Cron Jobs

A cron job is a Linux command for scheduling a command or script on your server to complete repetitive tasks automatically. Scripts executed as a cron job are typically used to modify files or databases; however, they can perform other tasks that do not modify data on the server, like sending out email notifications. Koha has many cron jobs in place that you can enable (search engine indexing, overdue notice generation, data cleanup and more), this chapter will explain those for you.

Crontab example

An example of a Koha crontab can be found in misc/cronjobs/crontab.example

The example includes sample boilerplate cronjob entries for the most commonly-used cronjobs.

Cron Jobs

The locations below assume a dev install which puts the crons in misc/, if you have a standard install you may want to look in bin/ for these files if you cannot find them in misc/


Daily Backup

Script path: misc/cronjobs/

Does: Creates a daily backup of the Koha database.

Vybrané návrhy:


Fronta rezervací

Script path: misc/cronjobs/holds/

Vaše pořadí ve frontě rezervací

Required by: Holds Queue Report

Vybrané návrhy:


  • Chcete-li vytvořit tuto zprávu, musíte mít běžící cron (plánovač) na „Build Holds Queue“. Tato plánovaná úloha je skript, který by měl být spouštěn pravidelně, pokud váš knihovní systém umožňuje čtenářům dávat rezervace na polici. Tento skript rozhodne, která knihovna by měla být zodpovědná za plnění daného požadavku na rezervaci.

    It’s behavior is controlled by the system preferences StaticHoldsQueueWeight and RandomizeHoldsQueueWeight.

    If you do not want all of your libraries to participate in the on-shelf holds fulfillment process, you should list the the libraries that *do* participate in the process here by inputting all the participating library’s branchcodes, separated by commas ( e.g. „MPL,CPL,SPL,BML“ etc. ).

    By default, the holds queue will be generated such that the system will first attempt to hold fulfillment using items already at the pickup library if possible. If there are no items available at the pickup library to fill a hold, will then use the list of libraries defined in StaticHoldsQueueWeight. If RandomizeHoldsQueueWeight is disabled ( which it is by default ), the script will assign fulfillment requests in the order the branches are placed in the StaticHoldsQueueWeight system preference.

    Například, pokud váš systém má tři knihovny, různých velikostí (malé, střední a velké) a chcete větší zátěž na plnění rezervací na větších knihovnách před menšími knihovnami, měli byste StaticHoldsQueueWeight nastavit takto „LRG, MED, SML „.

    Chcete-li zátěž na plnění rezervací rozprostřít rovnoměrně na celý knihovní systém, jednoduše zvolte RandomizeHoldsQueueWeight. Je-li tato předvolba zvolena, bude pořadí, ve kterém budou knihovny žádány aby plnily objednávky, náhodné při každé změně fronty.

    Leaving StaticHoldsQueueWeight empty is contraindicated at this time. Doing so will cause the build_holds_queue script to ignore RandomizeHoldsQueueWeight, causing the script to request hold fulfillment not randomly, but by alphabetical order.


Script path: misc/cronjobs/holds/

Does: By default, this cron job will only automatically cancel holds where the user has set an expiration date. If the library is using the ExpireReservesMaxPickUpDelay and ExpireReservesMaxPickUpDelayCharge preferences then this script will also cancel holds that have been sitting on the hold shelf for too long and will (if the library does) charge the patron for not picking up the hold.

Vybrané návrhy:

Pozastavit rezervaci

Script path: misc/cronjobs/holds/

Does: This script checks to find holds that should no longer be suspended and removes the suspension if the AutoResumeSuspendedHolds preference is set to ‚allow‘. This puts the patron back in to the queue where they were when the hold was suspended.

Vybrané návrhy:


tématické mraky na OPACu. (spustit program misc/cronjobs/ na vytvoření takových mraků)

Does: Calculates and posts fines to patron accounts.

Required by: finesMode system preference

Vybrané návrhy:

Static Fines

Script path: misc/cronjobs/

Does: this script calculates and charges overdue fines to patron accounts

Note If the Koha System Preference ‚finesMode‘ is set to ‚production‘, the fines are charged to the patron accounts. If set to ‚test‘, the fines are calculated but not applied.

Note Fines won’t be applied on a holiday.

Překročené lhůty

tématické mraky na OPACu. (spustit program misc/cronjobs/ na vytvoření takových mraků)

Does: allows one to specify delays for changing items to different lost statuses, and optionally charge for them using the replacement price listed on the item record.

Vybrané návrhy:


Staff can control some of the parameters for the longoverdue cron job with the DefaultLongOverdueLostValue and DefaultLongOverdueChargeValue preferences.

Track Total Checkouts

Script path: misc/cronjobs/

Does: updates the biblioitems.totalissues field in the database with the latest tally of checkouts based on historical issue statistics.

