
Imágenes personalizadas de tipos de ítem/valores autorizados

Question: Can I have my own set of item type images (or authorized value icons)?

Answer:Absolutely. To add additional icons to your system you simply add a new directory to koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/img/itemtypeimg/ and to koha-tmpl/opac-tmpl/prog/itemtypeimg and put your icons in the new directory. Your icons will show up in a new tab as soon as they are in the folders.

  • Nota

    Recuerde poner los iconos en ambos lugares (en el OPAC y la intranet).

Personalizando las imágenes de Koha

Question: Can I customize the images in the OPAC?

Answer: Absolutely. Koha comes with a series of original images that you can alter to meet your needs. The originals can be found in the misc/interface_customization/ directory.

Campos mostrados en el OPAC

Question: What MARC fields print to the different OPAC screens in Koha?

Answer: The XSLT preference must be set as follows for the following fields to show

La página de resultados OPAC muestra:

  • 245
  • 100, 110, 111
  • 700, 710, 711
  • 250
  • 260
  • 246
  • 856

The OPAC Details page shows:

  • 245
  • 100, 110, 111
  • 700, 710, 711
  • 440, 490
  • 260
  • 250
  • 300
  • 020
  • 022
  • 246
  • 130, 240
  • 6xx
  • 856
  • 505
  • 773
  • 520
  • 866
  • 775
  • 780
  • 785
  • más todos los campos 5xx en la pestaña de notas al final

Visualización del subtítulo en los registros bibliográficos

Question: How do I get the subtitle to display on the detail pages for my bib records?

Answer: Subtitle display now depends on there being a keyword mapping for the MARC field in question. Adding a mapping for «subtitle» -> «245b» for an item’s framework results in display of the subtitle in OPAC and staff client search and detail pages (although not in all instances where subtitles might be displayed, e.g. the Cart).

Mostrar a los usuarios los códigos de barras de los ítems que tienen prestados

Question: Can patrons see the barcodes for the items they have checked out.

Answer: Not by default, but with a few edits to the patron record you can make a barcode column appear on the patron’s check out summary in the OPAC. You can set up a patron attribute with the value of SHOW_BCODE and authorized value of YES_NO to make this happen.


Then on the patron’s record set the value for SHOW_BCODE to yes.


Esto agregará una columna al resumen de préstamos en el OPAC que muestra a los usuarios los códigos de barra de los ítems que tienen prestados.


Al hacer clic en la pestaña “Atrasado” sólo se mostrarán los ítems que están atrasados.


Fecha de modo buzón

Question: How is the book drop date is determined? Is it the last open date for the checkout branch? Is it today’s date minus one? Can the book drop checkin date be set?

Answer: If the library is closed for four days for renovations, for example, there would be more than one day needed for the book drop date. You will only have one book drop date and that will be the last day that the library open (determined by the holiday calendar) because there is no real way to know what day the books were dropped into the box during the 4 closed days. The only way to change the effective checkin date in book drop mode is to modify the calendar.

Reservas a preparar y cola de reservas

Question: What is the difference between the Holds Queue and Holds to Pull?

Answer: The holds to pull report gives a simple list of what holds need to be filled with available items. It should only be used in Koha installations where there is only one library.

The holds queue tries to do the same thing, but in a “smarter” way. This allows it to split up the list by library, consult the transport cost matrix and refresh regularly to provide different pull lists to each library.

Avisos duplicados de retrasos

Question: Why are patrons getting two overdue notices?

Answer: This tool takes all branches in the overdue rules and sent notifications to them. So, if you have a default rule & a branch rule, the notification will be generated twice. A quick fix is to discard «default rule» for instance.

Impresión de avisos de retrasos

Question: Can I print overdue notices for patrons without email addresses on file?

