.. include:: images.rst .. _web-services-system-preferences-label: Web services ----------------------------------- *Get there:* More > Administration > System preferences > Web services .. _webservices-general-system-preferences-label: General ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. _accesscontrolalloworigin-label: AccessControlAllowOrigin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Asks: Set the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header to \_\_\_ Description: - This is the header used for OPAC reports SVC routes. .. _webservices-ils-di-system-preferences-label: ILS-DI ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. _ils-di-system-preference-label: ILS-DI ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Default: Disable Asks: \_\_\_ ILS-DI services for OPAC users Values: - Disable - Enable .. _ils-di-authorizedips-label: ILS-DI:AuthorizedIPs ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Asks: Allow IP addresses \_\_\_ to use the ILS-DI services (when enabled). **Note** Separate the IP addresses with commas and without spaces. For example:, **Important** Leave the field blank to allow any IP address. .. _idref-pref-label: IdRef ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. _idref-label: IdRef ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Default: Disable Asks: \_\_\_ the IdRef webservice from the OPAC detail page. IdRef allows to request authorities from the Sudoc database. Values: - Disable - Enable Description: - IdRef is a French service for Sudoc authorities. Using the `Sudoc database <http://www.sudoc.abes.fr/>`__, it allows to request / modify / add authorities. If a record comes from the Sudoc (so 009 is filled with an integer), at the OPAC you will see "Author: Idref" if a 7..$3 (unimarc author) if filled with a ppn. On clicking on the Idref link, a popup will display. |image1201| The Idref webservice is requested and all records (by roles) for this author will be displayed |image1202| There is 1 line / record and 2 links at the end. 1 will request Koha (cgi-bin/koha/opac-search.pl?q=ident:003381862), the other one will redirect to the sudoc page (http://www.sudoc.fr/003381862). - **Important** Please note that this feature is available only for libraries using UNIMARC. - **Note** The French Sudoc database should not be confused with the US Superintendent of Documents (SuDocs) Classification Scheme. .. _mana-prefs-label: Mana KB ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. _autosharewithmana-label: AutoShareWithMana ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Asks: Fields automatically shared with Mana KB \_\_\_ Default: none Values: - [Select all] - Subscriptions Description: - This preference reflects the choice made in the :ref:`Mana KB configuration <share-with-mana-kb-label>` in the administration module. - Choosing to automatically share content with Mana KB means that every time you create that type of content, it will be automatically copied in the Mana KB repository, and it will be instantly available for other libraries to copy. - All content shared with Mana KB is shared under the CC0 license, meaning that there is no (zero) copyright. Anyone using Mana KB can copy, reuse and change (their copy of) your content. Read more on CC0 on the `Creative Commons Website <https://creativecommons.org/choose/zero/>`__. This will in no way change your data in your Koha installation. .. _mana-pref-label: Mana ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Asks: \_\_\_ submissions to Mana KB. Default: No, let me think about it Values: - Disable - Enable - No, let me think about it Description: - This preference reflects the choice made in the :ref:`Mana KB configuration <share-with-mana-kb-label>` in the administration module. .. _mana-token-label: ManaToken ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Asks: Security token used to authenticate on Mana KB: \_\_\_ Default: empty Description: - This preference will be automatically populated with your unique Mana Token when you register for one on the :ref:`Mana KB configuration <share-with-mana-kb-label>` in the administration module. - The Mana Token is unique and associated with your Koha installation. It is used by Koha to log onto the Mana KB server and prevents intrusions on said server. .. _oai-pmh-system-preferences-label: OAI-PMH ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. _oai-pmh-pref-label: OAI-PMH ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Default: Disable Asks: \_\_\_ Koha's OAI-PMH server. Values: - Disable - Enable Description: - Once enabled you can visit http://YOURKOHACATALOG/cgi-bin/koha/oai.pl to see your file. For the Open Archives Initiative-Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) there are two groups of 'participants': Data Providers and Service Providers. Data Providers (open archives, repositories) provide free access to metadata, and may, but do not necessarily, offer free access to full texts or other resources. OAI-PMH provides an easy to implement, low barrier solution for Data Providers. Service Providers use the OAI interfaces of the Data Providers to harvest and store metadata. Note that this means that there are no live search requests to the Data Providers; rather, services