.. include:: images.rst OPAC ==== This chapter assumes that you have the following preferences set as follows: - :ref:`opacthemes` = bootstrap - :ref:`OPACXSLTResultsDisplay` = default - :ref:`OPACXSLTDetailsDisplay` = default - :ref:`DisplayOPACiconsXSLT` = show - :ref:`TagsEnabled` = Allow - :ref:`TagsInputOnDetail` =Allow - :ref:`TagsInputOnList` = Allow - :ref:`reviewson` = Allow - :ref:`ShowReviewer` = Allow - :ref:`ShowReviewerPhoto` =Allow - :ref:`OPACFRBRizeEditions` = Show - :ref:`OPACAmazonCoverImages` = Show - :ref:`XISBN` = Use - :ref:`OPACSearchForTitleIn` = Default set of links - :ref:`OPACShowCheckoutName` = Don't show - :ref:`RequestOnOpac` = Allow - :ref:`AutoResumeSuspendedHolds` = Allow - :ref:`OpacBrowseResults` = Enable - :ref:`SuspendHoldsOpac` = Allow - :ref:`OPACShowBarcode` = Don't show - :ref:`OpacSeparateHoldings ` = Don't separate - :ref:`OpacSeparateHoldingsBranch ` = home library - :ref:`DisplayLibraryFacets` = holding library If your system preferences are set differently your displays may differ. .. _search-results-label: Search Results --------------------------------------- To search the OPAC you can either choose to enter your search words in the box at the top of the OPAC or click on the 'Advanced Search' link to perform a more detailed search. OPAC Search Box |image937| For more on searching check the '`Searching <#searching>`__' chapter in this manual. .. _results-overview-label: Results Overview ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After performing a search the number of results found for your search will appear above the results Total Results |image938| By default your search results will be sorted based on your :ref:`OPACdefaultSortField and OPACdefaultSortOrder` system preference values. To change this you can choose another sorting method from the pull down on the right. Results Sorting Options |image939| Under each title on your results list a series of values from your leader will appear. It is important to note that this has nothing to do with the item types or collection codes you have applied to your records, this data is all pulled from your fixed fields. This can be turned on or off with the :ref:`DisplayOPACiconsXSLT` system preference. Leader Visualization |image940| Below each title you will see the availability for the items attached to the record. **Note** Even if you filtered on one library location all locations that hold the item will appear on the search results. **Important** An item's hold status doesn't not affect whether or not the item is 'available' until the item is in 'waiting' status. Items with on-shelf holds will show as available until a librarian has pulled them from the shelf and checked the item in make it show 'waiting'. Holdings Information |image941| If you have turned on :ref:`Enhanced Content` preferences you may have book jackets on your search results. Book Jacket on Results |image942| If you have set your :ref:`Did you mean? ` options you will see a yellow bar across the top of your results will other related searches. Did you mean? |image943| If you performed an advanced search you see an option to go back and edit your advanced search blow the list of results pages.Return to the last advanced search .. _filters-label: Filters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To filter your results click on the links below the 'Refine Your Search' menu on the left of your screen Refine Your Results |image944| Depending on your setting for the :ref:`DisplayLibraryFacets` system preference you will see filters for your home, holding or both libraries.Library Facet After clicking a facet you can remove that filter from your results by clicking the small 'x' that appears to the right of the facet.Remove library facet .. _search-rss-feeds-label: Search RSS Feeds ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You will be able to subscribe to your search results as an RSS feed by clicking the RSS icon in your address bar or next to the number of results. To learn more about what RSS feeds are check out `this tutorial video `__. RSS Feed Icon |image945| Subscribing to search results as RSS feeds will allow you to see when a new item is added to the catalog in your area of interest. .. _bibliographic-record-label: Bibliographic Record -------------------------------------- When you click on a title from the search results, you're brought to the bibliographic detail of the record. This page is broken down in several different areas. At the top of your screen will be the title and the GMD: Title |image946| Below the title the authors will be listed. These come from your 1xx and 7xx fields. Clicking the author will run a search for other titles with that author. Author Display |image947| If you have an authority file you will see a magnifying glass to the right of author (and other) authorities. Clicking that magnifying glass will take you directly to the authority record. Authority link |image948| If you have your :ref:`DisplayOPACiconsXSLT` preference set to 'show' you will see a material type that is determined by values in your fixed fields (learn more in the `XSLT Item Types <#XSLTiTypes>`__ Appendix). XSLT Item Type |image949| Next you'll see the description of the record you're viewing: Basic Details |image950| Following that information you'll find the subject headings which can be clicked to search for other titles on similar topics Bibliographic Subjects |image951| If your record has a table of contents or summary it will appear next