
Get there: More > Administration > System preferences > Acquisitions



Asks: ___ EDIFACT message exchange for acquisitions

Default: Enable


  • Disable

  • Enable


  • This system preference is the main switch to turn on or turn off the EDIFACT feature in Koha.


Asks: ___ automatically import EDIFACT invoice message files when they are downloaded.

الإفتراضي: إفعل


  • نفذ

  • لا تنفذ


  • This feature allows libraries to delay the importing of EDI invoices until a time of their choosing. If the system preference is set to 'Don't' the invoices are imported into the database but the invoice processing is skipped. Instead, any invoice file listed in EDIfact messages with a status of 'New' will have an 'Import' button to process the invoice manually.


Asks: Map sequence code (GIR:LSQ) field to ___ in items.

Default: location


  • collection

  • location


  • EDItEUR describes the LSQ segment as "A code or other designation which identifies stock which is to be shelved in a specified sequence or collection." In Koha, this could be interpreted as either the item's location or collection (ccode).

  • This system preference is used to indicate to Koha to which field this should be mapped.



الصيغة: إنشاء مادة عندما ___.

إفتراضي : تنفيذ الطلب


  • فهرسة تسجيلة

  • وضع طلبية

  • استلام طلبية


  • This preference lets you decide when you'd like to create an item record in Koha.

  • If you choose to add an item record when 'placing an order', you will enter item information in as you add records in your basket.

  • If you choose to add the item when 'receiving an order' you will be asked for item record information when you're receiving orders in acquisitions.

  • If you choose to add the item when 'cataloging a record' then item records will not be created in acquisitions at all. You will need to go to the cataloging module to add the items.

  • Note that this setting can be overridden when creating a basket.


الصيغة: ___ تفعيل إمكانية تحميل وإرفاق ملفات اعتباطية إلى الفواتير.

افتراضي : لا تنفذ


  • نفذ

  • لا تنفذ



Asks: Upon canceling a receipt, update the item's subfields if they were created when placing an order (e.g. o=5|a="bar foo""). ___


  • This preference is used in conjunction with the AcqItemSetSubfieldsWhenReceived preference. If you have the system set to enter default values when you receive you will want to have those values revert back if the receipt is canceled. This preference allows you to do that.


الصيغة: فور استلام المواد، قم بتحديث حقولها الفرعية إذا تم إنشائها عند وضع طلبية (مثال: o=5|a="foo bar"). ___


  • This preference allows you to set default values for items that you receive via acquisitions. Enter the data as subfield=value and split your values with a bar ( | ). For example you can remove the Ordered status on the item automatically when you receive it just by entering 7=0 in this preference. That will set the Not for Loan status (subfield 7) to 0 which is available.



This system preference was added in version 23.11 of Koha.

Asks: Use the from email address ___ when sending acquisitions order and claim notices.


  • This system preference allows you to set a different email address for sending orders and claims from the acquisitions module.

  • If left empty, it will use instead the first email address available in this order:



This system preference was added in version 23.11 of Koha.

Asks: Use the reply-to email address ___ when sending acquisitions order and claim notices.



Asks: Show baskets ___

Default: created or managed by staff member


  • موجودة في النظام بغض النظر عن المالك

  • from staff member's library

  • created or managed by staff member


  • When in acquisitions, this preference allows you to control whose baskets you can see when looking at a vendor.

  • The default value of 'created or managed by staff member' makes it so that you only see the baskets you created.

  • Choosing to see baskets 'from staff member's library' will show you the baskets created by anyone at the branch you're logged in at.

  • Finally, you can choose to set this preference to show you all baskets regardless of who created it ('in system, regardless of owner').

  • Regardless of which value you choose for this preference, superlibrarians can see all baskets created in the system.


الصيغة: ___ عندما يحاول موظف المكتبة إنشاء فاتورة برقم متكرر.

الإفتراضي: لا تنفذ


  • لا تنفذ

  • تحذير


  • When set to 'Warn', Koha will let staff know if an invoice with the same number has already been created. The staff member will have a choice to either receive on the existing invoice or create a new one with the same number.

Screenshot of a warning message that says 'This invoice number has already been used. Would you like to receive on an existing invoice?' with an option to receive on the existing invoice or 'Create new invoice anyway'.


الصيغة: عند إغلاق أو إعادة فتح سلة، ___.

الإفتراضي: أسال دائماً للتأكيد


  • دائماً أطلب التأكيد

  • لا تطلب التأكيد


  • هذا التفضيل يضيف الخيار لتجاهل التأكيد على إغلاق السلة المُعاد فتحُها. إذا ما اخترت تخطي التأكيد، فإنك لا تُنشئ مجموعة سلة جديدة.



This system preference was added in version 23.11 of Koha.

Asks: ___ cancelling order lines in closed baskets.


  • Don't allow

  • Allow

Default: Don't allow


  • This system preference is used to enable the ability to cancel orders in baskets that are already closed (meaning the order was sent to the vendor). This is useful if vendors cannot supply the ordered item and you don't want to reopen the basket or go through the receive shipment process.


الصيغة: ___ نسخة عمياء (BCC) للمستخدم مسجل الدخول عند إرسال إخطارات مطالبة بتزويد أو دورية.

الأفتراضي: لاترسل


  • لاترسل

  • ارسل



الصيغة: عرض العملات باستخدام التنسيق التالي ___

الإفتراضي: 360,000.00 (US)


  • 360'000.00 (CH)

  • 360 000,00 (FR)

  • 360,000.00 (US)


  • This system preference controls how prices are displayed in Koha.

