Sökväg: Mer > Administration > Systeminställningar > Verktyg
Asks: Split barcodes on the following separator chars ___ in batch item modification and inventory.
Default: \s\r\n
When importing barcode files in the inventory tool or the batch item modification tool you can decide which character separates each barcode.
You must use the regular expression codes for the characters.
\s is used for a whitespace
\r is used for a carriage return
\n is used for a new line
\t is used for a tab
Make sure you escape the other characters you put in there by preceding them with a backslash
\. instead of a dot
\\ instead of a backslash
\- instead of a hyphen
Batch item
These preferences are in reference to the Batch item modification and Batch item deletion tools.
Asks: Display up to ___ items in a single item deletion batch.
Default: 1000
In the batch item delete tool this will prevent the display of more than the items you entered in this preference, but you will be able to delete more than the number you enter here.
Displaying a large number of items may slow down the display.
Asks: Display up to ___ items in a single item modification batch.
Default: 1000
In the batch item modification tool this will prevent the display of more than the items you entered in this preference, but you will be able to modify more than the number you enter here (see MaxItemsToProcessForBatchMod).
Displaying a large number of items may slow down the display.
Asks: Process up to ___ items in a single modification batch.
Default: 1000
In the batch item modification tool this preference will prevent the editing of more than the number entered here.
Processing a large number of items may slow down the process and it may even time out.
Asks: By default edit additional contents and news items with
Default: a WYSIWYG editor (TinyMCE)
a text editor (CodeMirror)
a WYSIWYG editor (TinyMCE)
This system preference allows you to choose which editor to use in the news tool and the HTML customizations tool.
A text editor will let you write HTML directly. Use this if you want more control over how your content will be displayed.
You can use CSS id’s and classes in your HTML and format them with the OPACUserCSS or IntranetUserCSS system preferences.
A WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editor is a user-friendly editor with functions similar to word processing software. Use this if you are unfamiliar with HTML.
Patron cards
These preferences are in reference to the Patron card creator tool.
Asks: Limit the number of creator images stored in the database to ___ images.
Default: 5
This system preference determines the number of images that can be used in the patron card creator tool.
A large number of images may take a lot of storage space.
These preferences are in reference to the reports module.
Asks: By default, show ___ reports on the saved reports page.
Default: 20
This system preference lets you determine the number of reports that should be displayed per page in the saved reports page.
Displaying a large number of reports may slow down the display.
Asks: Automatically delete temporary uploads older than ___ days in cleanup_database cron job.
Standard: tom
This system preference lets you determine how long temporary uploaded files (files uploaded through the upload tool without any category) are kept
If you leave this field empty, the cron job will not delete any files.
On the other hand, a value of 0 means ’delete all temporary files’.
This value can be overridden with the –temp-uploads-days option of the cleanup_database script.