Question: How can I find out what version of Koha I am using?
Answer: The easiest way to find out your Koha version is taking a look at the About page of the staff interface.
You can also find out from the OPAC by taking a look at the HTML source. It will look something like:
<meta name="generator" content="Koha 18.1200000" /> <!-- leave this for stats -->
Question: Should I use the Debian packages or the tarball to install Koha?
Answer: For the beginning user, it is highly recommended to use the package install of Koha - it provides many simple commands to do powerful things to your Koha installation. Packages should almost always be your choice of install on an ordinary production Koha install. A relative minimum of system administration skill is required to install Koha using the Debian packages.
Instructions for using the packages with Debian.
Installing from tarball or git is the only option for people not installing on Debian or Ubuntu.
Developers should give the KohaDevBox a look, it’s the easiest, quickest way to get a Developer instance of Koha going.
OPAC and staff interface
Customizing Koha images
Question : Peut-on personnaliser les images dans l’OPAC?
Réponse : Absolument. Koha propose une série d’images que vous pouvez modifier selon vos besoins. Vous pouvez trouver les images d’origine dans le répertoire misc/interface_customization/.
OPAC display fields
Question : Quelles zones MARC s’affichent dans les différents écrans de l’OPAC?
Réponse : Pour afficher certains champs à l’OPAC, la préférence système XSLT doit être paramétrée comme suit
OPACXSLTResultsDisplay = using XSLT stylesheets
OPACXSLTDetailsDisplay = using XSLT stylesheets
DisplayOPACiconsXSLT = show
The OPAC results page shows:
100, 110, 111
700, 710, 711
The OPAC details page shows:
100, 110, 111
700, 710, 711
440, 490
130, 240
plus all of the 5xx fields in the “Notes” tab at the bottom
Afficher les codes à barres des exemplaires qu’ils ont empruntés
Question : Les adhérents peuvent-ils voir les codes à barres des exemplaires qu’ils ont empruntés ?
**Réponse*: Pas par défaut, mais après quelques modifications sur la fiche adhérent, vous pourrez afficher une colonne code à barres sur le résumé de prêt de l’adhérent dans l’OPAC. Vous pouvez configurer un attribut adhérent avec la valeur SHOW_BCODE et la valeur autorisée YES_NO pour que les codes à barres apparaissent.
Puis, sur le compte de l’adhérent définir la valeur pour SHOW_BCODE sur YES.
Cela ajoutera une colonne au tableau de résumé de l’OPAC qui affichera les code à barres des documents empruntés.
Si vous cliquez sur l’onglet “Retards”, cela affichera tous les documents en retard.
Fees and fines
Question: Why am I getting fined 5.00 for every loan?
Answer: The money you are seeing on your patron’s account isn’t a fine, but a rental fee. The optional default item types that come with the Koha sample data might contain a rental fee. To remove this fee, do the following:
Click More > Administration
Click Item types
Note which item types have a 5.00 fee associated with them, select them for editing
Remove the fee, and save the item type
Book drop
Question: How is the book drop date determined? Is it the last open date for the checkout library? Is it today’s date minus one? Can the book drop checkin date be set?
Answer: If the library is closed for four days for renovations, for example, there would be more than one day needed for the book drop date. You will only have one book drop date and that will be the last day that the library was open (determined by the holiday calendar) because there is no real way to know what day the books were dropped into the box during the 4 closed days.
If you need to set a different checkin date, you can use the SpecifyReturnDate system preference. This will allow you to set an arbitrary date and any overdue fines will be recalculated accordingly.
Holds to pull and holds queue
Question: What is the difference between the Holds queue and Holds to pull reports?
Answer: The holds to pull report gives a simple list of what holds need to be filled with available items. It shows the “live” data of your database, so new holds will turn up there immediately. It shows information about each hold including all libraries where items of the requested title are available.
The holds queue report is divided by libraries and will list the hold only for one library where it is available. For libraries with lots of holds and multiple branches this will prevent multiple libraries pulling the item off the shelf at the same time.
The holds queue report is generated by the build_holds_queue.pl cron job. By default it runs hourly, but it might be changed to run at any other interval. There are various configuration options to determine the library to provide the item. For example:
StaticHoldsQueueWeight, HoldsQueueSkipClosed, and RandomizeHoldsQueueWeight system preferences
Printing overdue notices
Question: Puis-je imprimer des notifications de retard pour les adhérents sans adresse courriel ?
