Installation of Locum and Insurge

Locum and Insurge are the two libraries used primarily by SOPAC. They serve as a layer of abstraction to the data. Insurge manages the social aspect (tags, reviews, ratings), while Locum manages the connection to the ILS via the connector. Both libraries use a different database from that of Drupal.

There are no packages for Debian MDB2 yet, you can install it via pear:

# apt-get install php-pear
# pear install MDB2
# pear install MDB2#mysql

Download the Locum and Insurge libraries from SVN:

# cd /usr/local/lib
# svn co locum
# svn co insurge
$ mysql -u root
mysql> create database scas;
mysql> grant all privileges on scas.* to scas_user@'localhost' identified by 'scas_pass';
mysql> flush privileges;
mysql> exit

This file will provide the connection information to a DB libraries:

# nano /usr/local/etc/locum_insurge_dsn.php

It should contain:

$dsn = 'mysql://scas_user:scas_pass@localhost/scas';

If you customize the name of the database, remember to edit the sql file:

# nano /usr/local/lib/insurge/sql/scas_insurge.sql

Import Insurge:

$ mysql -u root -p < /usr/local/lib/insurge/sql/scas_insurge.sql

Configure Insurge:

# nano /usr/local/lib/insurge/config/insurge.ini

The variables in insurge.ini are empty. The default values are too long and cause MySQL errors.

Here is a sample of insurge.ini

; This is the Locum configuration file
; General configuration options for your installation of Insurge.
dsn_file = "/usr/local/etc/locum_insurge_dsn.php"
; This is where you configure your repository membership information.
; parent_server is the server name of the repository parent server you have been
; told to use.
; group_id = The group ID you have been given by your repository admin.
; These configuration points are OPTIONAL and are only necessary if you are
; participating in a repository relationship.
parent_server = ""
group_id = ""
group_key = ""

The same procedure applies to Locum

# nano /usr/local/lib/locum/sql/scas_locum.sql
# mysql < /usr/local/lib/locum/sql/scas_locum.sql
# nano /usr/local/lib/locum/sql/locum_init.sql
# mysql < /usr/local/lib/locum/sql/locum_init.sql
# nano /usr/local/lib/locum/config/locum.ini
# mkdir /usr/local/var
# mkdir /usr/local/var/log

Configure the DSN:

dsn_file = "/usr/local/etc/locum_insurge_dsn.php"

And the information for your Koha installation:

ils = "koha";
ils_version = "30x"
ils_server = "localhost"
ils_harvest_port = "80"

The rest depends on your Koha configuration.