Lists and cart

Lists are a way to save a collection of content on a specific topic or for a specific purpose. The cart is a session specific storage space.

  • Gidiş yolu: Daha fazla > Listeler


Create a list

A list can be created by visiting the Lists page and clicking ‘New list’

Button to add a new list

Yeni liste formu listenizin oluşturulması için birkaç seçenek sunar:

Form for creating a new list

  • Name: the name is what will appear on the list of lists, it is the only required field

  • Owner: this is the username of the owner of the list, the creator is the default owner, but that can be changed later

  • Sort this list by: you can choose how to sort the list (by title, author, publication year, call number or date added to the list)

  • Public: decide if the list is going to be private or public

    • A private list can be seen only by you

    • A public list can be seen by everybody, including OPAC users

  • Allow changes to contents from: decide who has permission to add or remove titles from the list

    • Nobody: this will close the list to contributions

    • Owner only: only you will be able to add or remove items from the list. If the list is public or shared, the OPAC users or sharers will not be able to change the list contents.

    • Anyone seeing this list: everyone who has access to the list will be able to add or remove titles. If the list is public, this means everyone. If the list is private, only the owner will have the ability to change the contents. And if the list is shared, the owner and sharers will have this ability.

    • Permitted staff only: this option will make the list content editable by staff members with the edit_public_list_contents permission.

    • Staff only: this option will make the list editable by all staff members (users with the catalogue permission).

Bir liste aynı zamanda katalog arama sonuçlarından da oluşturulabilir

Creating a new list from search results

  • Yeni listeye eklemek istedikleriniz için başlıkların solundaki kutuya onay verin.

  • Choose ‘New list’ from the ‘Add to:’ pull down menu

    Adding items to a new list

    • Name: the name is what will appear on the list of lists, it is the only required field

    • Category: decide if the list is going to be private or public

      • A private list can be seen only by you

      • A public list can be seen by everybody, including OPAC users

    • The list will have the default sort (title) and the default modification permissions (owner only).

Liste kaydedildiğinde, Listeler sayfasından ve ‘-e ekle’nin en üstündeki arama sonuçları menüsünden listeye ulaşabilirsiniz.

Add to a list

Mevcut bir liste içerisinde başlık eklemek için, listeler sayfası içerisinden listenin adı üzerine tıklayın

List of public and private lists

To open a list, click the list name.

View of contents of a list showing titles and functions

From that page, click ‘Add items’ to add titles by scanning barcodes into the box, or entering biblionumbers.

Window to add items to a list by barcode or biblionumber

Arama sonuç sayfasındaki başlıklar seçilerek ve menüye ‘Ekle’ den liste seçilerek de, listeye başlık eklenebilir

Add titles to list from search results

Viewing lists

To see the contents of a list, visit the Lists page in the staff interface

List of public and private lists

From this page, you can perform some actions on the lists.

  • Edit: will allow you to edit the description and permissions for this list


    For public lists, this option will only appear to staff members with the edit_public_lists permission.

  • Delete: will delete the list


    For public lists, this option will only appear to staff members with the delete_public_lists permission.

  • Transfer: will allow you to change the owner of the list


    This option is only possible on public lists.

    This option will only appear to staff members with the edit_public_lists permission.

Clicking on the ‘List name’ will show the contents of the list

View of contents of a list showing titles and functions

Bu materyaller listesinden bir kaç eylem gerçekleştirebilirsiniz

  • New list: will allow you to create another list

  • Add items: will allow you to add items to the list with barcodes or biblionumbers

  • Edit: will allow you to edit the description and permissions for this list, or delete this list

  • Download list: will allow you to download the list using one of 3 default formats or your CSV profiles

  • Send list: will send the list to the email address you enter


    The message sent when emailing the list is LIST, which can be customized in the Notices and slips tool.

  • Print list: will present you with a printable version of the list

You can sort the columns by clicking on the column header.


Sepet, OPAC ve/veya personel istemcideki materyaller için geçici bir tutma yeridir. Oturum kapatıldıktan sonra sepet boşaltılır. (web tarayıcıyı kapatarak ya da sistemden çıkış yaparak). Sepeti en iyi şekilde toplu işlemleri gerçekleştirmek için (ayırtmalar, çıktı alma, e-posta gönderme) ya da kendiniz için ya da bir kullanıcı için çıktısı alınacak ya da e-posta gönderilecek materyallerin listesini almak için kullanılır.

The cart feature can be turned off in the OPAC using the opacbookbag system preference.

If you would like to enable the cart in the staff interface, you need to set the intranetbookbag system preference to ‘Show.’ To add things to the cart, search the catalog and select the items you would like added to your cart and click on the ‘Add to cart’ button.

Add titles to cart from search results

Personel istemcide sayfanın en üstünde sepet butonunun altında bir onaylama görüntülenecektir

Message showing items added to your cart

Clicking on the cart icon will provide you with the contents of the cart

View of 'Your cart' showing list of titles and functions

Bu materyaller listesinden bir kaç eylem gerçekleştirebilirsiniz

  • ‘Daha fazla ayrıntı’ sepetin içindeki materyaller hakkında daha fazla bilgi gösterecektir

  • ‘Send’ will send the list to the email address you enter


    The message sent when emailing the cart is CART, which can be customized in the Notices and slips tool.

  • ‘Download’ will allow you to download the cart using one of 3 default formats or your CSV profiles

  • ‘Yazdır’ sepetin yazdırılabilir bir sürümünü ekrana getirecektir

  • ‘Empty and close’ will empty the list and close the window

  • ‘Hide window’ will close the window

Modifying bibliographic records via the cart

Bibliographic records can be modified in batch from the records added to a cart. Select the records in the cart you wish to modify and click ‘Batch modify’.

You will be taken to the ‘Batch record modification tool’ and from there the process to modify the bibliographic records is the same as if you had chosen to modify via Tools.