the symbols -.$/+%
    • 37827 Switch OPAC download list form from POST to GET (24.11.00,24.05.06)

    Sponsored by Chetco Community Public Library

  • 37833 Incorrect logic controlling display of OPAC language selection menus (24.11.00)

    This fixes the display of the OPAC footer and menu options. Some combinations of OPACReportProblem, CookieConsent, OpacLangSelectorMode, and opaclanguagesdisplay system preferences were causing the OPAC footer and menu items not to display as expected (including the footer not displaying, or menu options not displaying).

  • 37841 Switch OPAC language menu alignment in header and footer (24.11.00)

    This fixes the display of the language selector in the footer for the OPAC. For longer language names (such as English United Kingdom), the name is misaligned and goes off the page to the left.

  • 37853 Returning to your account at the end of changing your password in the OPAC doesn’t need to POST a form (24.11.00,24.05.06)
    Sponsored by Chetco Community Public Library
  • 37887 OPAC password recovery needs to use a cud- op while POSTing new password (24.11.00,24.05.06)
    Sponsored by Chetco Community Public Library
  • 37931 Wrong OPAC facet item types label (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 38055 Space between label and value for MARC field 530 (24.11.00)
  • 38100 Items with damaged status are shown in OPAC results as “Not available” even with AllowHoldsOnDamagedItems (24.11.00)
  • 38125 Setting patron reading privacy to “never” will immediately delete all reading history without warning (24.11.00)
  • 38132 Add data-isbn to shelfbrowser images (24.11.00)
  • 38197 Remove old version of Bootstrap JS left behind during upgrade (24.11.00)
  • 38231 Adjust CSS for search result controls in the OPAC (24.11.00)
    Sponsored by Athens County Public Libraries
  • 38304 Remove SaveState options for OPAC tables (24.11.00)

    This removes the “SaveState” options (Save configuration state on page change, Save search state on page change) from the OPAC table settings configuration. The new SaveState feature (added to 24.11 by bug 33484) is not implemented for the OPAC tables, and this removes any ambiguity.

  • 38463 Unnecessary CSRF token in OPAC authority search (24.11.00)

    This fixes the OPAC authority search result URL so that it no longer includes the CSRF token, and makes the URL more readable. (This is related to the CSRF changes added in Koha 24.05 to improve form security.)

    Sponsored by Chetco Community Public Library

  • 35755 Upgrade Business::ISBN to at least 3.008 minimum version (24.11.00)
  • 25520 Change wording on SMS phone number set up (24.11.00,24.05.02,23.11.07)

    This fixes the hint when entering an SMS number on the OPAC messaging settings page – it is now the same as the staff interface patron hint.

  • 30397 Duplicate ’20’ option in dropdown ‘Show entries’ menu (24.11.00)

    This fixes the options for the number of entries to show for patron search results in the staff interface – 20 was listed twice.

  • 30648 Title is lost in holds history when bibliographic record is deleted (24.11.00)
  • 32530 When duplicating child card, guarantor is not saved (24.11.00)
  • 34610 ProtectSuperlibrarianPrivileges, not ProtectSuperlibrarian (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 35508 Update borrowers.updated_on when modifying a patron’s attribute (24.11.00,24.05.06)

    This patch causes the patron field “Updated on” to behave as expected and be updated when a patron attribute is changed.Before this patch, if while editing a patron only the value of a patron attribute was changed, the patron’s updated_on date would not be updated.

  • 35987 See highlighted items below link broken (24.11.00)
  • 36882 Flatpickr doesn’t work for repeatable date patron attributes in overdues (24.11.00,24.05.04)
  • 37365 Bad redirect when adding a patron message from members/files.pl (24.11.00)

    This fixes a redirect when adding a patron message straight after uploading a patron file (when EnableBorrowerFiles is enabled). Before this fix, an error message “Patron not found. Return to search” was displayed if you added a message straight after you finished uploading a file (the “Add message” option on other pages worked as expected).

  • 37366 Patron category “Password change in OPAC” setting only follows system preference (24.11.00)
  • 37368 Patron searches break when surname and firstname are set to NULL (24.11.00,24.05.06)

    This fixes an error when searching for patrons in the staff interface (for both the search in the header and the sidebar). If you have a patron without a last name or first name, and search using a space, the search did not complete and generated a browser console error.

  • 37435 Cannot renew patron from details page in patron account without circulate permissions (24.11.00,24.05.04,23.11.09)
  • 37488 Filepaths not validated in ZIP upload to picture-upload.pl (24.11.00,24.05.03,23.11.08,23.05.14,22.11.20)
  • 37489 Cannot delete patron image without uploading a file (24.11.00,24.05.04)
  • 37528 Using borrowerRelationship while guarantor relationship is unchecked from BorrowerMandatoryField results in error (24.11.00,24.05.06)
    Sponsored by Koha-Suomi Oy
  • 37562 Duplicate patron check when user cannot see patron leads to a blank popup (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 37807 “Export today’s checked in barcodes” not disabled when needed (24.11.00)
  • 38005 500 error on self registration when patron attribute is set as mandatory (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 38109 Patron category types are not sorted when entering/editing patrons (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 38112 Description of patrons search no longer displayed (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 38188 Fix populating borrowernumberslist from patron_search_selections (24.11.00,24.05.06)
    Sponsored by Koha-Suomi Oy
  • 38283 Patron search modal has a button opened by a button tag and closed by a button tag (24.11.00)
  • 38315 Add a class to expired patrons in patron search (24.11.00)

    This updates patron search results in the staff interface to use the “dateexpiry” class to highlight expired patron accounts for the “Expires on” column (the date is now red and in italics).

  • 37146 plugin_launcher.pl allows running of any Perl file on file system (24.11.00,24.05.02,23.11.07,23.05.13,22.11.19)
  • 36998 ‘Issue refund’ modal on cash register transactions page can mistakenly display amount from previously clicked on transaction (24.11.00,24.05.04,23.11.09)
  • 37563 Refund, payout, and discount modals in patron transactions and point of sale have broken/bad formatting of values (24.11.00)
  • 29509 GET /patrons* routes permissions excessive (24.11.00,24.05.04,23.11.09)
  • 36575 Wrong patron can be returned for API validation route (24.11.00,24.05.01,23.11.06,23.05.12,22.11.18,22.05.22)
  • 37021 REST API: Holds endpoint handles item_id as string in GET call (24.11.00,24.05.02,23.11.07)

    This fixes the REST API holds endpoint so that the item_id is handled as an integer, not a string.

