
Get there: More > Administration > System preferences > Authorities

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This system preference was introduced in version 23.11 of Koha.

Asks: Display the MARC field/subfields ___ in the ‚Additional fields‘ column of Z39.50 search results (use comma as delimiter e.g.: „001, 035$a“).


  • This system preference lets you display additional information from the MARC record in the authority Z39.50/SRU search result lists.


Asks: ___ broader term/narrower term hierarchies when viewing authorities.

Default: Don’t show


  • Don’t show

  • Show


  • When set to ‚Show‘ broader and narrower ‚See also‘ references will be displayed in a tree at the top of the record in both the staff interface and the OPAC.

    In the authority record detail page in the staff interface, the broader and narrower terms are displayed in a tree

  • For MARC21, in order for this display to appear, the records must have 5XX with the relationship code in $w and the authority number (authid) in $9.


    The relationship codes in $w can be found on the Library of Congress website under Tracings and references-General information

    g - Broader term

    h - Narrower term

    For example, the records in the above screenshot have the following information:

    Authority #3
    001  3
    151  $a Germany
    551  $w h
         $a Baden-Württemberg (Germany)
         $9 4
    Authority #4
    001  4
    151  $a Baden-Württemberg (Germany)
    551  $w g
         $a Germany
         $9 3
    551  $w h
         $a Konstanz (Germany)
         $9 5
    Authority #5
    001  5
    151  $a Konstanz (Germany)
    551  $w g
         $a Baden-Württemberg (Germany)
         $9 4


    The relationships must be bidirectional, meaning the broader term must reference the narrower term and the narrower term must reference the broader term.


Asks: Use the following text to edit how authority records control indicators of attached biblio fields (and possibly subfield $2). Lines starting with a comment symbol (#) are skipped. Each line should be of the form: (marc21|unimarc), tag, ind1:(auth1|auth2|some_value), ind2:(auth1|auth2|thesaurus|some_value). Here auth1 and auth2 refer to the indicators of the authority record, tag is a biblio field number or an asterisk (*), and some_value is a fixed value (one character). The MARC21 option thesaurus refers to indicators controlled by authority field 008/11 and 040$f.


  • Used when merging authorities.

  • Controls how the indicators of linked authority records affect the corresponding biblio indicators. Currently, the default value is fine-tuned for MARC21 and copies the authority indicators for UNIMARC.

  • For example, a MARC21 field 100 in a biblio record should pick its first indicator from the linked authority record. The second indicator is not controlled by the authority. This report supports such MARC conventions.


Asks: When modifying an authority record, do not update attached bibliographic records if the number exceeds ___ records. (Above this limit, the merge_authority cron job will update them.)

Výchozí: 50


  • This system preference determines the maximum number of bibliographic records that can be updated when an authority record changes.

  • This helps prevent overusing resources if an authority record is linked to many bibliographic records.

  • Make sure to enable the merge_authority cron job to catch the updates that wouldn’t otherwise be transferred to bibliographic records.


Default: loose

Asks: When updating biblio records from an attached authority record („merging“), handle subfields of relevant biblio record fields in ___ mode. In strict mode subfields that are not found in the authority record, are deleted. Loose mode will keep them. Loose mode is the historical behavior and still the default.


  • loose

  • strict


Asks: When editing records, ___ authority records that are missing.

Default: don’t generate


  • don’t generate

  • generovat


  • This system preference allows you to decide if Koha automatically creates new authority records from the bibliographic records.


RequireChoosingExistingAuthority must be set to „don’t require“, otherwise this system preference has no effect.

  • If this is set to „don’t generate“, and catalogers enter uncontrolled terms in controlled fields, Koha will not generate matching authority records.

  • If set to „generate“ (and RequireChoosingExistingAuthority is set to „don’t require“), Koha will automatically create authority records for headings that don’t have any authority link when saving a bibliographic record.



This system preference was introduced in version 23.11 of Koha.

Asks: When viewing authority details default to the ___ tab. If the selected tab does not exist, the view will default to the first tab.


  • 0XX

  • 1XX

  • 2XX

  • 3XX

  • 4XX

  • 5XX

  • 6XX

  • 7XX

  • 8XX

  • 9XX

Default: 0XX


  • This system preference allows the library to choose which tab is presented first when viewing an authority record.

  • By default, the „0“ tab, containing all 0XX MARC fields, is selected when first viewing an authority record.

  • If the selected tab doesn’t exist for that particular authority record, the first tab (usually tab „0“), will be selected by default.


Asks: Use the following text as default value for the 667$a field of MARC21 authority records: ___

Default: Machine generated authority record



This system preference is only used when marcflavour is set to MARC21.


Asks: Use the following text as default value for the 670$a field of MARC21 authority records: ___

Default: Work cat.



This system preference is only used when marcflavour is set to MARC21.


Default: || aca||aabn | a|a d

Text: Použít následující text pro obsah pole 008 autoritního záznamu MARC v pozicích 06-39 (pole pevné délky).


Nezahrnovat datum (pozice 00-05) v tomto nastavení. Koha datum automaticky vypočte a vloží ho před hodnoty v tomto nastavení.


  • Toto nastavení řídí výchozí hodnotu v poli 008 autoritního záznamu. Nemá vliv na bibliografické záznamy.


Asks: When editing records, ___ catalogers to reference existing authorities.

