Implementation checklist

以下的指南帶您巡視 Koha 做為啟用前的準備。

It is not an exhaustive list of everything you need to do. Please consider your own library practices and what other checks are necessary for your own libary and context.

Data migration

使用 Koha 前應已有相當資料。可以人工逐筆鍵入,但多數情況是已有電子格式的資料祗需重新格式它們就能匯入 Koha。

  • Create a list of libraries and enter their info and codes into libraries

  • Define your list of item types

  • Define your patron categories and enter the categories and their codes into patron categories

  • Enter any additional patron information fields you use in your library in the patron attributes

  • Define all of your authorized values

    • Collection codes (CCODE)

    • Shelving locations (LOC)

    • Item statuses

    • 加上圖書館所需的其他資料

  • Optionally define cities and towns

  • 對映您的書目資料 由原來的系統至 Koha 欄位並轉換 (記得使用在設定區鍵入的館藏、排架、館藏類型與圖書館代碼)

  • 對映您的讀者資料 由原來的系統至 Koha 欄位並轉換 (記得使用稍早設定的讀者與圖書館代碼)

  • 測試匯入的資料,包括:

    • 檢查讀音符號,是否正常。

    • 檢查集叢題名並確認集叢資訊正確地匯入。

    • 確認讀者的連絡資訊在正確的欄位。

    • 搜尋目錄裡已匯入的集叢資料確認人其正確性。

    • 搜尋目錄裡已匯入的集叢資料確認人其正確性。

    • 檢查機讀編目格式確認館藏都已正確編目

    • 檢查編目程序查看必要欄位都沒少

    • 檢查罰款的正確性

    • 檢查預約資料裡的書目記錄與讀者記錄

Admin configuration


Localization configuration

Koha 的用戶遍及全世界,需要設定在地的偏好,才能以在地的語言與位置呈現其內容。

  • Localization/internationalization system preferences

Circulation configuration


Patron configuration


Cataloging configuration


Authorities configuration

Koha 能追蹤權威記錄及其連結的書目記錄。使用之前應組態若干偏好。

Searching configuration

There are several system preferences related to searching, it is not always recommended to make too many changes to these preferences since they are set to get you the most relevant results. If you would like to change the default way that Koha handles searching, view the searching system preferences tab.

OPAC configuration

很多組態 OPAC 的方法。

  • 決定 OPAC 的外觀及顯示在主頁的內容

  • 以 CSS 新增圖書館的樣式表


    不要編輯預設的 CSS 檔案,複製預設的 CSS 再修改它,保留預設的 CSS ,系統才能回到它。

  • 新增客製化的 XSLT 樣式表改變在 OPAC 的搜尋結果與書目記錄顯示方式

  • OPAC system preferences

    • OPACBaseURL : Enter your library’s URL

    • opacuserlogin : Decide if you want to allow patrons to login to the OPAC to access customized functionality (searching will be allowed without logging in)

      • OPACHoldRequests : Decide if patrons can place holds via the OPAC

      • OpacPasswordChange : Decide if patrons can change their password (don’t allow this if you’re using LDAP)

      • OpacRenewalAllowed : Decide if patrons can renew their checked out items via the OPAC

      • opacreadinghistory : Decide if patrons can view their reading/ checkout history via the OPAC

      • OPACComments : Decide if you want to allow patrons to comment on bibliographic records via the OPAC

      • OpacStarRatings : Decide if patrons can leave star ratings

      • virtualshelves : Decide if you want patrons to be able to create lists

      • OpacAllowPublicListCreation: If patrons can create lists then decide if they are allowed to create public lists

      • suggestion : Decide if you want patrons to be able to submit purchase suggestions

      • OPACViewOthersSuggestions : Decide if you want patrons to be able to see purchase suggestions made by other patrons

    • opacbookbag : Decide if patrons can save items into their cart

    • AnonSuggestions : Decide if you want non logged in users to be able to make purchase suggestions

    • LibraryName : Enter your library name for display in the <title> tag and on the top of the OPAC