Answer: Yes. The overdue notice cron job has a setting to generate the overdue notices as HTML for printing. An example of this usage would be:

overdue_notices.pl -t -html /tmp/noticedir -itemscontent issuedate,date_due,title,barcode,author

En este ejemplo, solo se quiere utilizar algunos campos de ítem en los avisos, por tanto, se especifican los campos itemscontent en la entrada de cron; eso no es un requisito para la función.

The command line needs to specify a web-accessible directory where the print notices will go – they get a filename like notices-2009-11-24.html (or holdnotices-2009-11-24.html). The overdue notice itself can be formatted to fit a Z-mailer. Within the notice file, the text is spaced down or over to where it will print properly on the form. The script has code that wraps around the notice file to tell the HTML to obey the formatting, and to do a page break between notices. That’s so that when staff print it out, they get one per page. We had to add an extra syspref (PrintNoticesMaxLines) to specify page length because our client allows a _lot_ of checkouts which meant some notices were running onto multiple pages. That syspref says to truncate the print notice at that page length and put in a message about go check your OPAC account for the full list.

The print and email overdues use the same notice file. The print notices for holds are different – there’s a separate HOLD_PRINT notice file and the system uses it if there’s no email address. Then a nightly cron job runs to gather those up from the message queue and put them in an HTML file in the notice directory, as above.

The cron entry is gather_print_notices.pl /tmp/noticedir

No se puede renovar ítems

Question: We’re trying to renew some items for our patron. One of the items is on hold and ineligible for renewal, but the other two items refuse to renew even though they should be eligible. When I try to use the override renewal limit, it just returns a little message that says «renewal failed». Any idea what’s going on here?

Answer: At the very least you will need to set an absolute default circulation rule. This rule should be set for the default itemtype, default branchcode and default patron category. That will catch anyone who doesn’t match a specific rule. Patrons who do not match a specific rule will get blocked from placing holds or renewing items, since there was no baseline number of holds or renewals to utilize.

No se pueden reservar ítems

Question: Why can’t I place holds when I have all of the preferences turned on.

Answer: You probably need to set a default circulation rule. At the very least you will need to set an default circulation rule. This rule should be set for all item types, all branches and all patron categories. That will catch all instances that do not match a specific rule. When checking out if you do not have a rule for the default branch, default item and default patron category then you may see patrons getting blocked from placing holds.

Atajos de teclado

Question: Do I have to use my mouse to access the checkout, checkin and cataloging tabs at the top of the circulation pages?

Answer: You can jump between the tabs on the quick search box at the top of the screen by using the following hot keys (if the tab is available):

  • saltar a la búsqueda en el catálogo con Alt + Q

  • Saltar a prestamos con Alt + U

    • esto no funciona para usuarios de Mac
  • saltar a préstamo con Alt + R


    Los usuarios Mac utilizan el botón OPCIÓN en lugar de ALT

Avisos/mensajes SMS

Question: I want Koha to send notices via SMS, what do I need to do?

Respuesta: Primero tendrá que elegir un servicio de SMS para utilizar con Koha. Hay una lista disponible aquí: http://search.cpan.org/search?query=sms%3A%3Asend&mode=all No todos los servicios de SMS disponibles para bibliotecas disponen de controladores en Perl, así que asegúrese de revisar esta lista para ver si el proveedor que está considerando aparece en la lista. Si no, debería solicitar a su proveedor si tienen un módulo Perl, si no inténte otro servicio. Algunas opciones comunes en los EE.UU. (que tienen drivers Perl) son:

Question: What about in India?

Answer: India does not yet have too many options here. This is partly due to the Telecom regulatory authority’s (TRAI) stipulations about transactional SMSes and limits on the number of SMSes that may be sent / received per users per day. India specific drivers include:


Campos de autoridad

Question:Why can’t I edit 1xx, 6xx, or 7xx fields in my catalog record?

