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Opzioni ricerca avanzata


Asks: Show tabs in the OPAC advanced search for limiting searches on the ___ fields.

Default: itemtypes


  • On the advanced search page in the OPAC, you can choose to allow filters on one or all of the following: item types (itemtypes), collection codes (ccode) and shelving location (loc).

Advanced search tabbed limits for item type, shelving location and collection

  • Separate multiple values with a pipe (|). For example, enter itemtypes|loc to allow to limit searches on item type and shelving location.

  • The order in which the options are entered in the system preference is the order in which the tabs will appear. The first option in the system preference is the selected tab.

  • If left empty, «itemtypes» is used.

  • Values within the search type are OR’ed together, while each different search type is AND’ed together in the query limits.

See also:


Asks: Show search options for the expanded view ___

Default: Seleziona tutto


  • [Select all]

  • Item types

  • Language

  • Location and availability

  • Publication date

  • Sorting

  • Subtypes


  • The settings in this preference will determine which search fields will show when the patron is using the “More options” mode on the advanced search page.


Default: Item types, Language, Location and availability, Publication date, Sorting

Asks: Show search options ___


  • [Select all]

  • Item types

  • Language

  • Location and availability

  • Publication date

  • Sorting

  • Subtypes


  • The settings in this preference will determine which search fields will show when the patron is using the “Fewer options” mode on the advanced search page.


These preferences control how things appear in the OPAC.


Asks: Display authority details in the OPAC using the XSLT stylesheet at: ___

Default: Empty


  • Leave empty to disable XSLT display

  • Enter a path to an XSLT file

    • For example, /path/to/koha/and/your/stylesheet.xsl

  • Enter an URL to an external stylesheet


  • XSLT stylesheets allow for the customization of the details shown on the screen when viewing an authority record. This system preference will allow you to either use the default look that comes with Koha (no XSLT) or design your own stylesheet.

  • This system preference controls the display of the authority records in the OPAC.

  • In a multi-language system, you can enter {langcode} in the internal path or external URL to tell Koha to look in the right language folder

    • For example, http://mykohaopac.org/{langcode}/stylesheet.xsl

  • If you have different stylesheets for different authority types, use the {authtypecode} placeholder for the authority type code

    • For example, http://mykohaopac.org/{authtypecode}/stylesheet.xsl

See also:


Asks: Display authority results in the OPAC using the XSLT stylesheet at: ___

Default: Empty


  • Leave empty to disable XSLT display

  • Enter a path to an XSLT file

    • For example, /path/to/koha/and/your/stylesheet.xsl

  • Enter an URL to an external stylesheet


  • XSLT stylesheets allow for the customization of the details shown on the screen when viewing an authority record. This system preference will allow you to either use the default look that comes with Koha (no XSLT) or design your own stylesheet.

  • This system preference controls the display of the authority search results in the OPAC.

  • In a multi-language system, you can enter {langcode} in the internal path or external URL to tell Koha to look in the right language folder

    • For example, http://mykohaopac.org/{langcode}/stylesheet.xsl

  • If you have different stylesheets for different authority types, use the {authtypecode} placeholder for the authority type code

    • For example, http://mykohaopac.org/{authtypecode}/stylesheet.xsl

See also:


Default: in simple form

Asks: By default, show bibliographic records ___


  • as specified in the ISBD template.

    • See ISBD preference for more information

  • in simple form.

  • in their MARC format.


  • This system preference determines the level of bibliographic detail that the patron will see on the OPAC detail page. The simple form displays the graphical interface; MARC format displays the MARC21 cataloging view; ISBD displays the ISBD (International Standard Bibliographic Description, AACR2) view.


Default: Include

Asks: ___ COinS / OpenURL / Z39.88 in OPAC search results.


  • Don’t include

    • If you choose not to include COinS on the search results, it will still be loaded on the individual bibliographic records.

  • Include

    • Enabling this feature will slow OPAC search response times.


  • COinS stands for ContextObjects in Spans. COinS is a method to embed bibliographic metadata in the HTML code of web pages. This allows bibliographic software to publish machine-readable bibliographic items and client reference management software (such as Zotero) to retrieve bibliographic metadata. The metadata can also be sent to an OpenURL resolver. This allows, for instance, searching for a copy of a book in one’s own library.


Asks: ___ the format, audience, and material type icons and descriptions in XSLT MARC 21 results and detail pages in the OPAC.

Default: Don’t show


  • Don’t show

  • Show


  • This system preference is used to show or hide the format, audience and material type information pulled from the control fields of the MARC 21 bibliographic record.

    Screenshot of the XSLT icons in the search results in the OPAC


See the XSLT material type icons for more information on these icons.


This is only used in XSLT displays, so OPACXSLTResultsDisplay and/or OPACXSLTDetailsDisplay must be set to use an XSLT stylesheet for this to show (default or custom)

See also:


Default: Don’t show

Asks: ___ lost items on search and detail pages.


  • Items that are marked lost by the library can either be shown or not shown on the OPAC. By setting the value to «Don’t show,» the lost item is not shown on the OPAC. By setting the value «Show,» the lost item is shown on the OPAC for patrons to view with a status of “lost.^


  • Don’t show

  • Show


HighlightOwnItemsOnOPAC and HighlightOwnItemsOnOPACWhich

HighlightOwnItemsOnOPAC Default: Don’t emphasize

HighlightOwnItemsOnOPACWhich Default: patron’s home library

Asks: ___ results from the ___ by moving the results to the front and increasing the size or highlighting the rows for those results.

HighlightOwnItemsOnOPAC Values:

  • Don’t emphasize

  • Emphasize

HighlightOwnItemsOnOPACWhich Values:

  • OPAC’s library based via the URL

    • The library is chosen based on the Apache environment variable BRANCHCODE. For example, this could be added to the OPAC section of koha-httpd.conf: SetEnv BRANCHCODE «CPL»

  • patron’s home library

    • The items emphasized will be those of the same library as the patron’s library. If no one is logged into the OPAC, no items will be highlighted.


    This system preference will only effect sites that are not using an XSLT stylesheet. XSLT stylesheets are defined in the OPACXSLTResultsDisplay and OPACXSLTDetailsDisplay preferences.


Asks: Show ___ as the name of the library on the OPAC.


This value will appear in the title bar of the browser


Add a news item with the opacheader display location with the news tool if you’d like to add a library name above your search box on the OPAC



Asks: Include the additional CSS stylesheet ___ to override specified settings from the default stylesheet.


  • The preference can look for stylesheets in the template directory for your OPAC language, for instance: /koha-tmpl/opac-tmpl/prog/en/css. If you upload a custom file, opac-mystyles.css to this directory, you can specify it by entering opac-mystyles.css in your opaccolorstylesheet system preference. This adds your custom stylesheet as a linked stylesheet alongside the OPAC’s default CSS files. This method is preferable because linked stylesheets are cached by the user’s browser, meaning upon repeat visits to your site the user’s browser will not have to re-download the stylesheet, instead using the copy in the browser’s cache.

  • If you would rather, you can upload your CSS to another server and enter the full URL pointing to it’s location remember to begin the URL with http://


    Leave this field blank to disable it


    This file will add a linked CSS, not replace the existing default CSS.


Asks: ___ a library select pulldown menu on the OPAC masthead.

Default: Don’t add


  • Add

  • Don’t add



Asks: The OPAC is located at ___


  • This system preference is looking for the URL of your public catalog (OPAC) with the http:// in front of it (enter http://www.mycatalog.com instead of www.mycatalog.com). Once it is filled in Koha will use it to generate permanent links in your RSS feeds, for your social network share buttons and in your staff interface when generating links to bibliographic records in the OPAC.


    Do not include a trailing slash in the URL this will break links created using this URL. (example: http://www.google.com not http://www.google.com/)


    This must be filled in with the URL of your public catalog for RSS, unAPI, and search plugins to work.