Answer: Yes. By default Koha will email all overdue notices to patrons without email address to the library.
Additionally the overdue notice cron job has a setting to generate the overdue notices as HTML for printing. An example of this usage would be:
- ::
overdue_notices.pl -t -html /tmp/noticedir -itemscontent issuedate,date_due,title,barcode,author
Dans cet exemple, nous voulons seulement utiliser certains champs d’exemplaires dans nos notifications, il faut donc spécifier les champs de itemscontent dans l’accès au cron, ce qui n’est pas obligatoire pour cette fonction.
The command line needs to specify a web-accessible directory where the print notices will go – they get a filename like notices-2018-11-24.html (or holdnotices-2018-11-24.html). The overdue notice itself can be formatted to fit a Z-mailer. Within the notice file, the text is spaced down or over to where it will print properly on the form. The script has code that wraps around the notice file to tell the HTML to obey the formatting, and to do a page break between notices. The system preference PrintNoticesMaxLines can be used to specify the page length for libraries that allow a lot of checkouts which can lead to some notices running onto multiple pages. That system preference says to truncate the print notice at that page length and put in a message about go check your OPAC account for the full list.
The cron entry is gather_print_notices.pl /tmp/noticedir
Unable to renew items
Question : Nous ne parvenons pas à renouveler certains exemplaires de nos adhérents. Un des exemplaires est réservé et ne peut pas être renouvelé, mais les deux autres exemplaires refusent de se renouveler alors qu’ils sont disponibles. Lorsque j’essaie d’outrepasser la limite de renouvellement, je reçois un message me disant « Échec du renouvellement ». Pouvez-vous m’expliquer ce qui se passe ?
Answer: At the very least you will need to set an absolute default circulation rule. This rule should be as standard rule for all libraries, “All” itemtype”, and “All” patron category. That will catch anyone who doesn’t match a specific rule. Patrons who do not match a specific rule will get blocked from placing holds or renewing items, since there was no baseline number of holds or renewals to utilize.
Unable to place holds
Question: Why can’t I place holds when I have all of the preferences turned on?
Answer: You probably need to set a default circulation rule in your circulation and fines rules. This should be a standard rule for all libraries, and all patron categories and item types. That will catch all instances that do not match a specific rule.
The ability to place holds also depends on the “On shelf holds allowed” setting in the circulation rule that is used. Depending on the setting, it might not be possible to place a hold if any or all items for a record are checked out.
Keyboard shortcuts
Question: Do I have to use my mouse to access the checkout, checkin, renewal and catalog tabs at the top of the circulation pages?
Réponse : Vous pouvez basculer d’onglet en onglet depuis la barre de recherche située en haut de l’écran en utilisant les raccourcis suivants (si l’onglet est disponible bien sûr) :
jump to the catalog search with Alt+q
jump to the checkout with Alt+u
cela ne fonctionnera pas pour les utilisateurs de Mac
jump to the renewal tab with Alt+w
jump to the checkin with Alt+r
Mac users use the OPTION button in place of Alt
SMS notices/messages
Question : Je voudrais que Koha envoit des notifications via SMS, comment dois-je faire ?
Réponse : Vous devez d’abord choisir un service SMS à utiliser. Voici une liste de services disponibles: http://search.cpan.org/search?query=sms%3A%3Asend&mode=all Tous les services SMS disponibles en bibliothèque ne disposent pas de contrôleurs Perl, vérifiez donc bien cette liste pour voir si le fournisseur que vous envisagez y est bien. Sinon, demandez à votre fournisseur s’il a un module Perl, si vous n’envisagez pas d’autre service. Voici quelques options basiques aux USA (qui ont des contrôleurs Perl) :
AQL (www.aql.com)
Wadja (wadja.com)
Ipipi (ipipi.com)
SMSDiscount (smsdiscount.com)
Alternatively you can configure Koha to send SMS via Email. In order to use this feature you need to set the SMSSendDriver system preference to “Email” and configure the email gateways for the different SMS cellular providers of your patrons. Be aware that many mobile providers have deprecated support for the SMS::Send::Email feature. It is not recommended for use unless you have a dedicated SMS to Email gateway.
In any case you might want to check if sending SMS to your patrons is legal in your location.
Question : Et l’Inde ?