are based on the harvested data via OAI-PMH. Koha at present can only act as a Data Provider. It can not harvest from other repositories. The biggest stumbling block to having Koha harvest from other repositories is that MARC is the only metadata format that Koha indexes natively. Learn more about OAI-PMH at: http://www.openarchives.org/pmh/ .. _oai-pmh-archiveid-label: OAI-PMH:archiveID ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Default: KOHA-OAI-TEST Asks: Identify records at this site with the prefix \_\_\_ : .. _oai-pmh-autoupdatesets-label: OAI-PMH:AutoUpdateSets ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Default: Disable Asks: \_\_\_ automatic update of OAI-PMH sets when a bibliographic record is created or updated. Values: - Disable - Enable .. _oai-pmh-autoupdatesetsembeditemdata-label: OAI-PMH:AutoUpdateSetsEmbedItemData ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Default: Disable Asks: \_\_\_ embedding of item data when automatically updating OAI-PMH sets. NOTE: This needs :ref:`OAI-PMH:AutoUpdateSets <oai-pmh-autoupdatesets-label>` system preference to be enabled. Values: - Disable - Enable .. _oai-pmh-conffile-label: OAI-PMH:ConfFile ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If this preference is left empty, Koha's OAI Server operates in normal mode, otherwise it operates in extended mode. In extended mode, it's possible to parameter other formats than marcxml or Dublin Core. OAI-PMH:ConfFile specify a YAML configuration file which list available metadata formats and XSL file used to create them from marcxml records. For more information, see the :ref:`sample conf file <sample-oai-conf-file-label>` section. .. _oai-pmh-deletedrecord-label: OAI-PMH:DeletedRecord ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Default: will never be emptied or truncated (persistent) Asks: Koha's deletedbiblio table \_\_\_ Values: - will never have any data in it (no) - will never be emptied or truncated (persistent) - might be emptied or truncated at some point (transient) .. _oai-pmh-maxcount-label: OAI-PMH:MaxCount ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Default: 50 Asks: Only return \_\_\_ records at a time in response to a ListRecords or ListIdentifiers query. Description: - This is the maximum number of records that would be returned based on ListRecord or ListIdentifier queries from harvesters. ListRecords harvest the entire records while the ListIdentifier is an abbreviated form of ListRecords, retrieving only headers rather than records. .. _rest-api-prefs-label: REST API ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. _restapirenewalbranch-label: RESTAPIRenewalBranch ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. Admonition:: Version This system preference was added to Koha in version 24.05. Asks: Use \_\_\_ as branchcode to store in the statistics table. Default: the library of the API user Values: - 'APIRenew' - the library of the API user - the library the item was checked out from - the item's home library - NULL - the patron's home library Description: - This system preference is used to determine which library code is entered in the statistics table when a renewal is done through the REST API. See also: - :ref:`OpacRenewalBranch <opacrenewalbranch-label>` .. _restbasicauth-label: RESTBasicAuth ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Asks: \_\_\_ Basic authentication for the REST API. Default: Disable Values: - Disable - Enable Description: - If enabled, Basic authentication is enabled for the REST API. .. _restdefaultpagesize-label: RESTdefaultPageSize ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Asks: Set the default number of results returned by the REST API endpoints to \_\_\_ per page. Default: 20 Description: - This preference lets you choose the number of endpoint results per page .. _restoauth2clientcredentials-label: RESTOAuth2ClientCredentials ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Asks: \_\_\_ the OAuth2 client credentials grant for the REST API. Default: Disable Values: - Disable - Enable Description: - If enabled, the OAuth2 client credentials flow is enabled for the REST API. .. Note:: Requires that Net::OAuth2::AuthorizationServer be installed. .. _restpublicanonymousrequests-label: RESTPublicAnonymousRequests ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Asks: \_\_\_ anonymous access to public routes (that don't require authenticated access) Default: Enable Values: - Disable - Enable Description: - If enabled, the API will allow anonymous access to public routes that don't require authenticated access. .. _restpublicapi-label: RESTPublicAPI ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Asks: \_\_\_ the \/public namespace of the API. Default: Enable Values: - Disable - Enable Description: - If enabled, the REST API will expose the \/public endpoints. .. _reporting-label: Reporting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. _svcmaxreportrows-label: SvcMaxReportRows ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Default: 10 Asks: Only return \_\_\_ rows of a report requested via the reports web service. Description: - This value will be used to limit the number of results returned by `public reports <#publicreport>`__.