

Before circulating your collection you will want to set your Global system preferences, Basic parameters and Patrons and circulation rules.


  • 按著Alt+Q,進入搜尋目錄

  • 按 Alt+U 進入借出

    • 麥金塔電腦無此功能

  • 按著Alt+R,進入還入


    麥金塔電腦以 OPTION 鈕取代 ALT

Check out (issuing)


  • Check out option in the search bar at the top of the staff interface’s main page


  • Check out option in the search bar at the top of the main circulation page

    The search bar at the top of the circulation module main page; the selected tab is Check out

Those two options are essentially a patron search. If you only have one result, Koha will automatically go to the patron’s file, in the 『Check out』 tab.

Check out tab of a patron file, current checkouts are hidden

If your search gives you more than one result, it will ask you to choose which patron to check out to.

Patron search results table


You can customize the columns of this table in the 『Table settings』 section of the Administration module, under the patrons tab (table id: memberresultst).

Clicking on a patron search result will bring you to the patron’s file, on the 『Details』 tab. Click the 『Check out』 tab to access the check out screen.

If you have enabled batch checkouts, click the batch check out tab on the patron record

Batch checkout page in a patron file, there is an option to import a file, manually enter barcodes, and add a hard due date

Checking items out


Check out tab of a patron file, current checkouts are hidden

If 『Always show checkouts immediately』 is checked, you will see the list of current checkouts below the check out box.

Check out tab of a patron file, current checkouts are displayed


The previousIssuesDefaultSortOrder system preference controls in which order these previous checkouts appear (earliest to latest, or latest to earliest).


You can customize the columns of this table in the 『Table settings』 section of the Administration module, under the circulation tab (table id: issues-table).

At the top of the check out screen is a field to type or scan the item’s barcode into.


Many modern barcode scanners will send a 『return』 to the browser, making it so that the 『Check out』 button is automatically clicked.

  • 若該館藏沒有條碼,系統將提示您以快速編目的方式,把條碼加入。參閱本手冊的 快速編目 章節。

  • If the itemBarcodeFallbackSearch system preference is set to 『Enable』, you can enter a keyword search in this box instead of just a barcode (this will make it possible to check out using title and/or call number).

  • If the AutoSwitchPatron system preference is set to 『Enable』, scanning a patron barcode here will take you to that patron’s file.

按下 『借出設定』 連結,就能夠擴展借出的其他設定選項。

Checkout box with checkout settings section opened

  • Specify due date: this option can be used to override the default due date for the item, as defined in the circulation and fines rules.


    This option will only appear if the SpecifyDueDate system preference is set to allow staff to override the due date.

    • The red 『X』 is used to clear the date. If the 『specify due date』 field is empty, the default due date, as defined in the circulation and fines rules is used.

    • Remember for this session: check this box to use the same date for all checkouts. This will not only keep the specified due date for this patron but for all patrons, until you log out of the staff interface.

  • Automatic renewal: this option will allow this item to automatically be renewed

  • Don’t decrease checkout length based on holds: this option overrides the decreaseLoanHighHolds system preference.


    This option will only appear if the decreaseLoanHighHolds system preference is enabled.

  • On-site checkout: this option indicates that this checkout is an on-site checkout.


    This option will only appear if the checkout of items on site to patrons is allowed. These are usually items that are not for loan that you would like to check out for in-library use.

At the bottom of the page there is a summary of the patron’s current checked out items along with the due date (and time if the item is an hourly loan). Items checked out today will appear at the top, previously checked out items will be underneath.


The todaysIssuesDefaultSortOrder system preference controls in which order these new checkouts appear (earliest to latest, or latest to earliest).



If an item is checked out for on-site use, that information will be highlighted in red in the checkout summary.

Section of the patron's current checkouts table showing only onsite checkouts

The 『Export』 button at the top of the table allows you to export the patron’s current checkouts in either Microsoft Excel or CSV format, or even copy or print their checkouts.

Export checkouts options (Excel, CSV, copy or print)


Checkout box with notes and messages next to it

If the patron has a hold waiting at the library, that too will appear to the right of the check out box making it easy for the circulation staff to see that there is another item to give to the patron.

The details of the checkouts will appear on the record detail page in the staff interface as well.

Item table in a record detail page showing which items are checked out and to whom

Printing receipts


若設定 CircAutoPrintQuickSlip 偏好為 『開啟列印快速收條視窗』,則按下歸位鍵或以條碼閱讀機掃瞄桌面的空白處。就是 「借出」 一筆空白條碼的館藏以列印 『快速收條』。

可勾選螢幕上方的列印鈕並選擇 『列印收條』 或 『快速列印收條』。


若選擇 『列印收條』 將列印讀者借出的所有收條,包括稍早借出的內容。選擇 『快速列印收條』 則僅列印今天借出的館藏。

『列印摘要』 將產生全頁摘要的讀者流通資訊與 『列印逾期』 將列印所有逾期館藏的收條。

『Print checkin slip』 will print out a slip that lists items that were checked in today.

What prints on the slips can be customized by altering the slip templates under the Notices & slips tool.

Clear patron information

若設定 DisplayClearScreenButton 偏好為 『顯示』,可在辦理借出手續後,點選該讀者資訊右上角的 X,清空畫面,供下個讀者辦理手續。


若設定 CircAutoPrintQuickSlip 偏好為 『清空畫面』 祗需按下歸位鍵或掃瞄空白條碼,就可以清空畫面。

Batch checkouts

If you would like to perform a batch check out you can do so by turning on the BatchCheckouts system preference and assigning the proper patron categories via the BatchCheckoutsValidCategories system preference. This will allow you to use an RFID pad that reads multiple barcodes or perform a batch check out for training internal use.

Batch checkout page in a patron file, there is an option to import a file, manually enter barcodes, and add a hard due date

From this screen you can scan several barcodes or load a file of barcodes.

If you have the SpecifyDueDate system preference enabled you will have the option to set a due date for the checkouts.

If the items cannot be checked out, a warning will be provided on the following screen, with the option to uncheck the items that are not to be checked out.