to the 'Summary' or 'Table of Contents' label Summary |image952| If your record has data in the 856 fields you'll see the links to the right of the 'Online Resources' label Online Resources |image953| If the title you're viewing is in a public list then you'll see a list of those to the right of the 'List(s) this item appears in' label and if it has tags they will appear below the 'Tags from this library' label Tags |image954| In the tabs below the details you will find your holdings data |image955| Any notes (5xx fields) that have been cataloged will appear under 'Title Notes' Title notes |image956| If you're allowing comments they will appear in the next tab Comments |image957| And finally if you have enabled FRBR and you have other editions of the title in your collection you will see the 'Editions' tab. Editions |image958| To the right of the details you'll find a series of boxes. The first box is a list of buttons to help navigate the search results. From there you can see the next or previous result from your search or return to the results. Search Options |image959| Clicking Browse Results at the top of the right column will open up your search results on the detail page Search Results |image960| Below the search buttons you'll find the links to place a hold, print the record, save the record to your lists, or add it to your cart More options |image961| Clicking 'More Searches' will show the list of libraries you entered in your :ref:`OPACSearchForTitleIn` preference More Searches |image962| Under the 'Save Record' label you will find a series of file formats you can save the record as. This list can be customized by altering the :ref:`OpacExportOptions` system preference. Save Record |image963| If at any time you want to change the view from the 'Normal' view to see the Marc or the ISBD you can click the tabs across the top of the record Record Views |image964| .. _lists-&-cart-label: Lists & Cart --------------------------------- A cart is a temporary holding place for records you're interested in finding during this session. That means that once you log out of the OPAC or close the browser you lose the items in your cart. A list is a more permanent location for saving items. To learn more about lists, check the `Lists in the Staff Client <#stafflists>`__ chapter of this manual. .. _lists-label: Lists ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Patrons can manage their own private lists by visiting the 'my lists' section of their account. Lists Management |image965| .. _creating-lists-label: Creating Lists ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Lists can also be created by choosing the 'New List' option in the 'Add to' menu on the search results Add to New List |image966| To create a list the patron simply needs to click the 'New List' link and populate the form that appears Create a new list |image967| The only field required is the 'List Name,' but the patron can also choose how they want the list sorted and if the list is public or private. - A Private List is managed by you and can be seen only by you (depending on your permissions settings below) - A Public List can be seen by everybody, but managed only by you (depending on your permissions settings below) **Important** If you aren't allowing patrons to create public lists with the :ref:`OpacAllowPublicListCreation` preference then patrons will only be able to create private lists. Create a new private list |image968| - Finally decide what your permissions will be on the list. You can all or disallow: - anyone else to add entries - anyone to remove his own contributed entries - **Note** The owner of a list is always allowed to add entries, but needs permission to remove. - anyone to remove other contributed entries     .. _adding-titles-to-lists-label: Adding titles to Lists ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Titles can be added to lists from the search results and/or from the bibliographic record. On the search results options to add items to the list appear below each result and across the top of the results page Add to Lists from Results |image969| To add a single title to a list, click the 'Save to Lists' option and then choose the list you'd like to add the title to. To add multiple titles to a list check the boxes on the left of the titles you want to add and then choose the list you want to add the titles to from the 'Add too' pull down at the top of the screen. .. _viewing-lists-contents-label: Viewing Lists Contents ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To view the contents of a list, click on the list name under the Lists button. Lists |image970| The contents of the list will look similar to your search results pages except that there will be different menu options across the top of the list. List View |image971| To the right of the list title there is an RSS icon that will allow you to subscribe to updates to the list. Using the menu options above the list you can place multiple items on hold, download the list contents, email the list or print the list out. - To place a hold on one or more list items check the box to the left of the item and click the 'Place Hold' link at the top - To download the list contents click the 'Download List' link and choose the format you'd like to download the list in - To email the list contents to someone, click the 'Send List' link and enter in your email details in the form that pops up (:ref:`view a sample Lists email `) Email List Contents |image972| - To print the