
Las herramientas en Koha realizan algún tipo de acción. A menudo muchos de los ítems en Herramientas de Koha se conocen como “Reportes” en otros sistemas de administración bibliográfica.

  • Get there: More > Tools

Patrons and circulation

Lista de usuarios

  • Get there: More > Tools > Patrons and circulation > Patron lists

Patron lists are a way to store a group of patrons for easy modification via the batch patron modification tool or reporting.

View of all patron lists and New patron list button

Para crear una nueva lista de usuarios haga clic en el botón “Nueva lista de usuarios”

New patron list form

Enter a list name.

Checking the “Shared” box will make this list visible to all users with the manage_patron_lists permission.

Save the list.

View of patrons in the list and search form to add new patrons to the list

Each list has an “Actions” menu with more list options.

Action menu available on each patron list

Para agregar usuarios a la lista haga clic en el enlace “Agregar usuarios” en el menú “Acciones”.


Ingrese el nombre del usuario o número de carné en el cuadro de búsqueda y haga clic en el resultado correcto para agregar el usuario.

Alternatively, you can click on the “Enter multiple card numbers” link and scan (or type in) barcodes in the box.

View of selected patron ready to be added to the list

Una vez que haya realizado las modificaciones (a través de cualquier método) puede hacer clic en «Guardar» en la parte superior izquierda del editor.

View of all patrons of the list after adding patrons


  • You can customize the columns of this table in the “Table settings” section of the Administration module (table id: patron-list-table).

Clubes de usuarios

  • Get there: More > Tools > Patrons and circulation > Patron clubs

Patron clubs create clubs in which patrons may be enrolled. It is useful for tracking summer reading programs, book clubs and other such clubs.


Staff will need the clubs permissions to edit clubs, templates and enroll patrons. To learn how to set patron permissions, go to the patron permissions section of this manual.

Creating a new club template

Click on the “New club template” button. Here you can add fields that can be filled out at the time a new club is created based on the template, or a new enrollment is created for a given club based on the template.


The name is required. This could be something like “Adult book club”, “Children’s book club” or “Summer reading program”. Remember these templates will be starting point for each club you create.

The description can be any additional information.

Allow public enrollment: if this box is checked it will allow patrons to enroll in a club based on this template from the OPAC.

Require valid email address: if this box is checked only patrons with a valid email address can enroll. So they will need a email address to enroll.

The library drop down gives you the flexibility to let staff from specific branches create clubs with this template. If you let it set to blank, staff from any branch will be able to create a new club using this template.

Club fields: these fields will be used when creating a club based on this template. For example, this can be the name of the club, the name of the animator, the theme, etc.


“Name” is the label of the field

“Description” is additional information about this field.

You can connect authorized values here.

Enrollment fields: you can add any additional fields you want to have filled out by your patrons when they enroll in a club base on this template.


“Name” is the label of the field

“Description” is additional information about this field.

You can connect authorized values here.

Creating a new club based on a template

Click on the “New club” dropdown menu and select the template you want to use. Here you can add information about a new club using a template you created.


The name is required, this will be the name of the specific club using the template you created. For example, “Summer 2018 reading club”.

The description can be any additional information.

Start and End date will depict when this club runs, the entire duration of the club. Once the club expires, enrollment will not be possible.

The library drop down gives you the flexibility to enroll patrons from specific branches. If you let it set to blank, patrons from any branch will be able to enroll.

Enrolling a patron in a club from the staff interface

To enroll a patron in a club from the staff client, go to the patron’s account.

On the “Details” page or the “Check out” page, click on the “Clubs” tab. All ongoing clubs will be displayed in this tab.


Click on the “Enroll” button and fill in the fields.

You can also cancel enrollment by clicking on the cancel enrollment.

Enrolling a patron in a club from the OPAC

If you allow public enrollment, the club will be visible on the OPAC.

Patrons have to sign into their account. In the “Your summary” section, they will be able to click on the “Clubs” tab and enroll.


Viewing enrollments

You can monitor the enrollments in each club by going to the “Patron clubs” tool page and choosing “Enrollment” from the “Actions” button.


Placing a hold for a patron club

You can place holds for a patron club - holds are placed for club members in a random order.

To place a hold for a patron club:

  1. Go to the patron clubs tool (“Home > Tools > Patron clubs”).

  2. Click the “Actions” button for the club and select “Search to hold”.

  3. Search for a title and select a record.

  4. Select “Place hold for [CLUBNAME]” from either the action links for the record, or from the “Place hold” action in the menu bar.

  5. The place holds page is displayed and lists the club members.

  6. Click the “Place hold” button.

Result: Holds are placed for all club members.


  • Get there: More > Tools > Patrons and circulation > Comments

Todos los comentarios agregados por los usuarios vía OPAC a registros bibliográficos requieren moderación por los bibliotecarios. Si hay comentarios en espera de moderación aparecerán listados en el interfaz administrativo debajo de la etiqueta Herramientas:

View of alert that there are comments wainting on Koha main page

and next to the Comments tool on the Tools page

View of alert that there are comments wainting on Koha tools page

To moderate comments click on the notification on the main dashboard or go directly to the Comments tool and click “Approve” or “Delete” to the right of the comments awaiting moderation.

List of comments to moderate with action buttons

Si no hay comentarios a moderar verá un mensaje indicándole ello

List of comments moderation when no comments

También puede revisar y reprobar comentarios que haya aprobado en el pasado seleccionando la pestaña “Comentarios aprobados”

List of comments to approved with action buttons

Patron import

  • Get there: More > Tools > Patrons and circulation > Import patrons

La herramienta de importación de usuarios puede ser utilizada en cualquier momento para agregar usuarios en masa. Se utiliza comúnmente en universidades y escuelas cuando se registra un nuevo grupo de estudiantes.

Creating a patron import file

You can download a blank CSV file with a header from the start page of the patron import tool that you can use as a template for your patron import. The header contains all fields that can be used with the patron import tool. You can delete fields and columns you don’t need with the exception of a few mandatory ones. When overlaying, if your new .csv includes blank columns, any existing values in patron records will be overwritten with blanks. It is best to remove any blank columns in a .csv to ensure no existing data is removed.


cardnumber, surname, and all fields you have defined in the BorrowerMandatoryField preference are required and must match valid entries in your database.


El valor del “password” debe almacenarse en texto plano, y se convertirá en un hash md5 (que es una versión cifrada de la contraseña).

Si sus contraseñas ya están cifradas, hable con su administrador del sistema acerca de sus opciones


Date formats should match your dateformat system preference, and must be zero-padded, e.g. “01/02/2008”. Alternatively you can supply dates in ISO format (e.g. “2008-12-01”).


If your data contains special characters or diacritics, make sure your file is encoded in UTF-8. Otherwise, the special characters will not be imported correctly.


If loading patron attributes, the “patron_attributes” field should contain a comma-separated list of attribute types and values.

  • El código de tipo de atributo y “:” deben preceder al valor.

    • Por ejemplo: «INSTID:12345,BASEBALL:Cubs»

    • Este campo debe ser entrecomillado si se definen varios valores.

    • Since values can contain spaces, additional doubled-quotes may be required:

      • «INSTID:12345,BASEBALL:Cubs,»»BASEBALL:White Sox»»


It’s possible to set restrictions using the patron import tool. If the expiration date and comment match an existing restriction, the one in the import file will be skipped. So a patron import can be repeated multiple times without creating duplicate restrictions. But if one of the criteria is different, a new restriction will be added.

Importing patrons

Once you have created your file, you can use the patron import tool to bring the data into Koha.

  • Elija dónde desea guardar el archivo


  • Choose to match on “cardnumber” or “username” to prevent adding of duplicate card numbers to the system. Additional matchpoints can be set up using patron attributes marked as unique.


  • A continuación, puede elegir los valores por defecto que se aplicarán a todos los usuarios a importar

    • For example, if you’re importing patrons specific to one branch you can use the field on the import form to apply the branch code to all those you are importing.