Warning messages when performing a batch of checkouts


Batch checkout to a statistical patron, all checkouts were recorded as local use

Check out messages

被借出的套書若已著錄於館藏紀錄 (於 MARC21 時) 的分欄 3 將彈出訊息告知還有其他部份可借出。

Message in circulation, the message says "Note about the accompanying materials: + 1 folded map"

有時,Koha 將禁止館藏借出館藏給讀者。發生此事時,會出現警示訊息提示原因。

  • 讀者待付罰款過多


  • 此讀者帳號被停權


  • 讀者需確認其地址


    • 館員經由編輯讀者紀錄與新增 旗標 設定它

  • 遺失讀者證的讀者


    • 館員經由編輯讀者紀錄與新增 旗標 設定它

Check out warnings


  • 讀者有待繳罰款


  • 被別人預約的館藏


  • 館藏應在預約書架等待提取


  • 館藏已經借出給該讀者


  • 館藏已借出給其他讀者


    • 此警示允許為企圖借出的讀者預約該館藏。

  • 不外借館藏


  • 借出數量已滿,且 AllowTooManyOverride 偏好設為 『允許』


  • 借出數量已滿,且 AllowTooManyOverride 偏好設為 「不允許」


  • 不能續借的館藏


  • 找不到條碼號


  • 借出的館藏已被標記為 『遺失』

    • IssueLostItem 偏好的設定,可能看到的警示為




  • 不建議此年齡層的讀者借出此館藏


  • Item being checked out meets the decreaseLoanHighHolds system preference criteria


  • Item has accompanying material (field 952$3, 『Materials specified』, is filled)

    Message in a blue box 'Note about the accompanying materials: 2 DVD'

    • If CircConfirmItemParts is set to 『Require』, the staff member will have to confirm the checkout

      Alert in a yellow box asking to confirm checkout 'Please confirm checkout Please confirm that the accompanying materials are present: 2 DVD Yes, check out (Y) No, don't check out (N)'


Checked out items can be renewed (checked out for another period of time) based on your circulation rules and renewal preferences.

允許續借,讀者可以經由 OPAC 續借它,但有時仍需要從館員介面續借。



Issues table (circulation summary) in the patron file

In the Renew column you will see how many times each item has been renewed and a checkbox to renew the item for the patron. Check the box of the items you would like to renew and click the 『Renew or return checked items』 button, or to renew all items checked out to the patron simply click the 『Renew all』 button.

Two buttons 'Renew or check in selected items' and 'Renew all'

設定 AllowRenewalLimitOverride 偏好為 『允許』,繞過借閱規則不允許續借的規定。若允許繞過借閱限制,需勾選左流通摘要左下角的勾選盒。按該盒並選擇續借的館藏。

Bottom of the circulation summary table, there are two checkboxes 'Override renewal restrictions' and 'Renew as unseen if appropriate', followed by two buttons 'Renew or check in selected items' and 'Renew all'. The checkbox 'Override renewal restrictions' is checked.


You can also mark a renewal as 『unseen』, to differentiate between renewals where staff has actually seen the item, versus renewals where they didn’t see it (over the phone, for example). To do this, you must first enable the UnseenRenewals system preference. Once enabled, a checkbox will appear at the bottom left of the circulation summary. Check that box to mark the renewals as 『unseen』. Then click either 『Renew or check in selected items』 or 『Renew all』.

Bottom of the circulation summary table, there are two checkboxes 'Override renewal restrictions' and 'Renew as unseen if appropriate', followed by two buttons 'Renew or check in selected items' and 'Renew all'. The checkbox 'Renew as unseen if appropriate' is checked.

第二個方法是進入流通選單下的 『續借』 頁面。










Check in (returning)


  • 館員介面上方的還入盒


  • 在流通頁面快速搜尋區的還入選項


  • 讀者借出摘要(以及借出摘要頁面)的還入連結


  • 流通選單下的還入頁面


  • Koha also offers an automatic checkin feature, which can be set in item types.

Checking items in




  • You can customize the columns of this table in the 『Table settings』 section of the Administration module (table id: checkedintable).

處理還入箱的館藏時先勾選 『還入箱模式』 再掃瞄館藏。才能把還入日期設為上個開館日。

  • This requires that you have your closings added to the calendar tool

掃瞄館藏前,先點選 『豁免收費』 盒,就能豁免所有還入館藏的費用。

若設定 SpecifyReturnDate 偏好為 『允許』 您將可以在還入盒之下設定還入日期。


Check in messages


  • 從所屬圖書館以外的圖書館借出館藏時,將有訊息要求讀者將館藏轉移至所屬圖書館


    • 還入館藏後,目錄裡面館藏的狀態將改為 『傳送中』


    • 還入館藏於所屬圖書館,就能標記該館藏在所屬圖書館


      • 訊息將顯示出來,告知館藏未被借出,但目錄的狀態將是可取得。此步驟標示館藏已由所屬圖書館收到。

  • 勾選的館藏是成套時,顯示提示訊息表示還有其他部份可借出

    Message in a blue box 'Note about the accompanying materials: 2 DVD'

    • If CircConfirmItemParts is set to 『Require』, the staff member will have to confirm the checkin

      Alert modal asking to confirm checkin 'Please confirm checkin Please confirm that the accompanying materials are present: 2 DVD Yes, check in (Y) No, don't check in (N)'

  • 還入已被預約的館藏時,將出現確認該預約的訊息


    • 勾選確認預約鈕,將標記該館藏為預約到館待提取


    • Clicking the 『Print slip and confirm』 button will mark the item as waiting for pickup at the library and present the library with a receipt to print and place on the book with the patron’s information

    • 忽略預約將保留館藏在預約狀態,但保留其狀態為可借出(不能取消預約)

  • 還入的館藏被其他分館預約時,系統將提示確認該預約並轉移此館藏

    Hold found pop up message indicating the item should be transferred to Centerville, the pickup library. The options are 'Confirm hold and transfer', 'Print slip, transfer, and confirm' or 'Ignore'

    • Clicking the 『Confirm hold and transfer』 button will mark the item as in transit to the library where the hold was placed


    • Clicking the 『Print slip, transfer and confirm』 button will mark the item as in transit to the library where the hold was placed and present the library with a receipt to print and place on the book with the patron’s information

    • 忽略預約將保留館藏在預約狀態,但保留其狀態為可借出(不能取消預約)

  • 若設定 (FineNotifyAtCheckin) 偏好為還入時顯示罰款,將顯示金額與連結至付費頁面


Circulation messages


Setting up messages

Circulation messages are set up as authorized values. To add or edit circulation messages you want to work with the BOR_NOTES value.