Answer: These fields are authority controlled and you probably have the BiblioAddsAuthorities set to «Don’t allow». When it is set to «Don’t allow» these fields will be locked and require you to search for an existing authority record to populate the field with. To allow typing in these authority fields set BiblioAddsAuthorities to “Allow”.


Los campos afectados por esta preferencia se mostrará un símbolo de candado en ellos


Correspondencia Koha a MARC

Question: What’s the relationship between “Koha to MARC Mapping” and “MARC Bibliographic Frameworks”?

Answer: Mapping can be defined through “MARC Bibliographic Frameworks” OR “Koha to MARC Mapping”. “Koha to MARC Mapping” is just a shortcut to speed up linkage. If you change a mapping in one of these modules, the mapping will change in the other as well. (In other words, the two modules “overwrite” each other in order to prevent conflicts from existing in Koha).

Número de ítems por registro bibliográfico

Question: Is there a limit on the number of items I can attach to a bib record?

Answer: There is no explicit limit to the number of items you can attach to a bibliographic record, but if you attach enough of them, your MARC record will exceed the maximum file size limit for the ISO 2709 standard, which breaks indexing for that record. I’ve found this occurs somewhere between 600 and 1000 items on a “normal” bibliographic record.


Question: I am using the EasyAnalyticalRecords feature, but my links in the OPAC and Staff Client to “Show Analytics” are not working.

Answer: If you plan on using EasyAnalyticalRecords you will want to make sure to set your UseControlNumber preference to «Don’t use,» this will prevent broken links.


Planificación de categorías

Question: What is a planning category?

Answer: When you plan in advance for the way your budget is going to be spent, you initially plan for how it’s going to be spent over time, that’s the most natural thing to do.

Así usted planeará €1000 en enero €1000 en febrero, €3.000 en marzo, etc. Básicamente, usted puede hacer lo mismo con una lista de valores en lugar de meses.

Digamos que tienes una lista como ésta:

  • < 1 month
  • < 6 months
  • < 1 year
  • < 3 years
  • < 10 years
  • > 10 años

The list is meant to represent when the books acquired where published. Then you plan for it, saying: we went to spend at list 40% of our budgets on books published less than a year ago, 10% on books more than 10 years old, etc.

Al adquirir nuevos materiales, usted podrá elegir, para un ítem determinado, un valor de esta lista en un menú desplegable. Entonces, después de que el material haya sido adquirido, al final del año, usted podrá comparar los metas fijadas, con lo que se ha alcanzado.

Publicaciones periódicas

Patrones avanzados

Question: What is the “inner counter” on the advanced serials pattern interface?

Answer: I think it is better to give an example to understand this :

Ejemplo para una suscripción mensual:

  • Fecha de publicación del primer número: abril 2010
  • Numeración: Num. {X}, año {Y}
  • Primer número: Num. 4, año 2010

Para el año Y: usted querrá que cambie al año en enero 2011

Así, el patrón avanzado para Y será:

  • Agregar: 1
  • una vez cada: 12
  • Cuando más de 9999999
  • contador interno: 3
  • Retrasar a 0
  • Comienza con 2010

El año va a cambiar después de 12 números recibidos desde abril de 2010, es decir, en abril de 2011 si no se establece contador interno. Al establecer el contador interno a 3 le estará diciendo a Koha: cambia de año después de recibir 12-3 = 9 números.

El contador interno le dice a Koha que para tener en la cuenta los primeros números del año, incluso si no se reciben en Koha. Si se comienza con el primer número del año no escriba nada o un 0.


Definir los códigos almacenados en la base de datos

Tabla de multas

Question: What do the codes in the accounttype field in the accountlines table stand for?


  • A = Costo de administración de cuenta
  • C = Crédito
  • F = Multa por retraso
  • FOR = Perdonado
  • FU = Retrasado, aun acumulando
  • L = Ejemplar perdido
  • LR = Ejemplar perdido regresado/devuelto
  • M = Diverso
  • N = Nuevo carné
  • PAY = Pago
  • W = Anular

Tablas estadísticas

Question:What are the possible codes for the type field in the statistics table?