  • 37032 REST API: Unable to call item info via holds endpoint (24.11.00,24.05.06)
    Sponsored by Koha-Suomi Oy
  • 37261 api/v1/extended_attribute_types does not return additional fields for unmapped tablenames (24.11.00)
  • 37262 api/v1/extended_attribute_types does not filter additional fields for unmapped tablenames (24.11.00)
  • 37535 Adding a debit via API will show the patron as the librarian that caused the debit (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 37639 items.stack ( shelving control number ) not included in items API endpoint (24.11.00)
  • 37687 API query operators list doesn’t match documentation (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 37791 Fix terminology ‘Biblio not found’ (24.11.00)
  • 38390 Add ‘subscriptions+count’ embed to vendors endpoint (24.11.00)Sponsored by PTFS Europe and ByWater Solutions
  • 36707 Links on itemnumbers in report should say “item” instead of “record” (24.11.00)Sponsored by Athens County Public Libraries
  • 37077 SQL Reports – Picking only one option for each multiple selection results in wrong query (24.11.00,24.05.04)
  • 37108 Cash register statistics wizard is wrongly sorting payment by home library of the manager (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 37328 Cannot delete report after using ‘Update and run SQ’ button (24.11.00)

    This fixes deleting saved reports, and adds a confirmation message. Before this, attempting to delete a saved report (Edit > Delete) did not do anything.

    Sponsored by Westlake Porter Public Library

  • 37382 Report download is empty except for headers if .tab format is selected (24.11.00,24.05.04)
  • 37615 Clean up the form for sending cardnumbers from a report to batch patron modification (24.11.00)

    This tidies up the form used when initiating patron batch modifications from a report that uses card numbers (option for ‘Batch operations with X visible records’). There is no visible difference (the form that sends the card numbers to the patron batch modification form now puts them in a single text area, instead of multiple inputs).

  • 37740 Saved reports GROUP tabs don’t show the proper panel (24.11.00)
  • 37745 Duplicate class attributes break dropdown items (24.11.00)
  • 37763 ‘Update and run SQL’ appends the editor screen after the report results (24.11.00,24.05.04)Sponsored by Westlake Porter Public Library
  • 37987 Downloading SQL report in .tab format is slow (24.11.00,24.05.06)Sponsored by Koha-Suomi Oy
  • 23426 Empty AV field returned in ‘patron info’ in addition to those requested (24.11.00)

    This patch adds fine items (AV) to patron information response in SIP2.
    Additionally the active currency is be part of the response (BH) and the number of items requested with BP and BQ is fixed.

  • 36948 Adjust SIPconfig for log_file and IP version (24.11.00,24.05.02,23.11.07)

    This fixes issues with logging and default ports in the SIP configuration for Debian 12, when using the koha-testing-docker (KTD) development environment – these issues were causing the SIP service to stop working. Changes include updating the SIPconfig.xml template to:
    – fix the logging issue (Debian 12 uses journal instead of syslog, use chomp for SIP log4perl configuration, log all SIP issues to sip.log by default)
    – fix the port issue (allows using IPv4 and IPv6 for the port settings, configures the default template to use IPv4)

  • 37016 SIP2 renew shows old/wrong date due (24.11.00,24.05.02,23.11.07)

    Set correct due date in SIP2 renewal response message.

  • 37582 SIP2 responses can contain newlines when a patron has multiple debarments (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 38073 Missing use after Bug 25812 (24.11.00)
  • 38284 handle_patron_status dies if patron not found (24.11.00)Sponsored by PTFS Europe
  • 38344 Don’t send “Thank you !” as screen message (24.11.00)

    This fixes a typo in a SIP output message – “Thank you !” should be “Thank you!” (note the space before the exclamation mark).

  • 32252 Number of results in a facet do not show after facet selection (24.11.00)
  • 33563 Document Elasticsearch secure mode (24.11.00,24.05.02,23.11.07)

    When using authentication with Elasticsearch/Opensearch, you must use HTTPS. This change adds some comments in koha-conf.xml to show how to do configure Koha to use authentication and HTTPS for ES/OS.

  • 37167 Fix mapping call number searches to Z39.50 (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 37244 Selecting home library or holding library facet changes library dropdown (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 37249 Item search column filtering broken (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 37333 Search filters using OR are not correctly grouped (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 37369 Item search column filtering can’t use descriptions (24.11.00,24.05.06)Sponsored by Koha-Suomi Oy
  • 37801 Search results with limits create URLs that cause XML errors in RSS2 output (24.11.00,24.05.05,23.11.11)Sponsored by Chetco Community Public Library
  • 37979 typo in PQF index : index.koha.classification-soruceSponsored by Chetco Community Public Library
  • 37998 Tabs and backslashes in the data break item search display (24.11.00)Sponsored by Ignatianum University in Cracow
  • 30745 Elasticsearch: Search never returns with after-date and/or before-date in label batch item search (24.11.00)
  • 33348 Show authority heading use with Elasticsearch (24.11.00)Sponsored by Education Services Australia SCIS
  • 33407 With ES and QueryAutoTruncate on, a search containing ISBD punctuation returns no results (24.11.00)Sponsored by Ignatianum University in Cracow
  • 35792 Quiet warning: Use of uninitialized value $sub6 (24.11.00,24.05.04)

    This removes a warning message[1] that appears in the reindexing output when using Elasticsearch. The warning was generated if there was no value in 880$6 (880 = Alternate Graphic Representation, $6 = Linkage), but there were other 880 subfields with a value, for example 880$a.

    [1] Use of uninitialized value $sub6 in pattern match (m//) at /kohadevbox/koha/Koha/SearchEngine/Elasticsearch.pm line 619.

  • 36879 Spurious warnings in QueryBuilder (24.11.00,24.05.04,23.11.09,23.05.15)

    This fixes the cause of a warning message in the log files. Changing the sort order for search results in the staff interface (for example, from Relevance to Author (A-Z)) would generate an unnecessary warning message in plack-intranet-error.log: [WARN] Use of uninitialized value $f in hash element at /kohadevbox/koha/Koha/SearchEngine/Elasticsearch/QueryBuilder.pm line 72 5.

  • 36982 Collections facet does not get alphabetized based on collection descriptions (24.11.00,24.05.02,23.11.07)

    This fixes the display of the ‘Collections’ facet for search results in the staff interface and OPAC when using Elasticsearch and Open Search. Values for the facet are now sorted alphabetically using the CCODE authorized values’ descriptions, instead of the authorized values’ codes.

  • 37319 Move mappings for 752ad (MARC21) and 210a/214a (UNIMARC) to pl index (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 37430 (Bug 33407 follow-up) ISBD punctuation removal in ES searches (24.11.00)Sponsored by Ignatianum University in Cracow
  • 37446 Home/holding library facets missing user friendly label (24.11.00,24.05.06)

    This patch fixes the facet labels for holdingbranch and homebranch to ensure they say “Holding libraries” or “Home libraries” when Elasticsearch is enabled.

