
Ausleihe und Rückgabe können auf unterschiedlichen Wegen aufgerufen werden. Auf der Hauptseite der Dienstoberfläche gibt es direkte Links zu Ausleihe, Rückgabe und für das Setzen das Transportstatus. Über die Reiter Ausleihe und Rückgabe in der Suchleiste vieler Seiten können Sie die Funktion direkt ausführen und werden auf die entsprechende Seite weitergeleitet. Alle ausleihrelevanten Funktionen finden Sie auf der Startseite des Ausleihmoduls.

Before circulating your collection you will want to set your Global system preferences, Basic parameters and Patrons and circulation rules.

In der Ausleihe können Sie mit den folgenden Tastenkombinationen zwischen den Reitern am oberen Bildschirmrand springen:

  • mit Alt+Q zur Katalogsuche springen

  • jump to the checkout with Alt+U

    • this will not work for Mac users

  • Rückgabe mit Alt+R


    Mac users use the OPTION button in place of ALT

Check out (issuing)

To begin the checkout process you must enter the patron barcode or part of their name. The checkout option appears in three main places:

  • Check out option on the top of the main staff client


  • Check out option on the quick search bar on the circulation page


Those two options allow you to search for a patron either by card number, name, user ID, email, etc. If you only have one result, Koha will automatically go to the patron’s file. If your search gives you more than one result, it will ask you to choose which patron you want to check out to.



  • You can customize the columns of this table in the ‚Table settings‘ section of the Administration module- Under Circulation Tab (table id: table_borrowers).

  • Check out option on the patron record


  • If you have enabled batch checkouts then click the batch check out option on the patron record


Checking items out

Um ein Exemplar an einen Benutzer auszuleihen, suchen Sie zunächst nach diesem Benutzer mit Hilfe der vielen oben angegebenen Optionen.

Checkout screen with checkouts hidden

Wenn Sie sich dazu entschieden haben ‚Ausleihen immer sofort anzuzeigen‘, wird die Liste der Ausleihen direkt angezeigt.

Checkout screen with checkouts displayed


The previousIssuesDefaultSortOrder system preference controls in which order these previous checkouts appear (earliest to latest, or latest to earliest).


You can customize the columns of this table in the ‚Table settings‘ section of the Administration module (table id: issues-table).

At the top of the check out screen is a box for you to type or scan the item’s barcode into.


Many modern barcode scanners will send a ‚return‘ to the browser, making it so that the ‚Check out‘ button is automatically clicked

  • If the barcode is not found you will be prompted to use fast cataloging to add the item. Learn more about fast cataloging later in this manual.

  • If you have itemBarcodeFallbackSearch set to ‚Enable‘, then you can enter a keyword search in this box instead of just a barcode (this will make it possible to check out using title and/or call number).

  • If you have AutoSwitchPatron set to ‚Enable‘, scanning a patron barcode here will take you to that patron’s file.

To see more checkout options click the ‚Checkout settings‘ link to expand the checkout area.

Checkout box with checkout settings section opened

Unterhalb des Eingabefelds für den Barcode kann es Optionen geben, um das berechnete Rückgabedatum für das Exemplar zu überschreiben.

  • This option will only appear if you have set the SpecifyDueDate system preference to allow staff to override the due date

Below the box for the barcode you will see a checkbox for ‚Automatic renewal‘. This will allow this item to automatically renew if the appropriate cron job is running and there are no holds on the item.

Next is an option to not decrease the loan length based on holds. This overrides the decreaseLoanHighHolds system preference.

If you’re allowing the checkout of items on site to patrons (these are usually items that are not for loan that you would like to check for in library use) then you will see the ‚On-site checkout‘ checkbox after clicking the ‚Checkout settings‘ link to expand your circulation options.

Checkout box with checkout settings section opened and 'Automatic renewal' option selected

At the bottom of the page there is a summary of the patron’s current checked out items along with the due date (and time if the item is an hourly loan). Items checked out today will appear at the top.


Items that are hourly loan items will include the time with the due date.

Table of patron's current checkouts

Wenn Sie ein Exemplar als ‚Vor-Ort-Ausleihe‘ entliehen haben, wird ein roter Hinweis in der Ausleihübersicht angezeigt.

Section of the patron's current checkouts table showing only onsite checkouts


The todaysIssuesDefaultSortOrder system preference controls in which order these new checkouts appear (earliest to latest, or latest to earliest).

The ‚Export‘ button at the top of the table allows you to export the patron’s current checkouts in either Microsoft Excel or CSV format, or even copy or print their checkouts.

Export checkouts options (Excel, CSV, copy or print)

Also at the bottom of the page is the list of items the patron has on hold.

Table of patron's current holds

If you have the SuspendHoldsIntranet system preference set to ‚allow‘, you can suspend or resume patrons holds using the options at the bottom of the holds list .


If you have your AutoResumeSuspendedHolds system preference set to „Don’t allow“, you will not have the option to put an end date on the hold suspension

Wenn eine Notiz im Benutzerkonto eingetragen wurde, wird diese rechts neben dem Feld für die Ausleihe angezeigt.

Checkout box with notes and messages next to it

If the patron has a hold waiting at the library, that too will appear to the right of the check out box making it easy for the circulation staff to see that there is another item to give to the patron.

Checkout screen with a hold waiting message next to the checkout box

The details of the checkouts will appear on the record detail page in the staff client as well.

Item table in a record detail page showing which items are checked out and to whom

Printing receipts

Wenn Sie alle Titel für den Benutzer verbucht haben, haben Sie zwei Möglichkeiten eine Ausleihquittung zu drucken.

If you have the CircAutoPrintQuickSlip preference set to ‚open a print quick slip window‘ you can simply hit enter on your keyboard or scan a blank piece of paper with your barcode scanner. The idea being that you’re „checking out“ a blank barcode which triggers Koha to print the ‚Quick slip.‘

Sie können auch am oberen Seitenrand über die Schaltfläche ‚Druck‘ die Funktionen ‚Quittung drucken‘ oder ‚Kurzquittung drucken‘ verwenden.