  • localuse
    • Registra si un ejemplar prestado al usuario estadístico (categoría = “X”) es devuelto
  • préstamo
  • devolución
  • renovación
  • writeoff
  • Pago
  • CreditXXX
    • El XXX almacena diferentes tipos de crédito de cargos, entonces una búsqueda para capturarlos a todos incluirá una cláusula como «type LIKE “Credit%”»

Tabla de reservas

Question: What are the possible codes for the found field in the reserves and old_reserves tables?


  • NULL: significa que el usuario solicitó el primero disponible, y no hemos elegido el ítem
  • T = Tránsito: la reserva está enlazada a un ejemplar pero está en tránsito a la sede de retiro
  • W = Esperando: la reserva esta vinculada a un ejemplar, está la sede de retiro, y esta esperando en la estantería de reservas
  • F = Finalizada: la reserva se ha completado, y está hecha

Tabla del diccionario de informes

Question: What are the possible codes for the area field in the reports_dictionary table?


  • 1 = Circulación
  • 2 = Catálogo
  • 3 = Usuarios
  • 4 = Adquisiciones
  • 5 = Cuentas

Tabla de mensajes

Question: What are the possible codes for the message_type field in the messages table?


  • L = Para bibliotecarios
  • B = Para usuarios/Lectores

Tabla de publicaciones periódicas

Question: What are the possible codes for the status field in the serial table?


  • 1 = Esperado
  • 2 = Recibido
  • 3 = Retrasado
  • 4 = Adquisiciones
  • 5 = No disponible
  • 6 = Eliminar
  • 7 = Reclamado
  • 8 = Detenido
  • 41 = Extraviado (no se recibió)
  • 42 = Extraviado (liquidado)
  • 43 = Extraviado (dañado)
  • 44 = Extraviado (perdido)

Tabla de usuarios

Question: What are the possible codes for the privacy field in the borrowers table?


  • 0 = Para siempre
  • 1 = Predeterminado
  • 2 = Nunca

Preferencias de mensajería

Question: What are the possible codes in the message_attribute_id field in the borrower_message_preferences table?


  • 2 = aviso previo
  • 6 = ítem prestado
  • 4 = reserva completada
  • 1= Ítem vence
  • 5 = Ítem devuelto

Parámetros en tiempo de ejecución

Question: Is there a way to filter my custom SQL reports before they run?

Answer: If you feel that your report might be too resource intensive you might want to consider using runtime parameters to your query. Runtime parameters basically make a filter appear before the report is run to save your system resources.

Existe una sintaxis específica que Koha entenderá como “pedir valores al ejecutar el informe”. La sintaxis es <<Question to ask|authorized_value>>.

  • Los << y >> son solo delimitadores. Usted debe poner << al principio y >> al final de su parámetro
  • La “Pregunta a hacer” se mostrará a la izquierda de la cadena a ingresar.
  • El authorized_value pude ser omitido si no es aplicable. Si contiene un valor autorizado para una categoría, o branches o itemtype o categorycode o biblio_framework, una lista con los valores autorizados de Koha serán mostrados en vez de un campo libre, note que se puede tener más de un parámetro en un SQL dado, tenga en cuenta que si no se entra nada en tiempo de ejecución es probable que no funcione como se espera. Se considerará como «valor vacío», no como «ignorar este parámetro». Por ejemplo si no se ingresa nada para: «title=<<Ingresar título>>» desplegará resultados con title=”” (sín título). Si se desea tener algo no mandatorio, utilice «título como <<Ingrese título>>» e ingrese un % en tiempo de ejecución en vez de nada


  • SELECT surname,firstname FROM borrowers WHERE branchcode=<<Enter patrons library|branches>> AND surname like <<Enter filter for patron surname (% if none)>>

