Logs keep track of transactions in the system. You can decide which actions you want to log and which you don't using these preferences. Logs can then be viewed in the Log viewer tool.
Get there: More > Administration > System preferences > Logs
Asks: When logging actions, store a stack trace that goes at most ___ levels deep.
Default: 0
This system preference allows you to store in the action_logs table the information about where in Koha a particular logged action was generated from, and how.
Use 0 to deactivate this system preference.
This information is only stored in the database, it is not visible in the log viewer tool.
Asks: ___ dump search query as a template parameter.
افتراضي : لا تنفذ
لا تنفذ
This system preference allows you to view the search query used by Zebra or Elasticsearch, to help with troubleshooting.
Make sure to enable DumpTemplateVarsIntranet and/or DumpTemplateVarsOpac otherwise this system preference will have no effect.
The dumped query will be in the page source under 'search_query'.
Asks: ___ dump all Template Toolkit variable to a comment in the HTML source for the staff interface.
افتراضي : لا تنفذ
لا تنفذ
This system preference allows you to view the Template Toolkit variables used on a staff interface page, to help with troubleshooting.
The dumped information will be in the page source, in a comment at the beginning of the file.
See also:
الصيغة: ___ وضع كل متغيرات عدة أدوات القالب في تعليق في مصدر HTML للأوباك.
افتراضي : لا تنفذ
لا تنفذ
This system preference allows you to view the Template Toolkit variables used on an OPAC page, to help with troubleshooting.
The dumped information will be in the page source, in a comment at the beginning of the file.
See also:
Asks: ___ when acquisition actions take place.
الإفتراضي: لا تسجل
لا تسجل
This system preference controls whether or not Koha will log various actions done in the acquisitions module. These actions include:
Adding new baskets
Re-opening closed baskets
Modifying baskets
Modifying basket headers
Modifying basket users
Closing baskets
Approving baskets
Creating a new order line
Cancelling an order line
Adding an invoice adjustment
Editing an invoice adjustment
Deleting an invoice adjustment
Receiving an order line against an invoice
Editing a budget
Editing a fund
Order release date (EDIFACT)
These logs are searchable through the log viewer tool.
These logs are kept in the action_logs table in the database.
The module is 'ACQUISITIONS'.
Possible actions are
ADD_BASKET: a new basket was created
APPROVE_BASKET: an EDI basket was approved
CANCEL_ORDER: an order was cancelled
CLOSE_BASKET: a basket was closed
CREATE_FUND: a fund was created
CREATE_INVOICE_ADJUSTMENT: an adjustment was added to an invoice
CREATE_ORDER: an order was added to a basket
DELETE_FUND: a fund was deleted
DELETE_INVOICE_ADJUSTMENT: an adjustment was deleted from an invoice
MODIFY_BASKET: a basket was edited (adding or modifying orders)
MODIFY_BASKET_HEADER: a basket's information (such as the basket name or billing place) was edited
MODIFY_BASKET_USERS: a basket's users were edited
MODIFY_BUDGET: a budget was edited (this does not include clo)
MODIFY_FUND: a fund was edited
MODIFY_ORDER: an order was edited
RECEIVE_ORDER: an order was received
REOPEN_BASKET: a closed basket was reopened
UPDATE_INVOICE_ADJUSTMENT: an adjustment to an invoice was edited
Asks: ___ authentication failures.
الإفتراضي: لا تسجل
لا تسجل
This system preference controls whether or not Koha should log when a patron fails to successfully authenticate on the OPAC (or a staff member in the staff interface).
These logs are searchable through the log viewer tool.
These logs are kept in the action_logs table in the database.
The module is 'AUTH'
The action is 'FAILURE'
Asks: ___ successful authentications.
الإفتراضي: لا تسجل
لا تسجل
This system preference controls whether or not Koha should log when a patron successfully authenticates on the OPAC (or a staff member in the staff interface)
These logs are searchable through the log viewer tool.