Wenn Sie ‚Quittung drucken‘ wählen, werden alle Medien ausgedruckt, die der Benutzer ausgeliehen hat, einschließlich jener mit früherem Datum. ‚Kurzquittung‘ druckt nur die Medien aus, die heute ausgeliehen wurden.

‚Print summary‘ will generate a full page summary for the patron’s circulation information and ‚Print overdues‘ will print out a slip that lists all items that are overdue.

What prints on the slips can be customized by altering the slip templates under the Notices & slips tool.

Clear patron information

When you’re done checking an item out if you have the DisplayClearScreenButton preference set to ‚Show‘ you can clear the current patron by clicking the X in the top right of the patron’s info to remove the current patron from the screen and start over.


If you have the CircAutoPrintQuickSlip preference set to ‚clear the screen‘ then you simply need to hit enter or scan a blank barcode and the screen will be cleared of the current patron.

Batch checkouts

If you would like to perform a batch check out you can do so by turning on the BatchCheckouts system preference and assigning the proper patron categories via the BatchCheckoutsValidCategories preference. This will allow you to use an RFID pad that reads multiple barcodes or perform a batch check out for training internal use.


From this screen you can scan several barcodes or load a file of barcodes. If those items cannot be checked out they will provide a warning on the following screen.

If you have the SpecifyDueDate system preference enabled you will have the option to set a due date for the checkouts.


If you are using a statistical patron type then you’ll see that local use was recorded for each item you scanned.


Check out messages

Wenn Sie ein mehrteiliges Exemplar ausbuchen und diese Information im Unterfeld 3 des Exemplarsatzes (MARC 21) gespeichert haben, erscheint eine Nachricht, die zur Prüfung der entsprechenden Anzahl der Teile auffordert.


Es gibt Situationen in denen Koha die Ausleihe an einen Benutzer verhindert. In solchen Fällen wird eine Warnung angezeigt, die den Bibliotheksmitarbeiter darüber informiert, warum der Benutzer nicht ausleihen kann.

  • Patron owes too much in fines


    • You can set the amount at which patron checkouts are blocked with the noissuescharge system preference

  • Patron has a restriction on their account


    • This can be set by the librarian editing a patron record and adding a restriction or by the Overdue/Notice Status Triggers

    • Wenn Mitarbeiter die entsprechenden Rechte haben, können sie die Einschränkung temporär übergehen.


  • Patron needs to confirm their address


    • This can be set by the librarian editing a patron record and adding a flag

  • Patrons has lost their library card


    • This can be set by the librarian editing a patron record and adding a flag

Check out warnings

Manchmal werden bei der Ausleihe Warnhinweise in einem gelben Kasten über dem Ausleihfeld angezeigt. Diese Warnhinweise müssen bestätigt werden, bevor Sie den Ausleihvorgang fortsetzen können.

  • Benutzer hat offene Gebühren


  • Exemplar ist für jemand anderen vorgemerkt


  • Exemplar sollte für einen anderen Benutzer im Abholregal stehen


  • Exemplar ist bereits an diesen Benutzer ausgeliehen


  • Exemplar ist an einen anderen Benutzer ausgeliehen


    • This warning will allow you to place a hold on the item for the patron you’re trying to check it out to.

  • Exemplar nicht ausleihbar


  • Patron has too many things checked out and AllowTooManyOverride is set to ‚Allow‘


  • Patron has too many things checked out and AllowTooManyOverride is set to „Don’t allow“


  • Item cannot be renewed


  • Barcode nicht gefunden


  • Item being checked out is marked as ‚lost‘

    • Depending on the value in your IssueLostItem preference, you may just see a warning


      or a confirmation box


  • Das Exemplar ist für das Alter des Benutzers nicht empfohlen


  • Item being checked out meets the decreaseLoanHighHolds system preference criteria



Checked out items can be renewed (checked out for another period of time) based on your circulation rules and renewal preferences.

If you allow it, patrons can renew their own items via the OPAC, but sometimes you’ll need to help them by renewing their items via the staff client.

To renew items checked out to a patron, you can do one of two things.

The first is to visit their details page or checkout page and review their checkout summary at the bottom.


In the Renew column you will see how many times each item has been renewed and a checkbox to renew the item for the patron. Check the boxed of the items you would like to renew and click the ‚Renew or return checked items‘ button, or to renew all items checked out to the patron simply click the ‚Renew all‘ button.


Sometimes renewals will be blocked based on your circulation rules, to override this block you must have your AllowRenewalLimitOverride preference set to ‚Allow‘. If you allow renewal limit overrides, you will see a checkbox at the bottom left of the circulation summary. Check that box and then choose the items you would like to renew.


Checking that box will add checkboxes in the renew column above where before the item was not renewable.

The second option is to visit the ‚Renew‘ page found under the Circulation menu.


And scan the barcodes of the items you would like to renew.


If the item is renewed you will receive a confirmation message.


If the barcode is not found you will be presented with an error.


If the item is not actually checked out you will also receive an error.


Check in (returning)

Die Rückgabe von Exemplaren kann an verschiedenen Orten durchgeführt werden

  • Der Reiter Rückgabe in der Suchmaske oberhalb der Startseite der Dienstoberfläche


  • Die Rückgabeoption in der Suchmaske auf der Startseite der Ausleihe


  • Der Rückgabe-Link in der Ausleihübersicht eines Benutzers


  • Die Rückgabeseite, die über die Startseite des Ausleihmoduls erreichbar ist


Checking items in

Um ein Exemplar zurückzugeben scannen Sie den Barcode des Exemplars in das angebotene Feld ein. Unterhalb des Feldes erscheint eine Zusammenfassung aller zurückgebuchten Exemplare.



  • You can customize the columns of this table in the ‚Table settings‘ section of the Administration module (table id: checkedintable).

Wenn Sie Bücher zurückbuchen, die über die Bücherbox zurück gegeben wurden, können Sie die Option ‚Bücherboxrückgabe‘ anhaken, bevor Sie die Exemplare einscannen. Das Rückgabedatum ist in diesem Fall das letzte Datum an dem die Bibliothek vor dem aktuellen Datum geöffnet war.