    Sponsored by Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology, New Zealand

  • 37857 Unable to select type “Geo point” or “Call number” when adding a search field (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 37953 Incorrect handling of DisplayLibraryFacets in previous database update (24.11.00,24.05.05)
  • 38416 Failover to MARCXML if cannot roundtrip USMARC when indexing (24.11.00)
  • 35869 Dismissing an OPAC message from SCO logs the user out (24.11.00,24.05.02,23.11.07)

    This removes the “Dismiss” button for patron messages that appear in the OPAC self-checkout system. Dismissing messages was logging patrons out. This option was removed, as fixing this would require significant changes to the self-checkout system. Patron’s can still dismiss messages from their OPAC account (Your account > Summary > Messages for you > Dismiss).

  • 36679 Anonymous patron is not blocked from checkout via self check (24.11.00,24.05.02,23.11.07)

    This fixes the web-based self-checkout system to prevent the AnonymousPatron from checking out items.

  • 37026 Switching tabs in the sco_main page ( Checkouts, Holds, Charges ) creates a JS error (24.11.00,24.05.02,23.11.07)

    This fixes a JavaScript error (dataTables is not defined) when switching between the checkouts, holds, and charges tabs in the OPAC self-checkout system.

  • 37027 Some dataTable controls in SCO seem unnecessary (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 37044 OPAC message from SCO missing library branch (24.11.00,24.05.02,23.11.07,23.05.15)

    This fixes the self checkout “Messages for you” section for a patron so that any OPAC messages added by library staff now include the library name. Previously, “Written on DD/MM/YYYY by ” was displayed after the message without including the library name.

  • 37525 Self checkout: “Return this item” doesn’t show up in scan confirmation screen despite SCOAllowCheckin being allowed (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 38041 Not all self checkout errors behave the same (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 29818 Cannot save subscription frequency without display order (24.11.00)
    Sponsored by Chetco Community Public Library
  • 37294 Generate next button in serials not working (24.11.00,24.05.04)

    This fixes the ‘Generate next’ button when receiving serials so that it now works as expected. Before this fix, nothing happened when clicking the button. (This is related to the CSRF changes added in Koha 24.05 to improve form security.)

  • 28762 Item status shows incorrectly on course-details.pl (24.11.00,24.05.04)
  • 31921 No confirmation alert when deleting a vendor (24.11.00,24.05.04)

    This fixes deleting vendors in acquisitions. There is now a new confirmation pop-up dialogue box.

  • 33453 Confirmation button for ‘Record cashup’ should be yellow (24.11.00,24.05.04,23.11.09)

    This fixes the style of the “Confirm” button in the pop-up window when recording a cashup (Tools > Transaction history for > Record cashup). The button was changed from the default button style (with a white background) to the yellow primary action button.

  • 33455 Heading on ‘update password’ page is too big (24.11.00,24.05.04,23.11.09)

    This fixes the heading for the patron change password page in the staff interface (Patrons > search for a patron > Change password). It was previously part of the form area with the white background, when it should have been above it like other page headings.

  • 33635 CSV export display broken diacritics in Excel (24.11.00)
  • 36129 Check in “Hide all columns” doesn’t persist on item batch modification/deletion (,23.11.09)

    This fixes the item batch modification/deletion tool, so that if the “Hide all columns” checkbox is selected and then the page is reloaded, the checkbox is still shown as selected. Before this, the columns remained hidden as expected, but the checkbox wasn’t selected.

    Sponsored by Koha-Suomi Oy

  • 36182 Add vendor column to holdings table (24.11.00)

    This adds a new columns ‘Source of acquisition’ (MARC21 952$e) to the holdings table in the staff detail page. If the field contains a valid vendor ID, it will display the name of the vendor. If the field contains text, the text will be displayed.

  • 36930 Item search gives irrelevant results when using 2+ added filter criteria (24.11.00,24.05.02,23.11.07,23.05.15)

    This fixes the item search so that it returns the correct results when two or more additional filters are used (such as publisher and publication date). It was working correctly with one filter, but was not using any filters if two or more were used in a query.

  • 36966 Fix links for local cover images for items on staff detail page (24.11.00,24.05.02)

    This fixes the local cover image links for items (staff interface record details holdings table > dropdown link for Edit > Upload image) by removing unnecessary parameters, fixing an invalid link, an uninitialised Template::Toolkit variable. This has no noticeable effect, but is important for avoiding future issues.

  • 37029 ‘About Koha’ button on staff side homepage seems out of place among application buttons (24.11.00,24.05.04)
  • 37065 Bookings tab should filter out expired bookings by default (24.11.00,24.05.06)

    This fixes the list of bookings for items so that only current bookings are listed. There is now a link, “Show expired”, to display all bookings.

  • 37213 Improve breadcrumbs in rotating collections (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 37233 Library URL broken in the libraries table (24.11.00,24.05.06)

    This fixes the URL link for a library in the staff interface (Administration > Basic parameters > Libraries) so that it works as expected. Currently, you get a 404 page not found error.

  • 37330 LocalCoverImages for items don’t show after 33526 (24.11.00)
  • 37425 Deletion of bibliographic record can cause search errors (24.11.00,24.05.04,23.11.09)
  • 37452 The ‘Compare matched records’ diff view page is missing page-sections (24.11.00)
  • 37484 Sorting dates in the housebound deliveries table should work for different date formats (24.11.00)
  • 37681 XSS vulnerability in item.uri in staff interface (24.11.00,24.05.04)
  • 37697 CSS from HTML customizations previews bleeds through to rest of page (24.11.00)
  • 37732 Update templates to use Bootstrap styles when alert class comes from the perl script (24.11.00)
    Sponsored by Athens County Public Libraries
  • 37733 Preservation link in the header menu is not styled correctly (24.11.00)
  • 37739 Can’t delete vendors after Bootstrap 5 update (24.11.00)

    This fixes acquisitions so that you can now delete vendors. (This is related to the OPAC and staff interface Bootstrap 5 upgrade in Koha 24.11 (bug 35402) and bug 31921, which added a confirmation pop-up window when deleting a vendor.)

  • 37752 Tabs for MARC subfield structure are missing a class (24.11.00)

    This fixes the navigation display when editing bibliographic framework subfields. It was displaying a plain text link for each subfield in the header, instead of the standard tabbed style. (This is related to the OPAC and staff interface Bootstrap 5 upgrade in Koha 24.11.)

  • 37753 Navigation links when editing authority type subfields are in plain text instead of the tabbed style (24.11.00)

    This fixes the navigation display when editing authority type subfields. It was displaying a plain text link for each subfield in the header, instead of the standard tabbed style. (This is related to the OPAC and staff interface Bootstrap 5 upgrade in Koha 24.11.)

  • 37755 Change in Bootstrap5 has broken batch patron modification (24.11.00)
  • 37928 “Upload image” item not correctly styled (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 37954 Unable to hide barcode column in holdings table (24.11.00,24.05.06)

    This fixes hiding the barcode column on the staff interface for a record’s holdings table. You can now turn on or off hiding the barcode by default, and select the display of the barcode column using the ‘Columns’ setting.