  • Finally, you need to decide on what data you want to replace if there are duplicates.

    • Un registro repetido se encuentra usando el campo que Usted seleccionó como criterio de chequeo para evitar duplicaciones


    • When using patron attributes in your installation, you can choose how they are handled on import. You can either decide to always overlay all patron attributes or you choose to only replace patron attributes included in your import file. This will leave other attributes untouched.


Notices & slips

  • Get there: More > Tools > Patrons and circulation > Notices & slips

All notices and circulation receipts (or slips) generated by Koha can be customized using the Notices & slips tool. The system comes with several predefined templates that will appear when you first visit this tool.



  • You can customize the columns of this table in the “Table settings” section of the Administration module (table id: lettert).

Cada aviso puede ser editado, pero solo unos pocos pueden ser eliminados, esto para prevenir errores tal como intentar enviar un mensaje sin su plantilla. Cada aviso y recibo puede ser editado para cada biblioteca, de forma predeterminada verá los avisos de todas las bibliotecas.

If you have a style you’d like applied to all slips you can point the SlipCSS preference to a stylesheet. The same is true for notices, using the NoticeCSS preference to define a stylesheet.

You will also want to review the Customising notices and slips wiki page for more information on formatting these notices.

Adding notices and slips

Para agregar un nuevo aviso o recibo

  • Click “New notice”


  • Seleccione que biblioteca usará este aviso o recibo

  • Elija el módulo al cual esta noticia está relacionada

  • El código se limita a 20 caracteres

  • Utilice el campo nombre para explicar con más detalle el código

    • Nota

      With overdue notices, be sure to put your branch name in the description as well so that it will be visible when setting up your triggers.

  • A continuación puede personalizar el aviso para cada método posible de entrega

    • Cada aviso debe tener establecido una plantilla de correo electrónico


    • If you’re using the TalkingTechItivaPhoneNotification service you can set up a Phone notification


    • Si usted planea en la impresión de este aviso puede configurar la plantilla de impresión a continuación


    • If you have enabled SMS notices with the SMSSendDriver preference you can set the text for your SMS notices next


  • Cada aviso ofrece las mismas opciones

    • If you plan on writing the notice or slip in HTML check the “HTML message” box, otherwise the content will be generated as plain text

    • Message subject is what will appear in the subject line of the email

    • En el cuerpo del mensaje escriba cualquier mensaje que considere apropiado, utilice los campos a la izquierda para incorporar datos individualizados desde la base de datos.

      • Nota

        Review the Customising notices and slips wiki page for more information.

      • Importante

        Overdue notices can use <<items.content>> tags by themselves, or use <item></item> to span all of the tags. Learn more about the Overdue notice markup

        • On overdue notices make sure to use <<items.content>> tags to print out the data related to all items that are overdue.

        • The other option, only for overdue notices, is to use the <item></item> tags to span the line so that it will print out multiple lines. One example for the <item></item> tag option is:

          <item>»<<biblio.title>>» by <<biblio.author>>, <<items.itemcallnumber>>, Barcode: <<items.barcode>> , Checkout date: <<issues.issuedate>>, Due date: <<issues.date_due>> Fine: <<items.fine>> </item>

      • Importante

        Only the overdue notices take advantage of the <item></item> tags, all other notices referencing items need to use <<items.content>>

      • Nota

        To add today’s date you can use the <<today>> syntax

      • Nota

        If you don’t want to print the patron’s full name on your slips or notice you can enter data in the Other name or Initials field for each patron and use that value instead.

    • The system preference TranslateNotices will add tabs for each installed language to the notices editor. The notice defined in the “Default” tab will be used if there is no preferred language set for a patron.


Preview notice templates

For some notices it is possible to preview the notice template showing how it would look to a specified patron for a particular item or record.

If a notice template is previewable the notice template header will contain a field to enter preview data


Fill in the necessary information for the template then click the Preview button below the message body. The preview dialog will indicate if there are any problems generating the notice template preview.

Overdue notice markup

When creating your overdue notices there are two tags in addition to the various database fields that you can use in your notices. You will also want to review the Customising notices and slips wiki page for information on formatting item information in these notices.


Estas nuevas etiquetas solo funcionan en avisos de retrasos, hasta le momento no funciona en ningún otro aviso relacionado.

These tags are <item> and </item> which should enclose all fields from the biblio, biblioitems, and items tables.

Un ejemplo del uso de estas etiquetas en una plantilla de aviso podría ser como:

The following item(s) is/are currently overdue:

<item>"<<biblio.title>>" by <<biblio.author>>, <<items.itemcallnumber>>, Barcode: <<items.barcode>> Fine: <<items.fine>></item>

Lo cual, asumiendo dos ítems retrasados, resultará en un aviso como:

The following item(s) is/are currently overdue:

"A Short History of Western Civilization" by Harrison, John B, 909.09821 H2451, Barcode: 08030003 Fine: 3.50
"History of Western Civilization" by Hayes, Carlton Joseph Huntley, 909.09821 H3261 v.1, Barcode: 08030004 Fine: 3.50

Existing notices and slips

Among the default notices are notices for several common actions within Koha. All of these notices can be customized by altering their text via the Notices & slips tool and their style using the NoticeCSS preference to define a stylesheet. You will also want to review the Customising notices and slips wiki page for information on formatting item information in these notices. Here are some of what those notices do:


    • This notice is sent when a patron’s suggestion is accepted.

    • Note: If you don’t want to send this notice, just delete it.


    • This notice is sent for each payment transaction in a patron’s account if the UseEmailReceipts system preference is set to “Send”.


    • This notice is sent for each writeoff transaction in a patron’s account if the UseEmailReceipts system preference is set to “Send”.

  • ACQCLAIM (Acquisition claim)

    • Used for claiming orders in the aquisitions module

    • ACQCLAIM is the code of the sample notice, but it’s possible to define several notices choosing any code. Only the module “Claim acquisition” will be taken into account. All notices with this module will appear in the pull down on the late orders page.

    • Get there: More > Acquisitions > Late orders

    • This notice is sent if several criteria are met:

      1. The staff patron triggering the email has a valid email address.

      2. The vendor contact marked as “Contact about late orders?” has a valid email address.

  • ACQORDER (Acquisition order)

    • Used in the acquisitions module to send order information to the vendor

    • The notice is triggered manually from the basket summary page using the “Email order” button in the toolbar.

    • This notice is sent if several criteria are met:

      1. The staff patron triggering the email has a valid email address.

      2. The vendor contact marked as “Primary acquisitions contact” and “Contact when ordering” has a valid email address.


    • Used in the acquisition module to inform patrons on receiving orders they have been added to.


    • This notice is sent to the patron when an article request is cancelled by staff.


    • This notice is sent to the patron when an article request is marked as completed by staff.


    • This notice is sent to the patron when an article request is changed to “pending” status


    • This notice is sent to the patron when an article request is marked as being processed by staff.


    • This notice is sent to the patron when an article request has been made in order to confirm the request.


    • This notice is sent to the patron if automatic renewals are enabled and the patron has chosen to receive it in their messaging preferences.

    • In order to send this notice, you must set the AutoRenewalNotices system preference to «according to patron messaging preferences».

    • This notice is set so that, depending on the result of the renewal, whether is was successful or not, the message will be different.


    • This notice is sent to the patron if automatic renewals are enabled and the patron has chosen to receive the digest in their messaging preferences.

    • In order to send this notice, you must set the AutoRenewalNotices system preference to «according to patron messaging preferences».

    • This notice is set so that, depending on the result of the renewal, whether is was successful or not, the message will be different.


    • This notice is sent to the patron who made a suggestion, when the order created from the suggestion is received.

    • Note: If you don’t want to send this notice, just delete it.