  • This requires that you have your closings added to the calendar tool

Es ist möglich alle Mahngebühren zu erlassen, wenn Sie vor der Rückgabe die Option ‚Mahngebühren erlassen‘ auswählen.

If you have the SpecifyReturnDate preference set to ‚Allow‘ you will be able to arbitrarily set the return date from below the check in box.


Check in messages

Es gibt verschiedene Meldungen, die bei Rückgabe angezeigt werden können:

  • If you are checking an item in at a library other than the home branch, a message will appear asking you to transfer the book to the home library


    • Nachdem das Exemplar zurückgebucht wurde, ändert sich der Status des Exemplars im Katalog zu ‚Unterwegs‘


    • To mark an item as back at the home branch, check the item in at the home branch


      • Es erscheint ein Hinweis, dass das Exemplar nicht ausgeliehen ist, aber durch das Rückbuchen verändert sich der Status im Katalog auf verfügbar. Dieser Schritt ist notwendig, damit das Exemplar den Transportstatus verlässt und als in der Bibliothek eingegangen vermerkt wird.

  • Wenn Sie ein Exemplar in einer anderen als der Heimatbibliothek zurückbuchen, wird eine Transportaufforderung zurück in die Heimatbibliothek angezeigt


  • If you’re checking an item in that has a hold on it, you will be prompted to confirm the hold


    • Bestätigen Sie die Vormerkung, um das Exemplar als abholbereit zu kennzeichnen.


    • Clicking the ‚Print slip and confirm‘ button will mark the item as waiting for pickup at the library and present the library with a receipt to print and place on the book with the patron’s information

    • Wenn Sie die Vormerkung ignorieren bleibt die Vormerkung bestehen, aber das Exemplar behält den Status verfügbar (die Vormerkung wird nicht storniert)

  • If you’re checking in an item that has a hold on it at another branch you will be prompted to confirm and transfer the item


    • Clicking the ‚Confirm hold and transfer‘ button will mark the item as in transit to the library where the hold was placed


    • Clicking the ‚Print slip, transfer and confirm‘ button will mark the item as in transit to the library where the hold was placed and present the library with a receipt to print and place on the book with the patron’s information

    • Wenn Sie die Vormerkung ignorieren bleibt die Vormerkung bestehen, aber das Exemplar behält den Status verfügbar (die Vormerkung wird nicht storniert)

  • If you have the system showing you fines at the time of checkin (FineNotifyAtCheckin) you will see a message telling you about the fine and providing you a link to the payment page for that patron


Circulation messages

Ausleihbenachrichtigungen sind kurze Nachrichten die Bibliothekare für Ihre Benutzer oder Kollegen im Benutzerkonto hinterlegen können.

Setting up messages

Circulation messages are set up as authorized values. To add or edit circulation messages you want to work with the BOR_NOTES value.


The ‚Description‘ field can hold a canned message that you would like to appear on the patron’s record.


The ‚Description‘ field is limited to 80 characters, but the patron message field can hold more than that. Enter 80 characters in the ‚Description‘ field and then type the rest on the patron record.

Adding a message

When on the patron’s check out tab you will see a link to ‚Add a new message‘ to the right of the check out box and a button at the top to ‚Add message‘.


When you click either of these options you will be asked to choose if the message is for the librarians or the patron and the message you would like to leave.



A message for the patron will also show to the library staff.

Viewing messages

Circulation messages meant for the staff and/or the patron will appear on the patron’s checkout screen to the right of the checkout box. Messages in bold and red are meant for the library staff only, whereas messages in regular italics font are meant for the patron and the librarian.


Circulation messages meant for the patron will also appear when they log into the OPAC.



Koha allows patrons to put things on hold. A ‚Hold‘ is a way to reserve an item. Depending on your circulation and fines rules and hold preference settings patrons will be able to place items on hold for pickup at the library at a later date/time.

Placing holds in staff client

There are several ways to place holds from the staff client. The most obvious is using the ‚Place hold‘ button at the top of any bibliographic record.


You can also click the smaller ‚Place hold‘ link found at the top of your catalog search results, or the ‚Holds‘ link found below each result.


Sie werden aufgefordert nach der Ausweisnummer oder dem Namen eines Benutzers zu suchen, für den Sie die Vormerkung setzen möchten.


Wenn Sie die Vormerkung ausgehend vom Benutzer setzen möchten, suchen Sie erst den Benutzer und klicken Sie dann auf ‚Vormerkung suchen‘ in der Werkzeugleiste des Benutzerkontos.


Nach Anklicken der Schaltfläche werden Sie zur erweiterten Suche weitergeleitet. Dort können Bücher und andere Medien recherchiert werden, die vorgemerkt werden sollen. Unter jedem Titel in der Trefferliste erscheint hierzu ein Link mit der Option ‚Vormerken für Benutzer X‘.


Wenn Sie Vormerkungen auf mehrere Exemplare setzen möchten, können Sie die Checkboxen auf der linken Seite anklicken und dann den Pfeil auf der rechten Seite der Vormerk-Schaltfläche anklicken.


Abhängig davon, wieviele Vormerkungen Sie auf einmal setzen möchten, sehen Sie unterschiedliche Formulare. Wenn Sie die Vormerkung ausgehend vom Titelsatz setzen, erhalten Sie eine Liste der Exemplare, auf die Sie auch exemplarbezogene Vormerkungen setzen können.


  • Geben Sie Notizen zu dieser Vormerkung an

  • Wählen Sie die Bibliothek, in welcher der Benutzer das Exemplar abholen wird

  • If you have the AllowHoldItemTypeSelection preference set to ‚Allow‘ and the record had more than one item type attached you will see an option to choose to limit the hold to a specific item type


  • If the patron wants the hold to start on a date other than today, enter that in the ‚Hold starts on date‘ field

  • If the patron has specified that they don’t want the item after a certain date, or if you have limits on hold lengths, you can enter an expiration date for the hold in the ‚Hold expires on date‘

    • To have expired holds cancelled automatically you will need to have the Expired holds cron job set to run on a regular basis.