Vybrané návrhy:


If the time on your database server does not match the time on your Koha server you will need to take that into account, and probably use the –since argument instead of the –interval argument for incremental updating.


This cronjob can be used if there is a performance concern. Otherwise, use the UpdateTotalIssuesOnCirc System Preference.

Viz úplnou dokumentaci pro Offline výpůjčky v

Script path: misc/cronjobs/

Does: Generates the borrowers.db file for use with the Koha Offline Circulation tool

Vybrané návrhy:

Automatické prodloužení

Script path: misc/cronjobs/

Does: Will automatically renew items if you’re allowing automatic renewal with your circulation and fine rules.

Vybrané návrhy:


Batch Delete Patrons

Script path: misc/cronjobs/

Does: Deletes patron records in batch based on date not borrowed since, expired before, last seen, category code, or library branch.

Samobslužná registrace

Script path: misc/cronjobs/

Does: Deletes patron registrations that were submitted via the OPAC but not reviewed by the library within the number of days entered in the PatronSelfRegistrationExpireTemporaryAccountsDelay preference.

Vybrané návrhy:

Potvrďte svou registraci

Script path: misc/cronjobs/

Does: Deletes patron self registrations that were submitted via the OPAC but not confirmed via email within 24 hours. This is only necessary if you are requiring patrons to confirm their registrations via email with the PatronSelfRegistrationVerifyByEmail preference.

Vybrané návrhy:


Script path: misc/cronjobs/

Does: Used to anonymize patron data. This will remove borrowernumbers from circulation history so that the stats are kept, but the patron information is removed for privacy reasons.

Aktualizujte dětského čtenáře na dospělého

tématické mraky na OPACu. (spustit program misc/cronjobs/ na vytvoření takových mraků)

Does: Convert juvenile/child patrons from juvenile patron category and category code to corresponding adult patron category and category code when they reach the upper age limit defined in the Patron Categories.

Vybrané návrhy:


This script is designed to update patrons from juvenile to adult patron types, remove the guarantor, and update their category codes appropriately when they reach the upper age limit defined in the Patron Categories.



„“ -b=<branchcode> -f=<categorycode> -t=<categorycode> (Processes a single branch, and updates the patron categories from category to category)

„“ -f=<categorycode> -t=<categorycode> -v -n (Processes all branches, shows all messages, and reports the patrons who would be affected. Takes no action on the database)


Zpráva odeslána

Script path: misc/cronjobs/

Does: processes the message queue to send the check out, check in and hold filled emails and SMS message to users and sends outgoing emails to patrons. requires EnhancedMessagingPreferences to be on

Vybrané návrhy:


Item due and Advanced due notices are controlled by the advance_notices cron.

Pokročilá omezení:

Script path: misc/cronjobs/

Does: prepares „pre-due“ notices and „item due“ notices for patrons who request them prepares notices for patrons for items just due or coming due soon. requires EnhancedMessagingPreferences to be on

Vybrané návrhy:


This script does not actually send the notices. It queues them in the message queue for later


Script path: misc/cronjobs/

Does: prepares messages to alert patrons of overdue messages (both via email and print)

Vybrané návrhy:


This script does not actually send the notices. It queues them in the message queue for later or generates the HTML for later printing

See also

The misc/cronjobs/ program allows you to send messages to patrons in advance of their items becoming due, or to alert them of items that have just become due.

Talking Tech

To learn more about setting up this third party product view the Talking Tech chapter.

Přidávání oznámení &amp; potvrzení

Script path: misc/cronjobs/thirdparty/

Does: Script to generate Spec C outbound notifications file for Talking Tech i-tiva phone notification system.

Required by: TalkingTechItivaPhoneNotification

Vybrané návrhy:

Příjem periodik

Script path: misc/cronjobs/thirdparty/

Does: Script to process received Results files for Talking Tech i-tiva phone notification system.

Required by: TalkingTechItivaPhoneNotification

Vybrané návrhy:

Notify Patrons of Expiration

Script path: misc/cronjobs/

Does: Sends messages to warn patrons of their card expiration to the messaage queue cron.

Requires: MembershipExpiryDaysNotice

Frequency: nightly

Ve zpracování / Lokace knižního vozíku

Script path: misc/cronjobs/

Does: Updates all items with a location of CART to the item’s permanent location.

Required by: NewItemsDefaultLocation, InProcessingToShelvingCart, & ReturnToShelvingCart system preferences

Vybrané návrhy:


Import Webservice Batch

Script path: misc/cronjobs/

Does: A cron job for processing import bach queues of type ‚webservice‘. Batches can also be processed through the UI.