  • SELECT * FROM items WHERE homebranch = <<Elija su sede|branches>> and barcode like <<Valor parcial del código de barras aquí>>

  • SELECT title , author FROM biblio WHERE frameworkcode=<<Ingrese el frameworkcode|biblio_framework>>


    Para generar un selector de fechas de calendario a la derecha del campo cuando se ejecuta un informe, puede utilizar la palabra clave “date” como esta: <<Introduzca fecha|date>>



    Debe poner «%» en la caja de texto y “dejarlo en blanco”. De otra manera, literalmente buscará «» (cadena vacía) como el valor para el campo.


    Además de utilizar cualquier código de un valor autorizado para generar un menú desplegable, puede utilizar los siguientes valores también; Códigos de hojas de trabajo (biblio_framework), Sedes (branches), tipos de ítems (itemtypes) y Categorías de usuarios (categorycode). Por ejemplo, un desplegable de sedes podría ser generado como esto <<Sedes|branches>>


Resultados limitados

Question: When I download my report it’s limited to 10,000 results, how do I get all of the results to download?

Answer: There is a limit of 10,000 records put on SQL statements entered in Koha. To get around this you want to add “LIMIT 100000” to the end of your SQL statement (or any other number above 10,000.


Búsqueda truncada

Question:What is the difference between a keyword search using the “*” (asterisk) versus a keyword search using the “%” (percent)? Both work in the catalog, but return different sets. Why?

Answer: A wildcard is a character (*,?,%,.) that can be used to represent one or more characters in a word. Two of the wildcard characters that can be used in Koha searches are the asterisk (“*”) and the percent sign (“%”). However, these two characters act differently when used in searching.

The “*” is going to force a more exact search of the first few characters you enter prior to the “*”. The asterisk will allow for an infinite number of characters in the search as long as the first few characters designated by your search remain the same. For example, searching for authors using the term, Smi*, will return a list that may include Smith, Smithers, Smithfield, Smiley, etc depending on the authors in your database.

El “%” tratará las palabras que son ingresadas en términos de «es semejante». Así que una búsqueda bajo Smi% buscará palabras como Smi. Esto se traduce en una lista de resultados mucho más variada. Por ejemplo, una búsqueda bajo Smi% devolverá una lista conteniendo Smothers, Smith, Smelley, Smithfield y muchos otros resultados dependiendo de qué esta en su base de datos.

The bottom line in searching with wildcards: “*” is more exact while “%” searches for like terms.

Búsqueda por títulos

Question: Why does my Zebra title search for “Help” not turn up “The help” in the first pages of results?

Answer: When doing a title search, you actually want to search for the title (i.e., “the help” rather than just “help”), and it will bubble right up to the top. If you’re just searching for “help” then the relevance ranking is going to affect the results you see.

When it comes to relevance in Zebra, here’s what’s happening. First, the search is done. If you search for the title «help», then any title that has «help» in it comes back. Then from those records, separately, it does relevance on the *whole* record. The more your word appears, the more relevant, and some MARC tags are worth more points than others. So a self-help book with 505 notes where «help» appears a *lot* will be at the top, regardless of keyword or title.

But when you add a *second word*, that helps it figure things out, as it’s weighing the relevance of both words and the phrase. Because of the way relevance works, if you search «the help», then «the help» or «the help I need» are more relevant than «the way to help», because they appear together in order. Likewise, «help the girl» would be lower relevance, because it’s out of order, and «help for the homeless» would be lower still, as they’re out of order, and apart.

La moraleja de la historia es que las búsquedas de una sola palabra, sobre todo en palabras comunes, siempre proporciona un poco de conflicto; no se puede evaluar la relevancia bien, porque no se han dado datos suficientes.

Reset the Zebra index

Ejecute los siguientes comandos para reiniciar los índices bibliográficos y de las autoridades de Zebra.