  • Wählen Sie als nächstes, ob Sie das nächste verfügbare oder ein bestimmtes Exemplar vormerken möchten.

Wenn Sie mehrere Exemplare auf einmal vormerken, wird Ihnen jeweils die nächste mögliche Option für alle Titel angezeigt. Wenn keine Exemplare für eine Vormerkung verfügbar sind, wird Ihnen dies so angezeigt.


Once your hold is placed, if you’d like to have Koha forget that you used the ‚Search to hold‘ function, you can choose to have Koha ‚forget‘ the patron’s name by clicking the arrow to the right of the ‚Place hold‘ button on the search results and choosing the ‚Forget‘ option.


Managing holds

Holds can be altered and cancelled from the holds tab found on the left of the bibliographic record.


From the list of holds you can change the order of the holds, the pickup location, suspend and/or cancel the hold.



If you have your AutoResumeSuspendedHolds preference set to „Don’t allow“ then you will not have the option to put an end date on the hold suspension.


If you have your AllowHoldDateInFuture preference set to „Don’t allow“ you will not have the option to edit the date the hold was placed (the column labelled Date).


If you have the HoldsSplitQueue system preference set you will see the holds list split across different tables by either pickup library, itemtype or both.


Depending on how you have your HidePatronName system preference set the list may show card numbers instead of names in the patron column like in the image above.

Um die Vormerkreihenfolge zu ändern oder einzelne Vormerkungen zu löschen, wählen Sie den neuen Ranglistenplatz aus der Auswahlliste ‚Priorität‘ oder verwenden Sie die Pfeile rechts davon.


Wenn Sie die Auwahlliste verwenden um die Reihenfolge der Vormerkungen zu verändern, müssen Sie abschließend die Änderungen mit ‚Vormerkungen aktualisieren‘ übernehmen.

Wenn Sie den Pfeil nach unten auf der rechten Seite der Vormerkung anklicken, wird die Vormerkung an die letzte Stelle der Warteliste verschoben und bleibt auch dann auf dieser Position, wenn weitere Vormerkungen auf den Titel gesetzt werden.

Beispiel: Ihre Bibliothek leiht Bücher an ältere Mitbürger für mehrere Monate aus, die nicht selbst die Bibliothek besuchen können. Es ist nicht ganz gerecht gegenüber den anderen Benutzern, wenn diese Benutzer sehr aktuelle Literatur über mehrere Monate blockieren. Aus diesem Grund kann eine Vormerkung in diesem Fall dauerhaft an die letzte Position der Liste gesetzt werden, so dass zunächst andere Benutzer das Buch entleihen können.


If a patron asks to have their hold suspended and you have the SuspendHoldsIntranet system preference set to ‚allow‘ you can do so by clicking the ‚Suspend‘ button to far right. If the patron gives you a date for the items to become unsuspended you can enter that in the date box and click the ‚Update hold(s)‘ button to save your changes.


To delete or cancel a hold click the red ‚X‘ to the right of the hold line. To delete/cancel a bunch of holds you can choose ‚del‘ from pull down to the left of each line and then click ‚Update hold(s)‘ at the bottom of the list.


If your library uses the patron clubs feature, use the clubs tab to place a hold for a club. To place a hold for a club, click the clubs tab, search for and select the club name, and click the ‚Place hold‘ button.


Receiving holds

When items that are on hold are checked in or out the system will remind the circulation librarian that the item is on hold and offer them options for managing the hold.

When you check in an item that has a hold on it the system will ask you to either confirm and transfer the item


or just confirm the hold


Clicking the ‚Confirm‘ button will mark the item as on hold for the patron. If the item needs to be transferred the item will also be marked as in transit to the proper branch. Clicking ‚Ignore‘ will retain the hold, but allow you to check the item out to another patron. Choosing to confirm and print will present you with a printable page that you can slip inside the book with the necessary hold and/or transfer information.

Nach der Bestätigung wird die Vormerkung im Benutzerdatensatz im Reiter Ausleihe unter Vormerkungen angezeigt.

Table of patron's current holds

From here if the patron would like you suspend their holds you can do so one by one or in bulk.

Im Exemplardatensatz wird die Vormerkung angezeigt


In some cases a patron may come in to pick up a hold on behalf of someone else. In this case you want to make sure that the hold is cancelled when you check the item out to someone else. Alternatively a check out might be attempted in error for an item that is already waiting for someone else. In this case you will be presented with a warning message.


From here you can check the item out to the patron at the desk and cancel the hold for the patron. If the hold should remain in place you can choose not to check out.

If you try to check in an item that already waiting on the hold shelf you will be presented with the following message.

Hold found item is already waiting checkin message

From here you can click on ‚Confirm hold‘ to keep the existing hold or use the ‚Cancel hold‘ option to remove the hold. If you cancel the hold and further holds exist for the item you will be presented with a new option to confirm the hold for the next patron.


If you work in a multi-branch system you can transfer items from one library to another by using the Transfer tool.

  • Get there: Circulation > Transfer

To transfer an item

  • Click ‚Transfer‘ on the Circulation page


    • Wählen Sie aus dem Pull-Down-Menü die Bibliothek aus, zu der Sie das Buch transferieren wollen

    • Scannen oder tippen Sie den Barcode des Exemplars, dass Sie überführen möchten

  • Klicken Sie auf ‚Bestätigen‘


  • Das Exemplar ist nun im Transportstatus


  • When the item arrives at the other branch the librarian must check the item in to acknowledge that it is no longer in transit

  • The item will not be permanently moved to the new library


    • The item shows the same ‚Home library‘ but has updated the ‚Current location‘ to note where it resides at this time

Set library

By default you will enter the staff client as if you are at your home library. This library will appear in the top right of the staff client.


Das ist die Bibliothek, in der die Ausleihvorgänge stattfinden werden. Wenn Sie sich in einer anderen Bibliothek (oder einem Bücherbus) befinden, sollten Sie die Bibliothek ändern, bevor Sie mit der Ausleihe beginnen. Sie tun dies, indem Sie in der oberen rechten Ecke des Bildschirms auf ‚Bibliothek auswählen‘ klicken.