    This must be filled in with the URL of your public catalog to show “OPAC View” links from bibliographic records in the staff interface:



Asks: Display the URI in the 856u field as an image on: ___

Default: Neither details or results page


  • Both results and details pages


    Both OPACXSLTDetailsDisplay and OPACXSLTResultsDisplay need to have values in order for this preference to work.


    This is only implemented for MARC21.

  • Detail page only

    Detailed record page in the OPAC, one of the 856 field is displayed as an image in the record


    OPACXSLTDetailsDisplay needs to have a value in it for this preference to work.


    This is only implemented for MARC21.

  • Neither details or results page

  • Results page only

    Search results in the OPAC, one of the 856 field is displayed as an image in the listing


    OPACXSLTResultsDisplay needs to have a value in it for this preference to work.


    This is only implemented for MARC21.


  • In addition to this option being set, the corresponding XSLT option must be turned on.

  • Also, the corresponding 856q field must have a valid MIME image extension (e.g., «jpg») or MIME image type (i.e. starting with «image/»), or the generic indicator «img» entered in the field.

    856 field in the cataloging form; 856q contains img and 856u contains a link to an image


    Common image MIME types

    File type

    Image MIME type

    File extension




    Graphic interchange format (gif)



    JPEG image



    JPEG image



    Scalable vector graphic



    TIF image



    TIF image



  • When all of the requirements are met, an image file will be displayed instead of the standard link text. Clicking on the image will open it in the same way as clicking on the link text. When you click on the image it should open to full size, in the current window or in a new window depending on the value in the system pref OPACURLOpenInNewWindow.

See also:




Asks: Select export options that should be available from OPAC detail page: ___


  • In the OPAC on the right of each bibliographic record there is a menu that allows for saving the record in various formats. This patch will allow you to define which options are in the pull down menu. Available options are: BIBTEX (bibtex), Dublin Core (dc), MARCXML (marcxml), MARC-8 encoded MARC (marc8), Unicode/UTF-8 encoded MARC (utf8), Unicode/UTF-8 encoded MARC without local use -9xx, x9x, xx9- fields and subfields (marcstd), MODS (mods), and RIS (ris).


Default: bootstrap

Asks: Use the ___ theme as the fallback theme on the OPAC.


  • The purpose of this preference is to provide a way to choose to what theme to fallback on when you have a partial theme in place.


Asks: Use the image at ___ for the OPAC’s favicon.


  • The favicon is the little icon that appears next to the page title in the tab in most browsers. The default value for this field (if left blank) is the small “K” of the Koha logo on a white background.

    A browser tab opened to the OPAC's main page, there is the little 'K' favicon followed by the page title 'Koha online catalog'

  • Enter a complete URL (starting with http:// or https://) to your image


Turn your logo into a favicon with the Favicon Generator [http://antifavicon.com/].

OpacHighlightedWords and NotHighlightedWords

OpacHighlightedWords Default: Don’t highlight

NotHighlightedWords Default: and|or|not

Asks: ___ words the patron searched for in their search results and detail pages; To prevent certain words from ever being highlighted, enter a list of stopwords here ___ (separate columns with |)

OpacHighlightedWords Values:

  • Don’t highlight

  • Highlight


Default: First column of the table

Asks: ___ is the default sort field for the holdings table


  • First column of the table

  • Holding library

  • Home library


Default: Don’t show


  • Don’t show

  • Show


  • When this preference is set to “Show” text will appear in the bottom right of the OPAC footer stating “Powered by Koha” and linking to the official Koha website.



Default: only footer

Asks: Display language selector on ___.


  • both top and footer

  • only footer

  • top


  • If you have the opaclanguagesdisplay preference set to display language options in the public catalog, then this preference will allow you to control where the language selector shows. You can choose to show it only on the top or bottom or in both places.


Default: opac.css

Asks: Use the CSS stylesheet /css/ ___ on all pages in the OPAC, instead of the default


  • This setting’s function is to point to the *.css file used to define the OPAC layout. A *.css file is a cascading stylesheet which is used in conjunction with HTML to set how the HTML page is formatted and will look on the OPAC. There are two stylesheets that come with the system; opac.css and opac2.css. A custom stylesheet may also be used. The stylesheets listed in the opaclayoutstylesheet preference are held on the Koha server.


    Leave this field blank to disable it and let Koha use the default file instead


    Using a custom value in this preference causes Koha to completely ignore the default layout stylesheet.


Default: holding library

Asks: Display the ___ for items on the OPAC record details page.


  • holding library

  • home and holding library

  • home library


  • Defines whether to display the holding library, the home library, or both for the opac details page.


Default: below the holding library

Asks: Display the shelving location ___ for items on the OPAC record details page.


  • below both home and holding libraries

  • on a separate column

  • below the holding library

  • below the home library


  • Defines where the shelving location should be displayed, under the home library, the holding library, or both, or in a separate column.


Asks: ___ a warning that the OPAC is under maintenance, instead of the OPAC itself.


  • Don’t show

  • Show

Default: Don’t show


  • This system preference allows the system administrator to turn off the OPAC during maintenance and display a message to users. When this preference is switched to «Show» the OPAC is not usable.

    A message replaces the content of the OPAC. Other than the message, only the Koha logo at the top left and the 'Powered by Koha' at the bottom right are visible. The message reads: System maintenance The Koha online catalog is offline for system maintenance. We'll be back soon! If you have any questions, please contact the site administrator


This is the same warning as when the database needs to be upgraded, but unconditionally.

  • The default message can be replaced by a custom one, using the OpacMaintenanceNotice display location in the HTML customizations tool.



This system preference no longer exists in Koha version 23.11 and above. It has been moved to HTML customizations.

Asks: Show the following HTML when OpacMaintenance is enabled


  • This system preference will allow you to set the text the OPAC displays when the OpacMaintenance preference is set to “Show.^


Default: 50

Asks: Display up to ___ items on the bibliographic record detail page


  • This system preference will help with slow load times on the bibliographic detail pages by limiting the number of items to display by default. If the bibliographic record has more items than this, a link is displayed instead that allows the user to choose to display all items.


Asks: This description will show in search engine results (160 characters).


  • This system preference adds functionality to add a meta description tag with content (up to 160 characters). This is used by search engines to add a description to the library in search results.


Asks: Include a «Links» column on the «your summary» tab when a user is logged in to the OPAC, with the following HTML (leave blank to disable).


  • In this preference you can enter HTML that will appear on the “Checked Out” tab on the “your summary” section when logged in to the OPAC. The placeholders {BIBLIONUMBER}, {TITLE}, {ISBN} and {AUTHOR} will be replaced with information from the displayed record. This can be used to enter in “share” links for social networks or generate searches against other library catalogs.


Sample Data:

<p><a href="http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u=http://YOUROPAC.ORG/cgi-bin/koha/opac-detail.pl?biblionumber={BIBLIONUMBER}">Share on Facebook</a>
<br />TITLE: {TITLE}
<br />ISBN: {ISBN}


Asks: ___ itemtype icons in the OPAC.

Default: Show


  • Don’t show

  • Show


  • This system preference allows the system administrator to determine if users will be able to set and see an item type icon in the catalog in the OPAC.

  • If images of item types are disabled, text labels for item types will still appear in the OPAC.

  • The noItemTypeImages system preference is used to show or hide the itemtype images in the staff interface.


No Default

Asks: Display this HTML when no results are found for a search in the OPAC

This HTML will display below the existing notice that no results were found for your search.



You can insert placeholders {QUERY_KW} that will be replaced with the keywords of the query.


Default: Don’t play

Asks: ___ MIDI representation of musical inscripts on the OPAC record details page.


  • Don’t play

  • Play


  • This system preference controls whether a short audio clip is available to play when musical inscripts are added to the detailed view of a bibliographic record.


    The OPACShowMusicalInscripts preference must be set to “Show” for these clips to display.