Default: don’t require


  • don’t require

  • require


  • This system preference determines whether or not catalogers can type into authority controlled fields.

  • If set to „don’t require“, catalogers can manually enter uncontrolled terms into controlled fields

  • If set to „require“, authority controlled fields will be locked, forcing catalogers to search for an authority.

  • If set to „require“, it will block AutoCreateAuthorities. Authorities will have to be catalogued manually (or imported).


Výchozí: afrey50 ba0

Asks: Use the following text for the contents of UNIMARC authority field 100 position 08-35 (fixed length data elements).


Nezahrnovat datum (pozice 00-07) v tomto nastavení. Koha datum automaticky vypočte a vloží ho před hodnoty v tomto nastavení.


  • Toto nastavení řídí výchozí hodnotu v poli 100 autoritního záznamu při katalogizaci v UNIMARC. Nemá to žádný vliv na bibliografické záznamy.


Výchozí: Neužívat

Asks: ___ authority record numbers instead of text strings for searches from subject tracings.


  • Nepoužívat

    • Vyhledávací linky hledají hesla z věcné klasifikace a z autorů (např.

  • Použít

    • Vyhledávací linky pro pro autoritní záznamy (např.


  • Pro knihovny, které mají soubory autorit, můžete to udělat tak, že když je kliknuto na odkaz na věcnou nebo jmennou autoritu na OPACu nebo zaměstnaneckém intranetu, zobrazí hledajícímu se pouze seznam těchto autoritních záznamů. Většina knihoven nemá kompletní autoritní záznamy, a tak toto nastavení „Nepoužívat“ umožní hledajícím kliknout na odkazy na autory a předmětová hesla a tak provést vyhledávání v těchto polích, a místo toho najít všechny možné relevantní výsledky.


These preferences will control how Koha links bibliographic records to authority records. All bibliographic records added to Koha after these preferences are set will link automatically to authority records, for records added before these preferences are set there is a script (misc/ that your system administrator can run to link records together.


Asks: ___ attempt to automatically link headings when saving records in the cataloging module.

Default: Don’t


  • Ano

  • Don’t


  • This system preference determines whether or not Koha will attempt to link terms in authority controlled field to existing authority records upon saving a new bibliographic record.

  • This system preference is used when creating new bibliographic records. CatalogModuleRelink and LinkerRelink are used when editing bibliographic records.

  • If set to „Do“, Koha will search in the thesaurus to find a matching authority record. If it finds one, it will link it. If it finds more than one, LinkerModule will determine which one is linked.

  • If set to „Don’t“, no linking attempt will be made when saving a new bibliographic record.


Asks: ___ compare the source for 6XX headings to the thesaurus source for authority records when linking.

Default: Don’t


  • Don’t

  • Ano


  • This system preference is used to enable multiple thesauri support for authorities.

    • The thesaurus used for the term is added to the authority record using 040$f.

    • In the bibliographic record, set the second indicator to 7 for 650 and add the source to 650$2. For local terms, use 4 (Source not specified) as the indicator.

      Example for a bibliographic record:

      650 _ 0 $a Feminism
      650 _ 7 $a Feminism $2 sao
      650 _ 7 $a Feminism $2 barn

      The first example above is the LCSH term. The other two terms are from sao (controlled Swedish subject heading system) and barn (Swedish children subject heading system). These three are using the same TOPIC_TERM Feminism, but they belong to different thesauri.


In existing systems, enabling this preference may require a reindex, and may generate new authority records if AutoCreateAuthorities is enabled.


Support for multiple authority thesauri currently only works with ElasticSearch.


Výchozí: Ne

Asks: ___ keep existing links to authority records for headings where the linker is unable to find a match.


  • Ano

  • Ne


  • When set to ‚Do‘, the linker will never remove a link to an authority record, though, depending on the value of LinkerRelink, it may change the link.


Výchozi: Výchozí

Asks: Use the ___ linker module for matching headings to authority records.


  • Výchozí

    • Retains Koha’s previous behavior of only creating links when there is an exact match to one and only one authority record; if the LinkerOptions preference is set to ‚broader_headings‘, it will try to link headings to authority records for broader headings by removing subfields from the end of the heading

  • První shoda

    • Vytvoří propojení na první autoritní záznam který souhlasí se záhlavím, i když je více takových autoritních záznamů, které se shodují se záhlavím

  • Poslední shoda

    • Vytvoří propojení na poslední záznam který souhlasí se záhlavím, i když je více takových autoritních záznamů, které se shodují se záhlavím


  • Toto systémové nastavení říká která shoda se použije při vyhledání autority, když se záznam ukládá.


Asks: Set the following options for the authority linker ___


Tato vlastnost je experimentální a neměla by být použita v produkčním prostředí, dokud nebude dále propracována.


  • This is a pipe separated (|) list of options. At the moment, the only option available is „broader_headings.“ With this option set to „broader_headings“, the linker will try to match the following heading as follows:

    =600 10$aCamins-Esakov, Jared$xCoin collections$vCatalogs$vEarly works to 1800.

    První: Camins-Esakov, Jared–Coin collections–Catalogs–Early works to 1800

    Další: Camins-Esakov, Jared–Coin collections–Catalogs

    Další: Camins-Esakov, Jared–Coin collections

    Další: Camins-Esakov, Jared (shoda! jestliže předchozí pokus nalezl shodu, nebylo by toto zkoušeno)