
Koha 的指定參考書模組可以把館藏暫時移入 『保留』 區,並適用特別的流通規則,供指定的課程使用。

Setting up course reserves

Before using course reserves, you will need to do some set up.

First you will need to enable course reserves by setting the UseCourseReserves preference to 『Use』.

接著將使用指定參考書的老師新增為讀者 新增讀者

接著新增系所與學期的 容許值

You may also want to create new item types, collection codes (CCODE) or shelving locations (LOC) to make it clear that the items are on reserve to your patrons. You will also want to be sure to confirm that your circulation and fine rules are right for your new item types (whether they be hourly or daily loans).


Once you have completed your set up for course reserves, you can start creating courses and adding titles to the reserve list.

Courses page, no courses

From the main course reserves page, you can add a new course by clicking the 『New course』 button at the top left.

Add a new course

您的新課程至少需要系所、代號及名稱。您還可以新增額外的資訊如課程區塊編號及要求等。要將教師連結到本課程,輸入教師名稱後 Koha 會搜尋讀者資料庫找到適當的人並與課程連結。

Instructor search box with autocomplete

教師名稱出現後,點選他們的名稱就能新增了。您可重複此步驟。每個教師都會出現在搜盒之上且點選其名稱右方的 『移除』 連結,就能夠移除他。

Instructor remove option

If you would like your course to show publicly, you’ll want to be sure to check the 『Enabled?』 box before saving your new course.


Courses pages, with two courses


您可以在管理模組的:ref:』欄組態』<column-settings-label> 部份, 自定義此表的列(table id: courses page, course_reserves_table)。


Before adding reserve materials, you will need at least one course to add them to. To add materials visit the Course Reserves module.

Courses pages, with two courses


Course details

在課程說明上方,請點擊 『新增保留』 鍵新增題名至此指定參考書清單中。您將會被要求提供條碼號給每個題名。

Page to add reserves to a course by barcode or biblionumber


Form to add an item to a course reserve, the form shows item fields that can be modified when the course is active

After you are done scanning the barcodes to add to the course, you can see them on the course page.

Course details with reserve details


您可以在管理模組的 :ref:`』欄組態』<column-settings-label>`部份,自定義此表的列(table id: reserves page, course_reserves_table)。

可以同時加入多個館藏。勾選 『批次新增指定參考書』。

Screen to add several barcodes or biblionumbers to a course reserve


顯示於 OPAC 的指定參考書課程

Once you have enabled course reserves and added courses, you will see a link to course reserves below your search box in the OPAC.

Library catalog search box at the top of the page in the OPAC; the links under the search bar are Advanced search, Course reserves, Authority search, Tag cloud, and Libraries

Clicking that link will show you your list of enabled courses (if you have only one course, you will just see the contents of that one course).

Course reserves page in the OPAC showing the available courses in a table


您可以在管理模組的 『欄組態』 部份, 自定義此表的列(table id: course_reserves_table)。

可以用指定參考書出現的欄位 (課程編號、課程名稱、教師姓名、開課系所) 搜尋。按課程名稱將顯示其館藏。

Course detail page in the OPAC, showing the course details and reserve materials


您可以在管理模組的 :ref:`』欄組態』<column-settings-label>`部份, 自定義此表的列(table id: course-items-table)。