Default: Enable

Asks: ___ Koha OPAC as public. Private OPAC requires authentication before accessing the OPAC.


  • Don’t enable

  • Enable


  • This system preference determines if your OPAC is accessible and searchable by anyone or only by members of the library. If set to “Don’t enable” only members who are logged into the OPAC can search. Most libraries will leave this setting at its default of “Enable” to allow their OPAC to be searched by anyone and only require login for access to personalized content.


Default: home library

Asks: For search results in the OPAC, show the item’s ___. Please note that this feature is currently available for MARC21 and UNIMARC.


  • current location

  • home library


Asks: Show no more than ___ individual (available) items on the OPAC XSLT search results

Default: 1


  • This system preference is used to limit the number of available items shown in the search results in the OPAC.

  • If you show a lot of information in OpacItemLocation and have a lot of items, the view can get cluttered or overwhelming for patrons. Use this system preference to show only the information for a limited number of individual items. By default, the details (such as location, call number, etc.) of only one item are displayed in the search results.

    • Patrons can still click through to the detailed record to see the details of each individual item.

  • This system preference affects the display for “available” and “available for reference” items


    Statuses that are “available for reference” are managed in the Reference_NFL_Statuses.


OPACResultsMaxItemsUnavailable does the same as this preference for unavailable items.


Asks: If OPACResultsUnavailableGroupingBy is set to «library and substatus», show no more than ___ individual (unavailable) items per library and category (like Checked out, Damaged, On hold, etc.)

Default: 0


  • This system preference is used to limit the number of unavailable items shown in the search results in the OPAC.

  • By default, no individual information (such as location, call number, etc.) is shown for unavailable items.


This preference only works if OPACResultsUnavailableGroupingBy is set to “library and substatus”.

If OPACResultsUnavailableGroupingBy is set to “library and substatus”, and this preference is set to a value higher than 0, you will see the details specified in OpacItemLocation for the number of items set.

If OPACResultsUnavailableGroupingBy is set to “library only”, it will only show the library name with the number of unavailable items for this library in parentheses.

And if OPACResultsUnavailableGroupingBy is set to “substatus only”, it will only show the status (“checked out”, “withdrawn”, “on hold”, or “damaged”) with the number of unavailable items with this status in parentheses, across all libraries.


Asks: […] Group unavailable items by ___.


  • library and substatus

  • library only

  • substatus only

Default: library and substatus


  • This system preference is used to group unavailable items in the OPAC search results.

  • In this context, “substatus” refers to the nature of the unavailability (for example, “Checked out”, “withdrawn”, or “on hold”)

  • If set to “library and substatus” the OPAC search results will show the number of items for each substatus in each library.

  • If set to “library only”, the OPAC search results will show the number of unavailable items for each library, regardless of their substatus.


    This option will disable OPACResultsMaxItemsUnavailable

  • If set to “substatus only”, the OPAC search results will show the number of unavailable items by substatus, across all the libraries.


    This option will disable OPACResultsMaxItemsUnavailable



This system preference no longer exists in Koha version 23.11 and above. It has been moved to HTML customizations.

Asks: Include the following HTML under the facets in OPAC search results


  • The HTML entered in this preference will appear on the search results pages below the list of facets on the left side of the screen.


Asks: Include a «More Searches» box on the detail pages of items on the OPAC, with the following HTML (leave blank to disable)


<a href="https://worldcat.org/search?q={TITLE}" target="_blank">Other Libraries (WorldCat)</a>
<a href="https://scholar.google.com/scholar?q={TITLE}" target="_blank">Other Databases (Google Scholar)</a>
<a href="https://www.bookfinder.com/search/?author={AUTHOR}&amp;title={TITLE}&amp;st=xl&amp;ac=qr" target="_blank">Online Stores (Bookfinder.com)</a>
<a href="https://openlibrary.org/search?author=({AUTHOR})&title=({TITLE})" target="_blank">Open Library (openlibrary.org)</a>


  • Enter search links to other catalogs, these will appear in the “More searches” option in the detailed record in the OPAC.

    The detailed view of a bibliographic record, in the options on the left, the 'More searches' option is open and options to search for this title in various external catalogs are displayed

  • The placeholders {BIBLIONUMBER}, {CONTROLNUMBER}, {OCLC_NO}, {TITLE}, {ISBN}, {ISSN} and {AUTHOR} will be replaced with information from the displayed record.

  • To search by OCLC number in Worldcat,

    • the record must have the OCLC number in 035$a, with the (OCoLC) prefix, for example:

      035    _a(OCoLC)62385712
    • the link to add in the preference is:

      <a href="https://worldcat.org/search?q={OCLC_NO}" target="_blank">WorldCat (via OCLC number)</a>

OpacSeparateHoldings and OpacSeparateHoldingsBranch

OpacSeparateHoldings default: Don’t separate

OpacSeparateHoldingsBranch default: home library

Asks: ___ items display into two tabs, where the first tab contains items whose ___ is the logged in user’s library. The second tab will contain all other items.

OpacSeparateHoldings values:

  • Don’t separate

  • Separate

OpacSeparateHoldingsBranch values:

  • holding library

  • home library


  • This system preference lets you decide if you would like to have the holding information on the bibliographic detail page in the OPAC split in to multiple tabs. The default is to show all holdings on one tab.



Default: Don’t show

Asks: ___ the name of the patron that has an item checked out on item detail pages on the OPAC.


  • Don’t show

  • Show


  • This system preference allows all patrons to see who has the item checked out if it is checked out. In small corporate libraries (where the OPAC is behind a firewall and not publicly available) this can be helpful so coworkers can just contact the patron with the book themselves. In larger public and academic libraries setting this to “Show” would pose serious privacy issues.


Default: Don’t show any hold details

Asks: ___ to patrons in the OPAC.


  • Don’t show any hold details

  • Show holds

  • Show holds and their priority level

  • Show priority level


  • This system preference allows you to choose the type of hold information to make available to patrons when logged in to their account on the OPAC. If you select to include hold priority information the list of holds will initially be sorted by priority.


Default: Don’t show

Asks: ___ musical inscripts on the OPAC record details page.


  • Don’t show

  • Show


  • This system preference allows musical inscripts to be displayed in the detailed view of a bibliographic record on the OPAC. MARC data for the inscripts is added to the 031 MARC21 tag of the record. Audio clips can also be displayed if the OPACPlayMusicalInscripts preference set to “Play”.


Default: Don’t show

Asks: ___ a link to recent comments in the OPAC masthead.


  • Don’t show

  • Show


  • If you have chosen to allow comments in your OPAC by setting OPACComments to “Allow” you can include a link to the recent comments under the search box at the top of your OPAC with this preference.



Default: Show

Asks: ___ unused authorities in the OPAC authority browser.


  • Do not show

  • Show

    • Important

      Requires that the OpacAuthorities preference is set to “Allow”


  • When patrons search your authority file via the OPAC they will see all authorities in your system even if you don’t have them linked to any bibliographic records. This system preference lets you determine what the default behavior is when searching authorities via the OPAC. If you choose “Do not show” it will only show patrons authority records that are linked to bibliographic records in the search results. Otherwise the system will show all authority records even if they aren’t linked to records.


Asks: Show star-ratings on ___ pages.

Default: no


  • results, details and patron

    • star ratings appear in

      • the results list

        Search results list in the OPAC, facets are on the left. At the top of the page it says 'Your search returned 7 results.' followed by an RSS icon. At the top of the results list, there are buttons: Highlight, Select all, Clear all, Select title to Add to cart or Add to list, Place hold, and Tag

      • the bibliographic record details page

        Bibliographic record details page in the OPAC

      • the patron’s checkouts list

        View of the account summary on the OPAC

      • the patron’s checkout history list

        View of the patron's checkout history on the OPAC

  • only details

    • star ratings appear in the bibliographic record details page

  • no

    • star ratings are deactivated


  • Star ratings are a way for your patrons to leave ratings without having to leave a full review.