Nachdem Sie die Änderungen gespeichert haben, wird die neue Bibliothek in der oberen rechten Ecke angezeigt.

Fast add cataloging

Sometimes circulation librarians need to quickly add a record to the system for an item they are about to check out. This is called ‚Fast add‘. To allow circulation librarians access to the Fast add cataloging tool, simply make sure they have the fast_cataloging permissions. There are two ways to add titles via fast add. If you know that you’re about to check out an item that isn’t in you catalog you can go to the Circulation module and click ‚Fast cataloging.‘


The cataloging interface will open up with the short cataloging record:


Nach dem Anlegen des Titelsatzes, können Exemplare angelegt werden. Geben Sie den Barcode, den Medientyp etc. an und speichern Sie, bevor Sie das Exemplar zum ersten mal ausleihen.

Eine Schnellaufnahme kann außerdem ausgehend von der Ausleihe angelegt werden. Wird ein im System nicht vorhandener Barcode eingegeben, zeigt Koha eine entsprechende Meldung mit einem Link zum Erstellen einer Schnellaufnhame. Dadurch kann das Exemplar in einem integrierten Workflow erfasst und gleich ausgeliehen werden.


Klicken Sie auf ‚Schnellaufnahme‘ um in die entsprechende Katalogisierungsmaske zu gelangen.


Nachdem ‚Speichern‘ werden Sie zur Exemplarerfassungsmaske weitergeleitet, in der bereits der Barcode eingetragen ist, mit dem die Ausleihe versucht wurde.


Nachdem das Exemplar mit ‚Exemplar hinzufügen‘ gespeichert wurde, wird das neue Exemplar automatisch an den ursprünglichen Benutzer ausgeliehen.


Circulation reports

Most reports can be found via the Reports module, but some of the more common circulation reports are available right from the Circulation module.

  • Get there: Circulation > Circulation reports

Holds queue

This report will show you all holds waiting to be pulled off the shelf at your library.



  • You can customize the columns of this table in the ‚Table settings‘ section of the Administration module (table id: holds-table).

To generate this report, you must have the Build holds queue cron job running. This cron job is a script that should be run periodically if your library system allows borrowers to place on-shelf holds. This script decides which library should be responsible for fulfilling a given hold request.

It’s behavior is controlled by the system preferences StaticHoldsQueueWeight, RandomizeHoldsQueueWeight and UseTransportCostMatrix.

If you do not want all of your libraries to participate in the on-shelf holds fulfillment process, you should list the libraries that *do* participate in the process here by inputting all the participating library’s branchcodes, separated by commas ( e.g. „MPL,CPL,SPL,BML“ etc. ).

By default, the holds queue will be generated such that the system will first attempt to hold fulfillment using items already at the pickup library if possible. If there are no items available at the pickup library to fill a hold, will then use the list of libraries defined in StaticHoldsQueueWeight. If RandomizeHoldsQueueWeight is disabled (which it is by default), the script will assign fulfillment requests in the order the branches are placed in the StaticHoldsQueueWeight system preference.

For example, if your system has three libraries, of varying sizes ( small, medium and large) and you want the burden of holds fulfillment to be on larger libraries before smaller libraries, you would want StaticHoldsQueueWeight to look something like „LRG,MED,SML“.

Wenn Sie die Last der Vormerkungen gleichmäßig auf alle Bibliotheken verteilen wollen, schalten Sie den Systemparameter ‚RandomizeHoldsQueueWeight‘ ein. Auf diese Weise wird jedesmal, wenn die Liste generiert wird, die Reihenfolge der betroffenen Bibliotheken zufällig neu gemischt.

An alternative to static and randomized is using the Tansport cost matrix. It takes precedence in controlling where holds are filled from and allows you to define the ‚cost‘ of transport between any two libraries. To use the Transport cost matrix simply set your UseTransportCostMatrix preference to ‚Use‘.

Zu erledigende Vormerkungen

This report will show you all of the items that have holds on them that are available at the library for pulling. If the items are available at multiple libraries then all libraries with that item available will see the hold to pull until one library triggers the hold.

If enabled, clicking the Mark item as lost button will mark item as lost and notify the requesting patron depending on the value of the CanMarkHoldsToPullAsLost system preference.



  • You can customize the columns of this table in the ‚Table settings‘ section of the Administration module (table id: holds-to-pull).

You can choose which LOST value to set the item to with the UpdateItemWhenLostFromHoldList system preference.

You can limit the results you see by using the Refine box on the left side of the page:


Bereitgestellte Vormerkungen

Dieser Bericht zeigt alle Vormerkungen, die auf das Abholen durch die Benutzer warten.



  • You can customize the columns of this table in the ‚Table settings‘ section of the Administration module (table id: holdst).

Items that have been on the hold shelf longer than you normally allow (based on the ReservesMaxPickUpDelay preference value) will appear on the ‚Holds over‘ tab, they will not automatically be cancelled unless you have set the cron job to do that for you, but you can cancel all holds using the button at the top of the list.



  • You can customize the columns of this table in the ‚Table settings‘ section of the Administration module (table id: holdso).


Vormerkungsraten helfen Ihnen bei der Entwicklung Ihrer Sammlung. Dieser Report erlaubt Ihnen zu sehen, wie viele Ihrer Benutzer Vormerkungen auf Medien haben und ob Sie mehr kaufen sollten. Standardmäßig ist dies auf 3 Medien pro erfolgter Vormerkung festgelegt. Der Report teilt Ihnen mit, wie viele zusätzliche Medien gekauft werden müssen, um diese Quote zu erreichen.



  • You can customize the columns of this table in the ‚Table settings‘ section of the Administration module (table id: holds-ratios).

Eingehende Transporte

Dieser Report zeigt alle Exemplare an, von denen Koha glaubt, dass sie zu Ihrer Bibliothek unterwegs sind.


Wenn ein Transport in Ihre Bibliothek verspätet ist, wird eine Meldung mit der Verspätung angezeigt.