    • Este aviso se envía como el aviso de “Devolución de préstamo” para todos los ítems que son devueltos

    • Este aviso se utiliza si se cumplen dos criterios:

      1. The EnhancedMessagingPreferences is set to “Allow”

      2. El socio ha pedido recibir este aviso

        • Get there:OPAC > Login > your messaging

        • Get there:Staff client > Patron record > Notices


    • This slip lists all items that were checked in today for this patron

    • To print this slip, click Print > Print checkin slip from the patron file

    • You can also print this slip from the Check in page


    • Este aviso se envía como el aviso de “Préstamo” para todos los ítems que son prestados

    • Este aviso se utiliza si se cumplen dos criterios:

      1. The EnhancedMessagingPreferences is set to “Allow”

      2. El socio ha pedido recibir este aviso

        • Get there:OPAC > Login > your messaging

        • Get there:Staff client > Patron record > Notices


  • This notice is used to generate a PDF to document a successful discharge request

  • The PDF can either be downloaded by the patron from their patron account or from the staff interface when discharging a patron

  • The discharge feature is controlled by the useDischarge system preference.

  • DUE

    • Este aviso se envía como el “Ítem adeudado” para un ítem que se debe

    • Este aviso se utiliza si se cumplen dos criterios:

      1. The EnhancedMessagingPreferences is set to “Allow”

      2. El socio ha pedido recibir este aviso

        • Get there:OPAC > Login > your messaging

        • Get there:Staff client > Patron record > Notices


    • Este aviso se envía como el “Ítem adeudado” para todos los ítems que se deben

    • Este aviso se utiliza si se cumplen dos criterios:

      1. The EnhancedMessagingPreferences is set to “Allow”

      2. El usuario ha solicitado recibir este aviso como un digesto

        • Get there:OPAC > Login > your messaging

        • Get there:Staff client > Patron record > Notices

  • HOLD (Hold available for pickup)

    • Este aviso se utiliza si se cumplen dos criterios:

      1. The EnhancedMessagingPreferences is set to “Allow”

      2. El socio ha pedido recibir este aviso

        • Get there:OPAC > Login > your messaging

        • Get there:Staff client > Patron record > Notices

    • Cuando este aviso referencia la tabla de sedes (branches) se está refiriendo a la información de la sede de retiro.

  • HOLDPLACED (un aviso a la biblioteca que se ha puesto una reserva)

    • This notice requires the emailLibrarianWhenHoldIsPlaced system preference to be set to “Enable”

    • Cuando este aviso referencia la tabla de sedes (branches) se está refiriendo a la información de la sede de retiro.



  • ODUE (Overdue notice)

    • This notice is used to send overdue notices to patrons

    • ODUE is the code of the sample notice, but it’s possible to use any code and define multiple different messages for different patron categories and notice levels

    • Requires that you set Overdue notice/status triggers


    • This notice is sent to the patron who made a suggestion, when the “from a suggestion” option is used to create an order from it.

    • Note: If you don’t want to send this notice, just delete it.



    • This notice is sent to the patron who has requested a recall when the item is ready for them to pick up.


    • Este aviso se envía como un “Aviso previo” de un ítem que se adeuda

    • Este aviso se utiliza si se cumplen dos criterios:

      1. The EnhancedMessagingPreferences is set to “Allow”

      2. El socio ha pedido recibir este aviso

        • Get there:OPAC > Login > your messaging

        • Get there:Staff client > Patron record > Notices


    • Este aviso se envía como un “Aviso previo” para todos los ítems que se adeudan

    • Este aviso se utiliza si se cumplen dos criterios:

      1. The EnhancedMessagingPreferences is set to “Allow”

      2. El usuario ha solicitado recibir este aviso como un digesto

        • Get there:OPAC > Login > your messaging

        • Get there:Staff client > Patron record > Notices


    • This notice is sent when a patron’s suggestion is rejected.

    • Note: If you don’t want to send this notice, just delete it.


    • Este aviso se envía como el aviso de “Préstamo” para todos los ítems que son renovados

    • Este aviso se utiliza si se cumplen tres criterios:

      1. The EnhancedMessagingPreferences is set to “Allow”

      2. The RenewalSendNotice preference is set to “Send”

      3. El usuario ha solicitado recibir el aviso de préstamo

        • Get there:OPAC > Login > your messaging

        • Get there:Staff client > Patron record > Notices


    • This notice is sent to the patron who currently has an item in their possession that has been recalled. It serves to notify them of the new due date for the checked out item.

  • SERIAL_ALERT (New serial issue)

    • Notice used in the serials module to notify patrons/staff of new issues of a serial. SERIAL_ALERT (RLIST in older versions) is provided as a sample notice, but the notice code can be chosen freely as only the module is taken into account. Multiple notices can also be managed.

    • You have the option to select the notice used to inform the patron about a received serial issue for a subscription. Choose from the “Patron notification” drop down.

    • If a notice has been selected for a subscription, patrons can subscribe to the email notification from the subscription tab in the detail view in the OPAC.

    • Nota

      Note que si desea notificar los nuevos ejemplares a los usuarios, puede hacer clic en “definir un aviso” el cual lo llevará a la herramienta “Avisos”


    • Se utiliza para notificar a un usuario cuando otro usuario ha aceptado su lista compartida.

    • Requires that you set OpacAllowSharingPrivateLists to “Allow”


    • Se utiliza para notificar al usuario que otro usuario le gustaría compartir una lista con ellos.

    • Requires that you set OpacAllowSharingPrivateLists to “Allow”


    • Used to notify library staff of a particular branch of items that should be transferred to another branch in the context of stock rotation

    • Requires the stockrotation.pl



    • Sent to patrons when their account is set up if the AutoEmailNewUser preference is set to “Send”


    For security reasons, it is not possible to send the patron’s password in a notice.

There are also a set of predefined slips (or receipts) listed on this page. All of these slips can be customized by altering their text via the Notices & slips tool and their style using the SlipCSS preference to define a stylesheet. Here is what those slips are used for:


    • Used to print a slip for an article request

    • The slip or receipt can be printed manually when managing article requests from the staff interface.

    • Get there: Circulation > Article requests > Actions > Print slip


    • Utilizado para imprimir el recibo rápido en circulación

    • El recibo rápido solo listará los ítems que se han prestado hoy


    • Utilizado para imprimir el recibo completo en circulación

    • El recibo mostrará los ítems prestados hoy y aquellos que todavía no han sido devueltos


    • Utilizado para imprimir un recibo de reservas

    • The holds slip is generated when a hold is confirmed and set to waiting.


    • Used to print an overdues slip

    • The overdues slip can be generated manually using the “print” menu in the patron account in staff. It will show all items overdue.


    • Used to print the details of the patron who has requested a recall on an item.


    • Utilizado para imprimir un recibo de transferencia

    • El comprobante de transferencia se imprime cuando se confirma una transferencia de una sede a otra en su sistema

Overdue notice/status triggers

  • Get there: More > Tools > Patrons and circulation > Overdue notice/status triggers

In order to send the overdue notices that you defined using the Notices & slips tool, you need to first set the triggers to have these messages.


In order to have overdue notices sent to your patrons, you need to set that patron category to require overdue notices.


Depending on the value of your OverdueNoticeCalendar preference the delay may or may not include days the library is closed based on the holiday calendar.

The Overdue notice/status triggers tool gives the librarian the power to send up to three notices to each patron type notifying them of overdue items


  • Demora es el número de días desde que se espera un ejemplar antes que se dispare una acción.

    • Importante

      Si desea que Koha dispare una acción (enviar una carta o suspender a un miembro), es necesario un valor de demora.

  • Para enviar avisos adicionales, haga clic en las pestañas de “Segundo” y “Tercer” aviso

  • Si desea evitar que un usuario tome prestado ítems debido a sus demoras, marque la casilla “Suspender”, esto hará que aparezca un aviso en el registro del usuario. Cuando el usuario quiera hacer un trámite la bibliotecaria verá que al usuario no se le prestará debido a los ítems atrasados.

    • If you choose to restrict a patron in this way you can also have Koha automatically remove that restriction with the AutoRemoveOverduesRestrictions preference.

