.. include:: images.rst .. _administration-system-preferences-label: Administration -------------------------------- These preferences are general settings for your system. *Get there:* More > Administration > System preferences > Administration OrderPriceRounding - This system preference allows you to choose between using the precise value or a rounded value when charging fees. .. _cas-authentication-label: CAS authentication ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Central Authentication Service (CAS) is a single sign-on protocol for the web. If you don't know what this is, leave these preferences set to their defaults. .. _casauthentication-label: casAuthentication ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Default: Don't use Asks: \_\_\_ CAS for login authentication. .. _caslogout-label: casLogout ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Asks: Logout of CAS when logging out of Koha: \_\_\_ Default: No Values: - No - Yes Description: - CAS single logout means that a user gets logged out not only from the CAS server but also from all visited CAS client applications when logged out in one of them or after reaching a timeout. **Note** The CAS server has to be set up to allow single logout for this to take effect, otherwise the behavior will remain unchanged .. _casserverurl-label: casServerUrl ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Asks: The CAS Authentication Server can be found at \_\_\_ .. _google-openid-connect-label: Google OpenID Connect ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Visit the `Google Developers Console `__ to obtain OAuth 2.0 credentials such as a client ID and client secret that are known to both Google and your application. |image1179| - Create a project, and give it some details to help you identify it later |image5| - Next search for the Google Identity and Access Management API |image6| - Enable the Google Identity and Access Management API |image7| - Go to 'Credentials' and set the OAuth consent screen values |image8| - Next choose to 'Create credentials' from the 'Credentials' page |image9| - Choose 'Web application' from the 'Application type' menu and fill in the form presented |image10| - Set 'Authorized JavaScript origins' to your OPACBaseURL - Change the 'Authorized Redirect URIs' to http://YOUROPAC/cgi-bin/koha/svc/auth/googleopenidconnect - You will be presented with your values for your client ID and your client secret after saving |image11| .. _googleoauth2clientid-label: GoogleOAuth2ClientID ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Asks: Google OAuth2 Client ID: \_\_\_ Description: - Enter the client ID provided when setting up the Google API (see :ref:`Google OpenID Connect` above) - You will also need to enter the client secret in :ref:`GoogleOAuth2ClientSecret ` and enable :ref:`GoogleOpenIDConnect ` to use Google Open ID in the OPAC. .. _googleoauth2clientsecret-label: GoogleOAuth2ClientSecret ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Asks: Google OAuth2 Client Secret: \_\_\_ Description: - Enter the client ID provided when setting up the Google API (see :ref:`Google OpenID Connect` above) - You will also need to enter the client secret in :ref:`GoogleOAuth2ClientID ` and enable :ref:`GoogleOpenIDConnect ` to use Google Open ID in the OPAC. .. _googleopenidconnect-label: GoogleOpenIDConnect ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Asks: Use Google OpenID Connect login in the OPAC: \_\_\_ Default: No .. Note:: You will need to select OAuth2 when creating an app in the google cloud console, and set the web origin to your\_opac\_url and the redirect url to your\_opac\_url/cgi-bin/koha/svc/auth/googleopenidconnect . |image12| Values: - No - Yes Description: - This system preference enables the ability to connect to the OPAC using Google OpenID Connect. - Make sure to also configure :ref:`GoogleOAuth2ClientID ` and :ref:`GoogleOAuth2ClientSecret ` .. _googleopenidconnectautoregister-label: GoogleOpenIDConnectAutoRegister ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Asks: \_\_\_ patrons logging in with Google Open ID to automatically register. Default: Don't Allow Values: - Don't Allow - Allow Description: - When :ref:`GoogleOpenIDConnect ` is enabled, this system preference enables the automatic creation of patrons in Koha when they log in using Google OpenID Connect. - Make sure to fill out :ref:`GoogleOpenIDConnectDefaultBranch ` and :ref:`GoogleOpenIDConnectDefaultCategory ` to set the default library and category code for those patrons created automatically. .. _googleopenidconnectdefaultbranch-label: GoogleOpenIDConnectDefaultBranch ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Asks: Use this branchcode when automatically registering a Google OpenID patron: \_\_\_ Description: - When :ref:`GoogleOpenIDConnect ` and :ref:`GoogleOpenIDConnectAutoRegister ` are enabled, this system preference determines the default home library for those patrons created automatically. - Enter a branchcode. Branchcodes can be found in the :ref:`libraries` section of the administration module. - Make sure to fill out :ref:`GoogleOpenIDConnectDefaultCategory ` also. .. _googleopenidconnectdefaultcategory-label: GoogleOpenIDConnectDefaultCategory ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Asks: Use this category code when automatically registering a Google OpenID patron: \_\_\_ Values: - Values are the :ref:`patron categories ` Default: none Description: - When :ref:`GoogleOpenIDConnect ` and :ref:`GoogleOpenIDConnectAutoRegister ` are enabled, this system preference determines the default patron category for those patrons created automatically. - Make sure to fill out :ref:`GoogleOpenIDConnectDefaultBranch ` also. .. _googleopenidconnectdomain-label: GoogleOpenIDConnectDomain ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Asks: Restrict Google OpenID Connect to this domain (or subdomain of this domain): \_\_\_ .. Note:: Leave blank for all google domains Description: - This system preference limits the log in of patrons to certain domains. .. _interface-options-label: Interface options ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These preference are related to your Koha interface .. _addressforfailedoverduenotices-label: AddressForFailedOverdueNotices ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Default: Blank Asks: Email address failed overdue notices are sent to: \_\_\_ If left empty then it will fallback to the first defined address in the following list: Library ReplyTo, Library Email, ReplytoDefault and KohaAdminEmailAddress. Description: - This system preference controls where the summarized overdue email for patrons without email addresses is sent to. .. _debuglevel-label: DebugLevel ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Default: lots of Asks: Show \_\_\_ debugging information in the browser when an internal error occurs. Values: - lots of - will show as much information as possible - no - will only show basic error messages - some - will show only some of the information available Description: - This system preference determines how much information will be sent to the user's screen when the system encounters an error. The most detail will be sent when the value level is set at 2, some detail will be sent when the value is set at 1, and only a basic error message will display when the value is set at 0. This setting is especially important when a system is new and the administration is interested in working out the bugs (errors or problems) quickly. Having detailed error messages makes quick fixes more likely in problem areas. .. _defaulttologgedinlibrarycircrules-label: DefaultToLoggedInLibraryCircRules ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Default: all libraries Asks: When editing circulation rules show \_\_\_ the rules by default. Values: - all libraries - logged in library's Description: - This system preference controls the default value in the library pull down found at the top of the :ref:`circulation and fines rules `. .. _defaulttologgedinlibrarynoticesslips-label: DefaultToLoggedInLibraryNoticesSlips ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Default: all libraries Asks: When editing notices and slips show the \_\_\_ notices and slips by default. Values: - all libraries - logged in library's Description: - This system preference controls the default value in the library pull down found at the top of the :ref:`notices and slips ` tool. .. _defaulttologgedinlibraryoverduetriggers-label: DefaultToLoggedInLibraryOverdueTriggers ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Default: all libraries Asks: When editing overdue notice/status triggers show the \_\_\_ rules by default. Values: - all libraries - logged in library's Description: - This system preference controls the default value in the library pull down found at the top of the :ref:`overdue notice/status triggers `. .. _csvdelimiter-label: CSVDelimiter ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Asks: Default separator for columns in an exported CSV file: \_\_\_. Default: semicolons Values: - #'s - backslashes - commas - semicolons - slashes - tabs Description: - This system preference determines how reports exported from Koha will separate data. In many cases you will be able to change this option when exporting if you'd like. .. _emailoverduesnoemail-label: EmailOverduesNoEmail ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Default: don't send Asks: \_\_\_ overdue notices for patrons without email address to staff. Values: - Don't send - Send Description: - If this system preference is enabled, overdue notices for patrons without an email address will be sent to staff. .. _kohaadminemailaddress-label: KohaAdminEmailAddress ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This is the default 'From' address for emails unless there is one for the particular library, and is referred to when an internal error occurs. Asks: Use \_\_\_ as the email address for the administrator of Koha. Description: - This system preference allows one email address to be used in warning messages set to the OPAC. If no email address is set for the library this address will receive messages from patrons regarding modification requests, purchase suggestions, and questions or information regarding overdue notices. It is recommended that a email address that can be accessed by multiple staff members be used for this purpose so that if one librarian is out the others can address these requests. This email address can be changed when needed. .. _noitemtypeimages-label: noItemTypeImages ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Asks: \_\_\_ itemtype icons in the staff interface. Default: Show Values: - Don't show - Show Description: - This system preference allows the system administrator to determine if users will be able to set and see an item type icon in the catalog in the staff interface. - If images of item types are disabled, text labels for item types will still appear in the staff interface. - The :ref:`OpacNoItemTypeImages ` system preference is used to show or hide the itemtype images in the OPAC. .. _replytodefault-label: ReplytoDefault ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Asks: Use \_\_\_ as the email address that will be set as the replyto in emails Description: - By default replies to notice emails will go to the `library email address <#libraries-groups>`__, if you would like to specify a default email address for all replies to notices you can do that here. .. _returnpathdefault-label: ReturnpathDefault ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Asks: Use \_\_\_ as the email address set as the return path, if you leave this empty the KohaAdminEmailAddress will be used. Description: - The return path is the email address that bounces will be delivered to. By default bounced notices will go to the `library email address <#libraries-groups>`__, if you would like to specify a default email address for bounces to go to then fill in this system preference. .. _sendallemailsto-label: SendAllEmailsTo ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Asks: Email to redirect all messages to: \_\_\_ (Leave this field empty to send messages to their normal recipient) Description: - This system preference is used to override any patron email address with this one when sending notices. This is meant to be used in a testing environment to test notices and to avoid spamming patrons. **Important** This is not to be used in a production environment. Otherwise, no patron will receive their intended notices. .. _virtualshelves-label: virtualshelves ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Asks: Allow staff and patrons to create and view saved lists of bibliographic records: \_\_\_ Default: Yes Values: - Yes - No Description: - This system preference controls whether the :ref:`lists functionality ` will be available in the staff interface and OPAC. If this is set to "Don't allow", no one will be able to create public or private lists. .. _login-options-label: Login options ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These preferences are related to logging into your Koha system .. _autolocation-label: AutoLocation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. Attention:: As of Koha version 24.05, this system preference has been renamed :ref:`StaffLoginRestrictLibraryByIP `. Default: Don't require Asks: \_\_\_ staff to log in from a computer in the IP address range specified by their library (if any). - Set IP address range in the library administration area - *Get there:* More > Administration > Basic Parameters > :ref:`Libraries ` Values: - Don't require - Require Description: - This system preference protects the system by blocking unauthorized users from accessing the staff interface program and settings. Authorized and unauthorized users are determined by their computer's IP addresses. When the preference is set to 'Require', IP authorization is in effect and unauthorized IP addresses will be blocked. This means that staff cannot work from home unless their IP address has been authorized. When set to 'Don't require', anyone with a staff interface login will have access no matter which IP address they are using. .. _forcelibraryselection-label: ForceLibrarySelection ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. Admonition:: Version This system preference was added in version 23.11 of Koha. Asks: \_\_\_ library selection when logging into the staff interface. Values: - Don't force - Force Default : Don't force Description: - If set to 'Force', the 'Library' field of the :ref:`staff interface login form ` will be mandatory, without any preselection, and staff will have to manually choose a library in which to log in. - If set to "Don't force", the 'Library' field of the :ref:`staff interface login form ` will default to 'My library', meaning the staff member will log into their home library. They will still have the option to manually change the library, if necessary. .. _independentbranches-label: IndependentBranches ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Asks: Prevent staff (but not superlibrarians) from modifying objects (holds, items, patrons, etc.) belonging to other libraries: \_\_\_ Default: No Values: - No - Yes Description: - This system preference should only be used by library systems which are sharing a single Koha installation among multiple branches but are considered independent organizations, meaning they do not share material or patrons with other branches and do not plan to change that in the future. If set to 'Yes' it increases the security between library branches by: - prohibiting staff users from logging into another library from within the staff interface, - filtering out patrons from patron searches who are not a part of the login library conducting the search, - limiting the location choices to the