.. include:: images.rst

.. _about-koha-label:

About Koha

The **About Koha** area will give you important server information as well
as general information about Koha.

-  *Get there:* More > About Koha

.. _server-information-label:

Server information

Under the **Server information** tab you will find information about the
Koha version and the machine you have installed Koha on. This
information is very important for debugging problems. When reporting
issues to your support provider or to the various other support avenues
(mailing lists, chat room, etc), it's always good to give the
information from this screen. The time zone is handled via Koha or
server configuration. For more information how to specify time zones per
instance, see


.. _perl-modules-label:

Perl modules

In order to take advantage of all of the functionalities of Koha, you
will need to keep your Perl modules up to date. The **Perl modules** tab
will show you all of the modules required by Koha, the version you have
installed and whether you need to upgrade certain modules.


Items listed in bold are required by Koha, items highlighted in red are
missing completely and items highlighted in yellow simply need to be

.. _system-information-label:

System information

This tab will provide you with warnings, such as deprecated system preferences,
system preferences that are set without other required preferences, problems
with the database, problems with patron relationships, problems with log files,

If you are using ElasticSearch as a search engine in Koha, this tab will
also display a warning if there are records that have not been indexed.