Answer: India does not yet have too many options here. This is partly due to the Telecom regulatory authority’s (TRAI) stipulations about transactional SMSes and limits on the number of SMSes that may be sent/received per users per day. India specific drivers include:
Unicel Technologies Pvt Ltd (unicel.in)
Email notices/messages
Question: How do I prevent my libraries notices ending up marked as spam?
Answer: This is a complicated topic, but thankfully Koha gives you a good degree of control via various system preferences.
For every email sent out from Koha there are three important addresses for the system to get correct, From, Reply-to and Sender. These are configurable at both the system and library level and should fall back in a suitable manner if any of them are not defined.
KohaAdminEmailAddress - This will act as the From address and should be an address in the same domain as the koha server [for example noreply@koha-hosting.org]
ReplytoDefault - This will act as the Reply-to address and can be in any domain [for example librarian@mylibrary.com] and this is the address which will be used if/when a patron hits “Reply” in their email client. Note: This will fall back to KohaAdminEmailAddress when it is not set.
ReturnpathDefault - This will act as the Sender address and also needs to be within the koha/email servers domain [for example postmaster@koha-hosting.org] and this is the address which will be used to report if an email bounces for any reason.
There are parallels to all the above preferences at the per branch level which fall back in the same order as mentioned above before falling back to the system level preferences above when required.
If you have the above configured correctly and your emails are still being treated as spam then you likely need to contact your email service provider/dns provider and look into MX, SPF and DKIM records.
Koha to MARC mapping
Question: What’s the relationship between “Koha to MARC mapping” and “MARC bibliographic frameworks”?
Answer: Mappings can be defined through “MARC bibliographic frameworks” OR “Koha to MARC mapping”. “Koha to MARC mapping” is just a shortcut to speed up linkage. If you change a mapping in one of these modules, the mapping will change in the other as well. In other words, the two modules “overwrite” each other in order to prevent conflicts from existing in Koha.
Number of items per bibliographic record
Question : Y-a-t-il un nombre limite d’exemplaires que je puisse attacher à la notice bibliographique ?
Answer: There is no limit to the number of items you can attach to a bibliographic record. For records with a big number of items exporting the MARC record as ISO 2709 might be problematic as this format has a size limit. Item numbers somewhere between 600 and 1000 items on a “normal” bibliographic record should be OK.
Question: I am using the EasyAnalyticalRecords feature, but my links in the OPAC and Staff client to “Show analytics” are not working.
Answer: If you plan on using EasyAnalyticalRecords you will want to make sure to set your UseControlNumber preference to « Don’t use, » this will prevent broken links.
Planning categories
Question : Qu’est-ce qu’une catégorie de planification ?
Réponse: Lorsque vous planifiez à l’avance la façon dont votre budget va être dépensé, vous planifiez également sur combien de temps il va être dépensé.
Donc si vous planifiez 1000€ en Janvier, 1000€ en Février, 3000€ en Mars etc… Vous pouvez faire à peu prés la même chose avec une liste de valeurs au lieu des mois.
Disons que vous avez une liste comme celle-ci:
< 1 month
< 6 months
< 1 year
< 3 years
< 10 years
> 10 years
The list is meant to represent when the books acquired were published. Then you plan for it, saying: we want to spend at least 40% of our budgets on books published less than a year ago, 10% on books more than 10 years old, etc.
Upon acquiring new material, you’ll be able to select, for a given item, a value from this list in a drop down. Then, after the material has been acquired, at the end of the year, you’ll be able to compare the goals set with what’s been achieved.
Advanced patterns
Question : Qu’est-ce que le compteur interne dans l’interface des modèles avancés des périodiques ?
Réponse : Il sera plus intéressant de donner un exemple pour comprendre ceci :
Exemple pour un abonnement mensuel :
Première date de publication : Avril 2015
Numérotation : Num {X}, année {Y}
Premier numéro : Num 4, année 2015
Pour l’année Y : vous voulez changer l’année en Janvier 2016
Donc le modèle avancé pour Y sera :
Ajouter : 1
Every : 12
When more than: 9999999
Inner counter: 3
Set back to: 0
Begins with: 2010
Year is going to change after 12 received issues from April 2010, that is in April 2011 if you don’t set inner counter. Set inner counter to 3 will say to Koha: change year after 12-3 = 9 received issues.
Le compteur interne dit à Koha de prendre en compte les premiers numéros de l’année, même s’ils ne sont pas réceptionnés dans Koha. Si vous commencez avec le premier numéro de l’année, n’écrivez rien ou juste 0.
