.. include:: images.rst .. _ill-system-preferences-label: Interlibrary loans ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Get there:* More > Administration > Global system preferences > Interlibrary loans .. _ill-features-label: Features ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. _circulateill-label: CirculateILL ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Asks: \_\_\_ the circulation of ILL requested items. Default: Disable Values: - Disable - Enable Description: - This system preference controls whether you have the option to checkout ILL items directly from an ILL request. More details can be found in the :ref:`Circulating ILL materials <circulating-ILL-material-label>` section. .. _illcheckavailability-label: ILLCheckAvailability ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Asks: \_\_\_ external sources for availability during the request process. Default: Don't check Values: - Don't check - Check Description: - This preference controls whether specific external resources will be searched prior to a request being placed. The resources available are installed using :ref:`plugins <plugin-system-label>`. These can be located on the Koha plugins wiki page at https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Koha_plugins. Currently there are plugins for EDS (Ebsco Discovery Service), Z39.50 and Unpaywall. When a patron :ref:`submits an ILL request <your-interlibrary-loan-requests-label>`, the item metadata in the form is used to search the external resource. The patron can then click on the title links in the displayed results. If they find the item they were requesting the request can be abandoned. If not, the patron can continue with the request in the normal way. .. _illhiddenrequeststatuses-label: ILLHiddenRequestStatuses ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Asks: ILL statuses that are considered finished and should not be displayed in the ILL module: \_\_\_ (separated with \|). If left empty, all ILL requests will be displayed. Description: - This preference allows libraries to hide requests from the :ref:`View ILL requests list <viewing-ILL-requests-label>` based on the status of the request. Available ILL statuses are configured in the ILL\_STATUS\_ALIAS :ref:`authorized value <authorized-values-label>` category and in the backends. .. _illmodule-label: ILLModule ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Asks: \_\_\_ the interlibrary loans module (master switch). Default: Disable Values: - Disable - Enable Description: - This preference is used to enable Koha's :ref:`ILL module <ill-requests-label>` which is used to manage ILL requests. .. _illmodulecopyrightclearance-label: ILLModuleCopyrightClearance ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Asks: Adding text will enable the copyright clearance stage in request creation. The text you enter will be the text displayed. Description: - This system preference is used to turn on the copyright clearance step when :ref:`creating an ILL request from the OPAC <your-interlibrary-loan-requests-label>`. Patrons will need to accept the copyright clearance before they can proceed. - The text entered here is the text they will need to agree to. .. _illmoduleunmediated-label: ILLModuleUnmediated ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Asks: \_\_\_ unmediated interlibrary loan requests. If enabled and the ILL backend supports it, the newly created requests are immediately requested by backend. Default: Disable Values: - Disable - Enable Description: - When enabled, this system preference allows :ref:`ILL requests placed by patrons on the OPAC <your-interlibrary-loan-requests-label>` to be directly sent to ILL suppliers without mediation by library staff. - If this system preference is disabled, staff members will need to :ref:`manage all ILL requests <managing-ILL-requests-label>`. .. Warning:: Not all ILL backends can support this feature. .. _ill-notifications-label: Notifications ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. _illdefaultstaffemail-label: ILLDefaultStaffEmail ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Asks: Fallback email address for staff ILL notices to be sent to in the absence of a library address: \_\_\_ . Description: - By default, replies to ILL request emails will go to the :ref:`library's <libraries-label>` ILL staff email address. If the library's ILL staff email field is empty, the address entered here will be used. .. _illsendstaffnotices-label: ILLSendStaffNotices ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Asks: Send these ILL notices to staff when appropriate: \_\_\_ Description: - You can configure which ILL notices should be sent to staff. More details can be found in the :ref:`ILL email notifications <ILL-email-notification-label>` section. - Enter the :ref:`letter codes <notices-and-slips-label>` for the notifications to be sent, separated by pipes (\|). For example:: ILL_REQUEST_CANCEL|ILL_REQUEST_MODIFIED - If this system preference is left empty, no staff ILL notices will be sent. .. _ill-opac-label: OPAC ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. _illbpacbackends-label: ILLOpacbackends ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Asks: Enabled ILL backends for OPAC initiated requests: \_\_\_ . Description: - This preference controls which ILL backend request forms are available for :ref:`OPAC requests <your-interlibrary-loan-requests-label>`. - Enter the backend codes, separated by pipes (\|). For example:: FreeForm|BLDSS - Refer to the backend configuration guidance for the correct terminology to enter here. - If this system preference is left empty, all installed backends will be< enabled for :ref:`OPAC requests <your-interlibrary-loan-requests-label>`.