contents of your list out click the 'Print List' link .. _managing-lists-label: Managing Lists ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Once the list is saved patrons can begin adding items to it. From the 'my lists' tab on the patron record the patron can edit and delete the lists they have created by clicking the appropriate link to the right of the list name. My Lists |image973| To edit the list's title or sorting patrons click the 'Edit' link to the right of the list description. Editing List |image974| When clicking 'Delete' next to a list you will be asked to confirm that you want to delete the list. Delete list confirmation |image975| The list will not be deleted until the 'Confirm' button is clicked to the right of the list you'd like to delete. If the library is allowing you to share private lists with the :ref:`OpacAllowSharingPrivateLists` preference then you will see the 'Share' link on your list of lists and the 'Share list' link at the top of each individual list. Clicking this will ask you to enter the email address of a patron.Share list Once the email address is entered Koha will present you with a confirmation message Share list confirmation |image976| and will send a message to that patron. .. _cart-label: Cart ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. _adding-titles-to-the-cart-label: Adding titles to the Cart ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Titles can be added to the cart from the search results and/or from the bibliographic record. On the search results options to add items to the cart appear below each result and across the top of the results page Add to Cart on Search Results |image977| Clicking the 'Add to Cart' button will add the one title to your cart. To add multiple titles at once, check the box to the left of each result and then choose 'Cart' from the 'Add to' pull down at the top of the screen. Once titles are added to the cart you will be presented with a confirmation Items added to Cart |image978| From the results you will see which items are in your cart and will be able to remove those items by clicking '(remove)'.Item in your cart .. _managing-the-cart-label: Managing the Cart ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Once you have titles in your cart you can manage the contents by clicking on the 'Cart' button usually found at the top of the screen. Your cart will open in a new window. Contents of your cart |image979| From this window you are presented with several options. Across the top of the cart are several buttons. First is the 'More details' button. Clicking this will show you additional information about the titles in your cart (ISBNs, Subjects, Publisher Info, Notes and more).More details in the cart Next is the option to send the contents of your cart to an email address. This is handy if you want to send the resources you found at the library to your home email account to refer to later or to send to a patron researching a specific topic. Clicking this link will open up a new window that asks for the email address and message to send. :ref:`View a sample Cart email `. Email Cart |image980| **Important** The cart can only be emailed by logged in users. This will prevent your cart email function from being used for spamming. In addition to sending your cart you can download the contents of your cart in several pre-defined formats or using a :ref:`CSV Profile ` that you defined in the Tools module. Download Cart |image981| Finally you can print out the contents of your cart by choosing the 'Print' link. In addition to the various different ways to save the contents of your cart, there are ways to add value to the data in your cart. By selecting one or more titles from the cart you can add them to a list (click 'Add to a List'), place hold(s) (click 'Place hold'), or tag them (click 'Tag'). All of these operations follow the same procedure as they do when performing them in the OPAC. .. _placing-holds-label: Placing Holds ---------------------------------- Patrons can place holds on items via the OPAC if they're logged in and you have the :ref:`RequestOnOpac` preference set to 'Allow'. If the item can be placed on hold the option to place it on hold will appear in several different places. - When viewing a list or search results page you'll see the option to place hold on multiple items by checking the boxes to the left of the results and clicking 'Place Hold' at the top Place Hold from Results |image982| - When viewing a list or search results page you'll see the option to place the item on hold below the basic information about the title Place Hold |image983| - When viewing an individual title you'll see the option to place a hold in the box on the right side of the screen Place Hold |image984| No matter which of the above links you click to place your hold you'll be brought to the same hold screen. Place Hold Form |image985| - Check the box to the left of the items you'd like to place on hold - The title includes a link back to the detail page for the record - The priority shows where in the holds queue this hold will fall - If allowed by your :ref:`OPACAllowUserToChooseBranch` preference the patron can choose where they'd like to pick up their hold - If you would like to see more options you can click 'Show more options' Place Hold Form with More Options - If you have the :ref:`AllowHoldItemTypeSelection` preference set to 'Allow' and the record had more than one item type attached you will see an option to choose to limit the hold