SQL help
Question: I don’t know SQL, but I want to write a report that does X. Can you tell me how?
Answer: The Koha reports library on the Koha wiki is a good starting point and contains a lot of SQL reports shared by other libraries that can be reused and adapted.
Koha’s database schema is also publicly documented and contains helpful notes on how the columns in the various tables are used.
If you get stuck people on the community mailing lists will often be willing to help you.
Codes stored in the database
Statistics table
Question: What are the possible codes for the type field in the statistics table?
S’enregistre si un document qui avait été prêté à un usager de type statistique (type de catégorie = “X”) est retourné
Le XXX contient différents types d’amendes, donc une requête pour tous les bloquer inclura une clause comme « type LIKE “Credit%” »
Reserves (holds) table
Question : Quels sont les codes possibles pour le champ found dans les tables reserves et old_reserves ?
NULL: l’adhérent a réservé le premier exemplaire disponible, et nous ne l’avons pas encore choisi
T = Transit: the hold is linked to an item but is in transit to the pickup library
W = Waiting: the hold is linked to an item, is at the pickup library, and is waiting on the hold shelf
F = Finished: the hold has been completed, and is done
Reports dictionary table
Question : Quels sont les codes possibles pour le champ area dans la table reports_dictionary ?
1 = Circulation
2 = Catalogue
3 = Adhérents
4 = Acquisitions
5 = Comptes lecteurs
Messages table
Question : Quels sont les codes possibles pour le champ message_type dans la table messages ?
L = pour les Bibliothécaires
B = pour les adhérents
Serial table
Question: What are the possible codes for the status field in the serial table?
1 = Attendu
2 = Arrivé
3 = En retard
4 = Manquant
Non disponible
6 = Supprimé
7 = Réclamé
8 = Arrêté
41 = Manquant (non reçu)
42 = Manquant (épuisé)
43 = Manquant (endommagé)
44 = Manquant (Perdu)
Borrowers table
Question: What are the possible codes for the privacy field in the borrowers and deleted_borrowers tables?
0 = Toujours
1 = Par défaut
2 = Jamais
Patron categories table
Question: What are the possible codes for the category types?
A = Adult
C = Child
I = Organization
P = Professional
S = Staff
X = Statistical
Messaging preferences
Question : Quels sont les codes possibles dans le champ message_attribute_id dans la table borrower_message_preferences ?
2 = préavis de rappel
6 = prêt de l’exemplaire
4 = Réservation mise de côté
1 = exemplaire à retourner à la date prévue
5 = retour de l’exemplaire
Recalls table
Question: What are the possible codes for the status field in the recalls table?
A new recall request has been made and the item must be returned
A recalled item is awaiting pickup at the requester’s chosen branch
An item has been allocated to a recall and is in transit to the requester’s chosen pickup branch
A recalled item is overdue to be returned
A recalled item has been checked out to the recall requester, and the recall is complete
The recall was not completed before a defined expiration date or the recall requester failed to pick up their waiting recall within the pickup period
The recall request was cancelled.
Only requested or overdue recalls can be cancelled.
Action logs modules and actions
Question: What are the possible modules in the action_logs table and what are the possible actions for each?