These logs are kept in the action_logs table in the database.
The module is 'AUTH'
The action is 'SUCCESS'
الصيغة: ___ التغييرات على تسجيلات المستفيد.
الإفتراضي: سجل
لا تسجل
This system preference controls whether or not Koha should log when a patron's account is edited.
These logs are searchable through the log viewer tool.
These logs are kept in the action_logs table in the database.
The module is 'MEMBERS'.
Possible actions are
ADDCIRCMESSAGE: an internal message or OPAC message was added to the patron's account
CHANGE PASS: a patron's password was changed
CREATE: a new patron was added
DELCIRCMESSAGE: an internal message or OPAC message was deleted
DELETE: a patron's account was deleted
MODIFY: a patron's account was edited
RENEW: a patron's membership was renewed
Enabling this system preference allows the tracking of cardnumber changes for patrons.
Asks: ___ any changes to bibliographic or item records.
الإفتراضي: سجل
لا تسجل
This system preference controls whether or not Koha should log when a bibliographic record or an item is created, modified or deleted.
These logs are searchable through the log viewer tool.
These logs are kept in the action_logs table in the database.
The module is 'CATALOGUING'.
Possible actions are
ADD: bibliographic record or item was created
DELETE: bibliographic record or item was deleted
MODIFY: bibliographic record or item was modified, or a cover image was added to the record
Since this occurs whenever a title is catalogued or edited, and the whole record is saved in the action_logs table, it can be very resource intensive, thus slowing down your system or taking a lot of space.
Asks: __when an acquisitions claim or a serials claim notice is sent.
الإفتراضي: سجل
لا تسجل
This system preference controls whether or not Koha should log when a notice is sent for a late order or a late serial issue.
These logs are searchable through the log viewer tool.
These logs are kept in the action_logs table in the database.
The module is 'CLAIMS'.
The action is 'ACQUISITION CLAIM'.
الصيغة: ___ معلومات من الكرون.
الإفتراضي: لا تسجل
لا تسجل
This system preference controls whether or not Koha should log when a cron job is run.
These logs are searchable through the log viewer tool.
These logs are kept in the action_logs table in the database.
The module is 'CRONJOBS'.
The action is 'Run'.
Asks: ___ when fines are charged, paid or forgiven.
الإفتراضي: سجل
لا تسجل
This system preference controls whether or not Koha should log actions done on charges in patron's accounts.
These logs are searchable through the log viewer tool.
These logs are kept in the action_logs table in the database.
The module is 'FINES'.
Possible actions are
CREATE: a charge was added to a patron's account (manually or automatically)
MODIFY: a charge was modified (forgiven)
UPDATE: a charge was updated (only in the case of fines that are still accruing)
VOID: a payment was voided
الصيغة: ___ أي إجراءات على الحجوزات (إنشاء، إلغاء، تعليق، متابعة، إلخ).
الإفتراضي: لا تسجل
لا تسجل
This system preference controls whether or not Koha should log actions done on holds.
These logs are searchable through the log viewer tool.
These logs are kept in the action_logs table in the database.
The module is 'HOLDS'.
Possible actions are
CANCEL: a hold was cancelled
CREATE: a hold was placed
DELETE: a hold was deleted, an item on hold was checked out by the patron
FILL: a hold was confirmed and put aside to await pickup
MODIFY: a hold was modified (the priority was changed, the expiration date changed, etc.)
RESUME: a suspended hold was resumed
SUSPEND: a hold was suspended
Asks: ___ when changes to ILL requests take place.
الإفتراضي: لا تسجل
لا تسجل
This system preference controls whether or not Koha should log changes on ILL requests
These logs are searchable through the log viewer tool.
These logs are kept in the action_logs table in the database.
The module is 'ILL'.
Possible actions are
PATRON_NOTICE: a notice was sent to a patron regarding their ILL request
STATUS_CHANGE: the status of an ILL request was modified
الصيغة: ___ عند إعارة المواد.