  • 37955 Clicking table’s ‘configure’ button no longer opens column settings page properly (24.11.00)
  • 37980 Style corrections for installer and onboarding following Bootstrap 5 update (24.11.00)
  • 38071 “Clear filter” on catalogue details page always disabled (24.11.00, 24.05.06)
  • 38130 Cannot filter items on library name (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 38146 Last seen date is missing the time in the item holdings table (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 38191 Suggestions filters do not expand (24.11.00)
  • 38192 State not restored correctly on suggestion tables (24.11.00)
  • 38240 Filtering resulting in no result will hide filters (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 38312 Patron form behind fixed header (24.11.00)
  • 38379 Remove obsolete Bootstrap classes from installer templates (24.11.00)
  • 38444 Bug 34147 follow-up: add tests (24.11.00)
  • 38482 Disable save state for items tables (24.11.00)
  • 38484 Filters on the “Holds to pull” page is broken (24.11.00)
  • 34185 Code mixes OpacItemLocation and OPACItemLocation (24.11.00)
  • 35257 Only admin start page uses “circulation desks” (24.11.00,24.05.06)

    This changes the Koha administration page title for “Circulation desks” to “Desks” for consistency – all other areas such as the sidebar, page titles, and breadcrumbs all use just “Desks”. It also updates the UseCirculationDesks system preference description.

  • 36217 Jobs page include last hour filter does not work (24.11.00)
    Sponsored by Koha-Suomi Oy
  • 36276 Cannot edit identity provider after creation (24.11.00,24.05.04)

    This fixes the identity provider and domain forms so that the information is now editable (Administration > Additional parameters > Identity providers).

    Sponsored by Athens County Public Libraries

  • 36527 Patron category or item type not changing when editing another circulation rule (24.11.00,24.05.02,23.11.07)

    This fixes editing circulation rules, where the patron category and item type didn’t change when you were editing one rule and then changed to editing another rule. This could happen if you were: 1. Editing a rule. 2. Clicked on Edit to change another rule. 3. Confirmed that you wanted to edit another rule. Depending on your rules, the values for the patron category or item type in the editing row may not have changed.

  • 36672 Circulation rules are performing too many lookups (24.11.00,24.05.02)

    This improves the performance of the circulation and rules page by reducing the number of lookups. This should improve the page loading times (including when editing and saving) when a library has many categories and item types.

  • 36880 Record overlay rules are not validated on add or edit (24.11.00,24.05.02)

    This fixes the record overlay rules page so that a tag is now required when adding and editing a rule.

  • 36907 OAI set mapping form field maxlength should match table column sizes (24.11.00,24.05.04,23.11.10)

    This fixes the OIA set mappings form so that you can’t enter more characters than the maximum length for the input fields (Field (3), Subfield (1), and Value (80)). Previously, you could enter more characters – however, when you saved the form it generated an error.

  • 36922 Correct hint on date patron attributes not being repeatable (24.11.00,24.05.02)

    This updates the hint text for “Is a date” when adding a patron attribute – date fields are now repeatable (an enhancement added to Koha 24.05 by bug 32610).

  • 36926 Move syspref PlaceHoldsOnOrdersFromSuggestions (24.11.00)

    This moves the PlaceHoldsOnOrdersFromSuggestions system preference from the Acquisitions > Printing section to the Circulation > Holds policy section.

  • 37157 Error 500 when loading identity provider list (24.11.00,24.05.02,23.11.07)

    This fixes the listing of identity providers (Administration > Additional parameters > Identity providers) when special characters are used in the configuration and mapping fields (such as “scope”: “élève”). Previously, using special characters in these fields caused a 500 error when viewing the Administration > Identity providers page.

  • 37163 Fix the redirect after deleting a tag from an authority framework to load the right page (24.11.00,24.05.02,23.11.07)

    This fixes the redirect after deleting a tag from an authority framework. After confirming the deletion of a tag, you are now returned to where you were in the list of tags for the authority type, instead of tag 000 (this now matches the behavour when deleting tags for a MARC framework – see bug 37161).

  • 37209 Improve record overlay rules validation and styling (24.11.00)
  • 37229 Table configuration listings for course reserves incorrect (24.11.00,24.05.06)Sponsored by Athens County Public Libraries
  • 37329 Typo: authorised value in patron attribute types (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 37404 Typo in intranetreadinghistory description (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 37461 Typo in SMSSendAdditionalOptions description (24.11.00,24.05.04)
  • 37606 Framework export module should escape double quotes (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 37662 Library information – text inconsistencies between the table, edit form, and display page (24.11.00)

    This fixes some text inconsistencies for the library information listing page, and the add, view and modify library pages. This includes:
    1. Using the message “Library hours not set” for the text if no hours are set.
    2. Using “Library hours” for the column and field name for library hours.
    3. Adding a missing colon (:) for the “MARC organization code” field.
    4. Spelling “information” in full for the previously labelled “OPAC info” field.
    5. Updating the hint text for the IP, MARC organization code, and Public fields.

  • 37765 Fix forms that POST without an op in systempreferences (24.11.00)
    Sponsored by Chetco Community Public Library
  • 37766 Fix forms that POST without an op in MARC bibliographic frameworks (24.11.00,24.05.06)
    Sponsored by Chetco Community Public Library
  • 37767 Fix forms that POST without an op in Authority types (24.11.00)
    Sponsored by Chetco Community Public Library
  • 37768 Fix form that POSTs without an op in itemtype administration (24.11.00)
    Sponsored by Chetco Community Public Library
  • 37769 Fix forms that POST without an op in currency administration (24.11.00)
    Sponsored by Chetco Community Public Library
  • 37905 Correctly fix the “last hour” filter on the job list (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 38293 Cannot add Specific OPAC JS or CSS (24.11.00)

    This fixes adding Specific OPAC JS and Specific OPAC CSS for libraries – you can now add or edit these settings. (This is related to the OPAC and staff interface Bootstrap 5 upgrade in Koha 24.11.)

  • 38309 Cannot delete additional fields (24.11.00)

    This fixes deleting additional fields (Administration – Additional parameters > Additional fields) – deleting fields now works as expected. Previously, attempting to delete a field would generate a blank page and the field was not deleted. (This is related to the CSRF changes added in Koha 24.05 to improve form security.)

    Sponsored by Chetco Community Public Library

  • 30699 Fix various HTML validity errors in staff interface templates (24.11.00)
    Sponsored by Athens County Public Libraries
  • 33178 Use template wrapper for authority and bibliographic subfield entry form tabs (24.11.00)
  • 34183 Remove MARC format hint from OPACResultsLibrary description (24.11.00)

    This correction removes an obsolete hint from the OPACResultsLibrary system preference description. It is no longer necessary to specify which MARC formats are supported.

