
These preferences control your Internationalization and Localization settings.

Get there: More > Administration > Global system preferences > I18N/L10N


Asks: Format postal addresses using ___


  • German style ([Address] [Street number] - [Zip/Postal Code] [City] - [Country])

  • French style ([Street number] [Address] - [ZIP/Postal Code] [City] - [Country])

  • US style ([Street number], [Address] - [City], [Zip/Postal Code], [Country])

Default: US style ([Street number], [Address] - [City], [Zip/Postal Code], [Country])


  • This preference will let you control how Koha displays patron addresses given the information entered in the various fields on their record.


Asks: Use the alphabet ___ for lists of browsable letters. This should be a space separated list of uppercase letters. Hint: Changing collation in the database for the ‚surname‘ column of the ‚borrowers‘ table is helpful to make browsing by last name work in members-home.pl when using an alphabet outside of A-Z.

Default: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


  • This preference allows you define your own alphabet for browsing patrons in Koha.

    On the Patrons module homepage, the alphabet is displayed next to "Browse by last name".


Asks: Use ___ as the first day of week in the calendar.


  • Sunday

  • Monday

  • Tuesday

  • Wednesday

  • Thursday

  • Friday

  • Saturday

Default: Sunday


  • Using this preference, you can control what day shows as the first day of the week in the calendar pop ups throughout Koha and on the Calendar tool. If you change this preference and don’t see a change in your browser, try clearing your cache since it makes changes to the Javascript on these pages.


Asks: Format dates like ___


  • dd.mm.yyyy

  • yyyy-mm-dd

  • dd/mm/yyyy

  • mm/dd/yyyy

Default: mm/dd/yyyy


  • This preference controls how the date is displayed.

  • The options are: mm/dd/yyyy (e.g., 04/24/2010 for 24 April 2010); dd/mm/yyyy (24/04/2010); dd.mm.yyyy (24.04.2010); the ISO (International Organization for Standardization) format yyyy-mm-dd (2010-04-24).

  • The ISO format would primarily be used by libraries with locations in multiple nations that may use different date formats, to have a single display type.


Asks: Enable the following languages on the staff interface


  • English (en)

Default: English (en)


To install additional languages, please refer to the Koha Wiki page Installation of additional languages for OPAC and INTRANET staff client. Once an additional language are installed, it will show as an option in this preference.


Asks: Enable the following languages on the OPAC


  • English (en)

Default: English (en)


To install additional languages, please refer to the Koha Wiki page Installation of additional languages for OPAC and INTRANET staff client. Once an additional language are installed, it will show as an option in this preference.


Asks: ___ patrons to change the language they see on the OPAC.


  • Don’t allow

  • Allow

Default: Don’t allow


  • When Allow is selected, patrons will see a language selector on the public catalog. Use the OpacLangSelectorMode preference to control where this selector will appear on the page.

    Language selector in the footer of the Opac, with text: "Languages: English Español Français".

  • When Don’t allow is selected, there is no option for a patron to choose their preferred language on the public catalog.


Asks: Format times in ___


  • 12 hour format (e.g. „02:18 PM“)

  • 24 hour format (e.g. „14:18“)

Default: 24 hour format (e.g. „14:18“)


Asks: ___ notices to be translated. If set, notices will be translatable from the „Notices and Slips“ interface. The language used to send a notice to a patron will be the one defined for the patron.


  • Don’t allow

  • Allow

Default: Don’t allow


  • If set to ‚Allow‘ it is possible to choose a ‚Preferred language for notices‘ when creating a new patron account in the staff interface, or for the patron to do this themselves from their messaging options when logged into their account on the OPAC.