  • Next you can choose the delivery method for the overdue notice. You can choose from Email, Phone (if you are using the iTiva Talking Tech service), Print and SMS (if you have set your SMSSendDriver).

Patron card creator

  • Get there: More > Tools > Patron card creator

The patron card creator allow you to use layouts and templates which you design to print your custom patron cards on your printer. Here are some of the features of the patron card creator module:

  • Customize patron card layouts with text retrieved from the Koha patron data

  • Design custom card templates for printed patron cards (to match the label sheets)

  • Crear y gestionar los lotes de carnets de socios

  • Export (as PDF) single or multiple batches to print

  • Exportar uno o varios carnets de socio desde dentro de un lote


  • Get there: More > Tools > Patron card creator > Manage > Layouts

Un diseño define el texto y las imágenes que serán impresas en el carné y donde aparecerán los mismos.


Up to three lines of text, the patron’s number in barcode representation and up to two images can be printed on to the card.

Add a layout

If you have no layouts defined, you will add a new layout by clicking the “New” button and choosing “Layout”.


You may also choose to press “Manage layout” on the left side. Here you are offered a list of available layouts you can select for editing. But at the top of the page there is still the “New layout” button.


  • El nombre que asigna a la plantilla es para su beneficio, nómbrela de modo que sea fácil de identificar en una posteriormente

  • El desplegable de Unidades se utiliza para definir qué escala de medida va a utilizar para su perfil.

    Dropdown list of measurement units used in the patron card creator tool, PostScript Points, Agates, US Inches, SI Millimeters, and SI Centimeters

    • Nota

      A Postscript Point is 1/72», an Adobe Agate is 1/64», an Inch is 25.4 SI Millimeters

  • Next, note if this layout is for the front or the back of the patron card

    • Nota

      You will need a layout for both the front and back of your card if you have 2-sided library cards, this option doesn’t allow you to print two sided cards, just lets you track which side of the card you’re designing.

  • You have the option of adding up to 3 lines of text to your card. Your text can be static text of your choosing and/or fields from the patron record. If you want to print fields from the patron record you want to put the field names in brackets like so - <firstname>

  • Para cada línea de texto, usted puede elegir su fuente, el tamaño y la ubicación del texto en el carné utilizando la menor de las coordenadas X e Y

  • In order to show the barcode and the patron card number you will need to check the “Print card number as barcode” option. This will turn the patron card number into a barcode. If you want the number to print in human readable format you will need to check the “Print card number as text under barcode” option.

  • Por último, puede elegir un máximo de dos imágenes para imprimir en el carnet.

    • One can be the patron image which you can resize to meet your needs.

    • The other image can be something like a library logo or symbol that you uploaded using the “manage images” module of the patron card creator Tool.


    It is the designers responsibility to define textlines, barcode and images such that overlap is avoided.

Después de guardar, sus perfiles aparecerán en la página “Administrar perfiles”.



  • Get there: More > Tools > Patron card creator > Manage > Card templates

A template describes the arrangement of labels on the label sheet/card stock you are using. This might be Avery 5160 for address labels, Gaylord 47-284 for spine labels or Avery 28371 for your patron cards, just to give a couple of examples. All of the information you will need for setting up a template may be on the packaging, and if not it can usually be found on the vendor’s website or can be measured from a sample sheet.

Add a template

To add a new template click on the “New template” button at the top of your page which brings you to the Edit template form immediately. You may also choose to press “Manage templates” on the left side. Here you are offered a list of available templates you can select for editing. But in the top of the page there is still the “New template” button.


Using the form that appears after pressing either “Edit” or “New template” you can define the template for your sheet of labels or cards.


  • Template ID is simply a system generated unique id

  • Template code should be the name of this template to identify it on a list of templates

  • You can use the template description to add additional information about the template

  • El desplegable de Unidades se utiliza para definir qué escala de medida va a utilizar para su perfil.

    Dropdown list of measurement units used in the patron card creator tool, PostScript Points, Agates, US Inches, SI Millimeters, and SI Centimeters

    • Nota

      A Postscript Point is 1/72», an Adobe Agate is 1/64», an Inch is 25.4 SI Millimeters

  • The measurements (page height, page width, card width, card height) may be on the packaging, and if not it can usually be found on the vendor’s website or can be measured from a sample sheet.

  • Un perfil es un conjunto de «ajustes» aplicado a una plantilla justo antes de imprimir, el cual se usa para adecuarse a las particularidades de una impresora determinada (a la cual se le asigna el perfil).

    • Antes de elegir un perfil intente imprimir unos carnets de ejemplo para que pueda fácilmente elegir un perfil que sea adecuado para su combinación impresora/plantilla.

    • After finding and documenting any anomalies in the printed document, then you can create a profile and assign it to the template.

    • Importante

      Do not specify a profile unless needed, i.e. do not click to define a printer profile. It is not possible to remove a profile from a template but you can switch to another profile.

    • Nota

      If you are using different printers you may be required to define several templates that are identical only different profiles are specified.

Después de guardar, sus perfiles aparecerán en la página “Administrar perfiles”.



  • Get there: More > Tools > Patron card creator > Manage > Profiles

A profile is a set of «adjustments» applied to a given template just prior to printing which compensates for anomalies unique and peculiar to a given printer. This means if you set a template up and then print a sample set of data and find that the items are not all aligned the same on each card, you need to set up a profile for each printer (or even different tray selections on the same printer) to make up for the differences in printing styles, such as the shifting of text to the left, right, top or bottom.

Si los carnés se imprimen de la manera que desea, usted no necesitará un perfil.

Add a profile

To add a new profile, you want to click on the “Profiles” button at the top of your page and choose “New profile”


To add a new profile, you want to click on the “New profile” button at the top of your page. Using the form that appears you can define the values to correct the card misalignment on your label sheet. You may also choose “Manage profiles” on the left side and select one of the currently available profiles for editing.


  • The Printer name and Paper bin do not have to match your printer exactly, they are for your reference so you can remember what printer you have set the profile for.

    • Nota

      For example: if you want to use the Printer model number in printer name you can, or you can call it “the printer on my desk”

  • Template will be filled in once you have chosen which template to apply the profile to on the template edit form

  • El desplegable “Unidades” se usa para definir qué escala de medición va a usar para su perfil.

    Dropdown list of measurement units used in the patron card creator tool, PostScript Points, Agates, US Inches, SI Millimeters, and SI Centimeters

    • Nota

      A Postscript Point is 1/72», an Adobe Agate is 1/64», an Inch is 25.4 SI Millimeters

  • Offset should be used when the entire image is off center either vertically or horizontally. Creep describes a condition where the distance between the labels changes across the page or up and down the page

    • For offset and creep values, negative numbers move the printed information up and to the left on the printed sheet and positive numbers move down and to the right

    • Example: the text is printed 0 .25» from the left edge of the first label, 0 .28» from the left edge of the second label and 0 .31» from the left edge of the third label. This means the horizontal creep should be set to (minus) -0.03 » to make up for this difference.

After saving, your profiles will appear on the “Manage printer profiles” page.


Una vez que haya guardado el nuevo perfil, puede volver a la lista de plantillas y editar la plantilla del perfil.


  • Get there: More > Tools > Patron card creator > Manage > Card batches

Un lote es un conjunto de usuarios para el que se desea generar carnés.

Add a batch

To add a new batch, you want to click on the “New batches” button at the top of your page. Choosing the menu item “Manage batches” on the left a list of already defined batches is displayed. In this display you can either select a batch for editing or add a new batch.


For a new batch a message pops up and directs you to select patrons to be processed in this batch.


After choosing the “Add patron(s)” button the Patron Search window pops up.

Pop up window for patron search

From here you can search for patrons to add to your batch by any part of their name, their category and/or library. Entering * in the search box will display all the patrons.