An item is considered late based on the number of days you have entered in the TransfersMaxDaysWarning system preference.

Article requests

Article requests are somewhat similar to holds, but are not requests for an item to check out. Instead, article requests are requests for a photocopy of a particular section of a book or an article from a serial issue. This is very common in academic libraries where researchers may request a copy of a single article found in a journal.

Setting up article requests

First, enable your system preference for ArticleRequests.

Set to ‚Enable‘ patrons to place article requests.

Next you will need to decide how your patrons will make requests, either record only, item only, or both record and item level.

You can set 3 different system preferences for mandatory fields to be filled in depending on how your records are requested.

Next you will want to go into your circulation and fines rules matrix and select each rule for which you want to allow requests.

You can allow requests to be made at the record level, item level, yes (which means both) and no (which means no article requests may be placed).

Placing article requests

Now you can place requests on both the staff client and OPAC.

In the staff client, on the record details page, you will see a ‚Request article‘ button at the top and an ‚Article requests‘ tab to the left. The two options lead to the same page.


Just like a hold, you will be prompted to enter the patron’s card number or name.


Fill in the form.



Remember, the mandatory fields are set through the three system preferences ArticleRequestsMandatoryFields, ArticleRequestsMandatoryFieldsItemsOnly, and ArticleRequestsMandatoryFieldsRecordOnly.

If allowed, choose the specific item to request.

Then, click on ‚Place request‘.

From the OPAC, patrons can place requests themselves either from the results list


or by going to the detailed record.


As with a hold, if the patron is not logged in, they will be asked to do so.

The form is the same as the one in the staff interface.


If allowed, the patron can choose the specific item to request.

From their acocunt, the patron will be able to follow the progress of their request from ‚pending‘


to ‚processing‘.


The patron will also receive an email notification when the status of the request changes.

Once the request is completed the patron will receive an email notification and the article request will no longer appear in their account.

Managing article requests

Once the article request has been placed, staff will see new requests at the bottom of the home page on the staff client. (In the same location as tags, comments and modifications).


From there staff will be able to select requests to process.


The first step would be for a staff member to process the request, that moves the request to the processing tab and alerts other staff members that the request is in process. In the actions column, click on the dropdown menu and select ‚Process request‘. This will move the request to the processing tab.


Next staff will go to the shelf and make a copy of the requested article.

Once that is complete, staff can print the article request slip (this can be customized in notices and slips under AR_SLIP) and staple or paper clip it to the article. In the actions column, you can select the dropdown and select print slip.

Finally, staff will select the complete article request from the actions dropdown menu which will send a notice to the patron who made the request letting them know the request is ready for pickup.

This removes the article request from the processing tab.


Actions can also be made in bulk by checking the boxes next to the requests to process or by clicking ‚Select all‘, and choosing the new status from the actions menu on top of the table.




For libraries with a large patron base, this report may take a significant amount of time to run.


Large libraries can choose to filter the report before it runs by setting the FilterBeforeOverdueReport system preference to ‚Require‘.

Diese Seite zeigt Ihnen alle Medien an, die in Ihrer Bibliothek überfällig sind.



  • You can customize the columns of this table in the ‚Table settings‘ section of the Administration module (table id: circ-overdues).

Der Bericht kann mit Hilfe der Menü-Optionen links neben dem Bericht gefiltert werden.


The ‚Show any items currently checked out‘ checkbox basically switches this from a report of overdues to a report of checkouts. It will show all titles checked out regardless of due date.

Überfälligkeiten mit Gebühren

Dieser Report zeigt Ihnen alle überfälligen Medien in Ihrer Bibliothek, für die Mahngebühren generiert wurden.


If you would like to limit the report you can use the pull down menu at the top to limit to a specific shelving location at your branch. To see overdues with fines at other branches you will have to change your branch or log in at that branch.


If you do not charge fines and/or don’t have the fines cron job running you will see no data on this report.

Aktuelle Vor-Ort-Ausleihen

If you are using the on site checkouts functionality (OnSiteCheckouts) then you’ll have a report to view all items that are currently checked out on site.


Es werden das Fälligkeitsdatum (überfällig in rot), der derzeitige Benutzer, Exemplarinformationen und die aktuelle Bibliothek angezeigt.

Tracking in-house use

Many libraries track the use of items within the library.


This is different from tracking on-site usage. In-house use is the use of items in the library by patrons without them having to check them out. On-site use is the use of items on site that must first be checked out. To learn more about on site usage please review the OnSiteCheckouts preference.

Tracking the use of items in the library without checking them out can be done in Koha one of two ways. The first is to create one or more Statistical Patrons. When collecting items that have been used within the library, you will want to check them out to your statistical patron:


Instead of marking the item as ‚checked out‘ the system will record that the item was used in house:


Repeat these steps for all items that have been used within the library to keep accurate statistics for item use.

The other way to record local use of items is to set your RecordLocalUseOnReturn preference to ‚Record.‘ Then whenever you check an item in that is not checked out and not on hold a local use will be recorded.



If you have RecordLocalUseOnReturn set to ‚Record‘ you can still use your statistical patrons to record local use as well.

Self checkout

Koha comes with a very basic self checkout module. To enable this module you need to set the WebBasedSelfCheck system preference to ‚Enable.‘ To use this module you have to log in as a staff member with self_check permissions.


Create a staff patron specifically for this action so that you don’t leave a real staff client logged into a computer all day

There is no link to the Self checkout module, but a simple addition to the OPACUserJS system preference can add one.

    $("#login .btn").parent().after("<p><a href=\"http://YOUR_KOHA_OPAC_URL/cgi-bin/koha/sco/\" target=\"_blank\">Self-Checkout</a></p>");


The code above has line breaks added to make it more readable,
please be sure to enter the above as one line in when putting it in
the system preference.

The link will then appear at the bottom of the log in page:


You can also access this module by going to: http://YOUR_KOHA_OPAC_URL/cgi-bin/koha/sco/

When on the self checkout page, depending on the value in your SelfCheckoutByLogin system preference you will be asked to enter your cardnumber


or your username and password


Once you’re logged in to the self check module you will be asked to scan the items you are checking out


As you scan items they will appear below the barcode box


When you are finished scanning items it is important to click the ‚Finish‘ button. This will prompt you to print a receipt and log you out of the self check module.


