.. include:: images.rst Create a Circulation Rule ______________________________ This screen will always be displayed no matter what sample data you installed with the web installer. Here you are creating a rule which applies the pre-defined organisational decisions of your library as to what restrictions you place on patrons borrowing items. .. figure:: images/create_circulation_rule_1.* :alt: Create circulation rule Create circulation rule .. note:: Numbers are the only valid input for all input fields in this form. 1. *Library branch* dropdown box: This is the library (or libraries) you want to apply the circulation rule to. By default it is set to *All*, however you can select a singular library to apply the rule to from the dropdown box. 2. *Patron categories* dropdown box: This is the patron categories you want to apply the circulation rule to. As with *Library branch* it is set to *All* by default but more options are avaliable. 3. *Item type* dropdown box: This is the item types that you want the circulation rule to apply to. Again more options are avaliable than the default selected *All* option. 4. **Current checkouts allowed:** This is the number of items allowed from the selected library, for selected patron categories and of the selected item type. 5. **Loan period:** Number of days or hours that an item is allowed out for. 6. *Units* dropdown box: Set by default to *Days*, the unit selecting in this field is applied to the numerical values written into **Loan Period** and **Renewals Period** 7. **Renewals Allowed:** Number of times a item can be renewed. 8. **Renewals Period:** Number of days or hours that a renewal lasts for. 9. *On shelf holds allowed* dropdown box: If items can be held whilst they are on the shelf. 10. Click the *Submit* button to create the circulation rule. For example: .. figure:: images/create_circulation_rule_1_example.* :alt: Create circulation rule example Create circulation rule example