From the results you can add patrons to the batch by clicking the “Add” button. After adding patrons from the results you can start over and perform another search or click “Close” at the bottom of the screen to indicate that you are done. You will then be presented with your batch.

image1228 If you are satisfied with your batch you can proceed to export. If you want to correct or even delete that batch the buttons to do so can be found at the top of your screen. You can always come back here through the “Manage > Card batches” button.

If you would like to export all patron cards you can click “Export card batch” otherwise you can choose specific patrons to print cards for by checking the box to the right of their names and then choose “Export selected card(s)” at the top.

The export menu will ask you to choose a template, a layout and starting position (where on the sheet should printing begin).


For the starting position if the first 6 labels have already been used on your sheet you can start printing on label in position 7 on the sheet. The labels are numbered left to right from top to bottom.


Once you click “Export” you will be presented with a PDF of your labels for printing


When you open the PDF you will see the cards for printing


The above image shows a layout that is made up of two textlines. The first one is just plain text, the second one is composed of the <firstname> <surname> fields. A patron image is printed (if available) and the barcode of patrons number is displayed in code 39. All this is printed on a template with three columns and 8 rows using position 1-3 here. When printing this PDF please take care that your printer doesn’t rescale the PDF (e.g do not fit to paper size) otherwise the printer will not be able to print to the right place per your templates.

Manage images

  • Get there: More > Tools > Patron card creator > Manage > Images

Images uploaded using this tool will appear on the menu when creating patron card layouts. You are limited in how many images you can upload (not counting patron images) by the ImageLimit system preference.


Las imágenes deben ser menores de 500K de tamaño.


Las fotos subidas con esta herramienta debe ser de al menos 300dpi que es la calidad mínima de una imagen imprimible.

En el centro de la pantalla hay una forma simple de carga, sólo tiene que buscar el archivo en su computadora y darle un nombre que para reconocerlo más adelante.


Una vez que el archivo es subido se presenta un mensaje de confirmación.


Y la imagen será listada junto con todas la otras en en el lado derecho de la página.


Para eliminar una o varias de estas imágenes, haga clic en la casilla a la derecha de cada imagen que quiera eliminar y haga clic en el botón “Borrar”.

Batch patron deletion/anonymization

  • Get there: More > Tools > Patrons and circulation > Batch patron deletion/anonymization

Esta herramienta permite anonimizar historiales de circulación en bloque (lo cual significa que puede preservar cuantas veces se prestó un ítem - pero no a cual usuario) o eliminar usuarios en bloque (removerlos completamente del sistema).


Patrons with outstanding fines or items checked out are not saved. They are not completely removed from the system (they are only moved to the delete_borrowers table), but this tool does not provide as many checks as one may desire.


Antes de utilizar esta herramienta, se recomienda hacer copia de seguridad la base de datos. Los cambios realizados aquí son permanentes.


The anonymization will fail quietly if AnonymousPatron preference does not contain a valid value.


Para eliminar o anonimizar usuarios

  • Check the “Verify” box on the task you would like to complete (delete or anonymize)

  • Ingrese una fecha antes de la cual desea alterar los datos

  • Si eliminar usuarios también se puede optar por buscar usuarios por fecha de caducidad o categoría específica

    • have not borrowed since a specific date

    • have accounts that will expire before a specific date

    • are in a specific patron category

    • are in a patron list

  • Haga clic en “Siguiente”

  • Una confirmación aparecerá preguntándole si está seguro que esto es lo que Usted quiere que suceda


  • Haciendo clic en “Terminar” borrará o anonimizará sus datos


Modificación de usuarios en lote

  • Get there: More > Tools > Patrons and circulation > Batch patron modification

With this tool you can make edits to a batch of patron records. Simply load in a file of cardnumbers (one per line), choose from a list of patrons or scan patron card numbers in to the box provided.


Una vez que tenga el archivo cargado o los códigos de barra escaneados haga clic en “Continuar”. Se le presentará una lista de usuarios y los cambios que puede hacer.


A la izquierda de cada caja de texto hay un casilla de selección. Haciendo clic en ella limpiará el valor del campo.


Si el campo es obligatorio usted no podrá borrar el valor de él.

If you have multiple patron attributes you can change them all by using the “+ New” link to the right of the text box. This will allow you to add another attribute value.


Una vez haya hecho los cambios que desee, puede hacer clic en “Guardar” y Koha le presentará los registros de usuarios modificados.

Batch extend due dates

  • Get there: More > Tools > Patrons and circulation > Batch extend due dates

This tool allows you to update due dates in bulk, this can be useful if a library needs to close unexpectedly and cannot accept returns.

Batch extend due dates selection page

  • You can filter the selection of checkouts based on patron category, library or a combination of both. You can select multiple options in the dropdown lists if needed.

  • Next, specify a date range for the current due date of the materials on loan. For example, you may want to extend the due dates for recent checkouts but exclude long overdue loans.

  • Choose to extend the due dates either to a new hard due date or by a number of days. Using the number of days option can prevent large numbers of loans being due on the same date.

  • You can choose whether to preview the results of your selections.

Batch extend due dates preview results page

  • If you preview the results you will see a table which shows you the current due date and the new due date so that you can check your selections. You can untick checkouts if they are incorrect or go back and change your selection.

  • Click on the Modify selected checkouts button to see a confirmation screen showing the checkouts that have been modified.


Access to this tool requires the Tools permission batch_extend_due_dates.

Tag moderation

  • Get there: More > Tools > Patrons and circulation > Tags

Depending on your tagging system preferences, librarians may need to approve tags before they are published on the OPAC. This is done via the tag moderation tool. If there are tags awaiting moderation they will be listed on the main staff dashboard under the module labels:


Para moderar etiquetas visite la herramienta Etiquetas. La primera vez que visite la herramienta, se le presentará con una lista de etiquetas pendientes de aprobación o rechazo por parte de un bibliotecario


  • Para ver todos los títulos a los que esta etiqueta fue agregada simplemente haga clic en el término


    • Para remover una etiqueta de un título específica, simplemente haga clic en el botón “Remover etiqueta” a la derecha del título.

  • Para aprobar una etiqueta, puede hacer clic en el botón “Aprobar” en la línea del término, o marcar todos los términos que desee aprobar y hacer clic en “Aprobar” bajo la tabla.

  • To reject a tag, you can either click the “Reject” button in line with the term, or check all terms you want to reject and click “Reject” below the table.

Una vez que una etiqueta ha sido aprobada o rechazada, será trasladado a la lista apropiada de las etiquetas. Un resumen de todas las etiquetas aparecerá a la derecha de la pantalla.


Aun cuando una etiqueta sea aprobada o rechazada, puede ser movida a otra lista. Cuando vea las etiquetas aprobadas cada una tiene la opción de ser rechazada:


To check terms against the approved and rejected lists (and possibly against the dictionary you have assigned for tag moderation) simply enter the term into the search box on the bottom right of the screen to see the status of the term


Por último, puede elegir un máximo de dos imágenes para imprimir en el carnet.


Upload patron images

  • Get there: More > Tools > Patrons and circulation > Upload patron images

Patron images can be uploaded in bulk if you are allowing patron images to be attached to patron records. These images can also be used when creating patron cards.

  • Cree un archivo txt y llámelo «DATALINK.TXT» o «IDLINK.TXT»

  • En cada línea del archivo de texto incluya el número de carnet del socio seguido de coma (o tabulación) y luego el nombre del archivo imagen


    • Asegúrese de que su archivo TXT es un documento de texto simple, no RTF.

  • Comprima el archivo de texto y los archivos de imagen

  • Go to the Upload patron images tool


  • Para una imagen, simplemente seleccione el archivo imagen e ingrese el número de carné del usuario

  • Para imágenes múltiples, elija subir un archivo ZIP

  • Después de cargar la data, se le presentará un mensaje de confirmación



    Existe un límite de 100K en el tamaño de la foto subida y es recomendado que la imágen sea de 200x300 pixeles, pero imágenes más pequeñas fuencionan correctametne.