When attempting to check items out there are some instances where error messages will appear and the patron will be directed to the librarian. This will happen even if you are allowing overrides on circulation functions. Only a librarian can override a circulation block and so patrons must go to the librarian for help in these situations.


Self check-in

In order to use the self check-in module, you must first set the :ref: SelfCheckInModule <selfscheckinmodule-label> system preference to ‚Enable‘.

Then, you will have to create a patron with the self_checkin_module permission.


Create a staff patron specifically for this action so that you don’t leave a real staff client logged into a computer all day. You can give this patron only the aforementionned permission so it cannot be used for anything else.

Once this is done, you can head over to the self check-in page: http://YOUR_KOHA_OPAC_URL/cgi-bin/koha/sci/

Log in with your staff patron with self check-in permissions

Once the computer or kiosk is set and the self check-in user logged in, patrons will be able to check-in their items themselves.


The patron will either scan the item’s barcode, if the computer is attached to a barcode scanner, or type in their item’s barcode in the box and click ‚Add‘ or press enter.


Most barcode scanners will automatically hit return after scanning.

Once they have scanned or entered all their items‘ barcodes, they can click on the ‚Check-in‘ button to return all the items at once.


If the patron doesn’t click the ‚Check-in‘ button, the items will not be returned and will stay in their account.


The self check-in module will not warn user if the item is late, if they have fines, if the item is on hold for someone else, or if they have messages in their account.


They can then click ‚Finish‘ to return to the main self check-in page.



If the patron doesn’t click ‚Finish‘, the screen will refresh after the timeout period specified in the SelfCheckInTimeout system preference.


Even if the patron doesn’t click ‚Finish‘ the item will still be checked in from their account.

You can cutomize the look of your self check-in screens by using the SelfCheckInUserCSS system preference or the SelfCheckInUserJS system preference.

You can add content, like instructions on how to use the self check-in system for example, by using the SelfCheckInMainUserBlock system preference.

Statistics about the transactions made through the self check-in module are logged into the action_logs table in the Koha database. You can therefore build a custom report to get the statistics you need.

Offline circulation utilities

Koha allows for you to continue circulation actions while offline by using any one of three utilities.

Offline circulation in Koha

If the AllowOfflineCirculation preference is set to ‚Enable‘ the library staff can continue to perform circulation actions within Koha when the system is offline. You will want to visit http://your-koha-staff-client-url/cgi-bin/koha/circ/ at least once while online and bookmark that page. That is the page you will go to when you are offline.


The offline interface uses HTML LocalStorage, which depending on the browser and user setting, is limited to 2.5MB or 5MB per domain. This means that larger systems will not be able to synchronize their data and are recommended to use either the Firefox or Windows application for offline circulation.


Vor der ersten Verwendung im Offline-Modus gehen Sie bitte zu Ausleihe und wählen Sie ‚Integrierte Oberfläche für die Offline-Verbuchung‘.


Nun können sie die Daten an jeder Ausleihstation mit der entsprechenden Schaltfläche im rechten Bereich synchronisieren.



The offline interface uses HTML LocalStorage, which depending on the browser and user setting, is limited to 2.5MB or 5MB per domain. This means that larger systems will not be able to synchronize their data and are recommended to use either the Firefox or Windows application for offline circulation.

Dies erlaubt Ihnen eine lokale Kopie Ihrer Benutzer- und Ausleihdaten herunterzuladen. Klicken Sie auf ‚Datensätze herunterladen‘ am Anfang der Seite um die Daten zu synchronisieren.


Nachdem die Daten heruntergeladen wurden, sehen Sie bei jedem Datensatz im rechten Bereich das Datum der letzten Synchronisation.


Dies sollte regelmäßig erfolgen um auf unerwartete Systemausfälle vorbereitet zu sein.


When your system goes offline visit the Offline Circulation page (http://your-koha-staff-client-url/cgi-bin/koha/circ/ in Koha and click ‚Check out‘ or ‚Check in‘ to perform offline actions.

Für die Ausleihe suchen Sie den Benutzer mit Barcode oder Namen in der Ausleihe. Sie erhalten dann die synchronisierten Benutzerinformationen inklusive Gebühren und Ausleihen.


Geben Sie den Barcode des auszuleihenden Exemplars und ein Fälligkeitsdatum ein. Wenn Sie kein Fälligkeitsdatum eingeben, wird Koha nachfragen.


Das ausgeliehene Exemplar erscheint unter den Benutzerinformationen.


Koha offline uploading

Once the system is back online visit the ‚Synchronize‘ page on the Offline circulation module and click ‚Upload transactions‘


After the files are uploaded you can click ‚View pending offline circulation actions‘ on the right.


After clicking ‚View pending offline circulation actions‘ you will be brought to a summary of all of the actions you loaded in to Koha in your *.koc file.


  • Wenn alle Offlineverbuchungsdateien der verschiedenen Arbeitsstationen geladen sind, können Sie alle oder nur ausgewählte Dateien Koha zur Verarbeitung übergeben.

  • Click on the ‚Process‘ button and Koha will record every stored transaction one by one. For each transaction, the status will change to:

    • „Erfolgreich.“ wenn die Transaktion korrekt ausgeführt wurde.

    • „Benutzer nicht gefunden.“ wenn die Benutzernummer falsch ist

    • „Exemplar nicht gefunden.“ wenn der Exemplar-Barcode falsch ist

    • „Exemplar nicht entliehen.“ wenn ein verfügbares Exemplar zurückgegeben wurde.

Nach der Abarbeitung erscheint eine Zusammenfassung aller Transaktionen.


Firefox plugin

There is an offline circulation tool that you can add to your Firefox browser as an addon. To do so, just go to page and click on the „install now“ button. You may have to confirm the installation, just click on „install now“ and then restart Firefox to complete the installation.