Records changes to orders and baskets in acquisitions as well as budget adminitration
Possible actions
ADD_BASKET: a new basket was created
APPROVE_BASKET: an EDI basket was approved
CANCEL_ORDER: an order was cancelled
CLOSE_BASKET: a basket was closed
CREATE_FUND: a fund was created
CREATE_INVOICE_ADJUSTMENT: an adjustment was added to an invoice
CREATE_ORDER: an order was added to a basket
DELETE_FUND: a fund was deleted
DELETE_INVOICE_ADJUSTMENT: an adjustment was deleted from an invoice
MODIFY_BASKET: a basket was edited (adding or modifying orders)
MODIFY_BASKET_HEADER: a basket’s information (such as the basket name or billing place) was edited
MODIFY_BASKET_USERS: a basket’s users were edited
MODIFY_BUDGET: a budget was edited (this does not include clo)
MODIFY_FUND: a fund was edited
MODIFY_ORDER: an order was edited
RECEIVE_ORDER: an order was received
REOPEN_BASKET: a closed basket was reopened
UPDATE_INVOICE_ADJUSTMENT: an adjustment to an invoice was edited
Enabled by the AcquisitionLog system preference
Records when patrons or staff log in to the OPAC or the staff interface
Possible actions
FAILURE: a patron or staff member tried to log in with the wrong credentials
SUCCESS: a patron or staff member logged in successfully
Enabled by the AuthFailureLog and AuthSuccessLog system preferences
Records changes to authority records
Possible actions
ADD: authority record was created
DELETE: authority record was deleted
MODIFY: authority record was modified
Enabled by the AuthoritiesLog system preference
Records changes to bibliographic records and items
Possible actions
ADD: bibliographic record or item was created
DELETE: bibliographic record or item was deleted
MODIFY: bibliographic record or item was modified, or a cover image was added to the record
Enabled by the CataloguingLog system preference
Possible actions
ISSUE: an item was checked out
RETURN: an item was checked in
RENEWAL: a checkout was renewed
Enabled by the IssueLog, RenewalLog, and ReturnLog system preferences
Records when late orders are claimed
Possible actions
ACQUISITION CLAIM: a late order was claimed
Enabled by the ClaimsLog system preference
Records when a cronjob is run
Possible actions
Run: a cron job was executed
Records changes to charges
Possible actions
CREATE: a charge was added to a patron’s account (manually or automatically)
MODIFY: a charge was modified (forgiven)
UPDATE: a charge was updated (only in the case of fines that are still accruing)
VOID: a payment was voided
Enabled by the FinesLog system preference
Records changes to holds
Possible actions
CANCEL: a hold was cancelled
CREATE: a hold was placed
DELETE: a hold was deleted, an item on hold was checked out by the patron
FILL: a hold was confirmed and put aside to await pickup
MODIFY: a hold was modified (the priority was changed, the expiration date changed, etc.)
RESUME: a suspended hold was resumed
SUSPEND: a hold was suspended
Enabled by the HoldsLog system preference
Records changes to ILL requests.
Possible actions
PATRON_NOTICE: a notice was sent to a patron regarding their ILL request
STATUS_CHANGE: the status of an ILL request was modified
Enabled by the IllLog system preference.
Records changes to the patron files
Possible actions
ADDCIRCMESSAGE: an internal message or OPAC message was added to the patron’s account
CHANGE PASS: a patron’s password was changed
CREATE: a new patron was added
DELCIRCMESSAGE: an internal message or OPAC message was deleted
DELETE: a patron’s account was deleted
MODIFY: a patron’s account was edited
RENEW: a patron’s membership was renewed
Enabled by the BorrowersLog system preference
Records changes to news and HTML customizations.
Possible actions
ADD: a new news item or HTML customization was created
DELETE: a news item or HTML customization was deleted
MODIFY: a news item or HTML customization was edited
Enabled by the NewsLog system preference.
Records changes to notice and slips templates.
Possible actions
CREATE: a new notice or slip template was created
DELETE: a notice or slip template was deleted
MODIFY: a notice or slip template was edited
Enabled by the NoticesLog system preference.
Records changes to recalls
Possible actions
CANCEL: a recall was cancelled
EXPIRE: a recall expired
FILL: a recall was filled (confirmed and set aside to wait for pickup)
OVERDUE: the status of a recall was set to “overdue”
Enabled by the RecallsLog system preference
Records changes to reports
Possible actions
ADD: a new report was created
DELETE: a report was deleted
MODIFY: a report was edited
Enabled by the ReportsLog system preference
Records changes to mappings
Possible actions
EDIT_MAPPINGS: mappings were modified (edited, deleted)
RESET_MAPPINGS: mappings were reset to the original configuration
Records changes to serial subscriptions
Possible actions
ADD: a new serial subscription was created
DELETE: a serial subscription was deleted
MODIFY: a serial subscription was edited
RENEW: a serial subscription was renewed
Enabled by the SubscriptionLog system preference
Records changes to the system preferences
Possible actions
ADD: a new configuration was added
MODIFY: a system preference was edited, a configuration was added (in the case of Automatic item modifications by age for example), records were reindexed
Runtime parameters
Question : Y-a-t-il une façon de filtrer mes rapports personnalisés SQL avant qu’ils ne s’exécutent ?
Answer: If you want to make your reports easy to reuse with different filters and date ranges, you can add runtime parameters to your query. Runtime parameters basically make a filter appear before the report is run.
Advanced search
Scan indexes
Question : Que signifie « parcourir les index » sur la page de recherche avancée ?