  • Patrons who are not logged in will only be able to see the stars, and the average rating.

  • Logged in patrons can click on the stars on the bibliographic record details page, in their current checkouts list or checkout history list to leave their own rating.

  • Clicking on the stars in the search results will not submit a rating.


Default: bootstrap

Asks: Use the ___ theme on the OPAC.


  • bootstrap

    Bootstrap Theme

    This theme is completely responsive


Default: don’t

Asks: When patrons click on a link to another website from your OPAC (like Amazon or OCLC), ___ open the website in a new window.


  • do

  • don’t


  • This system preference determines if URLs in the OPAC will open in a new window or not. When clicking on a link in the OPAC, a patron does not need to worry about navigating away from their search results.


Asks: Include the following CSS on all pages in the OPAC



Custom CSS can also be added to the OPAC at the library-level, using the “UserCSS” field in the library form.


Asks: Include the following JavaScript on all pages in the OPAC





  • This system preference allows the administrator to enter JavaScript or JQuery that will be embedded across all pages of the OPAC. Administrators may use this preference to customize some of the interactive sections of Koha, customizing the text for the login prompts, for example. Sample JQuery scripts used by Koha libraries can be found on the wiki: http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/JQuery_Library.


Custom JavaScript can also be added to the OPAC at the library-level, using the “UserJS” field in the library form.


Default: Show

Asks: ___ a summary of a logged in user’s checkouts, overdues, holds and fines on the mainpage


  • When activated, this preference system replaces the login form on the OPAC main page by a summary when the user is logged in.


Asks: Display OPAC details using XSLT stylesheet at: ___

Default: default


  • Enter «default» to use the default stylesheet

  • Enter a path to an XSLT file

    • For example, /path/to/koha/and/your/stylesheet.xsl

    • In a multi-language system you can enter {langcode} in the path to tell Koha to look in the right language folder

      • For example, /home/koha/src/koha-tmpl/opac-tmpl/bootstrap/{langcode}/xslt/MARC21slim2OPACDetail.xsl

      • For example, http://mykohaopac.org/{langcode}/stylesheet.xsl

  • Enter an URL to an external stylesheet


  • XSLT stylesheets allow for the customization of the details shows on the screen when viewing a bibliographic record. This system preference will allow you either use the default look that comes with Koha or design your own stylesheet.

  • This system preference controls the display of the detailed bibliographic record in the OPAC.

  • If using a custom stylesheet that uses item MARC fields, enable the PassItemMarcToXSLT system preference. Otherwise, item fields are not available for use in XSLT stylesheets.

See also:


Asks: Display lists in the OPAC using XSLT stylesheet at: ___

Default: default


  • Enter «default» to use the default stylesheet

  • Enter a path to an XSLT file

    • For example, /path/to/koha/and/your/stylesheet.xsl

    • In a multi-language system you can enter {langcode} in the path to tell Koha to look in the right language folder

      • For example, /home/koha/src/koha-tmpl/opac-tmpl/bootstrap/{langcode}/xslt/MARC21slim2OPACResults.xsl

      • For example, http://mykohaopac.org/{langcode}/stylesheet.xsl

  • Enter an URL to an external stylesheet


  • XSLT stylesheets allow for the customization of the details shows on the screen when viewing lists. This system preference will allow you either use the default look that comes with Koha or design your own stylesheet.

  • This system preference controls the display of the records in a list in the OPAC.

  • If using a custom stylesheet that uses item MARC fields, enable the PassItemMarcToXSLT system preference. Otherwise, item fields are not available for use in XSLT stylesheets.

See also:


Asks: Display OPAC results using XSLT stylesheet at ___

Default: default


  • Enter «default» to use the default stylesheet

  • Enter a path to an XSLT file

    • For example, /path/to/koha/and/your/stylesheet.xsl

    • In a multi-language system you can enter {langcode} in the path to tell Koha to look in the right language folder

      • For example, /home/koha/src/koha-tmpl/opac-tmpl/bootstrap/{langcode}/xslt/MARC21slim2OPACResults.xsl

      • For example, http://mykohaopac.org/{langcode}/stylesheet.xsl

  • Enter an URL to an external stylesheet


  • XSLT stylesheets allow for the customization of the details shows on the screen when viewing the search results. This system preference will allow you either use the default look that comes with Koha or design your own stylesheet.

  • This system preference controls the display of the records in the search results in the OPAC.

  • If using a custom stylesheet that uses item MARC fields, enable the PassItemMarcToXSLT system preference. Otherwise, item fields are not available for use in XSLT stylesheets.

See also:


Asks: List the following not for loan statuses as available for reference in OPAC search results: ___

Default: 1|2


  • This system preference is used to specify which not for loan statuses should appear as “Available for reference”

    When the not for loan status is in the Reference_NFL_Statuses list, it will appear as 'Available for reference' in the OPAC. The image shows a search result in the OPAC with one item 'Available for reference' (in green text)

    When the not for loan status is in the Reference_NFL_Statuses list, it will appear as “Available for reference” in green text in the OPAC.

    • The other not for loan statuses will appear as “Not available”

      When the not for loan status is NOT in the Reference_NFL_Statuses list, it will appear as 'Not available' in the OPAC. The image shows a search result in the OPAC with one item 'Not available' (in red text)

      When the not for loan status is NOT in the Reference_NFL_Statuses list, it will appear as “Not available” in red text in the OPAC.

  • The values for the not for loan statuses are found in the NOT_LOAN authorized value category.

  • Values must be separated by a pipe (|).



Asks: ___ patrons to login by means other than Shibboleth.

Default: Allow


  • Allow

  • Don’t allow


  • This system preference is used to limit logging into the OPAC to through Shibboleth only.



Default: 50

Asks: Display ___ search results in the RSS feed.


  • By default the RSS feed that is automatically generated for every search results page will list 50 items. This can sometimes be too much for some RSS feed readers and for some people this isn’t enough. This system preference allows you to adjust this number to show the best number of results for your patrons.


Asks: ___ the acquisition details on OPAC detail pages.

Default: Don’t show


  • Don’t show

  • Show


  • If set to “Show” this preference shows patrons how many items are on order in the Holdings tab of the detailed record in the OPAC.

    The holdings tab in the OPAC only says 1 item is on order.

    • If the items are created when placing the order, it will show how many items are on order and the individual items will have an “On order” note under the status.

    • If the item is created when receiving the order, or when cataloging the record, it will only show how many items are on order.

  • If set to «Don’t show», the holdings tab will say «No physical items for this record» if the items are created on receiving or when cataloging the record. Items will be displayed without any special note if they are created when placing the order.


Note that items are considered ordered when the basket is closed. This preference has no effect while the basket is still open.



This system preference was replaced by the OPACAuthorIdentifiersAndInformation system preference from Koha version 24.05 on.

Asks: ___ identifiers for authors and contributors to the detail pages in the OPAC.


  • Display

  • Don’t display

Default: Don’t display


This is currently only available for MARC21.


  • This system preference is used to display an “Author identifiers” tab in the OPAC bibliographic record details page that contains the authors” identifier numbers with a link to the author’s record on the source website.

    The detailed view of a bibliographic record, the selected tab at the bottom is Author identifiers, both authors are listed with their Scopus ID

  • In order to have the IDs display, the authors” authority records must have identifying information in 024.

    024 field in an authority record, first indicator contains 7, second indicator is empty, subfield 2 contains 'scopus' and subfield a contains a number

    • Subfield 2 must contain the source of the identifier.


      Valid source codes in $2 are currently:

      • loop

      • orcid

      • rid

      • scopus

      • viaf

    • Subfield a must contain the identifier



This system preference was added to Koha in version 24.05. It replaces the OPACAuthorIdentifiers system preference.