Rotating collections

  • Get there: More > Tools > Catalog > Rotating collections

Rotating collections is a tool for managing collections of materials that frequently get shifted from library to library. It adds the ability to store not only an item’s home library and current location but also information about where it is supposed to be transferred to next to ensure that all items in the collection are sent to the correct library. When an item in a rotating collection is checked in, library staff is notified that the item is part of a rotating collection and which branch it should be sent to if it is not at the correct one.


The AutomaticItemReturn system preference must be set to «Don’t automatically transfer items to their home library when they are returned» for rotating collections to function properly.

  • To create a new rotating collection, click the «New collection» button, fill in the title and description, and click «Submit». Once submitted you’ll see «Collection name added successfully»; click «Return to rotating collections home» to return to the main Rotating collections management page (or click Rotating collections in the sidebar).

  • To add items to a collection, click «Actions» and choose «Add or remove items» next to the collection’s name in the list of collections. Under «Add or remove items» scan or type in the barcode of the item you wish to add to the collection, and hit enter or click “Submit” if necessary.

  • To remove an item from a collection, either click “Remove” next to the item’s barcode in the list of items within the collection or check the «Remove item from collection» box next to the Barcode text box under «Add or remove items», and scan or type in the barcode, clicking «Submit» or hitting Enter if necessary. Note: The «Remove item from collection» checkbox will remain checked as long as you are on the «Add or remove items» page, unless you uncheck it, to facilitate quickly removing a number of items at a time by scanning their barcodes.

Transfer a rotating collection

La transferencia de una colección será:

  • Cambie la ubicación actual de los ítems en esa colección a la biblioteca que serán transferidos

  • Iniciar una transferencia desde su biblioteca original ubicación actual/depositaria a la biblioteca ubicación actual/depositaria a la cual será rotada. Cuando la biblioteca reciba una colección, ellos necesitarán devolver todos los ítems para completar la transferencia.

Usted puede transferir una colección en una o dos maneras:

  • From the main Rotating collections page, click on «Actions» and choose «Transfer» next to the title of the collection you wish to transfer; choose the library you wish to transfer the collection to and click «Transfer collection».

  • Or, from the «add or remove items» page for a collection, you can click the «Transfer» button, choose the library you wish to transfer the collection to and click «Transfer Collection».


    A fin de cumplimentar el proceso de transferencia, la biblioteca que recibe una colección rotativa, debería devolver todos los ítems de la colección así como sean recibidos. Esto hará una transferencia clara, así que los ítems no seguirán siendo mostrados como «en tránsito».

Si un ítem en una colección rotativa es devuelto en una biblioteca distinta a la que se supone fue transferida, aparecerá un aviso notificando al personal de la biblioteca que el ítem es parte de una colección rotativa, asimismo, haciéndoles saber dónde el ítem necesita ser enviado.


Additional tools


  • Get there: More > Tools > Additional tools > Calendar

Libraries can define library closings and holidays to be used when calculating due dates. You can make use of the calendar by turning on the proper system preferences:

  • useDaysMode: Choose the method for calculating due date - either include days the library is closed in the calculation or don’t include them

  • finescalendar: This will check the holiday calendar before charging fines

View of the calendar

Adding events

Antes de añadir eventos, seleccione la biblioteca a la que desea aplicar los cierres. Al añadir eventos se le preguntará si desea aplicar el evento a una sucursal o a todas. Para agregar eventos, simplemente

  • Haga clic en la fecha del calendario en que desea aplicar el cierre de

    Add new holiday form

  • En el formulario que aparece encima del calendario, introduzca la información de cierre (para obtener más información sobre cada opción, haga clic en el signo de interrogación [?] a la derecha de la opción)

    • La biblioteca se asignará automáticamente. Puede elegir una biblioteca del menú desplegable en la parte superior de la página

    • La información del día se rellenará automáticamente a partir de la fecha en la que hizo clic en el calendario

      • If this holiday extends on more than one day, enter the end date in “To date”

    • In the “title” enter the name of the holiday or the reason for the closing

    • In the “description” enter more information about this holiday

    • A continuación, puede elegir si este evento es un evento de una sola vez o si es repetible.

      • “Holiday only on this day”: this is a one day holiday

      • “Holiday repeated every same day of the week”: this is a weekly closing (if you’re closed every Sunday, for example)

      • “Holiday repeated yearly on the same date”: this is an annual holiday closing (if you’re closed on January 1st each year, for example)

      • “Holiday on a range”: this is a holiday that extends on several days


        Make sure to enter a “To Date” at the top if you choose “Holiday on a range”

      • “Holiday repeated yearly on a range”: this is a holiday that extends on several days each year (such as summer holidays for schools)


        Make sure to enter a “To Date” at the top if you choose “Holiday repeated yearly on a range”

    • Por último decida si este evento se debe aplicar a todas las bibliotecas o solo a la seleccionada inicialmente

      • Si prefiere introducir todas las fiestas y luego copiarlas todas a la vez a otra biblioteca puede usar el menú de copia que está bajo el calendario

        Drop down menu of all libraries from which to choose to which library to copy the holidays

  • Después de guardar podrá ver el evento listado en el resumen a la derecha del calendario

    View of the calendar page showing the calendar and all the programmed holidays

Editing events

Para editar los eventos

  • Haga clic en el evento del calendario que desea cambiar (hacer esto haciendo clic en la fecha en el calendario, no en el evento enumerado en el resumen)

    Edit holiday form

  • Desde este formulario puedo editar o eliminar completamente el feriado. Ambas acciones requieren que haga clic en “Guardar” antes que se realice el cambio.

    • Todas las acciones requieren que se haga clic en “Guardar” antes de que se hagan los cambios

  • Al hacer clic en eventos repetibles se ofrecerán opciones ligeramente diferentes

    Edit holiday form with the option of generating exceptions for repeating holidays

    • In the form above you will note that there is now an option to “Generate an exception for this repeated holiday” and “Generate exceptions on a range of dates” choosing one of these options will allow you to make it so that this date is not closed even though the library is usually closed on this date.

    • Todas las acciones requieren que se haga clic en “Guardar” antes de que se hagan los cambios

Additional help

Al agregar o editar eventos se puede obtener ayuda adicional haciendo clic en el signo de interrogación al lado de distintas opciones en el formulario

Text under "Delete this holiday": "This will delete this holiday rule. If it is a repeatable holiday, this option checks for possible exceptions. If an exception exists, this option will remove the exception and set the date to a regular holiday."

CSV profiles

  • Get there: More > Tools > Additional tools > CSV profiles

CSV profiles are created to define how you would like your cart or list to export.

Add CSV profiles

To add a CSV profile

  • Click on “New CSV profile”

    Add new CSV profile form

    • El “Nombre de perfil “ aparecerá en la lista desplegable de exportación cuando elija “Descargar” de su carro o lista

      View of the cart with the Download pull down menu open and "CSV - Record export" is selected

    • The “Profile type” determines what type of fields you plan to use (MARC or SQL) to define your profile

      • If you choose MARC then you will need to enter MARC fields

        Add new CSV profile form filled with MARC information

      • If you choose SQL then you will need to enter SQL database fields

        Add new CSV profile form filled with SQL information

    • The “Usage” field is used to indicate what type of report this CSV profile is used with

    • The “Profile description” is for your own benefit, but will also appear in the OPAC when patrons download content, so make sure it’s clear for your patrons as well

    • El “Separador CSV” es el caracter utilizado para separar valores y grupos de valores


      La opción más común aquí es coma ya que la mayoría de las planillas de cálculo saben como leer archivos separados por comas.