在 『說明』 欄位鍵入顯示在讀者記錄裡的罐頭訊息。


此 『說明』 欄位的長度以 80 字元為限,超出的訊息可置於讀者訊息欄位。在 『說明』 欄位鍵入前 80 個字元再把其他內容置於讀者紀錄。

Adding a message

在讀者的借出分頁裡,可在借出盒右方看到 『新增訊息』 鈕,連結至 『新增一個訊息』。






Viewing messages



給讀者看的訊息同時顯示在讀者登入的 OPAC。



Koha allows patrons to put things on hold. A 『Hold』 is a way to reserve an item. Depending on your circulation and fines rules and hold preference settings patrons will be able to place items on hold for pickup at the library at a later date/time.

Placing holds in staff client

There are several ways to place holds from the staff client. The most obvious is using the 『Place hold』 button at the top of any bibliographic record.


You can also click the smaller 『Place hold』 link found at the top of your catalog search results, or the 『Holds』 link found below each result.




打開讀者紀錄,再勾選上方的 『搜尋預約』 鈕,就可以找到該讀者的預約情況。


點選之後,將進入目錄搜尋頁面,可找到需預約的館藏。在結果的題名旁有個 『供讀者預約』 的選項。


對套書預約時,勾選左方的盒,並 『預約』 鈕的選擇向右箭頭。




  • 鍵入適用於此預約的任何說明

  • 選擇讀者提取館藏的圖書館

  • AllowHoldItemTypeSelection 偏好設 『允許』 且該筆記錄有多筆館藏類型,則可選擇預約特定的館藏類型


  • 在 『於此日期預約』 欄位鍵入日期,就從該日開始預約而不是今日

  • 在 『於此日期後不要預約』 鍵入日期,就在在該日期之後不再預約此館藏,或經過指定時日仍未收到館藏也不再預約此館藏

    • To have expired holds cancelled automatically you will need to have the Expired holds cron job set to run on a regular basis.

  • 接著點選館藏旁的圓點,藉以預約下個可用的館藏或指定館藏。

  • If you are placing a hold for internal purposes, such as checking for missing pages or needing to add a sticker, you can place a 『non-priority』 hold. This type of hold will not prevent the patron who currently has the item to renew their checkout.



Once your hold is placed, if you’d like to have Koha forget that you used the 『Search to hold』 function, you can choose to have Koha 『forget』 the patron’s name by clicking the arrow to the right of the 『Place hold』 button on the search results and choosing the 『Forget』 option.


Managing holds

Holds can be altered and cancelled from the holds tab found on the left of the bibliographic record.





If you have your AutoResumeSuspendedHolds preference set to 「Don’t allow」 then you will not have the option to put an end date on the hold suspension.


If you have your AllowHoldDateInFuture preference set to 「Don’t allow」 you will not have the option to edit the date the hold was placed (the column labelled Date).


If you have the HoldsSplitQueue system preference set you will see the holds list split across different tables by either pickup library, itemtype or both.


Depending on how you have your HidePatronName system preference set the list may show card numbers instead of names in the patron column like in the image above.

從 『優先次序』 下拉選單選擇,或按著右方的箭頭,就能重新排列或刪除預約。


若使用優先下拉選單重新安排或刪除預約,則需要按下 『更新預約』 鈕,儲存改變。




If a patron asks to have their hold suspended and you have the SuspendHoldsIntranet system preference set to 『allow』 you can do so by clicking the 『Suspend』 button to far right. If the patron gives you a date for the items to become unsuspended you can enter that in the date box and click the 『Update hold(s)』 button to save your changes.


按預約列右方紅色的 『X』 就能刪除或取消預約。從每列左方的下拉選單選擇 『刪除』,再按清單下方的 『更新預約』,就能刪除/取消多個預約。


If your library uses the patron clubs feature, use the clubs tab to place a hold for a club. To place a hold for a club, click the clubs tab, search for and select the club name, and click the 『Place hold』 button.


Receiving holds

When items that are on hold are checked in or out the system will remind the circulation staff that the item is on hold and offer them options for managing the hold.


Hold found pop up message indicating the item should be transferred to Centerville, the pickup library. The options are 'Confirm hold and transfer', 'Print slip, transfer, and confirm' or 'Ignore'


Hold found pop up message. The options are 'Confirm hold', 'Print slip and confirm' or 'Ignore'

If the item needs to be transferred, clicking 『Confirm and transfer』 or 『Print slip, transfer, and confirm』 will mark the item as in transit to the proper library.

If the item is already at the pickup library, clicking the 『Confirm』 or the 『Print slip and confirm』 button will mark the item as ready for pickup by the patron.

Clicking 『Ignore』 will retain the hold, but allow the item to be checked out to another patron or change the status of the item (if it was returned damaged, for example).

The 『Print slip and confirm』 or 『Print slip, transfer, and confirm』 options will open a printable page that you can attach to the item with the necessary hold or transfer information.


The slip that is printed is the HOLD_SLIP notice. It can be modified with the Notices & slips tool.

When the hold is confirmed, if the patron is notified, the 『hold filled』 notice will be sent to them.


The notice that is sent is the HOLD notice. It can be modified with the

Notices & slips tool.


If the HoldsAutoFill system preference is enabled, the circulation staff will not have to confirm the hold, but they will have the option to print the hold or transfer slip.

Hold found and confirmed message. The only option is to print the slip

If the HoldsAutoFillPrintSlip system preference is enabled, the print window to print the hold or transfer slip will open automatically.

Once confirmed, the hold will show as 『waiting』 on the patron record and on the checkout screen under the 『Holds』 tab.

Table of patron's current holds


Holdings table in a bibliographic record in the staff interface, the item's status indicates that it is Waiting at Centerville since 07/28/2022. Hold for Mary Burton.