الإفتراضي: سجل
لا تسجل
This system preference controls whether or not Koha should log when an item is checked out.
These logs are searchable through the log viewer tool.
These logs are kept in the action_logs table in the database.
The module is 'CIRCULATION'.
The action is 'ISSUE'.
Asks: ___ changes to news entries and other contents managed in the news tool.
الإفتراضي: لا تسجل
لا تسجل
This system preference controls whether or not Koha should log when a news item or HTML customization is created, modified or deleted.
These logs are searchable through the log viewer tool.
These logs are kept in the action_logs table in the database.
The module is 'NEWS'.
Possible actions are
ADD: a new news item or HTML customization was created
DELETE: a news item or HTML customization was deleted
MODIFY: a news item or HTML customization was edited
Asks: ___ changes to notice templates.
الإفتراضي: لا تسجل
لا تسجل
This system preference controls whether or not Koha should log changes to notice or slip templates.
These logs are searchable through the log viewer tool.
These logs are kept in the action_logs table in the database.
The module is 'NOTICES'.
Possible actions are
CREATE: a new notice or slip template was created
DELETE: a notice or slip template was deleted
MODIFY: a notice or slip template was edited
Asks: ___ any actions on recalls (create, cancel, expire, fulfill).
الإفتراضي: سجل
لا تسجل
This system preference controls whether or not Koha should log actions related to recalls.
These logs are searchable through the log viewer tool.
These logs are kept in the action_logs table in the database.
The module is 'RECALLS'.
Possible actions are
CANCEL: a recall was cancelled
EXPIRE: a recall expired
FILL: a recall was filled (confirmed and set aside to wait for pickup)
OVERDUE: the status of a recall was set to 'overdue'
الصيغة:___ عند تجديد المواد.
الإفتراضي: لا تسجل
لا تسجل
This system preference controls whether or not Koha should log when a checkout is renewed.
These logs are searchable through the log viewer tool.
These logs are kept in the action_logs table in the database.
The module is 'CIRCULATION'.
The action is 'RENEWAL'
الصيغة: ___ عند إضافة التقارير، أو حذفها أو تغييرها.
الإفتراضي: لا تسجل
لا تسجل
This system preference controls whether or not Koha should log changes to reports.
These logs are searchable through the log viewer tool.
These logs are kept in the action_logs table in the database.
The module is 'REPORTS'.
Possible actions are
ADD: a new report was created
DELETE: a report was deleted
MODIFY: a report was edited
Asks: ___ when items are checked in.
الإفتراضي: سجل
لا تسجل
This system preference controls whether or not Koha should log when an item is checked in
These logs are searchable through the log viewer tool.
These logs are kept in the action_logs table in the database.
The module is 'CIRCULATION'.
The action is 'RETURN'
الصيغة: ___ عند إضافة السلاسل، أو حذفها أو تغييرها.
الإفتراضي: سجل
لا تسجل
This system preference controls whether or not Koha should log changes to serial subscriptions.
These logs are searchable through the log viewer tool.
These logs are kept in the action_logs table in the database.
The module is 'SERIAL'.
Possible actions are
ADD: a new serial subscription was created
DELETE: a serial subscription was deleted
MODIFY: a serial subscription was edited
RENEW: a serial subscription was renewed
This system preference was first introduced in version 24.11 of Koha.
Asks: ___ any changes to purchase suggestions (create, modify, delete).
لا تسجل
الإفتراضي: لا تسجل
This system preference controls whether Koha should keep a log of purchase suggestions being added, updated and deleted. This is helpful when you need to troubleshoot a suggestion by checking its lifecycle.
These logs are searchable through the log viewer tool.
These logs are kept in the action_logs table in the database.
The module is 'SUGGESTION'.
Possible actions are:
CREATE: a new suggestion was created;
MODIFY: a suggestion was edited (includes updated and archived);
DELETE: a suggestion was deleted.