Answer: When you choose an index, enter a term, click “scan indexes” and do the search, Koha displays the searched term and the following terms found in this index with the number of corresponding records. That search is not made directly in the catalog, but first in the indexes. It works only for one index at once, and only with no limit on library or library group (All libraries needed).
Searching for terms that start with a character
Question : Comment faire une recherche de tous les titres qui commencent par la lettre « C » ?
Réponse : Vous pouvez rechercher des titres commençant par un caractère ou une série de caractères en utilisant le CCL « first-in-subfield »
exemple: ti,first-in-subfield=C
Wildcard searching
Question : Quelle est la différence entre une recherche de mot-clé utilisant « * » (astérisque) et une recherche de mot-clé utilisant le « % » (pourcentage)? Les deux fonctionnent dans le catalogue mais donnent des définitions différentes. Pourquoi ?
Réponse : Un joker est un caractère de substitution (*,?,%,.) qui est utilisé pour remplacer un ou plusieurs caractères dans un mot. Les deux jokers utilisés dans les recherches Koha sont l’astérisque « * ») et le signe de pourcentage (« % »). Cependant, ces deux jokers agissent différemment lorsqu’ils sont utilisés pour la recherche.
Le « * » va lancer une recherche plus exacte des premiers caractères devant le « * ». L’astérisque autorisera un nombre infini de caractères dans la recherche tant que les premiers caractères désignés par votre recherche restent les mêmes. Par exemple, si on recherche des auteurs en utilisant le terme Smi*, une liste incluant Smith, Smithers, Smithfield, Smiley, etc. s’affichera, selon bien sûr les auteurs présents dans votre base de données.
Le “%” traitera les mots que vous avez saisi avec le terme « est comme ». Donc une recherche pour Smi% recherchera des mots comme Smi. Une liste de résultats variés s’affichera. Par exemple, une recherche avec Smi% affichera une liste contenant Smothers, Smith, Smelley, Smithfield etc… selon ce que vous avez dans la base de données.
The bottom line in searching with wildcards: “*” is more exact while “%” searches for similar terms.
Title searching
Question : Pourquoi ma recherche de titres Zebra pour « Help » n’affiche pas « The help » dans les premières pages de résultats ?
Answer: In general, the more terms you enter, the better your results will be. Koha doesn’t use stop words, so searching for « the » and « an » will work just fine. So « the help » should bring better results than just a title search for help. Also using « Title, phrase » would further improve the results as it means that these terms have to appear in this sequence and with no other terms in between.
Some system preferences are known to affect relevancy ranking negatively. These are QueryAutoTruncate and UseICUStyleQuotes.
Note: If multiple results have the same relevancy score, they will be sorted by biblionumber as second criteria.
Reset the Zebra index
Exécutez les commandes suivantes pour réinitialiser les index bibliographiques et les autorités de Zebra.
$ zebraidx -c /etc/koha/zebradb/zebra-authorities-dom.cfg -g iso2709 -d authorities init
$ zebraidx -c /etc/koha/zebradb/zebra-biblios.cfg -g iso2709 -d biblios init
Si vous exécutez un package d’installation, vous devrez alors exécuter les commandes suivantes pour réinitialiser les index bibliographiques et les autorités de Zebra:
$ sudo zebraidx -c /etc/koha/sites/YOURLIBRARY/zebra-authorities-dom.cfg -g iso2709 -d authorities init
$ sudo zebraidx -c /etc/koha/sites/YOURLIBRARY/zebra-biblios.cfg -g iso2709 -d biblios init
Remplacer YOURLIBRARY avec le nom de votre installation Koha.
Enhanced content
All Amazon content
Question : J’ai activé toutes les préférences système Amazon et j’ai saisi les deux clés, mais aucun contenu n’apparaît dans mon système. Que se passe-t-il ?
Réponse : L’API d’Amazon vérifie l’heure de votre serveur sur toutes les requêtes, et si l’heure de votre serveur n’est pas correctement définie, les requêtes seront refusées. Pour résoudre ce problème, assurez-vous que l’heure de votre système soit correctement réglée. Une fois ce changement fait, le contenu d’Amazon devrait apparaître immédiatement.
Dans Debian, la commande est date -s « 2010-06-30 17:21 » (la date et l’heure exactes de votre fuseau horaire).
Amazon also requires an ISBN for displaying book covers - make sure that you have the correct ISBN for your title. If you are having trouble with a book that seems like it should have a cover but doesn’t turn one up, give it a try with the 10 digit ISBN in the first 020a. If you have a 10 digit and it’s not turning up, try with the 13 digit ISBN in the first 020a.