login library when adding or modifying an item record, - preventing users from other library locations from placing holds or checking out materials from library branches other than their own, and - preventing staff from editing item records which belong to other library branches. All of these security safeguards can be overridden only by the superlibrarian, the highest level of privileges. .. Warning :: It is important that this value be set before going live and that it **NOT** be changed while in production. .. _independentbranchespatronmodifications-label: IndependentBranchesPatronModifications ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Default: No Asks: Prevent staff (but not superlibrarians) from viewing and approving/denying patron modification requests for patrons belonging to other libraries. \_\_\_ Values: - No - Yes .. _sessionrestrictionbyip-label: SessionRestrictionByIP ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Default: Enable Asks: \_\_\_ check for change in remote IP address for session security. Disable only when remote IP address changes frequently. Values: - Disable - Enable Description: - When this system preference is set to 'Enable' Koha will log you out of the staff interface if your IP address changes as a security measure. For some systems the IP address changes frequently so you'll want to set this system preference to 'Disable' to prevent Koha from logging you out of the staff interface every time that happens. **Important** This is meant to help those whose IP address changes several times during the day, setting this system preference to 'Disable' is not recommended otherwise because it is removing important security features from your staff interface. .. _sessionstorage-label: SessionStorage ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Default: in the MySQL database Asks: Store login session information \_\_\_ Values: - as temporary files - in the MySQL database - in the PostgreSQL database - **Important** PostgreSQL is not yet supported Description: - This system preference allows administrators to choose what format session data is stored in during web sessions. .. _staffloginlibrarybasedonip-label: StaffLoginLibraryBasedOnIP ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. Admonition:: Version This system preference was added to Koha in version 24.05. Asks: Set logged in library for staff by matching their current IP to the :ref:`library configuration `: \_\_\_. Values: - No - Yes Default: Yes Description: - This system preference is used to detect which library a staff member :ref:`logs into ` based on their IP address. - It is a security feature to prevent staff from logging into another library or from logging in from outside (such as from home or from a bookstore). - The library's IP address or IP address range must be set in the :ref:`library administration ` for this system preference to have any effect. .. Important:: This system preference will be overridden by the :ref:`StaffLoginRestrictLibraryByIP ` system preference. .. Note:: If IP addresses or range overlap, the first found match will be used. In the event of multiple libraries with matching IP addresses or ranges, the library code (branchcode) will be the tie breaker (alphabetically). .. _staffloginrestrictlibrarybyip-label: StaffLoginRestrictLibraryByIP ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. Admonition:: Version This system preference has replaced the :ref:`AutoLocation ` system preference as of Koha version 24.05. Asks: Limit the libraries staff can select at login to those where their computer's IP address is within the library's specified range or to libraries without an IP restriction: \_\_\_ Values: - No - Yes Default: No Description: - This system preference is used to limit which library or libraries staff can :ref:`log into ` based on their IP address. - It is a security feature to prevent staff from logging into another library or from logging in from outside (such as from home or from a bookstore). - The library's IP address or IP address range must be set in the :ref:`library administration ` for this system preference to have any effect. - If a library does not have an IP address or IP address range filled in, it will not be restricted and will always be available to select. .. Note:: Staff can only choose their library at login if they have the :ref:`loggedinlibrary permission `. If they do not have that permission, they will only be able to log into their home library. If this system preference is enabled, they will only be able to log in if their computer's IP matches their home library's IP address or IP address range, or if their home library doesn't have an IP address set. .. Important:: This system preference will override the :ref:`StaffLoginLibraryBasedOnIP ` system preference. .. Note:: In the event of multiple libraries with matching IPs, the library code (branchcode) will be the tie breaker (alphabetically). .. _timeout-label: timeout ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Default: 12000000 Asks: Automatically log out users after \_\_\_ seconds of inactivity. Description: - This system preference sets the length of time the staff interface or OPAC accounts can be left inactive before re-logging in is necessary. The value of this system preference