    • OpacNav : Enter HTML that will appear to the left on the main OPAC page

    • OpacNavBottom : Enter HTML that will appear below OpacNav

    • OPACNoResultsFound : Enter the HTML that will appear when no results are found

    • OPACResultsSidebar : Enter the HTML that will appear below the facets on your search results

    • OPACMySummaryHTML : Enter the HTML that will appear in the far right of the circulation summary in the OPAC

    • 客製化樣式表:

    • OpacHighlightedWords : Decide if you want search terms to be highlighted on the search results

    • hidelostitems : Decide if you want to show patrons items you have marked as lost

    • BiblioDefaultView : Decide what view is the default for bibliographic records on the OPAC

    • OPACShelfBrowser : Decide if you want to enable the shelf browse functionality

    • OPACURLOpenInNewWindow : Decide if URLs clicked in the OPAC are opened in a new window

    • SearchMyLibraryFirst : If you have a multi-branch system decide if you want patrons to search their library first

    • OpacAuthorities : Decide if you want patrons to be able to search your authority file

    • OpacBrowser : Decide if you want patrons to browse your authority file (French libraries only)

    • OPACSearchForTitleIn : Choose which libraries you want patrons to be able to re-run their search in

    • OpacAddMastheadLibraryPulldown : If you’re a multi-branch system you can add a pull down to the search bar for patrons to search which library to search

    • EnableOpacSearchHistory : Decide if you want the system to keep a search history

  • 設定 工作排程

Editable OPAC regions

Using the news tool you can customize various blocks of the OPAC. The following graphic shows what each display location updates in the Bootstrap theme.

View of the main page of the OPAC with each customizable section highlighted

View of the main page of the OPAC, customized, and with each section highlighted and labeled

Some of the regions are system preferences:

And 『quotes of the day』 are managed in the Quote of the day editor

Enhanced content configuration

Koha allows you to pull in content from outside sources to enhance your bibliographic records. All of this content can be toggled on and off using the enhanced content system preferences.

  • FRBR/版本

    • If you would like to have your OPAC and/or staff interdace show an 『Editions』 tab on the bibliographic record, you want to enable one or the other FRBR preferences and then the ISBN service ThingISBN.

  • Amazon : This service is free and just requires that you visit to sign up

    • 使用 Amazon 偏好,就能使用它提供的封面。

  • Babelthèque

    • This is a paid service. Contact Babelthèque to learn how to enable this content in the OPAC.

  • Baker and Taylor

    • This is a paid service from Baker & Taylor. Contact Baker & Taylor for the information to enter into these preferences.

  • HTML5 media

    • 允許圖書館將串流媒體嵌入目錄內

  • Google

    • This service is free and does not require registration, simply enable GoogleJackets and you’re set to go.

  • LibraryThing

    • With the exception of ThingISBN, you will need to contact LibraryThing for the information to enter into these preferences

    • Enabling ThingISBN will help to populate the editions tab on the bibliographic record display if you have enabled FRBR.

  • Novelist Select

    • This is a paid service from Ebsco. Contact Ebsco for the information to enter into these preferences

  • Open Library

    • 開放圖書館計畫是個開放的計畫,可從此擷取封面 (未來可能增加其他服務)

  • Overdrive

    • This is a paid service that libraries can subscribe to for ebook content. If the library subscribes to Overdrive they can integrate that content in to Koha for free.

  • Syndetics

    • This is a paid service from Syndetics to add content for your bibliographic records. Contact Syndetics for the information to enter into these preferences.

  • 標籤

    • 設定讀者新增標籤的權限。

Acquisitions configuration


Serials configuration


Planning for go-live


  • Decide if you need training by an outside service provider or if your staff can do the training themselves.

  • 足夠的時間供館員試用,習慣新系統

  • If this is a migration, work with your previous company to extract data right before you go-live

  • Decide on URLs for your new Koha OPAC and staff interface and arrange for these to be cut-over if using existing system URLs, or created if they are new URLs

  • Make sure that if you’re hosting your own system you have a process in place to back-up your system data.