In some cases, a patron may come in to pick up a hold on behalf of someone else. In this case, make sure that the hold is cancelled when you check the item out to someone else. Alternatively, a check out might be attempted in error for an item that is already waiting for someone else. In this case you will be presented with a warning message.

Warning message when attempting to checkout an item that is currently on hold and awaiting pickup to another patron. There are two options: Cancel hold and Revert waiting status. And three buttons: Yes, checkout, Don't checkout and print slip, or No, don't checkout.

  • Cancel hold: in combination with 『Yes, check out』, this option will cancel the current hold and check the item out to the new patron.

  • Revert waiting status: in combination with 『Yes, check out』, this option will revert the waiting status of the hold (the patron who placed the hold will be back in first position in the queue) and check the item out to the new patron.

  • Yes, check out: this option will check the item out to the current patron.

  • Don’t check out and print slip: this option will open the print window to print the hold slip, the check out will be cancelled and the hold will remain.

  • No, don’t check out: this option will cancel the check out, the hold will remain.

If you try to check in an item that is already waiting to be picked up, a pop up indicating that a hold was found and the item is already waiting will appear.

Hold found item is already waiting checkin message

  • Confirm hold: this option will keep the existing hold.

  • Print slip and confirm: this option will open the print window to print the hold slip and keep the existing hold.

  • Cancel hold: this option will remove the hold.

    • If you cancel the hold and further holds exist for the item you will be presented with a new option to confirm the hold for the next patron.


The recalls feature allows users to recall items that are currently checked out. Once the recall is confirmed, the borrower who currently has the item checked out will be notified that their due date has been adjusted and they need to return their item. Once recalled items are returned, the recall requester will be notified that their item is awaiting pickup at their specified pickup location.

See the requesting recalls section to learn how to place a recall in the OPAC.

Setting up recalls in Koha

To use this feature:

  • Enable the UseRecalls system preference

  • Set the RecallsMaxPickUpDelay system preference

  • Optionally, enable the RecallsLog system preference

  • Modify the following sections in the relevant circulation rules

    • Recalls allowed (count)

    • Recalls per record (count)

    • On shelf recalls allowed

    • Recall due date interval (day)

    • Recall overdue fine amount

    • Recall pickup period

  • Make sure all the staff member who will be managing recalls have the superlibrarian or manage_recalls permission

  • Schedule the recalls cronjobs

  • Review the recalls notices and slips to make sure they have all the information needed

Managing recalls

The recalls feature is relatively automated. Staff do not have a lot of manipulations to do to manage recalls.

Recall statuses

The possible statuses for recalls are the following:

Receiving recalled items

Upon checkin in an item that has been recalled, a pop up will appear asking the staff member to confirm or ignore the recall.

Pop up indicating the checked in item has been recalled

  • Confirm recall: this option will put the recall in 『Waiting』 status and, if the patron has an email address in their file, will notify them that their recalled item is now ready for pickup.


    The notice sent is PICKUP_RECALLED_ITEM. You can modify it’s content in the notices and slips tool

  • Print slip and confirm: this option will print a slip you can attach to the item (similar to a hold slip) in addition to everything the 『confirm recall』 does (change the status and send the notice).


    The slip is RECALL_REQUESTER_DET. You can modify it’s content in the notices and slips tool

  • Ignore: this option will check in the item, but the recall will not be set as awaiting pickup and the patron will not be notified.

If the patron asked to pick up their recalled item at a different library, a transfer will be triggered.

Pop up indicating the checked in item has been recalled and needs to be transferred to a different library

  • Confirm recall and transfer: this option will put the recall 『In transit』.

  • Print slip, transfer, and confirm: this option will print a slip you can attach to the item (similar to a hold slip) in addition to setting the recall as 『In transit』.

  • Ignore: this option will check in the item, but the recall will not be set as 『In transit』


The patron will not be notified that their recall is ready for them with any of the above options.

Cancelling recalls


Only requested or overdue recalls can be cancelled.

It is not possible to cancel a recall that is currently awaiting pickup

Staff can cancel recalls from various screen in the staff interface.

  • Cancel from the recalls queue either individually by clicking the 『Actions』 button and selecting the 『Cancel』 option.

    Screenshot of the recalls queue, the Actions button is clicked and the mouse cursor is on the Cancel option.

    Or by selecting several recalls and clicking the 『Cancel selected recalls』 button at the bottom of the screen.

    If the recalled item is currently in transit, the cancel option will also trigger a transfer back to the item’s home library.

    Screenshot of the recalls queue, the Actions button is clicked and the mouse cursor is on the Cancel recall and return to option.

  • Cancel from the recalls to pull by clicking the 『Cancel recall』 button on the right

    Recalls to pull table

    If the recalled item is currently in transit, the cancel option will also trigger a transfer back to the item’s home library.

    Recalls to pull table, the Cancel button is replaced by Cancel and return to if the item is in transit

  • Cancel from the overdue recalls list either individually by clicking the 『Actions』 button and selecting the 『Cancel』 option.

    Screenshot of the overdue recalls, the Actions button is clicked and the mouse cursor is on the Cancel option.

    Or by selecting several recalls and clicking the 『Cancel selected recalls』 button at the bottom of the screen.

  • Cancel from the 『Recalls』 tab of a bibliographic record by clicking the 『Actions』 button and selecting the 『Cancel』 option.

    Recalls tab of a bibliographic record show all the existing recalls on this record, the Actions button is clicked and the mouse cursor is on the Cancel option.

    Or by selecting several recalls and clicking the 『Cancel selected recalls』 button at the bottom of the screen.

  • Cancel from the 『Recalls』 tab of a patron’s details page by clicking the 『Actions』 button and selecting the 『Cancel』 option.

    The recalls tab of a patron details page, the Actions button is clicked and the mouse cursor is on the Cancel option.

  • Cancel from the 『Recalls history』 tab of a patron’s file by clicking the 『Actions』 button and selecting the 『Cancel』 option.

    The Recalls history tab of a patron's file, the Actions button is clicked and the mouse cursor is on the Cancel option.

Changing waiting recalls』 status

If a recall is currently awaiting pickup and for some reason the staff needs to change this status (for example, the requesting patron called and they won’t be picking up the recall), it is possible to revert the waiting status.

  • Revert the status from the recalls queue by clicking the 『Actions』 button and selecting the 『Revert waiting』 option.