  • 34573 Inconsistencies in acquisitions modify vendor title tag (24.11.00,24.05.02,23.11.07)

    This fixes page title, breadcrumb, and browser page title inconsistencies when adding and modifying vendor details in acquisitions.

  • 34706 Capitalization: Cas login (24.11.00,24.05.02,23.11.07)

    This fixes a capitalization error. CAS is an abbreviation, and should be CAS on the login form (used when casAuthentication is enabled and configured).

  • 35232 Misspelled ID breaks label on patron lists form (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 35235 Mismatched label on notice edit form (24.11.00,25.05.04,23.11.09)
  • 35236 Mismatched label on patron card batch edit form (24.11.00,24.05.04,23.11.09)

    This fixes the “Batch description” label when editing a patron card batch (Tools > Patrons and circulation > Patron card creator > Manage > Card batches > Edit). When you click on the batch description label, the input field is now selected and you can enter the batch description. Before this, you had to click in the field to add the description.

  • 35238 Incorrect label markup in patron card creator printer profile edit form (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 35239 Missing form field ids in batch patron modification template (24.11.00,24.05.06)

    This fixes the batch patron modification edit form labels so that they all have IDs, and the input box now receive the focus when clicking on the label (this includes patron attribute fields, but excludes date fields). This is an accessibility improvement. Before this, you had to click in the input box to add a value.

    Sponsored by Athens County Public Libraries

  • 35240 Missing form field ids in rotating collection edit form (24.11.00,24.05.02,23.11.07)

    This adds missing IDs to the rotating collections edit form (Tools > Rotating collections > edit a rotating collection (Actions > Edit)).

  • 36338 Capitalization: Card number or Userid may already exist. (24.11.00,24.05.02,23.11.07)

    This fixes the text for the warning message in the web installer onboarding section when creating the Koha administrator patron where the card number or username already exists. It now uses “username” instead of “Userid”, and updates the surrounding text:
    Previous text: The patron has not been created! Card number or Userid may already exist.
    Updated text: The patron was not created! The card number or username already exists.

  • 36885 Missing tooltip on budget planning page (24.11.00,24.05.04,23.11.09)

    This fixes the “Budget locked” tooltip for budget fund planning pages (Administration > Budgets > select a budget that is locked > Funds > Planning > any planning option). The tooltip was not styled correctly for fund names – it now has white text on a black background.

  • 36905 Terminology: home locations / home collections (24.11.00,24.05.06)

    This removes the unnecessary word “home” from several aria-labels in OPAC search facets. For example, “Show more home locations” was changed to “Show more locations”. (Note that there is no visible change to the OPAC.)

  • 36909 Eliminate duplicate ID in cookie consent markup (24.11.00,24.05.02)

    This fixes HTML validation warnings about duplicate IDs in the cookie consent markup for the OPAC and staff interface.

  • 36961 Typo: itms (24.11.00,24.05.02)

    This fixes a spelling mistake in the opacreadinghistory system preference description – it changes ‘itms’ to ‘items’.

  • 37002 Correct several HTML markup errors (24.11.00,24.05.02)

    This fixes several minor HTML markup validation errors for the bibliographic detail page in the staff interface.

  • 37030 Use template wrapper for breadcrumbs: Cash register stats (24.11.00,24.05.04,23.11.09)
  • 37161 After deleting a tag in a MARC framework, confirmation page is blank (24.11.00,24.05.02)

    This removes the “Tag deleted” page after deleting a MARC framework tag. After confirming the deletion of a tag, you are now returned to you where you were in the list of tags for the framework (this now matches the behavour when deleting tags for an authority type – see bug 37163).It also fixes the blank page that was displayed after confirming the tag deletion – this was related to the CSRF changes added in Koha 24.05 to improve form security.

  • 37162 Remove dead confirmation code when deleting tags from authority frameworks (24.11.00,24.05.02,23.11.07)

    This removes redundant code that is no longer used when deleting authority tags. A previous change removed the extra page displayed after confirming the deletion an authority tag – this required you to click OK, and then you were returned to the list of tags.

  • 37231 (Bug 34940 follow-up) Highlight logged-in library in facets does not work with ES (24.11.00,24.05.06)Sponsored by Ignatianum University in Cracow
  • 37242 Don’t use the term branch in cash register administration (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 37264 Fix delete button on staff interface’s suggestion detail page (24.11.00,24.05.06)
    Sponsored by Athens County Public Libraries
  • 37496 Link to item details from holdings table links to all items (24.11.00,24.05.04)

    When clicking on an item barcode to view the details of that item, Koha usually displays a page showing just that item. The barcode link from the item holdings table on a bibliographic record was linking to a page showing the details for all items on the record, which can load very slowly when there are many items. This fixes the link so that it links only to that specific item.

  • 37595 Double HTML escaped ampersand in pagination bar (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 37643 Check for NaN instead of truthiness if calendar.inc accepts_time (24.11.00,24.05.04)
  • 37759 Duplicated “Set library” menu item caused by bad merge (24.11.00)
  • 37795 job-progress.inc progress bar broken by Bootstrap5 upgrade (24.11.00)
    Sponsored by Chetco Community Public Library
  • 37846 Serial prediction pattern test appears at the bottom of the page (24.11.00)

    This fixes the test prediction pattern when adding a new subscription for a serial – the prediction pattern was appearing at the bottom of the page, instead of in a column to the right. (This is related to the OPAC and staff interface Bootstrap 5 upgrade in Koha 24.11.)

  • 37848 “Run with template” options need formatting (24.11.00,24.05.06)
    Sponsored by Athens County Public Libraries
  • 37910 Minor spacing issues in the catalog concerns page (24.11.00)
  • 37912 Catalog concerns – Broken link under concern title (24.11.00)
  • 37945 Links for system preferences subsections don’t work (24.11.00)
  • 37946 Double menu when clicking the caret in Z39.50 search (24.11.00)
  • 37977 Fix some issues with labels in inventory form (24.11.00,24.05.06)
    Sponsored by Chetco Community Public Library
  • 38066 Pop-up window footers can block page content (24.11.00,24.05.06)

    This fixes the display of some dialog boxes, such as the authority record search plugin when editing 100$a, so that the content at the bottom (such as search results) is not obscured by the footer navigation.

    Sponsored by Athens County Public Libraries

  • 38129 Add note regarding permissions in suggestion manager search pop-up modal (24.11.00)
  • 38346 Make sidebar checkboxes consistent (24.11.00)
    Sponsored by Athens County Public Libraries
  • 38380 Fix other instances of obsolete col-*-offset classes from templates (24.11.00)
  • 34838 The ILL module and tests generate warnings (24.11.00,24.05.02,23.11.07)

    This fixes the cause of several warnings generated by the tests for the inter-library loan (ILL) module.