Asks: Display this information about authors and contributors on OPAC detail pages: ___


  • Activity (372 $a $s $t)

  • Address (371 $a $b $d $e)

  • Associated group (373 $a $s $t $u $v $0)

  • Electronic mail address (371 $m)

  • Identifiers (024 $2 $a)

  • Occupation (374 $a $s $t $u $v $0)

  • Place of birth (370$a)

  • Place of death (370$b)

  • URI (371$u)

Default: none


This is currently only available for MARC21.


  • This system preference is used to display an “Author information” tab in the OPAC bibliographic record details page with the information selected. This information comes from the authority record.

    The detailed view of a bibliographic record, the selected tab at the bottom is Author identifiers, both authors are listed with their Scopus ID


In order to have the identifiers display, the authors” authority records must have identifying information in 024.

024 field in an authority record, first indicator contains 7, second indicator is empty, subfield 2 contains 'scopus' and subfield a contains a number

  • Subfield 2 must contain the source of the identifier. Valid source codes in $2 are currently:

    • loop

    • orcid

    • rid

    • scopus

    • viaf

  • Subfield a must contain the identifier


Asks: ___ patrons to search your authority records.

Default: Allow


  • Allow

  • Don’t allow


  • This system preference controls the display of the authority search link on the OPAC.

  • When set to “Allow”, a link labeled “Authority search” will appear at the top of the OPAC under the search bar, and patrons can access the authority search.

    Library catalog search box at the top of the page in the OPAC; the links under the search bar are Advanced search, Authority search, Tag cloud, and Libraries. Also visible is the Koha logo at the top left, the cart and lists menus, the language switch, and the login and search history links


Default: Allow

Asks: ___ patrons to store items in a temporary «Cart» on the OPAC.


  • Allow

  • Don’t allow


  • This system preference allows the user to temporarily save a list of items found on the catalog. By using the book bag, or cart, the user can print out or email a list of items found. The user does not need to be logged in. This list is temporary and will be emptied, or cleared, at the end of the session.



This system preference only applies to installations using UNIMARC at this time.

Default: Don’t allow

Asks: ___ patrons to browse subject authorities on OPAC



Default: enable

Asks: ___ browsing and paging search results from the OPAC detail page.


  • disable

  • enable



  • This system preference will control the option to return to your results and/or browse them from the detail page in the OPAC.


Asks: ___ interface for browsing all holdings (Elasticsearch only).


  • Disable

  • Enable

Default: Disable


  • This system preference allows Opac users to browse records by Author, Title or Subject.

  • When set to «Enable», the «Browse search» option appears in the Opac «More searches» area.


This system preference only has an effect when Elasticsearch is set up as the search engine.

If you are not sure which search engine your Koha system is using, start by checking the SearchEngine system preference.


Asks: ___ OPAC users to report concerns about catalog records.


  • Allow

  • Don’t allow

Default: Don’t allow




This system preference only applies to French systems at this time.

Default: Don’t show

Asks: ___ a subject cloud on OPAC



Default: Don’t enable

Asks: ___ the option to show a QR Code on the OPAC bibliographic detail page.


  • Don’t enable

  • Enable


  • With this preference enabled a new option “Send to device” displays in the list of options on the OPAC details page. When this link is clicked a QR code will be displayed which can be scanned using a compatible device in order to save the bibliographic details to that device.


Default: Allow

Asks: ___ patrons to access the Fines tab on the “your summary” page on the OPAC.


  • Allow

  • Don’t allow


Asks: ___ patrons to add a note when placing a hold.

Default: Don’t allow


  • Allow

  • Don’t allow


  • This system preference determines whether or not patrons have the option to enter a note when confirming their hold in the OPAC. Patrons must click on the “Show more options” link to see the note field.

    Screen when placing a hold in the OPAC, the 'Show more options' section is open and there is a text field labelled 'Hold notes'

  • To show this note in the staff interface, go to Table setting and uncheck the “Is hidden by default” checkbox next to the “notes” column in the table “holds-table” (under “Circulation” and/or “Patrons”).


Default: See ISBD view configuration <https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/ISBD_view_configuration> on the wiki.

Asks: Use the following as the OPAC ISBD template:


  • This determines how the ISBD information will display in the OPAC. Elements in the list can be reordered to produce a different ISBD view. ISBD, the International Standard Bibliographic Description, was first introduced by IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations) in 1969 in order to provide guidelines for descriptive cataloging. The purpose of ISBD is to aid the international exchange of bibliographic records for a variety of materials.


Asks: Show ___ for items on the OPAC search results.

Default: library and call number


  • library and call number

  • library, collection code, and call number

  • only library

  • library, location, and call number


  • This setting allows users of the OPAC results XSLT stylesheet to choose to display collection code or location in addition to library and call number.


Asks: ___ a library selection list for news items in the OPAC.

Default: Don’t show


  • Don’t show

  • Show


  • If set to “Show” a dropdown menu will be displayed above the news in the OPAC so that patrons can choose which library they want to see the news from.

    A dropdown menu labeled 'Display news for' allows the OPAC user to choose which library for which to see news

  • If set to «Don’t show», unlogged OPAC users will only see system-wide news (news set to “All libraries”) and logged in users will see news for their home library and system-wide news.


Default: Allow

Asks: ___ patrons to change their own password on the OPAC.


  • Allow

  • Don’t allow


    Enabling this will break LDAP authentication.


Default: Don’t show

Asks: ___ patron images on the patron information page in the OPAC.


  • Don’t show

  • Show


  • If patronimages is set to allow the upload of patron images via the staff interface, then setting this preference to “show” will show the patron what image you have on file for them when they view their personal information on their account in the OPAC.


Asks: ___ the list of authors/subjects in a popup for a combined search on OPAC detail pages.

Default: Don’t show


  • Don’t show

  • Show


  • If this preference is set to “Show”, clicking a subject or author from the details page in the OPAC will present the patron with a pop up box. From this box they can check any of the subjects or authors listed and search them all at once by clicking “Search” at the bottom of the pop up.

    A pop up window with all the authors of a record in a list with checkboxes

  • If this preference is set to «Don’t show», the default behavior, Koha will search just the clicked author or subject.


Asks: ___ patrons to submit problem reports for OPAC pages to the library or Koha administrator.

Default: Allow


  • Don’t allow

  • Allow



Default: not allowed

Asks: Library users are ___ to recover their password via e-mail in the OPAC.


  • allowed


  • not allowed


  • This system preference controls whether you present users of the public catalog with a “Forgot your password” link or not. Learn more in the OPAC section of this manual.


Asks: Calculate the amount a patron has “saved” by using the library based on replacement prices, and display: ___

Default: none

Values (multi-select):


  • This system preference will check the patron’s checkout history, add the replacement prices of all previously and currently checked out items, and display the sum in the selected pages.


The items” replacement prices are used to add up the savings. Make sure your items have replacement prices before displaying this information.


If checkout histories are anonymized or if old checkouts are deleted through the cleanup_database script, the savings information will be inaccurate.


If a patron checks out an item more than once, it will only be counted once in the savings.


Default: Don’t allow

Asks: ___ patrons to access a list of the most checked out items on the OPAC.


  • Allow

    • A link to “Most Popular” will appear at the top of your OPAC


  • Don’t allow


  • This system preference allows the administrator to choose to show the «Most Popular» link at the top of the OPAC under the search box. The «Most Popular» page shows the top circulated items in the library, as determined by the number of times a title has been circulated. This allows users to see what titles are popular in their community. It is recommended that you leave this preference set to “Don’t allow” until you have been live on Koha for a couple of months, otherwise the data that it shows will not be an accurate portrayal of what’s popular in your library.



Default: Allow

Asks: ___ patrons to log in to their accounts on the OPAC.


  • Allow

  • Don’t allow

    • The OPAC will still be searchable if patrons can’t log in, this just disables the patron account access via the OPAC


Asks: Show quote of the day in the ___ main page

Default: (none)


  • [Select all]

  • OPAC

  • staff interface



Default: Allow

Asks: ___ patrons to place holds on items from the OPAC.