    Screenshot of the recalls queue, the Actions button is clicked and the mouse cursor is on the Revert waiting option.

  • Revert the status from the Recalls awaiting pickup list by clicking the 『Revert waiting status』 button on the right.

    Recalls awaiting pickup list

Marking recalls as overdue

If a recall is not checked in by the new due date, it should be marked as overdue by the overdue_recalls cronjob. However, it is possible to mark recalls as overdue manually.

From the recalls queue, click the 『Actions』 button and selecting the 『Mark as overdue』 option.

Screenshot of the recalls queue, the Actions button is clicked and the mouse cursor is on the Mark as overdue option.

Overdue recalls appear in the Overdue recalls list.

Expiring recalls

If a recall as been awaiting pickup for longer than the allowed period defined in RecallsMaxPickUpDelay, it should be expired automatically by the expire_recalls cronjob. However, it is possible to expire recalls manually.

From the recalls awaiting pickup list, click the 『Expire recall』 button on the right.

Recalls awaiting pickup list

Recalls reports

Once recalls are set up, new sections will appear in the circulation module.

  • Get there: Circulation > Recalls

Recalls queue

The recalls queue shows all the current active recalls with their statuses.

Recalls queue table

From the recalls queue, staff can cancel active recalls either individually by clicking the 『Actions』 button and selecting the 『Cancel』 option.

Screenshot of the recalls queue, the Actions button is clicked and the mouse cursor is on the Cancel option.

Or by selecting several recalls and clicking the 『Cancel selected recalls』 button at the bottom of the screen.

For recalls that are in transit, it is possible to cancel them and this will trigger a transfer back to their home library.

Screenshot of the recalls queue, the Actions button is clicked and the mouse cursor is on the Cancel recall and return to option.

For recalls that are currently awaiting pickup, it is possible to revert the waiting status by clicking the 『Actions』 button and selecting the 『Revert waiting』 option.

Screenshot of the recalls queue, the Actions button is clicked and the mouse cursor is on the Revert waiting option.

For recalls that are overdue, it is possible to mark them as such from the recalls queue by clicking the 『Actions』 button and selecting the 『Mark as overdue』 option.

Screenshot of the recalls queue, the Actions button is clicked and the mouse cursor is on the Mark as overdue option.

Recalls to pull

The recalls to pull list shows all the records that have been recalled but that have available items that could fulfill the request.

Recalls to pull table

Staff can pick up these items from the shelves and check them in to fulfill the requests.

From the recalls to pull list, staff can cancel recalls if needed, by clicking the 『Cancel recall』 button on the right.

If the item is currently in transit, cancelling the recall will also trigger a transfer back the the item’s home library.

Recalls to pull table, the Cancel button is replaced by Cancel and return to if the item is in transit

Overdue recalls

This list shows the items that have been recalled but have not been returned by the new due date.

Recalls can be marked as overdue automatically through the overdue_recalls cronjob or manually.

Overdue recalls list

From this list, staff can cancel active recalls either individually by clicking the 『Actions』 button and selecting the 『Cancel』 option.

Screenshot of the overdue recalls, the Actions button is clicked and the mouse cursor is on the Cancel option.

Or by selecting several recalls and clicking the 『Cancel selected recalls』 button at the bottom of the screen.

Recalls awaiting pickup

The recalls awaiting pickup list shows all the recalls that are currently waiting for the patron to come and get them.

Recalls awaiting pickup list

This list is divided in two tabs:

  • Recalls waiting: shows all the recalls currently awaiting pickup.

  • Recalls waiting over x days: shows the recalls that have been waiting for more than the number of days specified in the RecallsMaxPickUpDelay system preference.

From this list, staff can revert waiting recalls by clicking on the 『Revert waiting status』 button on the right.

Staff can also manually expire recalls by clicking on the 『Expire recall』 button on the far right.

Old recalls

The old recalls list shows all the inactive recalls (completed, cancelled and expired).

Old recalls list



  • *到那裡:*流通 > 轉移


  • 按流通頁面的 『轉移』


    • 鍵入想要轉移館藏去的圖書館

    • 掃瞄或鍵入要轉移館藏的條碼

  • 勾選 『送出』


  • 該館藏應在轉移中


  • 館藏到達轉移圖書館後,館員必須還入該館藏以確認不再是轉移中

  • 館藏不會永久移置新館


    • The item shows the same 『Home library』 but has updated the 『Current location』 to note where it resides at this time

Set library

By default you will enter the staff client as if you are at your home library. This library will appear in the top right of the staff client.


這個圖書館是借還書的地方。若您在另個圖書館(或流動書車)則流通之前應先設定您的圖書館。設定的方法是勾選右上方的 『設定』 或進入流通頁面。



Fast add cataloging

Sometimes circulation librarians need to quickly add a record to the system for an item they are about to check out. This is called 『Fast add』. To allow circulation librarians access to the Fast add cataloging tool, simply make sure they have the fast_cataloging permissions. There are two ways to add titles via fast add. If you know that you’re about to check out an item that isn’t in you catalog you can go to the Circulation module and click 『Fast cataloging.』







勾選 『快速編目』 出現快速編目表單,讓您鍵入題名資訊


點選 『儲存』 後,進入館藏紀錄,條碼號已經有了。


勾選 『新增館藏』 鈕後,自動借出原先打算借出的館藏。


Circulation reports


  • 到那裡: 流通 > 流通報表

Holds queue

This report will show you all holds waiting to be pulled off the shelf at your library.



  • You can customize the columns of this table in the 『Table settings』 section of the Administration module (table id: holds-table).

To generate this report, you must have the Build holds queue cron job running. This cron job is a script that should be run periodically if your library system allows borrowers to place on-shelf holds. This script decides which library should be responsible for fulfilling a given hold request.

It’s behavior is controlled by the system preferences StaticHoldsQueueWeight, RandomizeHoldsQueueWeight and UseTransportCostMatrix.