$ zebraidx -c /etc/koha/zebradb/zebra-authorities-dom.cfg -g iso2709 -d authorities init
$ zebraidx -c /etc/koha/zebradb/zebra-biblios.cfg -g iso2709 -d biblios init

Si está ejecutando un paquete de instalación a continuación, usted querrá ejecutar los siguientes comandos para reiniciar los índices bibliográficos y de las autoridades de Zebra en vez de lo anterior:

$ sudo zebraidx -c /etc/koha/sites/YOURLIBRARY/zebra-authorities-dom.cfg  -g iso2709 -d authorities init
$ sudo zebraidx -c /etc/koha/sites/YOURLIBRARY/zebra-biblios.cfg  -g iso2709 -d biblios init

Sustituya YOURLIBRARY con el nombre de su instalación de Koha.

Contenido mejorado

FRBRizando contenidos

Question:At our public library we are running a Koha installation and we’ve tried to turn on all the nice functionalities in Koha such as the frbrising tool, but do not get the same result as Nelsonville public library.

Answer:In fact, this feature is quite tricky to make that right. First it looks at XISBN service. And then search in your database for that ISBN. So both XISBN and your internal ISBN (in biblio table) have to be normalized. You could therefore use the script misc/batchupdateISBNs.pl (it removes all the - in your local ISBNs)


Todo el contenido de Amazon

Question: I have all of the Amazon preferences turned on and have entered both of my keys, but none of the content appears in my system, why is that?

Answer: Amazon’s API checks your server time on all requests and if your server time is not set properly requests will be denied. To resolve this issue be sure to set your system time appropriately. Once that change in made Amazon content should appear immediately.

On Debian the the command is date -s «2010-06-30 17:21» (with the proper date and time for your timezone).

Administración del sistema

Los errores en el cron de Zebra

Question: I am noticing some errors in the koha-zebradaemon-output.log file. When new records are added it takes a bit longer to index than we think they should. Running rebuild zebra is often faster. Zebra ends up indexing and search works, but I am concerned about the errors. Any ideas?

Answer: Rebuild_zebra.pl -r deletes all of the files in the Zebra db directories (such as reci-0.mf) and then recreates them. Thus, permissions will be lost, and the files will be owned by the user who ran rebuild_zebra.pl. If one rebuilds the zebra indexes as root, the daemons, which typically run under the user Koha, will not be able to update the indexes. Thus, it’s important then that the zebra rebuilds are put in the cronjob file of the user Koha, and not root. Also important is that other users, such as root, don’t manually execute rebuilds.

If one desires that another user be able to execute rebuild_zebra.pl, he should be given the permission to execute “sudo -u Koha …/rebuild_zebra.pl,” (if you want to do this, you also have to edit the sudoers file to pass the PERL5LIB variable with the env_keep option as by default sudo strips away almost all environment variables). Or, as root user, one can use a simple “su koha” and then the rebuild_zebra.pl command.

I’ve also tried to set the sticky bit on rebuild_zebra.pl, but for whatever reason it didn’t seem to work due to some problem with the PERL5LIB variable that I wasn’t able to figure. That seems to me the easiest thing to do, if anybody has any idea how to make it work. If it worked and were the default, I think it would help folks to avoid a great deal of the problems that come up with zebra.

Haciendo Z39.50 un proveedor público

Question: Could someone tell me the exact steps I need to take to configure Zebra to expose my Koha 3 db as a public Z39.50 service?

Answer: Edit the KOHA_CONF file that your Koha is using. Uncomment the publicserver line like:

<!– <listen id=»publicserver» >tcp:@:9999</listen> –>

que sea:

<listen id=»publicserver» >tcp:@:9999</listen>

A continuación, reinicie zebasrv y conéctese al puerto especificado (9999).

Valores autorizados de localización de estanterías

Question: When editing an item, the new shelving location I created is not showing up by default in the items where I assigned it to.

