What’s new

This section highlights new features and enhancements in the latest Koha releases.

This section is updated as the manual is updated. Therefore, it may not contain all the new features and enhancements in the release. Please consult the release notes to find an exhaustive list of all changes in Koha for each version.


E-resource management

You can now import local title records into Koha from a KBART file, making it easier to get your eholdings records into Koha.

New system preferences


The new WaitingNotifyAtCheckout generates a pop-up in the circulation module alerting staff that the patron they are checking out items to also has holds waiting for them.


Preservation module

The brand new Preservation module is used for integrating preservation treatments into the Koha workflow and keep track of them. For every single step of the preservation workflow, data is attached to the Koha items.

The module comes with its own set of system preferences.

Protected patrons

It is now possible to protect patrons from deletion. When adding or editing a patron, a new ‘Protected’ flag can be set in the ‘Library management’ section. This will disable the ‘Delete’ option in the patron file. Furthermore, protected patrons cannot be deleted by batch deletion, cron jobs, or patron merging.

Use this for your statistical patrons, SIP2 users, self checkout users and superadmins.

Custom slips

It is now possible to create custom slips that will be available from the ‘Print’ menu in a patron’s account.

Go to Tools > Notices and slips and create a new slip with the new ‘Patrons (custom slip)’ category.

Custom report templates

It is now possible to create templates in the notices and slips tool and use those in the reports module when running SQL reports.

Vendor issues

It is now possible to record problems with vendors in the acquisitions module. It is a way to keep track of the various issues that might arise in the course of a contract, and it might be helpful when the time comes to renegotiate.

Library-level OPAC CSS and JS

It is now possible to add custom CSS and JavaScript to an OPAC for a specific library. Two new fields were added to the library form:

  • UserJS

  • UserCSS

This code will be used when a patron logs in to the OPAC, or if the system has more than one OPAC (through apache configuration files).

Deprecation of the offline circulation module

The offline circulation module has been deprecated. Only the Firefox plugin and Windows tool are now supported.

Accordingly, the AllowOfflineCirculation system preference was removed.

Template for serial publication date

It is now possible to create a template to automatically fill the ‘Published on (text)’ field when receiving a new serial. This is set at the subscription-level, therefore, you can have different templates for different subscriptions.

Cookies information

New system preferences and HTML customizations allow for cookies information to be added to the OPAC and staff interface.

OPAC self checkout

The new OPAC self checkout feature allows patrons to check out items to themselves via the OPAC.

This is different from the self checkout module, which is a module onto itself, meant to be used on dedicated computers. The OPAC self checkout can be used on any computer or device that has access to the OPAC.

It is enabled with the OpacTrustedCheckout system preference.

New display locations for HTML customizations

There are several new display locations for the HTML customization tool.

  • StaffAcquisitionsHome: content will appear at the bottom of the Acquisitions module main page.

  • StaffAuthoritiesHome: content will appear at the bottom of the Authorities main page.

  • StaffCataloguingHome: content will appear at the bottom of the Cataloguing module main page.

  • StaffListsHome: content will appear at the bottom of the Lists main page.

  • StaffPatronsHome: content will appear at the bottom of the Patrons module main page.

  • StaffPOSHome: content will appear at the bottom of the Point of sale main page.

  • StaffSerialsHome: content will appear at the bottom of the Serials module main page.

The move of system preferences to HTML customizations continues. These were moved to the HTML customization tool in version 23.11.

  • OpacMaintenanceNotice

  • OPACResultsSidebar

  • OpacSuppressionMessage

  • PatronSelfRegistrationAdditionalInstructions

  • SCOMainUserBlock

  • SelfCheckHelpMessage

  • SelfCheckInMainUserBlock

New system preferences


The new AcquisitionsDefaultEMailAddress system preference allows you to set a specific email address that will be used to send orders and late order claims from the acquisitions module.


The new AcquisitionsDefaultReplyTo system preference allows you to set a specific reply-to email address that will receive replies to orders and late order claims sent from the acquisitions module.


The new CancelOrdersInClosedBaskets system preference can be set to allow cancelling acquisitions orders in baskets that are closed. This is useful if something cannot be delivered and you don’t want to reopen the basket or go through the receive shipment process.


The new DefaultAuthorityTab system preference allows libraries to choose which tab is selected first when viewing an authority record.


The new ForceLibrarySelection system preference can be used to require staff to choose a library when logging into the staff interface.


The new LoadCheckoutsTableDelay system preference can be used to delay the loading of the checkouts table in a patron’s account to prevent too many service queries when checking out a number of items in a row.


The new OpacTrustedCheckout system preference enables libraries with trusted communities to allow patrons to check out to themselves via the OPAC. This is different from the self checkout module, which is a module onto itself, meant to be used on dedicated computers. The OPAC self checkout can be used on any computer or device that has access to the OPAC.


The OverdueNoticeFrom system preference already existed, but a new option was added to it in version 23.11. The new option ‘patron home library’, allows libraries to choose that library as the source of information for overdue notices.


The new SerialsDefaultEMailAddress system preference allows you to set a specific email address that will be used to send late serial issues claims from the serials module.


The new SerialsDefaultReplyTo system preference allows you to set a specific reply-to email address that will receive replies to late serial issues claims sent from the serials module.


The new SerialsSearchResultsLimit system preference allows you to limit the number of serial subscription search results per page, to be used in systems where there are a lot of subscriptions.


The new showLastPatronCount system preference allows you to choose how many patrons are shown by the link created by showLastPatron.


The new TrackLastPatronActivityTriggers system preference replaces the TrackLastPatronActivity system preference and allows a more granular control of which action triggers the update of the patron’s “last seen” date (borrowers.lastseen). Previously, this database column was only updated when the patron logged into the OPAC or via SIP2. But this excluded patrons who might check out a lot of items from the library, but never log into the OPAC. The library can now decide which activities to track from a list.


The new UpdateItemLocationOnCheckout system preference allows you to automatically change an item’s location when it is checked out.

New patron permissions

The preservation permission has been added to allow staff members to access the new preservation module.

New options for command line tools

The runreport.pl script has two new parameters:

  • --send_empty adds the option to send the email even if the report returns no results

  • --quote adds the option to specify the quote character for CSV output

The writeoff_debts.pl script has two new parameters:

  • --category-code adds the option to limit writeoffs to a specific patron category

  • --added-after adds the option to limit writeoffs to charges added after a specific or calculated date

The borrowers-force-messaging-defaults.pl script has two new parameters:

  • --library adds the option to limit updates to patrons from a specific library

  • --message-name adds the option to limit updates to a specific message

The membership_expiry.pl script has four new parameters:

  • -active adds the option to send notices to “active” patrons only. Activity is determined by the new TrackLastPatronActivityTriggers system preference.

  • -inactive adds the option to send notices to “inactive” patrons only. Activity is determined by the new TrackLastPatronActivityTriggers system preference.

  • -renew adds the option to automatically renew patron memberships instead of simply advising them that their membership is about to expire.

  • -letter_renew adds the option to use a different notice than the default one, MEMBERSHIP_RENEWED.