不讓所有圖書館參與館藏滿足預約計畫,應列出 *要* 參加該計畫圖書館的條碼,並以逗點區隔(如:」MPL,CPL,SPL,BML」 等)。

By default, the holds queue will be generated such that the system will first attempt to hold fulfillment using items already at the pickup library if possible. If there are no items available at the pickup library to fill a hold, build_holds_queue.pl will then use the list of libraries defined in StaticHoldsQueueWeight. If RandomizeHoldsQueueWeight is disabled (which it is by default), the script will assign fulfillment requests in the order the branches are placed in the StaticHoldsQueueWeight system preference.

For example, if your system has three libraries, of varying sizes ( small, medium and large) and you want the burden of holds fulfillment to be on larger libraries before smaller libraries, you would want StaticHoldsQueueWeight to look something like 「LRG,MED,SML」.


An alternative to static and randomized is using the Tansport cost matrix. It takes precedence in controlling where holds are filled from and allows you to define the 『cost』 of transport between any two libraries. To use the Transport cost matrix simply set your UseTransportCostMatrix preference to 『Use』.


This report will show you all of the items that have holds on them that are available at the library for pulling. If the items are available at multiple libraries then all libraries with that item available will see the hold to pull until one library triggers the hold.

If enabled, clicking the Mark item as lost button will mark item as lost and notify the requesting patron depending on the value of the CanMarkHoldsToPullAsLost system preference.



  • You can customize the columns of this table in the 『Table settings』 section of the Administration module (table id: holds-to-pull).

You can choose which LOST value to set the item to with the UpdateItemWhenLostFromHoldList system preference.







  • You can customize the columns of this table in the 『Table settings』 section of the Administration module (table id: holdst).

Items that have been on the hold shelf longer than you normally allow (based on the ReservesMaxPickUpDelay preference value) will appear on the 『Holds over』 tab, they will not automatically be cancelled unless you have set the cron job to do that for you, but you can cancel all holds using the button at the top of the list.



  • You can customize the columns of this table in the 『Table settings』 section of the Administration module (table id: holdso).


預約比率有助於館藏發展。根據此報表可看出預約的讀者數以及該買的複本。此報表需要 3 本館藏才能滿足每個預約。此報告將告知應採購多少額外的館藏,以滿足此需求。



  • You can customize the columns of this table in the 『Table settings』 section of the Administration module (table id: holds-ratios).







TransfersMaxDaysWarning 系統偏好設定轉移館藏應到達的天數。

Article requests

Article requests are somewhat similar to holds, but are not requests for an item to check out. Instead, article requests are requests for a photocopy of a particular section of a book or an article from a serial issue. This is very common in academic libraries where researchers may request a copy of a single article found in a journal.

Setting up article requests

First, enable your system preference for ArticleRequests.

Set to 『Enable』 patrons to place article requests.


You can set 3 different system preferences for mandatory fields to be filled in depending on how your records are requested.

The ArticleRequestsOpacHostRedirection system preference is used if you create analytical records. If enabled, it will redirect the patron from the child record to the host record in the OPAC.

The ArticleRequestsSupportedFormats system preference determines the various formats patrons can request their articles in (either photocopy or scan).

Next you will want to go into your circulation and fines rules matrix and select each rule for which you want to allow requests.

You can allow requests to be made at the record level, item level, yes (which means both) and no (which means no article requests may be placed).

You can also limit the number of open article requests a patron can have at one time by patron category in the Default open article requests limit section of the circulation rules page.

You can set up a fee for each article request in the Default article request fees section of the circulation rules page.

Placing article requests

接者可以從館員介面或 OPAC 提出請求。

In the staff client, on the record details page, you will see a 『Request article』 button at the top and an 『Article requests』 tab to the left. The two options lead to the same page.

Detailed record in the staff interface

Just like a hold, you will be prompted to enter the patron’s card number or name.

Patron search screen for an article request

If there is a fee, a message will appear to inform the staff member.

Warning message in the staff interface indicating the patron will be charged 2.00 for every article request

Fill in the form.

Article request form in the staff interface


The mandatory fields are set through the three system preferences ArticleRequestsMandatoryFields, ArticleRequestsMandatoryFieldsItemsOnly, and ArticleRequestsMandatoryFieldsRecordOnly.

  • Title: enter the title of the requested article or chapter

  • Author: enter the author of the requested article or chapter

  • Volume: enter the volume in which this article or chapter is found

  • Issue: enter the issue in which this article is found

  • Date: enter the date of the issue in which this article is found

  • Table of contents: check to indicate the patron wants a copy of the table of contents

  • Pages: enter the pages to photocopy or scan

  • Chapters: enter the chapters to photocopy or scan

  • Patron notes: enter any relevant notes

  • Format: choose the format in which the patron wishes to receive this article or chapter


    The possible formats are defined in the ArticleRequestsSupportedFormats system preference.

  • Pickup library: choose the library at which the patron wishes to pick up their photocopy

If allowed, choose the specific item to request.

Then, click on 『Place request』.

From the OPAC, patrons can place requests themselves either from the results list

Results list in the OPAC

or by going to the detailed record.

Detailed record in the OPAC

As with a hold, if the patron is not logged in, they will be asked to do so.

The form is the same as the one in the staff interface.

Article request form in the OPAC

If there is a fee, a message will appear to inform the patron.

Warning message in the OPAC indicating the patron will be charged 3.00 for every article request

If allowed, the patron can choose the specific item to request.

From their account, the patron will be able to follow the progress of their request from 『new』

The view of an article request in the patron's account in the OPAC, the status is set to new

to 『pending』, if necessary,

The view of an article request in the patron's account in the OPAC, the status is set to pending

to 『processing』.

The view of an article request in the patron's account in the OPAC, the status is set to processing

The patron will also receive an email notification when the status of the request changes.

Once the request is completed the patron will receive an email notification and the article request will no longer appear in their account.

Email notifications can be customized in notices and slips.

Managing article requests


Pending article request notification at the bottom of the main page of the staff interface


Article requests table

New requests are in the 『New』 tab.

The first step would be for a staff member to process the request, that moves the request to the processing tab and alerts other staff members that the request is in process. In the actions column, click on the dropdown menu and select 『Process request』. This will move the request to the processing tab.

The actions menu next to a new article request has the following options, 'Set request as pending', 'Process request', 'Complete request', 'Cancel request', and 'Print slip'

If for any reason, a request cannot be processed right away (for example, if the title is currently checked out), the status can be changed to 『Pending』. This will send a notice to the patron indicating the request has been received and seen, but has yet to be processed.