to a specific item typeAllowHoldItemTypeSelection - If allowed by your :ref:`OPACAllowHoldDateInFuture` preference, the 'Hold Starts on Date' column will show. This field allows the patron to have their hold start on a future date. - By default holds placed in the system remain until canceled, but if the patron fills in a 'Hold Not Needed After' date then the hold has an expiration date. - **Important** Expired holds are removed by the :ref:`Expired Holds Cron Job `, this is not an automatic process and must be set up by your system administrator - If allowed by the :ref:`OpacHoldNotes` preference then patrons can leave notes about their holds for the library by clicking the 'Edit notes' button Hold notes |image986| - Depending on the rules you set regarding item specific holds in your :ref:`circulation and fines rules ` the patron will be allowed to choose whether to place the hold on the next available copy and/or a specific copy Specific Copy Hold |image987| After clicking the Place Hold button the patron will be brought to their account page where they'll see all of the items they have on hold. .. _enhanced-content-label: Enhanced Content ------------------------------------------- .. _tagging-label: Tagging ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Depending on your settings for the :ref:`TagsEnabled`, :ref:`TagsInputOnList` and :ref:`TagsInputOnDetail` preferences you may be able to add tags to bibliographic records from the search results and/or bibliographic records. If you are allowing patrons to add tags from the search results screen you will see an input box below each result and a 'Tag' option at the top of the screen. Tagging Options on Results |image988| To add a tag to one item, type the tabs (separated by commas) in the 'New tag' box and click 'Add'. You will be presented with a confirmation of your tags being added. Tags Added on Results |image989| From the results you can also tag items in bulk by clicking the checkboxes on the left and then clicking the 'Tag' button at the top. After clicking the button it will change into an input box for you to add tags to all of the items you have selected. Add Tags to Multiple Items |image990| .. _comments-label: Comments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Patrons can leave comments in the OPAC if you have the :ref:`reviewson` preference set to allow this. Each bibliographic record has a comments tab below the bibliographic information. Comments Tab |image991| If the patron is logged in they will see a link to add a comment to the item. Clicking this link will open a pop up window with a box for their comments. Add a Comment |image992| Once the comment has been typed and the 'Submit' button clicked, the patron will see their comment as pending and other patrons will simply see that there are no comments on the item. Pending Comment |image993| Once the comment is approved the patron will see the number of comments on the 'Comments' tab and their comment labeled amongst the other comments. If you have set your :ref:`ShowReviewerPhoto` preference to 'Show' then you'll see the patron's photo pulled from the `Libravatar `__ library. Your Comments |image994| Other patrons will see the comment with the name of the patron who left the comment (unless you have set the :ref:`ShowReviewer` preference to not show patron names). Comment by other patron |image995| If you have your :ref:`OpacShowRecentComments` set to show then you'll see the approved comments on that page. Recent Comments List |image996| From this page patrons can subscribe to the recent comments using RSS if they would like. .. _zotero-label: Zotero ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Zotero is a Firefox add on that allows for the saving and generating of a bibliography. Learn more about and download Zotero at http://zotero.org. When on the search results in the Koha OPAC, if you have Zotero installed, you will see a folder icon in the address bar to the right of the URL. Clicking that folder will open up a list of titles on the page for you to pick from to add to Zotero. Zotero pop up |image997| Select the titles you want to add to Zotero and then click the 'OK' button. This will add the title to Zotero. You can see the title by opening your Zotero library. Title in the Zotero Library |image998| .. _custom-rss-feeds-label: Custom RSS Feeds ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Using misc/cronjobs/rss/rss.pl you can generate an RSS feed for any SQL query (for example a new acquisitions RSS feed). rss.pl is run on the command line to produce an RSS XML document. The output should be placed in a directory accessible to the OPAC (or staff) web interface so that users can download the RSS feed. An example of usage can be found at: misc/cronjobs/rss.pl lastAcquired.conf Normally rss.pl should be run periodically (e.g., daily) to keep the feed up-to-date. The configuration file (e.g., lastAcquired.conf) lists - name of the template file to use - path of output file - SQL query rss.pl runs the SQL query, then feeds the output of the query through the template to produce the output file. **Important** To use custom RSS feeds you need to turn on the rss.pl cron job. .. _opac-self-registration-label: OPAC Self Registration ---------------------------------------------- If you allow it, patrons can register for their own accounts via the OPAC. If you have the :ref:`PatronSelfRegistration` preference set to 'Allow' then patrons will see a link to register below the log in box