  • 36919 t/db_dependent/Koha/Object.t produces warnings (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 36935 BackgroundJob/ImportKBARTFile.t generates warnings (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 36936 api/v1/bookings.t generates warnings (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 36937 api/v1/password_validation.t generates warnings (24.11.00,24.05.02,23.11.07,23.05.15)

    This fixes the cause of a warning for the t/db_dependent/api/v1/password_validation.t tests (warning fixed: Use of uninitialized value $status in numeric eq (==)).

  • 36938 Biblio.t generates warnings (24.11.00,24.05.02,23.11.07)

    This fixes the cause of warnings generated by the bibliographic tests.

  • 36944 Auth.t should not fail when AutoLocation is enabled (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 36999 00-strict.t fails to find koha_perl_deps.pl (24.11.00,24.05.02,23.11.07)

    This fixes the tests in t/db_dependent/00-strict.t. The tests were failing as a file (koha_perl_deps.pl) was moved and is no longer required for these tests.

  • 37283 t/db_dependent/selenium/authentication.t is failing (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 37289 t/db_dependent/api/v1/authorised_values.t is failing under specific circumstances (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 37302 xt/api.t should fail if swagger-cli is missing (24.11.00,24.05.04)

    This fixes the tests in xt/api.t. It was skipping tests if swagger-cli was missing, which meant that some tests weren’t being run when they should be. The tests now fail if swagger-cli isn’t found.It also adds swagger-cli 4.0.4+ to the devDependancies section of package.json.

  • 37490 Add test to detect when yarn.lock is not updated (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 37607 t/cypress/integration/ERM/DataProviders_spec.ts fails (24.11.00,24.05.04,23.11.09)
  • 37620 Fix randomly failing tests for cypress/integration/InfiniteScrollSelect_spec.ts (24.11.00,24.05.04)
  • 37623 t/db_dependent/Letters.t tests fails to consider EmailFieldPrimary system preference (24.11.00,24.05.04,23.11.10)Sponsored by Pymble Ladies’ College
  • 37870 UI/Form/Builder/Item.t and Biblio.t are still failing randomly (cn_source sort) (24.11.00)
  • 37898 All db dependent tests should run within a transaction (24.11.00)
  • 37917 RecordSources_spec.ts is failing randomly (24.11.00)
  • 37929 Cypress tests for agreements aren’t all running (24.11.00)
  • 37963 Improve error handling and testing of ERM eUsage SUSHI (24.11.00)
  • 38043 KohaTimes filter is missing tests (24.11.00)
  • 38322 Wrong comment in t/db_dependent/api/v1/erm_users.t (24.11.00)
  • 38418 SIP/Transaction.t fails if wrong dateformat set (24.11.00)
  • 38501 Prevent failures of Koha/Booking.t when running tests on an updated database (24.11.00)
  • 38513 Fix Biblio.t for Koha_Main_My8 test configuration (24.11.00)
  • 38526 Auth_with_* tests fail randomly (24.11.00)
  • 35100 Items assigned to StockRotation do not advance if a hold is triggered before the initial transfer (24.11.00)
  • 36083 Not able to create customizable areas to intranet home pages that are library specific (24.11.00)
  • 36128 Use of uninitialized value in string eq at /usr/share/koha/lib/C4/Overdues.pm (24.11.00,24.05.02,23.11.07)

    This fixes the following error message when running the overdues check cronjob on a Koha system without defined overdue rules:

    /etc/cron.daily/koha-common: Use of uninitialized value in string eq at /usr/share/koha/lib/C4/Overdues.pm line 686.

  • 36132 Allow users to delete multiple patron lists at once on any page (24.11.00)

    This fixes patron lists so that when there are more than 20 lists, the lists on the next pages can be deleted. Previously, you were only able to delete the lists on the first page.

  • 37186 Cannot delete a rotating collection (24.11.00,24.05.04)
  • 37243 Tag moderation actions should be in the last column (24.11.00,24.05.06)
    Sponsored by Athens County Public Libraries
  • 37326 Batch modification should decode barcodes when using a barcode file (24.11.00)
  • 37522 Logging item modification should record the original version of the item (24.11.00)

    Actions logs for changes to items now include the pre and post change item data in the database.

    Sponsored by Ignatianum University in Cracow

  • 37580 Unique holiday descriptions are not editable (24.11.00,24.05.06)
    Sponsored by Westlake Porter Public Library
  • 37730 Batch patron modification table horizontal scroll causes headers to mismatch (24.11.00,24.05.06)

    This fixes the table for the batch patron modification” tool (Tools > Patrons and circulation > Batch patron modification). When you scrolled down the page so that table header rows are “sticky”, and then scrolled to the right, the table header columns were fixed instead of changing to match the column contents.

  • 37779 Fix forms that POST without an op in tag moderation (24.11.00)
    Sponsored by Chetco Community Public Library
  • 37785 Remove dead code in tools/letter.tt that looks like a form that would POST without an op (24.11.00)
    Sponsored by Chetco Community Public Library
  • 37859 Tabs for record comments are in plain text (related to Bootstrap 5 update) (24.11.00)

    This fixes the tab headings for patron comments (Tools > Patrons and circulation > Comments), so that they are now standard tabs instead of plain text links. (This is related to the OPAC and staff interface Bootstrap 5 upgrade in Koha 24.11.)

  • 37965 Fix regression of convert_urls setting in TinyMCE which causes unexpected URL rewriting (24.11.00)
  • 38266 Incorrect attribute disabled in patron batch modification (24.11.00)
  • 38275 Unable to delete patron card creator images (24.11.00,24.05.06)

    This fixes deleting images when using the patron card creator’s image manager. You could not delete images, and received an error message “WARNING: An unsupported operation was attempted. Please have your system administrator check the error log for details.” (This is related to the CSRF changes added in Koha 24.05 to improve form security.)

  • 38428 Simplify listing of items on stock rotation page (24.11.00)
  • 30715 Terminology: Logs should use staff interface and not intranet for the interface (24.11.00,24.05.02,23.11.07,23.05.15)

    This fixes the log viewer so that ‘Staff interface’ is used instead of ‘Intranet’ for the filtering option and the value displayed in the log entries interface column.Note: This does not fix the underlying value recorded in the action_log table (these are added as ‘intranet’ to the interface column), or the values shown in CSV exports.

  • 37182 ‘datetime’ field lost on pseudonymization (24.11.00,24.05.02)

    This fixes a regression where the datetime field was lost when using the pseudonymization command line script added in Koha 24.05 (misc/maintenance/pseudonymize_statistics.pl, see bug 34611). It also adds new tests.