Once that is complete, staff can print the article request slip (this can be customized in notices and slips under AR_SLIP) and staple or paper clip it to the article. In the actions column, you can select the dropdown and select print slip.




Actions can also be made in bulk by checking the boxes next to the requests to process or by clicking 『Select all』, and choosing the new status from the actions menu on top of the table.

The actions button gives access to the option to complete the selected requests, cancel the selected requests or print the slip





可把 FilterBeforeOverdueReport s系統偏好設為 『必備』,在執行此報表前先篩選它。

View of the overdues report


You can customize the columns of this table in the 『Table settings』 section of the Administration module (table id: circ-overdues).



按 『顯示目前借出的館藏』 盒,把逾期報表改為借出報表。將顯示所有的到期日的借出館藏。

The report result can be downloaded via the 『Download file of displayed overdues』 link or the 『Export』 button at the top of the table.




可使用上方的下拉式表單,限制表單的範圍為圖書館特定書架。改變您的圖書館 或登入其他圖書館,就能看到其他圖書館的逾期罰款。


If you do not charge fines and/or don’t have the fines cron job running you will see no data on this report.


使用臨櫃借出功能時 (OnSiteCheckouts),就有可檢視所有現場借出館藏的報表。


此清單將列出到期日 (逾期則以紅色顯示)、借出者、館藏資訊與館藏所在地。

Tracking in-house use



This is different from tracking on-site usage. In-house use is the use of items in the library by patrons without them having to check them out. On-site use is the use of items on site that must first be checked out. To learn more about on site usage please review the OnSiteCheckouts preference.

Koha 以兩種方式取得館內使用的資訊。新增 統計館員 是其中一個選項。將移動過的館藏視為館內使用的館藏,借給統計館員:


Koha 不會記錄其為 『借出』 而把它們視館內使用:



另個記錄館內使用的方法是設定 RecordLocalUseOnReturn 偏好為 『記錄』。還入未借出也未被預約的館藏都算是館內使用。



設定 RecordLocalUseOnReturn 為 『記錄』 的同時,仍可併用統計館員計算館內使用量。

Self checkout

Koha comes with a very basic self checkout module. To enable this module you need to set the WebBasedSelfCheck system preference to 『Enable.』 To use this module you have to log in as a staff member with self_check permissions.


為自助借出模組新增一個專屬 館員 就可以了,不必以真的館員身份登入一整天

There is no link to the Self checkout module, but a simple addition to the OPACUserJS system preference can add one.

    $("#login .btn").parent().after("<p><a href=\"http://YOUR_KOHA_OPAC_URL/cgi-bin/koha/sco/sco-main.pl\" target=\"_blank\">Self-Checkout</a></p>");


The code above has line breaks added to make it more readable,
please be sure to enter the above as one line in when putting it in
the system preference.



You can also access this module by going to: http://YOUR_KOHA_OPAC_URL/cgi-bin/koha/sco/sco-main.pl

When on the self checkout page, depending on the value in your SelfCheckoutByLogin system preference you will be asked to enter your cardnumber


or your username and password






所有欲借的館藏都掃瞄完畢,按下 『完成』 鈕。接著提示列印收條,再登出自助借出模組。




Self check-in

In order to use the self check-in module, you must first set the :ref: SelfCheckInModule <selfscheckinmodule-label> system preference to 『Enable』.

Then, you will have to create a patron with the self_checkin_module permission.


Create a staff patron specifically for this action so that you don’t leave a real staff client logged into a computer all day. You can give this patron only the aforementioned permission so it cannot be used for anything else.

Once this is done, you can head over to the self check-in page: http://YOUR_KOHA_OPAC_URL/cgi-bin/koha/sci/sci-main.pl

Log in with your staff patron with self check-in permissions

Once the computer or kiosk is set and the self check-in user logged in, patrons will be able to check-in their items themselves.


The patron will either scan the item’s barcode, if the computer is attached to a barcode scanner, or type in their item’s barcode in the box and click 『Add』 or press enter.


Most barcode scanners will automatically hit return after scanning.

Once they have scanned or entered all their items』 barcodes, they can click on the 『Check-in』 button to return all the items at once.


If the patron doesn’t click the 『Check-in』 button, the items will not be returned and will stay in their account.


The self check-in module will not warn user if the item is late, if they have fines, if the item is on hold for someone else, or if they have messages in their account.


They can then click 『Finish』 to return to the main self check-in page.



If the patron doesn’t click 『Finish』, the screen will refresh after the timeout period specified in the SelfCheckInTimeout system preference.


Even if the patron doesn’t click 『Finish』 the item will still be checked in from their account.

You can customize the look of your self check-in screens by using the SelfCheckInUserCSS system preference or the SelfCheckInUserJS system preference.

You can add content, like instructions on how to use the self check-in system for example, by using the SelfCheckInMainUserBlock system preference.

Statistics about the transactions made through the self check-in module are logged into the action_logs table in the Koha database. You can therefore build a custom report to get the statistics you need.

Offline circulation utilities

Koha 允許以下列三種方式辦理離線流通。

Offline circulation in Koha

若將 AllowOfflineCirculation 偏好設為 『啟用』,在離線時,就能繼續執行流通業務。在連線狀態下,至少進入 http://your-koha-staff-client-url/cgi-bin/koha/circ/offline.pl 一次並書籤它。這是離線時要進入頁面。


此離線介面採用 HTML LocalStorage,依瀏覽器及使用者的設定,每個網域容量限制在 2.5MB 或 5MB 之內。大型圖書館無法以此方式同步其資料,建議使用:ref:Firefox <firefox-plugin-label>Windows 的離線流通外掛程式。


第一次使用離線流通功能前,先進入流通模組,點選 『建立離線流通介面』


點選畫面右方的 『同步』 連結,就能同步流通電腦與伺服器的資料。



此離線介面採用 HTML LocalStorage,依瀏覽器及使用者的設定,每個網域容量限制在 2.5MB 或 5MB 之內。大型圖書館無法以此方式同步其資料,建議使用:ref:Firefox <firefox-plugin-label>Windows 的離線流通外掛程式。