on the right of the main OPAC page. Registration link in OPAC |image999| When the patron clicks the 'Register here' link they will be brough to a registration page. The options on the registration page can be conrolled by editing the :ref:`PatronSelfRegistrationBorrowerMandatoryField` and the :ref:`PatronSelfRegistrationBorrowerUnwantedField` preferences. Registration form |image1000| Once the patron has confirmed submitted their registration they will either be sent an email to confirm their account (if you have the :ref:`PatronSelfRegistrationVerifyByEmail` preference to require this) or presented with their new username and password. New account confirmation |image1001| Patrons registered in this way will not have a cardnumber until assigned one by the library, but will have access to all OPAC functionality immediately. For this reason it is recommended that you: - set up a provisional :ref:`patron category ` for self registered patrons (such as 'Self Registered) instead of using an existing patron category and set that value in the :ref:`PatronSelfRegistrationDefaultCategory` preference - give this patron category minimal circulation privileges in the :ref:`Circulation and Fine Rules` (such as allowing a couple holds, but no check outs) That way patrons will either have to come in to the library to verify their identity before given a cardnumber and the ability to check items out or the library will have to come up with internal policy on generating cardnumbers before providing them to self registered patrons. Once this is done the library can change the category to one that is more appropriate (be it an adult, resident, non resident, student, etc) and add a cardnumber/barcode. .. _my-account-label: My Account ------------------------------- From the OPAC patrons can log in and access their account if you have set the :ref:`opacuserlogin` preference to 'Allow'. Once logged in patrons are brought to their account summary. If you would like to get to your account in the OPAC, you can click on your name in the top right of any page in the OPAC. .. _resetting-your-password-label: Resetting your password ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you have the :ref:`OpacResetPassword` set to allow patrons to reset their password they can click 'Forgot your password?' link found under the log in box to reset their passwords. 'Forgot your password?' link |image1002| Once clicked they will be presented with a form asking for their username and their email address (patrons must have an email address on file to reset their password).Recover password The system will then email the patron instructions for resetting their password.Reset password confirmation .. _my-summary-label: My Summary ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My Summary |image1003| From the 'my summary' tab, patrons will see all of the items they have checked out with the overdue items highlighted in red. If you have :ref:`OpacRenewalAllowed` set to 'Allow' then your patrons will be able to renew their books right from the OPAC. If you have HTML entered in the :ref:`OPACMySummaryHTML` preference then you will see that to the right of the 'Fines' column. Checked out tab with OPACMySummaryHTML set |image1004| If your patrons would like to see the items barcodes on their list of checked out items you can set up a :ref:`patron attribute ` with the value of SHOW\_BCODE and :ref:`authorized value ` of YES\_NO. Add SHOW\_BCODE patron attribute |image1005| Then on the :ref:`patron's record set the value ` for SHOW\_BCODE to yes. Setting value for SHOW\_BCODE on patron record |image1006| This will add a column to the check out summary in the OPAC that shows the patrons the barcodes of the items they have checked out. Barcode number on checkout list in OPAC |image1007| If their guarantee has allowed it via :ref:`their privacy `, when the guarantor logs in they will see a tab labeled "Relatives' checkouts" on their summary tab.Relatives' checkouts Clicking on the 'Overdue' tab will show only the items that are overdue. Overdue Items |image1008| The 'Fines' tab will show just a total of what the patron owes. Clicking on the total will take them to the 'my fines' tab where they will see a complete breakdown of their fines and bills. If you don't charge fines at your library you can turn the display of these tabs off by setting the :ref:`OPACFinesTab` preference to 'Don't Allow.' Patron Fines |image1009| Finally, clicking on the 'Holds' tab will show the patron the status of all of the items they have on hold. Patron holds status |image1010| Patrons can cancel or suspend (depending on the value of your :ref:`SuspendHoldsOpac` system preference) their own holds if they are not in transit or already waiting for them. When they click 'Suspend' they will be presented with the option to choose a date for their hold to resume.Suspend until They can also suspend all of their holds indefinitely or until a specific date if they choose by filling in the suspend options at the bottom of the page. **Note** If you have your :ref:`AutoResumeSuspendedHolds` preference set to "Don't allow" then you will not have the option to put an end date on the hold suspension .. _patron-flags-label: Patron Flags ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you have `flagged your patron's account <#patronflags>`__ they may see one of the following error messages at the top of their account. - Card marked as lost Library card lost |image1011| - Patron address in question Patron address in