    • El “Separador de campos” es el carácter utilizado para separar los campos duplicados

      • Ejemplo: Usted puede tener múltiples campos 650 y este es el caracter que aparecerá entre cada uno en la columna

        CSV file opened in a spreadsheet software where we can see the pipes separating subject headings when there are more than one

    • El “Separador de subcampos” es el carácter utilizado para separar subcampos duplicados

      • Ejemplo: Puede tener múltiples subcampos $a en un campo

    • El campo “Codificación” le permite definir la codificación utilizada cuando guarda el archivo

    • The “Only available on the staff interface” checkbox (only for MARC profile types) lets you limit this CSV profile to staff interface only, meaning patrons will not be able to use this profile to export their cart or lists from the OPAC

    • Finally format your CSV file using the “Profile MARC fields” or “Profile SQL fields” box

      • Define which fields or subfields you want to export, separated by pipes. Example : 200|210$a|301 for MARC or biblio.title|biblio.author for SQL

      • Nota

        You can also use your own headers (instead of the ones from Koha) by prefixing the field number with a header, followed by the equal sign. Example: Personal name=100|title=245$a|300

When you have entered in all of the information for your profile, simply click “Submit” and you will be presented with a confirmation that your profile has been saved.

Blue box with the confirmation message "CSV profile added successfully."

Modify CSV profiles

Once you have created at least one CSV profile an “Edit profile” tab will appear next to the “New profile” button.


  • Seleccione el perfil que desea editar y modifique los campos necesarios.

  • Luego de enviar sus cambios se le presentará un mensaje de confirmación en el tope de la pantalla


  • Para eliminar un perfil, marque la opción “Eliminar perfil seleccionado” antes de hacer clic en “Enviar consulta”


Using CSV profiles

Your CSV profiles will appear on the export list or cart menu under the “Download” button in both the staff client and the OPAC


Log viewer

  • Get there: More > Tools > Additional tools > Log viewer

Actions within the Koha system are tracked in log files. Your system preferences can be changed to prevent the logging of different actions. These logs can be viewed using the log viewer.

Screenshot of the log viewer tool


The warning sign next to a module name indicates that the actions in this module are not logged. Change your logs preferences to log actions from a module.

Seleccionando diferentes combinaciones de opciones del menú producirá el archivo de registros para esa consulta.

A query for all logs related to the Circulation module produces a result

Log viewer results table


You can customize the columns of this table in the “Table settings” section of the Administration module (table id: logst).


  • Get there: More > Tools > Additional tools > News

El módulo de noticias Koha permite a los bibliotecarios enviar noticias al OPAC, a la interfaz administrativa y a los recibos de circulación.

News tool main page

To add news to either the OPAC, the staff interface or a circulation receipt:

  • Click “New entry”

    New news entry form

    • Code: enter a unique code for this news item

    • Display location: choose where to put the news

      Drop-down menu of display locations for news

      • Librarian and OPAC interfaces: content will appear on the staff interface main page as well as in the news block on the OPAC

      • Librarian interface: content will appear on the staff interface main page

        News blocks on the staff interface's main page

      • OPAC: content will appear in the top middle part of the OPAC page

        • Below the news in the OPAC there will be an RSS icon allowing you and your users to subscribe to library news

          View of a news item on the OPAC with an RSS icon next to the text 'RSS feed for system-wide library news'

        • You can allow your users to choose to see branch-specific news with the OpacNewsLibrarySelect system preference

      • Slip: content will appear on the circulation receipts

        Issue slip with news at the bottom


        This can be activated or deactivated in the Notices & slips tool

    • Library: choose the library for which this news item will be shown

      • Prior to end users logging in to the OPAC only new items listed to appear for “All libraries” will display unless your system administrator has configured an “OPAC_BRANCH_DEFAULT” override in virtual host configuration. See installation for details.

    • Publication date: use the publication date field to control from which date your news item appears

      • Examples: (these assume today’s date as 7 May 2019)

        • Publish on current date: set publication date as 7 May 2019

        • Schedule for publishing in future: set date later than 7 May 2019

        • Backdate the news item: set date earlier than 7 May 2019

    • Expiration date: use the expiration date field to automatically stop showing the news item when it is no longer relevant.

      • If this field is empty the news item will be shown until you remove it manually

    • Appear in position: you decide in what order your news items appear

      • If the field is left empty, the news will appear from newest to oldest

      • In this field, 0 is the top-most position; the larger the number, the lower in the list the news will appear

    • You can enter the news title and text for each language installed


You can choose which type of editor to use here (either a text editor or a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editor) with the AdditionalContentsEditor system preference.

  • Después de rellenar todos los campos, haga clic en “Enviar”

Depending on your choice for the NewsAuthorDisplay system preference, you will also see the person who created the news item (this uses the logged in person).

HTML customizations

  • Get there: More > Tools > Additional tools > HTML customizations

Koha’s HTML customizations tool allows staff to post content to the OPAC.

Additional content / HTML customizations main page

To add content to the OPAC:

  • Click “New entry”

    New additional content entry form

    • Code: enter a unique code for this additional content item

    • Display location: choose where to put the content

      Drop-down menu of display locations for additional content

      The following image shows where each block is displayed on the OPAC’s main page

      View of the main page of the OPAC with each customizable section highlighted


      OpacNav and OpacNavBottom are system preferences and the Quote of the day feature is found in the tools module. The rest of the customizable blocks are managed in the HTML customizations tool.

      • OpacNavRight: content will appear on the right side of the OPAC page

      • opacheader: content will appear at the top of the OPAC page

      • OpacCustomSearch: content will replace the simple search bar at the top of the page

      • OpacMainUserBlock: content will appear in the middle of the OPAC’s main page

      • opaccredits: content will appear at the bottom of the page

      • OpacLoginInstructions: content will appear under the login box on the OPAC’s main page

      • OpacSuggestionInstructions: content will replace the text at the top of the purchase suggestion form on the OPAC

      • ArticleRequestsDisclaimerText: content will appear and patron will have to accept before they can continue to the article request form; use for any copyright/disclaimer patrons need to be aware of regarding photocopies or scans of articles or chapters

    • Library: choose the library for which this content will be shown

      • Prior to end users logging in to the OPAC only content blocks listed to appear for “All libraries” will display unless your system administrator has configured an “OPAC_BRANCH_DEFAULT” override in virtual host configuration.

    • Publication date: use the publication date field to control from which date your content appears

      • Examples: (these assume today’s date as 7 May 2019)

        • Publish on current date: set publication date as 7 May 2019

        • Schedule for publishing in future: set date later than 7 May 2019

        • Backdate the news item: set date earlier than 7 May 2019

    • Expiration date: use the expiration date field to automatically stop showing the content when it is no longer relevant.

      • If this field is empty the content will be shown until you remove it manually

    • Appear in position: you decide in what order your content appear, when there is more than one in the same display location

      • If the field is left empty, the content will appear from oldest to newest

      • In this field, 0 is the top-most position; the larger the number, the lower in the list the content will appear

    • You can enter the content title and text for each language installed


      The title is not shown for additional content. It mostly serves to know at a glance what the content is about when looking at the list of additional content items. If you want a title to appear, you must add it in the text portion.


You can choose which type of editor to use here (either a text editor or a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editor) with the AdditionalContentsEditor system preference.

  • Después de rellenar todos los campos, haga clic en “Enviar”


  • Get there: More > Tools > Additional tools > Pages

The pages tool is a tool to create custom additional pages in the OPAC and in the staff interface. It is based on the same tool as the news and the HTML customizations, therefore it works in the same way.

Pages tool main page, with table of current pages

To add a new page:

  • Click “New entry”

    New page entry form

    • Display location: choose the interface from which this page should be accessed

      • Librarian and OPAC interfaces: two links will be created, one for the OPAC and one for the staff interface

      • Librarian interface: a link for the staff interface will be created

      • OPAC: a link for the OPAC will be created

    • Library: choose the library for which this page will be available

      • If an OPAC page is limited to a library, only logged in users whose home library matches the page library will be able to access the page.

      • Pages limited to a library will not be accessible to OPAC users who are not logged in, unless your system administrator has configured an “OPAC_BRANCH_DEFAULT” override in virtual host configuration.

      • If a staff interface page is limited to a library, only staff logged into that library will be able to access the page.

    • Publication date: use the publication date field to control from which date your page is accessible, if it should only be accessed at a future date.