Answer: This is because you created the new shelving location with a code value of 0 (zero) Just FYI the system interprets authorized values of 0 as equaling a null so when you edit a record in cataloging where the authorized value in a field was assigned where the code was 0, the value displays as null in the item editor (or MARC editor) instead of the value the library meant it to be.

¿Por qué necesito valores autorizados?

Question: Why would I want to define authorized values for MARC tags?

Answer: Authorized Values create a “controlled vocabulary” for your staff. As an example, let us assume that your Koha installation is used by several libraries, and you use MARC 21. You might want to restrict the 850a MARC subfield to the institution codes for just those libraries. In that case, you could define an authorized values category (perhaps called «INST») and enter the institution codes as the authorized values for that category.


Koha automáticamente establece categorías de valores autorizados para los tipos de ítem y los códigos de sucursal, y puede enlazar estos valores autorizados a los subcampos de MARC cuando usted establece la estructura de campos MARC.

¿Cómo puedo limpiar la tabla de sesiones?

Question: Is there a periodic job that can be run to cull old sessions from the table? We don’t want to backup all the useless session data every night.

Answer: You can run cleanup database cron job.

Or just before doing a backup command (mysqldump), you can truncate session table:

mysql -u<kohauser -p<password <koha-db-name -e 'TRUNCATE TABLE sessions'


Escáneres de código de barras

Question: What barcode scanners have been known to work with Koha?

Answer: The simple rule of thumb is, does it act like a keyboard device?, if so, it will work. (i.e. can you take the scanner, scan a barcode and have it show up in a text editor, if so, it will work.)

Los principales puntos a comprobar son que se conecta a su PC convenientemente (puede ser USB o «un conector de teclado», lo cual significa que se conecta en línea con el teclado, que es útil con los equipos más antiguos), y que escanea el tipo de código de barras que que esté utilizando.

Es una buena idea probar algunos códigos de barras “usados”, si dispone de algunos, para ver si el escáner puede leer con éxito códigos de barras raspados o ligeramente arrugados. La mayoría de los escáneres son capaces de leer varios tipos de códigos de barras - hay muchos, y la especificación debe enumerarse los que puede leer. Es posible que necesite ajustar la configuración de algo, como prefijo y sufijo de caracteres, o si desea enviar un caracter de “enter” o no.

Un consejo más - algunos se pueden establecer como “siempre activo” y pueden venir con un soporte, algunos tienen interruptores debajo del mango, algunos tienen botones en la parte superior, algunos se cogen como un lapicero. Piense en el personal que trabaja con el hardware antes de elegir, un botón en el lugar equivocado puede ser muy difícil de usar.


Impresoras utilizadas por las bibliotecas Koha

  • POS-X impresora de recibos
  • Star Micronics impresora (se desconoce el modelo exacto) con un controlador de texto genérico/sin formato.
  • Star SP2000 (Nelsonville)
  • Star TSP-100 futurePRINT (Geauga)
    • «Sé que ha habido muchas preguntas sobre impresoras de recibos, así que pensé en pasar mis conclusiones. Hemos estado probando Star TSP-100 futurePRINT. He encontrado esta impresora muy fácil de configurar para Koha. Yo era aún capaz de personalizar el trabajo de impresión mediante la adición de nuestro logotipo del sistema (un archivo .gif) en la parte superior de cada recibo. También con un mapa de bits creado en Paint fui capaz de escribir un mensaje en la parte inferior de cada recibo con la información de contacto, hora y el sitio web de la biblioteca que el material que fue prestado.»
  • Epson TM 88 IIIP impresoras de recibos térmica
  • Epson TM-T88IV
  • 1x1 etiquetas usando una impresora Dymolabelwriter

Soporte Braille

Question: Are there any braille embosser or printer which has inbuilt braille converter and it is accessible with UNIX environment?

Answer: You may want to look into BRLTTY (http://www.emptech.info/product_details.php?ID=1232).