Server administration
Bcrypt settings
Question: How do I configure bcrypt_settings in the Koha configuration file?
Answer: You need to generate a key and put it in the koha-conf.xml file.
The following command will generate one:
% htpasswd -bnBC 10 "" password | tr -d ':\n' | sed 's/$2y/$2a/'
Then edit $KOHA_CONF and paste the generated key into <bcrypt_settings>. If that section does not exist, add it before the end of the config section (</config) It should look something like:
Do not, under any circumstances, copy the example above in your own configuration! A key is like a password: using one that has been posted online is the opposite of secure. Instead, use the command to generate your own key.
Finally, restart memcached then plack (alias restart_all)
Making Z39.50 target public
Question: How can I configure Zebra to make my database searchable via Z39.50?
Réponse : Modifiez le fichier KOHA_CONF que Koha utilise. Eliminez les commentaires de la ligne du publicserver comme :
<!– <listen id= »publicserver » >tcp:@:9999</listen> –>
pour être:
<listen id= »publicserver » >tcp:@:9999</listen>
Puis, réinitialisez zebasrv et connectez-vous sur le port spécifique (9999).
Comment puis-je nettoyer la table des sessions ?
Question : Y-a-t-il une tâche périodique à exécuter pour retirer les anciennes sessions de la table ? Nous ne voulons pas faire chaque nuit inutilement la copie de sauvegarde des données de toutes les sessions.
Answer: You can regularly run the cleanup database cron job.
Or just before doing a backup command (mysqldump), you can truncate session table:
mysql -u<kohauser -p<password <koha-db-name -e 'TRUNCATE TABLE sessions'
Matériel informatique
Barcode scanners
Question: Quels scanners de code à barres Koha peut-il utiliser ?
Answer: The simple rule of thumb is: does it act like a keyboard device? If so, it will work. (i.e. can you take the scanner, scan a barcode and have it show up in a text editor.)
Les points importants à vérifier sont qu’il se connecte bien à votre PC (ce peut-être USB ou « connecteur de clavier », ce qui signifie qu’il se connecte en ligne avec le clavier, ce qui est utile avec les anciens ordinateurs), et il scanne le type de code à barres que vous utilisez.
Pourquoi ne pas tester quelques codes à barres “utilisés” si vous en avez, pour voir si le scanner peut lire avec succès ceux qui sont rayés ou légèrement froissés. La plupart des scanners peuvent lire plusieurs types de codes à barres, la spécification listerait tous ceux qui peuvent être lus. Vous aurez besoin de régler quelques paramètres, tels que les préfixes et suffixes de caractères, ou si vous souhaitez envoyer un caractère “entrée” ou pas.
Une chose de plus à savoir: quelques scanners peut être “toujours activés” et viennent avec un support; d’autres ont des petites gâchettes sous la poignée, des boutons sur le dessus, d’autres encore se tiennent comme des stylos. Pensez bien au personnel qui travaillera avec le matériel avant de choisir. Un bouton à la mauvaise place n’est vraiment pas pratique à utiliser.
Imprimantes utilisées par les bibliothèques Koha
General rule of thumb here is that if you can print with the printer from your browser, it will work with Koha.
POS-X imprimante de reçus
Imprimante Star Micronics (modèle exacte inconnu) avec un contrôleur de texte générique/sans format.
Star SP2000 (Nelsonville)
Star TSP-100 futurePRINT (Geauga)
« J’ai vu qu’il y avait eu beaucoup de questions au sujet des imprimantes de reçus donc je voulais transmettre mon expérience. Nous avons testé la Star TSP-100 futurePRINT. J’ai trouvé que cette imprimante était vraiment facile à configurer pour Koha. J’ai même pu personnaliser le travail d’impression en ajoutant le logo de notre système (a .gif) en haut de chaque reçu. Aussi, avec un bitmap créé dans Paint, il est possible d’ajouter un message en bas de chaque reçu avec les informations de contact, les heures et le site web de la bibliothèque pour laquelle le matériel a été prêté ».
Epson TM 88 IIIP imprimantes de reçus thermique
Epson TM-T88IV
1x1 étiquettes utilisant une imprimante Dymolabelwriter
Braille support
Question: Are there any braille embossers or printers which have inbuilt braille converters and are accessible within the UNIX environment?
Answer: You may want to look into BRLTTY.