    • Expiration date: use the expiration date field to remove the page after a specific date.

      • If this field is empty the page will be available until you remove it manually

    • Appear in position: this field does not affect pages, it is only used by other additional content

    • You can enter the page title and content for each language installed


You can choose which type of editor to use here (either a text editor or a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editor) with the AdditionalContentsEditor system preference.

  • Después de rellenar todos los campos, haga clic en “Enviar”

  • In the table, a link will be generated for the OPAC or the staff interface or both. Use this link in HTML customizations, news or system preferences such as IntranetNav or IntranetmainUserBlock so that the patrons or staff members can access the new page.

Task scheduler

  • Get there: More > Tools > Additional tools > Task scheduler

El programador de tareas es una manera de programar informes para ejecutarse cada vez que desee.

To schedule a task, visit the task scheduler and fill in the form


  • El servidor de tiempo muestra que el tiempo en su servidor (sus informes se ejecutarán con un cronograma basado en este servidor - no en su hora local)

  • El tiempo se debe ingresar como hh:mm (2 dígitos de hora, 2 dígitos de minutos)

  • La fecha debe ser ingresada utilizando el calendario emergente

  • Desde Informe elija el informe que desea programar

  • Seleccione si desea recibir el texto o un enlace a los resultados

  • En el campo de correo electrónico ingresar el correo electrónico de la persona que desea recibir el informe

A continuación del formulario del programador de tareas, hay una lista de los informes programados


También puede programar informes directamente desde la lista de informes almacenados, haciendo clic en el enlace “Planificar”


Solución de problemas

El programador de tareas no funcionará si el usuario bajo el cual se ejecuta su servidor Web no tiene permiso para usarlo. Para saber si el usuario tiene los permisos necesarios, consulte /etc/at.allow para ver qué usuarios están en ella. Si no tiene ese archivo, consulte /etc/at.deny. Si at.deny existe, pero está en blanco, cualquier usuario puede utilizarlo. Hable con su administrador de sistema acerca de agregar el usuario al lugar correcto para hacer que el programador de tareas funcione.

Edit quotes for QOTD feature

  • Get there: More > Tools > Additional Tools > Edit quotes for QOTD feature

This tool will allow you to add and edit quotes to show on the OPAC or the staff interface.

Main page of the quote of the day editor

To turn this feature on set the QuoteOfTheDay system preference to either “OPAC”, “staff interface”, or both, and add at least one quote using this tool.

In the OPAC, the quotes will appear above the “OpacMainUserBlock” news block.

View of the main page of the OPAC, customized, and with each section highlighted and labeled

In the staff interface, the quotes will appear under the news on the left side.

A quote of the day block under the news blocks on the main page of the staff interface

Add a quote

Para agregar una cita:

  • Click the “New quote” button in the toolbar.

    New quote and import quotes buttons

  • Fill out the form.

    New quote form

    • Source: enter the source of the quote, e.g. the name of the person who said the quote

    • Text: enter the text of the quote


    Tanto el campo “Fuente” como “Texto” se deben cumplimentar para guardar la nueva cita.

  • Click “Submit” to save the new quote.

  • The new quote should now be visible in the list.

Import quotes

You can import a batch of quotes as a CSV file. Your file must contain two columns in the form: «source»,»text» with no header row.


Se le pedirá confirmar la carga de archivos mayores que 512KB.

  • Para iniciar el proceso de importación, haga clic en el botón “Importar citas” en la parte superior de la pantalla

    New quote and import quotes buttons

  • Una vez en la pantalla de importación de citas puede buscar en tu ordenador el archivo que desea importar

    Quote uploader screen

  • Luego de seleccionar el archivo CVS, haga clic en el botón “Abrir” y el archivo será subido dentro de una tabla de edición temporaria.

    A list of imported quotes in a table

  • From the listing you can edit either the “Source” or “Text” fields by clicking on the desired field. When you are finished editing a field, press the <Enter> key on your keyboard to save the changes.

    Clicking in the table on the source or the text of a quote will open a editable field

  • Una vez que esté satisfecho con las citas, haga clic en el botón «Guardar citas” en la barra de herramientas en la parte superior y se guardarán las citas.

    Save quotes and cancel import buttons

Edit a quote

To edit a quote, click on the “Edit” button to the right of the quote.

Main page of the quote of the day editor

Edit either the “Source” or “Text” fields.

Click “Submit” to save the quote.

Delete a quote

To delete a quote, click on the “Delete” button to the right of the quote.

Main page of the quote of the day editor

Confirm the deletion by clicking “Delete”.

Quote deletion confirmation modal


  • Get there: More > Tools > Additional Tools > Upload

This tool will allow you to upload files to your Koha system for selection from the Cataloging form.

Upload files

When you first visit the Upload tool you might see a warning about missing a category.


Categories are defined in the authorized value in the UPLOAD category. If you do not have upload categories then your files will be temporary and will be deleted the next time the server is rebooted. Once you have a value in the UPLOAD authorized value category you will see a Category pull down below the “Browse” button.


Browse your computer a file, choose a category and decide if the public will be able to download this file via the OPAC. Once your file is uploaded you will be presented with a confirmation.


Search files

All uploaded files are searchable from below the upload form. Using the form you can search any part of the filename and/or the Hashvalue.Search uploaded files

You will be presented with the results of your search.


Access files

  • Get there: More > Tools > Additional Tools > Access files

This option allows access to files stored on the server from the staff interface. The directories where the files are stored need to be defined in the koha-conf.xml file. In order to be able to access the tool, a staff patron requires the superlibrarian or access_files patron permission


OPAC problem reports

  • Get there: More > Tools > Additional tools > OPAC problem reports

This tool is used to manage the problem reports sent by patrons via the OPAC.


This tool only appears if you have enabled the OPACReportProblem system preference.

From this tool, you will see all the problems that were reported by patrons on the OPAC.

Table of problem reports submitted by patrons

From the “Actions” column, you can

  • “Mark viewed”: mark this problem report as viewed, this will change the status of the problem report to “Viewed”

  • “Mark closed”: close this problem report, this will change the status of the problem report to “Closed”

  • “Mark new”: mark this problem as new (i.e. not viewed), this will revert the status back to “New”.

You can also batch change statuses by checking the boxes next to the problem reports you want to change and use the button at the top of the page.

Cash management

Koha includes a number of options for dealing with monetary transactions and actions to allow for fine grained tracking of these processes for audit and analytic processes.

Cash registers

Cash registers can be used to track transactions to a specific location in your library. This can be especially helpful for detailing where cash has been taken for payments and then when this cash is subsequently removed and taken to the bank.


To enable the use of cash registers, you must turn on the UseCashRegisters system preference.

You can then configure cash registers for your library from the cash registers page in the administration module.


The action of “cashing up” can be recorded against a cash register from both the library details and register details pages.

Clicking the Record cashup button will simply record the date and time that the action has taken place and is intended to allow the regular record of when money is collected from the cash register and taken to the bank.

Both of the above pages utilize the cashup record to limit the display of transactions/summaries to only pertinent information, since the last cashup.

Once a cashup has taken place, a summary of the transactions taken during that cashup period is available for display, and printing, via the Summary link found next to the last cashup date on the register details page.

A cashup summary view modal

Cash summary for library

  • Get there: Home > Tools > Cash summary for library

A summary of transaction amounts associated to a libraries cash registers can be found under the “Cash summary for library” page tool.

The summary will list registers associated with your logged in branch alongside information about how much money should be found in each register, what is available to take to the bank and a breakdown of income vs outgoings.

Note: You can also access this page from the left hand menu available on the Point of sale page when that module is enabled.

Transaction history for register

  • Get there: Home > Tools > Cash management > Transaction history for register

A list of all transactions to have taken place at a register is available by clicking on the cash register name from the library details page.

If you have the correct permissions, you can re-print receipts, issue refunds and record cashups from this page.

Note: You can also access this page from the left hand menu available on the Point of sale page when that module is enabled.