  • 35442 Script migration_tools/build_oai_sets.pl is missing ORDER BY (24.11.00,24.05.06)
  • 38131 ILS-DI documentation still shows renewals instead of renewals_count (24.11.00)
  • 38233 ILS-DI GetRecords should filter out items hidden in OPAC and use OPAC MARCXML (24.11.00)

    This updates the ILS-DI GetRecords service to use the OPAC version of the MARCXML and filter items based on their OPAC visibility. For example, if OpacHiddenItems includes “withdrawn: [1]” (hide items with a withdrawn status of 1) and hidelostitems is set to “Don’t show”, then an ILS_DI request for a record will not show items with a withdrawn status = 1 (Withdrawn). Previously, there was no way to hide hidden items from the ILS-DI request.


New system preferences

  • AllowItemsOnLoanCheckoutSIP
  • AlwaysLoadCheckoutsTable
  • AuthorityXSLTDetailsDisplay
  • ForcePasswordResetWhenSetByStaff
  • HoldsQueueParallelLoopsCount
  • IncludeSeeAlsoFromInSearches
  • JobsNotificationMethod
  • MarcOrderingAutomation
  • NoRefundOnLostFinesPaidAge
  • OAI-PMH:HarvestEmailReport
  • OPACItemLocation
  • OPACLoginLabelTextContent
  • OPACOverDrive
  • OPACShowLibraries
  • OPACVirtualCard
  • OPACVirtualCardBarcode
  • OpacMetaRobots
  • ReportsExportFormatODS
  • ReportsExportLimit
  • RestrictPatronsWithFailedNotices
  • SMSSendMaxChar
  • SearchCancelledAndInvalidISBNandISSN
  • StaffInterfaceLanguages
  • SuggestionsLog
  • z3950Status

Deleted system preferences

  • IntranetmainUserblock
  • OpacItemLocation
  • StaffDetailItemSelection

Renamed system preferences

  • language > StaffInterfaceLanguages

New authorized value categories


New notices and slips



The Koha manual is maintained in Sphinx. The home page for Koha
documentation is

As of the date of these release notes, the Koha manual is available in the following languages:

The Git repository for the Koha manual can be found at


Complete or near-complete translations of the OPAC and staff
interface are available in this release for the following languages:

  • Arabic (96%)
  • East Armenian (100%)
  • Bulgarian (100%)
  • Chinese (Simplified) (87%)
  • Chinese (Traditional) (88%)
  • Czech (67%)
  • Dutch (86%)
  • English (100%)
  • English (New Zealand) (61%)
  • English (USA)
  • Finnish (98%)
  • French (98%)
  • French (Canada) (97%)
  • German (100%)
  • Greek (56%)
  • Hindi (97%)
  • Italian (81%)
  • Norwegian Bokmål (74%)
  • Persian (95%)
  • Polish (100%)
  • Portuguese (Brazil) (98%)
  • Portuguese (Portugal) (87%)
  • Russian (92%)
  • Slovak (60%)
  • Spanish (98%)
  • Swedish (86%)
  • Telugu (68%)
  • Turkish (81%)
  • Ukrainian (71%)
  • West Armenian (62%)

Partial translations are available for various other languages.

The Koha team welcomes additional translations; please see

For information about translating Koha, and join the koha-translate
list to volunteer:

The most up-to-date translations can be found at:

Release Team

The release team for Koha 24.11.00 is

  • Release Manager: Katrin Fischer
  • Release Manager assistants:
    • Tomás Cohen Arazi
    • Martin Renvoize
    • Jonathan Druart
  • QA Manager: Martin Renvoize
  • QA Team:
    • Marcel de Rooy
    • Kyle M Hall
    • Emily Lamancusa
    • Nick Clemens
    • Lucas Gass
    • Tomás Cohen Arazi
    • Julian Maurice
    • Victor Grousset
    • Aleisha Amohia
    • David Cook
    • Laura Escamilla
    • Jonathan Druart
    • Pedro Amorim
    • Matt Blenkinsop
    • Thomas Klausner
  • Topic Experts:
    • UI Design — Owen Leonard
    • Zebra — Fridolin Somers
    • ERM — Matt Blenkinsop
    • ILL — Pedro Amorim
    • SIP2 — Matthias Meusburger
    • CAS — Matthias Meusburger
  • Bug Wranglers:
    • Aleisha Amohia
    • Jacob O’Mara
  • Packaging Managers:
    • Mason James
    • Tomás Cohen Arazi
  • Documentation Manager: Philip Orr
  • Documentation Team:
    • Aude Charillon
    • Caroline Cyr La Rose
    • Lucy Vaux-Harvey
    • Emmanuel Bétemps
    • Marie-Luce Laflamme
    • Kelly McElligott
    • Rasa Šatinskienė
    • Heather Hernandez
  • Wiki curators:
    • Thomas Dukleth
    • George Williams
  • Release Maintainers:
    • 24.05 — Lucas Gass
    • 23.11 — Fridolin Somers
    • 23.05 — Wainui Witika-Park
    • 22.11 — Fridolin Somers


We thank the following libraries, companies, and other institutions who are known to have sponsored
new features in Koha 24.11.00

We thank the following individuals who contributed patches to Koha 24.11.00

  • Aleisha Amohia (19)
  • Pedro Amorim (174)
  • Tomás Cohen Arazi (100)
  • Noémie Ariste (1)
  • Alex Arnaud (2)
  • Katrina Bassett (1)
  • Oliver Behnke (1)
  • Matt Blenkinsop (93)
  • Jérémy Breuillard (1)
  • Alex Buckley (13)
  • Phan Tung Bui (2)
  • Rudolf Byker (1)
  • Kevin Carnes (1)
  • Nick Clemens (123)
  • David Cook (54)
  • Chris Cormack (4)
  • Jake Deery (15)
  • Paul Derscheid (71)
  • Jonathan Druart (246)
  • Michał Dudzik (1)
  • Marion Durand (1)
  • Magnus Enger (5)
  • Laura Escamilla (10)
  • Eugene Jose Espinoza (1)
  • Katrin Fischer (124)
  • Emily-Rose Francoeur (2)
  • Andrew Fuerste-Henry (3)
  • Matthias Le Gac (1)
  • Eric Garcia (16)
  • Lucas Gass (74)
  • Didier Gautheron (2)
  • Ewa Gozd (1)
  • Victor Grousset (6)
  • Thibaud Guillot (9)
  • Amit Gupta (1)
  • David Gustafsson (1)
  • Bo Gustavsson (1)
  • Michael Hafen (2)
  • Kyle M Hall (62)
  • Nicolas Hunstein (1)
  • Mason James (3)
  • Andreas Jonsson (5)
  • Janusz Kaczmarek (34)
  • Jan Kissig (11)
  • Thomas Klausner (1)
  • Denys Konovalov (1)
  • Lukas Koszyk (1)
  • Michał Kula (1)
  • Emily Lamancusa (34)
  • Sam Lau (28)
  • Brendan Lawlor (18)
  • Owen Leonard (113)
  • Yanjun Li (2)
  • CJ Lynce (9)
  • Julian Maurice (22)
  • Vicki McKay (1)
  • Matthias Meusburger (11)
  • David Nind (16)
  • Alexandre Noel (2)
  • Artur Norrby (1)
  • Andrew Nugged (2)
  • Eric Phetteplace (1)
  • Katariina Pohto (2)
  • Martin Renvoize (220)
  • Phil Ringnalda (60)
  • Adolfo Rodríguez (3)
  • Marcel de Rooy (23)
  • Caroline Cyr La Rose (24)
  • Andreas Roussos (5)
  • Johanna Räisä (8)
  • Fridolin Somers (17)
  • Catalyst Bug Squasher (4)
  • Martin Stenberg (4)
  • Lari Strand (4)
  • Raphael Straub (2)
  • Jennifer Sutton (3)
  • Emmi Takkinen (15)
  • Doris Tam (1)
  • Lari Taskula (6)
  • Petro Vashchuk (1)
  • George Veranis (2)
  • Olivier Vezina (1)
  • Hinemoea Viault (1)
  • Hammat Wele (14)
  • Wainui Witika-Park (3)
  • Baptiste Wojtkowski (11)
  • Chloe Zermatten (1)