question |image1012| - **Note** this error message will not include a link to the update form if you have :ref:`OPACPatronDetails` set to 'Don't allow' - Patron marked restricted Patron restricted |image1013| .. _my-fines-label: My Fines ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If your library charges fines the next tab on the left is 'my fines.' Opening this tab will show the patron an entire history of their accounting at the library. Library Fines & Charges |image1014| If you are allowing patrons to pay their fines using PayPal with the :ref:`EnablePayPalOpacPayments ` preference there will be checkboxes to the left of each fine with an outstanding amount.Fines with checkboxes At the bottom the patron will see the option to pay with PayPal for the items they have checked. PayPal Payment |image1015| After paying they will be presented with a confirmationPayPal Confirmation And you will see that the fine was paid using PayPal on the staff side.Staff side fines .. _my-details-label: My Details ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you have your :ref:`OPACPatronDetails` preference set to 'Allow', your patrons will see a form filled in with their contacting information by clicking on the 'my personal details' tab. You can control what fields patrons see and can modify via the OPAC by setting the :ref:`PatronSelfRegistrationBorrowerMandatoryField` :ref:`PatronSelfRegistrationBorrowerUnwantedField` preferences. Patron's personal details |image1016| Patrons can edit their details in this form and click 'Submit Changes' to have their edits sent to the library for review before their record is updated. Staff will see all patrons requesting modification to their record listed below the modules on the main dashboard along with anything else awaiting library attention. Patron requests waiting review |image1017| If the :ref:`OPACPatronDetails` preference is set to 'Don't allow' then patrons will simply see their details and a message stating that they should contact the library for changes. Patron's personal details with no edits |image1018| .. _my-tags-label: My Tags ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If your library has :ref:`TagsEnabled` set to 'Allowed' then the next tab on the left will be 'my tags.' This tab will show patrons all of the tags in the system as a cloud and then all of the tags they have applied in a list format. From here patrons have the ability to remove tags that they have added if they want. Patron's tags |image1019| .. _change-my-password-label: Change My Password ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Next, if you have :ref:`OpacPasswordChange` set to 'Allow' the next tab will be 'change my password,' where patrons can change their password for logging into the OPAC. Patrons will be presented with a standard form asking them to enter their old password and then their new password twice. Change my password |image1020| .. _my-search-history-label: My Search History ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you have your :ref:`EnableOpacSearchHistory` preference set to 'Allow' then your patrons can access their search history via the 'my search history' tab. my search history tab |image1021| The search history is a record of all searches run by the patron. Clicking on any of the search phrases will re-run the search for the patron. The search history can be deleted by the patron at any time by clicking the 'Delete your search history' link found at the top of this tab or by clicking the little red 'x' next to the 'Search history' link at the top right of the OPAC. Search history link at the top right of the OPAC |image1022| .. _my-reading-history-label: My Reading History ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Depending on your library's setting for :ref:`opacreadinghistory` your patrons may see the 'my reading history' tab next. This will show the patron their entire reading history unless they have asked the library to not keep that information via the 'my privacy' tab which will appear if you have the :ref:`OPACPrivacy` preference set to 'Allow.' Patron reading history |image1023| If you have HTML entered in the :ref:`OPACMySummaryHTML` preference then you will see that to the right of the 'Date' column. .. _my-privacy-label: My Privacy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The 'my privacy' tab will appear if you have both the :ref:`opacreadinghistory` and the :ref:`OPACPrivacy` preferences set to 'Allow.' This tab will allow the patrons to decide how the library keeps their circulation history data. my privacy tab |image1024| The patron can choose from three options: - Forever: keep my reading history without limit. This is the option for users who want to keep track of what they are reading. - Default: keep my reading history according to local laws. This is the default option : the library will keep your reading history for the duration permitted by local laws. - Never: Delete my reading history immediately. This will delete all record of the item that was checked-out upon check-in. Depending on the patron's suggestions the contents of the ':ref:`my reading history `' tab and the ':ref:`Circulation History `' tab in the staff client may change. Regardless of the patron's choice they can delete their reading history in bulk at any time by clicking the 'Immediate deletion' button. Delete Circulation History |image1025| Clicking this button will not delete items that are currently checked out, but will clear the patron's past