  • Allow

  • Don’t allow


Asks: ___ patrons to make comments on items on the OPAC.

Default: Allow


  • Allow

    • Patrons comments/reviews all require moderation before they appear in the OPAC

    • opacuserlogin needs to be set to “Allow”

  • Don’t allow


  • This system preference determines if patrons are allowed to submit comments on titles they have read on the OPAC. If this preference is set to «Allow» reviews are first sent to the staff interface for staff approval before the review is displayed in the OPAC. The staff member who reviews and approves comments may find the pending comments on the comments tool. The staff member can then choose to approve or delete the comments.

See also :


Default: full name

Asks: Show ___ of commenter with comments in OPAC.


  • first name

  • first name and last initial

  • full name

  • last name

  • no name

  • username


  • If you would like to protect your patron’s privacy in the OPAC you can choose to hide their names or parts of their names from any of the comments they leave on bibliographic records in your system. OPACComments needs to be set to “Allow” for this system preference to come in to play


Asks: ___ reviewer’s avatar beside comments in OPAC.

Default: Show


  • Don’t show

  • Show


  • This system preference allows libraries to show avatars next to patron’s comments in the OPAC.

    A comment in the 'Recent comments' section, showing the title and bibliographic information, the comment, the date of the comment, the reviewer's name and their picture

  • These avatars are pulled from the Libravatar [https://www.libravatar.org] library, an open source powered product that allows Internet users to choose a small icon to display next to their name on various different websites.

  • The library itself has no control over the images the patron chooses to display.


This system preference requires that OPACComments be set to “Allow” and ShowReviewer be set to “Show” to have any effect.


Asks: Show ___ social network links on the OPAC detail pages.

Default: none


  • Email

  • Facebook

  • LinkedIn


  • This system preference will enable a line of social network share buttons below the right hand column on the detail pages of records in the OPAC.

    Right-side menu in a record details page on the OPAC, options are Place hold, Print, Add to your cart, Unhighlight, Save record, More searches and Share, which is followed by a letter icon, a Facebook icon and a LinkedIn icon.


In order for these share buttons to work when clicked the OPACBaseURL system preference must be filled correctly.


These preferences will allow you control the tools you use to accept online payments from your patrons via the OPAC.

EnablePayPalOpacPayments and PayPalSandboxMode

EnablePayPalOpacPayments Default: Don’t allow

PayPalSandboxMode Default: Sandbox

Asks: ___ patrons to make payments from the OPAC via PayPal in ___ mode.

EnablePayPalOpacPayments values:

  • Allow

  • Don’t allow

PayPalSandboxMode values:


  • This system preference will allow you to accept credit card payments via the OPAC for fines via PayPal. You will need to set up your PayPal account and it is recommended that you run tests before using this in production.


    PayPayl’s terms of service state that you cannot charge your patrons for the processing fees and so this plugin will not add additional fees to the charges.


Default: Koha fee payment

Asks: The patron should see the charge description as ___


  • This system preference controls what the patron will see on their PayPal account/bank account for this charge.


Asks: The password for the PayPal account to receive payments is ___


Asks: After payment or cancellation, PayPal should return to the ___

Default: OPACBaseURL



  • This system preference lets you decide where a patron is redirected after they are done with their transaction, either the OPACBaseURL or the URL specified in the PayPal configuration


Asks: The signature for the PayPal account to receive payments is ___


Asks: The email address to receive PayPal payments is ___




Prior to Koha version 24.11, this system preference is a simple on/off choice, and all actions are blocked if it is turned on.

Asks: Expired patrons are blocked from performing the following actions in the OPAC: ___


  • [Select all]

  • Placing a hold on an item

  • Placing an ILL request

  • Renewing an item

Default: no selection


  • This system preference is used to choose which OPAC actions are denied to expired patrons.

  • If no actions are selected, expired patrons are not blocked.

  • This system preference can be overridden by the setting in individual patron categories.


Default: Allow

Asks: ___ opac users to create public lists.


  • Allow

  • Don’t allow


  • Public lists are visible to anyone who visits your OPAC. With this preference you can control whether or now patrons are allowed to create these public lists. If this is set to «Don’t allow» then only staff will be able to create public lists.


    This system preference will only be taken in to account if you have virtualshelves set to “Allow”


Asks: ___ OPAC users to share private lists with other patrons.

Default: Don’t allow


  • Allow

  • Don’t allow


  • This feature will add the option for patrons to share their lists with other patrons.

  • When this is set to “Allow” patrons will see a “Share list” link at the top of their list. When they click that link it will ask for the email of the patron they would like to share with.

  • Koha will then email the patron an invitation to see the list, and, once the other patron accepts the shared list, email the sharing patron to notify them that the share has been accepted.

  • See Managing lists for more information.


Asks: Only allow patrons to renew their own checkouts on the OPAC if they have less than ___ [currency] in charges.

Default: 100


  • This system preference can be used to limit the patrons” ability to renew their checkouts from the OPAC if they have unpaid charges in their account.

  • Leave this field blank to disable and allow renewals regardless of owed charges.


To allow renewals in the OPAC, the OpacRenewalAllowed and opacuserlogin system preferences need to be enabled, and the circulation rules must allow renewals.


Default: Include

Asks: ___ outstanding/unapplied credits when applying the OPACFineNoRenewals rule to users


  • Include

  • Don’t include


  • This system preference controls whether the OPACFineNoRenewals function uses the account balance (which combines outstanding credits and debits) or account amount outstanding (which excludes any credits) to make the calculation.


    Generally you would set this system preference to align with the AccountAutoReconcile system preference. If you have AccountAutoReconcile set to ‘Do’ you should leave this system preference as ‘Include’. If you have AccountAutoReconcile set to ‘Do not’ it would make sense to have this set as ‘Don’t include’.


Asks: Allows to define custom rules for hiding specific items at opac.


  • In this field you can enter criteria for items you would like to hide from display in the OPAC. This field takes any combination of item fields (from the items table in the Koha database) for blocking. For example a value of:

    itype: [07, 10]
    location: [STAFF, ISO]

    Will block items with an itype code of 07 or 10 as well as items that have a shelving location of STAFF or ISO.


Requires YAML syntax to work

This means

  • Make sure there is NO space between the field name and the colon

  • Make sure there IS a space between the colon and the value

  • If there are more than one values for the same field, put them in square brackets, separated by comma and space

  • Make sure each pair is on its own line


Asks: List of patron categories, that can see items otherwise hidden by OpacHiddenItems

Default: blank


  • Patron categories chosen here will be able to view items on the OPAC that would otherwise be hidden by the OpacHiddenItems system preference.


Users need to be logged into the OPAC to be able to see hidden items if they are part of the excepted categories.


Asks: ___ patrons to renew their own checkouts on the OPAC.

Default: Allow


  • Allow

  • Don’t allow


  • This system preference allows the administration to choose if patrons can renew their checked out materials via their summary in the OPAC. It allows patrons to renew their checkouts without having to contact the library or having to return to the library.

  • Regardless of the value of the system preference, staff will still be able to renew items for patrons via the staff interface, according to the circulation rules.


Requires that the opacuserlogin system preference be set to “Allow”.


Default: the library the item was checked out from

Asks: Use ___ as branchcode to store in the statistics table


  • NULL

  • “OPACRenew”

  • the item’s home library

  • the patron’s home library

  • the library the item was checked out from


  • This value is used in the statistics table to help with reporting. The statistics table in Koha keeps track of all checkouts and renewals, this preference defines which library is entered in to the table when a patron renews an item for themselves via the OPAC.

See also:



This system preference was introduced in Koha version 23.11.

Asks: ___ OPAC users to checkout to themselves.

Default: Don’t allow


  • Don’t allow

  • Allow




This system preference was added to Koha in version 24.05.

Asks: The cleanup_database.pl cronjob automatically deletes unaccepted private list share invites after ___ days.