We thank the following libraries, companies, and other institutions who contributed
patches to Koha 24.11.00

We also especially thank the following individuals who tested patches
for Koha

  • Hugo Agud (8)
  • Belal Ahmadi (1)
  • Alyssa Drake (1)
  • Hebah Amin-Headley (1)
  • Aleisha Amohia (29)
  • Pedro Amorim (97)
  • Cornelius Amzar (1)
  • Andrew Auld (2)
  • Tomás Cohen Arazi (103)
  • Sukhmandeep Benipal (15)
  • Catrina Berka (1)
  • Matt Blenkinsop (47)
  • Mary Blomley (1)
  • Philippe Blouin (1)
  • Sonia Bouis (3)
  • Valerie Burnett (1)
  • Nick Clemens (159)
  • David Cook (40)
  • Chris Cormack (35)
  • Dave Daghita (1)
  • Jake Deery (32)
  • Ray Delahunty (4)
  • Frédéric Demians (1)
  • Michal Denar (2)
  • Paul Derscheid (99)
  • Roman Dolny (73)
  • Jonathan Druart (117)
  • Nicole C. Engard (1)
  • Magnus Enger (7)
  • Laura Escamilla (34)
  • Jeremy Evans (4)
  • Katrin Fischer (1567)
  • Emily-Rose Francoeur (1)
  • Andrew Fuerste-Henry (20)
  • Eric Garcia (8)
  • Lucas Gass (115)
  • Victor Grousset (86)
  • Thibaud Guillot (2)
  • Amit Gupta (2)
  • Bo Gustavsson (1)
  • Kyle M Hall (136)
  • Andrew Fuerste Henry (5)
  • Heather Hernandez (1)
  • Olivier Hubert (1)
  • Nicolas Hunstein (3)
  • Markus John (1)
  • Barbara Johnson (10)
  • Janusz Kaczmarek (3)
  • Jan Kissig (4)
  • Thomas Klausner (10)
  • Kristi Krueger (13)
  • Michał Kula (2)
  • Tuomas Kunttu (2)
  • Emily Lamancusa (63)
  • Sam Lau (25)
  • Brendan Lawlor (37)
  • Kelly McElligott (1)
  • LEBSimonsen (14)
  • Owen Leonard (100)
  • Yanjun Li (2)
  • CJ Lynce (6)
  • Jesse Maseto (1)
  • Julian Maurice (49)
  • Kelly McElligott (3)
  • Esther Melander (16)
  • David Nind (372)
  • Alexandre Noel (2)
  • Laura ONeil (3)
  • Philip Orr (1)
  • Hayley Pelham (3)
  • Eric Phetteplace (2)
  • Hannah Prince (1)
  • Martin Renvoize (603)
  • Riomar Resurreccion (1)
  • Phil Ringnalda (67)
  • Jason Robb (2)
  • Marcel de Rooy (121)
  • Caroline Cyr La Rose (11)
  • Johanna Räisä (1)
  • Lisette Scheer (27)
  • Michaela Sieber (24)
  • Maryse Simard (1)
  • Michael Skarupianski (1)
  • Fridolin Somers (1)
  • Sam Sowanick (10)
  • Tadeusz „tadzik” Sośnierz (6)
  • Edith Speller (9)
  • Michelle Spinney (2)
  • Jan Steinberg (1)
  • Martha Sullivan (1)
  • Arthur Suzuki (7)
  • Emmi Takkinen (9)
  • Loïc Vassaux-Artur (2)
  • Olivier Vezina (30)
  • Marc Véron (1)
  • Alexander Wagner (2)
  • Shi Yao Wang (3)
  • George Williams (2)
  • Baptiste Wojtkowski (5)
  • Chloe Zermatten (5)
  • Anneli Österman (5)

And people who contributed to the Koha manual during the release cycle of Koha 24.11.00

  • Rudolf Byker (5)
  • Manu B (8)
  • Catrina Berka (3)
  • Aude Charillon (24)
  • Caroline Cyr La Rose (194)
  • Jonathan Field (5)
  • Heather Hernandez (4)
  • Thibault Keromnès (2)
  • Jan Kissig (1)
  • Cécile Lambour (1)
  • Brendan Lawlor (1)
  • David Nind (1)
  • Philip Orr (16)
  • Eric Phetteplace (1)
  • Heather Rommens (3)
  • Mathieu Saby (1)

We regret any omissions. If a contributor has been inadvertently missed,
please send a patch against these release notes to koha-devel@lists.koha-community.org.

Notes from the Release Manager

Getting a release out is a big adventure, including some monsters and also big rewards. I’d like to give some special thanks to:

  • My employer BSZ and my coworkers for enabling me to do this in the first place and for a second time.
  • The RM assistants Jonathan, Martin and Tomás for their help and support.
  • Our Release Maintainers for their never-ending work of backporting.
  • The people of the Koha Community for all their contributions. This wouldn’t be possible without you.
  • The libraries using Koha, without you everything we do would be pointless.
  • Jenkins: we’ve been better this time around, but I’d really like if you were failing less randomly at times.

Revision control notes

The Koha project uses Git for version control. The current development
version of Koha can be retrieved by checking out the main branch of:

The branch for this version of Koha and future bugfixes in this release
line is main.

Bugs and feature requests

Bug reports and feature requests can be filed at the Koha bug
tracker at:

He rau ringa e oti ai.
(Many hands finish the work)

Autogenerated release notes updated last on 25 Nov 2024 15:45:07.