EmailPurchaseSuggestions and EmailAddressForSuggestions

Asks: Choose email address that new purchase suggestions will be sent to: ___. If you choose EmailAddressForSuggestions you have to enter a valid email address: ___

Default: none


  • لا شيئ

  • email address of library

  • EmailAddressForSuggestions

  • KohaAdminEmailAddress


  • If you want Koha to send purchase suggestions via email, choose which email address it should send them to

    • none will deactivate this feature

    • email address of library will use the email address entered in the libraries settings

    • if you choose EmailAddressForSuggestions, enter the email address in the input field

    • if you choose KohaAdminEmailAddress, the email will be sent to the main email address, as entered in KohaAdminEmailAddress

  • You can customize the message that is sent with the Notices and slips tool, the letter code is NEW_SUGGESTION


Asks: Set the mapping values for a new order line created from a MARC record in a staged file.


  • This preference includes MARC fields to check for order information to use when you order from a new .mrc file or when you order from a staged file in acquisitions. You can use the following fields:

    • price,

    • quantity,

    • budget_code,

    • discount,

    • sort1, and

    • sort2.

    على سبيل المثال:

    price: 947$a|947$c
    quantity: 969$h
    budget_code: 922$a


Requires YAML syntax to work

This means

  • Make sure there is NO space between the field name and the colon

  • Make sure there IS a space between the colon and the value

  • Make sure each pair is on its own line


Asks: Set the mapping values for new item records created from a MARC record in a staged file.


  • This preference automatically generates items in Koha with populated information based on a 9XX field and subfield. You can use the following fields:

    • homebranch,

    • holdingbranch,

    • itype,

    • nonpublic_note,

    • public_note,

    • loc,

    • ccode,

    • notforloan,

    • uri,

    • copyno,

    • price,

    • replacementprice,

    • itemcallnumber,

    • coded_location_qualifier,

    • barcode, and

    • enumchron.

  • You can also use the following special fields:

    • quantity, and

    • budget_code.

على سبيل المثال:

homebranch: 975$a
holdingbranch: 975$b
public_note: 975$z
loc: 975$c


Requires YAML syntax to work

This means

  • Make sure there is NO space between the field name and the colon

  • Make sure there IS a space between the colon and the value

  • Make sure each pair is on its own line


The support for the coded_location_qualifier, barcode, and enumchron fields was added to Koha in version 24.05.


Asks: ___ to nearest cent.

Default: Don't round


  • Don't round

  • Round


  • This system preference determines whether full precision values or rounded values should be used in price calculations.

  • This is particularly important when your tax rates have more decimals than your currency


Asks: Keep accepted or rejected purchase suggestions for a period of ___ days.


Leave this field empty if you don't want to activate this automatic feature.


  • Enter the number of days after which you want to automatically delete accepted or rejected purchase suggestions.

  • For example: [30] will purge suggestions older than 30 days.


The number of days is based on the 'managed on' date.

  • This system preference requires the cronjob purge_suggestions.pl to be active and called without a specific number of days ('--days' parameter).


Asks: Tax rates are ___

الإفتراضي: 0


  • This preference allows the library to define goods and services tax rates for acquisitions.

  • The first item in the list will be selected by default.


أدخل هذه القيمة كرقم (.06) ليقابل النسبة المئوية (6%).

For more than one value, separate with | (pipe).

For example


will give you choices of tax rates of 0%, 5% and 14.96%


The database only accepts values up to 4 decimals, further values will be rounded.


Asks: The following database columns should be unique in an item: ___

الإفتراضي: باركود


  • إذا ما تُرِكَ هذا التفضيل فارغاً عند إضافة المواد في التزويد فلن يكون هناك فحوصات للفرادة. هذا يعني أن الباركود المتكرر من الممكن أن يُنشئ في التزويد مما سيؤدي إلى أخطاء لاحقاً عند إعارة وإعادة المواد.


الصيغة: ___ الإطار 'ACQ' لحقول التسجيلات البيبلوغرافية

الإفتراضي: لا تستخدم


  • لا تستخدم

  • استخدم


  • This system preference allows you to use the ACQ bibliographic framework to customize the bibliographic record fields that are shown when ordering from acquisitions

  • Note that this does not affect the item fields (in MARC21, field 952), which are always taken from the ACQ framework regardless of this system preference




This system preference was added to Koha in version 24.05.

Asks: Text to be used above the order table in the English 1-page order PDF file.


Order number must appear on all related correspondence, shipping papers
and invoices. Notify us immediately if
you are unable to supply item(s).


  • This system preference is used to customize the text printed above the order table when using the 'English 1-Page' option in the OrderPdfFormat system preference.


Press enter to add line breaks to your sentence.


To prevent the bottom of your text from being cut off by the order table please do not save more than 3 lines of text in this system preference.


Asks: Use the ___ layout when printing basket groups.

Default: English 3-page


  • English 1-page

  • English 2-page

  • English 3-page

  • German 2-page

  • French 3-page


  • This preference determines how basket groups are printed when exported as PDFs.

  • A 1-page layout will have vendor information and ordered titles on the same page. The text above the orders table can be customized with the 1PageOrderPDFText system preference.

  • A 2-page layout will have vendor information on the first page and ordered titles on the second page

  • A 3-page layout will additionally have a page with basket information