Default: 14


  • This system preference is used to set the number of days after which the cleanup_database.pl cronjob deletes private list share invites that have still not been accepted by their recipient.

  • The --list-invites parameter of the cleanup_database.pl cronjob takes priority when it defines a number of days.

  • If the --list-invites parameter doesn’t define a number of days, this system preference is used.

  • Then, if the --list-invites parameter doesn’t define a number of days and the system preference is also empty, unaccepted list share invites will be deleted after 14 days.


This system preference requires the misc/cronjobs/cleanup_database.pl cronjob cronjob.


In order for this system preference to take effect, the cleanup_database.pl cronjob must be run with the --list-invites parameter, but no days value.


Default: Don’t limit

Asks: ___ patrons” searches to the library they are registered at.


  • Don’t limit

    • Searching the OPAC will show results from all libraries

    • If you’re a one library system, choose “Don’t limit”

  • Limit

    • Patrons will still be able to search other libraries via the Advanced search page - but will be limited to searches for their library only from the basic search box

    • opacuserlogin needs to be set to “allow”



Default: Don’t allow

Asks: ___ patrons to choose their own privacy settings for showing the patron’s checkouts to the patron’s guarantor».


  • Allow

  • Don’t allow


  • By default staff can see checkouts to family members via the staff interface. This system preference will allow guarantees (children) to grant permission to guarantors (guardians) to view their current checkouts via the public catalog. This system preference requires that you allow patrons to choose their own privacy with the OPACPrivacy preference.


Default: 0

Asks: Use borrowernumber ___ as the Anonymous Patron (for anonymous suggestions and reading history)


Before setting this preference create a patron to be used for all anonymous suggestions and/or reading history items. This patron can be any type and should be named something to make it clear to you that they’re anonymous (ex. Anonymous Patron).


Remember to use the borrowernumber not the patron’s cardnumber for this value. The borrowernumber can be found on the patron record under “Library use” on the right.



Default: Keep

Asks: ___ patron search history in the OPAC.


  • Don’t keep

  • Keep


Asks: ___ patrons to see the list of their past holds.

Default: Don’t allow


  • Allow

  • Don’t allow



Default: Don’t allow

Asks: ___ patrons to choose their own privacy settings for their reading history.


This requires opacreadinghistory set to “Allow” and AnonymousPatron to be set to your anonymous patron’s borrowernumber.


  • Allow

  • Don’t allow


  • The default privacy setting for each patron category can be set in the patrons categories area. If you set this preference to “allow” then patrons can change that for themselves via the OPAC.


    If patron has chosen to have their reading history anonymized and you have StoreLastBorrower set to «Don’t store» then as soon as the item is checked in the last borrower will be anonymized.


Asks: ___ patrons to see what items they have checked out in the past.

Default: Allow


  • Don’t allow

  • Allow


See also:


Default: Don’t track

Asks: ___ links that patrons click on.


  • Don’t track

  • Track

  • Track anonymously


  • By setting this preference to one of the track options you will allow Koha to track every link clicked in Koha. This data will be stored in a database table so that you can run reports against that data. If you choose to “Track” clicks then Koha will record both the link clicked and the logged in user who clicked the link. If you choose to “Track anonymously” then the borrowernumber will not be recorded, but the rest of the data will.


    Remember to update your local privacy policies and link to them from the OPAC to notify your users that you are tracking their information.

Restricted page

Using the following preference you can create a page within your Koha system that is accessible by only specific IP addresses. This can be used to house links to databases that can only be accessed from with the library or other licensed content.


Asks: HTML content of your restricted page.


Asks: Access from IP addresses beginning with ___ do not need to be authenticated


  • You can enter individual IPs as a comma separated list (ex: “127.0.0,127.0.1”) or just the beginning of the IP range allowed (ex: “127.0.^)


Asks: Use ___ as title of your restricted page


  • This title will appear in the breadcrumb and on the top of the restricted page.

Self registration and modification

EmailPatronRegistrations and EmailAddressForPatronRegistrations

Asks: Choose email address that new patron self-registrations will be sent to: ___. If you choose EmailAddressForPatronRegistrations you have to enter a valid email address: ___

Default: none

Values: - none - email address of library - EmailAddressForPatronRegistrations - KohaAdminEmailAddress


  • These system preferences allow libraries to receive notifications when patrons self-register. The notice text can be customised in the Notices and slips tool; the letter code is OPAC_REG.

  • If the value of EmailPatronRegistrations is set to “none”, no notifications will be sent.

  • If the value of EmailPatronRegistrations is set to “email address of library”, notifications will be sent to the registration library using the email address entered in the Libraries settings.

  • If the value is set to “EmailAddressForPatronRegistrations”, notifications will be sent to the email address in the input field.

  • Lastly, when the value of EmailPatronRegistrations is set to “KohaAdminEmailAddress”, notifications will be sent to the email address entered in the KohaAdminEmailAddress system preference.


If verification is required for self-registrations (when PatronSelfRegistrationVerifyByEmail is enabled), then notifications are only sent to the library once the registration is confirmed.


Asks: ___ patrons to notify the library of changes to their contact information from the OPAC.

Default: Allow


  • Allow

  • Don’t allow


  • If patrons are allowed to notify the library of changes to their account then staff will need to approve the changes via the staff interface. Notification of patron account requests will appear on the dashboard below the list of modules with other pending actions.

    Prompt on staff interface homepage to view pending article requests, pending purchase suggestions, patrons requesting modifications, pending catalog concerns, pending checkout notes, and pending OPAC problem reports

    Once you click the notification you will be presented with the changes the patron would like to make to their account and from there you can choose how to proceed.

    Confirm requests to update patron records in the staff interface


    You can control which fields patrons see and can modify via the OPAC by setting the PatronSelfModificationBorrowerUnwantedField and PatronSelfModificationMandatoryField preferences.


Asks: The following database columns [http://schema.koha-community.org/master/tables/borrowers.html] will not appear on the patron self-modification screen: ___


  • This system preference allows you to define which fields patrons can edit if you’re allowing them to update their personal information via the public catalog with the OPACPatronDetails preference.


Asks: The following database columns [http://schema.koha-community.org/master/tables/borrowers.html] must be filled in on the patron self-modification screen: ___


  • This system preference allows you to define which fields patrons must fill in if you’re allowing them to update their personal information via the public catalog with the OPACPatronDetails preference.


Asks: ___ library patrons to register an account via the OPAC.

Default: Don’t allow


  • Allow

  • Don’t allow


  • Setting this preference to “Allow” will provide a link on the OPAC to register for a new account. Using the other self registration system preferences you can control how this preference will function.

    "Log in to your account" section on the OPAC homepage. Underneath the Log in button is the mention: "Don't have an account? Register here."

  • To be notified when a patron registers via the OPAC, use the EmailPatronRegistrations system preference.


This system preference requires that PatronSelfRegistrationDefaultCategory be set to a valid patron category.


Patrons registering via the OPAC will not need to be approved by a librarian. For this reason it is recommended that you set up a provisional patron category with no circulation rights. That way patrons will have to come in to the library to verify their identity before given circulation rights at the library. Once the patron confirms their identity the library staff can change the category to one with permissions to check items out and place holds.



This system preference no longer exists in Koha version 23.11 and above. It has been moved to HTML customizations.

Asks: Display the following additional instructions for patrons who self register via the OPAC ( HTML is allowed ):


  • This system preference takes any HTML you’d like to display on the page the patron sees after successfully registering for their library card.


Asks: The following database columns must be filled in on the patron entry screen: ___

Default: surname|firstname


  • This system preference allows you to define what fields patrons must fill in on their self registration form. If any of the required fields are blank Koha will not let the patron register.


    Separate columns with |


    For help with field names, ask your system administrator or view the database structure [http://schema.koha-community.org/master/tables/borrowers.html] associated with the borrowers table.