允許您下載本地的讀者與流通資料。勾選頁面上方的 『下載記錄』 連結,同步您的資料。






離線時進入 Koha 的離線流通頁面 (http://your-koha-staff-client-url/cgi-bin/koha/circ/offline.pl) 並按 『借出』 或 『還入』 執行離線作業。

在 『借出』 頁面以條碼或名稱搜尋該讀者確認完成借出。點選讀者後,出現罰款與借出等讀者資訊。






Koha offline uploading

Once the system is back online visit the 『Synchronize』 page on the Offline circulation module and click 『Upload transactions』


上傳檔案後,按右方的 『檢視待處理離線流通作業』 鈕。


按 『檢視待處理離線流通作業』 鈕後,進入上傳至 Koha 的 *.koc 檔案,檢視其摘要。


  • 離線流通檔案上傳之後,再選擇全部或部份處理,把它們匯入Koha。

  • Click on the 『Process』 button and Koha will record every stored transaction one by one. For each transaction, the status will change to:

    • 「成功」 若正確轉移館藏

    • 「找不到借閱者」 若借閱者號碼不正確

    • 「找不到館藏」 若館藏條碼錯誤

    • 「館藏未借出」 若還入可借出的館藏



Firefox plugin

There is an offline circulation tool that you can add to your Firefox browser as an add-on. To do so, just go to https://addons.mozilla.org/en/firefox/addon/koct/ page and click on the 「install now」 button. You may have to confirm the installation, just click on 「install now」 and then restart Firefox to complete the installation.

Once you have installed the plugin and restarted Firefox, you will see the Koha logo in the download bar at the bottom right of Firefox.




The plugin consists of three sections:

  • The 『Check out』 section is where you check out items

  • The 『Check in』 section is where you check in items

  • The ‘Transactions’ section is where you can track the transactions done while in offline mode

    • The transactions will keep information until you empty it.


      If you’d like to clear the transactions, click the 『Clear』 box before hitting the 『OK』 button.

The first thing you want to do then is to set up the plugin. Proceed to the settings page, linked in the top right of the page or under ‘Configuration page’ in the Transactions section.


Answer the 5 questions presented:

  • 伺服器 = 館員介面的 URL

  • 使用者名稱 = 館員登入帳號

  • 密碼 = 館員帳號密碼

  • Branch code = the code for the branch where you are located

  • Commit Type = If you select ‘Send data to Koha’, your account will need to be approved by an administrator. If you select ‘Apply directly to Koha’, your account will not need to be approved.


    必須關閉外掛視窗,再按附加欄的 Koha 商標重新開啟外掛,就能儲存這些設定。





A screenshot of the KOCT Checkout section

  • Under the 『Checkout』 heading

  • 掃瞄讀者條碼

  • 掃瞄館藏條碼

  • Click 『Checkout』



  • Under the 『Checkin』 heading

  • 掃瞄館藏條碼

  • Click 『Checkin』

Each time, you check out or check in an item, a new transaction is recorded in the local plugin database. This is recorded in the Transactions section bellow.



維持在離線且未把交易納入 Koha,其狀態就是 「在地」。

恢復連線後,應立即將交易資料上傳至 Koha。在此之前,還有幾點事項該注意。

Because you are not connected to your Koha database when using this plugin holds will need additional processing. If an item you check in while offline has a hold, the hold is kept on the item. Since, you can’t confirm holds found during the processing of every check in, the holds stay on the item and will need to be managed later. If you only checked in a few items you can just keep a record of them all. If you checked in a lot of items you can use the Holds queue once it rebuilds to see what holds made it to the shelf erroneously.



A screenshot of the KOCT Checkout section

  • Apply to Koha

    • If you checked in/out on more than one computer at the same time, what you want is to process every transaction consistently. Let’s say for instance that one patron checked a book out on one computer and then checked the same book in on another computer. To be consistent, you need to record the check out first and then the check in. Not the opposite! To do so, you need to group every transaction in one place, sort them all and then, process everything. So, you need to use the 「Apply to Koha」 option from every plugin/computer you worked with. This way, the log will go to Koha and be accessible from the Offline Circulation page.


    • 到那裡: 流通 > 待處理離線流通內容


    • 離線流通檔案上傳之後,再選擇全部或部份處理,把它們匯入Koha。

    • 按處理鈕後,Koha 將逐一處理儲存的離線流通交易記錄。每個離線流通交易,其狀態可能為:

      • 「成功」 若正確轉移館藏

      • 「找不到借閱者」 若借閱者號碼不正確

      • 「找不到館藏」 若館藏條碼錯誤

      • 「館藏未借出」 若還入可借出的館藏

    • 做好後,將出現所有交易的摘要


  • 直接應用

    • 若在同一部電腦執行所有的流通作業,所有的交易都已經排序好,可以選擇 「直接應用」

    • 狀態欄將更新,讓您知道交易是否已被應用

      • 「成功」 若正確轉移館藏

      • 「找不到借閱者」 若借閱者號碼不正確

      • 「找不到館藏」 若館藏條碼錯誤

      • 「館藏未借出」 若還入可借出的館藏

Offline circulation tool for Windows

The Offline circulation utility can be downloaded at: https://github.com/bywatersolutions/koha-offline-circulation/releases

To generate a borrowers.db file for loading in to the Windows tool you will need to run the file generator via a cron job.

Upload offline circulation file

視窗版的離線流通工具 將產生 KOC 檔案,恢復連線時上傳至 Koha。

點選流通選單的 『上傳離線流通檔案(.koc)』


瀏覽電腦裡的 *.koc 檔案






按 『檢視待處理離線流通作業』 鈕後,進入上傳至 Koha 的 *.koc 檔案,檢視其摘要。


  • 離線流通檔案上傳之後,再選擇全部或部份處理,把它們匯入Koha。

  • 按處理鈕後,Koha 將逐一處理儲存的離線流通交易記錄。每個離線流通交易,其狀態可能為:

    • 「成功」 若正確轉移館藏

    • 「找不到借閱者」 若借閱者號碼不正確

    • 「找不到館藏」 若館藏條碼錯誤

    • 「館藏未借出」 若還入可借出的館藏