This script is used for OCLC Connexion

Connexion Import Daemon

Script path: misc/bin/

Does: A daemon that listens for OCLC Connexion requests and is compliant with OCLC Gateway specification. It takes requests with MARC XML and import batch parameters from a configuration file and forwards it to svc/import_bib


This script is used for OCLC Connexion

Batch Item Deletion

Script path: misc/cronjobs/

Does: A batch item deletion tool, which generates a query against the items database and deletes the items matching the criteria specified in the command line arguments.

Check URL Quick

Script path: misc/cronjobs/

Does: Check URLs from biblio records.


This script replaces the script


tématické mraky na OPACu. (spustit program misc/cronjobs/ na vytvoření takových mraků)

Does: checks URLs in 856$u field. Script output can now be formatted in CSV or HTML. The HTML version links directly to MARC biblio record editor.

Vybrané návrhy:

Learn more:

Delete Records via Leader

Script path: misc/cronjobs/

Does: Attempt to delete any MARC records where the leader character 5 equals ‚d‘

Úprava autorit

Script path: misc/cronjobs/

Text: ___ změny do autoritních záznamů.


The name of this script is misleading. This script does not merge authorities together it instead merges authority data with linked bib records. Edits to authority records will be applied to bibliographic records that use that authority when this script is run.


Vybrané návrhy:

Typ periodika

tématické mraky na OPACu. (spustit program misc/cronjobs/ na vytvoření takových mraků)

Does: checks if there is a „late“ issue on active subscriptions, and if there is, the script will set it as late, and add the next one as expected.

Vybrané návrhy:

Automatic item update

Script path: misc/cronjobs/

Does: updates items based on the list of rules set forth in the Automatické úpravy jednotek podle stáří tool

Required by: Automatické úpravy jednotek podle stáří

Frequency suggestions: nightly


Ikonka vlákna RSS

tématické mraky na OPACu. (spustit program misc/cronjobs/ na vytvoření takových mraků)

Does: Produces an RSS XML document for any SQL query (not used for search results RSS feed). Learn more.

Vybrané návrhy:


Script path: misc/cronjobs/

Does: Generate content for authorities browse in OPAC

Required by: OpacBrowser system preference


Tato předvolba je nyní možná jen ve francouzské verzi.

Nejčastější témata

tématické mraky na OPACu. (spustit program misc/cronjobs/ na vytvoření takových mraků)

Does: Generates HTML keywords clouds from Koha Zebra indexes. misc/cronjobs/cloud-sample.conf has a sample of how this script operates.

Frequency: This is the type of script you can run once a month or so, the content generated isn’t going to change very much over time.


Services Throttle

Script path: misc/cronjobs/

Does: resets the xISBN services throttle

Vybrané návrhy:

Vytvoření databáze

Script path: misc/cronjobs/

Does: Truncates the sessions table, cleans out old zebraqueue entries, action logs and staged MARC files.

Share Usage Stats

Script path: misc/cronjobs/

Does: If you’re sharing information via the UsageStats feature this will send your info to the Hea website.

Frequency: monthly


Nevyřízené návrhy

Script path: misc/cronjobs/

Does: Removes old (defined by you) suggestions from the suggestion management area.


The system preference PurgeSuggestionsOlderThan defines the number of days used in the script

Email suggestions to process

Script path: misc/cronjobs/

Does: Generates a notice to the fund owner that there are suggestions in need of processing

EDI Message Processing

Script path: misc/cronjobs/

Does: Sends and received EDI messages

Frequency: Every 15 minutes

Remove Temporary EDI Files

Script path: misc/cronjobs/

Does: removes temporary EDI files that are older than 5 days


Run Report

Script path: misc/cronjobs/

Does: run pre-existing saved reports

Norwegian patron database

NL sync to Koha

Script path: misc/cronjobs/

Does: sync patrons from the Norwegian national patron database (NL) to Koha

Note Relies on NorwegianPatronDBUsername and NorwegianPatronDBPassword system preferences

NL sync from Koha

Script path: misc/cronjobs/

Does: sync patrons from Koha to the Norwegian national patron database (NL)

Note Relies on NorwegianPatronDBUsername and NorwegianPatronDBPassword system preferences

Social data

Get report social data

Script path: misc/cronjobs/social_data/

Does: downloads data from Babelthèque to add to OPAC records

Vybrané návrhy:

Update social data

Script path: misc/cronjobs/social_data/

Does: updates OPAC records with Babelthèque social data

Odstranit předplatné

Nejsou žádné čekající úpravy čtenářů.

Script path: misc/cronjobs/

tématické mraky na OPACu. (spustit program misc/cronjobs/ na vytvoření takových mraků)

tématické mraky na OPACu. (spustit program misc/cronjobs/ na vytvoření takových mraků)

tématické mraky na OPACu. (spustit program misc/cronjobs/ na vytvoření takových mraků)

Script path:misc/cronjobs/