Once you have installed the plugin and restarted Firefox, you will see the Koha logo in the download bar at the bottom right of Firefox.


A click on the logo will open the tool in its own window.


The plugin connsists of three sections:

  • The ‚Check out‘ section is where you check out items

  • The ‚Check in‘ section is where you check in items

  • The ‘Transactions’ section is where you can track the transactions done while in offline mode

    • The transactions will keep information until you empty it.


      If you’d like to clear the transactions, click the ‚Clear‘ box before hitting the ‚OK‘ button.

The first thing you want to do then is to set up the plugin. Proceed to the settings page, linked in the top right of the page or under ‘Configuration page’ in the Transactions section.


Answer the 5 questions presented:

  • Server = the URL of the librarian interface

  • Username = your staff account login

  • Password = your staff account password

  • Branch code = the code for the branch where you are located

  • Commit Type = If you select ‘Send data to Koha’, your account will need to be approved by an administrator. If you select ‘Apply directly to Koha’, your account will not need to be approved.


    To save the settings, you will have to close the plugin window and re-open it by clicking again on the Koha logo in the add-on bar.


    You can create a staff account dedicated to the offline circulation. So that, no matter who is at the circulation desk, they can all use the same login. Along those lines, you can use a group login that you already have in place for circulation as well.

Once you have everything set up you can start checking items in and out.

Checking out:

A screenshot of the KOCT Checkout section

  • Under the ‚Checkout‘ heading

  • Scan the patron barcode

  • Scan the item barcode

  • Click ‚Checkout‘

Checking in:


  • Under the ‚Checkin‘ heading

  • Scan the item barcode

  • Click ‚Checkin‘

Each time, you check out or check in an item, a new transaction is recorded in the local plugin database. This is recorded in the Transactions section bellow.



The status will be „Local.“ as long as you are offline and don’t process the transactions into Koha.

When your Internet connection comes back up you will want to get these transactions in to Koha. Before processing these transactions you should be aware of a few issues.

Because you are not connected to your Koha database when using this plugin holds will need additional processing. If an item you check in while offline has a hold, the hold is kept on the item. Since, you can’t confirm holds found during the processing of every check in, the holds stay on the item and will need to be managed later. If you only checked in a few items you can just keep a record of them all. If you checked in a lot of items you can use the Holds queue once it rebuilds to see what holds made it to the shelf erroneously.

Similarly, if an patron card was expired, the offline circulation tool won’t know about it, so the checkout will be recorded regardless of the patron’s account being blocked normally.

You have two options for adding this data to Koha

A screenshot of the KOCT Checkout section

  • Apply to Koha

    • If you checked in/out on more than one computer at the same time, what you want is to process every transaction consistently. Let’s say for instance that one patron checked a book out on one computer and then checked the same book in on another computer. To be consistent, you need to record the check out first and then the check in. Not the opposite! To do so, you need to group every transaction in one place, sort them all and then, process everything. So, you need to use the „Apply to Koha“ option from every plugin/computer you worked with. This way, the log will go to Koha and be accessible from the Offline Circulation page.


    • Get there: Circulation > Pending offline circulation actions


    • Wenn alle Offlineverbuchungsdateien der verschiedenen Arbeitsstationen geladen sind, können Sie alle oder nur ausgewählte Dateien Koha zur Verarbeitung übergeben.

    • Click on the Process button and Koha will record every stored transaction one by one. For each transaction, the status will change to:

      • „Erfolgreich.“ wenn die Transaktion korrekt ausgeführt wurde.

      • „Benutzer nicht gefunden.“ wenn die Benutzernummer falsch ist

      • „Exemplar nicht gefunden.“ wenn der Exemplar-Barcode falsch ist

      • „Exemplar nicht entliehen.“ wenn ein verfügbares Exemplar zurückgegeben wurde.

    • Nach der Abarbeitung erscheint eine Zusammenfassung aller Transaktionen.


  • Direkt anwenden

    • If you performed all of the circulation actions on one computer then everything is sorted already so you can choose to „Apply directly“

    • The status column will be updated to let you know if the transactions were applied

      • „Erfolgreich.“ wenn die Transaktion korrekt ausgeführt wurde.

      • „Benutzer nicht gefunden.“ wenn die Benutzernummer falsch ist

      • „Exemplar nicht gefunden.“ wenn der Exemplar-Barcode falsch ist

      • „Exemplar nicht entliehen.“ wenn ein verfügbares Exemplar zurückgegeben wurde.

Offline circ tool for Windows

The Offline circulation utility can be downloaded at:

To generate a borrowers.db file for loading in to the Windows tool you will need to run the file generator via a cron job.

Upload offline circ file

The offline circulation tool for Windows will generate a KOC file that you can upload into Koha once your system comes back up.

Klicken Sie auf der Startseite des Ausleihmoduls auf ‚Offline-Verbuchungsdatei hochladen (.koc)‘


Browse your computer for the *.koc file


Klicken Sie auf ‚Datei verarbeiten‘ sobald die Datei vollständig hochgeladen wurde.


Wenn dieser Schritt abgeschlossen ist, kann eine weitere Datei hochgeladen oder es können die geladenen Offline-Ausleihvorgänge verarbeitet werden.


After clicking ‚View pending offline circulation actions‘ you will be brought to a summary of all of the actions you loaded in to Koha in your *.koc file.


  • Wenn alle Offlineverbuchungsdateien der verschiedenen Arbeitsstationen geladen sind, können Sie alle oder nur ausgewählte Dateien Koha zur Verarbeitung übergeben.

  • Click on the Process button and Koha will record every stored transaction one by one. For each transaction, the status will change to:

    • „Erfolgreich.“ wenn die Transaktion korrekt ausgeführt wurde.

    • „Benutzer nicht gefunden.“ wenn die Benutzernummer falsch ist

    • „Exemplar nicht gefunden.“ wenn der Exemplar-Barcode falsch ist

    • „Exemplar nicht entliehen.“ wenn ein verfügbares Exemplar zurückgegeben wurde.

Nach der Abarbeitung erscheint eine Zusammenfassung aller Transaktionen.