is in seconds. At this time, the amount of time before a session times out must be the same for both the Staff Client and the OPAC. .. _ssl-client-certificate-authentication-label: SSL client certificate authentication ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. _allowpkiauth-label: AllowPKIAuth ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Default: no Asks: Use \_\_\_ field for SSL client certificate authentication Values: - no - the common name - the email address System preferences ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ UnsubscribeReflectionDelay, PatronAnonymizeDelay & Patron Removal Delay - This is a new feature that allows you to set a certain amount of days after a patron has submitted an unsubscribe request(refused consent), anonymize accounts that are locked/expired and remove anonymized patrons. .. _searchengine-label: SearchEngine ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Default: Zebra Asks: Use following search engine: \_\_\_ Values: - Elasticsearch - Zebra .. _share-anonymous-usage-statistics-label: Share anonymous usage statistics ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As an open source project Koha is used all over the world. These preference will help us keep more accurate statistics on where Koha is being used. If you choose to share your information, it will be published on the `Hea Koha community website `__. You will need to enable the :ref:`share usage stats ` cronjob to send this information at regular intervals to the community. .. _usagestats-label: UsageStats ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Default: Don't share Asks: \_\_\_ anonymous Koha usage data with the Koha community. Values: - Don't share - Share Description: - This data is stored to help track usage of Koha around the world. If you choose to share your information, it will be published on the `Hea Koha community website `__. This information is sent using the :ref:`share usage stats ` cronjob. .. _usagestatscountry-label: UsageStatsCountry ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Asks: The country where your library is located: \_\_\_ Description: - This data is stored to help track usage of Koha around the world. If you choose to share your information, it will be published on the `Hea Koha community website `__. This information is sent using the :ref:`share usage stats ` cronjob. **Important** This system preference depends on the `UsageStats <#usagestats>`__ preference. Set that to 'Share' to share your information. .. _usagestatsgeolocation-label: UsageStatsGeolocation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Asks: Geolocation of the main library: \_\_\_ Default: blank Description: - Note that this value has no effect if the :ref:`UsageStats ` system preference is set to 'Don't share'. - The information in this system preference is populated by the geolocation information on the :ref:`usage statistics administration page`. .. _usagestatslibrariesinfo-label: UsageStatsLibrariesInfo ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Default: Do not Share Asks: \_\_\_ libraries information (name, url, country) Note that this value has no effect if the :ref:`UsageStats ` system preference is set to "Don't share" Values: - Do not Share - Share .. _usagestatslibraryname-label: UsageStatsLibraryName ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Asks: The library name \_\_\_ will be shown on the `Hea Koha community website `__. Description: - This data is stored to help track usage of Koha around the world. If you choose to share your information, it will be published on the `Hea Koha community website `__. This information is sent using the :ref:`share usage stats ` cron job. **Important** This system preference depends on the `UsageStats <#usagestats>`__ preference. Set that to 'Share' to share your information. If this field is empty data will be sent anonymously if you choose 'Share' for the `UsageStats <#usagestats>`__ preference. .. _usagestatslibrarytype-label: UsageStatsLibraryType ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Default: public Asks: The library type \_\_\_ will be shown on the `Hea Koha community website `__. Values: - academic - corporate - government - private - public - religious organization - research - school - society or association - subscription Description: - This data is stored to help track usage of Koha around the world. If you choose to share your information, it will be published on the `Hea Koha community website `__. This information is sent using the :ref:`share usage stats ` cronjob. **Important** This system preference depends on the `UsageStats <#usagestats>`__ preference. Set that to 'Share' to share your information. .. _usagestatslibraryurl-label: UsageStatsLibraryUrl ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Asks: The library URL \_\_\_ will be shown on the `Hea Koha community website `__. Description: - This data is stored to help track usage of Koha around the world. If you choose to share your information, it will be published on the `Hea Koha community website `__. This information is sent using the :ref:`share usage stats ` cronjob. **Important** This system preference depends on the `UsageStats <#usagestats>`__ preference. Set that to 'Share' to share your information.