reading history. **Important** In order for the patron to be able to delete their reading history you must have the :ref:`AnonymousPatron` preference set. If you're allowing guarantees to grand permission to their guarantors to view their current checkouts with the :ref:`AllowPatronToSetCheckoutsVisibilityForGuarantor` preference they will see that option on this screen.AllowPatronToSetCheckoutsVisibilityForGuarantor When the guarantor logs in they will see a tab labeled "Relatives' checkouts" on their summary tab.Relatives' checkouts .. _my-purchase-suggestions-label: My Purchase Suggestions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If your library allows patrons to make purchase suggestions the next tab will show all suggestions that the patron made to the library and their statuses. To disable this tab and the suggestion functionality set the :ref:`suggestion` preference to 'Don't allow.' Patron purchase suggestions |image1026| If you have :ref:`OPACViewOthersSuggestions` set to 'Show' then patrons will be able to search suggestions from the top of this list. .. _my-messaging-label: My Messaging ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If your library has the :ref:`EnhancedMessagingPreferences` and the :ref:`EnhancedMessagingPreferencesOPAC` preferences set to 'Allow' then your patrons will be able to choose which messages they receive from the library (with the exception of overdue notices which the library controls). Patron messaging preferences |image1027| If you use an outside driver for sending text messages set with the :ref:`SMSSendDriver ` preference, you will see an additional column to receive these messages as SMS (or text messages) and a field for a cell (or SMS) number. SMSSendDriver in the OPAC |image1028| If you are using the Email protocol for sending text messages set with the :ref:`SMSSendDriver ` preference, you will see an additional column to receive these messages as SMS (or text messages), a field for a cell (or SMS) number, and a pull down listing :ref:`cellular providers entered in administration `. SMSSendDriver in the OPAC |image1029| If you are using the :ref:`Itiva Talking Tech ` service you will see an additional column to receive these messages via Phone.Phone messaging preferences in the OPAC - These notices are: - Advanced notice : A notice in advance of the patron's items being due (The patron can choose the number of days in advance) - Item checkout : A notice that lists all the of the items the patron has just checked out and/or renewed, this is an electronic form of the checkout receipt - Hold filled : A notice when you have confirmed the hold is waiting for the patron - Item due : A notice on the day and item is due back at the library - Item check-in : A notice that lists all the of the items the patron has just checked in Patrons can choose to receive their notices as a digest by checking the 'Digest only?' box along with the delivery method. A digest is a combination of all the messages of that type (so all items due in 3 days in one email) in to one email instead of multiple emails for each alert. **Important** You must choose a delivery method (SMS or Email or Phone) along with 'Digest only?' if you would like to receive a digest of the messages. .. _my-lists-label: My Lists ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Finally, if your library has the :ref:`virtualshelves` set to 'Allow' then the last tab will by 'my lists.' From here your patrons can review public lists and create or edit their own private lists. Patron lists |image1030| .. _ask-for-a-discharge-label: Ask for a Discharge ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you have enabled the :ref:`useDischarge` preference then patrons will be able to request a discharge via the OPAC.Discharge tab From here patrons can request a discharge Request discharge |image1031| And will receive confirmation of their request. Discharge confirmation |image1032| .. _purchase-suggestions-label: Purchase Suggestions ------------------------------------------- If your library has the :ref:`suggestion` preference set to 'Allow' then patrons will have the option to make purchase suggestions in several areas in the OPAC. If you are allowing everyone to see the purchase suggestions made by others with the :ref:`OPACViewOthersSuggestions` preference, then there will be a link at the top of your OPAC under the search box. Purchase Suggestions Link on Search Box |image1033| There will be a link when the patron finds nothing for their search. Purchase Suggestion Link from Search Results |image1034| And there will be a link on the patron's :ref:`My Purchase Suggestions ` tab. Purchase Suggestion from My Purchase Suggestions Tab |image1035| Clicking any one of these links will open the purchase suggestion form. New Purchase Suggestion |image1036| - From the form on the 'Title' is required by the library. - The Item type list can be edited by editing the SUGGEST\_FORMAT :ref:`authorized value `. - If you would like the 'Reason for suggestion' menu shown in the screenshot above to appear on your suggestions list you need to add an :ref:`authorized value ` category titled 'OPAC\_SUG' and include reasons as values in that list. - If you would like the patron to be able to choose which branch they are making a suggestion for you need to set the :ref:`AllowPurchaseSuggestionBranchChoice` preference to 'Allow' Once the form is submitted the data will be saved to the :ref:`Acquisitions ` module for the librarians to manage.