    If you’re going to require that patrons verify their accounts via email with the PatronSelfRegistrationVerifyByEmail preference the email field will automatically be marked as required.


Asks: The following database columns will not appear on the patron self-registration screen ___


See also:


Asks: ___ users to confirm their email address by entering it twice.

Default: Do not require


  • Do not require

  • Require


  • If this preference is set to “Require”, users will have to enter their email address twice.

  • Make sure to enable this system preference if PatronSelfRegistrationVerifyByEmail is enabled.


Asks: Use ___ as the default patron category for patrons registered via the OPAC.


Default: none


  • Choose the patron category for the category that all new patrons registered via the OPAC will be put into.


Do not use a regular patron category for this, as any patron who has not completed the registration verification process will be deleted by the cleanup_database.pl script after the number of days indicated in PatronSelfRegistrationExpireTemporaryAccountsDelay, including regular patrons who have not registered online.


Patrons registering via the OPAC will not need to be approved by a librarian. For this reason it is recommended that you set up a provisional patron category with no circulation rights. That way, patrons will have to come in to the library to verify their identity before being given circulation rights at the library. Once the patron confirms their identity, the library staff can change the category to one with permissions to check items out and place holds.


If you leave this blank or enter in an invalid code, your patrons will still be able to register but will not be given a username. There will be no errors on the page to explain this, so be sure to enter a valid patron category code.


Asks: ___ patron’s email (borrowers.email) as unique on self registering. An email won’t be accepted if it already exists in the database.


  • Don’t consider

  • Consider

Default: Don’t consider


  • If «Consider» is selected, this system preference will prevent the user from creating several accounts with the same email address. An error message will appear at the top of the self-registration page.

Error message at the top of the self registration page: "The following fields contain invalid information: This email address already exists in our database. Please correct and resubmit."


Asks: Delete patrons still in the category indicated by PatronSelfRegistrationDefaultCategory ___ days after account creation.

Default: 0


  • This system preference links to the cleanup_database cron job. If that cron is set to run nightly with the –del-exp-selfreg parameter, it will clean up any registrations that have not been verified via email in the number of days entered on this preference.

  • This system preference is dependent on the PatronSelfRegistrationVerifyByEmail system preference.


Asks: Enable the self registration for the following libraries: ___ (separate branchcode with |). If empty, all libraries will be listed.


  • If only some libraries in your system are accepting self-registered patrons, enter the list of codes here and separate each with a pipe (|).

  • If this system preference is left empty, all libraries will be listed.


Asks: ___ password and login form after a patron has self registered.

Default: Show and prefill


  • Don’t show and prefill

  • Show and prefill


  • This system preference is used to prefill (or not) the login form on the OPAC after self registration, so the patron doesn’t have to type in the information.


Asks: ___ that a self-registering patron verify themselves via email.

Default: Don’t require


  • Don’t require

  • Require


  • If you require patrons to verify their accounts via email they will not be able to log in to the OPAC until they acknowledge the email sent by Koha. If you don’t require this then patrons will be able to log in as soon as they fill in the registration form. You can set the PatronSelfRegistrationExpireTemporaryAccountsDelay preference to delete the un-verified self registrations after a certain number of days.


    If you’re going to require that patrons verify their accounts via email then the email field will automatically be marked as required.


    If you require email verification, also set PatronSelfRegistrationConfirmEmail to “Require” to prevent patrons from entering an erroneous email address and never being able to confirm their account.

Shelf browser


Default: Show

Asks: ___ a shelf browser on item details pages, allowing patrons to see what’s near that item on the shelf.


  • Don’t show

  • Show



  • This system preference allows patrons to view what is located on the shelf near the item they looked up. The shelf browser option appears on the details page to the right of each items” call number. Clicking the “Browse Shelf” link allows for a virtual shelf browsing experience via the OPAC and lets patrons see other books that may relate to their search and items that sit on the shelf near the item they are looking at.


    This uses up a fairly large amount of resources on your server, and should be avoided if your collection has a large number of items.


Default: Don’t use

Asks: ___ the item collection code when finding items for the shelf browser.


  • Don’t use

  • Use


  • If your library uses collection codes then you might want the shelf browser to take into consideration what collection the books belong to when populating the virtual shelf browser.


Default: Use

Asks: ___ the item home library when finding items for the shelf browser.


  • Don’t use

  • Use


  • If you have a multiple library system you may want to make sure that Koha takes into consideration what library owns the books when populating the virtual shelf browser for accuracy.


Default: Use

Asks: ___ the item location when finding items for the shelf browser.


  • Don’t use

  • Use


  • If your library uses shelving locations then you might want the shelf browser to take into consideration what shelving location the books belong to when populating the virtual shelf browser.



Asks: ___ patrons that aren’t logged in to make purchase suggestions.

Default: Don’t allow


  • Allow

  • Don’t allow


  • This system preference determines whether or not patrons who aren’t logged into the OPAC, or people who aren’t patrons of the library can make purchase suggestions.


If set to “Allow”, suggestions are connected to the AnonymousPatron. Make sure that system preference is set to a patron account.


Asks: Limit patrons to ___ open suggestions.

Default: blank


  • This system preference is used to limit how many purchase suggestions patrons can have open at one time.

  • Leave empty to have no limit.


This setting does not affect anonymous suggestions.


This affects only suggestions that are “pending”. Once the status of the suggestion changes, it is no longer considered “open”.


This setting only affects suggestions made by the patron in the OPAC. It does not prevent staff from making suggestions in the name of the patron in the staff interface.

MaxTotalSuggestions and NumberOfSuggestionDays

Asks: Number of total suggestions allowed ___ in ___ days.

Default: blank


  • This system preference is used to limit the number of purchase suggestions a patron can make in a certain number of days.

  • For example, if you want to limit patrons to 10 suggestions per week, enter 10 and 7.

  • Leave empty to have no limit.


Asks: ___ OPAC suggestions form automatically filling with data from Google Books API.

Default: Disable


  • Disable

  • Enable


  • When this system preference is enabled, the purchase suggestions form on the OPAC will have a “Search Google Books” button next to the ISBN field. When a patron enters a valid ISBN, Koha will check the Google Books API for the information, such as title, author, and publication date and automatically fill out the suggestion form for the patron.


Asks: ___ the name of the staff member who managed a suggestion in OPAC.

Default: Show


  • Don’t show

  • Show


  • If you’re allowing patrons to make purchase suggestions, they will see the “your purchase suggestions” tab when logged in. By default, this tab displays the name of the staff member who approved or rejected the purchase suggestion. This preference controls if the patron sees the staff member’s name or not.


Asks: Fields that should be mandatory for patron purchase suggestions: ___

Default: Blank


The “Title” field is always mandatory.


  • [Select all]

  • Author

  • Collection title

  • Copyright date

  • ISBN

  • Item type

  • Library

  • Note

  • Patron reason

  • Place of publication

  • Publisher

  • Quantity

  • Title



Asks: Fields that should be hidden for patron purchase suggestions: ___

Default: Blank

Values: As for OPACSuggestionMandatoryFields shown above.


  • This system preference allows you to hide fields from the purchase suggestion form in the OPAC.


Do not make fields in OPACSuggestionMandatoryFields unwanted fields.


Asks: ___ purchase suggestions from other patrons on the OPAC.

Default: Don’t show


  • Don’t show

  • Show


  • This system preference determines whether or not patrons can see and search through purchase suggestions made by other patrons.

  • Only patrons logged in will be able to see purchase suggestions made by other patrons.


The opacuserlogin system preference needs to be set to “Allow”.


Asks: ___ purchase suggestions in the OPAC.

Default: Enable


  • Disable

  • Enable



Asks: When suggestion is enabled and AnonSuggestions is disabled, the following patron categories are not allowed to make purchase suggestions: ___

Default: blank

Values: your patron categories


  • This system preference is used to limit some patrons from making purchase suggestion in the OPAC.